def lang_choices():
    """Generate locale choices for drop down lists in forms."""
    choices = []
    for code, name in supported_langs():
        name = data.tr_lang(translation.to_locale("en"))(name)
        tr_name = data.tr_lang(translation.to_locale(code))(name)
        # We have to use the bidi.insert_embeding() to ensure that brackets
        # in the English part of the name is rendered correctly in an RTL
        # layout like Arabic. We can't use markup because this is used
        # inside an option tag.
        if tr_name != name:
            name = u"%s | %s" % (bidi.insert_embeding(tr_name), bidi.insert_embeding(name))
            name = bidi.insert_embeding(name)
        choices.append((code, name))

    choices.sort(cmp=locale.strcoll, key=lambda choice: unicode(choice[1]))
    return choices
def lang_choices():
    """Generate locale choices for drop down lists in forms."""
    choices = []
    for code, name in supported_langs():
        name = data.tr_lang(translation.to_locale('en'))(name)
        tr_name = data.tr_lang(translation.to_locale(code))(name)
        # We have to use the bidi.insert_embeding() to ensure that brackets
        # in the English part of the name is rendered correctly in an RTL
        # layout like Arabic. We can't use markup because this is used
        # inside an option tag.
        if tr_name != name:
            name = u"%s | %s" % (bidi.insert_embeding(tr_name),
            name = bidi.insert_embeding(name)
        choices.append((code, name))

    choices.sort(cmp=locale.strcoll, key=lambda choice: unicode(choice[1]))
    return choices