文件: test_util.py 项目: mwgit00/poz
def landmark_test(lm1, lm2, xyz, angs):

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    _x, _y, _z = xyz
    _azi, _ele = angs

    # for the two landmarks:
    # - translate landmark by camera offset
    # - rotate by azimuth and elevation
    # - project into image
    cam_xyz = np.float32([_x, _y, _z])

    # determine pixel location of fixed LM
    xyz1 = lm1.xyz - cam_xyz
    xyz1_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz1, _ele, _azi, 0)
    uv1 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz1_rot)

    # determine pixel location of left/right LM
    xyz2 = lm2.xyz - cam_xyz
    xyz2_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz2, _ele, _azi, 0)
    uv2 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz2_rot)

    if cam.is_visible(uv1) and cam.is_visible(uv2):
        print "Image Landmark #1:", uv1
        print "Image Landmark #2:", uv2
        print "At least one landmark is NOT visible!"
        return False, 0., 0., 0.

    # all is well so proceed with test...

    # landmarks have been acquired
    # camera elevation and world Y also need updating
    cam.elev = _ele * pu.DEG2RAD
    cam.world_y = _y

    world_x, world_z, world_azim = cam.triangulate_landmarks(lm1, lm2)

    # this integer coordinate stuff is disabled for now...
    if False:
        print "Now try with integer pixel coords and known Y coords..."
        lm1.set_current_uv((int(u1 + 0.5), int(v1 + 0.5)))
        lm2.set_current_uv((int(u2 + 0.5), int(v2 + 0.5)))
        print lm1.uv
        print lm2.uv

        world_x, world_z, world_azim = cam.triangulate_landmarks(lm1, lm2)
        print "Robot is at", world_x, world_z, world_azim * pu.RAD2DEG

    return True, world_x, world_z, world_azim * pu.RAD2DEG
文件: test_util.py 项目: mwgit00/poz
def landmark_test(lm1, lm2,  xyz, angs):

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    _x, _y, _z = xyz
    _azi, _ele = angs

    # for the two landmarks:
    # - translate landmark by camera offset
    # - rotate by azimuth and elevation
    # - project into image
    cam_xyz = np.float32([_x, _y, _z])

    # determine pixel location of fixed LM
    xyz1 = lm1.xyz - cam_xyz
    xyz1_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz1, _ele, _azi, 0)
    uv1 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz1_rot)

    # determine pixel location of left/right LM
    xyz2 = lm2.xyz - cam_xyz
    xyz2_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz2, _ele, _azi, 0)
    uv2 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz2_rot)

    if cam.is_visible(uv1) and cam.is_visible(uv2):
        print "Image Landmark #1:", uv1
        print "Image Landmark #2:", uv2
        print "At least one landmark is NOT visible!"
        return False, 0., 0., 0.

    # all is well so proceed with test...

    # landmarks have been acquired
    # camera elevation and world Y also need updating
    cam.elev = _ele * pu.DEG2RAD
    cam.world_y = _y

    world_x, world_z, world_azim = cam.triangulate_landmarks(lm1, lm2)

    # this integer coordinate stuff is disabled for now...
    if False:
        print "Now try with integer pixel coords and known Y coords..."
        lm1.set_current_uv((int(u1 + 0.5), int(v1 + 0.5)))
        lm2.set_current_uv((int(u2 + 0.5), int(v2 + 0.5)))
        print lm1.uv
        print lm2.uv

        world_x, world_z, world_azim = cam.triangulate_landmarks(lm1, lm2)
        print "Robot is at", world_x, world_z, world_azim * pu.RAD2DEG

    return True, world_x, world_z, world_azim * pu.RAD2DEG
文件: test_util.py 项目: mwgit00/poz
def pnp_test(key, xyz, angs):

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    _x, _y, _z = xyz
    _azi, _ele = angs

    cam_xyz = np.float32([_x, _y, _z])

    # world landmark positions
    xyz1_o = mark1[key].xyz
    xyz2_o = mark2[key].xyz
    xyz3_o = mark3[key].xyz
    xyzb_o = markb[key].xyz

    # rotate and offset landmark positions as camera will see them
    xyz1_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz1_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyz2_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz2_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyz3_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz3_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyzb_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyzb_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)

    # project them to camera plane
    uv1 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz1_rot)
    uv2 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz2_rot)
    uv3 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz3_rot)
    uvb = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyzb_rot)

    if cam.is_visible(uv1) and cam.is_visible(uv2) and cam.is_visible(
            uv3) and cam.is_visible(uvb):

        objectPoints = np.array([xyz1_o, xyz2_o, xyz3_o, xyzb_o])
        imagePoints = np.array([uv1, uv2, uv3, uvb])

        rvecR, tvecR, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(objectPoints, imagePoints,
                                                   cam.camA, cam.distCoeff)
        if inliers is not None:
            newImagePoints, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objectPoints, rvecR, tvecR,
                                                  cam.camA, cam.distCoeff)
            # print newImagePoints
            rotM, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvecR)
            q = -np.matrix(rotM).T * np.matrix(tvecR)
            print q
            print "*** PnP failed ***"
        print "a PnP coord is not visible"
文件: test_util.py 项目: mwgit00/poz
def pnp_test(key, xyz, angs):

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    _x, _y, _z = xyz
    _azi, _ele = angs

    cam_xyz = np.float32([_x, _y, _z])

    # world landmark positions
    xyz1_o = mark1[key].xyz
    xyz2_o = mark2[key].xyz
    xyz3_o = mark3[key].xyz
    xyzb_o = markb[key].xyz

    # rotate and offset landmark positions as camera will see them
    xyz1_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz1_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyz2_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz2_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyz3_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyz3_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)
    xyzb_rot = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(xyzb_o - cam_xyz, _ele, _azi, 0)

    # project them to camera plane
    uv1 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz1_rot)
    uv2 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz2_rot)
    uv3 = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz3_rot)
    uvb = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyzb_rot)

    if cam.is_visible(uv1) and cam.is_visible(uv2) and cam.is_visible(uv3) and cam.is_visible(uvb):

        objectPoints = np.array([xyz1_o, xyz2_o, xyz3_o, xyzb_o])
        imagePoints = np.array([uv1, uv2, uv3, uvb])

        rvecR, tvecR, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(objectPoints, imagePoints, cam.camA, cam.distCoeff)
        if inliers is not None:
            newImagePoints, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objectPoints, rvecR, tvecR, cam.camA, cam.distCoeff)
            # print newImagePoints
            rotM, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvecR)
            q = -np.matrix(rotM).T * np.matrix(tvecR)
            print q
            print "*** PnP failed ***"
        print "a PnP coord is not visible"
文件: poz.py 项目: mwgit00/poz
def perspective_test(_y, _z, _ele, _azi):
    print "--------------------------------------"
    print "Perspective Transform tests"

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    # some landmarks in a 3x3 grid pattern
    p0 = np.float32([-1., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p1 = np.float32([0., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p2 = np.float32([1., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p3 = np.float32([-1., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p4 = np.float32([0., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p5 = np.float32([1., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p6 = np.float32([-1., _y, _z])
    p7 = np.float32([0, _y, _z])
    p8 = np.float32([1., _y, _z])

    # 3x3 grid array
    ppp = np.array([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8])
    print "Here are some landmarks in world"
    print ppp

    puv_acc = []
    quv_acc = []
    for vp in ppp:
        # original view of landmarks
        u, v = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(vp)
        puv_acc.append(np.float32([u, v]))
        # rotated view of landmarks
        xyz_r = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(vp, _ele, _azi, 0)
        u, v = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz_r)
        quv_acc.append(np.float32([u, v]))
    puv = np.array(puv_acc)
    quv = np.array(quv_acc)

    # 4-pt "diamond" array
    quv4 = np.array([quv[1], quv[4], quv[6], quv[8]])
    puv4 = np.array([puv[1], puv[4], puv[6], puv[8]])

    print "Landmark img coords before rotate:"
    print puv
    print "Landmark img coords after rotate:"
    print quv
    print quv4

    # h, _ = cv2.findHomography(puv, quv)
    # hh = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(puv4, quv4)
    # print h
    # print hh

    # perspectiveTransform needs an extra dimension
    puv1 = np.expand_dims(puv, axis=0)
def perspective_test(_y, _z, _ele, _azi):
    print "--------------------------------------"
    print "Perspective Transform tests"

    cam = pu.CameraHelper()

    # some landmarks in a 3x3 grid pattern
    p0 = np.float32([-1., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p1 = np.float32([0., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p2 = np.float32([1., _y - 1.0, _z])
    p3 = np.float32([-1., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p4 = np.float32([0., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p5 = np.float32([1., _y + 1.0, _z])
    p6 = np.float32([-1., _y, _z])
    p7 = np.float32([0, _y, _z])
    p8 = np.float32([1., _y, _z])

    # 3x3 grid array
    ppp = np.array([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8])
    print "Here are some landmarks in world"
    print ppp

    puv_acc = []
    quv_acc = []
    for vp in ppp:
        # original view of landmarks
        u, v = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(vp)
        puv_acc.append(np.float32([u, v]))
        # rotated view of landmarks
        xyz_r = pu.calc_xyz_after_rotation_deg(vp, _ele, _azi, 0)
        u, v = cam.project_xyz_to_uv(xyz_r)
        quv_acc.append(np.float32([u, v]))
    puv = np.array(puv_acc)
    quv = np.array(quv_acc)

    # 4-pt "diamond" array
    quv4 = np.array([quv[1], quv[4], quv[6], quv[8]])
    puv4 = np.array([puv[1], puv[4], puv[6], puv[8]])

    print "Landmark img coords before rotate:"
    print puv
    print "Landmark img coords after rotate:"
    print quv
    print quv4

    # h, _ = cv2.findHomography(puv, quv)
    # hh = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(puv4, quv4)
    # print h
    # print hh

    # perspectiveTransform needs an extra dimension
    puv1 = np.expand_dims(puv, axis=0)