def array_to_loc_list(station_array):
    Convert a :class:`numpy.ndarray` into a list of

    :param station_array: an array of shape (n, 2) where n is the number of
        station locations
    :type station_array: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :rtype: list
    :returns: list of :class:`~polyadcirc.pyADCIRC.basic.location`

    stations = []
    for i in station_array:
        stations.append(basic.location(i[0], i[1]))
    return stations
def _read_record7(fid, key1, key2, line, data):
    Saves metadata to ``data.stations[key]`` and ``data.recording[key]`` that
    is used to preallocate arrays for data recording for ``fort.7#`` type
    ADCIRC output files

    :param fid: :class:``file`` object
    :param string key1: ADCIRC Output File Type sans ``.``
    :param string key2: ADCIRC Output File Type sans ``.``
    :param line: array of parameters read from ``fort.15`` file
    :type line: :class:``numpy.ndarray``
    :param data: object to store mesh specific data
    :type data: :class:``~polyadcirc.run_framework.domain``
    :rtype: string
    :returns: station type description

    nout, touts, toutf, nspool = np.fromstring(line[0].strip(), sep=' ')
    touts = max(touts, data.time.statim)
    toutf = min(toutf, data.time.rnday+data.time.statim)
    description = None
    if nout != 0 and nspool != 0:
        total_obs = int((toutf - touts) * 24.0 * 60 * 60 / data.time.dt/ nspool)
        total_obs = 0    
    if filetype[key1][0]:
        line = fid.readline().partition('!')
        meas_locs = int(line[0].strip())
        stations = []
        description = line[-1]
        for i in xrange(meas_locs):
            line = fid.readline()
            line = line.partition('!')
            line = re.findall(r"[-*\d\.\d]+", line[0].strip())
        data.stations[key1] = stations
        data.stations[key2] = stations
        meas_locs = data.node_num
    data.recording[key1] = (meas_locs, total_obs, filetype[key1][1])
    data.recording[key2] = (meas_locs, total_obs, filetype[key2][1])
    return description
wall_points = np.column_stack((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, wall_height))
wall_points = wall_points.transpose()

# setup and save to shelf
# set up saving
save_file = 'py_save_file'

stat_x = np.concatenate((1900*np.ones((7,)), [1200], 1300*np.ones((3,)),
stat_y = np.array([1200, 600, 300, 0, -300, -600, -1200, 0, 1200, 0, -1200,

stations = []

for x, y in zip(stat_y, stat_y):
    stations.append(basic.location(x, y))

# Run experiments
# MainFile_RandomMann
main_run.run_nobatch_q(domain, wall_points, mann_pts, save_file, 
        num_procs=nprocs, procs_pnode=ppnode, stations=stations, TpN=TpN)

xmin = 1420
xmax = 1580
ymax = 1500
wall_height = -2.5

param_min = lam_domain[:, 0]
param_max = lam_domain[:, 1]

# Create stations
stat_x = np.concatenate((1900*np.ones((7,)), [1200], 1300*np.ones((3,)),
stat_y = np.array([1200, 600, 300, 0, -300, -600, -1200, 0, 1200,
        0, -1200, -1400])
all_stations = []
for x, y in zip(stat_x, stat_y):
    all_stations.append(basic.location(x, y))

# Select only the stations I care about this will lead to better sampling
station_nums = [0, 5] # 1, 6
stations = []
for s in station_nums:

# Create Transition Kernel
transition_set = asam.transition_set(.5, .5**5, 1.0)

# Read in Q_ref and Q to create the appropriate rho_D 
mdat = sio.loadmat('Q_2D')
Q = mdat['Q']
Q = Q[:, station_nums]
Q_ref = mdat['Q_true']