def test_opd_from_zernikes():
    coeffs = [0,0.1, 0.4, 2, -0.3]
    opd = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(coeffs, npix=256)

    outcoeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(coeffs))

    # only compare on indices 1-3 to avoid divide by zero on piston
    diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(coeffs[1:5]) - np.asarray(outcoeffs[1:5]))/np.asarray(coeffs[1:5])
    max_diff = np.max(diffs )
    assert max_diff < 2e-3, "recovered coefficients from opd_expand differ more than expected"
def test_opd_from_zernikes():
    coeffs = [0,0.1, 0.4, 2, -0.3]
    opd = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(coeffs, npix=256)

    outcoeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(coeffs))

    # only compare on indices 1-3 to avoid divide by zero on piston
    diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(coeffs[1:5]) - np.asarray(outcoeffs[1:5]))/np.asarray(coeffs[1:5])
    max_diff = np.max(diffs )
    assert max_diff < 2e-3, "recovered coefficients from opd_expand differ more than expected"
def test_opd_from_zernikes():
    coeffs = [0, 0.1, 0.4, 2, -0.3]
    opd = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(coeffs, npix=256)

    outcoeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(coeffs))

    diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(coeffs) -
                   np.asarray(outcoeffs)) / np.asarray(coeffs)
    diffs[0] = 0  # ignore divide by zero on piston
    max_diff = np.max(diffs)
    assert max_diff < 2e-3, "recovered coefficients from opd_expand differ more than expected"
def test_opd_from_zernikes():

    coeffs = [0,0.1, 0.4, 2, -0.3]
    opd = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(coeffs, npix=256)

    outcoeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(coeffs))

    diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(coeffs) - np.asarray(outcoeffs))/np.asarray(coeffs)
    diffs[0] = 0 # ignore divide by zero on piston
    max_diff = np.max(diffs )
    assert max_diff < 2e-3, "recovered coefficients from opd_expand differ more than expected"
def fitZernicke(wfr, mode='integrated', nterms=1250):

    nx, ny, nz = wfr.params.Mesh.nx, wfr.params.Mesh.ny, wfr.params.Mesh.nSlices

    aperture = create_circular_mask(nx, ny, r=nx // 2 - 2)

    if mode == 'integrated':

        ph = wfr.data.arrEhor[:, :, :, 1].sum(axis=2)
        #ii = wfr.get_intensity()[:,:,0]

        zc = zernike.opd_expand(ph, aperture=aperture, nterms=nterms)
        #rc = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(zc)

    return zc
def test_opd_expand(npix=512, input_coefficients=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)):
    basis = zernike.zernike_basis(nterms=len(input_coefficients), npix=npix)
    for idx, coeff in enumerate(input_coefficients):
        basis[idx] *= coeff

    opd = basis.sum(axis=0)
    recovered_coeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(input_coefficients))
    max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.asarray(input_coefficients) - np.asarray(recovered_coeffs)))
    assert max_diff < 1e-3, "recovered coefficients from wf_expand more than 0.1% off"

    # Test the nonorthonormal version too
    # At a minimum, fitting with this variant version shouldn't be
    # worse than the regular one on a clear circular aperture.
    # We do the test in this same function for efficiency

    recovered_coeffs_v2 = zernike.opd_expand_nonorthonormal(opd, nterms=len(input_coefficients))
    max_diff_v2 = np.max(np.abs(np.asarray(input_coefficients) - np.asarray(recovered_coeffs_v2)))
    assert max_diff_v2 < 1e-3, "recovered coefficients from wf_expand more than 0.1% off"
def test_opd_expand(npix=512, input_coefficients=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)):
    basis = zernike.zernike_basis(nterms=len(input_coefficients), npix=npix)
    for idx, coeff in enumerate(input_coefficients):
        basis[idx] *= coeff

    opd = basis.sum(axis=0)
    recovered_coeffs = zernike.opd_expand(opd, nterms=len(input_coefficients))
    max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.asarray(input_coefficients) - np.asarray(recovered_coeffs)))
    assert max_diff < 1e-3, "recovered coefficients from wf_expand more than 0.1% off"

    # Test the nonorthonormal version too
    # At a minimum, fitting with this variant version shouldn't be
    # worse than the regular one on a clear circular aperture.
    # We do the test in this same function for efficiency

    recovered_coeffs_v2 = zernike.opd_expand_nonorthonormal(opd, nterms=len(input_coefficients))
    max_diff_v2 = np.max(np.abs(np.asarray(input_coefficients) - np.asarray(recovered_coeffs_v2)))
    assert max_diff_v2 < 1e-3, "recovered coefficients from wf_expand more than 0.1% off"
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from poppy import zernike
from model.src.coherent import construct_SA1_wavefront
import numpy as np
from wpg.wpg_uti_wf import calculate_fwhm


wfr = construct_SA1_wavefront(1000, 1000, 12, 0.1)
ii = wfr.get_intensity()[:,:,0]
ph = wfr.get_phase()[:,:,0]

aperture = np.ones(ii.shape)
aperture[np.where(ii < ii.max()/10)] = 0
zc = zernike.opd_expand(ph, aperture = aperture)

opd = zernike.opd_from_zernikes(zc)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.bar(np.linspace(0,len(zc), len(zc)),zc)
ax1.set_xticks(np.linspace(0+1,len(zc)+1, len(zc)+1))
ax1.set_xticklabels(labels = ["$Z_{}$".format(int(z)) for z in np.linspace(0+1,len(zc)+1, len(zc)+1)])


for i in range(15):
    if i == 0: