def shared_get(): """ Get all resources shared with the user. :return: the list of shared files, with complete hierarchy """ return ok('OK', [r.resource.deep for r in current_user.roles])
def file_version_details(res_id, version_id): """ Get the details of a specific version of a file. :param res_id: the file's id :param version_id: the version's id :return: the version's details """ version = Version.query.filter_by(id=version_id, res_id=res_id).first() return ok('OK', version.serialized)
def root_content(): """ Get resources located in user's root. Get the list of all user's resources with no parent. :return: user's resources in root folder """ resources = Resource.query.filter_by(, parent_id=None).all() return ok('OK', [r.deep for r in resources])
def resource_details(res_id=None): """ Get a resource's details. Return the specified resource's details. If the resource is a folder, the recursive hierarchy is also returned. :param res_id: the requested resource's id :return: the requested resource's details """ file = Resource.query.get(res_id) return ok('OK', file.deep)
def file_version_delete(res_id, version_id): """ Delete a specific version of a file. :param res_id: the file's id :param version_id: the version's id :return: the version's details """ version = Version.query.filter_by(id=version_id, res_id=res_id).first() Version.delete(version) db.session.commit() return ok('File version successfully deleted.', version.serialized)
def resource_delete(res_id): """ Delete a resource. If the resource is a file, all versions and files on the disk will be removed. If the resource is a folder, all children are also deleted. :param res_id: the requested resource's id :return: the deleted resource """ resource = Resource.query.get(res_id) Resource.delete(resource) db.session.commit() return ok('File successfully deleted.', resource.deep)
def user_login(): """ Log the user in. :return: the user info if login is successful """ content = request.get_json() if content is None: content = {} username = content.get('username', None) if username is None: return bad_request('Username must be submitted.') user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user is None: return unauthorized('Wrong credentials.') password = content.get('password', None) if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, password): return unauthorized('Wrong credentials.') login_user(user) return ok('Login successful.', user.serialized)
def resource_update(res_id): """ Update a resource's details. :param res_id: the requested resource's id :return: the updated resource """ resource = Resource.query.get(res_id) content = request.get_json() params = {} if 'name' in content: params['name'] = content['name'] if 'extension' in content and resource.type == resource_type.file: params['extension'] = content['extension'] if 'parent_id' in content: parent_id = content['parent_id'] parent = Resource.query.get( parent_id) if parent_id is not None else None params['parent'] = parent if != return bad_request('Resource cannot be moved here') Resource.update(resource, **params) db.session.commit() return ok('Resource updated', resource.deep)
def revoke_resource(res_id, user_id): res = Resource.query.get(res_id) user = User.query.get(user_id) Role.unlink(res, user) db.session.commit() return ok('Rights revoked on resource')
def user_list(): return ok('OK', [u.serialized for u in User.query.all()])
def user_get_details(): return ok('', current_user.serialized)
def user_logout(): """ Log the user out. """ logout_user() return ok('Logout successful.')