def load_data_from_request(request):
    data = None
    if request.method == "POST":
        if request.content_type in ["", "text/plain", "application/json"]:
            data = request.body
            data = request.POST.get("data")
        data = request.GET.get("data")

    if not data:
        return None

    # add the data in sentry's scope in case there's an exception
    with push_scope() as scope:
        scope.set_context("data", data)

    compression = (request.GET.get("compression")
                   or request.POST.get("compression")
                   or request.headers.get("content-encoding", ""))
    compression = compression.lower()

    if compression == "gzip" or compression == "gzip-js":
            data = gzip.decompress(data)
        except (EOFError, OSError) as error:
            raise RequestParsingError("Failed to decompress data. %s" %

    if compression == "lz64":
        if not isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.decode()
        data = data.replace(" ", "+")

        data = lzstring.LZString().decompressFromBase64(data)

        if not data:
            raise RequestParsingError("Failed to decompress data.")

        data = data.encode("utf-16", "surrogatepass").decode("utf-16")

    base64_decoded = None
        base64_decoded = base64_decode(data)
    except Exception:

    if base64_decoded:
        data = base64_decoded

        # parse_constant gets called in case of NaN, Infinity etc
        # default behaviour is to put those into the DB directly
        # but we just want it to return None
        data = json.loads(data, parse_constant=lambda x: None)
    except (json.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as error_main:
        raise RequestParsingError("Invalid JSON: %s" % (str(error_main)))

    # TODO: data can also be an array, function assumes it's either None or a dictionary.
    return data
文件: utils.py 项目: PostHog/posthog
def load_data_from_request(request):
    data = None
    if request.method == "POST":
        if request.content_type in ["", "text/plain", "application/json"]:
            data = request.body
            data = request.POST.get("data")
        data = request.GET.get("data")

    if not data:
        return None

    # add the data in sentry's scope in case there's an exception
    with configure_scope() as scope:
        scope.set_context("data", data)
        scope.set_tag("origin", request.META.get("REMOTE_HOST", "unknown"))
        scope.set_tag("referer", request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "unknown"))
        # since version 1.20.0 posthog-js adds its version to the `ver` query parameter as a debug signal here
        scope.set_tag("library.version", request.GET.get("ver", "unknown"))

    compression = (
        request.GET.get("compression") or request.POST.get("compression") or request.headers.get("content-encoding", "")
    compression = compression.lower()

    if compression == "gzip" or compression == "gzip-js":
        if data == b"undefined":
            raise RequestParsingError(
                "data being loaded from the request body for decompression is the literal string 'undefined'"

            data = gzip.decompress(data)
        except (EOFError, OSError) as error:
            raise RequestParsingError("Failed to decompress data. %s" % (str(error)))

    if compression == "lz64":
        if not isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.decode()
        data = data.replace(" ", "+")

        data = lzstring.LZString().decompressFromBase64(data)

        if not data:
            raise RequestParsingError("Failed to decompress data.")

        data = data.encode("utf-16", "surrogatepass").decode("utf-16")

    base64_decoded = None
        base64_decoded = base64_decode(data)
    except Exception:

    if base64_decoded:
        data = base64_decoded

        # parse_constant gets called in case of NaN, Infinity etc
        # default behaviour is to put those into the DB directly
        # but we just want it to return None
        data = json.loads(data, parse_constant=lambda x: None)
    except (json.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as error_main:
        raise RequestParsingError("Invalid JSON: %s" % (str(error_main)))

    # TODO: data can also be an array, function assumes it's either None or a dictionary.
    return data