def append_to(self, parent): """ Adds the item to the specified container. @param parent: The id of the destination container or the container itself @type parent: str OR L{Container} @return: None """ if isinstance(parent, basestring): parent = db._db.get_item(parent) contentclass = self.get_contentclass() user = context.user user_role = permsresolver.get_access(parent, user) if user_role == permsresolver.READER: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The user does not have write permissions ' 'on the parent folder.') if contentclass not in parent.containment: raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'The target container does not accept ' 'objects of type\n"%s".' % contentclass) # set security to new item if user_role == permsresolver.COORDINATOR: # user is COORDINATOR self._apply_security(parent, True) else: # user is not COORDINATOR self.inheritRoles = True = self._owner = user._id self._created = time.time() self.modifiedBy = user.displayName.value self.modified = time.time() self._pid = parent._id db._db.handle_update(self, None) db._db.put_item(self) if self.isCollection: parent._nc += 1 else: parent._ni += 1 parent.modified = self.modified db._db.put_item(parent) db._db.handle_post_update(self, None)
def copy_to(self, target): """ Copies the item to the designated target. @param target: The id of the target container or the container object itself @type target: str OR L{Container} @return: None @raise L{porcupine.exceptions.ObjectNotFound}: If the target container does not exist. """ if isinstance(target, (str, bytes)): target = db._db.get_item(target) if target is None or target._isDeleted: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound( 'The target container does not exist.') contentclass = self.get_contentclass() if self.isCollection and target.is_contained_in(self._id): raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'Cannot copy item to destination.\n' 'The destination is contained in the source.') # check permissions on target folder user = context.user user_role = permsresolver.get_access(target, user) if not (self._isSystem) and user_role > permsresolver.READER: if contentclass not in target.containment: raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'The target container does not accept ' 'objects of type\n"%s".' % contentclass) self._copy(target, clear_inherited=True) # update parent if self.isCollection: target._nc += 1 else: target._ni += 1 target.modified = time.time() db._db.put_item(target) else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The object was not copied.\n' 'The user has insufficient permissions.')
def _restore(self, deleted, target): """ Restores a logically deleted item to the designated target. @return: None """ # check permissions user = context.user user_role = permsresolver.get_access(target, user) if user_role > permsresolver.READER: deleted._pid = target._id deleted.inheritRoles = False deleted._undelete() else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The user does not have write permissions on the ' 'destination folder.')
def recycle(self, rb_id): """ Moves the item to the specified recycle bin. The item then becomes inaccessible. @param rb_id: The id of the destination container, which must be a L{RecycleBin} instance @type rb_id: str @return: None """ user = context.user self_ = db._db.get_item(self._id) user_role = permsresolver.get_access(self_, user) can_delete = (user_role > permsresolver.AUTHOR) or \ (user_role == permsresolver.AUTHOR and self_._owner == user._id) if (not (self_._isSystem) and can_delete): deleted = DeletedItem(self_) deleted._owner = user._id deleted._created = time.time() deleted.modifiedBy = user.displayName.value deleted.modified = time.time() deleted._pid = rb_id # check recycle bin's containment recycle_bin = db._db.get_item(rb_id) if deleted.get_contentclass() not in recycle_bin.containment: raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'The target container does not accept ' 'objects of type\n"%s".' % deleted.get_contentclass()) db._db.handle_update(deleted, None) db._db.put_item(deleted) db._db.handle_post_update(deleted, None) # delete item logically self_._recycle() else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The object was not deleted.\n' 'The user has insufficient permissions.')
def delete(self): """ Deletes the item permanently. @return: None """ user = context.user self_ = db._db.get_item(self._id) user_role = permsresolver.get_access(self_, user) can_delete = (user_role > permsresolver.AUTHOR) or \ (user_role == permsresolver.AUTHOR and self_._owner == user._id) if (not (self_._isSystem) and can_delete): # delete item physically self_._delete() else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The object was not deleted.\n' 'The user has insufficient permissions.')
def update(self): """ Updates the item. @return: None """ old_item = db._db.get_item(self._id) if self._pid is not None: parent = db._db.get_item(self._pid) else: parent = None user = context.user user_role = permsresolver.get_access(old_item, user) if user_role > permsresolver.READER: # set security if user_role == permsresolver.COORDINATOR: # user is COORDINATOR if (self.inheritRoles != old_item.inheritRoles) or \ (not self.inheritRoles and \ != self._apply_security(parent, False) else: # restore previous ACL = self.inheritRoles = old_item.inheritRoles self.modifiedBy = user.displayName.value self.modified = time.time() db._db.handle_update(self, old_item) db._db.put_item(self) if parent is not None: parent.modified = self.modified db._db.put_item(parent) db._db.handle_post_update(self, old_item) else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The user does not have update permissions.')
def apply(context, item, registration, **kwargs): policyid = kwargs['policyid'] policy = _db.get_item(policyid) user = context.user policyGrantedTo = policy.policyGranted.value userID = user._id if userID in policyGrantedTo or user.is_admin(): return memberOf = ['everyone'] memberOf.extend(user.memberof.value) if hasattr(user, 'authenticate'): memberOf.append('authusers') for groupid in memberOf: if groupid in policyGrantedTo: return raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( "This action is restricted due to policy '%s'" % policy.displayName.value)
def move_to(self, target): """ Moves the item to the designated target. @param target: The id of the target container or the container object itself @type target: str OR L{Container} @return: None @raise L{porcupine.exceptions.ObjectNotFound}: If the target container does not exist. """ user = context.user user_role = permsresolver.get_access(self, user) can_move = (user_role > permsresolver.AUTHOR) ## or (user_role == permsresolver.AUTHOR and oItem.owner == parent_id = self._pid if isinstance(target, (str, bytes)): target = db._db.get_item(target) if target is None or target._isDeleted: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound( 'The target container does not exist.') contentclass = self.get_contentclass() user_role2 = permsresolver.get_access(target, user) if self.isCollection and target.is_contained_in(self._id): raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'Cannot move item to destination.\n' 'The destination is contained in the source.') if (not (self._isSystem) and can_move and user_role2 > permsresolver.READER): if contentclass not in target.containment: raise exceptions.ContainmentError( 'The target container does not accept ' 'objects of type\n"%s".' % contentclass) db._db.delete_item(self) self._pid = target._id self.inheritRoles = False self.modified = time.time() db._db.put_item(self) # update target if self.isCollection: target._nc += 1 else: target._ni += 1 target.modified = time.time() db._db.put_item(target) # update parent parent = db._db.get_item(parent_id) parent.modified = time.time() db._db.put_item(parent) else: raise exceptions.PermissionDenied( 'The object was not moved.\n' 'The user has insufficient permissions.')