def query_geo_table( db_name, query, geom_col='geom', host='localhost', username='******', password=PG_PASSWORD, debug=False ): """ Query a geo table in a SQL database and get the result as a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` Be aware of the name of the geometry column. In PostGIS it's typically called 'geom', but geopandas seems to expect 'geometry' instead. :param db_name: 'name_of_the_database' :param query: 'SELECT gid, pop2015, geom FROM my_table WHERE pop2015 > 1000' :param geom_col: the name of the geometry column. Should either be 'geom' or 'geometry' :param host: by default is 'localhost', but could also be '' :return: ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` """ config = {'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug} if debug: print('QUERYING...') print('-' * 40) print(query) connection = make_database_connection(db_name, 'psycopg2', **config) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_postgis(query, connection, geom_col=geom_col) connection.close() return gdf
def query_table( db_name, query, host='localhost', username='******', password=PG_PASSWORD, debug=False ): """ Query a table in a database and get the result as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param db_name: 'name_of_the_database' :param query: 'SELECT * FROM my_table' :param host: by default is 'localhost', but could also be '' :return: ``pandas.DataFrame`` """ config = {'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug} if debug: print('QUERYING...') print('-' * 40) print(query) engine = make_database_connection(db_name, 'sqlalchemy', **config) df = pd.read_sql(query, engine) engine.dispose() return df
def dataframe_to_postgis(db_name, dataframe, table_name, host='localhost', username='******', password=PG_PASSWORD, debug=False): """ Write a ``pandas.DataFrame`` to a PostgreSQL database. :param db_name: 'name_of_the_database' :param dataframe: ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param table_name: 'name_of_the_table' :param host: by default is 'localhost', but could also be '' :return: None """ config = { 'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug } start_time = time.time() if debug: print(f'WRITING {table_name}//{db_name}//{host} FROM DATAFRAME') # FORCE ALL COLUMN NAMES TO LOWER-CASE (pgSQL requirement) dataframe.columns = [x.lower() for x in dataframe.columns] # CONNECT TO DATABASE, WRITE DATAFRAME, THEN DISCONNECT engine = make_database_connection(db_name, 'sqlalchemy', **config) dataframe.to_sql(table_name, engine, if_exists='replace') engine.dispose() if debug: # REPORT THE RUNTIME runtime = time.time() - start_time print(f'FINISHED IN {runtime} SECONDS')
def execute_query(database, query, host='localhost', username='******', password=PG_PASSWORD, debug=False): """ Use ``psycopg2`` to execute and commit a SQL command in the database. :param database: 'name_of_the_database' :param query: 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS my_view;' :param host: by default is 'localhost', but could also be '' :param debug: bool, controls whether or not the query gets printed out to the console :return: None """ config = { 'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug } if debug: start_time = time.time() print('UPDATING via psycopg2:') print('\t', query) connection = make_database_connection(database, 'psycopg2', **config) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cursor.close() connection.commit() connection.close() if debug: runtime = round(time.time() - start_time, 2) print(f'\t COMMITTED IN - {runtime} seconds')
def geodataframe_to_postgis(database, geodataframe, output_table_name, output_epsg=None, host='localhost', username='******', password=PG_PASSWORD, debug=False): """ Write a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` to a PostGIS table in a SQL database. Assumes that the geometry column has already been named 'geometry' :param database: 'name_of_the_database' :param geodataframe: geopandas.GeoDataFrame :param output_table_name: 'name_of_the_output_table' :param output_epsg: if not None, will reproject data from input EPSG to specified EPSG :param host: by default is 'localhost', but could also be '' :return: None """ start_time = time.time() config = { 'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug } # Get the geometry type # It's possible there are both MULTIPOLYGONS and POLYGONS. This grabs the MULTI variant geom_types = list(geodataframe.geometry.geom_type.unique()) geom_typ = max(geom_types, key=len).upper() if debug: print(f'\t PROCESSING \t {geom_typ} \t {output_table_name}') # Get the EPSG value try: # gdf should have a CRS stored like this: {'init': 'epsg:4326'} epsg_code = int(['init'].split(':')[1]) except: return 'This geodataframe does not have a valid EPSG. Aborting.' # Sanitize the columns before writing to the database # Make all column names lower case geodataframe.columns = [x.lower() for x in geodataframe.columns] # Replace the 'geom' column with 'geometry' if 'geom' in geodataframe.columns: geodataframe['geometry'] = geodataframe['geom'] geodataframe.drop('geom', 1, inplace=True) # Drop the 'gid' column if 'gid' in geodataframe.columns: geodataframe.drop('gid', 1, inplace=True) # Rename 'unique_id' to 'old_uid' if 'unique_id' in geodataframe.columns: geodataframe['old_uid'] = geodataframe['unique_id'] geodataframe.drop('unique_id', 1, inplace=True) # Build a 'geom' column using geoalchemy2 and drop the source 'geometry' column geodataframe['geom'] = geodataframe['geometry'].apply( lambda x: WKTElement(x.wkt, srid=epsg_code)) geodataframe.drop('geometry', 1, inplace=True) # write geodataframe to SQL database if debug: print(f'\t WRITING TO - {database} /// {host}') engine = make_database_connection(database, 'sqlalchemy', **config) geodataframe.to_sql(output_table_name, engine, if_exists='replace', index=True, index_label='gid', dtype={'geom': Geometry(geom_typ, srid=epsg_code)}) engine.dispose() if debug: runtime = round((time.time() - start_time), 2) print(f'\t FINISHED IN {runtime} seconds') # If provided an EPSG, alter whatever the native projection was to the output_epsg if output_epsg: project_spatial_table(database, output_table_name, geom_typ, epsg_code, output_epsg, **config) # Add a unique_id column and do a spatial index prep_spatial_table(database, output_table_name, **config)
def make_new_database(database_name: str, host: str = 'localhost', username: str = 'postgres', password: str = PG_PASSWORD, debug: bool = False): """ Create a new PostgreSQL database, load PostGIS, and define a custom hexagon function :param database_name: 'name_of_the_database' :param host: name of the pgSQL host (string). eg: 'localhost' or '' :param username: valid PostgreSQL database username (string). eg: 'postgres' :param password: password for the supplied username (string). eg: 'mypassword123' :param debug: boolean to print messages to console :return: None """ config = { 'host': host, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'debug': debug } # check to see if this database already exists exists_qry = f""" SELECT EXISTS( SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE lower(datname) = lower('{database_name}') ); """ exist_query_response = query_table('postgres', exists_qry, **config) exists_result = [ str(row.exists) for idx, row in exist_query_response.iterrows() ] if 'False' in exists_result: if debug: print(f'Make new database routine for: {database_name}') make_db = f"CREATE DATABASE {database_name};" c_postgres = make_database_connection('postgres', 'psycopg2', **config) c_postgres.set_isolation_level( psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) cursor = c_postgres.cursor() cursor.execute(make_db) cursor.close() c_postgres.commit() c_postgres.close() # Check if PostGIS already exists by default. If not, add it. if 'geometry_columns' not in get_full_list_of_tables_in_db( database_name, **config): msg = f'Adding postGIS extension to {database_name}' execute_query(database_name, 'CREATE EXTENSION postGIS;', **config) else: msg = f'PostGIS exists by default in {database_name}' if debug: print(msg) # Load the custom SQL hexagon grid function load_hexgrid_function(database_name, **config) else: if debug: print(f'{database_name} already exists at {host}')