def test_demand_is_scaled(base_grid, raw_demand):
    base_demand = raw_demand[base_grid.id2zone.keys()]

    n_zone = param["n_zone_to_scale"]
    ct = ChangeTable(base_grid)
            z: f
            for z, f in zip(
                np.random.choice([i for i in base_grid.zone2id.values()],
                2 * np.random.random(size=n_zone),

    tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_grid = tg.get_grid()

    empty_scenario_info = {
    }  # scenario_info not needed since profile_input is mocked
    tp = TransformProfile(empty_scenario_info, transformed_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_profile = tp.get_profile("demand")
    assert not base_demand.equals(transformed_profile)

    scaled_zone = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].keys())
    unscaled_zone = set(base_grid.id2zone.keys()) - set(scaled_zone)
    factor = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].values())
    assert transformed_profile[scaled_zone].equals(
        base_demand[scaled_zone].multiply(factor, axis=1))
    if unscaled_zone:
        assert transformed_profile[list(unscaled_zone)].equals(
def test_remove_bus(ct):
    assert 1 in grid.bus.index
    ct.ct["remove_bus"] = {1}
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    assert 1 not in new_grid.bus.index
    ct.ct["remove_bus"] = {2, 3}
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    assert all(i not in new_grid.bus.index for i in [2, 3])
def test_remove_branch(ct):
    assert 0 in grid.branch.index
    ct.ct["remove_branch"] = {0}
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    assert 0 not in new_grid.branch.index
    ct.ct["remove_branch"] = {1, 2}
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    assert all(i not in new_grid.branch.index for i in [1, 2])
    def _get_transformed_df(self, table):
        """Get a post-transformation data table, for use with adding elements at new
        buses, or scaling new elements. Transformed tables are cached to avoid
        unnecessary re-calculation of identical tables.

        :param str table: the table of the grid to be fetched:
            'branch', 'bus', 'dcline', 'plant', or 'storage_gen'.
        :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the post-transformation table.
        if table == "storage_gen":
            # Storage is a special case, since it's a dict of data frames
            modification_keys = ["storage"]
                cache_key = tuple(tuple(sorted(b.items())) for b in self.ct["storage"])
            except KeyError:
                # No 'storage' key, so we can just return the original 'gen' table
                return self.grid.storage["gen"]
            if cache_key in self._new_element_caches[table]:
                return self._new_element_caches[table][cache_key]
                gen = TransformGrid(self.grid, self.ct).get_grid().storage["gen"]
                self._new_element_caches[table][cache_key] = gen
                return gen.copy()
        # For all other tables, look at change table keys for additions & deletions
        modification_keys = [f"new_{table}", f"remove_{table}"]
        cache_key = tuple(
            tuple(sorted(b.items())) for b in self.ct.get(f"new_{table}", {})
        cache_key += (
            tuple(sorted(self.ct.get(f"remove_{table}", {}))),
        if table == "plant":
            # For the plant table, also look at scaling (potentially to zero)
            # These are needed to validate whether buses can be removed
            modification_keys += sorted(self.grid.plant["type"].unique())
            cache_key += tuple(
                        tuple([subkey] + sorted(subdict.items()))
                        for k in modification_keys[1:]
                        for subkey, subdict in self.ct.get(k, {}).items()
        if not any(m in self.ct for m in modification_keys):
            return getattr(self.grid, table)
        if cache_key in self._new_element_caches[table]:
            return self._new_element_caches[table][cache_key]
            transformed = getattr(TransformGrid(self.grid, self.ct).get_grid(), table)
            self._new_element_caches[table][cache_key] = transformed
            return transformed.copy()
def test_add_storage(ct):
    storage = [
            "bus_id": 2021005,
            "capacity": 116.0
            "bus_id": 2028827,
            "capacity": 82.5
            "bus_id": 2028060,
            "capacity": 82.5
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    pmin = new_grid.storage["gen"].Pmin.values
    pmax = new_grid.storage["gen"].Pmax.values

    assert new_grid.storage["gen"].shape[0] != grid.storage["gen"].shape[0]
    assert np.array_equal(pmin,
                          -1 * np.array([d["capacity"] for d in storage]))
    assert np.array_equal(pmax, np.array([d["capacity"] for d in storage]))
def test_scale_gen_pmin_two_types_two_zones(ct):
    gen_type = ["ng", "coal"]
    zone = ["Louisiana", "Montana Eastern"]
    factor = [0.8, 1.25]
    for i, r in enumerate(gen_type):
        ct.scale_plant_pmin(r, zone_name={zone[i]: factor[i]})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    plant_id = []
    for z, r in zip(zone, gen_type):
        plant_id.append(get_plant_id(grid.zone2id[z], r))

    old_plant = grid.plant
    new_plant = new_grid.plant
    modified_columns = ["Pmin"]
    non_modified_columns = set(old_plant.columns) - set(modified_columns)

    assert not new_plant.equals(old_plant)
    # Make sure we don't mess with the gencost dataframe
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].equals(grid.gencost["before"])
    # Make sure we modify Pmin and only Pmin
    changed_plants = set().union(*plant_id)
    unchanged_plants = set(grid.plant.index.tolist()) - changed_plants
    assert old_plant.loc[unchanged_plants].equals(new_plant.loc[unchanged_plants])
    for f, i in zip(factor, plant_id):
        # Make sure we modify cost coefficient columns and only those columns
        assert new_plant.loc[i, modified_columns].equals(
            old_plant.loc[i, modified_columns] * f
        assert new_plant.loc[i, non_modified_columns].equals(
            old_plant.loc[i, non_modified_columns]
def test_add_dcline(ct):
    new_dcline = [
        {"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000},
        {"capacity": 1000, "from_bus_id": 3001001, "to_bus_id": 1},
        {"capacity": 8000, "from_bus_id": 12000, "to_bus_id": 5996},
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    new_pmin = new_grid.dcline.Pmin.values
    new_pmax = new_grid.dcline.Pmax.values
    new_index = new_grid.dcline.index
    old_index = grid.dcline.index

    assert new_grid.dcline.shape[0] != grid.dcline.shape[0]
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_index[-len(new_dcline) :],
        range(old_index[-1] + 1, old_index[-1] + 1 + len(new_dcline)),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_pmin[-len(new_dcline) :],
        np.array([-1 * dc["capacity"] for dc in new_dcline]),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_pmax[-len(new_dcline) :],
        np.array([dc["capacity"] for dc in new_dcline]),
def test_add_bus(ct):
    prev_num_buses = len(grid.bus.index)
    prev_max_bus = grid.bus.index.max()
    prev_num_subs = len(grid.sub.index)
    ct.ct["new_bus"] = [
        # These three are buses at new locations
        {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "Pd": 0, "baseKV": 69},
        {"lat": -40.5, "lon": -50, "zone_id": 201, "Pd": 10, "baseKV": 230},
        # We want to test that we can add two new buses at the same lat/lon
        {"lat": -40.5, "lon": -50, "zone_id": 201, "Pd": 5, "baseKV": 69},
        # This one is at the lat/lon of an existing substation
        {"lat": 36.0155, "lon": -114.738, "zone_id": 208, "Pd": 0, "baseKV": 345},
    expected_interconnects = ("Eastern", "Western", "Western", "Western")
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    assert len(new_grid.bus.index) == prev_num_buses + len(ct.ct["new_bus"])
    for i, new_bus in enumerate(ct.ct["new_bus"]):
        new_bus_id = prev_max_bus + 1 + i
        for k, v in new_bus.items():
            assert new_grid.bus.loc[new_bus_id, k] == v
        assert new_grid.bus.loc[new_bus_id, "interconnect"] == expected_interconnects[i]
    # Ensure that we still match with the other dataframes that matter
    assert len(new_grid.bus) == len(new_grid.bus2sub)
    assert len(new_grid.bus2sub.sub_id.unique()) == len(new_grid.sub)
    # Even though we add three new buses, there are only two unique lat/lon pairs
    assert len(new_grid.sub) == prev_num_subs + 2
    assert new_grid.bus.index.dtype == grid.bus.index.dtype
    assert new_grid.bus2sub.index.dtype == grid.bus2sub.index.dtype
    assert new_grid.sub.index.dtype == grid.sub.index.dtype
    def scale_plant_pmin(self, resource, zone_name=None, plant_id=None):
        """Sets plant cost scaling factor in change table.

        :param str resource: type of generator to consider.
        :param dict zone_name: load zones. The key(s) is (are) the name of the
            load zone(s) and the associated value is the scaling factor for the
            minimum generation for all generators fueled by
            specified resource in the load zone.
        :param dict plant_id: identification numbers of plants. The key(s) is
            (are) the id of the plant(s) and the associated value is the
            scaling factor for the minimum generation of the generator.
        self._add_plant_entries(resource, f"{resource}_pmin", zone_name, plant_id)
        # Check for situations where Pmin would be scaled above Pmax
        candidate_grid = TransformGrid(self.grid, self.ct).get_grid()
        pmax_pmin_ratio = candidate_grid.plant.Pmax / candidate_grid.plant.Pmin
        to_be_clipped = pmax_pmin_ratio < 1
        num_clipped = to_be_clipped.sum()
        if num_clipped > 0:
            err_msg = (
                f"{num_clipped} plants would have Pmin > Pmax; "
                "these plants will have Pmin scaling clipped so that Pmin = Pmax"
            # Add by-plant correction factors as necessary
            for plant_id, correction in pmax_pmin_ratio[to_be_clipped].items():
                if "plant_id" not in self.ct[f"{resource}_pmin"]:
                    self.ct[f"{resource}_pmin"]["plant_id"] = {}
                if plant_id in self.ct[f"{resource}_pmin"]["plant_id"]:
                    self.ct[f"{resource}_pmin"]["plant_id"][plant_id] *= correction
                    self.ct[f"{resource}_pmin"]["plant_id"][plant_id] = correction
def test_scale_gen_one_plant(ct):
    plant_id = 3000
    gen_type = grid.plant.loc[plant_id].type
    factor = 0.33
    ct.scale_plant_capacity(gen_type, plant_id={plant_id: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    pmax = grid.plant.Pmax
    new_pmax = new_grid.plant.Pmax
    pmin = grid.plant.Pmin
    new_pmin = new_grid.plant.Pmin

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert not new_pmax.equals(factor * pmax)
    assert not new_pmin.equals(factor * pmin)
    assert new_pmax.loc[plant_id] == factor * pmax.loc[plant_id]
    assert new_pmin.loc[plant_id] == factor * pmin.loc[plant_id]

    if gen_type in ["coal", "dfo", "geothermal", "ng", "nuclear"]:
        c0 = grid.gencost["before"].c0
        new_c0 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c0
        assert not new_c0.equals(factor * c0)
        assert new_c0.loc[plant_id] == factor * c0.loc[plant_id]

        c1 = grid.gencost["before"].c1
        new_c1 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c1
        assert new_c1.equals(c1)

        c2 = grid.gencost["before"].c2
        new_c2 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c2
        assert not new_c2.equals(c2 / factor)
        assert new_c2.loc[plant_id] == c2.loc[plant_id] / factor
def test_scale_renewable_gen_gencost_one_zone(ct):
    ct.scale_plant_capacity("wind", zone_name={"Washington": 2.3})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].c0.equals(grid.gencost["before"].c0)
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].c1.equals(grid.gencost["before"].c1)
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].c2.equals(grid.gencost["before"].c2)
def _check_plants_are_scaled(ct, base_grid, profile_info, raw_profile, resource):
    plant_id_type = get_plant_with_resource(base_grid, resource)

    base_profile = (
        raw_profile[plant_id_type] * base_grid.plant.loc[plant_id_type, "Pmax"]

    tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct)
    transformed_grid = tg.get_grid()

    tp = TransformProfile(profile_info, transformed_grid, ct)
    transformed_profile = tp.get_profile(resource)

    scaled_plant_id = []
    scaling_factor_plant = []
    if "zone_id" in ct[resource].keys():
        for z, f in ct[resource]["zone_id"].items():
            plant_id_zone = (
                base_grid.plant.groupby(["zone_id", "type"])
                .get_group((z, resource))
            scaled_plant_id += plant_id_zone
            scaling_factor_plant += [f] * len(plant_id_zone)
    if "plant_id" in ct[resource].keys():
        for i, f in ct[resource]["plant_id"].items():
            if i in scaled_plant_id:
                scaling_factor_plant[scaled_plant_id.index(i)] *= f

    assert not base_profile.equals(transformed_profile)
        base_profile[scaled_plant_id].multiply(scaling_factor_plant, axis=1).values,

    unscaled_plant_id = set(plant_id_type) - set(scaled_plant_id)
    if unscaled_plant_id:
        assert transformed_profile[unscaled_plant_id].equals(
    return transformed_profile
def test_add_gen_add_entries_in_gencost_data_frame(ct):
    new_plant = [
        {"type": "solar", "bus_id": 2050363, "Pmax": 15},
        {"type": "wind", "bus_id": 555, "Pmin": 5, "Pmax": 60},
        {"type": "wind_offshore", "bus_id": 60123, "Pmax": 175},
            "type": "ng",
            "bus_id": 2010687,
            "Pmin": 25,
            "Pmax": 400,
            "c0": 1500,
            "c1": 50,
            "c2": 0.5,
        {"type": "solar", "bus_id": 2050363, "Pmax": 15},
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    new_c0 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c0.values
    new_c1 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c1.values
    new_c2 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c2.values
    new_type = new_grid.gencost["before"].type.values
    new_startup = new_grid.gencost["before"].startup.values
    new_shutdown = new_grid.gencost["before"].shutdown.values
    new_n = new_grid.gencost["before"].n.values
    new_index = new_grid.gencost["before"].index
    old_index = grid.gencost["before"].index

    assert new_grid.gencost["before"] is new_grid.gencost["after"]
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].shape[0] != grid.gencost["before"].shape[0]
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_index[-len(new_plant) :],
        range(old_index[-1] + 1, old_index[-1] + 1 + len(new_plant)),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_c0[-len(new_plant) :],
        np.array([p["c0"] if "c0" in p.keys() else 0 for p in new_plant]),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_c1[-len(new_plant) :],
        np.array([p["c1"] if "c1" in p.keys() else 0 for p in new_plant]),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_c2[-len(new_plant) :],
        np.array([p["c2"] if "c2" in p.keys() else 0 for p in new_plant]),
    assert np.array_equal(new_type[-len(new_plant) :], np.array([2] * len(new_plant)))
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_startup[-len(new_plant) :], np.array([0] * len(new_plant))
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_shutdown[-len(new_plant) :], np.array([0] * len(new_plant))
    assert np.array_equal(new_n[-len(new_plant) :], np.array([3] * len(new_plant)))
def test_flexible_demand_profiles_are_trimmed(base_grid,
    monkeypatch.setattr(Context, "get_data_access",
    data_access = Context.get_data_access()

    # Specify the fake demand flexibility profiles from MockInputData
    zone_keys = [f"zone.{z}" for z in base_grid.id2zone.keys()]
    base_demand_flexibility_up = raw_demand_flexibility_up[zone_keys]
    base_demand_flexibility_dn = raw_demand_flexibility_dn[zone_keys]

    # Create fake files in the expected directory path
    exp_path = f"raw/{base_grid.grid_model}"

    for csv_file in (
        with data_access.write(exp_path + "/" + csv_file) as f:

    # Specify the change table
    ct = ChangeTable(base_grid)
        "demand_flexibility_up": "Test",
        "demand_flexibility_dn": "Test",
        "demand_flexibility_duration": 6,

    # Transform the grid object accordingly
    tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_grid = tg.get_grid()

    # Test that the demand flexibility profiles are pruned
    empty_scenario_info = {"grid_model": base_grid.grid_model}
    tp = TransformProfile(empty_scenario_info, transformed_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_demand_flexibility_up = tp.get_profile("demand_flexibility_up")
    transformed_demand_flexibility_dn = tp.get_profile("demand_flexibility_dn")
    assert base_demand_flexibility_up.equals(transformed_demand_flexibility_up)
    assert base_demand_flexibility_dn.equals(transformed_demand_flexibility_dn)
def test_that_only_capacities_are_modified_when_scaling_renewable_gen(ct):
    gen_type = "solar"
    zone = "Utah"
    factor = 1.41
    ct.scale_plant_capacity(gen_type, zone_name={zone: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    ref_grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
    plant_id = get_plant_id(grid.zone2id[zone], gen_type)

    assert new_grid != ref_grid
    ref_grid.plant.loc[plant_id, ["Pmax", "Pmin"]] *= factor
    assert new_grid == ref_grid
 def _set_ct_and_grid(self):
     """Sets change table and grid."""
     base_grid = Grid(
     if self._scenario_info["change_table"] == "Yes":
         input_data = InputData()
         self.ct = input_data.get_data(self._scenario_info, "ct")
         self.grid = TransformGrid(base_grid, self.ct).get_grid()
         self.ct = {}
         self.grid = base_grid
def test_demand_is_scaled(base_grid):
    input_data = InputData()
    demand_info = {
        "interconnect": "_".join(interconnect),
        "grid_model": "usa_tamu",
        "base_demand": param["demand"],
    raw_demand = input_data.get_data(demand_info, "demand")
    base_demand = raw_demand[base_grid.id2zone.keys()]

    n_zone = param["n_zone_to_scale"]
    ct = ChangeTable(base_grid)
            z: f
            for z, f in zip(
                    [i for i in base_grid.zone2id.values()], size=n_zone, replace=False
                2 * np.random.random(size=n_zone),

    tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_grid = tg.get_grid()

    tp = TransformProfile(demand_info, transformed_grid, ct.ct)
    transformed_profile = tp.get_profile("demand")
    assert not base_demand.equals(transformed_profile)

    scaled_zone = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].keys())
    unscaled_zone = set(base_grid.id2zone.keys()) - set(scaled_zone)
    factor = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].values())
    assert transformed_profile[scaled_zone].equals(
        base_demand[scaled_zone].multiply(factor, axis=1)
    if unscaled_zone:
        assert transformed_profile[unscaled_zone].equals(base_demand[unscaled_zone])
def _check_new_plants_are_added(ct, base_grid, raw_profile, resource):
    n_plant = param["n_plant_to_add"]
    plant_id_type = (base_grid.plant.isin(
        profile_type[resource]).query("type == True").index)
    base_profile = (raw_profile[plant_id_type] *
                    base_grid.plant.loc[plant_id_type, "Pmax"])

    tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct)
    transformed_grid = tg.get_grid()

    empty_scenario_info = {
    }  # scenario_info not needed since profile_input is mocked
    tp = TransformProfile(empty_scenario_info, transformed_grid, ct)
    transformed_profile = tp.get_profile(resource)

    assert not transformed_profile.equals(base_profile)
    assert not len(base_profile.columns) == len(transformed_profile.columns)
    assert len(set(transformed_profile.columns) -
               set(base_profile.columns)) == n_plant
    assert set(transformed_profile.columns) - set(base_profile.columns) == set(

    return transformed_profile.drop(base_profile.columns, axis=1)
def test_scale_gen_capacity_one_zone(ct):
    gen_type = "coal"
    zone = "Colorado"
    factor = 2.0
    ct.scale_plant_capacity(gen_type, zone_name={zone: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    plant_id = get_plant_id(grid.zone2id[zone], gen_type)

    pmax = grid.plant.Pmax
    new_pmax = new_grid.plant.Pmax

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert not new_pmax.equals(factor * pmax)
    assert new_pmax.loc[plant_id].equals(factor * pmax.loc[plant_id])
def test_add_gen_add_entries_in_plant_data_frame(ct):
    new_plant = [
            "type": "solar",
            "bus_id": 2050363,
            "Pmax": 85
            "type": "wind",
            "bus_id": 9,
            "Pmin": 5,
            "Pmax": 60
            "type": "wind_offshore",
            "bus_id": 13802,
            "Pmax": 175
            "type": "ng",
            "bus_id": 2010687,
            "Pmin": 25,
            "Pmax": 400,
            "c0": 1500,
            "c1": 50,
            "c2": 0.5,
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    new_pmin = new_grid.plant.Pmin.values
    new_pmax = new_grid.plant.Pmax.values
    new_status = new_grid.plant.status.values
    new_index = new_grid.plant.index
    old_index = grid.plant.index

    assert new_grid.plant.shape[0] != grid.plant.shape[0]
    assert np.array_equal(
        range(old_index[-1] + 1, old_index[-1] + 1 + len(new_plant)),
    assert np.array_equal(
        np.array([p["Pmin"] if "Pmin" in p.keys() else 0 for p in new_plant]),
    assert np.array_equal(new_pmax[-len(new_plant):],
                          np.array([p["Pmax"] for p in new_plant]))
    assert np.array_equal(new_status[-len(new_plant):],
                          np.array([1] * len(new_plant)))
def test_scale_one_branch(ct):
    branch_id = 11111
    factor = 1.62
    ct.scale_branch_capacity(branch_id={branch_id: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    capacity = grid.branch.rateA
    new_capacity = new_grid.branch.rateA
    x = grid.branch.x
    new_x = new_grid.branch.x

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert new_grid.dcline.equals(grid.dcline)
    assert not new_capacity.equals(factor * capacity)
    assert new_capacity.loc[branch_id] == factor * capacity.loc[branch_id]
    assert not new_x.equals(x / factor)
    assert new_x.loc[branch_id] == x.loc[branch_id] / factor
def test_scale_branch_one_zone(ct):
    factor = 4
    zone = "Washington"
    ct.scale_branch_capacity(zone_name={"Washington": factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    branch_id = get_branch_id(grid.zone2id[zone])

    capacity = grid.branch.rateA
    new_capacity = new_grid.branch.rateA
    x = grid.branch.x
    new_x = new_grid.branch.x

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert not new_capacity.equals(factor * capacity)
    assert new_capacity.loc[branch_id].equals(factor * capacity.loc[branch_id])
    assert not new_x.equals(x / factor)
    assert new_x.loc[branch_id].equals(x.loc[branch_id] / factor)
    def _get_df_with_new_elements(self, table):
        """Get a post-transformation data table, for use with adding elements at new
        buses, or scaling new elements.

        :param str table: the table of the grid to be fetched:
            'branch', 'bus', 'dcline', or 'plant'.
        :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the post-transformation table.
        add_key = f"new_{table}"
        if add_key not in self.ct:
            return getattr(self.grid, table)
        new_elements_tuple = tuple(tuple(sorted(b.items())) for b in self.ct[add_key])
        if new_elements_tuple in self._new_element_caches[table]:
            return self._new_element_caches[table][new_elements_tuple]
            transformed = getattr(TransformGrid(self.grid, self.ct).get_grid(), table)
            self._new_element_caches[table][new_elements_tuple] = transformed
            return transformed.copy()
def test_scale_branch_two_zones(ct):
    factor = [0.3, 1.25]
    zone = ["West Virginia", "Nevada"]
    ct.scale_branch_capacity(zone_name={z: f for z, f in zip(zone, factor)})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    branch_id = []
    for z in zone:

    capacity = grid.branch.rateA
    new_capacity = new_grid.branch.rateA
    x = grid.branch.x
    new_x = new_grid.branch.x

    assert new_grid.plant.equals(grid.plant)
    for f, i in zip(factor, branch_id):
        assert new_capacity.loc[i].equals(f * capacity.loc[i])
        assert new_x.loc[i].equals(x.loc[i] / f)
def test_scale_gencost_one_plant(ct):
    # This must be the plant ID of a non-zero-cost resource
    plant_id = 3000
    gen_type = grid.plant.loc[plant_id].type
    factor = 1.5
    ct.scale_plant_cost(gen_type, plant_id={plant_id: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    old_gencost = grid.gencost["before"]
    new_gencost = new_grid.gencost["before"]
    modified_columns = ["c0", "c1", "c2"]
    non_modified_columns = set(old_gencost.columns) - set(modified_columns)

    assert new_grid != grid
    # Make sure we don't mess with the plant dataframe
    assert new_grid.plant.equals(grid.plant)
    # Make sure we modify cost coefficient columns and only those columns
    assert new_gencost.loc[plant_id, modified_columns].equals(
        old_gencost.loc[plant_id, modified_columns] * factor)
    assert new_gencost.loc[plant_id, non_modified_columns].equals(
        old_gencost.loc[plant_id, non_modified_columns])
def test_scale_gen_pmin_one_plant(ct):
    # This must be the plant ID of a non-zero-cost resource
    plant_id = 3000
    gen_type = grid.plant.loc[plant_id].type
    factor = 1.5
    ct.scale_plant_pmin(gen_type, plant_id={plant_id: factor})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    old_plant = grid.plant
    new_plant = new_grid.plant
    modified_columns = ["Pmin"]
    non_modified_columns = set(old_plant.columns) - set(modified_columns)

    assert not new_plant.equals(old_plant)
    # Make sure we don't mess with the gencost dataframe
    assert new_grid.gencost["before"].equals(grid.gencost["before"])
    # Make sure we modify Pmin and only Pmin
    assert new_plant.loc[plant_id, modified_columns].equals(
        old_plant.loc[plant_id, modified_columns] * factor)
    assert new_plant.loc[plant_id, non_modified_columns].equals(
        old_plant.loc[plant_id, non_modified_columns])
def test_add_branch(ct):
    new_branch = [
        {"capacity": 150, "from_bus_id": 8, "to_bus_id": 100},
        {"capacity": 250, "from_bus_id": 8000, "to_bus_id": 30000},
        {"capacity": 50, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 655},
        {"capacity": 125, "from_bus_id": 3001005, "to_bus_id": 3008157},
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    new_capacity = new_grid.branch.rateA.values
    new_index = new_grid.branch.index
    old_index = grid.branch.index

    assert new_grid.branch.shape[0] != grid.branch.shape[0]
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_index[-len(new_branch) :],
        range(old_index[-1] + 1, old_index[-1] + 1 + len(new_branch)),
    assert np.array_equal(
        new_capacity[-len(new_branch) :],
        np.array([ac["capacity"] for ac in new_branch]),
def test_scale_dcline(ct):
    dcline_id = [2, 4, 6]
    factor = [1.2, 1.6, 0]
    ct.scale_dcline_capacity({i: f for i, f in zip(dcline_id, factor)})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()

    pmin = grid.dcline.Pmin
    new_pmin = new_grid.dcline.Pmin
    pmax = grid.dcline.Pmax
    new_pmax = new_grid.dcline.Pmax
    status = grid.dcline.status
    new_status = new_grid.dcline.status

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert not new_status.equals(status)
    assert not new_pmin.equals(pmin)
    assert not new_pmax.equals(pmax)
    for i, f in zip(dcline_id, factor):
        assert new_pmin.loc[i] == f * pmin.loc[i]
        assert new_pmax.loc[i] == f * pmax.loc[i]
        assert status.loc[i] == 1
        assert new_status.loc[i] == 0 if f == 0 else 1
def test_added_branch_scaled(ct):
    new_branch = [
            "capacity": 150,
            "from_bus_id": 8,
            "to_bus_id": 100
            "capacity": 250,
            "from_bus_id": 8000,
            "to_bus_id": 30000
            "capacity": 50,
            "from_bus_id": 1,
            "to_bus_id": 655
            "capacity": 125,
            "from_bus_id": 3001005,
            "to_bus_id": 3008157
    prev_max_branch_id = grid.branch.index.max()
    new_branch_ids = list(
        range(prev_max_branch_id + 1,
              prev_max_branch_id + 1 + len(new_branch)))
    ct.scale_branch_capacity(branch_id={new_branch_ids[0]: 2})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    new_capacity = new_grid.branch.rateA

    for i, new_id in enumerate(new_branch_ids):
        if i == 0:
            assert new_capacity.loc[
                new_branch_ids[i]] == new_branch[i]["capacity"] * 2
            assert new_capacity.loc[new_id] == new_branch[i]["capacity"]
def test_scale_thermal_gen_gencost_two_types_two_zones(ct):
    gen_type = ["ng", "coal"]
    zone = ["Louisiana", "Montana Eastern"]
    factor = [0.8, 1.25]
    for i, r in enumerate(gen_type):
        ct.scale_plant_capacity(r, zone_name={zone[i]: factor[i]})
    new_grid = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid()
    plant_id = []
    for z, r in zip(zone, gen_type):
        plant_id.append(get_plant_id(grid.zone2id[z], r))

    c0 = grid.gencost["before"].c0
    new_c0 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c0
    c1 = grid.gencost["before"].c1
    new_c1 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c1
    c2 = grid.gencost["before"].c2
    new_c2 = new_grid.gencost["before"].c2

    assert new_grid != grid
    assert new_c1.equals(c1)
    for f, i in zip(factor, plant_id):
        assert new_c0.loc[i].equals(f * c0.loc[i])
        assert new_c2.loc[i].equals(c2.loc[i] / f)