def items(self, obj): # Front page news is a mix of global and conference news, possibly # filtered by NewsPosterProfile. if obj is None: extrafilter = "" params = {} else: extrafilter = " AND author_id=%(authorid)s" params = { 'authorid':, } with ensure_conference_timezone(None): return exec_to_dict("""WITH main AS ( SELECT id, NULL::text as urlname, datetime, title, summary FROM newsevents_news WHERE datetime<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND inrss {0} ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 10), conf AS ( SELECT, c.urlname, datetime, c.conferencename || ' - ' || title AS title, summary FROM confreg_conferencenews n INNER JOIN confreg_conference c ON WHERE datetime<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND inrss {0} ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 10) SELECT id, urlname, datetime, title, summary, true AS readmore FROM main UNION ALL SELECT id, urlname, datetime, title, summary, false FROM conf ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 10""".format(extrafilter), params)
def items(self, obj): with ensure_conference_timezone(None): return exec_to_dict( """SELECT, c.urlname, datetime, c.conferencename || ' - ' || title AS title, summary FROM confreg_conferencenews n INNER JOIN confreg_conference c ON WHERE datetime<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND inrss AND conference_id=%(cid)s ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 10""", { 'cid':, })
def build_attendee_report(request, conference, data): title = data['title'] format = data['format'] orientation = data['orientation'] pagesize = data.get('pagesize', 'A4') borders = data['borders'] pagebreaks = data['pagebreaks'] fields = data['fields'] extracols = [_f for _f in [x.strip() for x in data['additionalcols'].split(',')] if _f] # Build the filters. Each filter within a filter group is ANDed together, and then the # filter groups are ORed together. And finally, all of this is ANDed with the conference # (so we don't get attendees from other conferences) def _reduce_Q(x, y): return ( x[0] + [y[0]], dict(x[1], **y[1]) ) filtermap = attendee_report_filters_map(conference) allBlockQs = [] for blockno, fltblock in enumerate(data['filters']): if fltblock: try: blockQs = reduce(_reduce_Q, [filtermap[flt['filter']].build_SQL(flt, blockno) for flt in fltblock], ([], {}) ) allBlockQs.append(( "(" + "\n AND ".join(blockQs[0]) + ")", blockQs[1], ), ) except Exception as e: if format == 'html': messages.warning(request, "Could not process filter: {}".format(e)) else: return HttpResponse("Could not process filter: {}".format(e)) if allBlockQs: (allblocks, params) = reduce(_reduce_Q, allBlockQs, ([], {})) where = "AND (\n {}\n)".format( "\n OR ".join(allblocks), ) else: where = "" params = {} params.update({ 'conference_id':, }) ofields = [_attendee_report_field_map[f] for f in (data['orderby1'], data['orderby2'])] if format not in ('json', 'badge'): # Regular reports, so we control all fields rfields = [_attendee_report_field_map[f] for f in fields] # Colums to actually select (including expressions) cols = [f.get_select_name() for f in rfields] # Table to join in to get the required columns joins = [j.get_join() for j in rfields if j.get_join()] # There could be more joins needed for the order by joins.extend([j.get_join() for j in ofields if j.get_join() and j.get_join() not in joins]) joinstr = "\n".join(joins) if joinstr: joinstr = "\n" + joinstr query = "SELECT,{}\nFROM confreg_conferenceregistration r INNER JOIN confreg_conference conference ON{}\nWHERE r.conference_id=%(conference_id)s {}\nORDER BY {}".format( ", ".join(cols), joinstr, where, ", ".join([o.get_orderby_field() for o in ofields]), ) else: # For json and badge, we have a mostly hardcoded query, but we still get the filter from # above. # We do this hardcoded because the django ORM can't even begin to understand what we're # doing here, and generates a horrible loop of queries. def _get_table_aliased_field(fieldname): # If we have aliased a table, we have to map it in the orderby field as well. So the list of # table aliases here has to match that in the below query if '.' not in fieldname: return fieldname (table, _f) = fieldname.split('.') return '{}.{}'.format({ 'confreg_conferenceregistration': 'r', 'confreg_conference': 'conference', 'confreg_registrationtype': 'rt', 'confreg_registrationclass': 'rc', 'confreg_conferenceregistration_additionaloptions': 'crao', 'confreg_conferenceadditionaloption': 'ao', 'confreg_shirtsize': 's', }.get(table, table), _f) query = """SELECT, firstname, lastname, email, company, address, phone, dietary, twittername, nick, badgescan, shareemail, vouchercode, AS countryname, country.printable_name AS country, s.shirtsize, 'ID$' || idtoken || '$ID' AS fullidtoken, 'AT$' || publictoken || '$AT' AS fullpublictoken, regexp_replace(upper(substring(CASE WHEN conference.queuepartitioning=1 THEN lastname WHEN conference.queuepartitioning=2 THEN firstname END, 1, 1)), '[^A-Z]', 'Other') AS queuepartition, json_build_object('regtype', rt.regtype, 'specialtype', rt.specialtype, 'days', (SELECT array_agg(day) FROM confreg_registrationday rd INNER JOIN confreg_registrationtype_days rtd ON WHERE, 'regclass', json_build_object('regclass', rc.regclass, 'badgecolor', rc.badgecolor, 'badgeforegroundcolor', rc.badgeforegroundcolor, 'bgcolortuplestr', CASE WHEN badgecolor!='' THEN ('x'||substring(badgecolor, 2, 2))::bit(8)::int || ',' || ('x'||substring(badgecolor, 4, 2))::bit(8)::int || ',' || ('x'||substring(badgecolor, 6, 2))::bit(8)::int END, 'fgcolortuplestr', CASE WHEN badgeforegroundcolor!='' THEN ('x'||substring(badgeforegroundcolor, 2, 2))::bit(8)::int || ',' || ('x'||substring(badgeforegroundcolor, 4, 2))::bit(8)::int || ',' || ('x'||substring(badgeforegroundcolor, 6, 2))::bit(8)::int END ) ) AS regtype, COALESCE(json_agg(json_build_object('id',, 'name', FILTER (WHERE IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS additionaloptions FROM confreg_conferenceregistration r INNER JOIN confreg_conference conference ON INNER JOIN confreg_registrationtype rt ON INNER JOIN confreg_registrationclass rc ON LEFT JOIN confreg_conferenceregistration_additionaloptions crao ON LEFT JOIN confreg_conferenceadditionaloption ao ON LEFT JOIN country ON country.iso=r.country_id LEFT JOIN confreg_shirtsize s ON WHERE r.conference_id=%(conference_id)s {} GROUP BY,,,, country.iso, ORDER BY {}""".format(where, ", ".join([_get_table_aliased_field(o.get_orderby_field()) for o in ofields])) with ensure_conference_timezone(conference): result = exec_to_dict(query, params) if format == 'html': writer = ReportWriterHtml(request, conference, title, borders) elif format == 'pdf': writer = ReportWriterPdf(request, conference, title, borders) writer.set_orientation_and_size(orientation, pagesize) elif format == 'csv': writer = ReportWriterCsv(request, conference, title, borders) elif format == 'json': resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json') json.dump(result, resp, indent=2) return resp elif format == 'badge': try: resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') render_jinja_badges(conference, settings.FONTROOT, result, resp, borders, pagebreaks, orientation, pagesize) return resp except Exception as e: return HttpResponse("Exception occured: %s" % e, content_type='text/plain') else: raise Exception("Unknown format") allheaders = [_attendee_report_field_map[f].title for f in fields] if len(extracols): allheaders.extend(extracols) writer.set_headers(allheaders) for r in result: row = [_attendee_report_field_map[f].get_value(r[f]) for f in fields] row.extend([[]] * len(extracols)) writer.add_row(row) return writer.render()
def api(request, urlname, regtoken, what): (conference, user, is_admin) = _get_checkin(request, urlname, regtoken) if what == 'status': return _json_response({ 'user': user.attendee.username, 'name': user.fullname, 'active': conference.checkinactive, 'confname': conference.conferencename, 'admin': is_admin, }) # Only the stats API call is allowed when check-in is not open if not conference.checkinactive and what != 'stats': return HttpResponse("Check-in not open", status=412) if what == 'lookup': token = request.GET.get('lookup') if not (token.startswith('ID$') and token.endswith('$ID')): raise Http404() token = token[3:-3] r = get_object_or_404(ConferenceRegistration, conference=conference, payconfirmedat__isnull=False, canceledat__isnull=True, idtoken=token) return _json_response({'reg': _get_reg_json(r)}) elif what == 'search': s = request.GET.get('search').strip() return _json_response({ 'regs': [ _get_reg_json(r) for r in ConferenceRegistration.objects.filter( Q(firstname__icontains=s) | Q(lastname__icontains=s), conference=conference, payconfirmedat__isnull=False, canceledat__isnull=True, ) ], }) elif is_admin and what == 'stats': with ensure_conference_timezone(conference): return _json_response(_get_statistics(conference)) elif request.method == 'POST' and what == 'checkin': if not conference.checkinactive: return HttpResponse("Check-in not open", status=412) reg = get_object_or_404(ConferenceRegistration, conference=conference, payconfirmedat__isnull=False, canceledat__isnull=True, pk=get_int_or_error(request.POST, 'reg')) if reg.checkedinat: return HttpResponse("Already checked in.", status=412) reg.checkedinat = reg.checkedinby = user return _json_response({ 'reg': _get_reg_json(reg), }) else: raise Http404()