def askpass(prompt, options):
    if not options.userkey_password:
        if options.quiet:
            prompt = ""
            prompt = "Password for %s: " % options.userkey

        if posix.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
            password = getpass.getpass(prompt)
            if prompt != "":
            password = raw_input()

        options.userkey_password = password
    return options.userkey_password
def test(opts, args=()):
    if args: print('warning: non-option args are ignored', file=sys.stderr)
    affirm = 'n' if os.path.exists(IRODS_SSL_DIR) else 'y'
    if not [v
            for k, v in opts if k == '-f'] and affirm == 'n' and posix.isatty(
            input_ = raw_input
        except NameError:
            input_ = input
        affirm = input_(
            "This will overwrite directory '{}'. Proceed(Y/N)? ".format(
    if affirm[:1].lower() == 'y':
        shutil.rmtree(IRODS_SSL_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
        print("Generating new '{}'. This may take a while.".format(
        ssl_dir_files = create_ssl_dir()
        print('ssl_dir_files=', ssl_dir_files)
  def Eval(self, node):
    #print('!!', node.tag)

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.WordTest:
      s = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.w)
      return bool(s)

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.LogicalNot:
      b = self.Eval(node.child)
      return not b

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.LogicalAnd:
      # Short-circuit evaluation
      if self.Eval(node.left):
        return self.Eval(node.right)
        return False

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.LogicalOr:
      if self.Eval(node.left):
        return True
        return self.Eval(node.right)

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.BoolUnary:
      op_id = node.op_id
      s = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.child)

      # Now dispatch on arg type
      arg_type = BOOL_ARG_TYPES[op_id]  # could be static in the LST?

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Path:
        # Only use lstat if we're testing for a symlink.
        if op_id in (Id.BoolUnary_h, Id.BoolUnary_L):
            mode = posix.lstat(s).st_mode
          except OSError:
            return False

          return stat.S_ISLNK(mode)

          mode = posix.stat(s).st_mode
        except OSError:
          # TODO: Signal extra debug information?
          #log("Error from stat(%r): %s" % (s, e))
          return False

        if op_id in (Id.BoolUnary_e, Id.BoolUnary_a):  # -a is alias for -e
          return True

        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_f:
          return stat.S_ISREG(mode)

        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_d:
          return stat.S_ISDIR(mode)

        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_x:
          return posix.access(s, posix.X_OK)

        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_r:
          return posix.access(s, posix.R_OK)

        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_w:
          return posix.access(s, posix.W_OK)

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Str:
        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_z:
          return not bool(s)
        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_n:
          return bool(s)

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Other:
        if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_t:
            fd = int(s)
          except ValueError:
            # TODO: Need location information of [
            e_die('Invalid file descriptor %r', s)
          return posix.isatty(fd)

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

      raise NotImplementedError(arg_type)

    if node.tag == bool_expr_e.BoolBinary:
      op_id = node.op_id

      s1 = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.left)
      # Whether to glob escape
      do_fnmatch = op_id in (Id.BoolBinary_GlobEqual, Id.BoolBinary_GlobDEqual,
      do_ere = (op_id == Id.BoolBinary_EqualTilde)
      s2 = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.right, do_fnmatch=do_fnmatch,

      # Now dispatch on arg type
      arg_type = BOOL_ARG_TYPES[op_id]

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Path:
        st1 = posix.stat(s1)
        st2 = posix.stat(s2)

        # TODO: test newer than (mtime)
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_nt:
          return st1[stat.ST_MTIME] > st2[stat.ST_MTIME]
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_ot:
          return st1[stat.ST_MTIME] < st2[stat.ST_MTIME]

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Int:
        # NOTE: We assume they are constants like [[ 3 -eq 3 ]].
        # Bash also allows [[ 1+2 -eq 3 ]].
        i1 = self._StringToIntegerOrError(s1, blame_word=node.left)
        i2 = self._StringToIntegerOrError(s2, blame_word=node.right)

        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_eq:
          return i1 == i2
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_ne:
          return i1 != i2
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_gt:
          return i1 > i2
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_ge:
          return i1 >= i2
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_lt:
          return i1 < i2
        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_le:
          return i1 <= i2

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

      if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Str:

        if op_id in (Id.BoolBinary_GlobEqual, Id.BoolBinary_GlobDEqual):
          #log('Matching %s against pattern %s', s1, s2)

          # TODO: Respect extended glob?  * and ! and ? are quoted improperly.
          # But @ and + are OK.
          return libc.fnmatch(s2, s1)

        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_GlobNEqual:
          return not libc.fnmatch(s2, s1)

        if op_id in (Id.BoolBinary_Equal, Id.BoolBinary_DEqual):
          return s1 == s2

        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_NEqual:
          return s1 != s2

        if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_EqualTilde:
          #log('Matching %r against regex %r', s1, s2)
            matches = libc.regex_match(s2, s1)
          except RuntimeError:
            # 2 means a parse error.  Note this is a fatal error in OSH but not
            # in bash.
            e_die("Invalid regex %r", s2, word=node.right, status=2)

          if matches is None:
            return False

          return True

        if op_id == Id.Redir_Less:  # pun
          return s1 < s2

        if op_id == Id.Redir_Great:  # pun
          return s1 > s2

        raise NotImplementedError(op_id)

    raise AssertionError(node.tag)