def _apply_old_correction(data, year):
    """Applies old correction to raw data. Normally not needed was implemented for testing the _revert_old_correction() function."""
    for plane in data:
        for bpm in data[plane]:
            for i in range(len(data[plane][bpm])):
                bpm_type = bpm.split(".")[0]
                u_raw = data[plane][bpm][i]
                coefficients = polynomial_correction.get_coefficients_of_bpm_type(
                    bpm_type, polynomial_correction.old_coefficients[year]

                data[plane][bpm][i] = polynomial_correction._old_P5(u_raw, coefficients)
    return data
    def _create_fake_test_data(self):
        import textwrap, time, random
        import polynomial_correction

        self.sdds_header = textwrap.dedent('''\
            #SDDSASCIIFORMAT v1
            #Beam: %s
            #Created: %s By: Python unittest (NL correction)
            #bunchid :0
            #number of turns :%d
            #number of monitors :%d\n''' % (
                time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d#%H-%M-%S', time.localtime()),

        # first create raw data and write to sdds file
        with open(self.valid_raw_path, 'w') as sdds_raw:
            # write header

            # write data
            for bpm_num in range(self.number_of_bpms):
                random_bpm_position = random.random() * 27e3 # about 27km
                random_bpm_type = random.choice(self.bpm_types)
                bpm_name = '%s.%d.%s' % (random_bpm_type, bpm_num, self.beam_name)
                self.bpm_positions[bpm_name] = random_bpm_position
                for plane in ('X', 'Y'):
                    if plane == 'X': plane_num = 0
                    else: plane_num = 1
                    if bpm_name not in self.raw_data[plane]: self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name] = []

                    sdds_raw.write('%d %s      %.5f  ' % (plane_num, bpm_name, random_bpm_position))
                    for turn_num in range(self.number_of_turns):
                        random_amp = (random.random()*2 - 1)*self.max_raw_amp

                        format_string = '%.5f  '
                        if turn_num == self.number_of_turns - 1: format_string = '%.5f' # to avoid '  ' at the end of each line
                        sdds_raw.write(format_string % random_amp) # random number in (-self.max_raw_amp, +self.max_raw_amp)

        # now we create old correction file with this data
        with open(self.valid_old_correction_path, 'w') as sdds_old:
            # write header

            # write data
            for plane in self.raw_data:
                if plane == 'X': plane_num = 0
                else: plane_num = 1

                for bpm_name in self.raw_data[plane]:
                    bpm_type = bpm_name.split('.')[0]
                    bpm_position = self.bpm_positions[bpm_name]
                    sdds_old.write('%d %s      %.5f  ' % (plane_num, bpm_name, bpm_position))
                    for turn_num in range(len(self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name])):
                        coefficients = polynomial_correction.get_coefficients_of_bpm_type(bpm_type, polynomial_correction.old_coefficients[self.year_for_old_correction])
                        turn_amp = self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name][turn_num]
                        turn_amp *= coefficients[0]
                        turn_amp = polynomial_correction._old_P5(turn_amp, coefficients)

                        format_string = '%.5f  '
                        if turn_num == len(self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name]) - 1: format_string = '%.5f' # to avoid '  ' at the end of each line
                        sdds_old.write(format_string % turn_amp) # u_old = P5_old(kf * u_raw)

        # new correction file with this data
        with open(self.valid_new_correction_path, 'w') as sdds_new:
            # write header

            # write data
            for plane in self.raw_data:
                if plane == 'X': plane_num = 0
                else: plane_num = 1

                for bpm_name in self.raw_data[plane]:
                    bpm_type = bpm_name.split('.')[0]
                    bpm_position = self.bpm_positions[bpm_name]
                    sdds_new.write('%d %s      %.5f  ' % (plane_num, bpm_name, bpm_position))
                    for turn_num in range(len(self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name])):
                        coefficients = polynomial_correction.get_coefficients_of_bpm_type(bpm_type, polynomial_correction.new_coefficients)
                        turn_amp = self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name][turn_num]
                        if plane == 'X': v_raw = self.raw_data['Y'][bpm_name][turn_num]
                        else: v_raw = self.raw_data['X'][bpm_name][turn_num]
                        turn_amp = polynomial_correction.new_P5(self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name][turn_num], v_raw, coefficients)

                        format_string = '%.5f  '
                        if turn_num == len(self.raw_data[plane][bpm_name]) - 1: format_string = '%.5f' # to avoid '  ' at the end of each line
                        sdds_new.write(format_string % turn_amp) # u_new = P5_new(u_raw)