def test_utils(): '''script to test all utils functions''' from pox import pattern, getvars, expandvars, convert, replace, \ index_join, findpackage, remote, parse_remote, \ select, selectdict, env, homedir, username #print('testing pattern...') assert pattern(['PYTHON*','DEVELOPER']) == 'PYTHON*;DEVELOPER' assert pattern([]) == '' #print('testing getvars...') bogusdict = {'QAZWERFDSXCV_STUFF':'${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff', 'MIKE_VERSION':'1.0','MIKE_DIR':'${HOME}/junk', 'DUMMY_VERSION':'6.9','DUMMY_STUFF':'/a/b', 'DV_DIR':'${HOME}/dev', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION':'0.0.1'} home = homedir() if 'HOME' not in os.environ: os.environ['HOME'] = home assert getvars(home) == {} d1 = {'DV_DIR': '${HOME}/dev', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION': '0.0.1'} d2 = {'MIKE_DIR': '${HOME}/junk'} assert getvars('${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff',bogusdict,'/') == d1 assert getvars('${MIKE_DIR}/stuff',bogusdict,'/') == d2 _home = 'HOME' assert getvars('${%s}/stuff' % _home, sep='/') == {_home: homedir()} #print('testing expandvars...') assert expandvars(home) == homedir() x = '${ASDFQWEGQVQEGQERGQEVQEEEVCQERGWEGWEFGW}/stuff' assert expandvars(x) == x x = '${HOME}/junk/${HOME}/dev/stuff' assert expandvars('${MIKE_DIR}/${DV_DIR}/stuff',bogusdict) == x assert expandvars('${DV_DIR}/${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}',secondref=bogusdict) == \ expandvars('${DV_DIR}/${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}',bogusdict,os.environ) assert expandvars('${%s}/stuff' % _home) == ''.join([homedir(), '/stuff']) #print('testing convert...') source = 'test.txt' f = open(source,'w') f.write('this is a test file.'+os.linesep) f.close() assert convert(source,'mac',verbose=False) == convert(source,verbose=False) assert convert(source,'foo',verbose=False) > 0 #print('testing replace...') replace(source,{' is ':' was '}) replace(source,{'\\sfile.\\s':'.'}) f = open(source,'r') assert == 'this was a test.' f.close() os.remove(source) #print('testing index_join...') fl = ['begin ','hello ','world ','string '] assert index_join(fl,'hello ','world ') == 'hello world ' #print('testing findpackage...') assert not findpackage('python','aoskvaosvoaskvoak',all=True,verbose=False,recurse=False) p = findpackage('lib/python*',env('HOME',all=False),all=False,verbose=False,recurse=1) if p: assert 'lib/python' in p #print('testing remote...') myhost = '' assert remote('~/dev') == '~/dev' assert 'localhost' in remote('~/dev',loopback=True) thing = '' assert remote('~/dev',host=myhost,user=username()).endswith(thing) #print('testing parse_remote...') destination = 'danse@%s:~/dev' % myhost x = ('-l danse', '', '~/dev') assert parse_remote(destination,login_flag=True) == x destination = 'danse@%s:' % myhost assert parse_remote(destination) == ('danse', '', '') destination = '%s:' % myhost x = ('', '', '') assert parse_remote(destination,login_flag=True) == x destination = 'test.txt' x = ('', 'localhost', 'test.txt') assert parse_remote(destination,loopback=True) == x #print('testing select...') test = ['zero','one','two','three','4','five','six','seven','8','9/81'] assert select(test) == ['three', 'seven'] assert select(test,minimum=True) == ['4', '8'] assert select(test,reverse=True,all=False) == 'seven' assert select(test,counter='/',all=False) == '9/81' test = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,3,5]] assert select(test) == test assert select(test,counter=3) == [test[0], test[-1]] assert select(test,counter=3,minimum=True) == [test[1]] #print('testing selectdict...') x = {'MIKE_VERSION': '1.0', 'DUMMY_VERSION': '6.9'} assert selectdict(bogusdict,minimum=True) == x x = {'DUMMY_STUFF': '/a/b', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_STUFF': '${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff'} assert selectdict(bogusdict,counter='/') == x assert len(selectdict(bogusdict,counter='/',all=False)) == 1 return
def test_shutils(): '''script to test all shutils functions''' from pox import shelltype, homedir, rootdir, sep, mkdir, walk, where, env, \ username, minpath, which, which_python, find, shellsub, \ expandvars, __version__ as version #print('testing shelltype...') shell = shelltype() try: assert shell in [ 'bash', 'sh', 'csh', 'zsh', 'tcsh', 'ksh', 'rc', 'es', 'cmd' ] except AssertionError: if shell: print("Warning: non-standard shell type") assert isinstance(shell, str) else: print("Warning: could not determine shell type") assert shell is None #print('testing username...') #print(username()) #print('testing homedir...') #print(homedir()) assert homedir().rstrip(sep()).endswith(username()) #print('testing rootdir...') #print(rootdir()) assert homedir().startswith(rootdir()) #print('testing sep...') #print(sep()) #print(sep('ext')) # print(sep('foo')) #print('testing mkdir...') newdir = sep().join(['xxxtest', 'testxxx']) assert mkdir(newdir).rstrip(sep()).endswith(newdir) #print('cleaning up...') os.removedirs(newdir) #print('testing walk...') #print(walk('/usr/local','*',recurse=False,folders=True,files=False)) folders = walk(rootdir(), '*', recurse=False, folders=True, files=False) assert len(folders) > 0 ### assert all(not os.path.isfile(folder) for folder in folders) home = walk(homedir() + sep() + os.pardir, username(), False, True)[0] assert home == homedir() #print('testing where...') shells = walk(home, '.bashrc', recurse=0) bashrc = where('.bashrc', home) if bashrc: assert bashrc in shells else: assert not shells #print(bashrc) #print('testing minpath...') #print(minpath(os.path.expandvars('$PATH'))) path = expandvars('$PATH') assert minpath(path).count(sep('path')) <= path.count(sep('path')) #print('testing env...') assert env('ACSDAGHQSBFCASDCOMAOCMQOMCQWMOCQOMCOMQRCVOMQOCMQORMCQ') == {} if 'HOME' not in os.environ: os.environ['HOME'] = homedir() assert env('HOME', all=False) or env('USERPROFILE', all=False) == homedir() pathdict = env('*PATH*', minimal=True) assert len(pathdict) > 0 assert all('PATH' in key for key in pathdict) #print('testing which...') assert which('python').endswith(('python', 'python.exe')) assert which('python') in which('python', all=True) #print('testing find...') #print(find('python','/usr/local',type='l')) #print(find('*py;*txt')) x = os.path.dirname(__file__) if not x: # this file is not found x = which('pox;') if x: # if executable found, then navigate to the test directory p = which_python(fullpath=False, version=True) x = os.sep.join((x.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0], 'lib', p)) x = [ p for p in find('', x, True, 'f') if version in p ] x = x[0] if x else '' if x: assert set(find('__init__*;__main__*;test_*', x, False, 'f')) == set(find('*py;*pyc', x, recurse=False)) #print('testing shellsub...') command = '${HOME}/bin/which foo("bar")' #print(repr(command)) #print(repr(shellsub(command))) assert shellsub(command) == '\\${HOME}/bin/which foo\\(\\"bar\\"\\)' return
def test_utils(): '''script to test all utils functions''' from pox import pattern, getvars, expandvars, convert, replace, \ index_join, findpackage, remote, parse_remote, \ select, selectdict, env, homedir, username #print('testing pattern...') assert pattern(['PYTHON*','DEVELOPER']) == 'PYTHON*;DEVELOPER' assert pattern([]) == '' #print('testing getvars...') bogusdict = {'QAZWERFDSXCV_STUFF':'${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff', 'MIKE_VERSION':'1.0','MIKE_DIR':'${HOME}/junk', 'DUMMY_VERSION':'6.9','DUMMY_STUFF':'/a/b', 'DV_DIR':'${HOME}/dev', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION':'0.0.1'} home = homedir() if 'HOME' not in os.environ: os.environ['HOME'] = home assert getvars(home) == {} d1 = {'DV_DIR': '${HOME}/dev', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION': '0.0.1'} d2 = {'MIKE_DIR': '${HOME}/junk'} assert getvars('${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff',bogusdict,'/') == d1 assert getvars('${MIKE_DIR}/stuff',bogusdict,'/') == d2 _home = 'HOME' assert getvars('${%s}/stuff' % _home, sep='/') == {_home: homedir()} #print('testing expandvars...') assert expandvars(home) == homedir() x = '${ASDFQWEGQVQEGQERGQEVQEEEVCQERGWEGWEFGW}/stuff' assert expandvars(x) == x x = '${HOME}/junk/${HOME}/dev/stuff' assert expandvars('${MIKE_DIR}/${DV_DIR}/stuff',bogusdict) == x assert expandvars('${DV_DIR}/${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}',secondref=bogusdict) == \ expandvars('${DV_DIR}/${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}',bogusdict,os.environ) assert expandvars('${%s}/stuff' % _home) == ''.join([homedir(), '/stuff']) #print('testing convert...') source = 'test.txt' f = open(source,'w') f.write('this is a test file.'+os.linesep) f.close() assert convert(source,'mac',verbose=False) == convert(source,verbose=False) assert convert(source,'foo',verbose=False) > 0 #print('testing replace...') replace(source,{' is ':' was '}) replace(source,{'\sfile.\s':'.'}) f = open(source,'r') assert == 'this was a test.' f.close() os.remove(source) #print('testing index_join...') fl = ['begin ','hello ','world ','string '] assert index_join(fl,'hello ','world ') == 'hello world ' #print('testing findpackage...') assert not findpackage('python','aoskvaosvoaskvoak',all=True,verbose=False,recurse=False) p = findpackage('lib/python*',env('HOME',all=False),all=False,verbose=False,recurse=1) if p: assert 'lib/python' in p #print('testing remote...') myhost = '' assert remote('~/dev') == '~/dev' assert 'localhost' in remote('~/dev',loopback=True) thing = '' assert remote('~/dev',host=myhost,user=username()).endswith(thing) #print('testing parse_remote...') destination = 'danse@%s:~/dev' % myhost x = ('-l danse', '', '~/dev') assert parse_remote(destination,login_flag=True) == x destination = 'danse@%s:' % myhost assert parse_remote(destination) == ('danse', '', '') destination = '%s:' % myhost x = ('', '', '') assert parse_remote(destination,login_flag=True) == x destination = 'test.txt' x = ('', 'localhost', 'test.txt') assert parse_remote(destination,loopback=True) == x #print('testing select...') test = ['zero','one','two','three','4','five','six','seven','8','9/81'] assert select(test) == ['three', 'seven'] assert select(test,minimum=True) == ['4', '8'] assert select(test,reverse=True,all=False) == 'seven' assert select(test,counter='/',all=False) == '9/81' test = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,3,5]] assert select(test) == test assert select(test,counter=3) == [test[0], test[-1]] assert select(test,counter=3,minimum=True) == [test[1]] #print('testing selectdict...') x = {'MIKE_VERSION': '1.0', 'DUMMY_VERSION': '6.9'} assert selectdict(bogusdict,minimum=True) == x x = {'DUMMY_STUFF': '/a/b', 'QAZWERFDSXCV_STUFF': '${DV_DIR}/pythia-${QAZWERFDSXCV_VERSION}/stuff'} assert selectdict(bogusdict,counter='/') == x assert len(selectdict(bogusdict,counter='/',all=False)) == 1 return
def test(): '''test(); script to test all functions''' from pox import shelltype, homedir, rootdir, sep, mkdir, walk, where, \ username, minpath, env, which, find, shellsub, expandvars #print('testing shelltype...') shell = shelltype() try: assert shell in ['bash','sh','csh','zsh','tcsh','ksh','rc','es','cmd'] except AssertionError: print("Warning: non-standard shell type") assert isinstance(shell, str) #print('testing username...') #print(username()) #print('testing homedir...') #print(homedir()) assert homedir().rstrip(sep()).endswith(username()) #print('testing rootdir...') #print(rootdir()) assert homedir().startswith(rootdir()) #print('testing sep...') #print(sep()) #print(sep('ext')) # print(sep('foo')) #print('testing mkdir...') newdir = sep().join(['xxxtest','testxxx']) assert mkdir(newdir).rstrip(sep()).endswith(newdir) #print('cleaning up...') os.removedirs(newdir) #print('testing walk...') #print(walk('/usr/local','*',recurse=False,folders=True,files=False)) folders = walk(rootdir(),'*',recurse=False,folders=True,files=False) assert len(folders) > 0 assert all(not os.path.isfile(folder) for folder in folders) home = walk(homedir()+sep()+os.pardir, username(), False, True)[0] assert home == homedir() #print('testing where...') shells = walk(home,'.bashrc',recurse=0) bashrc = where('.bashrc',home) if bashrc: assert bashrc in shells else: assert not shells #print(bashrc) #print('testing minpath...') #print(minpath(os.path.expandvars('$PATH'))) path = expandvars('$PATH') assert minpath(path).count(sep('path')) <= path.count(sep('path')) #print('testing env...') assert env('ACSDAGHQSBFCASDCOMAOCMQOMCQWMOCQOMCOMQRCVOMQOCMQORMCQ') == {} assert env('HOME',all=False) == homedir() pathdict = env('*PATH*',minimal=True) assert len(pathdict) > 0 assert all('PATH' in key for key in pathdict) #print('testing which...') assert which('python').endswith('python') assert which('python') in which('python',all=True) #print('testing find...') #print(find('python','/usr/local',type='l')) #print(find('*py;*txt')) assert find('test_*','.',False,'f') == find('*py;*txt',recurse=False) #print('testing shellsub...') command = '${HOME}/bin/which foo("bar")' #print(repr(command)) #print(repr(shellsub(command))) assert shellsub(command) == '\\${HOME}/bin/which foo\\(\\"bar\\"\\)' return
def test_shutils(): """script to test all shutils functions""" from pox import ( shelltype, homedir, rootdir, sep, mkdir, walk, where, username, minpath, env, which, find, shellsub, expandvars, ) # print('testing shelltype...') shell = shelltype() try: assert shell in ["bash", "sh", "csh", "zsh", "tcsh", "ksh", "rc", "es", "cmd"] except AssertionError: if shell: print("Warning: non-standard shell type") assert isinstance(shell, str) else: print("Warning: could not determine shell type") assert shell is None # print('testing username...') # print(username()) # print('testing homedir...') # print(homedir()) assert homedir().rstrip(sep()).endswith(username()) # print('testing rootdir...') # print(rootdir()) assert homedir().startswith(rootdir()) # print('testing sep...') # print(sep()) # print(sep('ext')) # print(sep('foo')) # print('testing mkdir...') newdir = sep().join(["xxxtest", "testxxx"]) assert mkdir(newdir).rstrip(sep()).endswith(newdir) # print('cleaning up...') os.removedirs(newdir) # print('testing walk...') # print(walk('/usr/local','*',recurse=False,folders=True,files=False)) folders = walk(rootdir(), "*", recurse=False, folders=True, files=False) assert len(folders) > 0 assert all(not os.path.isfile(folder) for folder in folders) home = walk(homedir() + sep() + os.pardir, username(), False, True)[0] assert home == homedir() # print('testing where...') shells = walk(home, ".bashrc", recurse=0) bashrc = where(".bashrc", home) if bashrc: assert bashrc in shells else: assert not shells # print(bashrc) # print('testing minpath...') # print(minpath(os.path.expandvars('$PATH'))) path = expandvars("$PATH") assert minpath(path).count(sep("path")) <= path.count(sep("path")) # print('testing env...') assert env("ACSDAGHQSBFCASDCOMAOCMQOMCQWMOCQOMCOMQRCVOMQOCMQORMCQ") == {} if "HOME" not in os.environ: os.environ["HOME"] = homedir() assert env("HOME", all=False) or env("USERPROFILE", all=False) == homedir() pathdict = env("*PATH*", minimal=True) assert len(pathdict) > 0 assert all("PATH" in key for key in pathdict) # print('testing which...') assert which("python").endswith(("python", "python.exe")) assert which("python") in which("python", all=True) # print('testing find...') # print(find('python','/usr/local',type='l')) # print(find('*py;*txt')) x = "tests" if find("", recurse=False) else "." assert find("__init__*;test_*", x, False, "f") == find("*py", x, recurse=False) # print('testing shellsub...') command = '${HOME}/bin/which foo("bar")' # print(repr(command)) # print(repr(shellsub(command))) assert shellsub(command) == '\\${HOME}/bin/which foo\\(\\"bar\\"\\)' return
def test(): '''test(); script to test all functions''' from pox import shelltype, homedir, rootdir, sep, mkdir, walk, where, \ username, minpath, env, which, find, shellsub, expandvars #print('testing shelltype...') shell = shelltype() try: assert shell in [ 'bash', 'sh', 'csh', 'zsh', 'tcsh', 'ksh', 'rc', 'es', 'cmd' ] except AssertionError: print("Warning: non-standard shell type") assert isinstance(shell, str) #print('testing username...') #print(username()) #print('testing homedir...') #print(homedir()) assert homedir().rstrip(sep()).endswith(username()) #print('testing rootdir...') #print(rootdir()) assert homedir().startswith(rootdir()) #print('testing sep...') #print(sep()) #print(sep('ext')) # print(sep('foo')) #print('testing mkdir...') newdir = sep().join(['xxxtest', 'testxxx']) assert mkdir(newdir).rstrip(sep()).endswith(newdir) #print('cleaning up...') os.removedirs(newdir) #print('testing walk...') #print(walk('/usr/local','*',recurse=False,folders=True,files=False)) folders = walk(rootdir(), '*', recurse=False, folders=True, files=False) assert len(folders) > 0 assert all(not os.path.isfile(folder) for folder in folders) home = walk(homedir() + sep() + os.pardir, username(), False, True)[0] assert home == homedir() #print('testing where...') shells = walk(home, '.bashrc', recurse=0) bashrc = where('.bashrc', home) if bashrc: assert bashrc in shells else: assert not shells #print(bashrc) #print('testing minpath...') #print(minpath(os.path.expandvars('$PATH'))) path = expandvars('$PATH') assert minpath(path).count(sep('path')) <= path.count(sep('path')) #print('testing env...') assert env('ACSDAGHQSBFCASDCOMAOCMQOMCQWMOCQOMCOMQRCVOMQOCMQORMCQ') == {} assert env('HOME', all=False) or env('USERPROFILE', all=False) == homedir() pathdict = env('*PATH*', minimal=True) assert len(pathdict) > 0 assert all('PATH' in key for key in pathdict) #print('testing which...') assert which('python').endswith(('python', 'python.exe')) assert which('python') in which('python', all=True) #print('testing find...') #print(find('python','/usr/local',type='l')) #print(find('*py;*txt')) assert find('test_*', '.', False, 'f') == find('*py;*txt', recurse=False) #print('testing shellsub...') command = '${HOME}/bin/which foo("bar")' #print(repr(command)) #print(repr(shellsub(command))) assert shellsub(command) == '\\${HOME}/bin/which foo\\(\\"bar\\"\\)' return