def village(request, student_id): """The main chat view for a student/village.""" try: rel = get_relationship_or_404(student_id, request.user.profile) except http.Http404: if not request.user.is_superuser: raise rel = None student = get_object_or_404(model.Profile, pk=student_id) else: student = rel.student group = get_querystring_group(request, student) posts = _get_posts(request.user.profile, student=student) if rel and not request.impersonating: model.unread.mark_village_read(rel.student, rel.elder) return TemplateResponse( request, 'village/post_list/village.html', { 'student': student, 'group': group, 'relationship': rel, 'elders': model.contextualized_elders( student.elder_relationships).order_by('school_staff', 'name'), 'read_only': rel is None, 'posts': posts, 'post_char_limit': model.post_char_limit(rel) if rel else 0, 'posting_url': reverse( 'create_post', kwargs={'student_id':}), }, )
def group(request, group_id=None): """The main chat view for a group.""" if group_id is None: group = model.AllStudentsGroup(request.user.profile) posting_url = reverse('create_post') else: group = get_object_or_404( model.Group.objects.filter(owner=request.user.profile), id=group_id, ) posting_url = reverse('create_post', kwargs={'group_id':}) return TemplateResponse( request, 'village/post_list/group.html', { 'group': group, 'elders': model.contextualized_elders( group.all_elders).order_by('school_staff', 'name'), 'posts': _get_posts(request.user.profile, group=group), 'post_char_limit': model.post_char_limit(request.user.profile), 'posting_url': posting_url, }, )
def create_post(request, student_id=None, group_id=None): """ Create a post. If ``student_id`` is provided in the URL, the post will be a single-village post. If ``group_id`` is provided, it will be a group bulk post. If neither is provided, it will be an all-students bulk post. POST parameters accepted: ``text`` The text of the post to create. Must be few enough characters that, when the user's auto-signature is appended, the resulting full SMS message is <160 characters. ``type`` The type of post to create: "message", "note", "call", or "meeting". This parameter is ignored for bulk posts; all bulk posts are of type "message". ``elder`` A list of elder IDs connected with this post. For a "message" type post, these users will receive the post via SMS. For a "meeting" or "call" type post, these are the users who were present on the call or at the meeting. ``extra_name`` A list of additional names connected with this post. (For instance, for a "meeting" or "call" type post, these are names of additional people present at the meeting or on the call, who are not actually elders in the village.) ``author_sequence_id`` An increasing numeric ID for posts authored by this user in this browser session. This value is opaque to the server and not stored anywhere, but is round-tripped through Pusher back to the client, to simplify matching up post data and avoid creating duplicates on the client. For non-bulk posts, an ``attachment`` file-upload parameter is also optionally accepted. Returns JSON object with boolean key ``success``. If ``success`` is ``False``, a human-readable message will be provided in the ``error`` key. If ``success`` is ``True``, the ``objects`` key will be a list containing one JSON-serialized post object. (Even though this view will only ever return one post, it still returns a list for better compatibility with other client-side JSON-handling code.) """ if 'text' not in request.POST: return http.HttpResponseBadRequest( json.dumps( { 'error': "Must provide a 'text' querystring parameter.", 'success': False, } ), content_type='application/json', ) extra_kwargs = {} group = None rel = None post_model = model.BulkPost profile_ids = 'all' if student_id is not None: rel = get_relationship_or_404(student_id, request.user.profile) post_model = model.Post target = rel.student profile_ids = request.POST.getlist('elder') extra_kwargs['extra_names'] = request.POST.getlist('extra_name') extra_kwargs['post_type'] = request.POST.get('type') if 'attachment' in request.FILES: extra_kwargs['attachments'] = request.FILES.getlist('attachment') redirect_url = reverse('village', kwargs={'student_id': student_id}) qs_group = get_querystring_group(request, rel.student) if qs_group: redirect_url += "?group=%s" % elif group_id is not None: group = get_object_or_404( model.Group.objects.filter(owner=request.user.profile), pk=group_id) target = group redirect_url = reverse('group', kwargs={'group_id': group_id}) else: target = None redirect_url = reverse('all_students') text = request.POST['text'] sequence_id = request.POST.get('author_sequence_id') limit = model.post_char_limit(rel or request.user.profile) if len(text) > limit: return http.HttpResponseBadRequest( json.dumps( { 'error': 'Posts are limited to %s characters.' % limit, 'success': False, } ), content_type='application/json', ) with xact.xact(): post = post_model.create( request.user.profile, target, text, profile_ids=profile_ids, sequence_id=sequence_id, **extra_kwargs) if request.is_ajax(): data = { 'success': True, 'objects': [ serializers.post2dict( post, author_sequence_id=sequence_id, unread=False, mine=True) ], } return http.HttpResponse( json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json') else: return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)