def _open_window_selected_partners(self, cr, uid, data, context): mod_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('') act_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.actions.act_window') result = mod_obj._get_id(cr, uid, 'base', 'action_partner_form') list_ids = [] if data['form']['select'] == 'lines': if not data['form']['amount']: raise wizard.except_wizard('Warning','Amount should be greater than zero') cr.execute("select distinct(partner_id) from account_move_line where credit>=%f and (date between to_date(%s,'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date(%s,'yyyy-mm-dd')) and (partner_id is not null)", (data['form']['amount'], data['form']['date_from'], data['form']['date_to'])) entry_lines = cr.fetchall() entry_ids = [x[0] for x in entry_lines] a_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner').read(cr, uid, entry_ids, ['membership_state']) for i in range(0, len(a_id)): if a_id[i]['membership_state'] == data['form']['member_state']: list_ids.append(a_id[i]['id']) else: cr.execute("select distinct(partner_id),section_id,state from crm_case where section_id=%d and state=%s and (partner_id is not null)", (data['form']['section'], data['form']['state'])) p_ids = cr.fetchall() list_ids = [x[0] for x in p_ids] id =, uid, [result], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id'] result =, uid, [id])[0] if data['form']['removing_from_list']: result['domain'] = [('id', 'in', list_ids)] else: result['domain'] = [('id', 'not in', list_ids)] # result['context'] = ({'id': entry_ids}) return result
def _delivery_set(self, cr, uid, data, context): order_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('purchase.order') line_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('purchase.order.line') order_objs = order_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['ids'], context) for order in order_objs: # if not order.dest_address_id: # raise wizard.except_wizard('Destination Address is not selected', 'Please select Destination Address for the purchase order') grid_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('delivery.carrier').grid_get(cr, uid, [data['form']['carrier_id']], if not grid_id: raise wizard.except_wizard('No grid avaible !', 'No grid matching for this carrier !') grid_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('delivery.grid') grid = grid_obj.browse(cr, uid, [grid_id])[0] line_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'order_id':, 'name':, 'product_qty': 1, 'product_uom':, 'product_id':, 'price_unit': grid_obj.get_price(cr, uid,, order, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), context={'object':'purchase'}), 'taxes_id': [(6,0,[ for x in grid.carrier_id.product_id.taxes_id])], 'date_planned':( + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), }) return {}
def _get_text(self, partner, followup_id, context=None): fp_obj = pooler.get_pool('account_followup.followup') fp_line = fp_obj.browse(, self.uid, followup_id).followup_line li_delay = [] for line in fp_line: li_delay.append(line.delay) li_delay.sort(reverse=True) text = "" a = {} partner_line = pooler.get_pool('account.move.line').search(, self.uid, [('partner_id','=',,('reconcile_id','=',False)]) partner_delay = [] context={} context.update({'lang': partner.lang}) for i in pooler.get_pool('account.move.line').browse(, self.uid, partner_line, context): for delay in li_delay: if i.followup_line_id and str(i.followup_line_id.delay)==str(delay): text = i.followup_line_id.description a[delay] = text partner_delay.append(delay) text = partner_delay and a[max(partner_delay)] or '' if text: text = text % { 'partner_name':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'company_name': fp_obj.browse(, self.uid, followup_id), 'user_signature': pooler.get_pool('res.users').browse(, self.uid, self.uid, context).signature, } return text
def _get_default_values(self, cr, uid, data, context): fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear') data['form']['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear_obj.find(cr, uid) period_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.period') data['form']['period_id'] = period_obj.find(cr, uid, dt=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))[0] data['form']['date_move'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') return data['form']
def get_currency_rate(self, cr, uid, ids=[], context={}): cur_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.currency') cur_rate_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.currency.rate') com_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('') companies =, uid, []) for company in companies: code = com_obj.browse(cr, uid, company).currency_id.code cur_ids =, uid, [('company_id','=',company)]) for cur in cur_obj.browse(cr, uid, cur_ids): if code==cur.code: continue urldata = {'FromCurrency':code, 'ToCurrency':cur.code ,'method':'GET'} data = urllib.urlencode(urldata) req = urllib2.Request('',data) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except Exception, e: logger.notifyChannel('Error : ', e) data = xmldoc = minidom.parseString(data) rate = xmldoc.documentElement.firstChild.nodeValue if rate: date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if cur.base==False: cur_rate_obj.create(cr, uid, {'name': date , 'rate':rate, 'currency_id':})
def _create_duplicate(self, cr, uid, data, context): event_obj=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('event.event') project_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('project.project') duplicate_project_id= project_obj.copy(cr, uid,data['form']['project_id'], {'active': True}) project_obj.write(cr, uid, [duplicate_project_id], {'name': "copy of " + project_obj.browse(cr, uid, duplicate_project_id, context).name , 'date_start':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),'date_end': event_obj.browse(cr, uid, [data['id']])[0].date_begin[0:10] }) event_obj.write(cr, uid, [data['id']], {'project_id': duplicate_project_id }) return {}
def print_action(self, cr, uid, data, context): """ Sets the printing template (as selected by the user) before printing. """ pool_ba_report = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.balance.reporting') rpt_facade = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('') vals={} if context.get('report_xml_id'): report_xml_id = context['report_xml_id'] report_xml_ids =, uid, [('id', '=', report_xml_id)]) report_xml_id = report_xml_ids and report_xml_ids[0] or None if report_xml_id: report_xml = rpt_facade.browse(cr, uid, [report_xml_id])[0] datas={ 'ids': [context['report_id']], 'model': 'account.balance.reporting' } reports_ids =, uid, [('id', '=', context['report_id'])]) if reports_ids: print reports_ids report_instance = pool_ba_report.browse(cr, uid, reports_ids[0]) if report_instance.calc_date: print report_instance.calc_date vals = {'type': '','report_name': report_xml.report_name, 'datas':datas,} return vals
def _get_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context): fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear') period_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.period') journal_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.journal') data['form']['period_ids'] =, uid, [('fiscalyear_id','=',fiscalyear_obj.find(cr, uid))]) data['form']['journal_ids'] =, uid, []) return data['form']
def _numerotate_cont(self,cr,uid,data,context={}): nbr_s = int(data['form']['start_number']) nbr_l = int(data['form']['last_number']) refs_ls = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('labo.sample') ref_hist = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('setup.history') refs_as = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('analysis.setup') rec_ids = refs_ls.browse(cr,uid,data['ids']) nbr=nbr_s for r in rec_ids: if nbr<=nbr_l: refs_ls.write(cr,uid,[],{'file_setup':data['form']['setup_id1']}) nbr+=1 # s_id=refs_as.create(cr,uid, { # 'set_up':data['form']['setup_id'], # 'well': nbr, # 'run_setup':'004' # }) # # 'sample_id1', # b=refs_ls.write(cr,uid,[],{'file_setup':s_id}) # if r.file_setup.set_up: #,uid,[('set_up','=',data['form']['setup_id1'])]) # ids_a=refs_as.browse(cr,uid,ids_r) # id_a=ids_a and ids_a[0] t=r.file_setup and r.file_setup.set_up or '' if t: a=ref_hist.create(cr,uid,{'sample_id', 'setup_id':data['form']['setup_id1'], 'setup_id2' or '' }) return {}
def _create_invoice(obj, cr, uid, data, context): if data['form'].get('new_picking',False): data['id'] = data['form']['new_picking'] data['ids'] = [data['form']['new_picking']] pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) picking_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('stock.picking') mod_obj = pool.get('') act_obj = pool.get('ir.actions.act_window') type = data['form']['type'] res = picking_obj.action_invoice_create(cr, uid, data['ids'], journal_id=data['form']['journal_id'],group=data['form']['group'], type=type, context= context) invoice_ids = res.values() if not invoice_ids: raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Error'),_('Invoice is not created')) if type == 'out_invoice': xml_id = 'action_invoice_tree5' elif type == 'in_invoice': xml_id = 'action_invoice_tree8' elif type == 'out_refund': xml_id = 'action_invoice_tree10' else: xml_id = 'action_invoice_tree12' result = mod_obj._get_id(cr, uid, 'account', xml_id) id =, uid, result, ['res_id']) result =, uid, id['res_id']) result['res_id'] = invoice_ids return result
def _get_email_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context): p = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) user = p.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) if user.company_id: company_id = else: company_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', '=', False)])[0] period_ids = p.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) res_ids = p.get('ir.model').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'account.journal.period')], context=None) report_name = "" file_name =' ','_')+'_'+_('journal_entries_report') report = create_report(cr, uid, res_ids, data, report_name, file_name)[1] or 'attachement' to = "" subject = "JOURNAL by ENTRIES REPORT, %s, %s" % \ ( or period_ids.code, data['form']['journal_ids']) text = 'Dear ...........,\n\n' + \ 'Herewith I enclose the ' + subject + \ '\n' + \ '---------\n' + \ user.signature return {'attachment_file': report, 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'text': text}
def init(self, cr, uid=1): """ This view will be used in dashboard The reason writing this code here is, we need to check date range from today to first date of fiscal year. """ pool_obj_fy = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear') today = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') fy_id = pool_obj_fy.find(cr, uid, exception=False) LIST_RANGES = [] if fy_id: fy_start_date =, uid, fy_id, ['date_start'])['date_start'] fy_start_date = datetime.strptime(fy_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') last_month_date = datetime.strptime(today, '%Y-%m-%d') - relativedelta(months=1) while (last_month_date > fy_start_date): LIST_RANGES.append(today + " to " + last_month_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) today = (last_month_date- relativedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') last_month_date = datetime.strptime(today, '%Y-%m-%d') - relativedelta(months=1) LIST_RANGES.append(today +" to " + fy_start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) cr.execute('delete from temp_range') for range in LIST_RANGES: pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('temp.range').create(cr, uid, {'name':range}) cr.execute(""" create or replace view report_aged_receivable as ( select id,name from temp_range )""")
def _set_filter_value(self, cr, uid, data, context): form_data = data['form'] value_data = form_data.get('value',False) value_field = set_value_fields.get('value') field_type = value_field.get('type',False) field_data = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.model.fields').read(cr,uid,[form_data.get('field_id')],fields=['ttype','relation','model_id','name','field_description'])[0] model_name = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.model').browse(cr, uid, field_data['model_id'][0]).model model_pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get(model_name) table_name = model_pool._table model_name = model_pool._description if field_type: if field_type == 'boolean': if value_data == 1: value_data = 'true' else: value_data = 'false' if field_type in ['float','integer']: value_data = value_data or 0 if field_type == 'many2many' and value_data and len(value_data): fields_list = set_field_operator(self,table_name+"."+field_data['name'],field_data['ttype'],form_data['operator'],value_data[0][2]) else: fields_list = set_field_operator(self,table_name+"."+field_data['name'],field_data['ttype'],form_data['operator'],value_data) if fields_list: create_dict = { 'name':model_name + "/" +field_data['field_description'] +" "+ mapping_fields[form_data['operator']] + " " + tools.ustr(fields_list[2]) + " ", 'expression':' '.join(map(tools.ustr,fields_list)), 'report_id':data['id'], 'condition' : form_data['condition'] } pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').create(cr,uid,create_dict,context) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def _get_tax(self, order_obj):"SELECT DISTINCT tax_id FROM purchase_order_taxe, purchase_order_line, purchase_order \ WHERE ( AND (", ( res = or None if not res: return [] if isinstance(res, list): tax_ids = [t[0] for t in res] else: tax_ids = res[0] tax_obj = pooler.get_pool('') res = [] for tax in tax_obj.browse(, self.uid, tax_ids):"SELECT DISTINCT order_line_id FROM purchase_order_line, purchase_order_taxe \ WHERE (purchase_order_taxe.tax_id=%s) AND (purchase_order_line.order_id=%s)", (, lines = or None if lines: if isinstance(lines, list): line_ids = [l[0] for l in lines] else: line_ids = lines[0] base = 0 for line in pooler.get_pool('purchase.order.line').browse(, self.uid, line_ids): base += line.price_subtotal res.append({'code', 'base':base, 'amount':base*tax.amount}) return res
def _get_email_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context): p = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) user = p.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) if user.company_id: company_id = else: company_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', '=', False)])[0] fiscalyear = p.get('account.fiscalyear').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) res_ids = p.get('ir.model').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'account.account')], context=None) report_name = "account.balance.full" file_name =' ','_')+'_'+_('account_balance_report') report = create_report(cr, uid, res_ids, data, report_name, file_name)[1] or 'attachement' to = "" subject = "ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORT, %s, Date from: %s to %s" % \ ( or fiscalyear.code, data['form']['date_from'], data['form']['date_to']) text = 'Dear ...........,\n\n' + \ 'Herewith I enclose the ' + subject + \ '\n' + \ '---------\n' + \ user.signature return {'attachment_file': report, 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'text': text}
def _open_history_event(self, cr, uid, data, context=None): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) data_obj = pool.get("") result = data_obj._get_id(cr, uid, "crm", "view_crm_case_filter") id =, uid, result, ["res_id"]) id2 = data_obj._get_id(cr, uid, "crm", "crm_case_calendar_section-view") if id2: id2 = data_obj.browse(cr, uid, id2, context=context).res_id res = "" if data.get("model", False) and data.get("ids", False): model_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get(data["model"]) res = model_obj.browse(cr, uid, data["ids"], context=context) if len(res): res = res[0].name return { "name": "History : " + res, "view_type": "form", "view_mode": "calendar, tree, form", "view_id": False, "views": [(id2, "calendar"), (False, "form"), (False, "tree"), (False, "graph")], "res_model": "", "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "domain": data.get("id", False) and "[('case_id','=',%d)]" % (data["id"]) or "[]", "search_view_id": id["res_id"], }
def _init_fields(self, cr, uid, data, context): """ init the form's fields """ budget_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('c2c_budget') res = {} #we come from budget if data['model'] == 'c2c_budget': budget_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('c2c_budget') #init version and version 2 with the 2 first versions if len(data['ids']) >= 1: budget = budget_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['ids'][0]) if len(budget.budget_version_ids) >= 1: res['version_1'] = budget.budget_version_ids[0].id res['currency'] = budget.budget_version_ids[0] if len(budget.budget_version_ids) >= 2: res['version_2'] = budget.budget_version_ids[1].id #we come from versions elif data['model'] == 'c2c_budget.version': version_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('c2c_budget.version') #init version and version 2 with the 2 first versions if len(data['ids']) >= 1: res['version_1'] = data['ids'][0] res['currency'] = version_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['ids'][0], context=context) if len(data['ids']) >= 2: res['version_2'] = data['ids'][1] return res
def _lang_install(self, cr, uid, data, context): password =data['form']['password'] lang =data['form']['lang'] user = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').read(cr,uid,uid,['login'])['login'] if not s.verify_user(user,password,lang): raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !!', 'Bad User name or Passsword or you are not authorised for this language') version = data['form']['version'] profile = data['form']['profile'] ir_translation_contrib = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.translation.contribution') ids =,uid,[('lang','=',lang),('state','=','accept')]) if not ids: raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !!', 'No contributions are find to upload in main revision') contrib =,uid,ids,['type','name','res_id','src','value']) new_contrib =map(lambda x:{'type':x['type'],'name':x['name'],'res_id':x['res_id'],'src':x['src'],'value':x['value']},contrib) try : result = s.publish_release(user,password,lang,version,profile,new_contrib) #still working to show correct error message when server is not responding properly except Exception,e: if e.__dict__.has_key('name'): raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !',e.value) else: raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !',"server is not properly configuraed") ir_translation_contrib.write(cr,uid,ids,{'state':'done'})
def _save(self, cr, uid, data, context): debug(data) debug(context) id=data['id'] table_name=data['model'] ss=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get(table_name).browse(cr,uid,id) data['form']['make']=ss.make data['form']['model']=ss.model data['form']['state']='in_stock' data['form']['manufacture_date']"%Y-%m-%d") data['form']['order_no']=ss.order_no data['form']['price']=ss.price data['form']['owner'] data['form']['current_user_id'] data['form']['size']=ss.size data['form']['color']=ss.color equipment_id=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').create(cr, uid, data['form']) debug(equipment_id) if equipment_id: query="insert into equipment_equipment_rel values("+str(','+str(equipment_id)+")" debug(query) cr.execute(query) update_query="update cmc_equipment set state='booked' where id="+str(equipment_id) cr.execute(update_query) pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get(table_name).write(cr,uid,[id],{'color':data['form']['color'],'serial_no':data['form']['serial_no'],'state':'Recieved'}) debug(equipment_id) debug(ss) return data['form']
def _send_reminder(self, cr, uid, data, context): partner = data['form']['partner_id'][0][2] if partner: res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ecommerce.partner').browse(cr, uid, partner) for partner in res: if partner.address_ids and not partner.address_ids[0].email: not_sent.append( for adr in partner.address_ids: if sent_dict[] = name = adr.username or to = '%s <%s>' % (name, mail_from = '*****@*****.**' attach_ids = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', ''), ('res_id', '=', data['ids'][0])]) res_atc = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').read(cr, uid, attach_ids, ['datas_fname', 'datas']) res_atc = map(lambda x: (x['datas_fname'], base64.decodestring(x['datas'])), res_atc) tools.email_send(mail_from, [to], data['form']['subject'], data['form']['message'], attach=res_atc) return 'finished'
def _save(self, cr, uid, data, context): id = int(data['id']) if context.get('from',False) == 'call history': call_browse=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').browse(cr, uid, id) else: person_id=id if data['form']['user_id'] == uid and not data['form']['call_summary']: raise except_orm('Incomplete','Please Provide Call Summary') if data['form']['allocated_user_group_id'] and data['form']['allocated_user_id']: raise except_orm('Call Error!', 'Both UserGroup And User Cannot Be Selected') if data['form']['user_id'] != uid : if data['form']['allocated_user_group_id'] : raise except_orm('Warning','You Cannot Select the Group') data['form']['allocated_user_id']=data['form']['user_id'] else: if not data['form']['allocated_user_group_id'] and not data['form']['allocated_user_id']: raise except_orm('Call Error!', 'Only one can be selected') debug("At Time of saving") debug(data) if data['form']['allocated_user_group_id'] and data['form']['allocated_user_id']: raise except_orm('Enquiry Error!', 'Both UserGroup And User Cannot Be Selected') person = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('cmc.person').browse(cr, uid, person_id) user = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid) data['form']['call_date_time'] ='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') data['form']['call_person_type'] = 'client' data['form']['state'] = 'allocated' data['form']['agent_id'] = None data['form']['calling_about']='Self' call_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').create(cr, uid, data['form'], {'wizard':True, 'person': person, 'user':user}) return {}
def _valider(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) immo = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('asset.simulation') context.update({'fy_id':data['form']['fy_id'] }) immo.valider(cr,uid,data['ids'],context) return{}
def _do_create_invoice(self, cr, uid, data, context): logger = netsvc.Logger() journal = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ica.mrpjournal') order_cr = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('sale.order') invoice_cr = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.invoice') # One invoice per supplier #order_cr.action_invoice_create(cr, uid,, uid, [("ica_mrpjournal","=",data['id']),('EANSUPPLIER','LIKE','7350031550009')]), True) #order_cr.action_invoice_create(cr, uid,, uid, [("ica_mrpjournal","=",data['id']),('EANSUPPLIER','LIKE','7300009025411')]), True) #3days = datetime.timedelta(days=3) today = threedays = today - datetime.timedelta(days=3) # Journals three days old not invoiced journals =,uid,[("saleorder_invoice","=",False),("datum","<=",threedays.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))]) logger.notifyChannel("Info", netsvc.LOG_INFO,"Journals to invoice '%s' %s ." % (journals,threedays.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) for journal_id in journals: logger.notifyChannel("warning", netsvc.LOG_WARNING,"Invoice journal_id '%s' ." % journal_id) inv_id = order_cr.action_invoice_create(cr, uid,, uid, [("ica_mrpjournal","=",journal_id),('eansupplier','=','7350031550009')]), True) invoice_cr.write(cr,uid, inv_id, {'ica_mrpjournal': journal_id}) # Mark invoice with journal inv_id = order_cr.action_invoice_create(cr, uid,, uid, [("ica_mrpjournal","=",journal_id),('eansupplier','=','7300009025411')]), True) invoice_cr.write(cr,uid, inv_id, {'ica_mrpjournal': journal_id}) # Mark invoice with journal return {}
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): xml = self.create_xml(cr, uid, ids, datas, context) xml = tools.ustr(xml).encode('utf8') report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') if report_type == 'raw': return xml, report_type rml = self.create_rml(cr, xml, uid, context) pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) ir_actions_report_xml_obj = pool.get('') report_xml_ids =, uid, [('report_name', '=',[7:])], context=context) self.title = report_xml_ids and ir_actions_report_xml_obj.browse(cr,uid,report_xml_ids)[0].name or 'OpenERP Report' create_doc = self.generators[report_type] # change the fontname install_ids = pool.get('ir.module.module').search(cr, uid, [('name','=','oecn_base_fonts'),('state','=','installed')]) originCustomTTFonts = deepcopy(cfonts.CustomTTFonts) if install_ids: p1 = re.compile('<setFont name=".*?" ') p2 = re.compile('fontName=".*?" ') config_parameter_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("ir.config_parameter") base_font = config_parameter_obj.get_param(cr, uid, "font_url") cjk_wrap = config_parameter_obj.get_param(cr, uid, "cjk_wrap") fonts_map = [] if base_font: for font in OE_FONTS: fonts_map += [(font, 'myFont', base_font, 'all')] cfonts.CustomTTFonts = fonts_map ParagraphStyle.defaults['wordWrap'] = cjk_wrap and 'CJK' or '' rml = p1.sub('<setFont name="' + 'myFont' + '" ', rml) rml = p2.sub('fontName="' + 'myFont' + '" ', rml) # change the fontname pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) cfonts.CustomTTFonts = originCustomTTFonts return pdf, report_type
def get_action(self, cursor, user_id): """ Pull action's information from the DB. Return False if this menu has not any action associated to it. """ pool_values = get_pool(cursor.dbname).get('ir.values') pool_action = get_pool(cursor.dbname).get('ir.actions.act_window') value_id =, user_id, [ ('res_id', '=',, ]) if not value_id: return False value_id = value_id[0] value_data =, user_id, value_id) action_id = int(value_data['value'].split(',')[1]) action_data =, user_id, action_id) self.value_id = value_id self.action_id = action_data['id'] self.action_model = action_data['res_model'] self.action_view_type = action_data['view_type'] self.action_view_mode = action_data['view_mode'] return True
def check(self, cr, uid, data, context): test_obj=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('testing.result') test_config=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('quality.test.config') mrp=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('mrp.production') mrp_obj=mrp.browse(cr,uid,data['id']) prod_obj=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('product.product').browse(cr,uid, if prod_obj.finished_test: flag=False res={} res={'type':'finish_prod','product':data['form']['product'],'tester':data['form']['tester'],'test_date':data['form']['test_date']} test_id=test_obj.create(cr,uid,res) for case in prod_obj.finished_test: actual=data['form']['actual%s'%(,)] min=data['form']['min%s'%(,)] max=data['form']['max%s'%(,)] if data['form']['active%s'%(,)]: if actual> 0.00: val={} if (actual >=min and actual <= max): state='accepted' else: state='rejected' flag=True val={'name','min_limit':case.min_limit,'max_limit':case.max_limit,'uom', 'actual_val':actual,'state':state,'test_id':test_id} test_config.create(cr,uid,val) if not flag: mrp.write(cr,uid,data['id'],{'state':'done'}) return {}
def do_merge(self, cr, uid, data, context): invent_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('stock.inventory') invent_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('stock.inventory.line') prod_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('product.product') if len(data['ids']) <> 1: raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Warning'), _('Please select one and only one inventory !')) loc = data['form']['location_id'] cr.execute('select distinct location_id,product_id from stock_inventory_line where inventory_id=%s', (data['ids'][0],)) inv = cr.fetchall() cr.execute('select distinct product_id from stock_move where (location_dest_id=%(location_id)s) or (location_id=%(location_id)s)', data['form']) stock = cr.fetchall() for s in stock: if (loc,s[0]) not in inv: p = prod_obj.browse(cr, uid, s[0]) invent_line_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'inventory_id': data['ids'][0], 'location_id': loc, 'product_id': s[0], 'product_uom':, 'product_qty': 0.0, }) return {}
def _get_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context): fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("account.fiscalyear") period_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("account.period") journal_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("account.journal") data["form"]["period_ids"] =, uid, [("fiscalyear_id", "=", fiscalyear_obj.find(cr, uid))]) data["form"]["journal_ids"] =, uid, []) return data["form"]
def _mass_mail_send(self, cr, uid, data, context): nbr = 0 partners = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('labo.analysis.request').browse(cr, uid, data['ids'], context) for p in partners: partner=p.ref_client for adr in partner.address: if name = or to = '%s <%s>' % (name, #TODO: add some tests to check for invalid email addresses #CHECKME: maybe we should use res.partner/email_send attach_ids = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'labo.analysis.request'), ('res_id', '=',]) res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').read(cr, uid, attach_ids, ['datas_fname','datas']) res = map(lambda x: (x['datas_fname'], base64.decodestring(x['datas'])), res) tools.email_send_attach(data['form']['from'], [to], data['form']['subject'], data['form']['text'],attach=res) nbr += 1 # pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner.event').create(cr, uid, # {'name': 'Email sent through mass mailing', # 'partner_id': partner, # 'description': data['form']['text'], }) #TODO: log number of message sent return {'email_sent': nbr}
def crear_header(self, cr, uid, data, context): form = data['form'] anio = form['trans_anio'] res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee').search(cr, uid, []) #iter in employees for emp in res: obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee').browse(cr, uid, emp) tipoid = obj.tipoid cedula = obj.cedula address = obj.address fono = obj.work_phone sis_sal = 2 res1 = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.contract').search(cr, uid, [('employee_id','=',emp)])[0] ct = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.contract').browse(cr, uid, res1) salario = ct.wage sobresueldo = 0 res2 = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.provision').search(cr, uid, ['employee_id',]) res = cr.fetchall() if res: ruc = res[0][0] rdep = etree.Element('rdep') etree.SubElement(rdep, 'numRuc').text = ruc etree.SubElement(rdep, 'anio').text = str(anio) file = etree.tostring(rdep, pretty_print=True, encoding='iso-8859-1') buf=StringIO.StringIO() buf.write(file) out=base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue()) buf.close() name = "%s%s.XML" % ("RDEP", strftime("%Y")) return {'data': out, 'name': name}
def generate_parameters(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): vals = {} pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) user_pool = pool.get('res.users') ana_pool = pool.get('account.analytic.account') fin_pool = pool.get('') user_obj = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) comp_obj = user_obj.company_id date_from = data['form'].get('date_from', False) date_to = data['form'].get('date_to', False) cost_center_ids = data['form']['cost_center_ids'] report_id = data['form']['account_report_id'][0] report_obj = fin_pool.browse(cr, uid, report_id, context=context) cc_names = 'ALL' total_label = "TOTAL" if report_obj.total_label: total_label = report_obj.total_label or '' if cost_center_ids: cost_center_objs = ana_pool.browse(cr, uid, cost_center_ids, context=context) cc_list = [ for x in cost_center_objs] cc_names = ', '.join(cc_list) start_date = datetime.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d/%m/%Y") end_date = datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d/%m/%Y") year = datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%Y") account_report_name = data['form']['account_report_id'][1] grand_balance = 0.0 total_profit = 0.0 total_loss = 0.0 child_accounts =""" SELECT id FROM account_account where code ilike '4%' """) child_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], if child_ids: balance_list = self._get_balance(data, child_ids) balance = balance_list and balance_list[0] or 0.0 total_profit = abs(balance) child_accounts =""" SELECT id FROM account_account where code ilike '5%' or code ilike '6%' """) child_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], if child_ids: balance_list = self._get_balance(data, child_ids) balance = balance_list and balance_list[0] or 0.0 total_loss = abs(balance) if account_report_name and account_report_name == 'PROFIT & LOSS': label = 'yes' else: label = 'no' if total_profit > total_loss: grand_balance = total_profit - total_loss grand_balance = -1 * grand_balance else: grand_balance = total_loss - total_profit grand_balance = 1 * grand_balance vals = { 'company_name': or '', 'run_time': fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid,, context=context), 'curr': or '', 'report_name': "%s AS ON %s" % (account_report_name, str(end_date)), 'year': str(year), 'cc_names': cc_names, 'total_label': total_label, 'grand_total': grand_balance, 'label': label } return vals
def create_with_attachment(self, cr, uid, ids, data, original_doc, context=None): import base64 from report.pyPdf import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter o = PdfFileWriter() pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) quizz_id = ids[0] if data.get('model', '') == 'training.participation': participation = pool.get('training.participation').browse( cr, uid, data['id']) quizz_id = quizz_proxy = pool.get('training.exam.questionnaire') quizz = quizz_proxy.browse(cr, uid, quizz_id) def write_orig_document(): r = PdfFileReader(StringIO.StringIO(original_doc[0])) for p in range(r.getNumPages()): o.addPage(r.getPage(p)) def generate_watermark_pdf(docid, basenum, npages): watermark_report = netsvc.LocalService( '') report_ids = [ '%s-%s%03d' % (docid, basenum, n + 1) for n in range(npages) ] (result, format) = watermark_report.create(cr, uid, report_ids, {}, context=context) return PdfFileReader(StringIO.StringIO(result)) attach_count = 0 orig_doc_written = False for attach in quizz.attachment_ids: if attach.position == 'after' and not orig_doc_written: write_orig_document() orig_doc_written = True # 1 = annex and store # 2 = detect qrcode but don't store in the DMS basenum = '%1s%02d' % (attach.store_in_dms and 1 or 2, attach_count) attach_pdf_data = base64.decodestring(attach.attachment_id.datas) attach_pdf = PdfFileReader(StringIO.StringIO(attach_pdf_data)) waterm_pdf = generate_watermark_pdf(ids[0], basenum, attach_pdf.getNumPages()) for attach_page in range(attach_pdf.getNumPages()): docp = attach_pdf.getPage(attach_page) docp_wm = waterm_pdf.getPage(attach_page) docp.mergePage(docp_wm) o.addPage(docp) attach_count += 1 if not orig_doc_written: write_orig_document() s = StringIO.StringIO() o.write(s) return (s.getvalue(), original_doc[1])
def _selectPartner(self, cr, uid, data, context): case_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('') case = case_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['id']) return {'date':, 'duration': case.duration or 2.0}
def _get_out(self, cr, uid, data, context): args = {} pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) statement_obj = pool.get('') product_obj = pool.get('product.template') productp_obj = pool.get('product.product') res_obj = pool.get('res.users') curr_company = res_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid) statement_id = cr, uid, [('journal_id', '=', data['form']['journal_id']), ('company_id', '=', curr_company), ('user_id', '=', uid), ('state', '=', 'open')]) monday = ( + DateTime.RelativeDateTime(weekday=(DateTime.Monday, 0))).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sunday = ( + DateTime.RelativeDateTime(weekday=(DateTime.Sunday, 0))).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') done_statmt = cr, uid, [('date', '>=', monday + ' 00:00:00'), ('date', '<=', sunday + ' 23:59:59'), ('journal_id', '=', data['form']['journal_id']), ('company_id', '=', curr_company), ('user_id', '=', uid)]) stat_done = statement_obj.browse(cr, uid, done_statmt) address_u = pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).address_id am = 0.0 amount_check = productp_obj.browse( cr, uid, data['form']['product_id']).am_out or False for st in stat_done: for s in st.line_ids: if address_u and s.partner_id == address_u.partner_id and s.am_out: am += s.amount if (-data['form']['amount'] or 0.0) + am < -(res_obj.browse( cr, uid, uid).company_id.max_diff or 0.0) and amount_check: val = (res_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id.max_diff or 0.0) + am raise wizard.except_wizard( _('Error !'), _('The maximum value you can still withdraw is exceeded. \n Remaining value is equal to %d ' ) % (val)) acc_id = product_obj.browse( cr, uid, data['form']['product_id']).property_account_income if not acc_id: raise wizard.except_wizard( _('Error !'), _('please check that account is set to %s') % (product_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['product_id']).name)) if not statement_id: raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Error !'), _('You have to open at least one cashbox')) if statement_id: statement_id = statement_id[0] if not statement_id: statement_id = statement_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'), 'journal_id': data['form']['journal_id'], 'company_id': curr_company, 'user_id': uid, }) args['statement_id'] = statement_id args['journal_id'] = data['form']['journal_id'] if acc_id: args['account_id'] = amount = data['form']['amount'] or 0.0 if data['form']['amount'] > 0: amount = -data['form']['amount'] args['amount'] = amount if productp_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['product_id']).am_out: args['am_out'] = True args['ref'] = data['form']['ref'] or '' args['name'] = "%s: %s " % (product_obj.browse( cr, uid, data['form']['product_id']).name, data['form']['name'].decode('utf8')) address_u = pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).address_id if address_u: partner_id = address_u.partner_id and or None args['partner_id'] = partner_id statement_line_id = pool.get('').create( cr, uid, args) return {}
def get_cat(self, data): result = [] cat_id = data['form']['cat_id'] emp = pooler.get_pool('hr.employee.category') result = emp.browse(, self.uid, cat_id) return result
def update_translations(self, cr, uid, ids, filter_lang=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if not filter_lang: pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang') lang_ids =, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)]) filter_lang = [ lang.code for lang in lang_obj.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids) ] elif not isinstance(filter_lang, (list, tuple)): filter_lang = [filter_lang] for mod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): if mod.state != 'installed': continue modpath = addons.get_module_path( if not modpath: # unable to find the module. we skip continue for lang in filter_lang: iso_lang = tools.get_iso_codes(lang) f = addons.get_module_resource(, 'i18n', iso_lang + '.po') context2 = context and context.copy() or {} if f and '_' in iso_lang: iso_lang2 = iso_lang.split('_')[0] f2 = addons.get_module_resource(, 'i18n', iso_lang2 + '.po') if f2: 'module %s: loading base translation file %s for language %s',, iso_lang2, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, f2, lang, verbose=False, context=context) context2['overwrite'] = True # Implementation notice: we must first search for the full name of # the language derivative, like "en_UK", and then the generic, # like "en". if (not f) and '_' in iso_lang: iso_lang = iso_lang.split('_')[0] f = addons.get_module_resource(, 'i18n', iso_lang + '.po') if f: 'module %s: loading translation file (%s) for language %s',, iso_lang, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, f, lang, verbose=False, context=context2) elif iso_lang != 'en': _logger.warning( 'module %s: no translation for language %s',, iso_lang)
def _open_partner(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) model_data_ids = pool_obj.get('').search( cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('name', '=', 'view_partner_form')]) resource_id = pool_obj.get('').read( cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'])[0]['res_id'] # extract the caller phone number from the list of active channels of Escaux Serveur # 1/ extract the Escaux server where the current user is connected to user = pool_obj.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) if not raise osv.except_osv( _('Error :'), _('No Escaux server configured for the current user.')) else: escaux_server = user.escaux_server_id # 2/ We check if the current user has an internal number if not user.sip_name: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error :'), _('No internal phone name configured for the current user')) # 3/ We extract the list of active channels from the Escaux SOP server res = urllib.urlopen('http://' + escaux_server.ip_address + '/xml/ccGetChannels.php') stringXML = '' for line in res: stringXML += line root = etree.fromstring(stringXML) foundUser = False phone_nr = '' user_phone_name = 'SIP/' + user.sip_name for channel in list(root): lastCallerID = '' for element in list(channel): if element.tag == 'CallerId': lastCallerID = element.text elif element.tag == "ID" and element.text[ 0:len(user_phone_name)] == user_phone_name: foundUser = True if foundUser: phone_nr = lastCallerID[len(escaux_server.prefix_incoming):] break # Check if the number to dial is not empty #print "extracted: *" + phone_nr + "*" if not phone_nr: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error :'), _('There is no phone number to retrieve for this user !')) # Note : if I write 'Error' without ' :', it won't get translated... # Alexis de Lattre doesn't understand why ! I agree ... # search for this phonenumber in the fields then and, if not yet found, partner_id = 0 job_ids = pool_obj.get('res.partner.job').search( cr, uid, [('phone', '=', phone_nr)]) foundRecord = False if job_ids: jobs = pool_obj.get('res.partner.job').browse(cr, uid, job_ids) for job in jobs: if job.address_id and job.address_id.partner_id: # we found a job with an address linked to a partner, we can stop the search here partner_id = foundRecord = True break if not foundRecord: # we don't found someone in jobs from the phonenumber so we try from contacts contact_ids = pool_obj.get('').search( cr, uid, [('mobile', '=', phone_nr)]) if contact_ids: contacts = pool_obj.get('').browse( cr, uid, contact_ids) print contacts for contact in contacts: print contact if contact.job_id and contact.job_id.address_id and contact.job_id.address_id.partner_id: # we found a contact linked to a partner, we can stop the search here partner_id = foundRecord = True break if not foundRecord: # we don't found someone in jobs, nor in contacts, so we try in addresses address_ids = pool_obj.get('res.partner.address').search( cr, uid, [('phone', '=', phone_nr)]) if address_ids: addresses = pool_obj.get('res.partner.address').browse( cr, uid, address_ids) for address in addresses: if address.partner_id: # we found a address linked to a partner, we can stop the search here partner_id = foundRecord = True break if not foundRecord: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error :'), _('This phone number is not found in our database !')) return {'type': 'state', 'state': 'end'} else: return { 'domain': "[('id','='," + str(partner_id) + ")]", 'name': 'Calling Partner', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'res.partner', 'views': [(False, 'tree'), (resource_id, 'form')], 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window' }
def generate_records(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): print data, 'afdssgsggsgfs' pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) return {}
def _get_vouchers(self, move): vouchers = pooler.get_pool('account.voucher').search(, self.uid, [('move_id', '=',]) return pooler.get_pool('account.voucher').browse(, self.uid, vouchers)
def tire_retread(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) tire_obj = pool.get('stock.production.lot') move_obj = pool.get('stock.move') vehic_obj = pool.get('fleet.vehicles') loc_obj = pool.get('stock.location') company_obj = pool.get('') tire_data_obj = pool.get('tire.stock.lot') tire = tire_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['tire']) company = tire.company_id move_list =, uid, [('prodlot_id', '=',]) destination = loc_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['destination']) destination_name = origin = loc_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['form']['origin']) origin_name = #Comprobar si el origen es un vehiculo if origin.location_id: loc_parent_ori = if loc_parent_ori: vehic_list = cr, uid, [('buslocat', '=', loc_parent_ori)]) else: vehic_list = [] if vehic_list == []: ori_vehicle = False res = 'error' else: vehicle = vehic_obj.browse(cr, uid, vehic_list[0]) ori_vehicle = True res = 'moved' else: ori_vehicle = False res = 'moved' # Termina comprobación origen if ori_vehicle: # Origin = Vehicle if origin_name.endswith("-1"): update = {'f_l_tire': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-2"): update = {'f_r_tire': False} if == 6: if origin_name.endswith("-3"): update = {'r_l_tire1': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-4"): update = {'r_l_tire2': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-5"): update = {'r_r_tire2': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-6"): update = {'r_r_tire1': False} elif > 6: if origin_name.endswith("-3"): update = {'m_l_tire1': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-4"): update = {'m_l_tire2': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-5"): update = {'m_r_tire2': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-6"): update = {'m_r_tire1': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-7"): update = {'r_l_tire1': False} elif origin_name.endswith("-8"): update = {'r_r_tire1': False} vehic_obj.write(cr, uid,, update) product_id = tire.product_id # actualizar odometro rueda odometer = data['form']['odometer'] if move_list == []: odometer_text = str(data['form']['odometer']) tire_odometer = 1 if odometer_text == '0': odometer = 1 tire_val = {'tire_km': tire_odometer, 'odometers': odometer_text} else: if ori_vehicle: loc_id = max(move_list) move = move_obj.browse(cr, uid, loc_id) result = int(odometer) - move.odometer tire_odometer = tire.tire_km + result if tire.odometers: odometer_text = tire.odometers + "\n" + str( data['form']['odometer']) else: odometer_text = str(data['form']['odometer']) tire_val = { 'tire_km': tire_odometer, 'odometers': odometer_text } else: if tire.odometers: odometer_text = tire.odometers + "\n" + str( data['form']['odometer']) else: odometer_text = str(data['form']['odometer']) tire_val = {'odometers': odometer_text} tire_obj.write(cr, uid,, tire_val) # Termina actualización odometro rueda #Datos rueda tire_data_list =, uid, [('lot_id', '=',]) if tire_data_list == []: tire_data_val = { 'name': + ' | ' + + ' => ' +, 'lot_id':, 'origin':, 'destination':, # 'data':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'odomold': 0, 'odomnew': 0, 'tire_km': 0, 'tire_km_total': tire.tire_km } else: tire_data_id = max(tire_data_list) tire_data = tire_data_obj.browse(cr, uid, tire_data_id) tire_data_val = { 'name': + ' | ' + + ' => ' +, 'lot_id':, 'origin':, 'destination':, # 'data':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), } if ori_vehicle: # Update odometer from vehicle tire_data_val['odomold'] = tire_data.odomnew tire_data_val['odomnew'] = odometer tire_data_val['tire_km'] = odometer - tire_data.odomnew tire_data_val[ 'tire_km_total'] = tire_data.tire_km_total + odometer - tire_data.odomnew else: tire_data_val['odomold'] = tire_data.odomnew tire_data_val['odomnew'] = odometer tire_data_val['tire_km'] = 0 tire_data_val['tire_km_total'] = tire.tire_km #Fin datos rueda #Datos movimiento move_data = { 'product_id':, 'name': + ' | ' + + ' => ' +, 'location_id':, 'product_uom':, 'prodlot_id':, 'location_dest_id':, 'odometer': odometer } #actualiza movimiento move_id = move_obj.create(cr, uid, move_data) #Fin datos movimiento #Actualiza rueda tire_obj.write(cr, uid,, { 'tire_km': tire_data_val['tire_km_total'], 'odometers': odometer_text }) #crear datos neumático move_data_reg = move_obj.browse(cr, uid, move_id) tire_data_val['data'] = data_id = tire_data_obj.create(cr, uid, tire_data_val) #Fin datos rueda res = 'moved' return res
def get_partner(self, partner_id): partner_obj = pooler.get_pool('res.partner') return, self.uid, [partner_id], ['name'])[0]['name']
def parse_sequence(bank_statement,bank, cr, uid,): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) st_line = {} bank_statement_output=[] current=0 while current < len(bank_statement): #if ':61:' in bank_statement[current]: if bank_statement[current].has_key(':61:'): # Pfff.. a line we can use. Gives us the date, debit/credit, and amount st_line['date']=conversion.str2date(bank_statement[current][':61:'][0:6]) entry_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.strptime(conversion.str2date(bank_statement[current][':61:'][0:6]),"%d/%m/%y")), st_line['val_date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.strptime(conversion.str2date(bank_statement[current][':61:'][0:6]),"%d/%m/%y")), st_line['entry_date']=entry_date # Pfff...get amount amount =round(float(get_number(bank_statement[current][':61:'])),2) st_line['amount']=amount # Getting rich or poor if bank_statement[current][':61:'][6] == "D": st_line['account_id'] = bank['def_pay_acc'] st_line['amount'] = - st_line['amount'] # chek_ids did not work correctly because the amount could also be negativ amount = - amount else: st_line['account_id'] = bank['def_rec_acc'] # Well, that was the transaction, now the details, directly next line.. current += 1 if bank_statement[current].has_key(':68:'): st_line['free_comm'] = " " st_line['partner_id'] = 0 st_line['type'] = 'general' st_line['free_comm'] = " " st_line['partner_acc_number'] = get_acc_number(bank_statement[current][':68:']) st_line['cntry_number'] = get_acc_number(bank_statement[current][':68:']) st_line['contry_name'] =bank_statement[current][':68:'][len(st_line['cntry_number']):] st_line['name'] = bank_statement[current][':68:'][len(st_line['cntry_number']):] st_line['ref'] =" " # Sometimes .. there is no ref. Still, it is being used by other scripts. # Houston, we have a problem.. ING uses nicely a second :86: code, Postbank does not ... (back to the filling of the list,.done) # See if we have a next rule, only description!! current += 1 if bank_statement[current].has_key(':68:'): st_line['ref'] =bank_statement[current][':68:'][0:] # extra comment.. filling the free_comm current += 1 if bank_statement[current].has_key(':68:'): st_line['free_comm'] = bank_statement[current][':68:'][0:] else: current -= 1 # check if there is already a statement like this... check_ids = pool.get('').search(cr,uid,[('amount','=',amount), ('date','=',entry_date),('name','=',st_line['name'])]) # check if there already is a relation ..., and use the ID bank_ids = pool.get('').search(cr,uid,[('acc_number','=',st_line['partner_acc_number'])]) if bank_ids: bank = pool.get('').browse(cr,uid,bank_ids[0],context={}) if bank.partner_id: st_line['partner_id'] = partner = pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr,uid,bank.partner_id,context={}) if bank.partner_id.supplier == True and bank.partner_id.customer == False: st_line['account_id'] = st_line['type'] ='supplier' elif bank.partner_id.customer == True and bank.partner_id.supplier == False : st_line['account_id'] = st_line['type'] ='customer' # ..Let see if we can make that just one line of imput if not check_ids: bank_statement_output.append(st_line.copy()) current += 1 return bank_statement_output
def _populate_statement(obj, cr, uid, data, context): line_ids = data['form']['lines'][0][2] if not line_ids: return {} pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) line_obj = pool.get('payment.line') statement_obj = pool.get('') statement_line_obj = pool.get('') currency_obj = pool.get('res.currency') move_line_obj = pool.get('account.move.line') voucher_obj = pool.get('account.voucher') voucher_line_obj = pool.get('account.voucher.line') statement = statement_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['id'], context=context) for line in line_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context): ctx = context.copy() ctx['date'] = line.ml_maturity_date amount_currency = line.type == 'receivable' and line.amount_currency or -line.amount_currency amount = currency_obj.compute(cr, uid,,, amount_currency, context=ctx) voucher_id = False if line.move_line_id: #We have to create a voucher and link it to the bank statement line context.update({'move_line_ids': []}) result = voucher_obj.onchange_partner_id(cr, uid, [],,, price=abs(amount), currency_id=, ttype=(amount < 0 and 'payment' or 'receipt'), or, context=context) voucher_res = { 'type':(amount < 0 and 'payment' or 'receipt'), 'name':, 'reference': (line.order_id.reference or '?') +'. '+, 'partner_id':, 'journal_id':, 'account_id': result.get('account_id',, # improve me: 'company_id':, 'currency_id':, 'date': or, 'amount': abs(amount), 'period_id':} voucher_id = voucher_obj.create(cr, uid, voucher_res, context=context) voucher_line_dict = {} if result['value']['line_ids']: for line_dict in result['value']['line_ids']: move_line = move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_dict['move_line_id'], context) if == voucher_line_dict = line_dict if voucher_line_dict: voucher_line_dict.update({'voucher_id': voucher_id, 'amount': abs(amount)}) voucher_line_obj.create(cr, uid, voucher_line_dict, context=context) statement_line_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'name': (line.order_id.reference or '?') +'. '+, 'amount': amount, 'type': line.order_id.type=='payable' and 'supplier' or 'customer', 'partner_id':, 'account_id':, 'statement_id':, 'ref': line.communication, 'voucher_id': voucher_id, }, context=context) return {}
def _get_detalle(self, order): if not order: return [] resp = [] #Inicializacion Variables Globales---------------------------------------------------- if self.currentOrderId == 0 or self.currentOrderId != order: self.currentOrderId = order self.totalgral = 0 self.subtotal = 0 self.totaldcto = 0 self.totalcajas = 0 = 0 product_fact = [] sql = """ SELECT p.default_code,,p.variants,s.price_unit,s.product_uom_qty, FROM sale_order_line AS s LEFT JOIN product_product AS p ON INNER JOIN product_template AS t ON WHERE order_id=%d ORDER BY p.default_code;""" % order resultSQL = if not resultSQL: product_fact = [{ "cod": '', "nomb": '', "ref": '', "cant": 0, "precio": 0, "total": 0, "alic": 0, "imp": '' }] for inf in resultSQL: total = 0 iva = 0 alic = 0 impt = 0 sqlt = """ select t.amount from sale_order_tax as s inner join account_tax as t on where order_line_id=%d and t.tax_group='vat' """ % inf[5] for tx in if tx: alic = 100 * tx[0] tax_line = pooler.get_pool('sale.order.line').read(, self.uid, [inf[5]], ['tax_id']) if tax_line and tax_line[0] and tax_line[0].has_key('tax_id'): impt = len(tax_line[0]['tax_id']) if (inf[3] > 0) and (inf[4] > 0): total = inf[3] * inf[4] self.totalcajas += inf[4] self.subtotal += total product_fact.append({ "cod": inf[0], "nomb": inf[1], "ref": inf[2], "cant": inf[4], "precio": inf[3], "total": total, "alic": alic, "imp": impt }) return product_fact
def _make_excel_file(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) workBookDocument = xl.Workbook() docSheet1 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("Disparus") docSheet2 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("Nouveaux") docSheet3 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("Chg de noms") docSheet4 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("Chg d Etats") docSheet5 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("Chg d'Adresses") part_photo_obj = pool.get('') partner_obj = pool.get('res.partner') cr.execute("select id from res_partner_photo order by date desc") photo_id = cr.fetchone() photo_id = photo_id and photo_id[0] or False photo_rec = part_photo_obj.browse(cr, uid, photo_id) list_losts = [u"Clé", "Nom - Forme", "Adresse", "Etat"] for header_num, header_item in enumerate(list_losts): docSheet1.write(0, header_num, header_item) """ Data of lost partners """ row_count = 0 for rec in photo_rec.partner_lost_ids: row_count += 1 docSheet1.write(row_count, 0, (rec.partner_id.ref or '')) docSheet1.write(row_count, 1, address_def = [((x.street or '') + '- ' + (x.zip_id and or '')) for x in rec.partner_id.address if x.type == 'default'] if len(address_def): docSheet1.write(row_count, 2, address_def[0]) docSheet1.write( row_count, 3, (rec.partner_id.state_id and or '')) """ Data of New partners """ list_new = [u"Clé", "Nom - Forme", "Adresse", "Etat"] for header_num, header_item in enumerate(list_new): docSheet2.write(0, header_num, header_item) row_count = 0 for rec in photo_rec.partner_new_ids: row_count += 1 docSheet2.write( row_count, 0, (rec.address_id.partner_id and rec.address_id.partner_id.ref or '')) docSheet2.write( row_count, 1, rec.address_id.partner_id and or '') docSheet2.write(row_count, 2, rec.address or '') docSheet2.write( row_count, 3, (rec.address_id.partner_id and rec.address_id.partner_id.state_id and or '')) """ Data of Changed partners """ list_chg = [u"Clé", "Ancien Nom", "Nouveau nom", "Adresse"] for header_num, header_item in enumerate(list_chg): docSheet3.write(0, header_num, header_item) row_count = 0 for rec in photo_rec.partner_chg_ids: row_count += 1 docSheet3.write(row_count, 0, (rec.address_id.partner_id.ref or '')) docSheet3.write(row_count, 1, docSheet3.write(row_count, 2, ( or '')) address = (rec.address_id.street or '') + ' ' + ( or '') + ' ' + ( or '') docSheet3.write(row_count, 3, address) """ Data of Changed states """ list_chg_adr = [ u"Clé", "Nom - Forme", "Ancien Etat", "Nouvel Etat", "Adresse" ] for header_num, header_item in enumerate(list_chg_adr): docSheet4.write(0, header_num, header_item) row_count = 0 for rec in photo_rec.partner_state_ids: row_count += 1 docSheet4.write(row_count, 0, (rec.address_id.partner_id.ref or '')) docSheet4.write(row_count, 1, ( or '')) docSheet4.write(row_count, 2, (rec.new_state and or '')) docSheet4.write(row_count, 3, (rec.partner_id and rec.partner_id.state_id and or '')) address = (rec.address_id.street or '') + ' ' + ( or '') + ' ' + ( or '') docSheet4.write(row_count, 4, address) """ Data of Changed Adresses """ list_chg_adr = [ u"Clé", "Nom - Forme", "Ancienne Adresse", "Nouvelle Adresse" ] for header_num, header_item in enumerate(list_chg_adr): docSheet5.write(0, header_num, header_item) row_count = 0 for rec in photo_rec.address_chg_ids: row_count += 1 docSheet5.write(row_count, 0, (rec.address_id.partner_id.ref or '')) address_def = [ for x in rec.address_id.partner_id.address if x.type == 'default' ] address_def = address_def and address_def[0] or '' docSheet5.write( row_count, 1, rec.address_id and ( + ' ' + address_def)) docSheet5.write(row_count, 2, rec.old_address or '') docSheet5.write(row_count, 3, rec.new_address or '') file = StringIO.StringIO() out = out = base64.encodestring(file.getvalue()) return { 'data': out, 'file_name': 'export_sumo_file%s.xsl' % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }
def get_fiscalyear(self, fiscalyear_id): fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool('account.fiscalyear') return, self.uid, [fiscalyear_id], ['name'])[0]['name']
def login(self, db, login, password): if not password: # empty passwords are disallowed for obvious security reasons return False ret = super(users, self).login(db, login, password) if ret: return ret logger = logging.getLogger('orm.ldap') pool = pooler.get_pool(db) cr = pooler.get_db(db).cursor() action_obj = pool.get('ir.actions.actions') cr.execute(""" SELECT id, company, ldap_server, ldap_server_port, ldap_binddn, ldap_password, ldap_filter, ldap_base, "user", create_user FROM res_company_ldap WHERE ldap_server != '' and ldap_binddn != '' ORDER BY sequence""") for res_company_ldap in cr.dictfetchall(): logger.debug(res_company_ldap) try: l =['ldap_server'], res_company_ldap['ldap_server_port']) if l.simple_bind_s(res_company_ldap['ldap_binddn'], res_company_ldap['ldap_password']): base = res_company_ldap['ldap_base'] scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE filter = filter_format(res_company_ldap['ldap_filter'], (login, )) retrieve_attributes = None result_id =, scope, filter, retrieve_attributes) timeout = 60 result_type, result_data = l.result(result_id, timeout) if not result_data: continue if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_RESULT and len( result_data) == 1: dn = result_data[0][0] logger.debug(dn) name = result_data[0][1]['cn'][0] if l.bind_s(dn, password): l.unbind() cr.execute( "SELECT id FROM res_users WHERE login=%s", (tools.ustr(login), )) res = cr.fetchone() logger.debug(res) if res: cr.close() return res[0] if not res_company_ldap['create_user']: continue action_id = cr, 1, [('usage', '=', 'menu')])[0] if res_company_ldap['user']: res = self.copy(cr, 1, res_company_ldap['user'], default={'active': True}) self.write( cr, 1, res, { 'name': name, 'login': login.encode('utf-8'), 'company_id': res_company_ldap['company'], }) else: res = self.create( cr, 1, { 'name': name, 'login': login.encode('utf-8'), 'company_id': res_company_ldap['company'], 'action_id': action_id, 'menu_id': action_id, }) cr.commit() cr.close() return res l.unbind() except Exception: logger.warning("Cannot auth", exc_info=True) continue cr.close() return False
def _make_calculation(self, cr, uid, data, context): form = data['form'] pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) partner_obj = pool.get('res.partner') partner_ids =, uid, [('membership_state', 'in', ('free', 'paid', 'invoiced'))]) part_address_chg_obj = pool.get('res.partner.address.change') part_chg_obj = pool.get('res.partner.change') part_photo_obj = pool.get('') cr.execute('select id from res_partner_photo order by date desc limit 1') last_photo_id = cr.fetchone() last_photo_id = last_photo_id and last_photo_id[0] or False part_address_obj = pool.get('res.partner.address') part_lost_obj = pool.get('res.partner.address.lost') part_address_new_obj = pool.get('') part_state_obj = pool.get('res.partner.state.register') postal_addr = [] address_l = [] address_def = [] list_lost_out = [] photo_id = part_photo_obj.create(cr, uid, {}) for partner in partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, partner_ids): postal_addr = [ for x in partner.address if x.magazine_subscription in ('postal', 'personal') ] if not len(postal_addr): for address in partner.address: never_addr = [ for x in partner.address if x.state in ('never') ] if not never_addr and address.type == 'default': part_address_new_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'code': partner.ref, 'name':, 'address': (address.street or '') + ' ' + ( or '') + ' ' + ( or ''), 'address_id':, 'photo_id': photo_id, 'state_activity': partner.state_id and or False }) part_address_obj.write(cr, uid, [], {'magazine_subscription': 'postal'}) if last_photo_id: """ Create entries for losts partners """ cr.execute( "select id from res_partner where (state_id is null or state_id not in (1)) and id not in (select partner_id from res_partner_address_lost)" ) for part_id in cr.dictfetchall(): partner_id = partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, part_id['id']) if len(partner_id.address): address_def = [ for x in partner_id.address if x.type == 'default' ] part_lost_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'name': partner_id.ref, 'address_id': address_def and address_def[0] or False, 'partner_id':, 'state_activity': partner_id.state_id and or False, 'photo_id': photo_id }) """ Create entries for partners changes states """ for state_item in part_photo_obj.browse( cr, uid, last_photo_id).partner_state_ids: if != address_l = [ for x in state_item.partner_id.address if x.type == 'default' ] part_state_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'old_state': state_item.new_state and, 'new_state':, 'name': state_item.partner_id.ref, 'partner_id':, 'address_id': (address_l and address_l[0]) or (state_item.address_id and or False, 'photo_id': photo_id }) list_lost_out.append( """ Create entries for changed adresses """ for adr_item in part_photo_obj.browse(cr, uid, last_photo_id).address_chg_ids: address_zip = adr_item.address_id.zip_id and or '' if adr_item.new_address != ( (adr_item.address_id.street or '') + '- ' + address_zip): part_address_chg_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'old_address': adr_item.new_address, 'new_address': (adr_item.address_id.street or '') + '- ' + address_zip, 'code': adr_item.address_id and adr_item.address_id.partner_id and adr_item.address_id.partner_id.ref or '', 'name': adr_item.address_id and or False, 'address_id': adr_item and or False, 'photo_id': photo_id }) """ Create entries for new adresses """ cr.execute( "select id from res_partner_address where magazine_subscription = 'postal' and id not in (select address_id from res_partner_address_new where address_id is not null)" ) for item in cr.dictfetchall(): address_id = part_address_obj.browse(cr, uid, item['id']) if in (1): address_zip = address_id.zip_id and or '' part_address_new_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'name':, 'address_id':, 'code': address_id.partner_id.ref, 'state_activity': address_id.partner_id.state_id and or False, 'address': (address_id.street or '') + '- ' + address_zip, 'photo_id': photo_id }) """ Create entries for changed partner names """ for adr_item in part_photo_obj.browse(cr, uid, last_photo_id).partner_chg_ids: if adr_item.address_id and adr_item.address_id.partner_id and ( not in list_lost_out): partner_name = (adr_item.address_id and + ' ') + ( and ( or '') or '') if ( != partner_name.strip(): part_chg_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'old_name':, 'name': partner_name, 'code': adr_item.address_id and adr_item.address_id.partner_id and adr_item.address_id.partner_id.ref or '', 'address_id': adr_item and or False, 'photo_id': photo_id }) return {}
def _import_account_move_file(self, cr, uid, data, context): cont = 0 ruta = '/home/public/' ruta = "/opt/openerp/reportes/personal/nomina/" # Ruta Server Produccion file_data = data['form']['fdata'] nf = data['form']['fname'] file_name = ruta + data['form']['fname'] move_id = data['id'] nomb= nf.split('.') if not move_id: raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Error !'), _('Debe pulsar el Boton Guardar, antes de procesar el archivo..!') ) move_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.move') move_data = move_obj.browse(cr, uid, move_id) periodo = fecha = diario = ref = move_data.ref #Validaciones---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nomb[1].lower() != 'csv': raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Error !'), _('El Archivo no es de tipo CSV, consulte al administrador ') ) if os.path.exists(file_name): raise wizard.except_wizard(_('Error !'), _('El Archivo ya EXISTE por lo tanto no puede ser procesado') ) #Procesando el Archivo------------------------------------------------------------------------- val =base64.decodestring(file_data) lines = val.split("\n") flines = map( lambda x: x.split(';'), lines ) list_fail_acc = '' for l in flines: #print "LIN",l acc_id = '' name_desc ='' haber = 0 debe = 0 if not l[0]: continue cta_nro = l[0].strip() sql = "SELECT id,code,type FROM account_account WHERE code='%s' "%cta_nro #print "SQL",sql cr.execute (sql) result = cr.fetchall() # if l[1]: name_desc = l[1].strip() if not result: cod = cta_nro.split(".") if len(cod) == 6: list_fail_acc += cta_nro + ' \n' continue if result and result[0]: cont += 1 if result[0][2]=='view': list_fail_acc += cta_nro + ' (Vista) \n' continue acc_id = result[0][0] if l[2]: debit_debe = l[2].strip() if debit_debe: debit_debe = debit_debe.replace('.','') debit_debe = debit_debe.replace(',','.') debe = float(debit_debe) if l[3]: credit_haber = l[3].strip() if credit_haber: credit_haber = credit_haber.replace('.','') credit_haber = credit_haber.replace(',','.') haber = float(credit_haber) vals ={ 'move_id':move_id, 'journal_id':diario, 'period_id':periodo, 'account_id':acc_id, 'partner_id':1, 'name': name_desc, 'ref': ref, 'date':fecha, 'date_created':fecha, 'credit':haber, 'debit':debe, 'state':'draft', 'centralisation':'normal', 'blocked':False } line_ids = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.move.line').create(cr, uid,vals) #Se guarda el Arvhivo procesado---------------------------------------------------------------- output = open(file_name,"w") output.write(val) output.close() move_obj.write(cr,uid, [move_id], {'file_name':nomb[0]},context) return {'lines_proc':str(cont),'fail_acc':list_fail_acc}
def try_report_action(cr, uid, action_id, active_model=None, active_ids=None, wiz_data=None, wiz_buttons=None, context=None, our_module=None): """Take an ir.action.act_window and follow it until a report is produced :param action_id: the integer id of an action, or a reference to xml id of the act_window (can search [our_module.]+xml_id :param active_model, active_ids: call the action as if it had been launched from that model+ids (tree/form view action) :param wiz_data: a dictionary of values to use in the wizard, if needed. They will override (or complete) the default values of the wizard form. :param wiz_buttons: a list of button names, or button icon strings, which should be preferred to press during the wizard. Eg. 'OK' or 'gtk-print' :param our_module: the name of the calling module (string), like 'account' """ if not our_module and isinstance(action_id, basestring): if '.' in action_id: our_module = action_id.split('.', 1)[0] if context is None: context = {} else: context = context.copy() # keep it local # TODO context fill-up pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) if our_module: log = logging.getLogger('tests.%s' % our_module) else: log = logging.getLogger('tools.test_reports') def log_test(msg, *args): log.log(netsvc.logging.TEST, " - " + msg, *args) datas = {} if active_model: datas['model'] = active_model if active_ids: datas['ids'] = active_ids if not wiz_buttons: wiz_buttons = [] if isinstance(action_id, basestring): if '.' in action_id: act_module, act_xmlid = action_id.split('.', 1) else: if not our_module: raise ValueError('You cannot only specify action_id "%s" without a module name' % action_id) act_module = our_module act_xmlid = action_id act_model, act_id = pool.get('').get_object_reference(cr, uid, act_module, act_xmlid) else: assert isinstance(action_id, (long, int)) act_model = 'ir.action.act_window' # assume that act_id = action_id act_xmlid = '<%s>' % act_id def _exec_action(action, datas, context): # taken from client/modules/action/ _exec_action() if isinstance(action, bool) or 'type' not in action: return # Updating the context : Adding the context of action in order to use it on Views called from buttons if datas.get('id',False): context.update( {'active_id': datas.get('id',False), 'active_ids': datas.get('ids',[]), 'active_model': datas.get('model',False)}) context.update(safe_eval(action.get('context','{}'), context.copy())) if action['type'] in ['ir.actions.act_window', 'ir.actions.submenu']: for key in ('res_id', 'res_model', 'view_type', 'view_mode', 'limit', 'auto_refresh', 'search_view', 'auto_search', 'search_view_id'): datas[key] = action.get(key, datas.get(key, None)) view_id = False if action.get('views', []): if isinstance(action['views'],list): view_id = action['views'][0][0] datas['view_mode']= action['views'][0][1] else: if action.get('view_id', False): view_id = action['view_id'][0] elif action.get('view_id', False): view_id = action['view_id'][0] assert datas['res_model'], "Cannot use the view without a model" # Here, we have a view that we need to emulate log_test("will emulate a %s view: %s#%s", action['view_type'], datas['res_model'], view_id or '?') view_res = pool.get(datas['res_model']).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, action['view_type'], context) assert view_res and view_res.get('arch'), "Did not return any arch for the view" view_data = {} if view_res.get('fields',{}).keys(): view_data = pool.get(datas['res_model']).default_get(cr, uid, view_res['fields'].keys(), context) if datas.get('form'): view_data.update(datas.get('form')) if wiz_data: view_data.update(wiz_data) log.debug("View data is: %r", view_data) for fk, field in view_res.get('fields',{}).items(): # Default fields returns list of int, while at create() # we need to send a [(6,0,[int,..])] if field['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many') \ and view_data.get(fk, False) \ and isinstance(view_data[fk], list) \ and not isinstance(view_data[fk][0], tuple) : view_data[fk] = [(6, 0, view_data[fk])] action_name = action.get('name') try: from xml.dom import minidom cancel_found = False buttons = [] dom_doc = minidom.parseString(view_res['arch']) if not action_name: action_name = dom_doc.documentElement.getAttribute('name') for button in dom_doc.getElementsByTagName('button'): button_weight = 0 if button.getAttribute('special') == 'cancel': cancel_found = True continue if button.getAttribute('icon') == 'gtk-cancel': cancel_found = True continue if button.getAttribute('default_focus') == '1': button_weight += 20 if button.getAttribute('string') in wiz_buttons: button_weight += 30 elif button.getAttribute('icon') in wiz_buttons: button_weight += 10 string = button.getAttribute('string') or '?%s' % len(buttons) buttons.append( { 'name': button.getAttribute('name'), 'string': string, 'type': button.getAttribute('type'), 'weight': button_weight, }) except Exception, e: log.warning("Cannot resolve the view arch and locate the buttons!", exc_info=True) raise AssertionError(e.args[0]) if not datas['res_id']: # it is probably an orm_memory object, we need to create # an instance datas['res_id'] = pool.get(datas['res_model']).create(cr, uid, view_data, context) if not buttons: raise AssertionError("view form doesn't have any buttons to press!") buttons.sort(key=lambda b: b['weight']) log.debug('Buttons are: %s', ', '.join([ '%s: %d' % (b['string'], b['weight']) for b in buttons])) res = None while buttons and not res: b = buttons.pop() log_test("in the \"%s\" form, I will press the \"%s\" button.", action_name, b['string']) if not b['type']: log_test("the \"%s\" button has no type, cannot use it", b['string']) continue if b['type'] == 'object': #there we are! press the button! fn = getattr(pool.get(datas['res_model']), b['name']) if not fn: log.error("The %s model doesn't have a %s attribute!", datas['res_model'], b['name']) continue res = fn(cr, uid, [datas['res_id'],], context) break else: log.warning("in the \"%s\" form, the \"%s\" button has unknown type %s", action_name, b['string'], b['type']) return res elif action['type']=='': if 'window' in datas: del datas['window'] if not datas: datas = action.get('datas',{}) datas = datas.copy() ids = datas.get('ids') if 'ids' in datas: del datas['ids'] res = try_report(cr, uid, 'report.'+action['report_name'], ids, datas, context, our_module=our_module) return res
def _create_file(self, cr, uid, data, context): obj_sample = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('labo.sample') v_sample = obj_sample.browse(cr, uid, data['ids']) view_b = v_sample[0] view_type = view_b.sample_id.type_id.code header_1 = 'Container Name' + '\t' + 'Description' + '\t' + 'ContainerType' + '\t' + 'AppType' + '\t' + 'Owner' + '\t' + 'Operator' + '\n' header_2 = 'Well' + '\t' + 'Sample Name' + '\t' + 'Comment' + '\t' + 'Priority' + '\t' + 'Size Standard' + '\t' + 'Snp Set' + '\t' + 'User-Defined 3' + '\t' + 'User-Defined 2' + '\t' + 'User-Defined 1' + '\t' + 'Panel' + '\t' + 'Study' + '\t' + 'Sample Type' + '\t' + 'Analysis Method' + '\t' + 'Results Group 1' + '\t' + 'Instrument Protocol 1' + '\n' content = "" con = "" global_cont = "" l = [] for sample in v_sample: v_setup = sample.file_setup and sample.file_setup.set_up and or "" l.append(v_setup) l_st = dict([(i, 0) for i in l if i]).keys() res = "" i = 1 for k in l_st: res += k + "+" res = res[0:len(res) - 1] file_name = str(res) + '.csv' gg = "" c = str(data['form']['container_a'] or "") k = (data['form']['container_a'] or "") fields3 = header_1 + str(res) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( data['form']['container_a'] or "") + '\t' + 'Regular' + '\t' + str( data['form']['owner_a'] or "") + '\t' + str( data['form']['operator_a'] or "") + '\t' + '\n' + header_2 v_req = sample.sample_id and sample.sample_id.type_id and sample.sample_id.type_id.code or '' content = '' t = [] for sample in v_sample: # data_sample= str(sample.num_alpha)+'\t'+str(sample.progenus_number)+'\t'+"comment"+'\t'+str(100)+'\t'+"Size standard"+'\t'+"snp set"+'\t'+"UD3"+'\t'+"UD2"+'\t'+"UD1"+'\t'+'Panel'+'\t'+'Study'+'\t'+'CHECK IR'+'\t'+"METOD"+'\t'+"RES GRP1"+'\t'+str(v_req)+'\n' if view_type != 'EMPDOG' and view_type != 'EMPDOG_2' and view_type != 'EMPCHE': data_sample = str(sample.num_alpha or "") + '\t' + str( sample.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample elif view_type == 'EMPDOG' or view_type == 'EMPCHE': if sample.dog_child and sample.dog_child.progenus_number and sample.dog_child.progenus_number not in t: data_sample_child = str( sample.dog_child and sample.dog_child.num_alpha or "" ) + '\t' + str( sample.dog_child and sample.dog_child.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample_child t.append(sample.dog_child.progenus_number) if sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number not in t: data_sample_mother = str( sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.num_alpha or "" ) + '\t' + str( sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample_mother t.append(sample.dog_mother.progenus_number) if sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.progenus_number and sample.dog_father.progenus_number not in t: data_sample_father = str( sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.num_alpha or "" ) + '\t' + str( sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample_father t.append(sample.dog_father.progenus_number) elif view_type == 'EMPDOG_2': if sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number not in t: data_sample_mother = str( sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.num_alpha or "" ) + '\t' + str( sample.dog_mother and sample.dog_mother.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample_mother t.append(sample.dog_mother.progenus_number) if sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.progenus_number and sample.dog_father.progenus_number not in t: data_sample_father = str( sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.num_alpha or "" ) + '\t' + str( sample.dog_father and sample.dog_father.progenus_number or "" ) + '\t' + "comment" + '\t' + str( 100 ) + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + "" + '\t' + "" + '\t' + str( v_req) + '\n' content += data_sample_father t.append(sample.dog_father.progenus_number) out = base64.encodestring(fields3 + content) return {'data': out, 'file_name': file_name}
def generate_records(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): result = [] pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) move_pool = pool.get('account.move') currency_pool = pool.get('res.currency') user_pool = pool.get('res.users') user_obj = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) company_currency_obj = user_obj.company_id.currency_id for move_obj in move_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): journal = move_obj.journal_id or False # journal_curr = journal.currency and journal.currency or company_currency_obj amount = 0.00 tot_amount = 0.00 lines = [] reconsile_objs = [] customer_list = [] sett_lines = [] curr_id = [ x.currency_id for x in move_obj.line_id if x.currency_id ] journal_curr = curr_id and curr_id[0] or company_currency_obj for line in move_obj.line_id: if line.partner_id: customer_list.append(line.partner_id) sub_ledger = line.job_id and or '' partner_name = line.partner_id and or False partner_code = line.partner_id and line.partner_id.partner_ac_code or False if line.partner_id: sub_ledger = partner_name if partner_code: sub_ledger = "[%s] %s" % (partner_code, partner_name) cheque_no = move_obj.cheque_no or '' if move_obj.journal_id.voucher_no_as_ref: cheque_no = or '' if line.man_ref: cheque_no = line.man_ref or '' amount_currency = line.amount_fc_temp and line.amount_fc_temp or 0.00 if line.debit != 0.00: tot_amount += abs(amount_currency or 0.00) line_vals = { 'account_code': line.account_id.code or '', 'account_name': or '', 'partner_code': line.partner_id and line.partner_id.partner_ac_code or '', 'partner_name': line.partner_id and or '', 'sub_ledger': sub_ledger, 'ref': cheque_no, 'debit': line.debit or 0.00, 'credit': or 0.00, 'fc_amount': amount_currency, 'remark': or '', 'cc': line.analytic_account_id and line.analytic_account_id.code or '' } lines.append(line_vals) if line.voucher_id: line_cr = [] for vou_line in line.voucher_id.line_cr_ids: if vou_line.move_line_id and vou_line.amount != 0.00 and != rec_line = vou_line.move_line_id invoice_date = False if rec_line.invoice: doc_no = rec_line.invoice and rec_line.invoice.number or '' else: doc_no = rec_line.doc_no amount = vou_line.amount print vou_line.type if rec_line.invoice: # doc_no = '' invoice_date = datetime.strptime( rec_line.invoice.date_invoice, '%Y-%m-%d') rec_vals = { 'date': and datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d'), 'doc_no': doc_no, 'amount': abs(amount), 'amount_real': amount, 'c_r': vou_line.type == 'cr' and 'C' or 'D', 'remark': or '', 'inv_no': rec_line.invoice and rec_line.invoice.number or '', 'inv_date': invoice_date or '', } line_cr.append(rec_vals) if vou_line.move_line_id and == line_cr = [] break line_dr = [] for vou_line in line.voucher_id.line_dr_ids: if vou_line.move_line_id and vou_line.amount != 0.00 and != rec_line = vou_line.move_line_id invoice_date = False if rec_line.invoice: doc_no = rec_line.invoice and rec_line.invoice.number or '' else: doc_no = rec_line.doc_no amount = vou_line.amount if rec_line.invoice: # doc_no = '' invoice_date = datetime.strptime( rec_line.invoice.date_invoice, '%Y-%m-%d') rec_vals = { 'date': and datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d'), 'doc_no': doc_no, 'amount': abs(amount), 'amount_real': amount, 'c_r': vou_line.type == 'cr' and 'C' or 'D', 'remark': or '', 'inv_no': rec_line.invoice and rec_line.invoice.number or '', 'inv_date': invoice_date or '', } line_dr.append(rec_vals) elif vou_line.move_line_id and == line_dr = [] break sett_lines.extend(line_cr) sett_lines.extend(line_dr) sett_lines = [ dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in sett_lines]) ] sett_lines = sorted(sett_lines, key=operator.itemgetter('date')) amount_curr = currency_pool.amount_word(cr, uid, journal_curr, tot_amount or 0.00, context=context) bank_name = move_obj.bank_details or '' vals = { 'journal_label': journal and journal.voucher_label or '', 'voucher_code': journal.code or '', 'voucher_name': or '', 'amount_total': tot_amount or "0.00", 'date': and datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d'), 'partner': move_obj.journal_partner_id and or '', 'ref': move_obj.ref or '', 'amount_in_words': amount_curr and amount_curr.upper() or '', 'bank': bank_name, 'check_no': move_obj.display_check_details and move_obj.cheque_no or '', 'check_date': move_obj.display_check_details and move_obj.cheque_date and datetime.strptime(move_obj.cheque_date, '%Y-%m-%d'), 'curr_name': == 'AED' and "DIRHAMS" or, 'user_name': or '', 'sett_lines': sett_lines } vals['move_lines'] = lines result.append(vals) return result
def generate_records(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): pool= pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) return {}
def _open_statement(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) company_id = pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid) statement_obj = pool.get('') singer_obj = pool.get('singer.statement') journal_obj = pool.get('account.journal') journal_lst =, uid, [('company_id', '=', company_id), ('auto_cash', '=', True)]) journal_ids = journal_obj.browse(cr, uid, journal_lst) for journal in journal_ids: ids =, uid, [('state', '!=', 'confirm'), ('user_id', '=', uid), ('journal_id', '=',]) if len(ids): raise wizard.except_wizard( _('Message'), _('You can not open a Cashbox for "%s". \n Please close the cashbox related to. ' % ( sql = """ Select id from account_bank_statement where journal_id=%d and company_id =%d order by id desc limit 1""" % (, company_id) singer_ids = None cr.execute(sql) st_id = cr.fetchone() number = '' if journal.statement_sequence_id: number = pool.get('ir.sequence').get_id(cr, uid, else: number = pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, '') # statement_id=statement_obj.create(cr,uid,{'journal_id', # 'company_id':company_id, # 'user_id':uid, # 'state':'open', # 'name':number # }) period = statement_obj._get_period(cr, uid, context) or None cr.execute( "INSERT INTO account_bank_statement(journal_id,company_id,user_id,state,name, period_id,date) VALUES(%d,%d,%d,'open','%s',%d,'%s')" % (, company_id, uid, number, period, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) cr.commit() cr.execute( "select id from account_bank_statement where journal_id=%d and company_id=%d and user_id=%d and state='open' and name='%s'" % (, company_id, uid, number)) statement_id = cr.fetchone()[0] if st_id: statemt_id = statement_obj.browse(cr, uid, st_id[0]) if statemt_id and statemt_id.ending_details_ids: statement_obj.write(cr, uid, [statement_id], { 'balance_start': statemt_id.balance_end, 'state': 'open' }) if statemt_id.ending_details_ids: for i in statemt_id.ending_details_ids: c = singer_obj.create( cr, uid, { 'pieces': i.pieces, 'number': i.number, 'starting_id': statement_id, }) cr.commit() return {}
def _get_company(self, form): = form return pooler.get_pool('').browse(, self.uid, form['company_id']).name
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context={}): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) res = pool.get("res.lang").search(cr, uid, [("code", "=", "th_TH")]) if not res: raise Exception("Thai language not installed") lang_id = res[0] lang = pool.get("res.lang").browse(cr, uid, lang_id) period_id = datas["form"]["period_id"] period = pool.get("account.period").browse(cr, uid, period_id) fy = period.fiscalyear_id user = pool.get("res.users").browse(cr, uid, uid) year = int(fy.date_stop[:4]) + 543 month = int(period.date_stop[5:7]) partner = user.company_id.partner_id vals = { "place_name":, "year": year, "branch_code": "00000", "cb_pnd_attach": "Yes", "cb_tredecim": "Yes", "cb_ordinary_filling": "Yes", } addr = partner.address[0] vals.update({ "road": addr.street, "district":, "province": or "", "tel":, }) ids = pool.get("").search(cr, uid, [("code", "like", "PP30_")]) for tc in pool.get("").browse( cr, uid, ids, {"period_id": period_id}): vals[tc.code.replace("PP30_", "tax")] = tc.sum_period vals.update({ "tax1": vals["tax4"], "tax2": 0.0, "tax3": 0.0, }) vals.update({ "tax8": vals["tax5"] > vals["tax7"] and vals["tax5"] - vals["tax7"] or 0.0, "tax9": vals["tax7"] > vals["tax5"] and vals["tax7"] - vals["tax5"] or 0.0, "tax10": 0.0, }) vals.update({ "tax11": vals["tax8"], "tax12": vals["tax9"], }) set_satang(vals) vals.update({ "head_office": "Yes", "ordinary_filing": "Yes", "zipcode":, "%d" % month: "Yes", "tin": partner.tin and fmt_tin(partner.tin) or "", "tax1": str(vals["tax1"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st1"]), "tax2": str(vals["tax2"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st2"]), "tax3": str(vals["tax3"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st3"]), "tax4": str(vals["tax4"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st4"]), "tax5": str(vals["tax5"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st5"]), "tax6": str(vals["tax6"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st6"]), "tax7": str(vals["tax7"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st7"]), "tax8": str(vals["tax8"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st8"]), "tax9": str(vals["tax9"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st9"]), "tax10": str(vals["tax10"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st10"]), "tax11": str(vals["tax11"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st11"]), "tax12": str(vals["tax12"]) + " " + "%.2d" % (vals["st12"]), "pay_more": vals["tax12"] and "Yes" or "No", }) pdf = pdf_fill("addons/ac_account_thai/report/pdf/vat_pp30.pdf", vals) # attachments for output vat ids = pool.get("account.move.line").search( cr, uid, [("tax_code_id.code", "=", "PP30_5"), ("period_id", "=", period_id)]) item_no = 0 PAGE_SIZE = 20 for p in range(0, len(ids), PAGE_SIZE): ids2 = ids[p:p + PAGE_SIZE] if not ids2: break vals = { "year": year, "month": month, "name":, "tin": partner.tin and partner.tin or "", "page_no": p / PAGE_SIZE + 1, "page_total": (len(ids) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE, "date": time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), "repeatIn": repeatIn, } lines = [] total_base = 0.0 total_tax = 0.0 for ml in pool.get("account.move.line").browse(cr, uid, ids2): cust = ml.partner_id addr = cust.address[0] res = pool.get("account.move.line").search( cr, uid, [("tax_code_id.code", "=", "PP30_4"), ("move_id", "=",]) ml2_id = res[0] ml2 = pool.get("account.move.line").browse(cr, uid, ml2_id) item_no += 1 lines.append({ "item_no": item_no, "invoice": ml.invoice and ml.invoice.number or "N/A", "date":, "customer":, "base": lang.format("%.2f", ml2.tax_amount, grouping=True), "tax": lang.format("%.2f", ml.tax_amount, grouping=True), }) total_base += ml2.tax_amount total_tax += ml.tax_amount vals.update({ "lines": lines, "total_base": lang.format("%.2f", total_base, grouping=True), "total_tax": lang.format("%.2f", total_tax, grouping=True), }) pdf2 = rml2pdf("addons/ac_account_thai/report/rml/output_vat.rml", vals) pdf = pdf_merge(pdf, pdf2) # attachments for input vat ids = pool.get("account.move.line").search( cr, uid, [("tax_code_id.code", "=", "PP30_7"), ("period_id", "=", period_id)]) item_no = 0 PAGE_SIZE = 20 for p in range(0, len(ids), PAGE_SIZE): ids2 = ids[p:p + PAGE_SIZE] if not ids2: break vals = { "year": year, "month": month, "name":, "tin": partner.tin, "page_no": p / PAGE_SIZE + 1, "page_total": (len(ids) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE, "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "repeatIn": repeatIn, } lines = [] total_base = 0.0 total_tax = 0.0 for ml in pool.get("account.move.line").browse(cr, uid, ids2): supp = ml.partner_id addr = supp.address[0] res = pool.get("account.move.line").search( cr, uid, [("tax_code_id.code", "=", "PP30_6"), ("move_id", "=",]) ml2_id = res[0] ml2 = pool.get("account.move.line").browse(cr, uid, ml2_id) item_no += 1 lines.append({ "item_no": item_no, "invoice": ml.invoice and ml.invoice.number or "N/A", "date":, "supplier":, "base": lang.format("%.2f", ml2.tax_amount, grouping=True), "tax": lang.format("%.2f", ml.tax_amount, grouping=True), }) total_base += ml2.tax_amount total_tax += ml.tax_amount vals.update({ "lines": lines, "total_base": lang.format("%.2f", total_base, grouping=True), "total_tax": lang.format("%.2f", total_tax, grouping=True), }) pdf2 = rml2pdf("addons/ac_account_thai/report/rml/input_vat.rml", vals) pdf = pdf_merge(pdf, pdf2) return (pdf, "pdf")
def synchronize(self, cr, uid, server, object, context=None): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) self.meta = {} ids = [] pool1 = RPCProxy(server) pool2 = pool #try: if object.action in ('d', 'b'): ids = pool1.get('base.synchro.obj').get_ids( cr, uid, object.model_id.model, object.synchronize_date, eval(object.domain), {'action': 'd'}) if object.action in ('u', 'b'): ids += pool2.get('base.synchro.obj').get_ids( cr, uid, object.model_id.model, object.synchronize_date, eval(object.domain), {'action': 'u'}) ids.sort() iii = 0 for dt, id, action in ids: print 'Process', dt, id, action iii += 1 if action == 'u': pool_src = pool2 pool_dest = pool1 else: pool_src = pool1 pool_dest = pool2 print 'Read', object.model_id.model, id fields = False if object.model_id.model == '': fields = ['email', 'description', 'log_id'] value = pool_src.get(object.model_id.model).read( cr, uid, [id], fields)[0] value = self.data_transform(cr, uid, pool_src, pool_dest, object.model_id.model, value, action) id2 = self.get_id(cr, uid,, id, action, context) # # Transform value # #tid=pool_dest.get(object.model_id.model).name_search(cr, uid, value['name'],[],'=',) if not (iii % 50): print 'Record', iii # Filter fields to not sync for field in object.avoid_ids: if in value: del value[] if id2: #try: pool_dest.get(object.model_id.model).write( cr, uid, [id2], value) #except Exception, e:'ERROR: Unable to update record ['+str(id2)+']:'+str(value.get('name', '?'))) self.report_total += 1 self.report_write += 1 else: print value idnew = pool_dest.get(object.model_id.model).create( cr, uid, value) synid = self.pool.get('base.synchro.obj.line').create( cr, uid, { 'obj_id':, 'local_id': (action == 'u') and id or idnew, 'remote_id': (action == 'd') and id or idnew }) self.report_total += 1 self.report_create += 1 self.meta = {} return True
def _get_currency(self, form): return pooler.get_pool('').browse(, self.uid, form['company_id'])
def change_digit(cr): res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('decimal.precision').precision_get(cr, 1, application) return (16, res)
def _get_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context): fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear') data['form']['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear_obj.find(cr, uid) data['form']['report_type'] = 'only_obj' return data['form']