def get_left_hand_bicycle(tags, level, country_iso3):
    sidewalk_use = tags.get('sidewalk:bicycle') == 'yes' or tags.get(
        'sidewalk:left:bicycle') == 'yes' or tags.get(
            'sidewalk:right:bicycle') == 'yes' or tags.get(
                'sidewalk:both:bicycle') == 'yes' or tags.get('sidewalk') in [
                    'both', 'right', 'left', 'yes'

    general = tags.get('highway') == 'cycleway'
    general_oneway = general and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'

    # ––––––––––––––––– BIDIRECTIONNAL –––––––––––––––––
    # no need to add a new special highway
    # bike is TRUE
    # safety = 2
    rl1a = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway') == 'lane') or (
        'highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway:left') == 'lane'
        and tags.get('cycleway:right') == 'lane') or (tags.get('cycleway:both')
                                                      == 'lane')

    rl1b = 'highway' in tags and tags.get(
        'cycleway:right') == 'lane' and tags.get('cycleway:right:oneway') in [
            'false', 'no', 'none', '0'

    rl2 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway:right') == 'lane'

    # ––––––––––––––––– ONE–DIRECTIONNAL LANES–––––––––––––––––
    rm1 = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
           and tags.get('cycleway') == 'lane' and tags.get('oneway:bicycle')
           == 'no') or ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                        and tags.get('cycleway:left') == 'opposite_lane'
                        and tags.get('cycleway:right') == 'lane')

    rm2a = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
            and tags.get('cycleway:right')
            == 'lane') or ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                           and tags.get('cycleway') == 'lane')

    rm2b = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
            and tags.get('cycleway:left')
            == 'lane') or ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                           and tags.get('cycleway') == 'lane')

    rm2c = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes' and tags.get(
        'cycleway') == 'lane' and tags.get('lanes') == '2'

    rm2d = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes' and tags.get(
        'oneway:bicycle') == 'no' and tags.get(
            'cycleway:left') == 'lane' and tags.get(
                'cycleway:left:oneway') == 'no'

    rm3a = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
            and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no'
            and tags.get('cycleway:left') == 'opposite_lane') or (
                'highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no'
                and tags.get('cycleway') == 'opposite_lane')

    rm3b = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
            and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no'
            and tags.get('cycleway:right') == 'opposite_lane') or (
                'highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no'
                and tags.get('cycleway') == 'opposite_lane')

    # ––––––––––––––––– ONE–DIRECTIONNAL TRACKS–––––––––––––––––
    rt1 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway') == 'track'

    rt2 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get(
        'cycleway:right') == 'track' and tags.get(
            'cycleway:right:oneway') == 'no'

    rt3 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes' and tags.get(
        'cycleway:right') == 'track' and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no'

    rt4 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway:right') == 'track'

    # ––––––––––––––––– SPECIAL –––––––––––––––––
    rs1 = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
           and tags.get('oneway:bicycle')
           == 'no') or ('highway' in tags and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                        and tags.get('cycleway') == 'opposite')

    rs2 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get(
        'cycleway:right') == 'lane' and tags.get('cycleway:left') == 'track'

    rs3 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway') == 'track' and tags.get(
        'segregated') == 'yes'

    rs5 = tags.get('highway') == 'path' and tags.get(
        'segregated') == 'yes' and tags.get(
            'foot') == 'designated' and tags.get('bicycle') == 'designated'

    # ––––––––––––––––– CYCLE AND BUS –––––––––––––––––
    if tags.get('bicycle:lanes') is not None:
        rb1 = 'highway' in tags and 'designated' in tags.get(
        rb1 = False
    rb3 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get(
        'cycleway:left') == 'lane' and tags.get(
            'cycleway:right') == 'share_busway'

    rb4 = tags.get('highway') == 'service' and tags.get(
        'service') == 'bus' and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes' and tags.get(
            'cycleway:right') == 'share_busway'

    rb5 = 'highway' in tags and tags.get(
        'busway:right') == 'lane' and tags.get(
            'cycleway:right') == 'share_busway'

    rb6 = ('highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway:left') == 'share_busway'
           and tags.get('busway') == 'opposite_lane'
           and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes' and tags.get('oneway:bicycle')
           == 'no') or ('highway' in tags and tags.get('cycleway:left')
                        == 'share_busway' and tags.get('busway') == 'lane'
                        and tags.get('oneway') == 'yes'
                        and tags.get('oneway:bus') == 'no'
                        and tags.get('oneway:bicycle') == 'no')

    # ––––––––––––––––– MORE SPECIALS –––––––––––––––––
    cyclestreet = 'highway' in tags and tags.get('cyclestreet') == 'yes'
    pedestrians_bicycle = tags.get('highway') == 'pedestrian' and tags.get(
        'bicycle') == 'yes'
    pedestrians = tags.get('highway') == 'pedestrian'
    has_bicycles = tags.get('highway') == 'track' or tags.get(
        'highway') == 'path'
    forbidden = tags.get('bicycle') == 'no'

    if rl1b:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rm1:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rm2a:
        return True, False, 2, -1
    elif rm2c:
        return True, False, 2, -1
    elif rm2d:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rm2b:
        return True, False, 2, -1
    elif rm3a:
        return True, True, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, 2
    elif rm3b:
        return True, True, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, 2
    elif rt2:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif rt3:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif rt4:
        return True, True, 3, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0
    elif rb6:
        return True, True, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, 2
    elif rs1:
        return True, True, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, 1
    elif rs2:
        return True, True, 2, 3
    elif rs3:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif rt1:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif rs5:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif rb1:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rb3:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rb4:
        return True, False, 2, -1
    elif rb5:
        return True, True, 2, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0
    elif rl1a:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif rl2:
        return True, True, 2, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0
    elif general_oneway:
        return True, False, 3, -1
    elif general:
        return True, True, 3, 3
    elif cyclestreet:
        return True, True, 1, 1
    elif pedestrians_bicycle:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif pedestrians:
        return True, True, 1, 1
    elif has_bicycles:
        return True, True, 2, 2
    elif tags.get('oneway') == 'yes':
        if get_access(country_iso3, tags.get('highway'), 'bicycle'):
            return True, False, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, -1
            return False, False, -1, -1
        if get_access(country_iso3, tags.get('highway'), 'bicycle'):
            return True, True, 1 if (level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0, 1 if (
                level <= 3 or sidewalk_use) else 0
            return False, False, -1, -1
 def test_known_country_access(self):
     self.assertEqual(True, get_access('fra', 'tertiary', 'bicycle'))
     self.assertEqual(False, get_access('fra', 'motorway', 'bicycle'))
     self.assertEqual(False, get_access('fra', 'demolished', 'foot'))
     self.assertEqual(True, get_access('fra', 'stairs', 'foot'))
    def way(self, w):
        osm_id = w.id
        tags = w.tags

        attributes = dict()
        tags = {tag.k: tag.v for tag in w.tags}

        # 1 GENERAL highway
        if 'highway' not in tags:
            if 'foot' not in tags:
                if 'bicycle' not in tags:
                    if 'pedestrian' not in tags:
                        if tags['pedestrian'] in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
                            attributes['highway'] = 'footway'
                            tags['highway'] = attributes['highway']
                    if tags['bicycle'] in [
                            'yes', 'true', '1'
                    ] or tags['bicycle'] == 'designated':
                        attributes['highway'] = 'cycleway'
                        tags['highway'] = attributes['highway']
                if tags['foot'] in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
                    attributes['highway'] = 'pedestrian'
                    tags['highway'] = attributes['highway']
            attributes['highway'] = tags['highway']

        # 2 GENERAL level according to highway
        attributes['level'] = get_level(attributes['highway'])
        if attributes['level'] > self.level_upper_bound or attributes[
                'level'] < self.level_lower_bound:

        # 3 GENERAL oneway (oneway, reverse)
        attributes['oneway'], attributes['reversed'], tags = get_one_way(
            tags, attributes['highway'])

        # 4 GENERAL lanes according to level
        attributes['lanes'] = get_lanes(tags, attributes['level'],

        # 5 GENERAL width according to lanes
        attributes['width'] = get_width(tags, attributes['lanes'],
                                        attributes['level'], self.country_iso3)

        # 6 SPECIFIC bicycle with rules
        attributes['bicycle_forward'], attributes[
            'bicycle_backward'], attributes[
                'bicycle_safety_forward'], attributes[
                    'bicycle_safety_backward'] = get_bicycle(
                        tags, attributes['level'], self.country_iso3)
        # use bicycle lane to create an alternate

        # 7 SPECIFIC footway with rules
        attributes['foot'], attributes['foot_safety'] = get_foot(
            tags, attributes['highway'], attributes['level'],
        # 8 SPECIFIC motorcar with rules maxspeed
        attributes['maxspeed'] = get_max_speed(tags)
        attributes['motorcar'] = get_access(self.country_iso3,
                                            attributes['highway'], 'motorcar')

        us = [i.ref for i in w.nodes][:-1]
        vs = [i.ref for i in w.nodes][1:]

        for i, (u, v) in enumerate(zip(us, vs)):
            osm_id_prefix = '{0}-{1}'.format(osm_id, i)
            if self.directed is False:
                    (osm_id_prefix, u, v, attributes['highway'],
                     attributes['oneway'], attributes['level'],
                     attributes['lanes'], attributes['width'],
                     attributes['bicycle_safety_forward'], attributes['foot'],
                     attributes['foot_safety'], attributes['maxspeed'],
                if attributes['oneway'] is False:
                    # add forward edge
                        (osm_id_prefix, u, v, attributes['highway'],
                         attributes['oneway'], attributes['level'],
                         attributes['lanes'], attributes['width'],
                         attributes['foot'], attributes['foot_safety'],
                         attributes['maxspeed'], attributes['motorcar']))
                    # add backward edge
                        (osm_id_prefix + '-r', v, u, attributes['highway'],
                         attributes['oneway'], attributes['level'],
                         attributes['lanes'], attributes['width'],
                         attributes['foot'], attributes['foot_safety'],
                         attributes['maxspeed'], attributes['motorcar']))
                    # if we have to add only one direction BUT bike is authorize in the other way... or Foot...
                    # depending on the country and the access, we add a reverse footway...
                    if attributes['reversed'] is True:
                            (osm_id_prefix + '-1', v, u, attributes['highway'],
                             attributes['oneway'], attributes['level'],
                             attributes['lanes'], attributes['width'],
                             attributes['foot'], attributes['foot_safety'],
                             attributes['maxspeed'], attributes['motorcar']))
                        if attributes['bicycle_forward']:
                                (osm_id_prefix + '-b', u, v, 'cycleway',
                                 attributes['oneway'], get_level('cycleway'),
                                 1, 1.5, attributes['bicycle_forward'],
                                 attributes['bicycle_safety_forward'], False,
                                 0, 30, False))
                        if attributes['foot']:
                                (osm_id_prefix + '-f', u, v, 'footway',
                                 attributes['oneway'], get_level('footway'), 1,
                                 1.5, False, -1, True, 1, 30, False))
                            (osm_id_prefix, u, v, attributes['highway'],
                             attributes['oneway'], attributes['level'],
                             attributes['lanes'], attributes['width'],
                             attributes['foot'], attributes['foot_safety'],
                             attributes['maxspeed'], attributes['motorcar']))
                        if attributes['bicycle_backward']:
                                (osm_id_prefix + '-1b', v, u, 'cycleway',
                                 attributes['oneway'], get_level('cycleway'),
                                 1, 1.5, attributes['bicycle_backward'],
                                 attributes['bicycle_safety_backward'], False,
                                 0, 30, False))
                        if attributes['foot']:
                                (osm_id_prefix + '-1f', v, u, 'footway',
                                 attributes['oneway'], get_level('footway'), 1,
                                 1.5, False, -1, True, 1, 30, False))
 def test_unknown_country_access(self):
     self.assertEqual(True, get_access('zzz', 'cycleway', 'bicycle'))
     self.assertEqual(True, get_access('zzz', 'space_way', 'bicycle'))
def get_foot(tags, highway, level, country_iso3):
    Returns a tuple (foot TRUE|FALSE, safety 0->3)
    -1 - not allowed
    0 - no sidewalk and/or level 4-6
    1 - sidewalk and/or level 3
    2 - designated but shared
    3 - designated
    foot = False
    safety = 0

    if tags.get('foot') in [
            'yes', 'true', '1', 'designated'
    ] or tags.get('footway') in ['yes', 'true', '1', 'designated']:
        foot = True
    elif tags.get('pedestrian') in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
        foot = True
    elif tags.get('access') in [
            'yes', 'true', '1', 'designated', 'permissive', 'unknown'
        foot = True
    elif get_access(country_iso3, highway, 'foot'):
        foot = True

    if foot is False:
        return foot, -1

    tags_list = [str(i) for i in tags]
    if highway in ['pedestrian', 'path']:
        if tags.get('segregated') == 'yes':
            safety = 3
        elif tags.get('foot') == 'designated':
            safety = 3
            safety = 2
    elif highway in ['cycleway', 'bicycle']:
        if tags.get('segregated') == 'yes':
            safety = 3
        elif tags.get('foot') == 'designated':
            safety = 3
            safety = 1
    elif highway == 'track':
        safety = 2

    elif len(list(filter(sidewalk_pattern.match, tags_list))) > 0:
        sidewalk = list(filter(sidewalk_pattern.match, tags_list))[0]
        logging.debug('sidewalk tag is {0}'.format(sidewalk))

        if tags.get(sidewalk) not in ['false', 'no', 'none', '0']:
            safety = 1
    elif highway == 'footway':
        safety = 3
    elif level < 2:
        safety = 2
    elif level < 4:
        safety = 1

    return foot, safety