    def __init__(self,

        self.wdir = wdir
        self.package_dir = Path(pomato.__path__[0])

        self.logger = _logging_setup(self.wdir, webapp, logging_level)
        self.logger.info("Market Tool Initialized")
        tools.create_folder_structure(self.wdir, self.logger)

        # Core Attributes
        if not options_file:
            self.options = tools.default_options()

        self.data = DataManagement(self.options, self.wdir)
        self.grid = None
        self.cbco_module = None
        self.grid_representation = None
        self.market_model = None
        self.bokeh_plot = None
    def __init__(self, options_file=None, webapp=False, wdir=None):
        self.wdir = wdir if wdir else Path.cwd()
        self.logger = _logging_setup(self.wdir, webapp)
        self.logger.info("Market Tool Initialized")
        tools.create_folder_structure(self.wdir, self.logger)

        # Core Attributes
        self.options = None

        self.data = DataManagement(self.options, self.wdir)
        self.grid = None
        self.cbco_module = None
        self.grid_representation = None
        self.market_model = None
        self.bokeh_plot = None
    def load_data(self, filename):
        """Load data into data_management module.

        The data attribute is initialized empty and explicitly filled with
        this method. When done reading and processing data, the grid model is
        also initialized.

        filename : str
            Providing the name of a data file, usually located in the
            ``/input_data`` folder. Excel files and matpower cases are supported.
        self.data = DataManagement(self.options, self.wdir)
        self.grid = GridModel(self.data.nodes, self.data.lines)

        self.cbco_module = CBCOModule(self.wdir, self.package_dir, self.grid,
                                      self.data, self.options)
        self.market_model = MarketModel(self.wdir, self.package_dir,
 def _clear_data(self):
     """Reset DataManagement Class."""
     self.logger.info("Resetting Data Object")
     self.data = DataManagement()
class POMATO():
    The main module joins POMATO's components, providing accessibility to the user.

    The core attributes are modules that provide specific functionalities to
    the model. At the center is an instance of the DataManagement module, that
    reads and processes input data, makes processed input data acessible to
    other modules and is the container for the results from the market model.

    wdir : pathlib.Path
        Working directory, all necessary folders, temporary files and results
        are stored in relation to this directory.
    options : dict
        Dictionalry containing centralized all options relevant for running an economic
        dispatch. The options are roughly cathegorized into:

            - Optimization: defining model type, model horizon, inclusion of
              model features like heat or curtailment, management of infeasibility
              variables and definition of plant types considered.
            - Grid: Setting Capacity multiplier, applying redundancy removal
              for contingency analysis and its sensitivity, for zonal
              representation setting the node-zone weights.
            - Data: data type, data that is stored stacked (opposed to long),
              options to process marginal costs to be unique and default values.
    data : :class:`~pomato.data.DataManagement`
        Instance of DataManagement class containing all data, data processing,
        results and result processing. Is initialized empty, then data
        explicitly loaded.
    grid : :class:`~pomato.grid.GridModel`
        Object containing all grid information. Initializes empty and
        filled based on nodes and lines data when it is loaded and
        processed. Provides the PTDF matrices for N-0 and N-1 load flow analysis.
    cbco_module : :class:`~pomato.cbco.CBCOModule`
        The CBCO module provides the grid representation to the market model,
        based on the chosen configuration. Combines input data and the GridModel
        into a grid representation based on the chosen configuration (N-0, N-1,
        zonal, zonal CBCO, ntc, copper
        plate) and runs the redundancy removal algorithm needed for N-1
        grid representation.
    grid_representation : dict
        The output of the cbco_module. A dictionary containing all information
        for the market model to account for the chosen network representation.
    market_model : :class:`~pomato.market_model.MarketModel`
        Module containing and managing the market model. This includes storing
        the necessary data, running and managing a julia process instance and
        initializing the result object inside ``data``.
    bokeh_plot : :class:`~pomato.visualization.BokehPlot`
        Enabling a geographic visualization of the market results through the
        library ``Bokeh``. This module processes the results and input data to
        create a static map plot containing mean line loadings or a
        dynamic/interactive plot for a timeseries. The latter is implemented
        through a bokeh server which requires some subprocess management.

    wdir : pathlib.Path, optional
        Working directory, defaulting to Path.cwd() if not specified, should
        be the root of the POMATO folder.
    options_file : str, optional
        Providing the name of an option file, usually located in the
        ``/profiles`` folder. If not provided, using default options as
        defined in tools.
    webapp : bool, optional
        Optional parameter to set logging settings when initializing POMATO
        as part of the included webapp.

    def __init__(self, options_file=None, webapp=False, wdir=None):
        self.wdir = wdir if wdir else Path.cwd()
        self.logger = _logging_setup(self.wdir, webapp)
        self.logger.info("Market Tool Initialized")
        tools.create_folder_structure(self.wdir, self.logger)

        # Core Attributes
        self.options = None

        self.data = DataManagement(self.options, self.wdir)
        self.grid = None
        self.cbco_module = None
        self.grid_representation = None
        self.market_model = None
        self.bokeh_plot = None

    def initialize_options(self, options_file):
        """Initialize options file.

        options_file : str, optional
            Providing the name of an option file, usually located in the ``/profiles``
            folder. If not provided, using default options as defined in tools.

            with open(self.wdir.joinpath(options_file)) as ofile:
                self.options = json.load(ofile)
                opt_str = "Optimization Options:" + json.dumps(self.options,
                                                               indent=2) + "\n"

        except FileNotFoundError:
                "No or invalid options file provided, using default options")
            self.options = tools.default_options()
            opt_str = "Optimization Options:" + json.dumps(self.options,
                                                           indent=2) + "\n"
        except BaseException as unknown_exception:
            self.logger.exception("Error: %s", unknown_exception)

    def load_data(self, filename):
        """Load data into data_management module.

        The data attribute is initialized empty and explicitly filled with
        this method. When done reading and processing data, the grid model is
        also initialized.

        filename : str
            Providing the name of a data file, usually located in the
            ``/input_data`` folder. Excel files and matpower cases are supported.
        self.grid = GridModel(self.data.nodes, self.data.lines)

    def init_market_model(self):
        """Initialize the market model.

        The Market model is initialized with the data object and a grid
        representation based on the chosen configuration.

        if not self.grid_representation:

        if not self.market_model:
            self.market_model = MarketModel(self.wdir, self.options)
            self.market_model.update_data(self.data, self.options,

    def update_market_model_data(self):
        """Update data within an instance of the market model.

        It is possible to change the data in the market mode and re-run without
        explicitly re-initializing the module.
        if not self.market_model:
            self.market_model.update_data(self.data, self.options,

    def initialize_market_results(self, result_folders):
        """Initionalizes market results from a list of folders.
        result_folders : list
            List of folders containing market resaults.
        if self.options["data"]["data_type"] == "ramses":
            for folder in result_folders:
                self.data.results[folder.name] = ENSResultProcessing(
                    self.data, self.grid, folder)
            for folder in result_folders:
                self.data.results[folder.name] = ResultProcessing(
                    self.data, self.grid, folder)

    def run_market_model(self):
        """Run the market model."""
        if not self.market_model:


        if self.market_model.status == "solved":
            self.logger.warning("Market Model not successfully run!")

    def _clear_data(self):
        """Reset DataManagement Class."""
        self.logger.info("Resetting Data Object")
        self.data = DataManagement()

    def create_grid_representation(self):
        """Grid Representation as property.

        Creates grid representation to be used in the market model.
        self.cbco_module = CBCOModule(self.wdir, self.grid, self.data,
        self.grid_representation = self.cbco_module.grid_representation

    def init_bokeh_plot(self, name="default", bokeh_type="static", gen=None):
        """Initialize bokeh plot based on the dataset and a market result.
        name : str, optional
            Name defaults to 'default' is is used to identify the initialized
            market result in the plot itself and to name the folder within
            the ``data_temp/bokeh_files`` folder.
        bokeh_type : str, optional
            Specifies if a static or dynamic plot is generated. A dynamic plot 
            requires to run a bokeh server, which is generally more involved. 
            Defaults to static, which outputs a html version of the map with 
            average loads.
        self.bokeh_plot = BokehPlot(self.wdir, bokeh_type=bokeh_type)

        if not self.data.results:  # if results dict is empty
            self.logger.warning("No result available form market model!")