def fit_quadrature(orth, nodes, weights, solves, retall=False,
        norms=None, **kws):
Using spectral projection to create a polynomial approximation over
distribution space.

orth : Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial expansion. Must be orthogonal for the
    approximation to be accurate.
nodes : array_like
    Where to evaluate the polynomial expansion and model to
    nodes.shape==(D,K) where D is the number of dimensions and K is
    the number of nodes.
weights : array_like
    Weights when doing numerical integration.
solves : array_like, callable
    The model to approximate.
    If array_like is provided, it must have len(solves)==K.
    If callable, it must take a single argument X with len(X)==D,
    and return a consistent numpy compatible shape.
norms : array_like
    In the of TTR using coefficients to estimate the polynomial
    norm is more stable than manual calculation.
    Calculated using quadrature if no provided.

    orth = po.Poly(orth)
    nodes = np.asfarray(nodes)
    weights = np.asfarray(weights)

    if hasattr(solves, "__call__"):
        solves = [solves(q) for q in nodes.T]
    solves = np.asfarray(solves)

    shape = solves.shape
    solves = solves.reshape(weights.size, solves.size/weights.size)

    ovals = orth(*nodes)
    vals1 = [(val*solves.T*weights).T for val in ovals]

    if norms is None:
        vals2 = [(val**2*weights).T for val in ovals]
        norms = np.sum(vals2, 1)
        norms = np.array(norms).flatten()
        assert len(norms)==len(orth)

    coefs = (np.sum(vals1, 1).T/norms).T
    coefs = coefs.reshape(len(coefs), *shape[1:])
    Q = po.transpose(po.sum(orth*coefs.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return Q, coefs
    return Q
def orth_pcd(order, dist, eps=1.e-16, normed=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from pivoted Cholesky

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
normed : bool
    If True orthonormal polynomials will be used instead of monic.
**kws : optional
    Extra keywords passed to dist.mom

#  >>> Z = cp.Normal()
#  >>> print cp.orth_pcd(2, Z)
#  [1.0, q0^2-1.0, q0]
    raise DeprecationWarning("Obsolete. Use orth_chol instead.")

    dim = len(dist)
    basis = po.basis(1, order, dim)
    C = Cov(basis, dist)
    N = len(basis)

    L, P = pcd(C, approx=1, pivot=1, tol=eps)
    Li = np.dot(P, np.linalg.inv(L.T))

    if normed:
        for i in xrange(N):
            Li[:, i] /= np.sum(Li[:, i] * P[:, i])
    E_ = -po.sum(E(basis, dist, **kws) * Li.T, -1)

    coefs = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1))
    coefs[1:, 1:] = Li
    coefs[0, 0] = 1
    coefs[0, 1:] = E_

    out = {}
    out[(0, ) * dim] = coefs[0]
    basis = list(basis)
    for i in xrange(N):
        I = basis[i].keys[0]
        out[I] = coefs[i + 1]

    P = po.Poly(out, dim, coefs.shape[1:], float)
    return P
def orth_pcd(order, dist, eps=1.e-16, normed=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from pivoted Cholesky

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
normed : bool
    If True orthonormal polynomials will be used instead of monic.
**kws : optional
    Extra keywords passed to dist.mom

#  >>> Z = cp.Normal()
#  >>> print cp.orth_pcd(2, Z)
#  [1.0, q0^2-1.0, q0]
    raise DeprecationWarning("Obsolete. Use orth_chol instead.")

    dim = len(dist)
    basis = po.basis(1,order,dim)
    C = Cov(basis, dist)
    N = len(basis)

    L, P = pcd(C, approx=1, pivot=1, tol=eps)
    Li = np.dot(P, np.linalg.inv(L.T))

    if normed:
        for i in xrange(N):
            Li[:,i] /= np.sum(Li[:,i]*P[:,i])
    E_ = -po.sum(E(basis, dist, **kws)*Li.T, -1)

    coefs = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    coefs[1:,1:] = Li
    coefs[0,0] = 1
    coefs[0,1:] = E_

    out = {}
    out[(0,)*dim] = coefs[0]
    basis = list(basis)
    for i in xrange(N):
        I = basis[i].keys[0]
        out[I] = coefs[i+1]

    P = po.Poly(out, dim, coefs.shape[1:], float)
    return P
def lagrange_polynomial(X, sort="GR"):
Lagrange Polynomials

X : array_like
    Sample points where the lagrange polynomials shall be 

    X = np.asfarray(X)
    if len(X.shape) == 1:
        X = X.reshape(1, X.size)
    dim, size = X.shape

    order = 1
    while ber.terms(order, dim) <= size:
        order += 1

    indices = np.array(ber.bindex(1, order, dim, sort)[:size])
    s, t = np.mgrid[:size, :size]

    M = np.prod(X.T[s]**indices[t], -1)
    det = np.linalg.det(M)
    if det == 0:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError, "invertable matrix"

    v = po.basis(1, order, dim, sort)[:size]

    coeffs = np.zeros((size, size))

    if size == 2:
        coeffs = np.linalg.inv(M)

        for i in xrange(size):
            for j in xrange(size):
                coeffs[i, j] += np.linalg.det(M[1:, 1:])
                M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=0)
            M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=1)
        coeffs /= det

    return po.sum(v * (coeffs.T), 1)
def lagrange_polynomial(X, sort="GR"):
Lagrange Polynomials

X : array_like
    Sample points where the lagrange polynomials shall be 

    X = np.asfarray(X)
    if len(X.shape)==1:
        X = X.reshape(1,X.size)
    dim,size = X.shape

    order = 1
    while ber.terms(order, dim)<=size: order += 1

    indices = np.array(ber.bindex(1, order, dim, sort)[:size])
    s,t = np.mgrid[:size, :size]

    M = np.prod(X.T[s]**indices[t], -1)
    det = np.linalg.det(M)
    if det==0:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError, "invertable matrix"

    v = po.basis(1, order, dim, sort)[:size]

    coeffs = np.zeros((size, size))

    if size==2:
        coeffs = np.linalg.inv(M)

        for i in xrange(size):
            for j in xrange(size):
                coeffs[i,j] += np.linalg.det(M[1:,1:])
                M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=0)
            M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=1)
        coeffs /= det

    return po.sum(v*(coeffs.T), 1)
def orth_svd(order, dist, eps=1.e-300, normed=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from pivoted Cholesky
decompostion. If eigenvalue of covariance matrix is bellow eps, the
polynomial is subset.

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
eps : float
    Threshold for when to subset the expansion.
normed : bool
    If True, polynomial will be orthonormal.
**kws : optional
    Extra keywords passed to dist.mom

#  >>> Z = cp.Normal()
#  >>> print cp.orth_svd(2, Z)
#  [1.0, q0^2-1.0, q0]

    dim = len(dist)
    if isinstance(order, po.Poly):
        basis = order
        basis = po.basis(1,order,dim)

    basis = list(basis)
    C = Cov(basis, dist, **kws)
    L, P = pcd(C, approx=0, pivot=1, tol=eps)
    N = L.shape[-1]

    if len(L)!=N:
        I = [_.tolist().index(1) for _ in P]
        b_ = [0]*N
        for i in xrange(N):
            b_[i] = basis[I[i]]
        basis = b_
        C = Cov(basis, dist, **kws)
        L, P = pcd(C, approx=0, pivot=1, tol=eps)
        N = L.shape[-1]

    basis = po.Poly(basis)

    Li = rlstsq(L, P, alpha=1.e-300).T

    E_ = -po.sum(E(basis, dist, **kws)*Li.T, -1)

    coefs = np.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    coefs[1:,1:] = Li
    coefs[0,0] = 1
    coefs[0,1:] = E_

    out = {}
    out[(0,)*dim] = coefs[0]
    for i in xrange(N):
        I = basis[i].keys[0]
        out[I] = coefs[i+1]

    P = po.Poly(out, dim, coefs.shape[1:], float)

    if normed:
        norm = np.sqrt(Var(P, dist, **kws))
        norm[0] = 1
        P = P/norm

    return P
def fit_regression(P, x, u, rule="LS", retall=False, **kws):
Fit a polynomial chaos expansion using linear regression.

P : Poly
    Polynomial chaos expansion with `P.shape=(M,)` and `P.dim=D`.
x : array_like
    Collocation nodes with `x.shape=(D,K)`.
u : array_like
    Model evaluations with `len(u)=K`.
retall : bool
    If True return uhat in addition to R
rule : str
    Regression method used.

    The follwong methods uses scikits-learn as backend.
    See `sklearn.linear_model` for more details.

    Key     Scikit-learn    Description
    ---     ------------    -----------
        Parameters      Description
        ----------      -----------

    "BARD"  ARDRegression   Bayesian ARD Regression
        n_iter=300      Maximum iterations
        tol=1e-3        Optimization tolerance
        alpha_1=1e-6    Gamma scale parameter
        alpha_2=1e-6    Gamma inverse scale parameter
        lambda_1=1e-6   Gamma shape parameter
        lambda_2=1e-6   Gamma inverse scale parameter
        threshold_lambda=1e-4   Upper pruning threshold

    "BR"    BayesianRidge   Bayesian Ridge Regression
        n_iter=300      Maximum iterations
        tol=1e-3        Optimization tolerance
        alpha_1=1e-6    Gamma scale parameter
        alpha_2=1e-6    Gamma inverse scale parameter
        lambda_1=1e-6   Gamma shape parameter
        lambda_2=1e-6   Gamma inverse scale parameter

    "EN"    ElastiNet       Elastic Net
        alpha=1.0       Dampening parameter
        rho             Mixing parameter in [0,1]
        max_iter=300    Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance

    "ENC"   ElasticNetCV    EN w/Cross Validation
        rho             Dampening parameter(s)
        eps=1e-3        min(alpha)/max(alpha)
        n_alphas        Number of alphas
        alphas          List of alphas
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance
        cv=3            Cross validation folds

    "LA"    Lars            Least Angle Regression
        n_nonzero_coefs Number of non-zero coefficients
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LAC"   LarsCV          LAR w/Cross Validation
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        cv=5            Cross validation folds
        max_n_alphas    Max points for residuals in cv

    "LAS"   Lasso           Least Absolute Shrinkage and
                            Selection Operator
        alpha=1.0       Dampening parameter
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance

    "LASC"  LassoCV         LAS w/Cross Validation
        eps=1e-3        min(alpha)/max(alpha)
        n_alphas        Number of alphas
        alphas          List of alphas
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance
        cv=3            Cross validation folds

    "LL"    LassoLars       Lasso and Lars model
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LLC"   LassoLarsCV     LL w/Cross Validation
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        cv=5            Cross validation folds
        max_n_alphas    Max points for residuals in cv
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LLIC"  LassoLarsIC     LL w/AIC or BIC
        criterion       "AIC" or "BIC" criterion
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "OMP"   OrthogonalMatchingPursuit
        n_nonzero_coefs Number of non-zero coefficients
        tol             Max residual norm (instead of non-zero coef)

    Local methods

    Key     Description
    ---     -----------
    "LS"    Ordenary Least Squares

    "T"     Ridge Regression/Tikhonov Regularization
        order           Order of regularization (or custom matrix)
        alpha           Dampning parameter (else estimated from gcv)

    "TC"    T w/Cross Validation
        order           Order of regularization (or custom matrix)
        alpha           Dampning parameter (else estimated from gcv)

R[, uhat]

R : Poly
    Fitted polynomial with `R.shape=u.shape[1:]` and `R.dim=D`.
uhat : np.ndarray
    The Fourier coefficients in the estimation.

>>> P = cp.Poly([1, x, y])
>>> s = [[-1,-1,1,1], [-1,1,-1,1]]
>>> u = [0,1,1,2]
>>> print fit_regression(P, s, u)


    x = np.array(x)
    if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x = x.reshape(1, *x.shape)
    u = np.array(u)

    Q = P(*x).T
    shape = u.shape[1:]
    u = u.reshape(u.shape[0], int(np.prod(u.shape[1:])))

    rule = rule.upper()

    # Local rules
    if rule == "LS":
        uhat = la.lstsq(Q, u)[0].T

    elif rule == "T":
        uhat, alphas = rlstsq(Q, u, kws.get("order", 0),
                              kws.get("alpha", None), False, True)
        uhat = uhat.T

    elif rule == "TC":
        uhat = rlstsq(Q, u, kws.get("order", 0), kws.get("alpha", None), True)
        uhat = uhat.T


        # Scikit-learn wrapper
            _ = lm
            raise NotImplementedError("sklearn not installed")

        if rule == "BARD":
            solver = lm.ARDRegression(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=False, **kws)

        elif rule == "BR":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.BayesianRidge(**kws)

        elif rule == "EN":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.ElasticNet(**kws)

        elif rule == "ENC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.ElasticNetCV(**kws)

        elif rule == "LA":  # success
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.Lars(**kws)

        elif rule == "LAC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LarsCV(**kws)

        elif rule == "LAS":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.Lasso(**kws)

        elif rule == "LASC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoCV(**kws)

        elif rule == "LL":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLars(**kws)

        elif rule == "LLC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLarsCV(**kws)

        elif rule == "LLIC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLarsIC(**kws)

        elif rule == "OMP":
            solver = lm.OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(**kws)

        uhat = solver.fit(Q, u).coef_

    u = u.reshape(u.shape[0], *shape)

    R = po.sum((P * uhat), -1)
    R = po.reshape(R, shape)

    if retall == 1:
        return R, uhat
    elif retall == 2:
        if rule == "T":
            return R, uhat, Q, alphas
        return R, uhat, Q
    return R
def pcm_gq(func,
Probabilistic Collocation Method using optimal Gaussian quadrature

Required arguments

func : callable
    The model to be approximated.
    Must accept arguments on the form `func(z, *args, **kws)`
    where `z` is an 1-dimensional array with `len(z)==len(dist)`.
order : int
    The order of the polynomial approximation
dist_out : Dist
    Distributions for models parameter

Optional arguments

dist_in : Dist
    If included, space will be mapped using a Rosenblatt
    transformation from dist_out to dist_in before creating an
    expansin in terms of dist_in
acc : float
    The order of the sample scheme used
    If omitted order+1 will be used
orth : int, str, callable, Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial generation.

    int, str :
        orth will be passed to orth_select
        for selection of orthogonalization.
        See orth_select doc for more details.

    callable :
        the return of orth(M, dist) will be used.

    Poly :
        it will be used directly.
        All polynomials must be orthogonal for method to work
args : itterable
    Extra positional arguments passed to `func`.
kws : dict
    Extra keyword arguments passed to `func`.
retall : bool
    If True, return also number of evaluations
sparse : bool
    If True, Smolyak sparsegrid will be used instead of full

Q[, X]

Q : Poly
    Polynomial estimate of a given a model.
X : np.ndarray
    Values used in evaluation

#  Examples
#  --------
#  Define function:
#  >>> func = lambda z: z[1]*z[0]
#  Define distribution:
#  >>> dist = cp.J(cp.Normal(), cp.Normal())
#  Perform pcm:
#  >>> p, x, w, y = cp.pcm_gq(func, 2, dist, acc=3, retall=True)
#  >>> print cp.around(p, 10)
#  q0q1
#  >>> print len(w)
#  16

    if acc is None:
        acc = order + 1

    if dist_in is None:
        z, w = qu.generate_quadrature(acc,
        x = z
        dist = dist_out
        z, w = qu.generate_quadrature(acc,
        x = dist_out.ppf(dist_in.cdf(z))
        dist = dist_in

    y = np.array(map(func, x.T))
    shape = y.shape
    y = y.reshape(w.size, y.size / w.size)

    if orth is None:
        if dist.dependent:
            orth = "chol"
            orth = "ttr"
    if isinstance(orth, (str, int, long)):
        orth = orth_select(orth)
    if not isinstance(orth, po.Poly):
        orth = orth(order, dist)

    ovals = orth(*z)
    vals1 = [(val * y.T * w).T for val in ovals]
    vals2 = [(val**2 * w).T for val in ovals]
    coef = (np.sum(vals1, 1).T / np.sum(vals2, 1)).T

    coef = coef.reshape(len(coef), *shape[1:])
    Q = po.transpose(po.sum(orth * coef.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return Q, x, w, y
    return Q
def fit_quadrature(orth,
Using spectral projection to create a polynomial approximation over
distribution space.

orth : Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial expansion. Must be orthogonal for the
    approximation to be accurate.
nodes : array_like
    Where to evaluate the polynomial expansion and model to
    nodes.shape==(D,K) where D is the number of dimensions and K is
    the number of nodes.
weights : array_like
    Weights when doing numerical integration.
solves : array_like, callable
    The model to approximate.
    If array_like is provided, it must have len(solves)==K.
    If callable, it must take a single argument X with len(X)==D,
    and return a consistent numpy compatible shape.
norms : array_like
    In the of TTR using coefficients to estimate the polynomial
    norm is more stable than manual calculation.
    Calculated using quadrature if no provided.

    orth = po.Poly(orth)
    nodes = np.asfarray(nodes)
    weights = np.asfarray(weights)

    if hasattr(solves, "__call__"):
        solves = [solves(q) for q in nodes.T]
    solves = np.asfarray(solves)

    shape = solves.shape
    solves = solves.reshape(weights.size, solves.size / weights.size)

    ovals = orth(*nodes)
    vals1 = [(val * solves.T * weights).T for val in ovals]

    if norms is None:
        vals2 = [(val**2 * weights).T for val in ovals]
        norms = np.sum(vals2, 1)
        norms = np.array(norms).flatten()
        assert len(norms) == len(orth)

    coefs = (np.sum(vals1, 1).T / norms).T
    coefs = coefs.reshape(len(coefs), *shape[1:])
    Q = po.transpose(po.sum(orth * coefs.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return Q, coefs
    return Q
def fit_adaptive(func,
    """Adaptive estimation of Fourier coefficients.

func : callable
    Should take a single argument `q` which is 1D array
    Must return something compatible with np.ndarray.
poly : Poly
    Polynomial vector for which to create Fourier coefficients for.
dist : Dist
    A distribution to optimize the Fourier coefficients to.
abserr : float
    Absolute error tolerance.
relerr : float
    Relative error tolerance.
budget : int
    Soft maximum number of function evaluations.
    0 means unlimited.
norm : int
    Specifies the norm that is used to measure the error and
    determine convergence properties (irrelevant for single-valued
    functions). The `norm` argument takes one of the values:
    0 : L0-norm
    1 : L0-norm on top of paired the L2-norm. Good for complex
        numbers where each conseqtive pair of the solution is real
        and imaginery.
    2 : L2-norm
    3 : L1-norm
    4 : L_infinity-norm
bufname : str, optional
    Buffer evaluations to file such that the fit_adaptive can be
    run again without redooing all evaluations.
retall : bool
    If true, returns extra values.

estimate[, coeffs, norms, coeff_error, norm_error]

estimate : Poly
    The polynomial chaos expansion representation of func.
coeffs : np.ndarray
    The Fourier coefficients.
norms : np.ndarray
    The norm of the orthogonal polynomial squared.
coeff_error : np.ndarray
    Estimated integration error of the coeffs.
norm_error : np.ndarray
    Estimated integration error of the norms.

>>> func = lambda q: q[0]*q[1]
>>> poly = cp.basis(0,2,2)
>>> dist = cp.J(cp.Uniform(0,1), cp.Uniform(0,1))
>>> res = cp.fit_adaptive(func, poly, dist, budget=100)
>>> print res

    if bufname:
        func = lazy_eval(func, load=bufname)

    dim = len(dist)
    n = [0, 0]

    dummy_x = dist.inv(.5 * np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float64))
    val = np.array(func(dummy_x), np.float64)

    xmin = np.zeros(dim, np.float64)
    xmax = np.ones(dim, np.float64)

    def f1(u, ns, *args):
        qs = dist.inv(u.reshape(ns, dim))
        out = (poly(*qs.T)**2).T.flatten()
        return out

    dim1 = len(poly)
    val1 = np.empty(dim1, dtype=np.float64)
    err1 = np.empty(dim1, dtype=np.float64)
    _cubature(f1, dim1, xmin, xmax, (), "h", abserr, relerr, norm, budget,
              True, val1, err1)
    val1 = np.tile(val1, val.size)

    dim2 = np.prod(val.shape) * dim1
    val2 = np.empty(dim2, dtype=np.float64)
    err2 = np.empty(dim2, dtype=np.float64)

    def f2(u, ns, *args):
        n[0] += ns
        n[1] += 1
        qs = dist.inv(u.reshape(ns, dim))
        Y = np.array([func(q) for q in qs])
        Q = poly(*qs.T)
        out = np.array([Y.T * q1 for q1 in Q]).T.flatten()
        out = out / np.tile(val1, ns)
        return out

        _ = _cubature
        raise NotImplementedError("cubature not install properly")
    _cubature(f2, dim2, xmin, xmax, (), "h", abserr, relerr, norm, budget,
              True, val2, err2)

    shape = (dim1, ) + val.shape
    val2 = val2.reshape(shape[::-1]).T

    out = po.transpose(po.sum(poly * val2.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return out, val2, val1, err2, err1
    return val2
def orth_svd(order, dist, eps=1.e-300, normed=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from pivoted Cholesky
decompostion. If eigenvalue of covariance matrix is bellow eps, the
polynomial is subset.

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
eps : float
    Threshold for when to subset the expansion.
normed : bool
    If True, polynomial will be orthonormal.
**kws : optional
    Extra keywords passed to dist.mom

#  >>> Z = cp.Normal()
#  >>> print cp.orth_svd(2, Z)
#  [1.0, q0^2-1.0, q0]
    raise DeprecationWarning("Obsolete")

    dim = len(dist)
    if isinstance(order, po.Poly):
        basis = order
        basis = po.basis(1, order, dim)

    basis = list(basis)
    C = Cov(basis, dist, **kws)
    L, P = pcd(C, approx=0, pivot=1, tol=eps)
    N = L.shape[-1]

    if len(L) != N:
        I = [_.tolist().index(1) for _ in P]
        b_ = [0] * N
        for i in xrange(N):
            b_[i] = basis[I[i]]
        basis = b_
        C = Cov(basis, dist, **kws)
        L, P = pcd(C, approx=0, pivot=1, tol=eps)
        N = L.shape[-1]

    basis = po.Poly(basis)

    Li = rlstsq(L, P, alpha=1.e-300).T

    E_ = -po.sum(E(basis, dist, **kws) * Li.T, -1)

    coefs = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1))
    coefs[1:, 1:] = Li
    coefs[0, 0] = 1
    coefs[0, 1:] = E_

    out = {}
    out[(0, ) * dim] = coefs[0]
    for i in xrange(N):
        I = basis[i].keys[0]
        out[I] = coefs[i + 1]

    P = po.Poly(out, dim, coefs.shape[1:], float)

    if normed:
        norm = np.sqrt(Var(P, dist, **kws))
        norm[0] = 1
        P = P / norm

    return P
def fit_adaptive(func, poly, dist, abserr=1.e-8, relerr=1.e-8,
        budget=0, norm=0, bufname="", retall=False):
    """Adaptive estimation of Fourier coefficients.

func : callable
    Should take a single argument `q` which is 1D array
    Must return something compatible with np.ndarray.
poly : Poly
    Polynomial vector for which to create Fourier coefficients for.
dist : Dist
    A distribution to optimize the Fourier coefficients to.
abserr : float
    Absolute error tolerance.
relerr : float
    Relative error tolerance.
budget : int
    Soft maximum number of function evaluations.
    0 means unlimited.
norm : int
    Specifies the norm that is used to measure the error and
    determine convergence properties (irrelevant for single-valued
    functions). The `norm` argument takes one of the values:
    0 : L0-norm
    1 : L0-norm on top of paired the L2-norm. Good for complex
        numbers where each conseqtive pair of the solution is real
        and imaginery.
    2 : L2-norm
    3 : L1-norm
    4 : L_infinity-norm
bufname : str, optional
    Buffer evaluations to file such that the fit_adaptive can be
    run again without redooing all evaluations.
retall : bool
    If true, returns extra values.

estimate[, coeffs, norms, coeff_error, norm_error]

estimate : Poly
    The polynomial chaos expansion representation of func.
coeffs : np.ndarray
    The Fourier coefficients.
norms : np.ndarray
    The norm of the orthogonal polynomial squared.
coeff_error : np.ndarray
    Estimated integration error of the coeffs.
norm_error : np.ndarray
    Estimated integration error of the norms.

>>> func = lambda q: q[0]*q[1]
>>> poly = cp.basis(0,2,2)
>>> dist = cp.J(cp.Uniform(0,1), cp.Uniform(0,1))
>>> res = cp.fit_adaptive(func, poly, dist, budget=100)
>>> print res

    if bufname:
        func = lazy_eval(func, load=bufname)

    dim = len(dist)
    n = [0,0]

    dummy_x = dist.inv(.5*np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float64))
    val = np.array(func(dummy_x), np.float64)

    xmin = np.zeros(dim, np.float64)
    xmax = np.ones(dim, np.float64)

    def f1(u, ns, *args):
        qs = dist.inv(u.reshape(ns, dim))
        out = (poly(*qs.T)**2).T.flatten()
        return out
    dim1 = len(poly)
    val1 = np.empty(dim1, dtype=np.float64)
    err1 = np.empty(dim1, dtype=np.float64)
    _cubature(f1, dim1, xmin, xmax, (), "h", abserr, relerr, norm,
            budget, True, val1, err1)
    val1 = np.tile(val1, val.size)

    dim2 = np.prod(val.shape)*dim1
    val2 = np.empty(dim2, dtype=np.float64)
    err2 = np.empty(dim2, dtype=np.float64)
    def f2(u, ns, *args):
        n[0] += ns
        n[1] += 1
        qs = dist.inv(u.reshape(ns, dim))
        Y = np.array([func(q) for q in qs])
        Q = poly(*qs.T)
        out = np.array([Y.T*q1 for q1 in Q]).T.flatten()
        out = out/np.tile(val1, ns)
        return out
        _ = _cubature
        raise NotImplementedError(
                "cubature not install properly")
    _cubature(f2, dim2, xmin, xmax, (), "h", abserr, relerr, norm,
                budget, True, val2, err2)

    shape = (dim1,)+val.shape
    val2 = val2.reshape(shape[::-1]).T

    out = po.transpose(po.sum(poly*val2.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return out, val2, val1, err2, err1
    return val2
def fit_regression(P, x, u, rule="LS", retall=False, **kws):
Fit a polynomial chaos expansion using linear regression.

P : Poly
    Polynomial chaos expansion with `P.shape=(M,)` and `P.dim=D`.
x : array_like
    Collocation nodes with `x.shape=(D,K)`.
u : array_like
    Model evaluations with `len(u)=K`.
retall : bool
    If True return uhat in addition to R
rule : str
    Regression method used.

    The follwong methods uses scikits-learn as backend.
    See `sklearn.linear_model` for more details.

    Key     Scikit-learn    Description
    ---     ------------    -----------
        Parameters      Description
        ----------      -----------

    "BARD"  ARDRegression   Bayesian ARD Regression
        n_iter=300      Maximum iterations
        tol=1e-3        Optimization tolerance
        alpha_1=1e-6    Gamma scale parameter
        alpha_2=1e-6    Gamma inverse scale parameter
        lambda_1=1e-6   Gamma shape parameter
        lambda_2=1e-6   Gamma inverse scale parameter
        threshold_lambda=1e-4   Upper pruning threshold

    "BR"    BayesianRidge   Bayesian Ridge Regression
        n_iter=300      Maximum iterations
        tol=1e-3        Optimization tolerance
        alpha_1=1e-6    Gamma scale parameter
        alpha_2=1e-6    Gamma inverse scale parameter
        lambda_1=1e-6   Gamma shape parameter
        lambda_2=1e-6   Gamma inverse scale parameter

    "EN"    ElastiNet       Elastic Net
        alpha=1.0       Dampening parameter
        rho             Mixing parameter in [0,1]
        max_iter=300    Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance

    "ENC"   ElasticNetCV    EN w/Cross Validation
        rho             Dampening parameter(s)
        eps=1e-3        min(alpha)/max(alpha)
        n_alphas        Number of alphas
        alphas          List of alphas
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance
        cv=3            Cross validation folds

    "LA"    Lars            Least Angle Regression
        n_nonzero_coefs Number of non-zero coefficients
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LAC"   LarsCV          LAR w/Cross Validation
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        cv=5            Cross validation folds
        max_n_alphas    Max points for residuals in cv

    "LAS"   Lasso           Least Absolute Shrinkage and
                            Selection Operator
        alpha=1.0       Dampening parameter
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance

    "LASC"  LassoCV         LAS w/Cross Validation
        eps=1e-3        min(alpha)/max(alpha)
        n_alphas        Number of alphas
        alphas          List of alphas
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        tol             Optimization tolerance
        cv=3            Cross validation folds

    "LL"    LassoLars       Lasso and Lars model
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LLC"   LassoLarsCV     LL w/Cross Validation
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        cv=5            Cross validation folds
        max_n_alphas    Max points for residuals in cv
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "LLIC"  LassoLarsIC     LL w/AIC or BIC
        criterion       "AIC" or "BIC" criterion
        max_iter        Maximum iterations
        eps             Cholesky regularization

    "OMP"   OrthogonalMatchingPursuit
        n_nonzero_coefs Number of non-zero coefficients
        tol             Max residual norm (instead of non-zero coef)

    Local methods

    Key     Description
    ---     -----------
    "LS"    Ordenary Least Squares

    "T"     Ridge Regression/Tikhonov Regularization
        order           Order of regularization (or custom matrix)
        alpha           Dampning parameter (else estimated from gcv)

    "TC"    T w/Cross Validation
        order           Order of regularization (or custom matrix)
        alpha           Dampning parameter (else estimated from gcv)

R[, uhat]

R : Poly
    Fitted polynomial with `R.shape=u.shape[1:]` and `R.dim=D`.
uhat : np.ndarray
    The Fourier coefficients in the estimation.

>>> P = cp.Poly([1, x, y])
>>> x = [[-1,-1,1,1], [-1,1,-1,1]]
>>> u = [0,1,1,2]
>>> print fit_regression(P, x, u)


    x = np.array(x)
    if len(x.shape)==1:
        x = x.reshape(1, *x.shape)
    u = np.array(u)

    Q = P(*x).T
    shape = u.shape[1:]
    u = u.reshape(u.shape[0], np.prod(u.shape[1:]))

    rule = rule.upper()

    # Local rules
    if rule=="LS":
        uhat = la.lstsq(Q, u)[0]

    elif rule=="T":
        uhat = rlstsq(Q, u, kws.get("order",0),
                kws.get("alpha", None), False)

    elif rule=="TC":
        uhat = rlstsq(Q, u, kws.get("order",0),
                kws.get("alpha", None), True)


        # Scikit-learn wrapper
            _ = lm
            raise NotImplementedError(
                    "sklearn not installed")

        if rule=="BARD":
            solver = lm.ARDRegression(fit_intercept=False,
                    copy_X=False, **kws)

        elif rule=="BR":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.BayesianRidge(**kws)

        elif rule=="EN":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.ElasticNet(**kws)

        elif rule=="ENC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.ElasticNetCV(**kws)

        elif rule=="LA":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.Lars(**kws)

        elif rule=="LAC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LarsCV(**kws)

        elif rule=="LAS":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.Lasso(**kws)

        elif rule=="LASC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoCV(**kws)

        elif rule=="LL":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLars(**kws)

        elif rule=="LLC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLarsCV(**kws)

        elif rule=="LLIC":
            kws["fit_intercept"] = kws.get("fit_intercept", False)
            solver = lm.LassoLarsIC(**kws)

        elif rule=="OMP":
            solver = lm.OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(**kws)

        uhat = solver.fit(Q, u).coef_

    u = u.reshape(u.shape[0], *shape)

    R = po.sum((P*uhat.T), -1)
    R = po.reshape(R, shape)

    if retall==1:
        return R, uhat
    elif retall==2:
        return R, uhat, Q
    return R
def pcm_gq(func, order, dist_out, dist_in=None, acc=None,
        orth=None, retall=False, sparse=False):
Probabilistic Collocation Method using optimal Gaussian quadrature

Required arguments

func : callable
    The model to be approximated.
    Must accept arguments on the form `func(z, *args, **kws)`
    where `z` is an 1-dimensional array with `len(z)==len(dist)`.
order : int
    The order of the polynomial approximation
dist_out : Dist
    Distributions for models parameter

Optional arguments

dist_in : Dist
    If included, space will be mapped using a Rosenblatt
    transformation from dist_out to dist_in before creating an
    expansin in terms of dist_in
acc : float
    The order of the sample scheme used
    If omitted order+1 will be used
orth : int, str, callable, Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial generation.

    int, str :
        orth will be passed to orth_select
        for selection of orthogonalization.
        See orth_select doc for more details.

    callable :
        the return of orth(M, dist) will be used.

    Poly :
        it will be used directly.
        All polynomials must be orthogonal for method to work
args : itterable
    Extra positional arguments passed to `func`.
kws : dict
    Extra keyword arguments passed to `func`.
retall : bool
    If True, return also number of evaluations
sparse : bool
    If True, Smolyak sparsegrid will be used instead of full

Q[, X]

Q : Poly
    Polynomial estimate of a given a model.
X : np.ndarray
    Values used in evaluation

#  Examples
#  --------
#  Define function:
#  >>> func = lambda z: z[1]*z[0]
#  Define distribution:
#  >>> dist = cp.J(cp.Normal(), cp.Normal())
#  Perform pcm:
#  >>> p, x, w, y = cp.pcm_gq(func, 2, dist, acc=3, retall=True)
#  >>> print cp.around(p, 10)
#  q0q1
#  >>> print len(w)
#  16

    if acc is None:
        acc = order+1

    if dist_in is None:
        z,w = qu.generate_quadrature(acc, dist_out, 100, sparse=sparse,
        x = z
        dist = dist_out
        z,w = qu.generate_quadrature(acc, dist_in, 100, sparse=sparse,
        x = dist_out.ppf(dist_in.cdf(z))
        dist = dist_in

    y = np.array(map(func, x.T))
    shape = y.shape
    y = y.reshape(w.size, y.size/w.size)

    if orth is None:
        if dist.dependent:
            orth = "chol"
            orth = "ttr"
    if isinstance(orth, (str, int, long)):
        orth = orth_select(orth)
    if not isinstance(orth, po.Poly):
        orth = orth(order, dist)

    ovals = orth(*z)
    vals1 = [(val*y.T*w).T for val in ovals]
    vals2 = [(val**2*w).T for val in ovals]
    coef = (np.sum(vals1, 1).T/np.sum(vals2, 1)).T

    coef = coef.reshape(len(coef), *shape[1:])
    Q = po.transpose(po.sum(orth*coef.T, -1))

    if retall:
        return Q, x, w, y
    return Q