def test_future_question(self):
        Questions with a pub_date in the future aren't displayed on
        the index page.

        create_question("Future question.", 30)
        response = self.client.get(reverse("polls:index"))

        self.assertContains(response, "No polls available.")
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context['latest_question_list'], [])
    def test_past_question(self):
        Questions with a pub_date in the past are displayed on the
        index page.

        create_question("Past question.", -30)
        response = self.client.get(reverse("polls:index"))

                                 ['<Question: Past question.>'])
    def test_two_past_questions(self):
        The questions index page may display multiple questions.

        create_question(question_text="Past question 1.", days=-30)
        create_question(question_text="Past question 2.", days=-3)
        response = self.client.get(reverse("polls:index"))

            ['<Question: Past question 2.>', '<Question: Past question 1.>'])
    def test_future_question_and_past_question(self):
        Even if both past and future questions exist, only past questions
        are displayed.

        create_question(question_text="Past question.", days=-30)
        create_question(question_text="Future question.", days=30)
        response = self.client.get(reverse("polls:index"))

                                 ['<Question: Past question.>'])
    def test_future_question(self):
        The detail view of a question with a pub_date in the future
        returns a 404 not found.

        future_question = create_question("Future question.", 30)
        url = reverse("polls:detail", args=(, ))
        response = self.client.get(url)

        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
    def test_past_question(self):
        The detail view of a question with a pub_date in the past
        displays the question's text.

        past_question = create_question("Past question", -3)
        url = reverse("polls:detail", args=(, ))
        response = self.client.get(url)

        self.assertContains(response, past_question.question_text)