def main(kf, description, is_coarse=False, if_export=False): mesh_size = 0.045 gb, domain = make_grid_bucket(mesh_size) # Assign parameters add_data(gb, domain, kf) # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb) solver_source = pp.DualSourceMixedDim("flow", coupling=[None]) A_source, b_source = solver_source.matrix_rhs(gb) up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_flow + A_source, b_flow + b_source) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) gb.add_node_props(["discharge", "pressure", "P0u"]) solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") if if_export: save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem_" + description) save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])
def solve_vem(gb, folder, return_only_matrix=False): # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb) A = A_flow if return_only_matrix: return A, mortar_dof_size(A, gb, solver_flow) up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A, b_flow) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") save = Exporter(gb, "sol", folder=folder) save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])
def solve_vem(gb, folder): # Choose and define the solvers and coupler'VEM discretization') tic = time.time() solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb)'Done. Elapsed time: ' + str(time.time() - tic))'Linear solver') tic = time.time() up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_flow, b_flow)'Done. Elapsed time ' + str(time.time() - tic)) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") export(gb, folder) sps_io.mmwrite(folder+"/matrix.mtx", A_flow)
def main(kf, is_coarse=False): mesh_size = 0.045 gb, domain = make_grid_bucket(mesh_size) # Assign parameters add_data(gb, domain, kf) # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A, b = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb) up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A, b) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) gb.add_node_props(["discharge", "pressure", "P0u"]) solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem_ref") save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])
'mesh_size_frac': 10, 'mesh_size_bound': 40, 'mesh_size_min': 1e-1 } domain = {'xmin': 0, 'xmax': 700, 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': 600} gb = pp.importer.dfm_2d_from_csv("network.csv", mesh_kwargs, domain) gb.compute_geometry() pp.coarsening.coarsen(gb, 'by_volume') gb.assign_node_ordering() # Assign parameters add_data(gb, domain) # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim('flow') A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb) solver_source = pp.DualSourceMixedDim('flow') A_source, b_source = solver_source.matrix_rhs(gb) up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_flow + A_source, b_flow + b_source) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) gb.add_node_props(["discharge", 'pressure', "P0u"]) solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", 'pressure') solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem") save.write_vtk(['pressure', "P0u"])
"mesh_size_frac": 10, "mesh_size_bound": 40, "mesh_size_min": 1e-1 } domain = {"xmin": 0, "xmax": 700, "ymin": 0, "ymax": 600} gb = pp.importer.dfm_2d_from_csv("network.csv", mesh_kwargs, domain) gb.compute_geometry() pp.coarsening.coarsen(gb, "by_volume") gb.assign_node_ordering() # Assign parameters add_data(gb, domain) # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb) solver_source = pp.DualSourceMixedDim("flow") A_source, b_source = solver_source.matrix_rhs(gb) up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_flow + A_source, b_flow + b_source) solver_flow.split(gb, "up", up) gb.add_node_props(["discharge", "pressure", "P0u"]) solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem") save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])
def main(kf, is_coarse=False): mesh_size = 0.045 gb, domain = make_grid_bucket(mesh_size) # Assign parameters add_data(gb, domain, kf) # Choose and define the solvers and coupler solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow") A, b = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb, return_bmat=True) # Select the grid of higher dimension and the position in the matrix A g_h = gb.grids_of_dimension(gb.dim_max())[0] pos_hn = [gb.node_props(g_h, "node_number")] # Determine the number of dofs [u, p] for the higher dimensional grid dof_h = A[pos_hn[0], pos_hn[0]].shape[0] # Select the co-dimensional grid positions pos_ln = [d["node_number"] for g, d in gb if g.dim < g_h.dim] # select the positions of the mortars blocks, for both the high dimensional # and lower dimensional grids num_nodes = gb.num_graph_nodes() pos_he = [] pos_le = [] for e, d in gb.edges(): gl_h = gb.nodes_of_edge(e)[1] if gl_h.dim == g_h.dim: pos_he.append(d["edge_number"] + num_nodes) else: pos_le.append(d["edge_number"] + num_nodes) # extract the blocks for the higher dimension A_h = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_hn + pos_he, pos_hn + pos_he)]) b_h = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_hn + pos_he])) # matrix that couple the 1 co-dimensional pressure to the mortar variables C_h = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_he, pos_ln)]) # Select the grid that realise the jump operator given the mortar variables C_l = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_he)]) # construct the rhs with all the active pressure dof in the 1 co-dimension if_p = np.zeros(C_h.shape[1], dtype=np.bool) pos = 0 for g, d in gb: if g.dim != g_h.dim: pos += g.num_faces # only the 1 co-dimensional grids are interesting if g.dim == g_h.dim - 1: if_p[pos:pos + g.num_cells] = True pos += g.num_cells # compute the bases num_bases = np.sum(if_p) dof_bases = C_h.shape[0] bases = np.zeros((C_h.shape[1], C_h.shape[1])) # we solve many times the same problem, better to factorize the matrix LU = sps.linalg.factorized(A_h.tocsc()) # solve to compute the ms bases functions for homogeneous boundary # conditions for dof_basis in np.where(if_p)[0]: rhs = np.zeros(if_p.size) rhs[dof_basis] = 1. # project from the co-dimensional pressure to the Robin boundary # condition rhs = np.concatenate((np.zeros(dof_h), -C_h * rhs)) x = LU(rhs) # compute the jump of the mortars bases[:, dof_basis] = C_l * x[-dof_bases:] # save = pp.Exporter(g_h, "vem"+str(dof_basis), folder="vem_ms") # save.write_vtk({'pressure': x[g_h.num_faces:dof_h]}) # solve for non-zero boundary conditions x_h = LU(b_h) # construct the problem in the fracture network A_l = np.empty((2, 2), dtype=np.object) b_l = np.empty(2, dtype=np.object) # the multiscale bases are thus inserted in the right block of the lower # dimensional problem A_l[0, 0] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_ln)]) + sps.csr_matrix(bases) dof_l = A_l[0, 0].shape[0] # add to the righ-hand side the non-homogenous solution from the higher # dimensional problem b_l[0] = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_ln])) - C_l * x_h[-dof_bases:] # in the case of > 1 co-dimensional problems if len(pos_le) > 0: A_l[0, 1] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_le)]) A_l[1, 0] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_le, pos_ln)]) A_l[1, 1] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_le, pos_le)]) b_l[1] = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_le])) # assemble and solve for the network A_l = sps.bmat(A_l, "csr") b_l = np.concatenate(tuple(b_l)) x_l = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_l, b_l) # compute the higher dimensional solution rhs = x_l[:if_p.size] rhs = np.concatenate((np.zeros(dof_h), -C_h * rhs)) x_h = LU(b_h + rhs) # save and export using standard algorithm x = np.zeros(x_h.size + x_l.size) x[:dof_h] = x_h[:dof_h] x[dof_h:(dof_h + dof_l)] = x_l[:dof_l] solver_flow.split(gb, "up", x) gb.add_node_props(["discharge", "pressure", "P0u"]) solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge") solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure") solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u") save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem") save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])