class ResourceReader: config=None def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() def read(self,pp_dir,pp_home): if ResourceReader.config==None: tryfile=pp_home+os.sep+"resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: self.mon.log(self,"Resources not found at "+ tryfile) tryfile=pp_dir+os.sep+'pp_home'+os.sep+"resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: self.mon.log(self,"Resources not found at "+ tryfile) self.mon.err(self,"resources.cfg not found") return False ResourceReader.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self,"Read resources from "+ filename) return True def get(self,section,item): if ResourceReader.config.has_option(section,item)==False: return False else: return ResourceReader.config.get(section,item)
class ResourceReader: config = None def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home): if ResourceReader.config == None: tryfile = pp_home + os.sep + "resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "Resources not found at " + tryfile) tryfile = pp_dir + os.sep + 'pp_home' + os.sep + "resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "Resources not found at " + tryfile) self.mon.err(self, "resources.cfg not found") return False ResourceReader.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "Read resources from " + filename) return True def get(self, section, item): if ResourceReader.config.has_option(section, item) == False: return False else: return ResourceReader.config.get(section, item)
class ResourceReader(object): config = None def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ looks for resources.cfg in the profile, then in pp_home, then in the pi_presents directory. returns True if it finds the resources.cfg, otherwise returns False ::param pp_dir: the PiPresents directory ::param pp_home: the current pp_home directory ::param pp_profile: the current profile directory """ if not ResourceReader.config: profile_config = os.path.join(pp_profile, "resources.cfg") home_config = os.path.join(pp_home, "resources.cfg") pp_config = os.path.join(pp_dir, 'pp_home', "resources.cfg") # try inside profile if os.path.exists(profile_config): config_path = profile_config # try inside pp_home elif os.path.exists(home_config): config_path = home_config # try in the pi presents directory elif os.path.exists(pp_config): config_path = pp_config else: # throw an error if we can't find any config files self.mon.err(self, "resources.cfg not found at {0}, {1} or {2}".format(profile_config, home_config, pp_config)) return False ResourceReader.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "resources.cfg read from " + config_path) return True def get(self, section, item): if not ResourceReader.config.has_option(section, item): return False else: return ResourceReader.config.get(section, item)
class ResourceReader: config = None def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): if ResourceReader.config == None: # try inside profile tryfile = pp_profile + os.sep + "resources.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying resources.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile = pp_home + os.sep + "resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile = pp_dir + os.sep + 'pp_home' + os.sep + "resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "resources.cfg not found at " + tryfile) self.mon.err(self, "resources.cfg not found") return False ResourceReader.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "resources.cfg read from " + filename) return True def get(self, section, item): if ResourceReader.config.has_option(section, item) == False: return False else: return ResourceReader.config.get(section, item)
class ResourceReader: config=None def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() def read(self,pp_dir,pp_home,pp_profile): if ResourceReader.config==None: # try inside profile tryfile=pp_profile+os.sep+"resources.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying resources.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile=pp_home+os.sep+"resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile=pp_dir+os.sep+'pp_home'+os.sep+"resources.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg not found at "+ tryfile) self.mon.err(self,"resources.cfg not found") return False ResourceReader.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self,"resources.cfg read from "+ filename) return True def get(self,section,item): if ResourceReader.config.has_option(section,item)==False: return False else: return ResourceReader.config.get(section,item)
class uzblDriver(object): def __init__(self, widget): self.widget = widget self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self._process = None self.fifo = "" def pause(self): pass def stop(self): self.control("exit") # kill the subprocess (uzbl). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self, reason): self.terminate_reason = reason if self.exists_fifo(): self.control("exit") # self._process.close(force=True) self.end_play_signal = True def play(self, track, geometry): self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal = False # track= "'"+ track.replace("'","'\\''") + "'" cmd = "uzbl-browser " + geometry + "--uri=" + track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to uzbl: " + cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from uzbl (read pexpect manual) # fout= file('/home/pi/pipresents/uzbllogfile.txt','w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file # self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout # self._process.logfile=fout # send all communications to log # and poll for fifo to be available self.get_fifo() # poll for fifo to be available # when it is set start_play_signal # then monitor for it to be delted because browser is closed # and the set end_play signal def get_fifo(self): """ Look for UZBL's FIFO-file in /tmp. Don't give up until it has been found. """ candidates = glob("/tmp/uzbl_fifo_*") for file in candidates: if S_ISFIFO(os_stat(file).st_mode): self.mon.log(self, "Found UZBL fifo in %s." % file) self.fifo = file self.start_play_signal = True return # print 'not found trying again' self.widget.after(500, self.get_fifo) def exists_fifo(self): if os.path.exists(self.fifo): return True else: return False # send commands to uzbl via the fifo def control(self, data): if self.exists_fifo(): self.mon.log(self, "send command to uzbl:" + data) f = open(self.fifo, "a") f.write("%s\n" % data) f.close() # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive()
class MenuShow: """ Displays a menu with optional hint below it. User can traverse the menu and select a track using key or button presses. Interface: * play - displays the menu and selects the first entry * input_pressed, - receives user events passes them to a Player if a track is playing, otherwise actions them with _next, _previous, _play_selected_track, _end Optional display of eggtimer by means of Players ready_callback Supports imageplayer, videoplayer,messagplayer,audioplayer,menushow,mediashow Destroys itself on exit """ # ********************* # external interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the name of the configuration dictionary section for the menu showlist - the showlist pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory""" self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.display_guidelines_command=show_params['menu-guidelines'] self.display_guidelines=self.display_guidelines_command #instantiate arguments self.show_params=show_params self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.showlist=showlist self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # init variables self.drawn = None self.player=None self.shower=None self.menu_timeout_running=None self.error=False def play(self,show_id,end_callback,ready_callback,top=False,command='nil'): """ displays the menu end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.end_callback=end_callback self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.command=command # check data files are available. self.menu_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.menu_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.menu_file) self.end('error',"Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the menu and read it. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.menu_file,self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get control bindings for this show if top level controlsmanager=ControlsManager() if self.controls_list=controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list=controlsmanager.merge_show_controls(self.controls_list,self.show_params['controls']) if self.show_params['has-background']=="yes": background_index=self.medialist.index_of_track ('pp-menu-background') if background_index>=0: self.menu_img_file = self.complete_path(self.medialist.track(background_index)['location']) if not os.path.exists(self.menu_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Menu background file not found: "+ self.menu_img_file) self.end('error',"Menu background file not found") else: self.mon.err(self,"Menu background not found in medialist") self.end('error',"Menu background not found") self.end_menushow_signal= False if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.menu_timeout_value=int(self.show_params['timeout'])*1000 self.do_menu() def do_menu(self): #start timeout alarm if required if int(self.show_params['timeout'])<>0: self.menu_timeout_running=self.canvas.after(self.menu_timeout_value,self.timeout_menu) if self.show_params['menu-background-colour']<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.show_params['menu-background-colour']) self.canvas.delete('pp-content') self.canvas.update() # display background image if self.show_params['has-background']=="yes": self.display_background() self.delete_eggtimer() self.display_new_menu() self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) # display menu text if enabled if self.show_params['menu-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['menu-text-x']),int(self.show_params['menu-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['menu-text'], fill=self.show_params['menu-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['menu-text-font'], tag='pp-content') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) # display instructions (hint) hint_text=self.show_params['hint-text'] if hint_text<>'': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']),int(self.show_params['hint-y']), anchor=NW, text=hint_text, fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], tag='pp-content') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) #stop received from another concurrent show def managed_stop(self): if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None if self.shower<>None: self.shower.managed_stop() elif self.player<>None: self.end_menushow_signal=True self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.end('normal','stopped by ShowManager') # kill or error received def terminate(self,reason): if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None if self.shower<>None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason,'Terminated no shower or player running') # respond to user inputs. def input_pressed(self,symbol,edge,source): self.mon.log(self,"Show Id: "+str(self.show_id)+" received key or operation: " + symbol) if self.show_params['disable-controls']=='yes': return # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operation # look through list of standard symbols to find match (symbolic-name, function name) operation =lookup (symbol if operation=self.lookup_control(symbol,self.controls_list) else: operation=symbol # print 'operation',operation # if no match for symbol against standard operations then return if operation=='': return else: if self.shower<>None: # if next lower show is running pass down operatin to the show and lower levels self.shower.input_pressed(operation,source,edge) else: #service the standard inputs for this show if operation=='stop': if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop',edge,source) elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: # not at top so end the show if == False: self.end('normal',"exit from stop command") else: pass elif operation in ('up','down'): # if child or sub-show running and is a show pass down # if child not running - move if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) else: if self.player==None: if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=self.canvas.after(self.menu_timeout_value,self.timeout_menu) if operation=='up': self.previous() else: elif operation =='play': # if child running and is show - pass down # if no track already running - play if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) else: if self.player==None: self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) elif operation == 'pause': # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4]=='omx-' or operation[0:6]=='mplay-'or operation[0:5]=='uzbl-': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self,symbol,controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # ********************* # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ******************** # ********************* # Sequencing # ********************* def timeout_menu(self): self.end('normal','menu timeout') return def next(self): self.highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,False)'ordered') if self.menu_index==self.menu_length-1: self.menu_index=0 else: self.menu_index+=1 self.highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) def previous(self): self.highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,False) if self.menu_index==0: self.menu_index=self.menu_length-1 else: self.menu_index-=1 self.medialist.previous('ordered') self.highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) # at the end of a track just re-display the menu with the original callback from the menu def what_next(self,message): # user wants to end if self.end_menushow_signal==True: self.end_menushow_signal=False self.end('normal',"show ended by user") else: self.do_menu() # ********************* # Dispatching to Players # ********************* def play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ #remove menu and show working..... if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None self.canvas.delete('pp-content') self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m01')) # dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track['location']) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="audio": # create a audioplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track['location']) self.player=AudioPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="image": # images played from menus don't have children track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track['location']) self.player=ImagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False, ) elif track_type=="web": # create a browser track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track['location']) self.player=BrowserPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False ) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self.end("Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.delete_eggtimer,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="liveshow": self.shower= LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.delete_eggtimer,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="radiobuttonshow": self.shower= RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="hyperlinkshow": self.shower= HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.delete_eggtimer,top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self.end("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self.end("Unknown track type") # callback from when player ends def end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m02')) self.what_next(message) # callback from when shower ends def end_shower(self,show_id,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None if reason in ("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m03')) self.what_next(message) # ********************* # Ending the show # ********************* # finish the player for killing, error or normally # this may be called directly if sub/child shows or players are not running # if they might be running then need to call terminate????? def end(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Ending menushow: "+ self.show_params['show-ref']) if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None self.end_callback(self.show_id,reason,message) self=None return # ********************* # Displaying things # ********************* def display_background(self): self.menu_background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_menu_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.menu_background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') def display_new_menu(self): # calculate menu geometry error,reason=self.calculate_geometry() if error<>'normal': self.mon.err(self,"Menu geometry error: "+ reason) self.end('error',"Menu geometry error") else: # display the menu entries self.display_menu_entries() def display_menu_entries(self): # init the loop column_index=0 row_index=0 self.menu_length=1 # id store is a list of elements each being a list of the three ids of the elements of the entry self.menu_entry_id=[] # offsets for the above self.icon_id_index=0 # rectangle around the icon self.image_id_index=1 # icon image - needed for tkinter self.text_id_index=2 # the text - need whn no icon is displayed #select the startof the medialist self.medialist.start() #loop through menu entries while True: #display the entry #calculate top left corner of entry self.calculate_entry_position(column_index,row_index) # display the button strip self.display_entry_strip() #display the selected entry highlight icon_id=self.display_icon_rectangle() #display the image in the icon image_id=self.display_icon_image() if self.show_params['menu-text-mode']<>'none': text_id=self.display_icon_text() else: text_id=None #append id's to the list self.menu_entry_id.append([icon_id,image_id,text_id]) self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) #and loop if self.medialist.at_end(): break self.menu_length+=1'ordered') if self.direction=='horizontal': column_index+=1 if column_index>=self.menu_columns: column_index=0 row_index+=1 else: row_index+=1 if row_index>=self.menu_rows: row_index=0 column_index+=1 # finally select and highlight the first entry self.medialist.start() self.menu_index=0 self.highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) def print_geometry(self,total_width,total_height): print 'menu width: ', self.menu_width print 'columns', self.menu_columns print 'icon width: ', self.icon_width print 'horizontal padding: ', self.menu_horizontal_padding print 'text width: ', self.text_width print 'entry width: ', self.entry_width print 'total width: ', total_width print 'x separation: ', self.x_separation print '' print 'menu height', self.menu_height print 'rows: ', self.menu_rows print 'icon height', self.icon_height print 'vertical padding: ', self.menu_vertical_padding print 'text height', self.text_height print 'entry height', self.entry_height print 'total height', total_height print 'y separation', self.y_separation # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #calculate menu entry size and separation between menu entries # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def calculate_geometry(self): self.display_strip=self.show_params['menu-strip'] self.screen_width=int(self.canvas['width']) self.screen_height=int(self.canvas['height']) if self.display_strip=='yes': self.strip_padding=int(self.show_params['menu-strip-padding']) else: self.strip_padding=0 # parse the menu window error,reason,self.menu_x_left,self.menu_y_top,self.menu_x_right,self.menu_y_bottom=self.parse_menu_window(self.show_params['menu-window']) if error<>'normal': return 'error',"Menu Window error: "+ reason if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode']=='none' and self.show_params['menu-text-mode']=='none': return 'error','Icon and Text are both None' if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode']=='none' and self.show_params['menu-text-mode']=='overlay': return 'error','cannot overlay none icon' self.direction=self.show_params['menu-direction'] self.menu_width=self.menu_x_right - self.menu_x_left self.menu_height=self.menu_y_bottom - self.menu_y_top self.list_length=self.medialist.display_length() # get or calculate rows and columns if self.direction=='horizontal': if self.show_params['menu-columns']=='': return 'error','blank columns for horizontal direction' self.menu_columns=int(self.show_params['menu-columns']) self.menu_rows=self.list_length//self.menu_columns if self.list_length % self.menu_columns<>0: self.menu_rows+=1 else: if self.show_params['menu-rows']=='': return 'error','blank rows for vertical direction' self.menu_rows=int(self.show_params['menu-rows']) self.menu_columns=self.list_length//self.menu_rows if self.list_length % self.menu_rows<>0: self.menu_columns+=1 self.x_separation=int(self.show_params['menu-horizontal-separation']) self.y_separation=int(self.show_params['menu-vertical-separation']) # get size of padding depending on exitence of icon and text if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet') and self.show_params['menu-text-mode'] == 'right': self.menu_horizontal_padding=int(self.show_params['menu-horizontal-padding']) else: self.menu_horizontal_padding=0 if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet') and self.show_params['menu-text-mode'] == 'below': self.menu_vertical_padding=int(self.show_params['menu-vertical-padding']) else: self.menu_vertical_padding=0 #calculate size of icon depending on use if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): self.icon_width=int(self.show_params['menu-icon-width']) self.icon_height=int(self.show_params['menu-icon-height']) else: self.icon_width=0 self.icon_height=0 #calculate size of text box depending on mode if self.show_params['menu-text-mode']<>'none': self.text_width=int(self.show_params['menu-text-width']) self.text_height=int(self.show_params['menu-text-height']) else: self.text_width=0 self.text_height=0 # calculate size of entry box by combining text and icon sizes if self.show_params['menu-text-mode'] == 'right': self.entry_width=self.icon_width+self.menu_horizontal_padding+self.text_width self.entry_height=max(self.text_height,self.icon_height) elif self.show_params['menu-text-mode']=='below': self.entry_width=max(self.text_width,self.icon_width) self.entry_height=self.icon_height + self.menu_vertical_padding + self.text_height else: # no text or overlaid text if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): # icon only self.entry_width=self.icon_width self.entry_height=self.icon_height else: #text only self.entry_width=self.text_width self.entry_height=self.text_height if self.entry_width<=self.menu_horizontal_padding: return 'error','entry width is zero' if self.entry_height<=self.menu_vertical_padding: return 'error','entry height is zero' # calculate totals for debugging puropses total_width=self.menu_columns * self.entry_width +(self.menu_columns-1)*self.x_separation total_height=self.menu_rows * self.entry_height + (self.menu_rows-1)*self.y_separation # self.print_geometry(total_width,total_height) # display guidelines and debgging text if there is a problem if total_width>self.menu_width and self.display_guidelines<>'never': self.display_guidelines='always' self.mon.log(self,'\nMENU IS WIDER THAN THE WINDOW') self.print_geometry(total_width,total_height) if total_height>self.menu_height and self.display_guidelines<>'never': self.display_guidelines='always' self.mon.log(self,'\nMENU IS TALLER THAN THE WINDOW') self.print_geometry(total_width,total_height) # display calculated total rectangle guidelines for debugging if self.display_guidelines=='always': points=[self.menu_x_left,self.menu_y_top, self.menu_x_left+total_width,self.menu_y_top+total_height] # and display the icon rectangle self.canvas.create_rectangle(points, outline='red', fill='', tag='pp-content') # display menu rectangle guidelines for debugging if self.display_guidelines=='always': points=[self.menu_x_left,self.menu_y_top, self.menu_x_right,self.menu_y_bottom] self.canvas.create_rectangle(points, outline='blue', fill='', tag='pp-content') return 'normal','' def calculate_entry_position(self,column_index,row_index): self.entry_x=self.menu_x_left+ column_index*(self.x_separation+self.entry_width) self.entry_y=self.menu_y_top+ row_index*(self.y_separation+self.entry_height) def display_entry_strip(self): if self.display_strip=='yes': if self.direction=='vertical': #display the strip strip_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding -1 , self.entry_y - self.strip_padding - 1, self.entry_x+ self.entry_width + self.strip_padding - 1, self.entry_y+self.entry_height+ self.strip_padding - 1] self.canvas.create_rectangle(strip_points, outline='', fill='gray', stipple='gray12', tag='pp-content') top_l_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding, self.entry_x + self.entry_width + self.strip_padding , self.entry_y - self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(top_l_points, fill='light gray', tag='pp-content') bottom_l_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y + self.entry_height + self.strip_padding, self.entry_x+ self.entry_width + self.strip_padding , self.entry_y+ self.entry_height + self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(bottom_l_points, fill='dark gray', tag='pp-content') left_l_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding, self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y + self.entry_height + self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(left_l_points, fill='gray', tag='pp-content') else: #display the strip vertically strip_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding +1 , self.entry_y - self.strip_padding +1, self.entry_x+self.entry_width + self.strip_padding -1, self.entry_y + self.entry_height+ self.strip_padding -1] self.canvas.create_rectangle(strip_points, outline='', fill='gray', stipple='gray12', tag='pp-content') top_l_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding, self.entry_x + self.entry_width + self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(top_l_points, fill='light gray', tag='pp-content') left_l_points=[self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding, self.entry_x - self.strip_padding, self.entry_y + self.entry_height+ self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(left_l_points, fill='gray', tag='pp-content') right_l_points=[self.entry_x +self.entry_width + self.strip_padding, self.entry_y - self.strip_padding, self.entry_x +self.entry_width + self.strip_padding, self.entry_y + self.entry_height+ self.strip_padding] self.canvas.create_line(right_l_points, fill='dark gray', tag='pp-content') # display the rectangle that goes arond the icon when the entry is selected def display_icon_rectangle(self): if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): #calculate icon parameters if self.icon_width<self.text_width and self.show_params['menu-text-mode']=='below': self.icon_x_left=self.entry_x+abs(self.icon_width-self.text_width)/2 else: self.icon_x_left=self.entry_x self.icon_x_right=self.icon_x_left+self.icon_width if self.icon_height<self.text_height and self.show_params['menu-text-mode']=='right': self.icon_y_top=self.entry_y+abs(self.icon_height-self.text_height)/2 else: self.icon_y_top=self.entry_y self.icon_y_bottom=self.icon_y_top+self.icon_height req_horiz_sep=self.menu_horizontal_padding req_vert_sep=self.menu_vertical_padding points=[self.icon_x_left,self.icon_y_top,self.icon_x_right,self.icon_y_top,self.icon_x_right,self.icon_y_bottom,self.icon_x_left,self.icon_y_bottom] # display guidelines make it white when not selctedfor debugging if self.display_guidelines=='always': outline='white' else: outline='' # and display the icon rectangle icon_id=self.canvas.create_polygon(points, outline=outline, fill='', tag='pp-content') else: # not using icon so set starting point for text to zero icon size self.icon_x_right=self.entry_x self.icon_y_bottom=self.entry_y req_horiz_sep=0 req_vert_sep=0 icon_id=None return icon_id #display the image in a menu entry def display_icon_image(self): image_id=None if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] == 'thumbnail': # try for the thumbnail if self.medialist.selected_track()['thumbnail']<>'' and os.path.exists(self.complete_path(self.medialist.selected_track()['thumbnail'])):['thumbnail'])) else: #cannot find thumbnail get the image if its an image track if self.medialist.selected_track()['type'] =='image': self.track=self.complete_path(self.medialist.selected_track()['location']) else: self.track='' if self.medialist.selected_track()['type']=='image' and os.path.exists(self.track)==True: else: #use a standard thumbnail type=self.medialist.selected_track()['type'] standard=self.pp_dir+os.sep+'pp_home'+os.sep+'pp_resources'+os.sep+type+'.png' if os.path.exists(standard)==True: self.mon.log(self,'WARNING: default thumbnail used for '+self.medialist.selected_track()['title']) else: self.pil_image=None # display the image if self.pil_image<>None: self.pil_image=self.pil_image.resize((self.icon_width-2,self.icon_height-2)) image_id=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.canvas.create_image(self.icon_x_left+1, self.icon_y_top+1, image=image_id, anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') else: image_id=None elif self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] =='bullet': bullet=self.complete_path(self.show_params['menu-bullet']) if os.path.exists(bullet)==False: self.pil_image=None else: if self.pil_image<>None: self.pil_image=self.pil_image.resize((self.icon_width-2,self.icon_height-2)) image_id=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.canvas.create_image(self.icon_x_left+1, self.icon_y_top+1, image=image_id, anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') else: image_id=None return image_id #display the text of a menu entry def display_icon_text(self): text_mode=self.show_params['menu-text-mode'] if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): if text_mode=='right': if self.icon_height>self.text_height: text_y_top=self.entry_y+abs(self.icon_height-self.text_height)/2 else: text_y_top=self.entry_y text_y_bottom=text_y_top+self.text_height text_x_left=self.icon_x_right+self.menu_horizontal_padding text_x_right=text_x_left+self.text_width text_x=text_x_left text_y=text_y_top+(self.text_height/2) elif text_mode=='below': text_y_top=self.icon_y_bottom+self.menu_vertical_padding text_y_bottom=text_y_top+self.text_height if self.icon_width>self.text_width: text_x_left=self.entry_x+abs(self.icon_width-self.text_width)/2 else: text_x_left=self.entry_x text_x_right=text_x_left+self.text_width text_x=text_x_left+(self.text_width/2) text_y=text_y_top else: # icon with text_mode=overlay or none text_x_left=self.icon_x_left text_x_right= self.icon_x_right text_y_top=self.icon_y_top text_y_bottom=self.icon_y_bottom text_x=(text_x_left+text_x_right)/2 text_y=(text_y_top+text_y_bottom)/2 else: #no icon text only text_y_top=self.entry_y text_y_bottom=text_y_top+self.text_height text_x_left=self.entry_x text_x_right=text_x_left+self.text_width text_x=self.entry_x text_y=self.entry_y+self.text_height/2 #display the guidelines for debugging if self.display_guidelines=='always': points=[text_x_left,text_y_top,text_x_right,text_y_top,text_x_right,text_y_bottom,text_x_left,text_y_bottom] self.canvas.create_polygon(points,fill= '' , outline='white', tag='pp-content') # display the text if text_mode=='below' and self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): anchor=N justify=CENTER elif text_mode=='overlay' and self.show_params['menu-icon-mode'] in ('thumbnail','bullet'): anchor=CENTER justify=CENTER else: anchor=W justify=LEFT text_id=self.canvas.create_text(text_x,text_y, text=self.medialist.selected_track()['title'], anchor=anchor, fill=self.show_params['entry-colour'], font=self.show_params['entry-font'], width=self.text_width, justify=justify, tag='pp-content') return text_id def highlight_menu_entry(self,index,state): if self.show_params['menu-icon-mode']<>'none': if state==True: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index][self.icon_id_index], outline=self.show_params['entry-select-colour'], width=4, ) else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index][self.icon_id_index], outline='', width=1 ) else: if state==True: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index][self.text_id_index], fill=self.show_params['entry-select-colour']) else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index][self.text_id_index], fill=self.show_params['entry-colour']) def display_eggtimer(self,text): # print "display eggtimer" self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold", tag='pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def delete_eggtimer(self): # print"delete eggtimer" self.canvas.delete('pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) # ********************* # utilities # ********************* def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file<>'' and track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] return track_file def parse_menu_window(self,line): if line<>'': fields = line.split() if len(fields) not in (1, 2,4): return 'error','wrong number of fields',0,0,0,0 if len(fields)==1: if fields[0]=='fullscreen': return 'normal','',0,0,self.screen_width - 1, self.screen_height - 1 else: return 'error','single field is not fullscreen',0,0,0,0 if len(fields)==2: if fields[0].isdigit() and fields[1].isdigit(): return 'normal','',int(fields[0]),int(fields[1]),self.screen_width, self.screen_height else: return 'error','field is not a digit',0,0,0,0 if len(fields)==4: if fields[0].isdigit() and fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit(): return 'normal','',int(fields[0]),int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]) else: return 'error','field is not a digit',0,0,0,0 else: return 'error','line is blank',0,0,0,0 def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) # timers may be running so need terminate self.terminate("error") else: return value
class PPIO: """ PPIO provides some IO facilties for Pi presents - configures GPIO pins from data in gpio.cfg - reads and debounces inputs pins, provides callbacks on state changes which are used to trigger mediashows - for output pins allows players to put events, which request the change of state of pins, into a queue. Events are executed at the required time. """ # constants for buttons # cofiguration from gpio.cfg PIN = 0 # pin on RPi board GPIO connector e.g. P1-11 DIRECTION = 1 # IN/OUT/NONE (None is not used) NAME = 2 # name for output RISING_NAME = 3 # name for rising edge callback FALLING_NAME = 4 # name ofr falling edge callback ONE_NAME = 5 # name for one state callback ZERO_NAME = 6 # name for zero state callback REPEAT = 7 #reperat interval for state callbacks (mS) THRESHOLD = 8 # threshold of debounce count for state change to be considered PULL = 9 # pull up or down or none # dynamic data COUNT = 10 # variable - count of the number of times the input has been 0 (limited to threshold) PRESSED = 11 # variable - debounced state LAST = 12 # varible - last state - used to detect edge REPEAT_COUNT = 13 TEMPLATE = [ '', #pin '', # direction '', #name '', '', '', '', #input names 0, # repeat 0, #threshold '', #pull 0, False, False, 0 ] #dynamics PINLIST = ('P1-03', 'P1-05', 'P1-07', 'P1-08', 'P1-10', 'P1-11', 'P1-12', 'P1-13', 'P1-15', 'P1-16', 'P1-18', 'P1-19', 'P1-21', 'P1-22', 'P1-23', 'P1-24', 'P1-26') # index of shutdown pin SHUTDOWN_INDEX = 0 # constants for sequencer SEQUENCER_PIN = 0 # GPIO pin number, the xx in P1-xx SEQUENCER_TO_STATE = 1 # False = off , True =on SEQUENCER_TIME = 2 # time since the epoch in seconds SEQUENCER_TAG = 3 # tag used to delete all matching event, usually a track reference. # CLASS VARIABLES events = [] pins = [] last_poll_time = 0 options = None # gpio_enabled=False EVENT_TEMPLATE = [0, False, 0, None] #executed by main program and by each object using gpio def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.options = command_options() # executed once from main program def init(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile, widget, button_tick, callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.widget = widget self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_profile = pp_profile self.pp_home = pp_home self.button_tick = button_tick self.callback = callback PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX = 0 # read gpio.cfg file. if, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) == False: return False import RPi.GPIO as GPIO self.GPIO = GPIO #construct the GPIO control list from the configuration for index, pin_def in enumerate(PPIO.PINLIST): pin = copy.deepcopy(PPIO.TEMPLATE) pin_bits = pin_def.split('-') pin_num = pin_bits[1:] pin[PPIO.PIN] = int(pin_num[0]) if self.config.has_section(pin_def) == False: self.mon.log(self, "no pin definition for " + pin_def) pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] = 'None' else: # unused pin if self.config.get(pin_def, 'direction') == 'none': pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] = 'none' else: pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] = self.config.get(pin_def, 'direction') if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'in': # input pin pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME] = self.config.get( pin_def, 'rising-name') pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME] = self.config.get( pin_def, 'falling-name') pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME] = self.config.get( pin_def, 'one-name') pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME] = self.config.get( pin_def, 'zero-name') if pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME] == 'pp-shutdown': PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX = index if self.config.get(pin_def, 'repeat') <> '': pin[PPIO.REPEAT] = int( self.config.get(pin_def, 'repeat')) else: pin[PPIO.REPEAT] = -1 pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD] = int( self.config.get(pin_def, 'threshold')) if self.config.get(pin_def, 'pull-up-down') == 'up': pin[PPIO.PULL] = GPIO.PUD_UP elif self.config.get(pin_def, 'pull-up-down') == 'down': pin[PPIO.PULL] = GPIO.PUD_DOWN else: pin[PPIO.PULL] = GPIO.PUD_OFF else: # output pin pin[PPIO.NAME] = self.config.get(pin_def, 'name') # print pin PPIO.pins.append(copy.deepcopy(pin)) # setup GPIO self.GPIO.setwarnings(False) self.GPIO.setmode(self.GPIO.BOARD) # set up the GPIO inputs and outputs for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): num = pin[PPIO.PIN] if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'in': self.GPIO.setup(num, self.GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=pin[PPIO.PULL]) elif pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'out': self.GPIO.setup(num, self.GPIO.OUT) self.GPIO.setup(num, False) self.reset_inputs() PPIO.gpio_enabled = True #init timer self.button_tick_timer = None PPIO.last_scheduler_time = long(time.time()) return True # called by main program only def poll(self): # look at the buttons self.do_buttons() # kick off output pin sequencer poll_time = long(time.time()) # is current time greater than last time the sceduler was run (previous second or more) # run in a loop to catch up because root.after can get behind when images are being rendered etc. while PPIO.last_scheduler_time <= poll_time: self.do_sequencer(PPIO.last_scheduler_time) PPIO.last_scheduler_time += 1 # and loop self.button_tick_timer = self.widget.after(self.button_tick, self.poll) # called by main program only def terminate(self): if self.button_tick_timer <> None: self.widget.after_cancel(self.button_tick_timer) self.clear_events_list(None) self.reset_outputs() self.GPIO.cleanup() # ************************************************ # gpio input functions # called by main program only # ************************************************ def reset_inputs(self): for pin in PPIO.pins: pin[PPIO.COUNT] = 0 pin[PPIO.PRESSED] == False pin[PPIO.LAST] == False pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] = pin[PPIO.REPEAT] # index is of the pins array, provided by the callback ***** needs to be name def shutdown_pressed(self): if PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX <> 0: return PPIO.pins[PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX][PPIO.PRESSED] else: return False def do_buttons(self): for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'in': # debounce if self.GPIO.input(pin[PPIO.PIN]) == 0: if pin[PPIO.COUNT] < pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD]: pin[PPIO.COUNT] += 1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT] == pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD]: pin[PPIO.PRESSED] = True else: # input us 1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT] > 0: pin[PPIO.COUNT] -= 1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT] == 0: pin[PPIO.PRESSED] = False #detect edges # falling edge if pin[PPIO.PRESSED] == True and pin[PPIO.LAST] == False: pin[PPIO.LAST] = pin[PPIO.PRESSED] pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] = pin[PPIO.REPEAT] if pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME] <> '' and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME], "falling") #rising edge if pin[PPIO.PRESSED] == False and pin[PPIO.LAST] == True: pin[PPIO.LAST] = pin[PPIO.PRESSED] pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] = pin[PPIO.REPEAT] if pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME] <> '' and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME], "rising") # do state callbacks if pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] == 0: if pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME] <> '' and pin[ PPIO.PRESSED] == True and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME], "zero") if pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME] <> '' and pin[ PPIO.PRESSED] == False and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME], "zero") pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] = pin[PPIO.REPEAT] else: if pin[PPIO.REPEAT] <> -1: pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT] -= 1 # ************************************************ # gpio output sequencer functions # ************************************************ # execute events at the appropriate time and remove from list (runs from main program only) # runs through list a number of times because of problems with pop messing up list def do_sequencer(self, schedule_time): # print 'sequencer run for: ' + str(schedule_time) + ' at ' + str(long(time.time())) while True: event_found = False for index, item in enumerate( if item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME] <= schedule_time: event = event_found = True self.do_event(event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_PIN], event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TO_STATE], item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]) break if event_found == False: break # execute an event def do_event(self, pin, to_state, req_time): self.mon.log( self, 'pin P1-' + str(pin) + ' set ' + str(to_state) + ' required: ' + str(req_time) + ' actual: ' + str(long(time.time()))) # print 'pin P1-'+ str(pin)+ ' set '+ str(to_state) + ' required: ' + str(req_time)+ ' actual: ' + str(long(time.time())) self.GPIO.output(pin, to_state) # ************************************************ # gpio output sequencer interface methods # these can be called from many classes so need to operate on class variables # ************************************************ def animate(self, text, tag): if self.options['gpio'] == True: lines = text.split("\n") for line in lines: error_text = self.parse_animate_fields(line, tag) if error_text <> '': return 'error', error_text return 'normal', '' return 'normal', '' # clear event list def clear_events_list(self, tag): if self.options['gpio'] == True: self.mon.log(self, 'clear events list ') # empty event list if tag == None: = [] else: self.remove_events(tag) def reset_outputs(self): if self.options['gpio'] == True: self.mon.log(self, 'reset outputs') for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): num = pin[PPIO.PIN] if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'out': self.GPIO.output(num, False) # ************************************************ # internal functions # these can be called from many classes so need to operate on class variables # ************************************************ def parse_animate_fields(self, line, tag): fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 0: return '' name = fields[0] pin = self.pin_of(name) if pin == -1: return 'Unknown gpio logical output in: ' + line to_state_text = fields[1] if not (to_state_text in ('on', 'off')): return 'Illegal to-state in : ' + line if to_state_text == 'on': to_state = True else: to_state = False if len(fields) == 2: delay_text = '0' else: delay_text = fields[2] if not delay_text.isdigit(): return 'Delay is not an integer in : ' + line delay = int(delay_text) self.add_event(pin, to_state, delay, tag) # self.print_events() return '' def pin_of(self, name): for pin in PPIO.pins: # print " in list" + pin[PPIO.NAME] + str(pin[PPIO.PIN] ) if pin[PPIO.NAME] == name and pin[PPIO.DIRECTION] == 'out': return pin[PPIO.PIN] return -1 def print_events(self): print for i in print i def add_event(self, sequencer_pin, sequencer_to_state, sequencer_time, sequencer_tag): poll_time = long(time.time()) # delay is 0 so just do it, don't queue it. #if sequencer_time == 0: #print "firing now",poll_time #self.do_event(sequencer_pin,sequencer_to_state,poll_time) #return # prepare the event event = PPIO.EVENT_TEMPLATE event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_PIN] = sequencer_pin event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TO_STATE] = sequencer_to_state event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME] = sequencer_time + poll_time + 1 event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TAG] = sequencer_tag # print event # find the place in the events list and insert # first item in the list is earliest, if two have the same time then last to be added is fired last. abs_time = sequencer_time + poll_time copy_event = copy.deepcopy(event) for index, item in enumerate( if abs_time < item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]:, copy_event) return copy_event return copy_event # remove an event not used and does not work def remove_event(self, event): for index, item in enumerate( if event == item: del[index] return True return False # remove all the events with the same tag, usually a track reference def remove_events(self, tag): left = [] for item in if tag <> item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TAG]: left.append(item) = left #self.print_events() # *********************************** # reading gpio.cfg functions # ************************************ def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): # try inside profile tryfile = pp_profile + os.sep + "gpio.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying gpio.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile = pp_home + os.sep + "gpio.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile = pp_dir + os.sep + 'pp_home' + os.sep + "gpio.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "gpio.cfg not found at " + tryfile) self.mon.err(self, "gpio.cfg not found") return False self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "gpio.cfg read from " + filename) return True
class TimeOfDay: # add to a list of times with # time, show id, callback (should go to the calling show I think) # cancel events with specific tag # remove a specific event #terminate tod #keep time ticker one second tick time # do callback when time is reached 24 hour clock, just rotates # needs ticker to run from main program but events to be added/cancelled from a number of instances. #Its the sequemcer in reverse. # CLASS VARIABLES # fields of the times list TIME=0 # time at which trigger is to be generated - seconds from midnight TAG=1 # tag used to delete all matching events, usually a show reference. CALLBACK = 2 # instance of function to call when event is detected SOURCE = 3 # source text QUIET = 4 # whether the next show time should be displayed True,false TEMPLATE = [0,'',None,'',False] times=[] #list of times of day used to generate callbacks, earliest first last_scheduler_time=long(time.time()) now_seconds=0 #executed by main program and by each object using tod def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() # executed once from main program def init(self,pp_dir,pp_home,widget,tod_tick): # instantiate arguments TimeOfDay.widget=widget self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.tod_tick=tod_tick #init variables self.tick_timer=None TimeOfDay.last_poll_time=long(time.time()) midnight =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) now TimeOfDay.now_seconds= # called by main program only def poll(self): poll_time=long(time.time()) # is current time greater than last time the sceduler was run # run in a loop to catch up because root.after can get behind when images are being rendered etc. while poll_time>TimeOfDay.last_scheduler_time: self.do_scheduler(poll_time - TimeOfDay.last_scheduler_time) TimeOfDay.last_scheduler_time +=1 # and loop self.tick_timer=TimeOfDay.widget.after(self.tod_tick,self.poll) # called by main program only def terminate(self): if self.tick_timer<>None: TimeOfDay.widget.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.clear_times_list(None) # execute events at the appropriate time. # called by main program only def do_scheduler(self,diff): midnight =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) now TimeOfDay.now_seconds= TimeOfDay.synced=True # print 'scheduler time', TimeOfDay.now_seconds, ' diff ', diff for index, item in enumerate(TimeOfDay.times): # print item[TimeOfDay.TIME] if item[TimeOfDay.TIME]==TimeOfDay.now_seconds: # print 'event fired' self.do_event(item) # execute an event def do_event(self,event): self.mon.log (self,'Event : ' + str(event[TimeOfDay.TIME])+' '+ str(event[TimeOfDay.TAG]) + ' at ' # print 'Event : ' + str(event[TimeOfDay.TIME])+' '+ str(event[TimeOfDay.TAG]) + ' at ' event[TimeOfDay.CALLBACK]() def next_event_time(self): #look for next event for index, item in enumerate(TimeOfDay.times): # print 'trying ',item[TimeOfDay.SOURCE] if TimeOfDay.now_seconds < item[TimeOfDay.TIME]: break else: return [TimeOfDay.times[0][TimeOfDay.SOURCE],'tomorrow',TimeOfDay.times[0][TimeOfDay.TAG],TimeOfDay.times[0][TimeOfDay.QUIET]] return [item[TimeOfDay.SOURCE],'',item[TimeOfDay.TAG],item[TimeOfDay.QUIET]] # # ************************************************ # The methods below can be called from many classes so need to operate on class variables # ************************************************ def add_times(self,text,tag,callback,quiet_text): if quiet_text=='time-quiet': quiet=True else: quiet=False lines = text.split("\n") for line in lines: error_text=self.parse_tod_fields(line,tag,callback,quiet) if error_text <>'': return error_text # print TimeOfDay.times return '' def parse_tod_fields(self,line,tag,callback,quiet): fields = line.split() if len(fields)==0: return '' for field in fields: self.parse_event_text(field,tag,callback,quiet) return '' def parse_event_text(self,time_text,tag,callback,quiet): if time_text[0]=='+': seconds=TimeOfDay.now_seconds+int(time_text.lstrip('+')) else: fields=time_text.split(':') if len(fields)>2: secs=int(fields[2]) else: secs=0 seconds=int(fields[0])*3600+int(fields[1])*60+secs self.add_event(seconds,tag,callback,time_text,quiet) def add_event(self,seconds,tag,callback,source,quiet): # seconds since midnight is integer # find the place in the list and insert # first item in the list is earliest, if two have the same time then last to be added is fired last. for index, item in enumerate(TimeOfDay.times): if seconds<item[TimeOfDay.TIME]: TimeOfDay.times.insert(index,copy.deepcopy(TimeOfDay.TEMPLATE)) break else: TimeOfDay.times.append(copy.deepcopy(TimeOfDay.TEMPLATE)) index=len(TimeOfDay.times)-1 TimeOfDay.times[index][TimeOfDay.CALLBACK]=callback TimeOfDay.times[index][TimeOfDay.TIME]=seconds TimeOfDay.times[index][TimeOfDay.TAG]=tag TimeOfDay.times[index][TimeOfDay.SOURCE]=source TimeOfDay.times[index][TimeOfDay.QUIET]=quiet self.mon.log (self,'create time of day event ' + source + ' for show '+str(tag) + ' ' + str(quiet)) # self.print_times() return TimeOfDay.times[index] def print_times(self): print for i in TimeOfDay.times: print i # remove an event def remove_event(self,event): for index, item in enumerate( if event==item: del[index] return True return False #clear times list def clear_times_list(self,tag): self.mon.log(self,'clear time of day list ' + str(tag)) # empty event list if tag==None:[] else: self.remove_events(tag) # remove all the events with the same tag, usually a show reference def remove_events(self,tag): left=[] for item in TimeOfDay.times: if tag<>item[TimeOfDay.TAG]: left.append(item) TimeOfDay.times= left
class LiveShow: NEW_TRACKS = { 'image': { 'title': 'New Image', 'track-ref': '', 'type': 'image', 'location': '', 'duration': '', 'transition': '', 'track-text': '', 'track-text-font': '', 'track-text-colour': '', 'track-text-x': '0', 'track-text-y': '0' }, 'video': { 'title': 'New Video', 'track-ref': '', 'type': 'video', 'location': '', 'omx-audio': '' } } IMAGE_FILES = ('.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.png', '.tif') VIDEO_FILES = ('.mp4', '.mkv', '.avi', '.mp2', '.wmv') AUDIO_FILES = ('.mp3', '.wav', '.ogg') # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show, canvas, showlist, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the show is to be written on showlist - used jus to check the issue of medialist against showlist show - the dictionary for the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments = show self.showlist = showlist self.canvas = canvas self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player = None self.shower = None self._end_liveshow_signal = False self._play_child_signal = False self.error = False self._livelist = None self._new_livelist = None def play(self, end_callback, ready_callback=None, top=False, command='nil'): """ displays the liveshow end_callback - function to be called when the liveshow exits ready_callback - callback when liveshow is ready to display top is True when the show is top level (i.e. run from start show) """ #instantiate the arguments self._end_callback = end_callback self._ready_callback = ready_callback = top self.mon.log(self, "Starting show: " +['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + os.sep +['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.media_file) self._stop("Medialist file not found") self.options = command_options() self._pp_live_dir1 = self.pp_home + os.sep + 'pp_live_tracks' if not os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir1): os.mkdir(self._pp_live_dir1) self._pp_live_dir2 = '' if self.options['liveshow'] <> "": self._pp_live_dir2 = self.options['liveshow'] if not os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir2): self.mon.err( self, "live tracks directory not found " + self._pp_live_dir2) self._end('error', "live tracks directory not found") #create a medialist for the liveshow and read it. # it should be empty of anonymous tracks but read it to check its version. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() self._play_first_track() # respond to key presses. def key_pressed(self, key_name): self.mon.log(self, "received key: " + key_name) if key_name == '': pass elif key_name == 'escape': # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track # ELSE stop this show except for exceptions if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) else: # not at top so stop the show if == False: self._stop("exit show to higher level") else: pass elif key_name in ('up', 'down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif key_name == 'return': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down # ELSE use Return to start child if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if['has-child'] == "yes": self._play_child() elif key_name in ('p', ' '): # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) def button_pressed(self, button, edge): if button == 'play': self.key_pressed("return") elif button == 'up': self.key_pressed("up") elif button == 'down': self.key_pressed("down") elif button == 'stop': self.key_pressed("escape") elif button == 'pause': self.key_pressed('p') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): if self.shower <> None: self.mon.log(self, "sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.mon.log(self, "sent terminate to player") self.player.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason, 'terminated without terminating shower or player') def _tidy_up(self): pass def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self.terminate("error", 'Cannot find resource') else: return value # *************************** # Respond to key/button presses # *************************** def _stop(self, message): self._end_liveshow_signal = True def _play_child(self): self._play_child_signal = True if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") # *************************** # end of show functions # *************************** def _end(self, reason, message): self._end_liveshow_signal = False self.mon.log(self, "Ending Liveshow: " +['show-ref']) self._tidy_up() self._end_callback(reason, message) self = None return def _nend(self): self._end('normal', 'end from state machine') # *************************** # Livelist # *************************** def _livelist_add_track(self, afile): (root, title) = os.path.split(afile) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['image'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['video'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['video'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) def _livelist_new_track(self, fields, values): new_track = fields self._new_livelist.append(copy.deepcopy(new_track)) last = len(self._new_livelist) - 1 self._new_livelist[last].update(values) def _new_livelist_create(self): self._new_livelist = [] if os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir1): for file in os.listdir(self._pp_live_dir1): file = self._pp_live_dir1 + os.sep + file (root_file, ext_file) = os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower( ) in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES + LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES + LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_add_track(file) if os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir2): for file in os.listdir(self._pp_live_dir2): file = self._pp_live_dir2 + os.sep + file (root_file, ext_file) = os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower( ) in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES + LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES + LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_add_track(file) self._new_livelist = sorted( self._new_livelist, key=lambda track: os.path.basename(track['location']).lower()) # for it in self._new_livelist: # print it['location'] # print '' def _livelist_replace_if_changed(self): self._new_livelist_create() if self._new_livelist <> self._livelist: self._livelist = copy.deepcopy(self._new_livelist) self._livelist_index = 0 def _livelist_next(self): if self._livelist_index == len(self._livelist) - 1: self._livelist_index = 0 else: self._livelist_index += 1 # *************************** # Play Loop # *************************** def _play_first_track(self): self._new_livelist_create() self._livelist = copy.deepcopy(self._new_livelist) self._livelist_index = 0 self._play_track() def _play_track(self): self._livelist_replace_if_changed() if len(self._livelist) > 0: self._play_selected_track(self._livelist[self._livelist_index]) else: self.display_message(self.canvas, None, self.resource('liveshow', 'm01'), 5, self._what_next) def _what_next(self): # user wants to end if self._end_liveshow_signal == True: self._end_liveshow_signal = False self._end('normal', "show ended by user") # play child? elif self._play_child_signal == True: self._play_child_signal = False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >= 0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track = self.medialist.track(index) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('liveshow', 'm02')) self._play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "Child show not found in medialist: " +['pp-child-show']) self._end('error', "child show not found in medialist") # otherwise loop to next track else: self._livelist_next() self._play_track() # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self, canvas, source, content, duration, _display_message_callback): self._display_message_callback = _display_message_callback tp = { 'duration': duration, 'message-colour': 'white', 'message-font': 'Helvetica 20 bold' } self.player = MessagePlayer(canvas, tp, tp), self._display_message_end, None) def _display_message_end(self, reason, message): self.player = None if reason in ("killed", 'error'): self._end(reason, message) else: self._display_message_callback() def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self, "Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file def _play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected_track is a dictionary for the track/show """ # self.canvas.delete(ALL) # is menu required if['has-child'] == "yes": enable_child = True else: enable_child = False #dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self, "Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player = ImagePlayer(self.canvas,, selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.canvas,, selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self._stop("Unknown show") if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self._stop("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self._stop("Unknown track type") def ready_callback(self): self._delete_eggtimer() def end_player(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self._end(reason, message) else: self._what_next() def end_shower(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self._end(reason, message) else: self._what_next() def _display_eggtimer(self, text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width']) / 2, int(self.canvas['height']) / 2, text=text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks() def _delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL)
class BrowserPlayer: #state constants _CLOSED = "player_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "player_starting" #uzbl beinf loaded and fifo created _WAITING = "wait for timeout" # waiting for browser to appear on the screen _PLAYING = "player_playing" #track is playing to the screen _ENDING = "player_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or duration exceeded # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, root, canvas, show_params, track_params, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.root=root, self.canvas = canvas self.show_params=show_params self.track_params=track_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get duration limit (secs ) from profile if self.track_params['duration']<>"": self.duration= int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration= int(self.show_params['duration']) self.duration_limit=20*self.duration # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.bplayer=uzblDriver(self.canvas) self.command_timer=None self.tick_timer=None self.init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.showlist=showlist self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.enable_menu=enable_menu # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #web window if self.track_params['web-window']<>'': self.web_window= self.track_params['web-window'] else: self.web_window= self.show_params['web-window'] reason,message,command,has_window,x1,y1,x2,y2=self.parse_window(self.web_window) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,'web window error: '+' ' + message + ' in ' + self.web_window) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #deal with web_window if has_window==False: self.geometry = ' --geometry=maximized ' else: width=x2-x1 height=y2-y1 self.geometry = "--geometry=%dx%d%+d%+d " % (width,height,x1,y1) # get browser commands reason,message=self.parse_commands(self.track_params['browser-commands']) if reason != 'normal': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start playing the track. self.start_play_state_machine() def terminate(self,reason): """ terminate the player in special circumstances normal user termination if by key_pressed 'stop' reason will be killed or error """ # circumvents state machine to terminate lower level and then itself. if self.bplayer<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to uzbldriver") self.bplayer.terminate(reason) self.end('killed',' end without waiting for uzbl to finish') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, uzbldriver not running") self.end('killed','terminate, uzbldriver not running') def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] def input_pressed(self,symbol): # print symbol, symbol[0:5] if symbol[0:5]=='uzbl-': self.control(symbol[5:]) elif symbol == 'pause': self.pause() elif symbol=='stop': self.stop() # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** #browser do not do pause def pause(self): self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing, not currently used def control(self,char): if self.play_state==BrowserPlayer._PLAYING and char not in ('exit'): self.mon.log(self,"> send control to uzbl:"+ char) self.bplayer.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # respond to normal stop def stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self.quit_signal=True # *************************************** # sequencing # *************************************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the mplayer process is not running, mplayer process can be initiated - _starting - mplayer process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - mplayer is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def init_play_state_machine(self): self.quit_signal=False self.play_state=BrowserPlayer._CLOSED def start_play_state_machine(self): #initialise all the state machine variables self.duration_count = 0 self.quit_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop #play the track,self.geometry) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) self.play_state=BrowserPlayer._STARTING # and start polling for state changes and count duration self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == BrowserPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == BrowserPlayer._STARTING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if uzbl fifo is available can send comands to uzbl but change to wait state to wait for it to appear on screen if self.bplayer.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <fifo available signal received from uzbl") self.bplayer.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=BrowserPlayer._WAITING # get rid of status bar self.bplayer.control('set show_status = 0') # and get ready to wait for browser to appear self.wait_count= 50 # 10 seconds at 200mS steps self.mon.log(self," State machine: uzbl process alive") self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == BrowserPlayer._WAITING: if self.wait_count==0: # set state to playing self.play_state = BrowserPlayer._PLAYING # and start executing the browser commands self.play_commands() self.mon.log(self," State machine: uzbl_playing started") self.wait_count -=1 self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == BrowserPlayer._PLAYING: self.duration_count+=1 # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals and test duration count if self.quit_signal==True or (self.duration_limit>0 and self.duration_count>self.duration_limit): self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal or timeout") # self.quit_signal=False self.stop_bplayer() self.play_state = BrowserPlayer._ENDING # uzbl reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.bplayer.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.play_state = BrowserPlayer._ENDING self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == BrowserPlayer._ENDING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state # self.mon.log (self," State machine : is luakit process running? - " + str(self.bplayer.is_running())) if self.bplayer.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <uzbl process is dead") if self.quit_signal==True: self.quit_signal=False self.play_state = BrowserPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','quit required or timeout') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def stop_bplayer(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >send stop to uzbl driver") if self.play_state==BrowserPlayer._PLAYING: self.bplayer.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.pim<>None: self.pim.stop_plugin() # abort the timers if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if self.command_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.command_timer) self.tick_timer=None # clean up and fifos and sockets left by uzbl os.system('rm -f /tmp/uzbl_*') if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control and animation # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_end_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): self.canvas.delete('pp-content') #background colour if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Audio background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Audio background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.track = self.pim.do_plugin(self.track,self.track_params['plugin'],) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display hint text if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> ''and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') self.mon.log(self,"Displayed background and text ") self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # ******************* # browser commands # *********************** def parse_commands(self,command_text): self.command_list=[] lines = command_text.split('\n') for line in lines: if line.strip()=="": continue reason,entry=self.parse_command(line) if reason != 'normal': return 'error',entry self.command_list.append(copy.deepcopy(entry)) # print self.command_list return 'normal','' def parse_command(self,line): fields = line.split() if fields[0]=='uzbl': # print fields[0], line[4:] return 'normal',[fields[0],line[4:]] if len(fields) not in (1,2): return 'error',"incorrect number of fields in command: " + line command=fields[0] arg='' if command not in ('load','refresh','wait','exit','loop'): return 'error','unknown command: '+ command if command in ('refresh','exit','loop') and len(fields)<>1: return 'error','incorrect number of fields for '+ command + 'in: ' + line if command == 'load': if len(fields)<>2: return 'error','incorrect number of fields for '+ command + 'in: ' + line else: arg = fields[1] if command == 'wait': if len(fields)<>2: return 'error','incorrect number of fields for '+ command + 'in: ' + line else: arg = fields[1] if not arg.isdigit():return 'error','Argument for Wait is not 0 or positive number in: ' + line return 'normal',[command,arg] def play_commands(self): if len(self.command_list)==0: return self.loop=0 self.command_index=0 self.canvas.after(100,self.execute_command) def execute_command(self): entry=self.command_list[self.command_index] command=entry[0] arg=entry[1] if self.command_index==len(self.command_list)-1: self.command_index=self.loop else: self.command_index+=1 # execute command if command == 'load': #self.canvas.focus_force() #self.root.lower() file=self.complete_path(arg) self.bplayer.control('uri '+ file) self.command_timer=self.canvas.after(10,self.execute_command) elif command == 'refresh': self.bplayer.control('reload_ign_cache') self.command_timer=self.canvas.after(10,self.execute_command) elif command == 'wait': self.command_timer=self.canvas.after(1000*int(arg),self.execute_command) elif command=='exit': self.quit_signal=True elif command=='loop': self.loop=self.command_index self.command_timer=self.canvas.after(10,self.execute_command) elif command=='uzbl': self.bplayer.control(arg) self.command_timer=self.canvas.after(10,self.execute_command) # ***************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file def parse_window(self,line): # parses warp _ or xy2 fields = line.split() # check there is a command field if len(fields) < 1: return 'error','no type field','',False,0,0,0,0 #deal with warp which has 1 or 5 arguments # check basic syntax if fields[0] <>'warp': return 'error','not a valid type','',False,0,0,0,0 if len(fields) not in (1,5): return 'error','wrong number of coordinates for warp','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with window coordinates if len(fields) == 5: #window is specified if not (fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit() and fields[4].isdigit()): return 'error','coordinates are not positive integers','',False,0,0,0,0 has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]),int(fields[4]) else: # fullscreen has_window=False return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,0,0,0,0
class MediaShow: # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the dictionary fo the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params = show_params self.showlist = showlist self.root = root self.canvas = canvas self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player = None self.shower = None self.poll_for_interval_timer = None self.poll_for_continue_timer = None self.waiting_for_interval = False self.interval_timer = None self.duration_timer = None self.error = False self.interval_timer_signal = False self.end_trigger_signal = False self.end_mediashow_signal = False self.next_track_signal = False self.previous_track_signal = False self.play_child_signal = False self.req_next = 'nil' #create and instance of TimeOfDay scheduler so we can add events self.tod = TimeOfDay() self.state = 'closed' def play(self, show_id, end_callback, show_ready_callback, top=False, command='nil'): """ displays the mediashow end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate the arguments self.show_id = show_id self.end_callback = end_callback self.show_ready_callback = show_ready_callback = top self.command = command self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Starting show") # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.media_file) self.end('error', "Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the mediashow and read it. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get controls for this show if top level controlsmanager = ControlsManager() if == True: self.controls_list = controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list = controlsmanager.merge_show_controls( self.controls_list, self.show_params['controls']) #set up the time of day triggers for the show if self.show_params['trigger'] in ('time', 'time-quiet'): error_text = self.tod.add_times(self.show_params['trigger-input'], id(self), self.tod_start_callback, self.show_params['trigger']) if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'time': # print self.show_params['trigger-end-time'] error_text = self.tod.add_times( self.show_params['trigger-end-time'], id(self), self.tod_end_callback, 'n/a') if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'duration': error_text = self.calculate_duration( self.show_params['trigger-end-time']) if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) self.state = 'closed' self.egg_timer = None self.wait_for_trigger() # ******************************** # Respond to external events # ******************************** #stop received from another concurrent show def managed_stop(self): # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level if self.shower <> None: self.shower.managed_stop() else: #stop the show if not at top self.end_mediashow_signal = True # and if track is runing stop that first if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): if self.shower <> None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason, ' terminated with no shower or player to terminate') # respond to input events def input_pressed(self, symbol, edge, source): self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": received input: " + symbol) # check symbol against mediashow triggers, triggers can be used at top or lower level # and not affected by disable-controls if self.state == 'waiting' and self.show_params['trigger'] in ( 'input', 'input-quiet') and symbol == self.show_params['trigger-input']: self.start_show() elif self.state == 'playing' and self.show_params[ 'trigger-next'] == 'input' and symbol == self.show_params[ 'next-input']: # internal functions are triggered only when disable-controls is 'no' if self.show_params['disable-controls'] == 'yes': return # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operation # look through list of standard symbols to find match (symbolic-name, function name) operation =lookup (symbol if == True: operation = self.lookup_control(symbol, self.controls_list) else: operation = symbol # print 'operation',operation self.do_operation(operation, edge, source) #service the standard inputs for this show def do_operation(self, operation, edge, source): if self.shower <> None: # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) else: # control this show and its tracks # print 'operation',operation if operation == 'stop': if == False: # not at top so stop the current show self.end_mediashow_signal = True # and if a track is running stop that first if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: # top = True, just stop track if running if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') elif operation in ('up', 'down'): #if playing rather than waiting use keys for next or previous if operation == 'up' and self.state == 'playing': self.previous() else: elif operation == 'play': # use 'play' to start child if state=playing or to trigger the show if waiting for trigger if self.state == 'playing': if self.show_params['has-child'] == 'yes': self.play_child_signal = True self.child_track_ref = 'pp-child-show' # and stop the current track if its running if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: if self.state == 'waiting': self.start_show() elif operation == 'pause': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) #if the operation is omxplayer or mplayer runtime control then pass it to player if running elif operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or operation[ 0:6] == 'mplay-' or operation[0:5] == 'uzbl-': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self, symbol, controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # *************************** # Show sequencer # *************************** def end_interval_timer(self): self.interval_timer_signal = True # callback from time of day scheduler def tod_start_callback(self): if self.state == 'waiting' and self.show_params['trigger'] in ( 'time', 'time-quiet'): self.start_show() def tod_end_callback(self): if self.state == 'playing' and self.show_params['trigger-end'] in ( 'time', 'duration'): self.end_trigger_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop') elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') def stop(self, message): self.end_mediashow_signal = True if self.interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.interval_timer) def next(self): # stop track if running and set signal self.next_track_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed("stop") else: if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") def previous(self): self.previous_track_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed("stop") else: if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") # wait for trigger sets the state to waiting so that events can do a start show. def wait_for_trigger(self): self.state = 'waiting' if self.show_ready_callback <> None: self.show_ready_callback() self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Waiting for trigger: " + self.show_params['trigger']) if self.show_params['trigger'] == "input": # blank screen waiting for trigger if auto, otherwise display something if self.show_params['progress'] == "manual": text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm01') else: text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm02') self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self.start_show) elif self.show_params['trigger'] == "input-quiet": # blank screen waiting for trigger text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm10') self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self.start_show) pass elif self.show_params['trigger'] in ('time', 'time-quiet'): # show next show notice quiet = 3 # if next show is this one display text next_show = self.tod.next_event_time() if next_show[quiet] == False: if next_show[1] == 'tomorrow': text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm09') else: text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm08') text = text.replace('%tt', next_show[0]) self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self.start_show) elif self.show_params['trigger'] == "start": self.start_show() else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown trigger: " + self.show_params['trigger']) self.end('error', "Unknown trigger type") def start_show(self): self.state = 'playing' self.direction = 'forward' # self.canvas.delete(ALL) # start interval timer if self.show_params['repeat'] == "interval" and self.show_params[ 'repeat-interval'] <> 0: self.interval_timer_signal = False self.interval_timer = self.canvas.after( int(self.show_params['repeat-interval']) * 1000, self.end_interval_timer) # start duration timer if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'duration': # print 'set alarm ', self.duration self.duration_timer = self.canvas.after(self.duration * 1000, self.tod_end_callback) # and play the first track unless commanded otherwise if self.command == 'backward': self.medialist.finish() else: self.medialist.start() self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) def what_next(self): self.direction = 'forward' # end of show trigger caused by tod if self.end_trigger_signal == True: self.end_trigger_signal = False if == True: self.state = 'waiting' self.wait_for_trigger() else: # not at top so stop the show self.end('normal', 'sub-show end time trigger') # user wants to end, wait for any shows or tracks to have ended then end show # probalby will get here with end_m set when player and shower has finished elif self.end_mediashow_signal == True: if self.player == None and self.shower == None: self.end_mediashow_signal = False self.end('normal', "show ended by user") #returning from a subshow needing to move onward elif self.req_next == 'do-next': self.req_next = 'nil'['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) #returning from a subshow needing to move backward elif self.req_next == 'do-previous': self.req_next = 'nil' self.direction = 'backward' self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # user wants to play child elif self.play_child_signal == True: self.play_child_signal = False index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.child_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm07')) self.play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "Child show not found in medialist: " + self.show_params['pp-child-show']) self.end('error', "child show not found in medialist") # skip to next track on user input elif self.next_track_signal == True: self.next_track_signal = False if self.medialist.at_end() == True: if self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self.end('do-next', "Return from Sub Show") elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'single-run' and == False: self.end('do-next', "Return from Sub Show") else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # skip to previous track on user input elif self.previous_track_signal == True: self.previous_track_signal = False self.direction = 'backward' if self.medialist.at_start() == True: if self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self.end('do-previous', "Return from Sub Show") elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'single-run' and == False: self.end('do-previous', "Return from Sub Show") else: self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track is finished and we are on auto elif self.show_params['progress'] == "auto": if self.medialist.at_end() == True: # oneshot if self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self.end('normal', "End of Oneshot in subshow") elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == True: self.wait_for_trigger() # single run elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'single-run' and == True: self.end('normal', "End of Single Run") elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'single-run' and == False: self.end('do-next', "End of single run - Return from Sub Show") # repeating and waiting to restart elif self.waiting_for_interval == True: if self.interval_timer_signal == True: self.interval_timer_signal = False self.waiting_for_interval = False self.start_show() else: self.poll_for_interval_timer = self.canvas.after( 1000, self.what_next) elif self.show_params[ 'sequence'] == "ordered" and self.show_params[ 'repeat'] == 'interval' and int( self.show_params['repeat-interval']) > 0: self.waiting_for_interval = True self.poll_for_interval_timer = self.canvas.after( 1000, self.what_next) #elif self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='interval' and int(self.show_params['repeat-interval'])==0: elif self.show_params['repeat'] == 'interval' and int( self.show_params['repeat-interval']) == 0:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # shuffling so there is no end condition elif self.show_params['sequence'] == "shuffle":['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.mon.err( self, "Unhandled playing event: " + self.show_params['sequence'] + ' with ' + self.show_params['repeat'] + " of " + self.show_params['repeat-interval']) self.end('error', "Unhandled playing event") else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track has finished and we are on manual progress elif self.show_params['progress'] == "manual": self.delete_eggtimer() self.canvas.delete('pp-content') if self.show_params['trigger-next'] == 'input': self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm03')) self.poll_for_continue_timer = self.canvas.after( 2000, self.what_next) else: #unhandled state self.mon.err(self, "Unhandled playing event: ") self.end('error', "Unhandled playing event") # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** def ready_callback(self): self.delete_eggtimer() def play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.delete_eggtimer() if self.show_params['progress'] == "manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm04')) # is menu required if self.show_params['has-child'] == "yes": self.enable_child = True else: self.enable_child = False #dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type == "audio": # create a audioplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = AudioPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type == "web": # create a browser track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = BrowserPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player = ImagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type == "message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text = selected_track['text'] self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type == "show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self.end('error', "Unknown show") if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command=self.direction) elif selected_show['type'] == "liveshow": self.shower = LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "radiobuttonshow": self.shower = RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "hyperlinkshow": self.shower = HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self.end('error' "Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self.end('error', "Unknown track type") def end_player(self, reason, message): self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None self.req_next = 'nil' if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: # elif>else move to what-next? if self.show_params['progress'] == "manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm05')) self.req_next = reason self.what_next() else: self.req_next = reason self.what_next() def end_shower(self, show_id, reason, message): self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None self.req_next = 'nil' if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: if self.show_params['progress'] == "manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm06')) self.req_next = reason self.what_next() else: self.req_next = reason self.what_next() # *************************** # end of show # *************************** def end(self, reason, message): self.end_mediashow_signal = False self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Ending Mediashow") self.tidy_up() self.end_callback(self.show_id, reason, message) self = None return def tidy_up(self): #clear outstanding time of day events for this show # self.tod.clear_times_list(id(self)) if self.poll_for_continue_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.poll_for_continue_timer) self.poll_for_continue_timer = None if self.poll_for_interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.poll_for_interval_timer) self.poll_for_interval_timer = None if self.interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.interval_timer) self.interval_timer = None if self.duration_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.duration_timer) self.duration_timer = None # *************************** # displaying things # *************************** def display_eggtimer(self, text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width']) / 2, int(self.canvas['height']) / 2, text=text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold", tag='pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks() def delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete('pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks() # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self, canvas, source, content, duration, _display_message_callback): self.display_message_callback = _display_message_callback tp = { 'duration': duration, 'message-colour': 'white', 'message-font': 'Helvetica 20 bold', 'background-colour': '', 'message-justify': 'left', 'background-image': '', 'show-control-begin': '', 'show-control-end': '', 'animate-begin': '', 'animate-clear': '', 'animate-end': '', 'message-x': '', 'message-y': '', 'display-show-background': 'no', 'display-show-text': 'no', 'show-text': '', 'track-text': '', 'plugin': '' } self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, canvas, tp, tp, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.display_message_end, None, False) def display_message_end(self, reason, message): self.player = None if reason in ('error', 'killed'): self.end(reason, message) else: self.display_message_callback() # *************************** # utilities # *************************** def calculate_duration(self, line): fields = line.split(':') if len(fields) == 1: secs = fields[0] minutes = '0' hours = '0' if len(fields) == 2: secs = fields[1] minutes = fields[0] hours = '0' if len(fields) == 3: secs = fields[2] minutes = fields[1] hours = fields[0] self.duration = 3600 * long(hours) + 60 * long(minutes) + long(secs) return '' def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self.terminate("error") else: return value def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file <> '' and track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file
class MessagePlayer: """ Displays lines of text in the centre of a black screen""" # ******************* # external commands # ******************* def __init__(self,canvas,cd,track_params): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the image is to be drawn cd - configuration dictionary for the show from which player was called """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.canvas=canvas self.track_params=track_params # get config from medialist if there. if 'duration' in self.track_params and self.track_params['duration']<>"": self.duration= int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration= int(['duration']) # keep dwell and porch as an integer multiple of tick self.tick = 100 # tick time for image display (milliseconds) self.dwell = (1000*self.duration) self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 def play(self, text, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.text=text self.enable_menu=enable_menu self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.end_callback=end_callback #init state and signals self.quit_signal=False self.kill_required_signal=False self.error=False self._tick_timer=None self.drawn=None # and start text display self._start_dwell() def key_pressed(self,key_name): self.mon.log(self,"key received: "+key_name) if key_name=='': return elif key_name in ('p'): return elif key_name=='escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self,button,edge): self.mon.log(self,"button received: "+button) if button =='pause': return elif button=='stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self,reason): if reason=='error': self.error=True else: self.kill_required_signal=True self.quit_signal=True # ******************* # internal functions # ******************* def _stop(self): self.quit_signal=True def _error(self): self.error=True self.quit_signal=True #called when dwell has completed or quit signal is received def _end(self,reason,message): if self._tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer=None self.quit_signal=False #self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) if self.error==True: self.end_callback("error",message) self=None elif self.kill_required_signal==True: self.end_callback("killed",message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',message) self=None def _start_dwell(self): self.dwell_counter=0 if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # display text self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, text=self.text.rstrip('\n'), fill=self.track_params['message-colour'], font=self.track_params['message-font']) # display instructions (hint) if self.enable_menu==True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(['hint-y']),['hint-text'],['hint-colour'],['hint-font']) self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _do_dwell(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self.mon.log(self,"quit received") self._end('normal','user quit') else: if self.dwell<>0: self.dwell_counter=self.dwell_counter+1 if self.dwell_counter==self.dwell/self.tick: self._end('normal','finished') else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell)
class AudioPlayer: _CLOSED = "mplayer_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "mplayer_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "mplayer_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "mplayer_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track _WAITING = "wait for timeout" # track has finished but timeout still running #_LEFT = "-af channels=2:1:0:0:1:1,resample=48000:1 " # _RIGHT = "-af channels=2:1:0:1:1:0,resample=48000:1 " #_STEREO = "-af channels=2,resample=48000:1 " _LEFT = "channels=2:1:0:0:1:1" _RIGHT = "channels=2:1:0:1:1:0" _STEREO = "channels=2" # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, canvas, pp_home, show_params, track_params ): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the background image is to be drawn show_params - configuration of show playing the track track_params - config dictionary for this track overrides show_params """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.show_params=show_params #configuration dictionary for the videoplayer self.canvas = canvas #canvas onto which video should be played but isn't! Use as widget for alarm self.pp_home=pp_home self.track_params=track_params # get duration (secs ) from profile self.duration= int(self.track_params['duration']) self.duration_limit=20*self.duration # get background image from profile. self.background_file = self.track_params['background-image'] # get audio sink from profile. if self.track_params['mplayer-audio']<>"": self.mplayer_audio= self.track_params['mplayer-audio'] else: self.mplayer_audio= self.show_params['mplayer-audio'] # get audio volume from profile. if self.track_params['mplayer-volume']<>"": self.mplayer_volume= self.track_params['mplayer-volume'].strip() else: self.mplayer_volume= self.show_params['mplayer-volume'].strip() self.volume_option= 'volume=' + self.mplayer_volume #get speaker from profile if self.track_params['audio-speaker']<>"": self.audio_speaker= self.track_params['audio-speaker'] else: self.audio_speaker= self.show_params['audio-speaker'] if self.audio_speaker=='left': self.speaker_option=AudioPlayer._LEFT elif self.audio_speaker=='right': self.speaker_option=AudioPlayer._RIGHT else: self.speaker_option=AudioPlayer._STEREO #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.mplayer=mplayerDriver(self.canvas) self._tick_timer=None self.error=False self.terminate_me=False self._init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): """ play - plays the specified track, the first call after __init__ track - full path of track to play end_callback - callback when track ends (reason,message) reason = killed - return from a terminate with reason = killed error - return because player or lower level has generated and runtime error normal - anything else message = ant tesxt, used for debugging ready_callback - callback when the track is ready to play, use to stop eggtimer etc. enable_menu - True if the track is to have a child show starting/playing/ending callback - called repeatedly in each state for show to display status, time etc. """ #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.enable_menu=enable_menu self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.starting_callback=starting_callback #callback during starting state self.playing_callback=playing_callback #callback during playing state self.ending_callback=ending_callback # callback during ending state # enable_menu is not used by AudioPlayer # select the sound sink if self.mplayer_audio<>"": if self.mplayer_audio=='hdmi': os.system("amixer -q -c 0 cset numid=3 2") else: os.system("amixer -q -c 0 cset numid=3 1") # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # display image and text self.display_image() # create animation events error_text=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.error=True self._end('error',error_text) # and start playing the track. if self.play_state == AudioPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self._start_play_state_machine() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!< play track rejected") return False def key_pressed(self,key_name): """ respond to user or system key presses """ if key_name=='': return elif key_name in ('p',' '): self._pause() return elif key_name=='escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self,button,edge): """ respond to user button presses """ if button =='pause': self._pause() return elif button=='stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self,reason): """ terminate the player in special circumstances normal user termination if by key_pressed 'escape' reason will be killed or error """ # circumvents state machine to terminate lower level and then itself. self.terminate_me=True if self.mplayer<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to mplayerdriver") self.mplayer.terminate(reason) self._end('killed',' end without waiting') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, mplayerdriver not running") self._end('killed','terminate, mplayerdriver not running') # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** #toggle pause def _pause(self): if self.play_state in (AudioPlayer._PLAYING,AudioPlayer._ENDING) and self.track<>'': self.mplayer.pause() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing, not currently used def _control(self,char): if self.play_state==AudioPlayer._PLAYING and self.track<>'': self.mon.log(self,"> send control to mplayer: "+ char) self.mplayer.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # respond to normal stop def _stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self._stop_required_signal=True #respond to internal error by setting flags to cause state machine to stop player #use this rather than end if the driver and its spawned process might still be running def _error(self): self.error=True self._stop_required_signal=True # tidy up and end AudioPlayer. def _end(self,reason,message): # self.canvas.delete(ALL) # abort the timer if self._tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer=None if self.error==True or reason=='error': self.end_callback("error",message) self=None elif self.terminate_me==True: self.end_callback("killed",message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending error_text=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_end_text,id(self)) if error_text=='': self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None else: self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end_callback("error",error_text) self=None # *************************************** # # PLAYING STATE MACHINE # *************************************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the mplayer process is not running, mplayer process can be initiated - _starting - mplayer process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - mplayer is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def _init_play_state_machine(self): self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state=AudioPlayer._CLOSED def _start_play_state_machine(self): #initialise all the state machine variables self.duration_count = 0 self._stop_required_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop #play the track options = self.show_params['mplayer-other-options'] + '-af '+ self.speaker_option+','+self.volume_option + ' ' if self.track<>'':,options) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) self.play_state=AudioPlayer._STARTING else: self.play_state=AudioPlayer._PLAYING # and start polling for state changes and count duration self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) def _play_state_machine(self): self.duration_count+=1 if self.play_state == AudioPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == AudioPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if mplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.mplayer.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from mplayer") self.mplayer.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=AudioPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: mplayer_playing started") self._do_starting() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == AudioPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self._stop_required_signal==True or (self.duration_limit<>0 and self.duration_count>self.duration_limit): self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signa or timeout") # self._stop_required_signal=False if self.track<>'': self._stop_mplayer() self.play_state = AudioPlayer._ENDING else: self.play_state = AudioPlayer._CLOSED self._end('normal','stop required signa or timeout') # mplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.track<>'' and self.mplayer.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.mplayer.audio_position)) self.play_state = AudioPlayer._ENDING self._do_playing() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == AudioPlayer._ENDING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) self._do_ending() # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state # self.mon.log (self," State machine : is mplayer process running? - " + str(self.mplayer.is_running())) if self.mplayer.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <mplayer process is dead") if self._stop_required_signal==True: self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state = AudioPlayer._CLOSED self._end('normal','mplayer dead') elif self.duration_limit<>0 and self.duration_count<self.duration_limit: self.play_state= AudioPlayer._WAITING self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) else: self.play_state = AudioPlayer._CLOSED self._end('normal','mplayer dead') else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == AudioPlayer._WAITING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) if self._stop_required_signal==True or (self.duration_limit<>0 and self.duration_count>self.duration_limit): self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal or timeout from wait") self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state = AudioPlayer._CLOSED self._end('normal','mplayer dead') else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) # allow calling object do things in each state by calling the appropriate callback def _do_playing(self): if self.track<>'': self.audio_position=self.mplayer.audio_position if self.playing_callback<>None: self.playing_callback() def _do_starting(self): self.audio_position=0.0 if self.starting_callback<>None: self.starting_callback() def _do_ending(self): if self.ending_callback<>None: self.ending_callback() def _stop_mplayer(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop mplayer received from state machine") if self.play_state==AudioPlayer._PLAYING: self.mplayer.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # image and text # ***************** def display_image(self): if self.background_file<>'' or self.show_params['show-text']<> '' or self.track_params['track-text']<> '' or self.enable_menu== True or self.track_params['clear-screen']=='yes': self.canvas.config(bg='black') self.canvas.delete(ALL) if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Audio background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self._end('error',"Audio background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER) # display hint text if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font']) # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font']) # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font']) self.mon.log(self,"Displayed background and text ") self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file
class uzblDriver(object): def __init__(self,widget): self.widget=widget self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self._process=None self.fifo='' def pause(self): pass def stop(self): self.control('exit') # kill the subprocess (uzbl). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self,reason): self.terminate_reason=reason if self.exists_fifo(): self.control('exit') #self._process.close(force=True) self.end_play_signal=True def play(self, track, geometry): self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal=False # track= "'"+ track.replace("'","'\\''") + "'" cmd='uzbl-browser ' + geometry + '--uri='+track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to uzbl: "+ cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from uzbl (read pexpect manual) # fout= file('/home/pi/pipresents/uzbllogfile.txt','w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file # self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout # self._process.logfile=fout # send all communications to log # and poll for fifo to be available self.get_fifo() # poll for fifo to be available # when it is set start_play_signal # then monitor for it to be delted because browser is closed # and the set end_play signal def get_fifo(self): """ Look for UZBL's FIFO-file in /tmp. Don't give up until it has been found. """ candidates = glob('/tmp/uzbl_fifo_*') for file in candidates: if S_ISFIFO(os_stat(file).st_mode): self.mon.log(self, 'Found UZBL fifo in %s.' % file) self.fifo=file self.start_play_signal=True return # print 'not found trying again' self.widget.after(500,self.get_fifo) def exists_fifo(self): if os.path.exists(self.fifo): return True else: return False # send commands to uzbl via the fifo def control(self,data): if self.exists_fifo(): self.mon.log(self,'send command to uzbl:'+data) f = open(self.fifo, 'a') f.write('%s\n' % data) f.close() # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive()
class MenuShow: """ Displays a menu with optional hint below it. User can traverse the menu and select a track using key or button presses. Interface: * play - displays the menu and selects the first entry * key_pressed, button_pressed - receives user events passes them to a Player if a track is playing, otherwise actions them with _next, _previous, _play_selected_track, _end Optional display of eggtimer by means of Players ready_callback Supports imageplayer, videoplayer,messagplayer,menushow,mediashow Destroys itself on exit """ # ********************* # external interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show, canvas, showlist, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the name of the configuration dictionary section for the menu cf - the configuration object pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory""" self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.showlist=showlist self.canvas=canvas self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # init variables self.drawn = None self.player=None self.shower=None self.menu_timeout_running=None self.error=False def play(self,end_callback,ready_callback=None,top=False,command='nil'): """ displays the menu end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate arguments self.end_callback=end_callback self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.command=command # check data files are available. self.menu_file = self.pp_profile + "/" +['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.menu_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.menu_file) self._end('error',"Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the menu and read it. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.menu_file,self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") if['has-background']=="yes": background_index=self.medialist.index_of_track ('pp-menu-background') if background_index>=0: self.menu_img_file = self.complete_path(self.medialist.track(background_index)) if not os.path.exists(self.menu_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Menu background file not found: "+ self.menu_img_file) self._end('error',"Menu background file not found") else: self.mon.err(self,"Menu background not found in medialist") self._end('error',"Menu background not found") #start timeout alarm if required if int(['timeout'])<>0: self.menu_timeout_running=self.canvas.after(int(['timeout'])*1000,self._timeout_menu) if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.canvas.delete(ALL) # display background image if['has-background']=="yes": self._display_background() #display the list of video titles self._display_video_titles() # display instructions (hint) self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(['hint-y']),['hint-text'],['hint-colour'],['hint-font']) self.canvas.update( ) # respond to key presses. def key_pressed(self,key_name): self.mon.log(self,"received key: " + key_name) if key_name=='': pass elif key_name=='escape': # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop bottom level # ELSE stop this show if not at top if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) else: # not at top so stop the show if == False: self._end('normal',"exit from stop command") else: pass elif key_name in ('up','down'): # if child or sub-show running and is a show pass down # if child not running - move if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if self.player==None: if key_name=='up': self._previous() else: self._next() elif key_name=='return': # if child running and is show - pass down # if no track already running - play if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if self.player==None: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) elif key_name in ('p',' '): # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button=='play': self.key_pressed("return") elif button =='up': self.key_pressed("up") elif button=='down': self.key_pressed("down") elif button=='stop': self.key_pressed("escape") elif button=='pause': self.key_pressed('p') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to player") self.player.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason,'terminated without terminating shower or player') # ********************* # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ******************** # ********************* # language resources # ********************* def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) # timers may be running so need terminate self.terminate("error") else: return value # ********************* # Sequencing # ********************* def _timeout_menu(self): self._end('normal','menu timeout') return # finish the player for killing, error or normally # this may be called directly sub/child shows or players are not running # if they might be running then need to call terminate. def _end(self,reason,message): self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) self.mon.log(self,"Ending menushow: "+['show-ref']) if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None return def _next(self): self._highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,False) if self.menu_index==self.menu_length-1: self.menu_index=0 else: self.menu_index+=1 self._highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) def _previous(self): self._highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,False) if self.menu_index==0: self.menu_index=self.menu_length-1 else: self.menu_index-=1 self.medialist.previous() self._highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) # ********************* # Dispatching to Players # ********************* def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file def _play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ #remove menu and show working..... self.canvas.delete(ALL) if self.menu_timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.menu_timeout_running) self.menu_timeout_running=None self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m01')) # dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self._end_player, self._delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="image": # images played from menus don't have children enable_child=False track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=ImagePlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self._end_player, self._delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=enable_child, ) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self._end_player, self._delete_eggtimer, enable_menu=False ) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self._end("Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="liveshow": self.shower= LiveShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self._end("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self._end("Unknown track type") # callback from when player ends def _end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None if reason in("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m02')) self._what_next(message) # callback from when shower ends def _end_shower(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None if message in ("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('menushow','m03')) self._what_next(message) # at the end of a track just re-display the menu with the original callback from the menu def _what_next(self,message): self.mon.log(self,"Re-displaying menu"), # ********************* # Displaying things # ********************* def _display_background(self): # adjust brightness and rotate (experimental) # enh=PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_menu_img) # pil_menu_img=enh.enhance(0.1) # pil_menu_img=pil_menu_img.rotate(45) self.menu_background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_menu_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.menu_background, anchor=CENTER) def _display_video_titles(self): self.menu_length=1 self.menu_entry_id=[] x=int(['menu-x']) y=int(['menu-y']) self.medialist.start() while True: id=self.canvas.create_text(x,y,anchor=NW, text="* "+self.medialist.selected_track()['title'],['entry-colour'],['entry-font']) self.menu_entry_id.append(id) y=y + int(['menu-spacing']) if self.medialist.at_end(): break self.menu_length+=1 # select and highlight the first entry self.medialist.start() self.menu_index=0 self._highlight_menu_entry(self.menu_index,True) # self.medialist.print_list() def _highlight_menu_entry(self,index,state): if state==True: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index],['entry-select-colour']) else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.menu_entry_id[index],['entry-colour']) def _display_eggtimer(self,text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def _delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL)
class MessagePlayer: """ Displays lines of text in the centre of a coloured screen with background image See pp_imageplayer for common software design description """ # ******************* # external commands # ******************* def __init__(self,show_id,root,canvas,show_params,track_params,pp_dir,pp_home,pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.show_id=show_id self.track_params=track_params self.show_params=show_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get config from medialist if there. if 'duration' in self.track_params and self.track_params['duration']<>"": self.duration= int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration= int(self.show_params['duration']) # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 # keep tick as an integer sub-multiple of 1 second self.tick = 100 # tick time for image display (milliseconds) self.dwell = 1000*self.duration #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() def play(self, text, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): # instantiate arguments self.text=text self.showlist=showlist self.end_callback=end_callback self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.enable_menu=enable_menu #init state and signals self.quit_signal=False self.tick_timer=None self.drawn=None # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason == 'error': self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start text display self.start_dwell() def terminate(self,reason): # no lower level things to terminate so just go to end self.end(reason,'kill or error') def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] def input_pressed(self,symbol): self.mon.log(self,"input received: "+symbol) if symbol=='stop': self.stop() # ******************* # internal functions # ******************* def stop(self): self.quit_signal=True # ******************* # sequencing # ******************* def start_dwell(self): self.dwell_counter=0 if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self.do_dwell) def do_dwell(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self.mon.log(self,"quit received") self.end('normal','user quit') else: if self.dwell<>0: self.dwell_counter=self.dwell_counter+1 if self.dwell_counter==self.dwell/self.tick: self.end('normal','finished') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self.do_dwell) else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self.do_dwell) # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': self.pim.stop_plugin() # abort the timer if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_end_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) self.canvas.delete('pp-content') if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Message background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Message background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> ''and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.text = self.pim.do_plugin(self.text,self.track_params['plugin']) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display message text if self.track_params['message-x']<>'': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['message-x']), int(self.track_params['message-y']), text=self.text.rstrip('\n'), fill=self.track_params['message-colour'], font=self.track_params['message-font'], justify=self.track_params['message-justify'], anchor = 'nw', tag='pp-content') else: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text=self.text.rstrip('\n'), fill=self.track_params['message-colour'], font=self.track_params['message-font'], justify=self.track_params['message-justify'], tag='pp-content') # display instructions (hint) if self.enable_menu==True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # ***************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file
class LiveShow: """ plays a set of tracks the content of which is dynamically specified by plaacing track files in one of two directories. Tracks are played in file leafname alphabetical order. Can be interrupted """ # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params =show_params self.showlist=showlist self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() #create and instance of TimeOfDay scheduler so we can add events self.tod=TimeOfDay() # Init variables self.player=None self.shower=None self.end_liveshow_signal=False self.end_trigger_signal= False self.play_child_signal = False self.error=False self.egg_timer=None self.duration_timer=None self.state='closed' self.livelist=None self.new_livelist= None def play(self,show_id,end_callback,ready_callback, top=False,command='nil'): global defaultDur if defaultDur == None: defaultDur = self.showlist.get_dur() #instantiate the arguments self.show_id=show_id self.end_callback=end_callback self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.mon.log(self,"Starting show: " + self.show_params['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + os.sep + self.show_params['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.media_file) self.end_liveshow_signal=True self.options=command_options() self.pp_live_dir1 = self.pp_home + os.sep + 'pp_live_tracks' if not os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir1): os.mkdir(self.pp_live_dir1) os.mkdir(self.pp_live_dir1+os.sep+ 'Archive') self.pp_live_dir2='' if self.options['liveshow'] <>"": self.pp_live_dir2 = self.options['liveshow'] if not os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir2): self.mon.err(self,"live tracks directory not found " + self.pp_live_dir2) self.end('error',"live tracks directory not found") #create a medialist for the liveshow and read it. # it should be empty of anonymous tracks but read it to check its version. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file,self.showlist.sissue())==False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get control bindings for this show if top level controlsmanager=ControlsManager() if self.controls_list=controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list=controlsmanager.merge_show_controls(self.controls_list,self.show_params['controls']) #set up the time of day triggers for the show if self.show_params['trigger-start']in('time','time-quiet'): error_text=self.tod.add_times(self.show_params['trigger-start-time'],id(self),self.tod_start_callback,self.show_params['trigger-start']) if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='time': error_text=self.tod.add_times(self.show_params['trigger-end-time'],id(self),self.tod_end_callback,'n/a') if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='duration': error_text=self.calculate_duration(self.show_params['trigger-end-time']) if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) self.wait_for_trigger() def managed_stop(self): # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track if self.shower<>None: self.shower.managed_stop() else: self.end_liveshow_signal=True if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason,'terminated without terminating shower or player') # respond to key presses. def input_pressed(self,symbol,edge,source): self.mon.log(self,"received key: " + symbol) if self.show_params['disable-controls']=='yes': return # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operation # look through list of standard symbols to find match (symbolic-name, function name) operation =lookup (symbol if operation=self.lookup_control(symbol,self.controls_list) else: operation=symbol # print 'operation',operation # if no match for symbol against standard operations then return if operation=='': return else: #service the standard inputs for this show if operation=='stop': # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track # ELSE stop this show except for exceptions if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop',edge,source) elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: # not at top so stop the show if == False: self.end_liveshow_signal=True else: pass elif operation in ('up','down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) elif operation=='play': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down # ELSE use Return to start child if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) else: if self.show_params['has-child']=="yes": self.play_child_signal=True if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") elif operation == 'pause': # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4]=='omx-' or operation[0:6]=='mplay-': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self,symbol,controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # *************************** # Constructing Livelist # *************************** def livelist_add_track(self,afile): (root,title)=os.path.split(afile) (root_plus,ext)= os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower()=='.cfg': self.livelist_new_plugin(afile,title) def livelist_new_plugin(self,plugin_cfg,title): # read the file which is a plugin cfg file into a dictionary self.plugin_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.plugin_params = dict(self.plugin_config.items('plugin')) # create a new livelist entry of a type specified in the config file with plugin self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks[self.plugin_params['type']],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','plugin':plugin_cfg,'location':plugin_cfg}) def livelist_new_track(self,fields,values): new_track=fields self.new_livelist.append(copy.deepcopy(new_track)) last = len(self.new_livelist)-1 self.new_livelist[last].update(values) def new_livelist_create(self): self.new_livelist=[] if os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir1): for file in os.listdir(self.pp_live_dir1): file = self.pp_live_dir1 + os.sep + file (root_file,ext_file)= os.path.splitext(file) if (ext_file.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES+PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES+PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES+PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES) or (ext_file.lower()=='.cfg'): self.livelist_add_track(file) if os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir2): for file in os.listdir(self.pp_live_dir2): file = self.pp_live_dir2 + os.sep + file (root_file,ext_file)= os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES+PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES+PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES+PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES or (ext_file.lower()=='.cfg'): self.livelist_add_track(file) self.new_livelist= sorted(self.new_livelist, key= lambda track: os.path.basename(track['location']).lower()) # print 'LIVELIST' # for it in self.new_livelist: # print 'type: ', it['type'], 'loc: ',it['location'],'\nplugin cfg: ', it['plugin'] # print '' def livelist_replace_if_changed(self): self.new_livelist_create() if self.new_livelist<>self.livelist: self.livelist=copy.deepcopy(self.new_livelist) self.livelist_index = 1 def livelist_next(self): skip = False if self.livelist_index== len(self.livelist)-1: self.livelist_index=0 else: self.livelist_index +=1 #Author Joe Houng #get properties from file name if it exists runningFileName = self.livelist[self.livelist_index]['title'] fileNameTupel = ProcessFileName(runningFileName) dur = fileNameTupel[0] startDate = fileNameTupel[1] endDate = fileNameTupel[2] if dur == "": #duration not specified in filename global defaultDur dur = defaultDur if startDate != "": curDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') if startDate > curDate: print dur self.livelist_index +=1 skip = True dur = defaultDur if skip == False: if endDate != "": if endDate <= time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'): try: toArchive(runningFileName, self.pp_home) except IOError: None self.showlist.assign_dur(dur); skip = False # *************************** # Sequencing # *************************** def wait_for_trigger(self): self.state='waiting' if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.mon.log(self,"Waiting for trigger: "+ self.show_params['trigger-start']) if self.show_params['trigger-start'] in ('time','time-quiet'): # if next show is this one display text next_show=self.tod.next_event_time() if next_show[3]<>True: if next_show[1]=='tomorrow': text = self.resource('liveshow','m04') else: text = self.resource('liveshow','m03') text=text.replace('%tt',next_show[0]) self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self.play_first_track) elif self.show_params['trigger-start']=="start": self.play_first_track() else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown trigger: "+ self.show_params['trigger-start']) self.end('error',"Unknown trigger type") # callbacks from time of day scheduler def tod_start_callback(self): if self.state=='waiting' and self.show_params['trigger-start']in('time','time-quiet'): self.play_first_track() def tod_end_callback(self): if self.state=='playing' and self.show_params['trigger-end'] in ('time','duration'): self.end_trigger_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop','front','') elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') def play_first_track(self): self.state='playing' skip = False # start duration timer if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='duration': # print 'set alarm ', self.duration self.duration_timer = self.canvas.after(self.duration*1000,self.tod_end_callback) self.new_livelist_create() self.livelist = copy.deepcopy(self.new_livelist) self.livelist_index = 0 #Author Joe Houng #get properties from file name if it exists runningFileName = self.livelist[self.livelist_index]['title'] fileNameTupel = ProcessFileName(runningFileName) dur = fileNameTupel[0] startDate = fileNameTupel[1] endDate = fileNameTupel[2] if dur == "": #duration not specified in filename global defaultDur dur = defaultDur if startDate != "": curDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if startDate > curDate: print dur self.livelist_index +=1 skip = True if skip == False: if endDate != "": if endDate <= time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): toArchive(runningFileName) self.showlist.assign_dur(dur); skip = False self.play_track() def play_track(self): self.livelist_replace_if_changed() if len(self.livelist)>0: self.play_selected_track(self.livelist[self.livelist_index]) else: self.display_message(self.canvas,None,self.resource('liveshow','m01'),5,self.what_next) def what_next(self): # end of show time trigger if self.end_trigger_signal==True: self.end_trigger_signal=False if self.state='waiting' self.wait_for_trigger() else: # not at top so stop the show self.end('normal','sub-show end time trigger') # user wants to end elif self.end_liveshow_signal==True: self.end_liveshow_signal=False self.end('normal',"show ended by user") # play child? elif self.play_child_signal == True: self.play_child_signal=False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >=0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track=self.medialist.track(index) self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('liveshow','m02')) self.play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"Child show not found in medialist: "+ self.show_params['pp-child-show']) self.end('error',"child show not found in medialist") # otherwise loop to next track else: self.livelist_next() self.play_track() # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** def ready_callback(self): self.delete_eggtimer() def play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected_track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # is menu required if self.show_params['has-child']=="yes": enable_child=True else: enable_child=False #dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="image": track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player=ImagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="audio": # create a audioplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=AudioPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child ) elif track_type=="web": # create a browser track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=BrowserPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self.end_liveshow_signal=True if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="radiobuttonshow": self.shower= RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="hyperlinkshow": self.shower= HyperlinkShow(selected_show, sef.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self.end_liveshow_signal=True else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self.end_liveshow_signal=True def end_shower(self,show_id,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: self.what_next() def end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: self.what_next() # *************************** # end of show # *************************** def end(self,reason,message): self.end_liveshow_signal=False self.mon.log(self,"Ending Liveshow: "+ self.show_params['show-ref']) self.tidy_up() self.end_callback(self.show_id,reason,message) self=None def tidy_up(self): if self.duration_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.duration_timer) self.duration_timer=None #clear outstanding time of day events for this show # self.tod.clear_times_list(id(self)) # ****************************** # Displaying things # ********************************* def display_eggtimer(self,text): self.egg_timer=self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold", tag='pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete('pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self,canvas,source,content,duration,display_message_callback): self.display_message_callback=display_message_callback tp={'duration':duration,'message-colour':'white','message-font':'Helvetica 20 bold','message-justify':'left', 'background-colour':'','background-image':'','show-control-begin':'','show-control-end':'', 'animate-begin':'','animate-clear':'','animate-end':'','message-x':'','message-y':'', 'display-show-background':'no','display-show-text':'no','show-text':'','track-text':'', 'plugin':''} self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,canvas,tp,tp,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile),self.showlist,self.display_message_end,None) def display_message_end(self,reason,message): self.player=None if reason in ("killed",'error'): self.end(reason,message) else: self.display_message_callback() # ****************************** # utilities # ********************************* def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error",'Cannot find resource') else: return value def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file<>'' and track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file def calculate_duration(self,line): fields=line.split(':') if len(fields)==1: secs=fields[0] minutes='0' hours='0' if len(fields)==2: secs=fields[1] minutes=fields[0] hours='0' if len(fields)==3: secs=fields[2] minutes=fields[1] hours=fields[0] self.duration=3600*long(hours)+60*long(minutes)+long(secs) return ''
class ImagePlayer: """ Displays an image on a canvas for a period of time. Image display can be interrupted Implements animation of transitions but Pi is too slow without GPU aceleration.""" # slide state constants NO_SLIDE = 0 SLIDE_IN = 1 SLIDE_DWELL= 2 SLIDE_OUT= 3 # ******************* # external commands # ******************* def __init__(self,canvas,cd,track_params): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the image is to be drawn cd - dictionary of show parameters track_params - disctionary of track paramters """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.canvas=canvas self.track_params=track_params # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # get config from medialist if there. if 'duration' in self.track_params and self.track_params['duration']<>"": self.duration= int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration= int(['duration']) if 'transition' in self.track_params and self.track_params['transition']<>"": self.transition= self.track_params['transition'] else: self.transition=['transition'] # keep dwell and porch as an integer multiple of tick self.porch = 1000 #length of pre and post porches for an image (milliseconds) self.tick = 100 # tick time for image display (milliseconds) self.dwell = (1000*self.duration)- (2*self.porch) if self.dwell<0: self.dwell=0 self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 def play(self, track, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.track=track self.enable_menu=enable_menu self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.end_callback=end_callback #init state and signals self.state=ImagePlayer.NO_SLIDE self.quit_signal=False self.kill_required_signal=False self.error=False self._tick_timer=None self.drawn=None self.paused=False self.pause_text=None if os.path.exists(self.track)==True: # adjust brightness and rotate (experimental) # pil_image_enhancer=PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_image) # pil_image=pil_image_enhancer.enhance(0.1) # pil_image=pil_image.rotate(45) # tk_image = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image) # resize image to fit canvas canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width() canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height() if int(canvas_width) == 1 and int(canvas_height) == 1: canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth() canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_reqheight() image_ratio = float(self.pil_image.size[0]) / float(self.pil_image.size[1]) canvas_ratio = float(canvas_width) / float(canvas_height) if image_ratio < canvas_ratio: image_height = canvas_height image_width = self.pil_image.size[0] * canvas_height / self.pil_image.size[1] elif image_ratio > canvas_ratio: image_width = canvas_width image_height = self.pil_image.size[1] * canvas_width / self.pil_image.size[0] else: image_width = canvas_width image_height = canvas_height self.pil_image = self.pil_image.resize((int(image_width), int(image_height)), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) else: self.pil_image=None # display 'Out of Order' for 7 seconds self.dwell = (1000*7)- (2*self.porch) if self.dwell<0: self.dwell=0 # and start image rendering self._start_front_porch() def key_pressed(self,key_name): if key_name=='': return elif key_name in ('p',' '): self.pause() elif key_name=='escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button =='pause': self.pause() elif button=='stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self,reason): if reason=='error': self.error=True self.quit_signal=True else: self.kill_required_signal=True self.quit_signal=True def pause(self): if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused=False # ******************* # internal functions # ******************* def _stop(self): self.quit_signal=True def _error(self): self.error=True self.quit_signal=True #called when back porch has completed or quit signal is received def _end(self,reason,message): if self._tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer=None self.quit_signal=False # self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) self.state=self.NO_SLIDE if self.error==True: self.end_callback("error",message) self=None elif self.kill_required_signal==True: self.end_callback("killed",message) self=None else: self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self._error() else: return value def _start_front_porch(self): self.state=ImagePlayer.SLIDE_IN self.porch_counter=0 if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() if self.transition=="cut": #just display the slide full brightness. No need for porch but used for symmetry if self.pil_image<>None: self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition=="fade": #experimental start black and increase brightness (controlled by porch_counter). self._display_image() elif self.transition == "slide": #experimental, start in middle and move to right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image<>None: self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition=="crop": #experimental, start in middle and crop from right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image<>None: self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_front_porch) def _do_front_porch(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self._end('normal','user quit') else: self.porch_counter=self.porch_counter+1 # print "doing slide front porch " +str(self.porch_counter) self._display_image() if self.porch_counter==self.porch/self.tick: self._start_dwell() else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick,self._do_front_porch) def _start_dwell(self): self.state=ImagePlayer.SLIDE_DWELL self.dwell_counter=0 self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _do_dwell(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self.mon.log(self,"quit received") self._end('normal','user quit') else: if self.paused == False: self.dwell_counter=self.dwell_counter+1 # one time flipping of pause text if self.paused==True and self.pause_text==None: self.pause_text=self.canvas.create_text(100,100, anchor=NW, text=self.resource('imageplayer','m01'), fill="white", font="arial 25 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) if self.paused==False and self.pause_text<>None: self.canvas.delete(self.pause_text) self.pause_text=None self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) if self.dwell_counter==self.dwell/self.tick: self._start_back_porch() else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _start_back_porch(self): self.state=ImagePlayer.SLIDE_OUT self.porch_counter=self.porch/self.tick if self.transition=="cut": # just keep displaying the slide full brightness. # No need for porch but used for symmetry pass elif self.transition=="fade": #experimental start full and decrease brightness (controlled by porch_counter). self._display_image() elif self.transition== "slide": #experimental, start in middle and move to right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image<>None: self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition =="crop": #experimental, start in middle and crop from right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image<>None: self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_back_porch) def _do_back_porch(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self._end('normal','user quit') else: self.porch_counter=self.porch_counter-1 self._display_image() if self.porch_counter==0: self._end('normal','finished') else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(self.tick,self._do_back_porch) def _display_image(self): if self.transition=="cut": pass # all the methods below have incorrect code !!! elif self.transition=="fade": if self.pil_image<>None: self.enh=PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(self.pil_image) prop=float(self.porch_counter)/float(20) #???????? self.pil_img=self.enh.enhance(prop) self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition=="slide": if self.pil_image<>None: self.canvas.move(self.drawn,5,0) elif self.transition=="crop": if self.pil_image<>None: self.crop= 10*self.porch_counter self.pil_img=self.pil_image.crop((0,0,1000-self.crop,1080)) self.tk_img=PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) # display message if image is not available if self.pil_image== None: self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, text=self.resource('imageplayer','m02'), fill='white', font='arial 30 bold') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(['hint-y']),['hint-text'],['hint-colour'],['hint-font']) # display show text if enabled if['show-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(['show-text-x']),int(['show-text-y']), anchor=NW,['show-text'],['show-text-colour'],['show-text-font']) # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font']) self.canvas.update_idletasks( )
class LiveShow: NEW_TRACKS={'image':{'title':'New Image','track-ref':'','type':'image','location':'','duration':'','transition':'', 'track-text':'','track-text-font':'','track-text-colour':'','track-text-x':'0','track-text-y':'0'}, 'video':{'title':'New Video','track-ref':'','type':'video','location':'','omx-audio':''}} IMAGE_FILES=('.gif','.jpg','.jpeg','.bmp','.png','.tif') VIDEO_FILES=('.mp4','.mkv','.avi','.mp2','.wmv', '.vob') AUDIO_FILES=('.mp3','.wav','.ogg') # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show, canvas, showlist, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the show is to be written on showlist - used jus to check the issue of medialist against showlist show - the dictionary for the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments =show self.showlist=showlist self.canvas=canvas self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player=None self.shower=None self._end_liveshow_signal=False self._play_child_signal = False self.error=False self._livelist=None self._new_livelist= None def play(self,end_callback,ready_callback=None, top=False,command='nil'): """ displays the liveshow end_callback - function to be called when the liveshow exits ready_callback - callback when liveshow is ready to display top is True when the show is top level (i.e. run from start show) """ #instantiate the arguments self._end_callback=end_callback self._ready_callback=ready_callback self.mon.log(self,"Starting show: " +['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + os.sep +['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.media_file) self._stop("Medialist file not found") self.options=command_options() self._pp_live_dir1 = self.pp_home + os.sep + 'pp_live_tracks' if not os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir1): os.mkdir(self._pp_live_dir1) self._pp_live_dir2='' if self.options['liveshow'] <>"": self._pp_live_dir2 = self.options['liveshow'] if not os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir2): self.mon.err(self,"live tracks directory not found " + self._pp_live_dir2) self._end('error',"live tracks directory not found") #create a medialist for the liveshow and read it. # it should be empty of anonymous tracks but read it to check its version. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file,self.showlist.sissue())==False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self._play_first_track() # respond to key presses. def key_pressed(self,key_name): self.mon.log(self,"received key: " + key_name) if key_name=='': pass elif key_name=='escape': # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track # ELSE stop this show except for exceptions if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) else: # not at top so stop the show if == False: self._stop("exit show to higher level") else: pass elif key_name in ('up','down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif key_name=='return': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down # ELSE use Return to start child if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if['has-child']=="yes": self._play_child() elif key_name in ('p',' '): # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button=='play': self.key_pressed("return") elif button =='up': self.key_pressed("up") elif button=='down': self.key_pressed("down") elif button=='stop': self.key_pressed("escape") elif button=='pause': self.key_pressed('p') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to player") self.player.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason,'terminated without terminating shower or player') def _tidy_up(self): pass def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error",'Cannot find resource') else: return value # *************************** # Respond to key/button presses # *************************** def _stop(self,message): self._end_liveshow_signal=True def _play_child(self): self._play_child_signal=True if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") # *************************** # end of show functions # *************************** def _end(self,reason,message): self._end_liveshow_signal=False self.mon.log(self,"Ending Liveshow: "+['show-ref']) self._tidy_up() self._end_callback(reason,message) self=None return def _nend(self): self._end('normal','end from state machine') # *************************** # Livelist # *************************** def _livelist_add_track(self,afile): (root,title)=os.path.split(afile) (root,ext)= os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['image'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['video'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) if ext.lower() in LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_new_track(LiveShow.NEW_TRACKS['video'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':afile}) def _livelist_new_track(self,fields,values): new_track=fields self._new_livelist.append(copy.deepcopy(new_track)) last = len(self._new_livelist)-1 self._new_livelist[last].update(values) def _new_livelist_create(self): self._new_livelist=[] if os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir1): for file in os.listdir(self._pp_live_dir1): file = self._pp_live_dir1 + os.sep + file (root_file,ext_file)= os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower() in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES+LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES+LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_add_track(file) if os.path.exists(self._pp_live_dir2): for file in os.listdir(self._pp_live_dir2): file = self._pp_live_dir2 + os.sep + file (root_file,ext_file)= os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower() in LiveShow.IMAGE_FILES+LiveShow.VIDEO_FILES+LiveShow.AUDIO_FILES: self._livelist_add_track(file) self._new_livelist= sorted(self._new_livelist, key= lambda track: os.path.basename(track['location']).lower()) # for it in self._new_livelist: # print it['location'] # print '' def _livelist_replace_if_changed(self): self._new_livelist_create() if self._new_livelist<>self._livelist: self._livelist=copy.deepcopy(self._new_livelist) self._livelist_index=0 def _livelist_next(self): if self._livelist_index== len(self._livelist)-1: self._livelist_index=0 else: self._livelist_index +=1 # *************************** # Play Loop # *************************** def _play_first_track(self): self._new_livelist_create() self._livelist = copy.deepcopy(self._new_livelist) self._livelist_index = 0 self._play_track() def _play_track(self): self._livelist_replace_if_changed() if len(self._livelist)>0: self._play_selected_track(self._livelist[self._livelist_index]) else: self.display_message(self.canvas,None,self.resource('liveshow','m01'),5,self._what_next) def _what_next(self): # user wants to end if self._end_liveshow_signal==True: self._end_liveshow_signal=False self._end('normal',"show ended by user") # play child? elif self._play_child_signal == True: self._play_child_signal=False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >=0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track=self.medialist.track(index) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('liveshow','m02')) self._play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"Child show not found in medialist: "+['pp-child-show']) self._end('error',"child show not found in medialist") # otherwise loop to next track else: self._livelist_next() self._play_track() # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self,canvas,source,content,duration,_display_message_callback): self._display_message_callback=_display_message_callback tp={'duration':duration,'message-colour':'white','message-font':'Helvetica 20 bold'} self.player=MessagePlayer(canvas,tp,tp),self._display_message_end,None) def _display_message_end(self,reason,message): self.player=None if reason in ("killed",'error'): self._end(reason,message) else: self._display_message_callback() def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file def _play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected_track is a dictionary for the track/show """ # self.canvas.delete(ALL) # is menu required if['has-child']=="yes": enable_child=True else: enable_child=False #dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="image": track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player=ImagePlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self._stop("Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self._stop("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self._stop("Unknown track type") def ready_callback(self): self._delete_eggtimer() def end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None if reason in("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) else: self._what_next() def end_shower(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None if reason in("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) else: self._what_next() def _display_eggtimer(self,text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def _delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL)
class MessagePlayer: """ Displays lines of text in the centre of a black screen""" # ******************* # external commands # ******************* def __init__(self, canvas, cd, track_params): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the image is to be drawn cd - configuration dictionary for the show from which player was called """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.canvas = canvas = cd self.track_params = track_params # get config from medialist if there. if 'duration' in self.track_params and self.track_params[ 'duration'] <> "": self.duration = int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration = int(['duration']) # keep dwell and porch as an integer multiple of tick self.tick = 100 # tick time for image display (milliseconds) self.dwell = (1000 * self.duration) self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width']) / 2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height']) / 2 def play(self, text, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.text = text self.enable_menu = enable_menu self.ready_callback = ready_callback self.end_callback = end_callback #init state and signals self.quit_signal = False self.kill_required_signal = False self.error = False self._tick_timer = None self.drawn = None # and start text display self._start_dwell() def key_pressed(self, key_name): self.mon.log(self, "key received: " + key_name) if key_name == '': return elif key_name in ('p'): return elif key_name == 'escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self, button, edge): self.mon.log(self, "button received: " + button) if button == 'pause': return elif button == 'stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self, reason): if reason == 'error': self.error = True else: self.kill_required_signal = True self.quit_signal = True # ******************* # internal functions # ******************* def _stop(self): self.quit_signal = True def _error(self): self.error = True self.quit_signal = True #called when dwell has completed or quit signal is received def _end(self, reason, message): if self._tick_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer = None self.quit_signal = False #self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.update_idletasks() if self.error == True: self.end_callback("error", message) self = None elif self.kill_required_signal == True: self.end_callback("killed", message) self = None else: self.end_callback('normal', message) self = None def _start_dwell(self): self.dwell_counter = 0 if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() # display text self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, text=self.text.rstrip('\n'), fill=self.track_params['message-colour'], font=self.track_params['message-font']) # display instructions (hint) if self.enable_menu == True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width']) / 2, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(['hint-y']),['hint-text'],['hint-colour'],['hint-font']) self.canvas.update_idletasks() self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _do_dwell(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self.mon.log(self, "quit received") self._end('normal', 'user quit') else: if self.dwell <> 0: self.dwell_counter = self.dwell_counter + 1 if self.dwell_counter == self.dwell / self.tick: self._end('normal', 'finished') else: self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after( self.tick, self._do_dwell) else: self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell)
class VideoPlayer: """ plays a track using omxplayer See pp_imageplayer for common software design description """ _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, root, canvas, show_params, track_params , pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.root=root self.canvas = canvas self.show_params=show_params self.track_params=track_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get config from medialist if there. if self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio= self.show_params['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio if self.track_params['omx-volume']<>"": self.omx_volume= self.track_params['omx-volume'] else: self.omx_volume= self.show_params['omx-volume'] if self.omx_volume<>"": self.omx_volume= "--vol "+ str(int(self.omx_volume)*100) + ' ' if self.track_params['omx-window']<>'': self.omx_window= self.track_params['omx-window'] else: self.omx_window= self.show_params['omx-window'] # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver(self.canvas) self.tick_timer=None self.init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.showlist=showlist self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.enable_menu = enable_menu # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer and enable click areas. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #set up video window reason,message,comand,has_window,x1,y1,x2,y2= self.parse_window(self.omx_window) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,'omx window error: ' + message + ' in ' + self.omx_window) self.end_callback(reason,message) else: if has_window==True: self.omx_window= '--win " '+ str(x1) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(x2) + ' ' + str(y2) + ' " ' else: self.omx_window='' # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self.start_play_state_machine(self.track) else: self.mon.err(self,'play track rejected') self.end_callback('error','play track rejected') self=None def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine and does not wait for omxplayer to close if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) self.end('killed',' end without waiting for omxplayer to finish') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self.end('killed','terminate, mplayerdriver not running') def input_pressed(self,symbol): if symbol[0:4]=='omx-': self.control(symbol[4]) elif symbol =='pause': self.pause() elif symbol=='stop': self.stop() else: pass def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self.quit_signal=True #toggle pause def pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True #NIK # for pausing video after first frame elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.omx.delayed_pause = True return True #NIK else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing def control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING and char not in ('q'): self.mon.log(self,"> send control to omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # *********************** # sequencing # ********************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def init_play_state_machine(self): self.quit_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self.quit_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+ " " + self.omx_volume + ' ' + self.omx_window + ' ' + self.show_params['omx-other-options']+" " # NIK ADDITION # adding subtitles file for video if 'omx-subtitles' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-subtitles'] <> '': subtitles_full_path = self.complete_path(self.track_params['omx-subtitles']) if os.path.exists (subtitles_full_path): options += '--font-size 40 --subtitles "' + subtitles_full_path + '" ' if 'omx-subtitles-numlines' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-subtitles-numlines'] <> '': options += '--lines ' + self.track_params['omx-subtitles-numlines'] + ' ' # END NIK ADDITION,options) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) # and start polling for state changes self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self.quit_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self.stop_omx() self.quit_signal=False # self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) if self.omx.end_play_reason<>'nice_day': # deal with omxplayer not sending 'have a nice day' self.mon.warn(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self," <pexpect reports: "+self.omx.end_play_reason) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self.ending_count=0 self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','quit by user or system') else: self.ending_count+=1 if self.ending_count>10: # deal with omxplayer not terminating at the end of a track self.mon.warn(self," <omxplayer failed to close at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.omx.kill() self.mon.warn(self,'omxplayer now terminated ') self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','end from omxplayer failed to terminate') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) def stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': self.pim.stop_plugin() # os.system("xrefresh -display :0") # abort the timer if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control and animation # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_end_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): #background colour if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) # delete previous content self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # background image if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Video background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Video background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.track = self.pim.do_plugin(self.track,self.track_params['plugin'],) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> '' and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # **************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file # original _ # warp _ or xy2 def parse_window(self,line): fields = line.split() # check there is a command field if len(fields) < 1: return 'error','no type field','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with original which has 1 if fields[0]=='original': if len(fields) <> 1: return 'error','number of fields for original','',False,0,0,0,0 return 'normal','',fields[0],False,0,0,0,0 #deal with warp which has 1 or 5 arguments # check basic syntax if fields[0] <>'warp': return 'error','not a valid type','',False,0,0,0,0 if len(fields) not in (1,5): return 'error','wrong number of coordinates for warp','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with window coordinates if len(fields) == 5: #window is specified if not (fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit() and fields[4].isdigit()): return 'error','coordinates are not positive integers','',False,0,0,0,0 has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]),int(fields[4]) else: # fullscreen has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,0,0,self.canvas['width'],self.canvas['height']
class MediaList: """ manages a media list of tracks and the track selected from the medialist """ def __init__(self): self.clear() self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() # Functions for the editor dealing with complete list def clear(self): self._tracks = [] #MediaList, stored as a list of dicts self._num_tracks=0 self._selected_track_index=-1 # index of currently selected track def print_list(self): print '\n' print self._tracks def first(self): def length(self): return self._num_tracks def append(self, track_dict): print '\ntrack dict',track_dict """appends a track dictionary to the end of the medialist store""" self._tracks.append(copy.deepcopy(track_dict)) self._num_tracks+=1 def update(self,index,values): self._tracks[index].update(values) def remove(self,index): self._tracks.pop(index) self._num_tracks-=1 # deselect any track, saves worrying about whether index needs changing self._selected_track_index=-1 def move_up(self): if self._selected_track_index<>0: self._tracks.insert(self._selected_track_index-1, self._tracks.pop(self._selected_track_index)) def move_down(self): if self._selected_track_index<>self._num_tracks-1: self._tracks.insert(self._selected_track_index+1, self._tracks.pop(self._selected_track_index)) def replace(self,index,replacement): self._tracks[index]= replacement # Common functions work for anything def track_is_selected(self): if self._selected_track_index>=0: return True else: return False def selected_track_index(self): return self._selected_track_index def track(self,index): return self._tracks[index] def selected_track(self): """returns a dictionary containing all fields in the selected track """ return self._selected_track def select(self,index): """does housekeeping necessary when a track is selected""" if self._num_tracks>0 and index>=0 and index< self._num_tracks: self._selected_track_index=index self._selected_track = self._tracks[index] return True else: return False # Dealing with anonymous tracks for use and display def at_end(self): # true is selected track is last anon index=self._num_tracks-1 while index>=0: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": end=index if self._selected_track_index==end: return True else: return False index -=1 return False def index_of_end(self): index=self._num_tracks-1 while index >= 0: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return index index -=1 return -1 def at_start(self): index=0 while index<self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": start = index if self._selected_track_index==start: return True else: return False index +=1 return False def index_of_start(self): index=0 while index<self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return index index +=1 return False def display_length(self): count=0 index=0 while index<self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": count+=1 index +=1 return count def start(self): # select first anymous track in the list index=0 while index<self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return True index +=1 return False def finish(self): # select first anymous track in the list index=self._num_tracks-1 while index>=0: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return True index -=1 return False def next(self,sequence): if sequence=='ordered': if self._selected_track_index== self._num_tracks-1: index=0 else: index= self._selected_track_index+1 end=self._selected_track_index else: index=random.randint(0,self._num_tracks-1) if index==0: end=self._num_tracks-1 else: end=index-1 #search for next anonymous track # print 'index', index, 'end',end while index<>end: if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return True if index== self._num_tracks-1: index=0 else: index= index+1 return False def previous(self,sequence): if sequence=='ordered': if self._selected_track_index == 0: index=self._num_tracks-1 else: index= self._selected_track_index-1 end = self._selected_track_index else: index=random.randint(0,self._num_tracks-1) if index==self._num_tracks-1: end=0 else: end=index+1 # print 'index', index, 'end',end #search for previous anonymous track while index<>end : if self._tracks[index] ['track-ref'] =="": return True if index == 0: index=self._num_tracks-1 else: index= index-1 return False # Lookup for labelled tracks def index_of_track(self,wanted_track): index = 0 for track in self._tracks: if track['track-ref']==wanted_track: return index index +=1 return -1 # open and save def open_list(self,filename,showlist_issue): """ opens a saved medialist medialists are stored as json arrays. """ ifile = open(filename, 'rb') mdict = json.load(ifile) ifile.close() self._tracks = mdict['tracks'] if 'issue' in mdict: self.issue= mdict['issue'] else: self.issue="1.0" if self.issue==showlist_issue: self._num_tracks=len(self._tracks) self._selected_track_index=-1 return True else: return False def issue(self): return self.issue def save_list(self,filename): """ save a medialist """ if filename=="": return False dic={'issue':self.issue,'tracks':self._tracks} filename=str(filename) filename = string.replace(filename,'\\','/') tries = 1 while tries<=10: # print "save medialist ",filename try: ofile = open(filename, "wb") json.dump(dic,ofile,sort_keys=True,indent=1) ofile.close() self.mon.log(self,"Saved medialist "+ filename) break except IOError: self.mon.err(self,"failed to save medialist, trying again " + str(tries)) tries+=1 return # for the future def open_csv(self,filename): """ opens a saved csv medialist """ if filename !="" and os.path.exists(filename): ifile = open(filename, 'rb') pl=csv.reader(ifile) for pl_row in pl: if len(pl_row) != 0: entry=dict([('type',pl_row[2]),('location',pl_row[0]),('title',pl_row[1])]) self.append(copy.deepcopy(entry)) ifile.close() return True else: return False
class OMXDriver(object): _STATUS_REXP = re.compile(r"V :\s*([\d.]+).*") _DONE_REXP = re.compile(r"have a nice day.*") _LAUNCH_CMD = '/usr/bin/omxplayer -s ' #needs changing if user has installed his own version of omxplayer elsewhere def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.paused = None def control(self, char): self._process.send(char) def pause(self): self._process.send('p') if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused = False def play(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options, False) def prepare(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options, True) def show(self): # unpause to start playing self._process.send('p') self.paused = False def stop(self): self._process.send('q') # kill the subprocess (omxplayer.bin). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self, reason): self.terminate_reason = reason self._process.send('q') def terminate_reason(self): return self.terminate_reason #try: #self._process #except AttributeError: #return #else: #self._process.send('q') #terminated=self._process.terminate(force=True) #if terminated==True: #self.mon.log(self,"killed omxplayer sub-process") #else: #self.mon.err(self,"FAILED to kill omxplayer sub-process") # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive() # *********************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ************************************ def _pp(self, track, options, pause_before_play): self.paused = False self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal = False self.terminate_reason = '' track = "'" + track.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" cmd = OMXDriver._LAUNCH_CMD + options + " " + track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to omxplayer: " + cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from omxplayer.bin (read pexpect manual) fout = file( 'omxlogfile.txt', 'w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file #self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout self._process.logfile = fout # send all communications to log file if pause_before_play: self._process.send('p') self.paused = True #start the thread that is going to monitor sys.stdout. Presumably needs a thread because of blocking self._position_thread = Thread(target=self._get_position) self._position_thread.start() def _get_position(self): self.start_play_signal = True self.video_position = 0.0 self.audio_position = 0.0 while True: index = self._process.expect([ OMXDriver._STATUS_REXP, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, OMXDriver._DONE_REXP ]) if index == 1: continue # timeout - it doesn't block so is a thread needed? elif index in (2, 3): #Have a nice day detected self.end_play_signal = True break else: # presumably matches _STATUS_REXP so get video position # has a bug, position is not displayed for an audio track (mp3). Need to look at another field in the status, but how to extract it self.video_position = float( self.audio_position = 0.0 sleep(0.05)
class LiveShow: """ plays a set of tracks the content of which is dynamically specified by plaacing track files in one of two directories. Tracks are played in file leafname alphabetical order. Can be interrupted """ # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params = show_params self.showlist = showlist self.root = root self.canvas = canvas self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() #create and instance of TimeOfDay scheduler so we can add events self.tod = TimeOfDay() # Init variables self.player = None self.shower = None self.end_liveshow_signal = False self.end_trigger_signal = False self.play_child_signal = False self.error = False self.egg_timer = None self.duration_timer = None self.state = 'closed' self.livelist = None self.new_livelist = None def play(self, show_id, end_callback, ready_callback, top=False, command='nil'): #instantiate the arguments self.show_id = show_id self.end_callback = end_callback self.ready_callback = ready_callback = top self.mon.log(self, "Starting show: " + self.show_params['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + os.sep + self.show_params[ 'medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.media_file) self.end_liveshow_signal = True self.options = command_options() self.pp_live_dir1 = self.pp_home + os.sep + 'pp_live_tracks' if not os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir1): os.mkdir(self.pp_live_dir1) self.pp_live_dir2 = '' if self.options['liveshow'] <> "": self.pp_live_dir2 = self.options['liveshow'] if not os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir2): self.mon.err( self, "live tracks directory not found " + self.pp_live_dir2) self.end('error', "live tracks directory not found") #create a medialist for the liveshow and read it. # it should be empty of anonymous tracks but read it to check its version. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get control bindings for this show if top level controlsmanager = ControlsManager() if == True: self.controls_list = controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list = controlsmanager.merge_show_controls( self.controls_list, self.show_params['controls']) #set up the time of day triggers for the show if self.show_params['trigger-start'] in ('time', 'time-quiet'): error_text = self.tod.add_times( self.show_params['trigger-start-time'], id(self), self.tod_start_callback, self.show_params['trigger-start']) if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'time': error_text = self.tod.add_times( self.show_params['trigger-end-time'], id(self), self.tod_end_callback, 'n/a') if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'duration': error_text = self.calculate_duration( self.show_params['trigger-end-time']) if error_text <> '': self.mon.err(self, error_text) self.end('error', error_text) self.wait_for_trigger() def managed_stop(self): # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track if self.shower <> None: self.shower.managed_stop() else: self.end_liveshow_signal = True if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): if self.shower <> None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason, 'terminated without terminating shower or player') # respond to key presses. def input_pressed(self, symbol, edge, source): self.mon.log(self, "received key: " + symbol) if self.show_params['disable-controls'] == 'yes': return # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operation # look through list of standard symbols to find match (symbolic-name, function name) operation =lookup (symbol if == True: operation = self.lookup_control(symbol, self.controls_list) else: operation = symbol # print 'operation',operation # if no match for symbol against standard operations then return if operation == '': return else: #service the standard inputs for this show if operation == 'stop': # if next lower show eor player is running pass down to stop the show/track # ELSE stop this show except for exceptions if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: # not at top so stop the show if == False: self.end_liveshow_signal = True else: pass elif operation in ('up', 'down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) elif operation == 'play': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down # ELSE use Return to start child if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) else: if self.show_params['has-child'] == "yes": self.play_child_signal = True if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") elif operation == 'pause': # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or operation[0:6] == 'mplay-': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self, symbol, controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # *************************** # Constructing Livelist # *************************** def livelist_add_track(self, afile): (root, title) = os.path.split(afile) (root_plus, ext) = os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES: self.livelist_new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': afile }) if ext.lower() == '.cfg': self.livelist_new_plugin(afile, title) def livelist_new_plugin(self, plugin_cfg, title): # read the file which is a plugin cfg file into a dictionary self.plugin_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.plugin_params = dict(self.plugin_config.items('plugin')) # create a new livelist entry of a type specified in the config file with plugin self.livelist_new_track( PPdefinitions.new_tracks[self.plugin_params['type']], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'plugin': plugin_cfg, 'location': plugin_cfg }) def livelist_new_track(self, fields, values): new_track = fields self.new_livelist.append(copy.deepcopy(new_track)) last = len(self.new_livelist) - 1 self.new_livelist[last].update(values) def new_livelist_create(self): self.new_livelist = [] if os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir1): for file in os.listdir(self.pp_live_dir1): file = self.pp_live_dir1 + os.sep + file (root_file, ext_file) = os.path.splitext(file) if (ext_file.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES + PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES + PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES + PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES) or (ext_file.lower() == '.cfg'): self.livelist_add_track(file) if os.path.exists(self.pp_live_dir2): for file in os.listdir(self.pp_live_dir2): file = self.pp_live_dir2 + os.sep + file (root_file, ext_file) = os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower( ) in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES + PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES + PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES + PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES or ( ext_file.lower() == '.cfg'): self.livelist_add_track(file) self.new_livelist = sorted( self.new_livelist, key=lambda track: os.path.basename(track['location']).lower()) # print 'LIVELIST' # for it in self.new_livelist: # print 'type: ', it['type'], 'loc: ',it['location'],'\nplugin cfg: ', it['plugin'] # print '' def livelist_replace_if_changed(self): self.new_livelist_create() if self.new_livelist <> self.livelist: self.livelist = copy.deepcopy(self.new_livelist) self.livelist_index = 0 def livelist_next(self): if self.livelist_index == len(self.livelist) - 1: self.livelist_index = 0 else: self.livelist_index += 1 # *************************** # Sequencing # *************************** def wait_for_trigger(self): self.state = 'waiting' if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() self.mon.log( self, "Waiting for trigger: " + self.show_params['trigger-start']) if self.show_params['trigger-start'] in ('time', 'time-quiet'): # if next show is this one display text next_show = self.tod.next_event_time() if next_show[3] <> True: if next_show[1] == 'tomorrow': text = self.resource('liveshow', 'm04') else: text = self.resource('liveshow', 'm03') text = text.replace('%tt', next_show[0]) self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self.play_first_track) elif self.show_params['trigger-start'] == "start": self.play_first_track() else: self.mon.err( self, "Unknown trigger: " + self.show_params['trigger-start']) self.end('error', "Unknown trigger type") # callbacks from time of day scheduler def tod_start_callback(self): if self.state == 'waiting' and self.show_params['trigger-start'] in ( 'time', 'time-quiet'): self.play_first_track() def tod_end_callback(self): if self.state == 'playing' and self.show_params['trigger-end'] in ( 'time', 'duration'): self.end_trigger_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', 'front', '') elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') def play_first_track(self): self.state = 'playing' # start duration timer if self.show_params['trigger-end'] == 'duration': # print 'set alarm ', self.duration self.duration_timer = self.canvas.after(self.duration * 1000, self.tod_end_callback) self.new_livelist_create() self.livelist = copy.deepcopy(self.new_livelist) self.livelist_index = 0 self.play_track() def play_track(self): self.livelist_replace_if_changed() if len(self.livelist) > 0: self.play_selected_track(self.livelist[self.livelist_index]) else: self.display_message(self.canvas, None, self.resource('liveshow', 'm01'), 5, self.what_next) def what_next(self): # end of show time trigger if self.end_trigger_signal == True: self.end_trigger_signal = False if == True: self.state = 'waiting' self.wait_for_trigger() else: # not at top so stop the show self.end('normal', 'sub-show end time trigger') # user wants to end elif self.end_liveshow_signal == True: self.end_liveshow_signal = False self.end('normal', "show ended by user") # play child? elif self.play_child_signal == True: self.play_child_signal = False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >= 0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('liveshow', 'm02')) self.play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "Child show not found in medialist: " + self.show_params['pp-child-show']) self.end('error', "child show not found in medialist") # otherwise loop to next track else: self.livelist_next() self.play_track() # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** def ready_callback(self): self.delete_eggtimer() def play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected_track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # is menu required if self.show_params['has-child'] == "yes": enable_child = True else: enable_child = False #dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self, "Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player = ImagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "audio": # create a audioplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = AudioPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text = selected_track['text'] self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "web": # create a browser track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = BrowserPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self.end_liveshow_signal = True if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "radiobuttonshow": self.shower = RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "hyperlinkshow": self.shower = HyperlinkShow(selected_show, sef.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self.end_liveshow_signal = True else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self.end_liveshow_signal = True def end_shower(self, show_id, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: self.what_next() def end_player(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: self.what_next() # *************************** # end of show # *************************** def end(self, reason, message): self.end_liveshow_signal = False self.mon.log(self, "Ending Liveshow: " + self.show_params['show-ref']) self.tidy_up() self.end_callback(self.show_id, reason, message) self = None def tidy_up(self): if self.duration_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.duration_timer) self.duration_timer = None #clear outstanding time of day events for this show # self.tod.clear_times_list(id(self)) # ****************************** # Displaying things # ********************************* def display_eggtimer(self, text): self.egg_timer = self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width']) / 2, int(self.canvas['height']) / 2, text=text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold", tag='pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks() def delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete('pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks() # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self, canvas, source, content, duration, display_message_callback): self.display_message_callback = display_message_callback tp = { 'duration': duration, 'message-colour': 'white', 'message-font': 'Helvetica 20 bold', 'message-justify': 'left', 'background-colour': '', 'background-image': '', 'show-control-begin': '', 'show-control-end': '', 'animate-begin': '', 'animate-clear': '', 'animate-end': '', 'message-x': '', 'message-y': '', 'display-show-background': 'no', 'display-show-text': 'no', 'show-text': '', 'track-text': '', 'plugin': '' } self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, canvas, tp, tp, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.display_message_end, None) def display_message_end(self, reason, message): self.player = None if reason in ("killed", 'error'): self.end(reason, message) else: self.display_message_callback() # ****************************** # utilities # ********************************* def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self.terminate("error", 'Cannot find resource') else: return value def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file <> '' and track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self, "Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file def calculate_duration(self, line): fields = line.split(':') if len(fields) == 1: secs = fields[0] minutes = '0' hours = '0' if len(fields) == 2: secs = fields[1] minutes = fields[0] hours = '0' if len(fields) == 3: secs = fields[2] minutes = fields[1] hours = fields[0] self.duration = 3600 * long(hours) + 60 * long(minutes) + long(secs) return ''
class MediaList: """ manages a media list of tracks and the track selected from the medialist """ def __init__(self): self.clear() self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() # Functions for the editor dealing with complete list def clear(self): self._tracks = [] #MediaList, stored as a list of dicts self._num_tracks = 0 self._selected_track_index = -1 # index of currently selected track def print_list(self): print self._tracks def first(self): def length(self): return self._num_tracks def append(self, track_dict): """appends a track dictionary to the end of the medialist store""" self._tracks.append(copy.deepcopy(track_dict)) self._num_tracks += 1 def update(self, index, values): self._tracks[index].update(values) def remove(self, index): self._tracks.pop(index) self._num_tracks -= 1 # deselect any track, saves worrying about whether index needs changing self._selected_track_index = -1 def move_up(self): if self._selected_track_index <> 0: self._tracks.insert(self._selected_track_index - 1, self._tracks.pop(self._selected_track_index)) - 1) def move_down(self): if self._selected_track_index <> self._num_tracks - 1: self._tracks.insert(self._selected_track_index + 1, self._tracks.pop(self._selected_track_index)) + 1) def replace(self, index, replacement): self._tracks[index] = replacement # Common functions work for anything def track_is_selected(self): if self._selected_track_index >= 0: return True else: return False def selected_track_index(self): return self._selected_track_index def track(self, index): return self._tracks[index] def selected_track(self): """returns a dictionary containing all fields in the selected track """ return self._selected_track def select(self, index): """does housekeeping necessary when a track is selected""" if self._num_tracks > 0 and index >= 0 and index < self._num_tracks: self._selected_track_index = index self._selected_track = self._tracks[index] return True else: return False # Dealing with anonymous tracks for use and display def at_end(self): # true is selected track is last anon index = self._num_tracks - 1 while index >= 0: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": end = index if self._selected_track_index == end: return True else: return False index -= 1 return False def index_of_end(self): index = self._num_tracks - 1 while index >= 0: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return index index -= 1 return -1 def at_start(self): index = 0 while index < self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": start = index if self._selected_track_index == start: return True else: return False index += 1 return False def index_of_start(self): index = 0 while index < self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return index index += 1 return False def display_length(self): count = 0 index = 0 while index < self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": count += 1 index += 1 return count def start(self): # select first anymous track in the list index = 0 while index < self._num_tracks: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return True index += 1 return False def finish(self): # select first anymous track in the list index = self._num_tracks - 1 while index >= 0: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return True index -= 1 return False def next(self): if self._selected_track_index == self._num_tracks - 1: index = 0 else: index = self._selected_track_index + 1 end = self._selected_track_index while index <> end: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return True if index == self._num_tracks - 1: index = 0 else: index = index + 1 return False def previous(self): if self._selected_track_index == 0: index = self._num_tracks - 1 else: index = self._selected_track_index - 1 end = self._selected_track_index while index <> end: if self._tracks[index]['track-ref'] == "": return True if index == 0: index = self._num_tracks - 1 else: index = index - 1 return False # Lookup for labelled tracks def index_of_track(self, wanted_track): index = 0 for track in self._tracks: if track['track-ref'] == wanted_track: return index index += 1 return -1 # open and save def open_list(self, filename, showlist_issue): """ opens a saved medialist medialists are stored as json arrays. """ ifile = open(filename, 'rb') mdict = json.load(ifile) ifile.close() self._tracks = mdict['tracks'] if 'issue' in mdict: self.issue = mdict['issue'] else: self.issue = "1.0" if self.issue == showlist_issue: self._num_tracks = len(self._tracks) self._selected_track_index = -1 return True else: return False def issue(self): return self.issue def save_list(self, filename): """ save a medialist """ if filename == "": return False dic = {'issue': self.issue, 'tracks': self._tracks} filename = str(filename) filename = string.replace(filename, '\\', '/') tries = 1 while tries <= 10: # print "save medialist ",filename try: ofile = open(filename, "wb") json.dump(dic, ofile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) ofile.close() self.mon.log(self, "Saved medialist " + filename) break except IOError: self.mon.err( self, "failed to save medialist, trying again " + str(tries)) tries += 1 return # for the future def open_csv(self, filename): """ opens a saved csv medialist """ if filename != "" and os.path.exists(filename): ifile = open(filename, 'rb') pl = csv.reader(ifile) for pl_row in pl: if len(pl_row) != 0: entry = dict([('type', pl_row[2]), ('location', pl_row[0]), ('title', pl_row[1])]) self.append(copy.deepcopy(entry)) ifile.close() return True else: return False
class HyperlinkShow: """ Aimed at touchscreens but can be used for any purpose where the user is required to follow hyperlinks between tracks Profiles for media tracks (message, image, video, audio ) specify links to other tracks in a link a symbolic name of an input is associated with a track-reference The show begins at first-track and then uses events (GPIO, keypresses etc.) to link to other tracks via their symbolic names If using 'call' keeps a record of the tracks it has visited so the 'return' command can go back. Executes timeout-track if no user input is received. links are of the form: symbolic-name command [track-ref] link commands: call <track-ref> play track-ref and add it to the path return - return 1 back up the path removing the track from the path, stops at home-track. return n - return n tracks back up the path removing the track from the path, stops at home-track. return <track-ref> return to <track-ref> removing tracks from the path home - return to home-track removing tracks from the path jump <track-ref-> - play trck-ref forgetting the path back to home-track goto <track-ref> - play track-ref, forget the path exit - end the hyperlink show null - inhibits the link defined in the show with the same symbolic name. reserved symbolic names pp-onend command - pseudo symbolic name for end of a track interface: * play - selects the first track to play (first-track) * input_pressed, - receives user events passes them to a Shower/Player if a track is playing, otherwise actions them depending on the symbolic name supplied """ # ********************* # external interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the tracks of the event show are to be written on show_params - the name of the configuration dictionary section for the hyperlinkshow showlist - the showlist, to enable runningnof show type tracks. pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params = show_params self.root = root self.showlist = showlist self.canvas = canvas self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() #create a path stack self.path = PathManager() # init variables self.drawn = None self.player = None self.shower = None self.timeout_running = None self.error = False def play(self, show_id, end_callback, ready_callback, top=False, command='nil'): """ starts the hyperlink show at start-track end_callback - function to be called when the show exits ready_callback - callback when event-show is ready to display its forst track (not used?) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start] or from show control) command is not used """ #instantiate arguments self.show_id = show_id self.end_callback = end_callback self.ready_callback = ready_callback = top self.command = command # check data files are available. self.medialist_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params[ 'medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.medialist_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.medialist_file) self.end('error', "Medialist file not found") #create a medialist object for the hyperlinkshow and read the file into it. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.medialist_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get controls for this show if top level controlsmanager = ControlsManager() if == True: self.controls_list = controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list = controlsmanager.merge_show_controls( self.controls_list, self.show_params['controls']) # read show links and destinations self.first_track_ref = self.show_params['first-track-ref'] self.home_track_ref = self.show_params['home-track-ref'] self.timeout_track_ref = self.show_params['timeout-track-ref'] # state variables and signals self.end_hyperlinkshow_signal = False self.egg_timer = None self.next_track_signal = False self.next_track_ref = '' self.current_track_ref = '' self.current_track_type = '' # ready callback for show if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() self.canvas.delete('pp-content') self.canvas.config(bg='black') self.do_first_track() #stop received from another concurrent show via ShowManager def managed_stop(self): # set signal to stop the hyperlinkshow when all sub-shows and players have ended self.end_hyperlinkshow_signal = True # then stop and shows or tracks. if self.shower <> None: self.shower.managed_stop() elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.end('normal', 'stopped by ShowManager') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): self.end_hyperlinkshow_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason, 'terminated without terminating shower or player') # respond to inputs def input_pressed(self, symbol, edge, source): self.mon.log(self, "received symbol: " + symbol) #does the symbol match a link, if so execute it if self.is_link(symbol, edge, source) == True: return # controls are disabled so ignore anything else if self.show_params['disable-controls'] == 'yes': return # does it match a control # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operatio # look through list of controls to find match if == True: operation = self.lookup_control(symbol, self.controls_list) else: operation = symbol # print 'operation',operation if operation <> '': self.do_operation(operation, edge, source) def do_operation(self, operation, edge, source): if self.shower <> None: # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) else: # control this show and its tracks if operation == 'stop': if self.player <> None: if self.current_track_ref == self.first_track_ref and == False: self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = True self.player.input_pressed('stop') elif operation == 'pause': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or operation[ 0:6] == 'mplay-' or operation[0:5] == 'uzbl-': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def is_link(self, symbol, edge, source): # find the first entry in links that matches the symbol and execute its operation # print 'hyperlinkshow ',symbol found = False for link in self.links: #print link if symbol == link[0]: found = True if link[1] <> 'null': # print 'match',link[0] link_operation = link[1] if link_operation == 'home': self.do_home(edge, source) elif link_operation == 'return': self.do_return(link[2], edge, source) elif link_operation == 'call': self.do_call(link[2], edge, source) elif link_operation == 'goto': self.do_goto(link[2], edge, source) elif link_operation == 'jump': self.do_jump(link[2], edge, source) elif link_operation == 'exit': self.end('normal', 'executed exit command') return found def lookup_control(self, symbol, controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # ********************* # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ******************** # ********************* # Show Sequencer # ********************* def timeout_callback(self): self.do_call(self.timeout_track_ref, 'front', 'timeout') def do_call(self, track_ref, edge, source): if track_ref <> self.current_track_ref: self.mon.log(self, 'call: ' + track_ref) self.next_track_signal = True self.next_track_op = 'call' self.next_track_arg = track_ref if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_goto(self, to, edge, source): if to <> self.current_track_ref: self.mon.log(self, 'goto: ' + to) self.next_track_signal = True self.next_track_op = 'goto' self.next_track_arg = to if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_jump(self, to, edge, source): if to <> self.current_track_ref: self.mon.log(self, 'jump to: ' + to) self.next_track_signal = True self.next_track_op = 'jump' self.next_track_arg = to if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_return(self, to, edge, source): self.next_track_signal = True if to.isdigit() or to == '': self.mon.log(self, 'hyperlink command - return by: ' + to) self.next_track_op = 'return-by' if to == '': self.next_track_arg = '1' else: self.next_track_arg = to else: self.mon.log(self, 'hyperlink command - return to: ' + to) self.next_track_op = 'return-to' self.next_track_arg = to if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_home(self, edge, source): if self.current_track_ref <> self.home_track_ref: self.mon.log(self, 'hyperlink command - home') self.next_track_signal = True self.next_track_op = 'home' if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_first_track(self): index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.first_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in hyperlinkshow first_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.current_track_ref = first_track['track-ref'] self.path.append(first_track['track-ref']) self.play_selected_track(first_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "first-track not found in medialist: " + self.show_params['first-track-ref']) self.end('error', "first track not found in medialist") def what_next(self): # user wants to end the show if self.end_hyperlinkshow_signal == True: self.end_hyperlinkshow_signal = False self.end('normal', "show ended by user") # user has selected another track elif self.next_track_signal == True: self.next_track_signal = False # home if self.next_track_op in ('home'): # back to 1 before home back_ref = self.path.back_to(self.home_track_ref) if back_ref == '': self.mon.err( self, "home - home track not in path: " + self.home_track_ref) self.end('error', "home - home track not in path") # play home self.next_track_ref = self.home_track_ref self.path.append(self.next_track_ref) # return-by elif self.next_track_op in ('return-by'): if self.current_track_ref <> self.home_track_ref: # back n stopping at home # back one more and return it back_ref = self.path.back_by(self.home_track_ref, self.next_track_arg) # use returned track self.next_track_ref = back_ref self.path.append(self.next_track_ref) # return-to elif self.next_track_op in ('return-to'): #back to one before return-to track back_ref = self.path.back_to(self.next_track_arg) if back_ref == '': self.mon.err( self, "return-to - track not in path: " + self.next_track_arg) self.end('error', "return-to - track not in path") # and append the return to track self.next_track_ref = self.next_track_arg self.path.append(self.next_track_ref) # call elif self.next_track_op in ('call'): # append the required track self.path.append(self.next_track_arg) self.next_track_ref = self.next_track_arg # goto elif self.next_track_op in ('goto'): self.path.pop_for_sibling() ## #back to first track and remove it ## back_ref=self.path.back_to(self.first_track_ref) ## if back_ref=='': ## self.mon.err(self,"goto - first track not in path: "+self.first_track_ref) ## self.end('error',"goto - first track not in path") #add the goto track self.next_track_ref = self.next_track_arg self.path.append(self.next_track_arg) # jump elif self.next_track_op in ('jump'): # back to home and remove it back_ref = self.path.back_to(self.home_track_ref) if back_ref == '': self.mon.err( self, "jump - home track not in path: " + self.home_track_ref) self.end('error', "jump - track not in path") # add back the home track without playing it self.path.append(self.home_track_ref) # append the jumped to track self.next_track_ref = self.next_track_arg self.path.append(self.next_track_ref) else: self.mon.err( self, "unaddressed what next: " + self.next_track_op + ' ' + self.next_track_arg) self.end('error', "unaddressed what next") self.current_track_ref = self.next_track_ref index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.next_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in hyperlinkshow next_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.play_selected_track(next_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "next-track not found in medialist: " + self.next_track_ref) self.end('error', "next track not found in medialist") else: #track ends naturally #then input pp-onend symbolic name self.input_pressed('pp-onend', 'front', 'key') # ********************* # Dispatching to Players # ********************* def page_callback(self): # called from a Player when ready to play, merge the links from the track with those from the show # and then enable the click areas self.delete_eggtimer() links_text = self.player.get_links() reason, message, track_links = self.path.parse_links(links_text) if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self, message + " in page") self.end('error', message) self.path.merge_links(self.links, track_links) # enable the click-area that are in the list of links self.enable_click_areas() def enable_click_areas(self): for link in self.links: #print 'trying link ',link[0] if not ('key-' in link[0]) and link[1] <> 'null' and link[0] <> 'pp-auto': # print 'enabling link ',link[0] self.canvas.itemconfig(link[0], state='normal') def play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ if self.timeout_running <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.timeout_running) self.timeout_running = None # self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('hyperlinkshow', 'm01')) self.current_track_type = selected_track['type'] #read the show links. Track links will be added by ready_callback links_text = self.show_params['links'] reason, message, self.links = self.path.parse_links(links_text) if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self, message + " in show") self.end('error', message) #start timeout for the track if required if self.current_track_ref <> self.first_track_ref and int( self.show_params['timeout']) <> 0: self.timeout_running = self.canvas.after( int(self.show_params['timeout']) * 1000, self.timeout_callback) # dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self, "Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "audio": # create a audioplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = AudioPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = ImagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) track_file, self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False, ) elif track_type == "web": # create a browser track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = BrowserPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text = selected_track['text'] self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "show": self.enable_click_areas() # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self.end("Unknown show") if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "liveshow": self.shower = LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "radiobuttonshow": self.shower = RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "hyperlinkshow": self.shower = HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self, pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self.end("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self.end("Unknown track type") # callback from when player ends def end_player(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None # this does not seem to change the colour of the polygon self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area', state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks() if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('hyperlinkshow', 'm02')) self.what_next() # callback from when shower ends def end_shower(self, show_id, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area', state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks() if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('hyperlinkshow', 'm03')) self.what_next() # ********************* # End the show # ********************* # finish the player for killing, error or normally # this may be called directly sub/child shows or players are not running # if they might be running then need to call terminate. def end(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Ending hyperlinkshow: " + self.show_params['show-ref']) self.end_callback(self.show_id, reason, message) self = None return # ********************* # displaying things # ********************* def display_eggtimer(self, text): #self.egg_timer=self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, #int(self.canvas['height'])/2, #text= text, # fill='white', # font="Helvetica 20 bold") #self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) pass def delete_eggtimer(self): if self.egg_timer != None: self.canvas.delete(self.egg_timer) # ********************* # utilities # ********************* def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file <> '' and track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self, "Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") # players or showers may be running so need terminate self.terminate("error") else: return value
class ShowList: """ manages a list of show and the show selected from the showlist """ IMAGE_FILES = ("Image files", ".gif", ".GIF", ".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".JPEG") VIDEO_FILES = ("video files", ".mp4", ".MP4", ".mkv", ".MKV", ".avi", ".AVI") AUDIO_FILES = ("audio files", ".mp3", ".MP3") def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.clear() def clear(self): self._shows = [] # MediaList, stored as a list of dicts self._num_shows = 0 self._selected_show_index = -1 # index of currently selected show def print_list(self): print self._shows def length(self): return self._num_shows def at_end(self): if self._selected_show_index == self._num_shows - 1: return True else: return False def at_start(self): if self._selected_show_index == 0: return True else: return False def show_is_selected(self): if self._selected_show_index >= 0: return True else: return False def selected_show_index(self): return self._selected_show_index def shows(self): return self._shows def show(self, index): return self._shows[index] def selected_show(self): """returns a dictionary containing all fields in the selected show """ return self._selected_show def append(self, show_dict): """appends a show dictionary to the end of the showlist store""" self._shows.append(copy.deepcopy(show_dict)) self._num_shows += 1 def remove(self, index): self._shows.pop(index) self._num_shows -= 1 # deselect any show, saves worrying about whether index needs changing self._selected_show_index = -1 def replace(self, index, replacement): self._shows[index] = replacement def first(self): def next(self): if self.length() > 0: if self._selected_show_index == self.length() - 1: index = 0 else: index = self._selected_show_index + 1 def previous(self): if self.length() > 0: if self._selected_show_index == 0: index = self.length() - 1 else: index = self._selected_show_index - 1 def index_of_show(self, wanted_show): index = 0 for show in self._shows: if show["show-ref"] == wanted_show: return index index += 1 return -1 def select(self, index): """ user clicks on a show in the Shows list so try and select it. """ # needs forgiving int for possible tkinter upgrade self._selected_show_index = index self._selected_show = self._shows[index] def open_json(self, filename): """ opens a saved showlistlist showlists are stored in files as json arrays within a object 'shows'. shows are stored internally as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename != "" and os.path.exists(filename): ifile = open(filename, "rb") sdict = json.load(ifile) ifile.close() self._shows = sdict["shows"] if "issue" in sdict: self.issue = sdict["issue"] else: self.issue = "1.0" self._num_shows = len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index = -1 return True else: return False def sissue(self): return self.issue def save_list(self, filename): """ save a showlist """ if filename == "": return False if == "nt": filename = string.replace(filename, "/", "\\") else: filename = string.replace(filename, "\\", "/") print "save showlist ", filename dic = {"issue": self.issue, "shows": self._shows} ofile = open(filename, "wb") json.dump(dic, ofile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) ofile.close() return # ===================================================== # old stuff def open_cfg(self, filename): """ opens a saved showlist each show is a section of a confiParser file shows are stored as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename != "" and os.path.exists(filename): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._shows = [] for section in self.sections(): self._shows.append(self.dictionary_of(section)) self._num_shows = len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index = -1 return True else: return False def has_show(self, section): return self.config.has_section(section) def sections(self): return self.config.sections() def get(self, section, item): return self.config.get(section, item, 0) def dictionary_of(self, section): return dict(self.config.items(section))
class RadioButtonShow: """ starts at 'first-track' which can be any type of track or a show The show has links of the form symbolic-name play track-ref key, gpio or click area will play the referenced track at the end of that track control will return to first-track links in the tracks are ignored. Links are inherited from the show. timeout returns to first-track interface: * play - selects the first track to play (first-track) * input_pressed, - receives user events passes them to a Shower/Player if a track is playing, otherwise actions them depending on the symbolic name supplied """ # ********************* # external interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the tracks of the event show are to be written on show_params - the name of the configuration dictionary section for the radiobuttonshow showlist - the showlist, to enable runningnof show type tracks. pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params=show_params self.showlist=showlist self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() #create a path stack - only used to parse the links. self.path = PathManager() # init variables self.drawn = None self.player=None self.shower=None self.timeout_running=None self.error=False def play(self,show_id,end_callback,ready_callback,top=False,command='nil'): """ starts the hyperlink show at start-track end_callback - function to be called when the show exits ready_callback - callback when event-show is ready to display its forst track (not used?) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start] or from show control) command is not used """ #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.end_callback=end_callback self.ready_callback=ready_callback self.command=command # check data files are available. self.medialist_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.medialist_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.medialist_file) self.end('error',"Medialist file not found") #create a medialist object for the radiobuttonshow and read the file into it. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.medialist_file,self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") # read show destinations self.first_track_ref=self.show_params['first-track-ref'] #get control bindings for this show if top level controlsmanager=ControlsManager() if self.controls_list=controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list=controlsmanager.merge_show_controls(self.controls_list,self.show_params['controls']) #read the show links. Track links will be added by ready_callback links_text=self.show_params['links'] reason,message,self.links=self.path.parse_links(links_text) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message + " in show") self.end('error',message) # state variables and signals self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal= False self.egg_timer=None self.next_track_signal=False self.next_track_ref='' self.current_track_ref='' self.current_track_type='' # ready callback for show if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.canvas.delete('pp-content') self.canvas.config(bg='black') self.do_first_track() #stop received from another concurrent show via ShowManager def managed_stop(self): # set signal to stop the radiobuttonshow when all sub-shows and players have ended self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal=True # then stop and shows or tracks. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.managed_stop() elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.end('normal','stopped by ShowManager') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason,'terminated without terminating shower or player') # respond to inputs def input_pressed(self,symbol,edge,source): self.mon.log(self,"received symbol: " + symbol) #does the symbol match a link, if so execute it if self.is_link(symbol,edge,source)==True: return # controls are disabled so ignore inputs if self.show_params['disable-controls']=='yes': return # does it match a control # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operatio # look through list of controls to find match if operation=self.lookup_control(symbol,self.controls_list) else: operation=symbol # print 'operation',operation if operation<>'': self.do_operation(operation,edge,source) def do_operation(self,operation,edge,source): if self.shower<>None: # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) else: #control this show and its tracks if operation=='stop': if self.player<>None: if self.current_track_ref==self.first_track_ref and self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal=True self.player.input_pressed('stop') elif operation == 'pause': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4]=='omx-' or operation[0:6]=='mplay-'or operation[0:5]=='uzbl-': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self,symbol,controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' def is_link(self,symbol,edge,source): # we have links which locally define symbolic names to be converted to radiobuttonshow operations # find the first entry in links that matches the symbol and execute its operation #print 'radiobuttonshow ',symbol found=False for link in self.links: #print link if symbol==link[0]: found=True if link[1]<>'null': #print 'match',link[0] link_operation=link[1] if link_operation=='play': self.do_play(link[2],edge,source) return found # ********************* # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ******************** # ********************* # Show Sequencer # ********************* def timeout_callback(self): self.do_play(self.first_track_ref,'front','timeout') def do_play(self,track_ref,edge,source): if track_ref<>self.current_track_ref: # print 'executing play ',track_ref self.next_track_signal=True self.next_track_op='play' self.next_track_arg=track_ref if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop',edge,source) elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_first_track(self): index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.first_track_ref) if index >=0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow first_track=self.medialist.track(index) self.path.append(first_track['track-ref']) self.current_track_ref=self.first_track_ref self.play_selected_track(first_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"first-track not found in medialist: "+ self.show_params['first-frack-ref']) self.end('error',"first track not found in medialist") def what_next(self): # user wants to end the show if self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal==True: self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal=False self.end('normal',"show ended by user") # user has selected another track elif self.next_track_signal==True: self.next_track_signal=False self.next_track_ref=self.next_track_arg self.current_track_ref=self.next_track_ref index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.next_track_ref) if index >=0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow next_track=self.medialist.track(index) self.play_selected_track(next_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"next-track not found in medialist: "+ self.next_track_ref) self.end('error',"next track not found in medialist") else: #track ends naturally self.next_track_ref=self.first_track_ref self.current_track_ref=self.next_track_ref index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.next_track_ref) if index >=0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow next_track=self.medialist.track(index) self.play_selected_track(next_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"next-track not found in medialist: "+ self.next_track_ref) self.end('error',"next track not found in medialist") # ********************* # Dispatching to Players # ********************* def page_callback(self): # called from a Player when ready to play, if first-track merge the links from the track with those from the show self.delete_eggtimer() if self.current_track_ref==self.first_track_ref: #links_text=self.player.get_links() #reason,message,track_links=self.path.parse_links(links_text) #if reason=='error': #self.mon.err(self,message + " in page") #self.end('error',message) #self.path.merge_links(self.links,track_links) pass def play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ if self.timeout_running<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.timeout_running) self.timeout_running=None # self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m01')) self.current_track_type = selected_track['type'] #start timeout for the track if required if self.current_track_ref<>self.first_track_ref and int(self.show_params['timeout'])<>0: self.timeout_running=self.canvas.after(int(self.show_params['timeout'])*1000,self.timeout_callback) # dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="audio": # create a audioplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=AudioPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="image": track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=ImagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False, ) elif track_type=="web": # create a browser track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=BrowserPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False ) elif track_type=="show": # self.enable_click_areas() # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self.end("Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="liveshow": self.shower= LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="radiobuttonshow": self.shower= RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="hyperlinkshow": self.shower= HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self.end("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self.end("Unknown track type") # callback from when player ends def end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None # this does not seem to change the colour of the polygon # self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area',state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: #self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m02')) self.what_next() # callback from when shower ends def end_shower(self,show_id,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None # self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area',state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) if reason in ("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: #self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m03')) self.what_next() # ********************* # End the show # ********************* # finish the player for killing, error or normally # this may be called directly sub/child shows or players are not running # if they might be running then need to call terminate. def end(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Ending radiobuttonshow: "+ self.show_params['show-ref']) self.end_callback(self.show_id,reason,message) self=None return # ********************* # displaying things # ********************* def display_eggtimer(self,text): #self.egg_timer=self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, #int(self.canvas['height'])/2, #text= text, # fill='white', # font="Helvetica 20 bold") #self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) pass def delete_eggtimer(self): if self.egg_timer!=None: self.canvas.delete(self.egg_timer) # ********************* # utilities # ********************* def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file<>'' and track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) # players or showers may be running so need terminate self.terminate("error") else: return value
class ShowManager: # ShowManager manages PiPresents' concurrent shows. It does not manage sub-shows or child-shows. # concurrent shows are always 'top level' shows: # They can be started by the start show or by 'myshow start' in the Show Control field of players # They can be stopped either by 'myshow stop' in the Show Control field in players # or in the case of mediashows by making them single-run in its Repeat field # a show with the same reference should not be run twice as there is no way to reference an individual instance when stopping # ??? this could be changed as there is single-run to stop them, the stop command could stop all instances. # Declare class variables shows = [] shutdown_required = False SHOW_TEMPLATE = ['', None] SHOW_REF = 0 # show-reference - name of the show as in editor SHOW_OBJ = 1 # the python object def __init__(self, show_id, showlist, show_params, root, canvas, pp_dir, pp_profile, pp_home): self.showlist = showlist self.show_params = show_params self.root = root self.canvas = canvas self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_profile = pp_profile self.pp_home = pp_home self.show_id = show_id self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() # Initialise, first time through only in def init(self, all_shows_ended_callback): ShowManager.all_shows_ended_callback = all_shows_ended_callback ShowManager.shows = [] ShowManager.shutdown_required = False # ************************************** # functions to manipulate show register # ************************************** #adds a new concurrent show to the register if not already there, returns an index for use by start and stop def register_show(self, ref): registered = self.show_registered(ref) if registered == -1: ShowManager.shows.append(copy.deepcopy(ShowManager.SHOW_TEMPLATE)) index = len(ShowManager.shows) - 1 ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF] = ref ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] = None return index else: return registered # is the show registered? # can be used to return the index to the show def show_registered(self, show_ref): index = 0 for show in ShowManager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF] == show_ref: return index index += 1 return -1 # needs calling program to check that the show is not already running def set_running(self, index, show_obj): ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] = show_obj # print 'running', ShowManager.shows # print "started show ", ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF] # is the show running? def show_running(self, index): if ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] <> None: return ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] else: return None def set_stopped(self, index): ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] = None # print "stopped show ", ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF] #print 'stopping', ShowManager.shows # are all shows stopped? def all_shows_stopped(self): all_stopped = True for show in ShowManager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] <> None: all_stopped = False return all_stopped # ********************************* # show control # ********************************* # control initial shows from PiPresents so command is always start def start_initial_shows(self, start_shows_text): show_refs = start_shows_text.split() fields = ['', ''] for show_ref in show_refs: fields[0] = show_ref fields[1] = 'start' reason, message = self.control_a_show(fields) if reason <> 'normal': return reason, message #no shows started return 'normal', '' # Control shows from Players so need to handle start and stop commands def show_control(self, show_control_text): lines = show_control_text.split('\n') for line in lines: if line.strip() == "": continue fields = line.split() #control a show and return its ending reason # print 'show control fields: ',fields reason, message = self.control_a_show(fields) if reason <> 'normal': return reason, message #all commands done OK return 'normal', '' def control_a_show(self, fields): show_ref = fields[0] show_command = fields[1] if show_command == 'start': return self.start_show(show_ref) elif show_command == 'stop': return self.stop_show(show_ref) elif show_command == 'exit': return self.stop_all_shows() elif show_command == 'shutdownnow': ShowManager.shutdown_required = True return self.stop_all_shows() else: return 'error', 'command not recognised ' + show_command def stop_show(self, show_ref): index = self.show_registered(show_ref) self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Stopping show " + show_ref + ' ' + str(index)) show_obj = self.show_running(index) if show_obj <> None: show_obj.managed_stop() return 'normal', 'stopped a concurrent show' def stop_all_shows(self): for show in ShowManager.shows: self.stop_show(show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF]) return 'normal', 'stopped all shows' def start_show(self, show_ref): show_index = self.showlist.index_of_show(show_ref) if show_index < 0: return 'error', "Show not found in showlist: " + show_ref show = index = self.register_show(show_ref) self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Starting show " + show_ref + ' ' + str(index)) if self.show_running(index): self.mon.log(self, "show already running " + show_ref) return 'normal', 'this concurrent show already running' if show['type'] == "mediashow": show_obj = MediaShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index, show_obj), self._end_play_show, None, top=True, command='nil') return 'normal', 'concurrent show started' if show['type'] == "radiobuttonshow": show_obj = RadioButtonShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index, show_obj), self._end_play_show, None, top=True, command='nil') return 'normal', 'concurrent show started' if show['type'] == "hyperlinkshow": show_obj = HyperlinkShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index, show_obj), self._end_play_show, None, top=True, command='nil') return 'normal', 'concurrent show started' elif show['type'] == "menu": show_obj = MenuShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index, show_obj), self._end_play_show, None, top=True, command='nil') return 'normal', 'concurrent show started' elif show['type'] == "liveshow": show_obj = LiveShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index, show_obj), self._end_play_show, None, top=True, command='nil') return 'normal', 'concurrent show started' else: return 'error', "unknown show type in start concurrent show - " + show[ 'type'] def _end_play_show(self, index, reason, message): self.mon.log( self, self.show_params['show-ref'] + ' ' + str(self.show_id) + ": Returned from show with message: " + message) # print 'returned to showplayer' self.set_stopped(index) if self.all_shows_stopped() == True: ShowManager.all_shows_ended_callback('normal', 'All shows ended', ShowManager.shutdown_required) return reason, message
class ScreenDriver: config = None def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #read screen.cfg def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): if ScreenDriver.config == None: # try inside profile tryfile = pp_profile + os.sep + "screen.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying screen.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"screen.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile = pp_home + os.sep + "screen.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"screen.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile = pp_dir + os.sep + 'pp_home' + os.sep + "screen.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "screen.cfg not found at " + tryfile) self.mon.err(self, "screen.cfg not found") return False ScreenDriver.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "screen.cfg read from " + filename) return True def click_areas(self): return ScreenDriver.config.sections() def get(self, section, item): return ScreenDriver.config.get(section, item) # make click areas on the screen, bind them to their symbolic name, and create a callback if it is clicked. # click areas must be polygon as outline rectangles are not filled as far as find_closest goes def make_click_areas(self, canvas, callback): self.canvas = canvas self.callback = callback reason = '' for area in self.click_areas(): reason, message, points = self.parse_points( self.get(area, 'points'), self.get(area, 'name')) if reason == 'error': break self.canvas.create_polygon( points, fill=self.get(area, 'fill-colour'), outline=self.get(area, 'outline-colour'), tags=("pp-click-area", self.get(area, 'name')), state='hidden') # write the label at the centroid if self.get(area, 'text') <> '': vertices = len(points) / 2 # print area, 'vertices',vertices sum_x = 0 sum_y = 0 for i in range(0, vertices): # print i sum_x = sum_x + int(points[2 * i]) # print int(points[2*i]) sum_y = sum_y + int(points[2 * i + 1]) # print int(points[2*i+1]) text_centre_x = sum_x / vertices text_centre_y = sum_y / vertices self.canvas.create_text(text_centre_x, text_centre_y, text=self.get(area, 'text'), fill=self.get(area, 'text-colour'), font=self.get(area, 'text-font'), tags=('pp-click-area', self.get(area, 'name')), state='hidden') self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.click_pressed) if reason == 'error': return 'error', message else: return 'normal', '' # callback for click on screen def click_pressed(self, event): overlapping = event.widget.find_overlapping(event.x - 5, event.y - 5, event.x + 5, event.y + 5) for item in overlapping: #print self.canvas.gettags(item) if ('pp-click-area' in self.canvas.gettags(item)) and self.canvas.itemcget( item, 'state') == 'normal': self.mon.log( self, "Click on screen: " + self.canvas.gettags(item)[1]) self.callback(self.canvas.gettags(item)[1], 'front', 'screen') def parse_points(self, points_text, area): if points_text.strip() == '': return 'error', 'No points in click area: ' + area, [] points = points_text.split() if len(points) < 6: return 'error', 'Less than 3 vertices in click area: ' + area, [] if len(points) % 2 <> 0: return 'error', 'Odd number of points in click area: ' + area, [] for point in points: if not point.isdigit(): return 'error','point is not a positive integer in click area: '+area,[] return 'normal', 'parsed points OK', points
class PPIO: """ PPIO provides some IO facilties for Pi presents - configures GPIO pins from data in gpio.cfg - reads and debounces inputs pins, provides callbacks on state changes which are used to trigger mediashows - for output pins allows players to put events, which request the change of state of pins, into a queue. Events are executed at the required time. """ # constants for buttons # cofiguration from gpio.cfg PIN=0 # pin on RPi board GPIO connector e.g. P1-11 DIRECTION = 1 # IN/OUT/NONE (None is not used) NAME = 2 # name for output RISING_NAME=3 # name for rising edge callback FALLING_NAME=4 # name ofr falling edge callback ONE_NAME=5 # name for one state callback ZERO_NAME = 6 # name for zero state callback REPEAT = 7 #reperat interval for state callbacks (mS) THRESHOLD = 8 # threshold of debounce count for state change to be considered PULL = 9 # pull up or down or none # dynamic data COUNT=10 # variable - count of the number of times the input has been 0 (limited to threshold) PRESSED = 11 # variable - debounced state LAST = 12 # varible - last state - used to detect edge REPEAT_COUNT = 13 TEMPLATE = ['', #pin '', # direction '', #name '','','','', #input names 0, # repeat 0, #threshold '', #pull 0,False,False,0] #dynamics PINLIST = ('P1-03','P1-05','P1-07','P1-08', 'P1-10','P1-11','P1-12','P1-13','P1-15','P1-16','P1-18','P1-19', 'P1-21','P1-22','P1-23','P1-24','P1-26') # index of shutdown pin SHUTDOWN_INDEX=0 # constants for sequencer SEQUENCER_PIN = 0 # GPIO pin number, the xx in P1-xx SEQUENCER_TO_STATE = 1 # False = off , True =on SEQUENCER_TIME = 2 # time since the epoch in seconds SEQUENCER_TAG = 3 # tag used to delete all matching event, usually a track reference. # CLASS VARIABLES events=[] pins=[] last_poll_time=0 options=None # gpio_enabled=False EVENT_TEMPLATE=[0,False,0,None] #executed by main program and by each object using gpio def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.options=command_options() # executed once from main program def init(self,pp_dir,pp_home,pp_profile,widget,button_tick,callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.widget=widget self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_profile=pp_profile self.pp_home=pp_home self.button_tick=button_tick self.callback=callback PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX=0 # read gpio.cfg file. if,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile)==False: return False import RPi.GPIO as GPIO self.GPIO = GPIO #construct the GPIO control list from the configuration for index, pin_def in enumerate(PPIO.PINLIST): pin=copy.deepcopy(PPIO.TEMPLATE) pin_bits = pin_def.split('-') pin_num=pin_bits[1:] pin[PPIO.PIN]=int(pin_num[0]) if self.config.has_section(pin_def)==False: self.mon.log(self, "no pin definition for "+ pin_def) pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]='None' else: # unused pin if self.config.get(pin_def,'direction')=='none': pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]='none' else: pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=self.config.get(pin_def,'direction') if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='in': # input pin pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME]=self.config.get(pin_def,'rising-name') pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME]=self.config.get(pin_def,'falling-name') pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME]=self.config.get(pin_def,'one-name') pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME]=self.config.get(pin_def,'zero-name') if pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME]=='pp-shutdown': PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX=index if self.config.get(pin_def,'repeat')<>'': pin[PPIO.REPEAT]=int(self.config.get(pin_def,'repeat')) else: pin[PPIO.REPEAT]=-1 pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD]=int(self.config.get(pin_def,'threshold')) if self.config.get(pin_def,'pull-up-down')=='up': pin[PPIO.PULL]=GPIO.PUD_UP elif self.config.get(pin_def,'pull-up-down')=='down': pin[PPIO.PULL]=GPIO.PUD_DOWN else: pin[PPIO.PULL]=GPIO.PUD_OFF else: # output pin pin[PPIO.NAME]=self.config.get(pin_def,'name') # print pin PPIO.pins.append(copy.deepcopy(pin)) # setup GPIO self.GPIO.setwarnings(False) self.GPIO.setmode(self.GPIO.BOARD) # set up the GPIO inputs and outputs for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): num = pin[PPIO.PIN] if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='in': self.GPIO.setup(num,self.GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=pin[PPIO.PULL]) elif pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='out': self.GPIO.setup(num,self.GPIO.OUT) self.GPIO.setup(num,False) self.reset_inputs() PPIO.gpio_enabled=True #init timer self.button_tick_timer=None PPIO.last_scheduler_time=long(time.time()) return True # called by main program only def poll(self): # look at the buttons self.do_buttons() # kick off output pin sequencer poll_time=long(time.time()) # is current time greater than last time the sceduler was run (previous second or more) # run in a loop to catch up because root.after can get behind when images are being rendered etc. while PPIO.last_scheduler_time<=poll_time: self.do_sequencer(PPIO.last_scheduler_time) PPIO.last_scheduler_time +=1 # and loop self.button_tick_timer=self.widget.after(self.button_tick,self.poll) # called by main program only def terminate(self): if self.button_tick_timer<>None: self.widget.after_cancel(self.button_tick_timer) self.clear_events_list(None) self.reset_outputs() self.GPIO.cleanup() # ************************************************ # gpio input functions # called by main program only # ************************************************ def reset_inputs(self): for pin in PPIO.pins: pin[PPIO.COUNT]=0 pin[PPIO.PRESSED]==False pin[PPIO.LAST]==False pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]=pin[PPIO.REPEAT] # index is of the pins array, provided by the callback ***** needs to be name def shutdown_pressed(self): if PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX<>0: return PPIO.pins[PPIO.SHUTDOWN_INDEX][PPIO.PRESSED] else: return False def do_buttons(self): for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='in': # debounce if self.GPIO.input(pin[PPIO.PIN])==0: if pin[PPIO.COUNT]<pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD]: pin[PPIO.COUNT]+=1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT]==pin[PPIO.THRESHOLD]: pin[PPIO.PRESSED]=True else: # input us 1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT]>0: pin[PPIO.COUNT]-=1 if pin[PPIO.COUNT]==0: pin[PPIO.PRESSED]=False #detect edges # falling edge if pin[PPIO.PRESSED]==True and pin[PPIO.LAST]==False: pin[PPIO.LAST]=pin[PPIO.PRESSED] pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]=pin[PPIO.REPEAT] if pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME]<>'' and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.FALLING_NAME],"falling") #rising edge if pin[PPIO.PRESSED]==False and pin[PPIO.LAST]==True: pin[PPIO.LAST]=pin[PPIO.PRESSED] pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]=pin[PPIO.REPEAT] if pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME]<>'' and self.callback <> None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.RISING_NAME],"rising") # do state callbacks if pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]==0: if pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME]<>'' and pin[PPIO.PRESSED]==True and self.callback<>None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.ZERO_NAME],"zero") if pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME]<>'' and pin[PPIO.PRESSED]==False and self.callback<>None: self.callback(index, pin[PPIO.ONE_NAME],"zero") pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]=pin[PPIO.REPEAT] else: if pin[PPIO.REPEAT]<>-1: pin[PPIO.REPEAT_COUNT]-=1 # ************************************************ # gpio output sequencer functions # ************************************************ # execute events at the appropriate time and remove from list (runs from main program only) # runs through list a number of times because of problems with pop messing up list def do_sequencer(self,schedule_time): # print 'sequencer run for: ' + str(schedule_time) + ' at ' + str(long(time.time())) while True: event_found=False for index, item in enumerate( if item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]<=schedule_time: event_found=True self.do_event(event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_PIN],event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TO_STATE],item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]) break if event_found==False: break # execute an event def do_event(self,pin,to_state,req_time): self.mon.log (self,'pin P1-'+ str(pin)+ ' set '+ str(to_state) + ' required: ' + str(req_time)+ ' actual: ' + str(long(time.time()))) # print 'pin P1-'+ str(pin)+ ' set '+ str(to_state) + ' required: ' + str(req_time)+ ' actual: ' + str(long(time.time())) self.GPIO.output(pin,to_state) # ************************************************ # gpio output sequencer interface methods # these can be called from many classes so need to operate on class variables # ************************************************ def animate(self,text,tag): if self.options['gpio']==True: lines = text.split("\n") for line in lines: error_text=self.parse_animate_fields(line,tag) if error_text <>'': return 'error',error_text return 'normal','' return 'normal','' # clear event list def clear_events_list(self,tag): if self.options['gpio']==True: self.mon.log(self,'clear events list ') # empty event list if tag==None:[] else: self.remove_events(tag) def reset_outputs(self): if self.options['gpio']==True: self.mon.log(self,'reset outputs') for index, pin in enumerate(PPIO.pins): num = pin[PPIO.PIN] if pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='out': self.GPIO.output(num,False) # ************************************************ # internal functions # these can be called from many classes so need to operate on class variables # ************************************************ def parse_animate_fields(self,line,tag): fields= line.split() if len(fields)==0: return '' name=fields[0] pin= self.pin_of(name) if pin ==-1: return 'Unknown gpio logical output in: ' + line to_state_text=fields[1] if not (to_state_text in ('on','off')): return 'Illegal to-state in : '+ line if to_state_text == 'on': to_state=True else: to_state=False if len(fields)==2: delay_text='0' else: delay_text=fields[2] if not delay_text.isdigit(): return 'Delay is not an integer in : '+ line delay=int(delay_text) self.add_event(pin,to_state,delay,tag) # self.print_events() return '' def pin_of(self,name): for pin in PPIO.pins: # print " in list" + pin[PPIO.NAME] + str(pin[PPIO.PIN] ) if pin[PPIO.NAME]==name and pin[PPIO.DIRECTION]=='out': return pin[PPIO.PIN] return -1 def print_events(self): print for i in print i def add_event(self,sequencer_pin,sequencer_to_state,sequencer_time,sequencer_tag): poll_time=long(time.time()) # delay is 0 so just do it, don't queue it. #if sequencer_time == 0: #print "firing now",poll_time #self.do_event(sequencer_pin,sequencer_to_state,poll_time) #return # prepare the event event=PPIO.EVENT_TEMPLATE event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_PIN]=sequencer_pin event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TO_STATE]=sequencer_to_state event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]=sequencer_time+poll_time+1 event[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TAG]=sequencer_tag # print event # find the place in the events list and insert # first item in the list is earliest, if two have the same time then last to be added is fired last. abs_time=sequencer_time+poll_time copy_event= copy.deepcopy(event) for index, item in enumerate( if abs_time<item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TIME]:,copy_event) return copy_event return copy_event # remove an event not used and does not work def remove_event(self,event): for index, item in enumerate( if event==item: del[index] return True return False # remove all the events with the same tag, usually a track reference def remove_events(self,tag): left=[] for item in if tag<>item[PPIO.SEQUENCER_TAG]: left.append(item) left #self.print_events() # *********************************** # reading gpio.cfg functions # ************************************ def read(self,pp_dir,pp_home,pp_profile): # try inside profile tryfile=pp_profile+os.sep+"gpio.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying gpio.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile=pp_home+os.sep+"gpio.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile=pp_dir+os.sep+'pp_home'+os.sep+"gpio.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg not found at "+ tryfile) self.mon.err(self,"gpio.cfg not found") return False self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self,"gpio.cfg read from "+ filename) return True
class EditItem(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, title, field_content, record_specs,field_specs,show_refs,initial_media_dir,pp_home_dir,initial_tab): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #save the extra arg to instance variable self.field_content = field_content # dictionary - the track parameters to be edited self.record_specs= record_specs # list of field names and seps/tabs in the order that they appear self.field_specs=field_specs # disctionary of specs referenced by field name self.show_refs=show_refs self.show_refs.append('') self.initial_media_dir=initial_media_dir self.pp_home_dir=pp_home_dir self.initial_tab=initial_tab # list of stringvars from which to get edited values (for optionmenu only??) self.entries=[] #and call the base class _init_which calls body immeadiately and apply on OK pressed tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title) def body(self,root): self.root=root bar = TabBar(root, init_name=self.initial_tab) self.body_fields(root,bar) # bar.config(bd=1, relief=RIDGE) # add some border def body_fields(self, master,bar): # get fields for this record using the record type in the loaded record record_fields=self.record_specs[self.field_content['type']] # init results of building the form self.tab_row=1 # row on form self.fields=[] # generated by body_fields - list of field objects in record fields order, not for sep or tab self.field_index=0 # index to self.fields incremented after each field except tab and sep self.entries=[] # generated by body_fields - list of stringvars in record fields order, used option-menus only # populate the dialog box using the record fields to determine the order for field in record_fields: #get list of values where required values=[] if self.field_specs[field]['shape']in("option-menu",'spinbox'): if self.field_specs[field]['param']in ('sub-show','start-show','controlled-show'): values=self.show_refs else: values=self.field_specs[field]['values'] else: values=[] # make the entry obj=self.make_entry(master,self.field_specs[field],values,bar) if obj<>None: self.fields.append(obj) self.field_index +=1 return None # No initial focus # create an entry in a dialog box def make_entry(self,master,field_spec,values,bar): # print 'make row',self.field_index,field_spec['shape'] if field_spec['shape']=='tab': self.current_tab = Tab(master, field_spec['name']) bar.add(self.current_tab,field_spec['text']) self.tab_row=1 return None elif field_spec['shape']=='sep': Label(self.current_tab,text='', anchor=W).grid(row=self.tab_row,column=0,sticky=W) self.tab_row+=1 return None else: # get the name of the field parameter=field_spec['param'] # print 'content', parameter, self.field_content[field_spec['param']] # is it in the field content dictionary if not parameter in self.field_content: self.mon.log(self,"Value for field not found in opened file: " + parameter) return None else: if field_spec['must']=='yes': bg='pink' else: bg='white' #write the label Label(self.current_tab,text=field_spec['text'], anchor=W).grid(row=self.tab_row,column=0,sticky=W) # make the editable field if field_spec['shape']in ('entry','colour','browse','font'): obj=Entry(self.current_tab,bg=bg,width=40,font='arial 11') obj.insert(END,self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape']=='text': obj=ScrolledText(self.current_tab,bg=bg,height=8,width=40,font='arial 11') obj.insert(END,self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape']=='spinbox': obj=Spinbox(self.current_tab,bg=bg,values=values,wrap=True) obj.insert(END,self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape']=='option-menu': self.option_val = StringVar(self.current_tab) self.option_val.set(self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) obj = apply(OptionMenu, [self.current_tab, self.option_val] + values) self.entries.append(self.option_val) else: self.mon.log(self,"Uknown shape for: " + parameter) return None if field_spec['read-only']=='yes': obj.config(state="readonly",bg='dark grey') obj.grid(row=self.tab_row,column=1,sticky=W) #display buttons where required if field_spec['shape']=='browse': but=Button(self.current_tab,width=1,height=1,bg='dark grey',command=(lambda o=obj: self.browse(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row,column=2,sticky=W) elif field_spec['shape']=='colour': but=Button(self.current_tab,width=1,height=1,bg='dark grey',command=(lambda o=obj: self.pick_colour(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row,column=2,sticky=W) elif field_spec['shape']=='font': but=Button(self.current_tab,width=1,height=1,bg='dark grey',command=(lambda o=obj: self.pick_font(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row,column=2,sticky=W) self.tab_row+=1 return obj def apply(self): # get list of fields in the record in the same order as the form was generated record_fields=self.record_specs[self.field_content['type']] field_index=0 # index to self.fields - not incremented for tab and sep entry_index=0 # index of stringvars for option_menu for field in record_fields: # get the details of this field field_spec=self.field_specs[field] # print 'reading row',field_index,field_spec['shape'] # and get the value if field_spec['shape']not in ('sep','tab'): # print field_spec['param'] if field_spec['shape']=='text': self.field_content[field_spec['param']]=self.fields[field_index].get(1.0,END).rstrip('\n') elif field_spec['shape']=='option-menu': self.field_content[field_spec['param']]=self.entries[entry_index].get() entry_index+=1 else: self.field_content[field_spec['param']]=self.fields[field_index].get().strip() # print self.field_content[field_spec['param']] field_index +=1 self.result=True return self.result def pick_colour(self,obj): rgb,colour=askcolor() #print rgb,colour if colour<>None: obj.delete(0,END) obj.insert(END,colour) def pick_font(self,obj): font=askChooseFont(self.root) print font if font<>None: obj.delete(0,END) obj.insert(END,font) def browse(self,obj): # print "initial directory ", self.options.initial_media_dir file_path=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=self.initial_media_dir, multiple=False) if file_path=='': return file_path=os.path.normpath(file_path) #print "file path ", file_path relpath = os.path.relpath(file_path,self.pp_home_dir) #print "relative path ",relpath common = os.path.commonprefix([file_path,self.pp_home_dir]) #print "common ",common if common.endswith("pp_home") == False: obj.delete(0,END) obj.insert(END,file_path) else: location = "+" + os.sep + relpath location = string.replace(location,'\\','/') #print "location ",location obj.delete(0,END) obj.insert(END,location) def buttonbox(self): '''add modified button box. override standard one to get rid of key bindings which cause trouble with text widget ''' box = Frame(self) w = Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default=ACTIVE) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) w = Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel) box.pack()
class ShowList: """ manages a list of show and the show selected from the showlist """ IMAGE_FILES = ('Image files', '.gif', '.GIF', '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG') VIDEO_FILES = ('video files', '.mp4', '.MP4', '.mkv', '.MKV', '.avi', '.AVI') AUDIO_FILES = ('audio files', '.mp3', '.MP3') def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.clear() def clear(self): self._shows = [] #MediaList, stored as a list of dicts self._num_shows = 0 self._selected_show_index = -1 # index of currently selected show def print_list(self): print self._shows def length(self): return self._num_shows def at_end(self): if self._selected_show_index == self._num_shows - 1: return True else: return False def at_start(self): if self._selected_show_index == 0: return True else: return False def show_is_selected(self): if self._selected_show_index >= 0: return True else: return False def selected_show_index(self): return self._selected_show_index def shows(self): return self._shows def show(self, index): return self._shows[index] def selected_show(self): """returns a dictionary containing all fields in the selected show """ return self._selected_show def append(self, show_dict): """appends a show dictionary to the end of the showlist store""" self._shows.append(copy.deepcopy(show_dict)) self._num_shows += 1 def remove(self, index): self._shows.pop(index) self._num_shows -= 1 # deselect any show, saves worrying about whether index needs changing self._selected_show_index = -1 def replace(self, index, replacement): self._shows[index] = replacement def first(self): def next(self): if self.length() > 0: if self._selected_show_index == self.length() - 1: index = 0 else: index = self._selected_show_index + 1 def previous(self): if self.length() > 0: if self._selected_show_index == 0: index = self.length() - 1 else: index = self._selected_show_index - 1 def index_of_show(self, wanted_show): index = 0 for show in self._shows: if show['show-ref'] == wanted_show: return index index += 1 return -1 def select(self, index): """ user clicks on a show in the Shows list so try and select it. """ # needs forgiving int for possible tkinter upgrade self._selected_show_index = index self._selected_show = self._shows[index] def open_json(self, filename): """ opens a saved showlistlist showlists are stored in files as json arrays within a object 'shows'. shows are stored internally as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename != "" and os.path.exists(filename): ifile = open(filename, 'rb') sdict = json.load(ifile) ifile.close() self._shows = sdict['shows'] if 'issue' in sdict: self.issue = sdict['issue'] else: self.issue = "1.0" self._num_shows = len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index = -1 return True else: return False def sissue(self): return self.issue def save_list(self, filename): """ save a showlist """ if filename == "": return False if == 'nt': filename = string.replace(filename, '/', '\\') else: filename = string.replace(filename, '\\', '/') print "save showlist ", filename dic = {'issue': self.issue, 'shows': self._shows} ofile = open(filename, "wb") json.dump(dic, ofile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) ofile.close() return # ===================================================== # old stuff def open_cfg(self, filename): """ opens a saved showlist each show is a section of a confiParser file shows are stored as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename != "" and os.path.exists(filename): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._shows = [] for section in self.sections(): self._shows.append(self.dictionary_of(section)) self._num_shows = len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index = -1 return True else: return False def has_show(self, section): return self.config.has_section(section) def sections(self): return self.config.sections() def get(self, section, item): return self.config.get(section, item, 0) def dictionary_of(self, section): return dict(self.config.items(section))
class mplayerDriver(object): _STATUS_REXP = re.compile(r"V :\s*([\d.]+).*") _DONE_REXP = re.compile(r"Exiting*") _LAUNCH_CMD = 'mplayer -quiet ' def __init__(self,widget): self.widget=widget self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self._process=None self.paused=None def control(self,char): if self._process<>None: self._process.send(char) def pause(self): if self._process<>None: self._process.send('p') if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused=False def play(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,False) def prepare(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,True) def show(self): # unpause to start playing if self._process<>None: self._process.send('p') self.paused = False def stop(self): if self._process<>None: self._process.send('q') # kill the subprocess (mplayer). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self,reason): self.terminate_reason=reason if self._process<>None: self._process.send('q') else: self.end_play_signal=True def terminate_reason(self): return self.terminate_reason # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive() # *********************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ************************************ def _pp(self, track, options, pause_before_play): self.paused=False self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal=False self.terminate_reason='' track= "'"+ track.replace("'","'\\''") + "'" cmd = mplayerDriver._LAUNCH_CMD + options +" " + track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to mplayer: "+ cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from mplayer (read pexpect manual) # fout= file('/home/pi/pipresents/mplayerlogfile.txt','w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file #self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout # self._process.logfile=fout # send all communications to log file if pause_before_play: self._process.send('p') self.paused = True #start the thread that is going to monitor sys.stdout. Presumably needs a thread because of blocking self._position_thread = Thread(target=self._get_position) self._position_thread.start() def _get_position(self): #print 'hang' #while True: #pass self.start_play_signal = True self.audio_position=0.0 while True: index = self._process.expect([mplayerDriver._STATUS_REXP, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, mplayerDriver._DONE_REXP]) if index == 1: continue # timeout - it doesn't block so is a thread needed? elif index in (2, 3): #Exiting self.end_play_signal=True break else: # presumably matches _STATUS_REXP so get video position # has a bug, position is not displayed for an audio track (mp3). Need to look at another field in the status, but how to extract it self.audio_position = 0.0 sleep(0.05)
class ControlsManager: config = None global_controls = [] def __init__(self): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #read controls.cfg, done once in Pi Presents def read(self, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): if ControlsManager.config == None: # try inside profile tryfile = pp_profile + os.sep + "controls.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying controls.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"controls.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile = pp_home + os.sep + "controls.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"controls.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile = pp_dir + os.sep + 'pp_home' + os.sep + "controls.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename = tryfile else: self.mon.log(self, "controls.cfg not found at " + tryfile) self.mon.err(self, "controls.cfg not found") return False ControlsManager.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.mon.log(self, "controls.cfg read from " + filename) return True def parse_defaults(self): if ControlsManager.config.has_section('controls'): ControlsManager.global_controls = ControlsManager.config.items( 'controls') # print 'global controls ',ControlsManager.global_controls return True else: return False # get the default controls for the show that has been read in by read from controls.cfg def default_controls(self): control_defs = ControlsManager.global_controls controls_list = [] for control_def in control_defs: op = control_def[1] default_name = control_def[0] controls_list.append([default_name, op]) return controls_list # Merge in controls from a show. # the set of default controls for all shows can be overridden in a top level show # by the controls defined in the show # if show has an operation other than 'null' change the symbolic name to that inthe show # if the show has a null operation change the operation of the attached symbolic name to null def merge_show_controls(self, controls_list, show_text): # print 'show text: ',show_text reason, message, show_controls = self.parse_controls(show_text) # print 'show controls:',show_controls # overwrite the default symbolic_name if re-defined in the show for show_control in show_controls: show_name = show_control[0] show_operation = show_control[1] # find the operation in the controls list and change its name # print 'op to change name of: ',show_operation # print 'change to ',show_name for control in controls_list: if control[1] == show_operation: control[0] = show_name # print 'after rename ',controls_list # add additional operations if defined in the show for show_control in show_controls: show_name = show_control[0] show_operation = show_control[1] # is operation in the controls list # print 'op to add: ',show_operation # print 'name to add ',show_name found = False for control in controls_list: if control[1] == show_operation: found = True # if the operation has not been found and it is omx- or mplay- then add it. if found == False and (show_operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or show_operation[0:6] == 'mplay-'): # print 'appending ', show_name,show_operation controls_list.append([show_name, show_operation]) # step through controls list dealing with null new_controls = [] # find the name in controls list and delete it? for control in controls_list: name = control[0] operation = control[1] found = False for show_control in show_controls: show_name = show_control[0] show_operation = show_control[1] if show_name == name and show_operation == 'null': found = True break if found == False: new_controls.append(control) # print 'preserved ',control # print 'merged controls',new_controls return new_controls # parse controls from controls field in a show def parse_controls(self, controls_text): controls = [] lines = controls_text.split('\n') num_lines = 0 for line in lines: if line.strip() == "": continue num_lines += 1 error_text, control = self.parse_control(line.strip()) if error_text <> "": return 'error', error_text, controls controls.append(copy.deepcopy(control)) return 'normal', '', controls def parse_control(self, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) <> 2: return "incorrect number of fields in control", ['', ''] symbol = fields[0] operation = fields[1] if operation in ( 'stop', 'play', 'up', 'down', 'pause', 'null' ) or operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or operation[0:6] == 'mplay-': return '', [symbol, operation] else: return "unknown operation", ['', '']
class PiPresents: def __init__(self): self.pipresents_issue = "1.2" self.pipresents_minorissue = '1.2.3f' self.nonfull_window_width = 0.5 # proportion of width self.nonfull_window_height = 0.6 # proportion of height self.nonfull_window_x = 0 # position of top left corner self.nonfull_window_y = 0 # position of top left corner StopWatch.global_enable = False #**************************************** # Initialisation # *************************************** # get command line options self.options = command_options() # get pi presents code directory pp_dir = sys.path[0] self.pp_dir = pp_dir if not os.path.exists(pp_dir + "/"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents", "Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path = pp_dir self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() # 0 - errors only # 1 - errors and warnings # 2 - everything if self.options['debug'] == True: Monitor.global_enable = 2 else: Monitor.global_enable = 0 # UNCOMMENT THIS TO LOG WARNINGS AND ERRORS ONLY # Monitor.global_enable=1 self.mon.log( self, "\n\n\n\n\n*****************\nPi Presents is starting, Version:" + self.pipresents_minorissue) self.mon.log(self, "Version: " + self.pipresents_minorissue) self.mon.log(self, " OS and separator:" + + ' ' + os.sep) self.mon.log(self, "sys.path[0] - location of code: " + sys.path[0]) # self.mon.log(self,"os.getenv('HOME') - user home directory (not used): " + os.getenv('HOME')) # self.mon.log(self,"os.path.expanduser('~') - user home directory: " + os.path.expanduser('~')) # optional other classes used self.ppio = None self.tod = None #get profile path from -p option if self.options['profile'] <> "": self.pp_profile_path = "/pp_profiles/" + self.options['profile'] else: self.pp_profile_path = "/pp_profiles/pp_profile" #get directory containing pp_home from the command, if self.options['home'] == "": home = os.path.expanduser('~') + os.sep + "pp_home" else: home = self.options['home'] + os.sep + "pp_home" self.mon.log(self, "pp_home directory is: " + home) #check if pp_home exists. # try for 10 seconds to allow usb stick to automount # fall back to pipresents/pp_home self.pp_home = pp_dir + "/pp_home" found = False for i in range(1, 10): self.mon.log(self, "Trying pp_home at: " + home + " (" + str(i) + ')') if os.path.exists(home): found = True self.pp_home = home break time.sleep(1) if found == True: self.mon.log( self, "Found Requested Home Directory, using pp_home at: " + home) else: self.mon.log( self, "FAILED to find requested home directory, using default to display error message: " + self.pp_home) #check profile exists, if not default to error profile inside pipresents self.pp_profile = self.pp_home + self.pp_profile_path if os.path.exists(self.pp_profile): self.mon.log( self, "Found Requested profile - pp_profile directory is: " + self.pp_profile) else: self.pp_profile = pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_profile" self.mon.log( self, "FAILED to find requested profile, using default to display error message: pp_profile" ) if self.options['verify'] == True: val = Validator() if val.validate_profile(None, pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile, self.pipresents_issue, False) == False: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents", "Validation Failed") exit() # open the resources self.rr = ResourceReader() # read the file, done once for all the other classes to use. if, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) == False: self.end('error', 'cannot find resources.cfg') #initialise and read the showlist in the profile self.showlist = ShowList() self.showlist_file = self.pp_profile + "/pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(self.showlist_file): self.showlist.open_json(self.showlist_file) else: self.mon.err(self, "showlist not found at " + self.showlist_file) self.end('error', 'showlist not found') # check profile and Pi Presents issues are compatible if float(self.showlist.sissue()) <> float(self.pipresents_issue): self.mon.err( self, "Version of profile " + self.showlist.sissue() + " is not same as Pi Presents, must exit") self.end('error', 'wrong version of profile') # get the 'start' show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show('start') if index >= 0: self.starter_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self, "Show [start] not found in showlist") self.end('error', 'start show not found') # ******************** # SET UP THE GUI # ******************** #turn off the screenblanking and saver if self.options['noblank'] == True: call(["xset", "s", "off"]) call(["xset", "s", "-dpms"]) self.root = Tk() self.title = 'Pi Presents - ' + self.pp_profile self.icon_text = 'Pi Presents' self.root.title(self.title) self.root.iconname(self.icon_text) self.root.config(bg='black') # get size of the screen self.screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() self.screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight() # set window dimensions and decorations if self.options['fullscreen'] == True: self.root.attributes('-fullscreen', True) os.system('unclutter &') self.window_width = self.screen_width self.window_height = self.screen_height self.window_x = 0 self.window_y = 0 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width, self.window_height, self.window_x, self.window_y)) self.root.attributes('-zoomed', '1') else: self.window_width = int(self.screen_width * self.nonfull_window_width) self.window_height = int(self.screen_height * self.nonfull_window_height) self.window_x = self.nonfull_window_x self.window_y = self.nonfull_window_y self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width, self.window_height, self.window_x, self.window_y)) #canvas covers the whole window self.canvas_height = self.screen_height self.canvas_width = self.screen_width # make sure focus is set. self.root.focus_set() #define response to main window closing. self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit_pressed) #setup a canvas onto which will be drawn the images or text self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, bg='black') self.canvas.config(height=self.canvas_height, width=self.canvas_width, highlightthickness=0) # self.canvas.pack(), y=0) self.canvas.focus_set() # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE INPUT DRIVERS # **************************************** # looks after bindings between symbolic names and internal operations controlsmanager = ControlsManager() if, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) == False: self.end('error', 'cannot find or error in controls.cfg.cfg') else: controlsmanager.parse_defaults() # each driver takes a set of inputs, binds them to symboic names # and sets up a callback which returns the symbolic name when an input event occurs/ # use keyboard driver to bind keys to symbolic names and to set up callback kbd = KbdDriver() if, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) == False: self.end('error', 'cannot find or error in keys.cfg') kbd.bind_keys(self.root, self.input_pressed) = ScreenDriver() # read the screen click area config file if, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) == False: self.end('error', 'cannot find screen.cfg') # create click areas on the canvas, must be polygon as outline rectangles are not filled as far as find_closest goes reason, message =, self.input_pressed) if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self, message) self.end('error', message) # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE APPLICATION AND START # **************************************** self.shutdown_required = False #kick off GPIO if enabled by command line option if self.options['gpio'] == True: from pp_gpio import PPIO # initialise the GPIO self.ppio = PPIO() # PPIO.gpio_enabled=False if self.ppio.init(pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile, self.canvas, 50, self.gpio_pressed) == False: self.end('error', 'gpio error') # and start polling gpio self.ppio.poll() #kick off the time of day scheduler self.tod = TimeOfDay() self.tod.init(pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.canvas, 500) self.tod.poll() # Create list of start shows initialise them and then run them self.run_start_shows() #start tkinter self.root.mainloop() # ********************* # RUN START SHOWS # ******************** def run_start_shows(self): #start show manager show_id = -1 #start show self.show_manager = ShowManager(show_id, self.showlist, self.starter_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.pp_dir, self.pp_profile, self.pp_home) #first time through so empty show register and set callback to terminate Pi Presents if all shows have ended. self.show_manager.init(self.all_shows_ended_callback) #parse the start shows field and start the initial shows start_shows_text = self.starter_show['start-show'] self.show_manager.start_initial_shows(start_shows_text) #callback from ShowManager when all shows have ended def all_shows_ended_callback(self, reason, message, force_shutdown): self.mon.log(self, "All shows ended, so terminate Pi Presents") if force_shutdown == True: self.shutdown_required = True self.mon.log(self, "shutdown forced by profile") self.terminate('killed') else: self.end(reason, message) # ********************* # User inputs # ******************** #gpio callback - symbol provided by gpio def gpio_pressed(self, index, symbol, edge): self.mon.log(self, "GPIO Pressed: " + symbol) self.input_pressed(symbol, edge, 'gpio') # all input events call this callback with a symbolic name. def input_pressed(self, symbol, edge, source): self.mon.log(self, "input received: " + symbol) if symbol == 'pp-exit': self.exit_pressed() elif symbol == 'pp-shutdown': self.shutdown_pressed('delay') elif symbol == 'pp-shutdownnow': self.shutdown_pressed('now') else: for show in self.show_manager.shows: show_obj = show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] if show_obj <> None: show_obj.input_pressed(symbol, edge, source) # ************************************** # respond to exit inputs by terminating # ************************************** def shutdown_pressed(self, when): if when == 'delay': self.root.after(5000, self.on_shutdown_delay) else: self.shutdown_required = True self.exit_pressed() def on_shutdown_delay(self): if self.ppio.shutdown_pressed(): self.shutdown_required = True self.exit_pressed() def exit_pressed(self): self.mon.log(self, "kill received from user") #terminate any running shows and players self.mon.log(self, "kill sent to shows") self.terminate('killed') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): needs_termination = False for show in self.show_manager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] <> None: needs_termination = True self.mon.log( self, "Sent terminate to show " + show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF]) show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ].terminate(reason) if needs_termination == False: self.end(reason, 'terminate - no termination of lower levels required') # ****************************** # Ending Pi Presents after all the showers and players are closed # ************************** def end(self, reason, message): self.mon.log( self, "Pi Presents ending with message: " + reason + ' ' + message) if reason == 'error': self.tidy_up() self.mon.log(self, "exiting because of error") #close logging files self.mon.finish() exit() else: self.tidy_up() self.mon.log(self, "no error - exiting normally") #close logging files self.mon.finish() if self.shutdown_required == True: # call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-h', '-t 5','now']) call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-h', 'now']) exit() else: exit() # tidy up all the peripheral bits of Pi Presents def tidy_up(self): #turn screen blanking back on if self.options['noblank'] == True: call(["xset", "s", "on"]) call(["xset", "s", "+dpms"]) # tidy up gpio if self.options['gpio'] == True and self.ppio <> None: self.ppio.terminate() #tidy up time of day scheduler if self.tod <> None: self.tod.terminate() # ***************************** # utilitities # **************************** def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self.terminate("error") else: return value
class MediaShow: # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show, canvas, showlist, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the dictionary fo the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments = show self.showlist = showlist self.canvas = canvas self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player = None self.shower = None self._poll_for_interval_timer = None self._poll_for_continue_timer = None self._waiting_for_interval = False self._interval_timer = None self.error = False self._interval_timer_signal = False self._end_mediashow_signal = False self._next_track_signal = False self._previous_track_signal = False self._play_child_signal = False self._req_next = 'nil' self._state = 'closed' def play(self, end_callback, ready_callback=None, top=False, command='nil'): """ displays the mediashow end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate the arguments self._end_callback = end_callback self._ready_callback = ready_callback = top self.command = command self.mon.log(self, "Starting show: " +['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + "/" +['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.media_file) self._end('error', "Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the mediashow and read it. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._wait_for_trigger() # respond to key presses. def key_pressed(self, key_name): self.mon.log(self, "received key: " + key_name) if key_name == '': pass elif key_name == 'escape': # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) # if not at top stop the show else: if == False: self._end_mediashow_signal = True # and if a track is running stop that first if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) else: # at top level in a manual presentation stop the track if['progress'] == 'manual': if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) elif key_name in ('up', 'down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down # otherwise use keys for next or previous if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if key_name == 'up': self._previous() else: self._next() elif key_name == 'return': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down- player does not use return # ELSE use Return to start child or to start the show if waiting if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if self._state == 'playing': if['has-child'] == 'yes': self._play_child_signal = True # and stop the current track if its running if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") else: self._start_show() elif key_name == 'pir': self._start_show() elif key_name in ('p', ' '): # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) def button_pressed(self, button, edge): if button == 'play': self.key_pressed("return") elif button == 'up': self.key_pressed("up") elif button == 'down': self.key_pressed("down") elif button == 'stop': self.key_pressed("escape") elif button == 'pause': self.key_pressed('p') elif button == 'PIR': self.key_pressed('pir') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): if self.shower <> None: self.mon.log(self, "sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.mon.log(self, "sent terminate to player") self.player.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason, 'terminated without terminating shower or player') def _tidy_up(self): if self._poll_for_continue_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._poll_for_continue_timer) self._poll_for_continue_timer = None if self._poll_for_interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._poll_for_interval_timer) self._poll_for_interval_timer = None if self._interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._interval_timer) self._interval_timer = None def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self.terminate("error") else: return value # *************************** # Respond to key/button presses # *************************** def _stop(self, message): self._end_mediashow_signal = True if self._interval_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._interval_timer) def _next(self): # stop track if running and set signal self._next_track_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed("escape") else: if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") def _previous(self): self._previous_track_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.key_pressed("escape") else: if self.player <> None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") # *************************** # end of show functions # *************************** def _end(self, reason, message): self._end_mediashow_signal = False self.mon.log(self, "Ending Mediashow: " +['show-ref']) self._tidy_up() self._end_callback(reason, message) self = None return # *************************** # Show sequencer # *************************** def _wait_for_trigger(self): self._state = 'waiting' if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() self.mon.log(self, "Waiting for trigger: " +['trigger']) if['trigger'] == "button": # blank screen waiting for trigger if auto, otherwise display something if['progress'] == "manual": text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm01') else: text = "" self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self._start_show) elif['trigger'] == "PIR": # blank screen waiting for trigger text = self.resource('mediashow', 'm02') self.display_message(self.canvas, 'text', text, 0, self._start_show) elif['trigger'] == "start": self._start_show() else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown trigger: " +['trigger']) self._end('error', "Unknown trigger type") def _start_show(self): self._state = 'playing' self._direction = 'forward' # start interval timer if[ 'repeat'] == "interval" and['repeat-interval'] <> 0: self._interval_timer_signal = False self._interval_timer = self.canvas.after( int(['repeat-interval']) * 1000, self._end_interval_timer) # and play the first track unless commanded otherwise if self.command == 'backward': self.medialist.finish() else: self.medialist.start() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) def _what_next(self): self._direction = 'forward' # user wants to end, wait for any shows or tracks to have ended then end show if self._end_mediashow_signal == True: if self.player == None and self.shower == None: self._end_mediashow_signal = False self._end('normal', "show ended by user") else: pass #returning from a subshow needing to move onward elif self._req_next == 'do-next': self._req_next = 'nil' self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) #returning from a subshow needing to move backward elif self._req_next == 'do-previous': self._req_next = 'nil' self._direction = 'backward' self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # user wants to play child elif self._play_child_signal == True: self._play_child_signal = False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >= 0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track = self.medialist.track(index) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm07')) self._play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "Child show not found in medialist: " +['pp-child-show']) self._end('error', "child show not found in medialist") # skip to next track on user input elif self._next_track_signal == True: self._next_track_signal = False if self.medialist.at_end() == True: if['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self._end('do-next', "Return from Sub Show") else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # skip to previous track on user input elif self._previous_track_signal == True: self._previous_track_signal = False self._direction = 'backward' if self.medialist.at_start() == True: if['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self._end('do-previous', "Return from Sub Show") else: self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track is finished and we are on auto elif['progress'] == "auto": if self.medialist.at_end() == True: if['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == False: self._end('do-next', "Return from Sub Show") #### elif elif['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'oneshot' and == True: self._wait_for_trigger() elif self._waiting_for_interval == True: if self._interval_timer_signal == True: self._interval_timer_signal = False self._waiting_for_interval = False self._start_show() else: self._poll_for_interval_timer = self.canvas.after( 1000, self._what_next) elif['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'interval' and int(['repeat-interval']) > 0: self._waiting_for_interval = True self._poll_for_interval_timer = self.canvas.after( 1000, self._what_next) elif['sequence'] == "ordered" and[ 'repeat'] == 'interval' and int(['repeat-interval']) == 0: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.mon.err(self, "Unhandled playing event: ") self._end('error', "Unhandled playing event") else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track has finished and we are on manual progress elif['progress'] == "manual": self._delete_eggtimer() self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm03')) self._poll_for_continue_timer = self.canvas.after( 500, self._what_next) else: #unhandled state self.mon.err(self, "Unhandled playing event: ") self._end('error', "Unhandled playing event") def _end_interval_timer(self): self._interval_timer_signal = True # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could be used. def display_message(self, canvas, source, content, duration, _display_message_callback): self._display_message_callback = _display_message_callback tp = { 'duration': duration, 'message-colour': 'white', 'message-font': 'Helvetica 20 bold' } self.player = MessagePlayer(canvas, tp, tp), self._display_message_end, None) def _display_message_end(self, reason, message): self.player = None if reason in ('error', 'killed'): self._end(reason, message) else: self._display_message_callback() def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self, "Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file def _play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.canvas.delete(ALL) if['progress'] == "manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm04')) # is menu required if['has-child'] == "yes": enable_child = True else: enable_child = False #dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self, "Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.canvas,, selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player = ImagePlayer(self.canvas,, selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text = selected_track['text'] self.player = MessagePlayer(self.canvas,, selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type == "show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self._end('error', "Unknown show") if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), top=False, command=self._direction) elif selected_show['type'] == "liveshow": self.shower = LiveShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self._end('error' "Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self._end('error', "Unknown track type") def ready_callback(self): self._delete_eggtimer() def end_player(self, reason, message): self._req_next = 'nil' self.mon.log(self, "Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self._end(reason, message) elif['progress'] == "manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm05')) self._req_next = reason self._what_next() else: self._req_next = reason self._what_next() def end_shower(self, reason, message): self._req_next = 'nil' self.mon.log(self, "Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None if reason in ("killed", "error"): self._end(reason, message) elif['progress'] == "manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow', 'm06')) self._req_next = reason self._what_next() else: self._req_next = reason self._what_next() def _display_eggtimer(self, text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width']) / 2, int(self.canvas['height']) / 2, text=text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks() def _delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL)
class VideoPlayer: """ plays a track using omxplayer See pp_imageplayer for common software design description """ _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, root, canvas, show_params, track_params , pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.root=root self.canvas = canvas self.show_params=show_params self.track_params=track_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get config from medialist if there. if self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio= self.show_params['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio if self.track_params['omx-volume']<>"": self.omx_volume= self.track_params['omx-volume'] else: self.omx_volume= self.show_params['omx-volume'] if self.omx_volume<>"": self.omx_volume= "--vol "+ str(int(self.omx_volume)*100) + ' ' if self.track_params['omx-window']<>'': self.omx_window= self.track_params['omx-window'] else: self.omx_window= self.show_params['omx-window'] # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver(self.canvas) self.tick_timer=None self.init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.showlist=showlist self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.enable_menu = enable_menu # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer and enable click areas. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #set up video window reason,message,comand,has_window,x1,y1,x2,y2= self.parse_window(self.omx_window) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,'omx window error: ' + message + ' in ' + self.omx_window) self.end_callback(reason,message) else: if has_window==True: self.omx_window= '--win " '+ str(x1) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(x2) + ' ' + str(y2) + ' " ' else: self.omx_window='' # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self.start_play_state_machine(self.track) else: self.mon.err(self,'play track rejected') self.end_callback('error','play track rejected') self=None def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine and does not wait for omxplayer to close if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) self.end('killed',' end without waiting for omxplayer to finish') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self.end('killed','terminate, mplayerdriver not running') def input_pressed(self,symbol): if symbol[0:4]=='omx-': self.control(symbol[4]) elif symbol =='pause': self.pause() elif symbol=='stop': self.stop() else: pass def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self.quit_signal=True #toggle pause def pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing def control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING and char not in ('q'): self.mon.log(self,"> send control to omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # *********************** # sequencing # ********************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def init_play_state_machine(self): self.quit_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self.quit_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+ " " + self.omx_volume + ' ' + self.omx_window + ' ' + self.show_params['omx-other-options']+" ",options) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) # and start polling for state changes self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self.quit_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self.stop_omx() self.quit_signal=False # self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) if self.omx.end_play_reason<>'nice_day': # deal with omxplayer not sending 'have a nice day' self.mon.warn(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self," <pexpect reports: "+self.omx.end_play_reason) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self.ending_count=0 self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','quit by user or system') else: self.ending_count+=1 if self.ending_count>10: # deal with omxplayer not terminating at the end of a track self.mon.warn(self," <omxplayer failed to close at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.omx.kill() self.mon.warn(self,'omxplayer now terminated ') self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','end from omxplayer failed to terminate') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) def stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': self.pim.stop_plugin() # os.system("xrefresh -display :0") # abort the timer if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control and animation # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): #background colour if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) # delete previous content self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # background image if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Video background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Video background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.track = self.pim.do_plugin(self.track,self.track_params['plugin'],) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> '' and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # **************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file # original _ # warp _ or xy2 def parse_window(self,line): fields = line.split() # check there is a command field if len(fields) < 1: return 'error','no type field','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with original which has 1 if fields[0]=='original': if len(fields) <> 1: return 'error','number of fields for original','',False,0,0,0,0 return 'normal','',fields[0],False,0,0,0,0 #deal with warp which has 1 or 5 arguments # check basic syntax if fields[0] <>'warp': return 'error','not a valid type','',False,0,0,0,0 if len(fields) not in (1,5): return 'error','wrong number of coordinates for warp','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with window coordinates if len(fields) == 5: #window is specified if not (fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit() and fields[4].isdigit()): return 'error','coordinates are not positive integers','',False,0,0,0,0 has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]),int(fields[4]) else: # fullscreen has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,0,0,self.canvas['width'],self.canvas['height']
class ShowManager: # ShowManager manages PiPresents' concurrent shows. It does not manage sub-shows or child-shows. # concurrent shows are always 'top level' shows: # They can be started by the start show or by 'myshow start' in the Show Control field of players # They can be stopped either by 'myshow stop' in the Show Control field in players # or in the case of mediashows by making them single-run in its Repeat field # a show with the same reference should not be run twice as there is no way to reference an individual instance when stopping # ??? this could be changed as there is single-run to stop them, the stop command could stop all instances. # Declare class variables shows=[] shutdown_required=False SHOW_TEMPLATE=['',None] SHOW_REF= 0 # show-reference - name of the show as in editor SHOW_OBJ = 1 # the python object def __init__(self,show_id,showlist,show_params,root,canvas,pp_dir,pp_profile,pp_home): self.showlist=showlist self.show_params=show_params self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_profile=pp_profile self.pp_home=pp_home self.show_id=show_id self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() # Initialise, first time through only in def init(self,all_shows_ended_callback): ShowManager.all_shows_ended_callback=all_shows_ended_callback ShowManager.shows=[] ShowManager.shutdown_required=False # ************************************** # functions to manipulate show register # ************************************** #adds a new concurrent show to the register if not already there, returns an index for use by start and stop def register_show(self,ref): registered=self.show_registered(ref) if registered==-1: ShowManager.shows.append(copy.deepcopy(ShowManager.SHOW_TEMPLATE)) index=len(ShowManager.shows)-1 ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF]=ref ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]=None return index else: return registered # is the show registered? # can be used to return the index to the show def show_registered(self,show_ref): index=0 for show in ShowManager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF]==show_ref: return index index+=1 return -1 # needs calling program to check that the show is not already running def set_running(self,index,show_obj): ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]=show_obj # print 'running', ShowManager.shows # print "started show ", ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF] # is the show running? def show_running(self,index): if ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]<>None: return ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] else: return None def set_stopped(self,index): ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]=None # print "stopped show ", ShowManager.shows[index][ShowManager.SHOW_REF] #print 'stopping', ShowManager.shows # are all shows stopped? def all_shows_stopped(self): all_stopped=True for show in ShowManager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]<>None: all_stopped=False return all_stopped # ********************************* # show control # ********************************* # control initial shows from PiPresents so command is always start def start_initial_shows(self,start_shows_text): show_refs= start_shows_text.split() fields=['',''] for show_ref in show_refs: fields[0]=show_ref fields[1]='start' reason,message=self.control_a_show(fields) if reason<>'normal': return reason,message #no shows started return 'normal','' # Control shows from Players so need to handle start and stop commands def show_control(self,show_control_text): lines = show_control_text.split('\n') for line in lines: if line.strip()=="": continue fields= line.split() #control a show and return its ending reason # print 'show control fields: ',fields reason,message=self.control_a_show(fields) if reason<>'normal': return reason,message #all commands done OK return 'normal','' def control_a_show(self,fields): show_ref=fields[0] show_command=fields[1] if show_command=='start': return self.start_show(show_ref) elif show_command =='stop': return self.stop_show(show_ref) elif show_command=='exit': return self.stop_all_shows() elif show_command=='shutdownnow': ShowManager.shutdown_required=True return self.stop_all_shows() else: return 'error','command not recognised '+ show_command def stop_show(self,show_ref): index=self.show_registered(show_ref) self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Stopping show "+ show_ref + ' ' + str(index)) show_obj=self.show_running(index) if show_obj<>None: show_obj.managed_stop() return 'normal','stopped a concurrent show' def stop_all_shows(self): for show in ShowManager.shows: self.stop_show(show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF]) return 'normal','stopped all shows' def start_show(self,show_ref): show_index = self.showlist.index_of_show(show_ref) if show_index <0: return 'error',"Show not found in showlist: "+ show_ref index=self.register_show(show_ref) self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Starting show "+ show_ref + ' ' + str(index)) if self.show_running(index): self.mon.log(self,"show already running "+show_ref) return 'normal','this concurrent show already running' if show['type']=="mediashow": show_obj = MediaShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index,show_obj),self._end_play_show,None,top=True,command='nil') return 'normal','concurrent show started' if show['type']=="radiobuttonshow": show_obj = RadioButtonShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index,show_obj),self._end_play_show,None,top=True,command='nil') return 'normal','concurrent show started' if show['type']=="hyperlinkshow": show_obj = HyperlinkShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index,show_obj),self._end_play_show,None,top=True,command='nil') return 'normal','concurrent show started' elif show['type']=="menu": show_obj = MenuShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index,show_obj),self._end_play_show,None,top=True,command='nil') return 'normal','concurrent show started' elif show['type']=="liveshow": show_obj= LiveShow(show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) self.set_running(index,show_obj),self._end_play_show,None,top=True,command='nil') return 'normal','concurrent show started' else: return 'error',"unknown show type in start concurrent show - "+ show['type'] def _end_play_show(self,index,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Returned from show with message: "+ message) # print 'returned to showplayer' self.set_stopped(index) if self.all_shows_stopped()==True: ShowManager.all_shows_ended_callback('normal','All shows ended',ShowManager.shutdown_required) return reason,message
class OMXDriver(object): _STATUS_REXP = re.compile(r"M:\s*(\w*)\s*V:") _DONE_REXP = re.compile(r"have a nice day.*") _LAUNCH_CMD = '/usr/bin/omxplayer -s ' #needs changing if user has installed his own version of omxplayer elsewhere def __init__(self,widget): self.widget=widget self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.paused=None self._process=None def control(self,char): self._process.send(char) def pause(self): self._process.send('p') if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused=False def play(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,False) def prepare(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,True) def show(self): # unpause to start playing self._process.send('p') self.paused = False def stop(self): if self._process<>None: self._process.send('q') # kill the subprocess (omxplayer.bin). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self,reason): self.terminate_reason=reason if self._process<>None: self._process.send('q') def terminate_reason(self): return self.terminate_reason # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive() # kill off omxplayer when it hasn't terminated at the end of a track. # send SIGINT (CTRL C) so it has a chance to tidy up daemons and omxplayer.bin def kill(self): self._process.kill(signal.SIGINT) # *********************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ************************************ def _pp(self, track, options, pause_before_play): self.paused=False self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal=False self.terminate_reason='' track= "'"+ track.replace("'","'\\''") + "'" cmd = OMXDriver._LAUNCH_CMD + options +" " + track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to omxplayer: "+ cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from omxplayer.bin (read pexpect manual) fout= file('omxlogfile.txt','w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file # self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout self._process.logfile=fout # send all communications to log file if pause_before_play: self._process.send('p') self.paused = True #start the thread that is going to monitor sys.stdout. Presumably needs a thread because of blocking self._position_thread = Thread(target=self._get_position) self._position_thread.start() def _get_position(self): self.start_play_signal = True self.video_position=0.0 self.audio_position=0.0 while True: index = self._process.expect([OMXDriver._DONE_REXP, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, OMXDriver._STATUS_REXP] ,timeout=10) if index == 1: #timeout omxplayer should not do this self.end_play_signal=True self.xbefore=self._process.before self.xafter=self._process.after self.match=self._process.match self.end_play_reason='timeout' break # continue elif index == 2: #2 is eof omxplayer should not send this #eof detected self.end_play_signal=True self.xbefore=self._process.before self.xafter=self._process.after self.match=self._process.match self.end_play_reason='eof' break elif index==0: #0 is done #Have a nice day detected self.end_play_signal=True self.xbefore=self._process.before self.xafter=self._process.after self.match=self._process.match self.end_play_reason='nice_day' break else: # - 3 matches _STATUS_REXP so get time stamp self.video_position = float( self.audio_position = 0.0 #sleep is Ok here as it is a seperate thread. self.widget.after has funny effects as its not in the maion thread. sleep(0.05) # stats output rate seem to be about 170mS.
class PiPresents: def __init__(self): self.pipresents_issue="1.2" self.nonfull_window_width = 0.6 # proportion of width self.nonfull_window_height= 0.6 # proportion of height self.nonfull_window_x = 0 # position of top left corner self.nonfull_window_y=0 # position of top left corner StopWatch.global_enable=False #**************************************** # Initialisation # *************************************** # get command line options self.options=command_options() # get pi presents code directory pp_dir=sys.path[0] self.pp_dir=pp_dir if not os.path.exists(pp_dir+"/"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path=pp_dir self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() if self.options['debug']==True: Monitor.global_enable=True else: Monitor.global_enable=False self.mon.log (self, "Pi Presents is starting") self.mon.log (self," OS and separator:" + +' ' + os.sep) self.mon.log(self,"sys.path[0] - location of code: "+sys.path[0]) # self.mon.log(self,"os.getenv('HOME') - user home directory (not used): " + os.getenv('HOME')) # self.mon.log(self,"os.path.expanduser('~') - user home directory: " + os.path.expanduser('~')) # optional other classes used self.ppio=None self.tod=None #get profile path from -p option if self.options['profile']<>"": self.pp_profile_path="/pp_profiles/"+self.options['profile'] else: self.pp_profile_path = "/pp_profiles/pp_profile" #get directory containing pp_home from the command, if self.options['home'] =="": home = os.path.expanduser('~')+ os.sep+"pp_home" else: home = self.options['home'] + os.sep+ "pp_home" self.mon.log(self,"pp_home directory is: " + home) #check if pp_home exists. # try for 10 seconds to allow usb stick to automount # fall back to pipresents/pp_home self.pp_home=pp_dir+"/pp_home" found=False for i in range (1, 10): self.mon.log(self,"Trying pp_home at: " + home + " (" + str(i)+')') if os.path.exists(home): found=True self.pp_home=home break time.sleep (1) if found==True: self.mon.log(self,"Found Requested Home Directory, using pp_home at: " + home) else: self.mon.log(self,"FAILED to find requested home directory, using default to display error message: " + self.pp_home) #check profile exists, if not default to error profile inside pipresents self.pp_profile=self.pp_home+self.pp_profile_path if os.path.exists(self.pp_profile): self.mon.log(self,"Found Requested profile - pp_profile directory is: " + self.pp_profile) else: self.pp_profile=pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_profile" self.mon.log(self,"FAILED to find requested profile, using default to display error message: pp_profile") if self.options['verify']==True: val =Validator() if val.validate_profile(None,pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile,self.pipresents_issue,False) == False: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Validation Failed") exit() # open the resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # read the file, done once for all the other classes to use. if,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile)==False: self.end('error','cannot find resources.cfg') #initialise and read the showlist in the profile self.showlist=ShowList() self.showlist_file= self.pp_profile+ "/pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(self.showlist_file): self.showlist.open_json(self.showlist_file) else: self.mon.err(self,"showlist not found at "+self.showlist_file) self.end('error','showlist not found') # check profile and Pi Presents issues are compatible if float(self.showlist.sissue())<>float(self.pipresents_issue): self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile " + self.showlist.sissue() + " is not same as Pi Presents, must exit") self.end('error','wrong version of profile') # get the 'start' show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show('start') if index >=0: self.starter_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show [start] not found in showlist") self.end('error','start show not found') # ******************** # SET UP THE GUI # ******************** #turn off the screenblanking and saver if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "off"]) call(["xset","s", "-dpms"]) self.root=Tk() self.title='Pi Presents - '+ self.pp_profile self.icon_text= 'Pi Presents' self.root.title(self.title) self.root.iconname(self.icon_text) self.root.config(bg='black') # get size of the screen self.screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() self.screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight() # set window dimensions and decorations if self.options['fullscreen']==True: self.root.attributes('-fullscreen', True) os.system('unclutter &') self.window_width=self.screen_width self.window_height=self.screen_height self.window_x=0 self.window_y=0 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) self.root.attributes('-zoomed','1') else: self.window_width=int(self.screen_width*self.nonfull_window_width) self.window_height=int(self.screen_height*self.nonfull_window_height) self.window_x=self.nonfull_window_x self.window_y=self.nonfull_window_y self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) #canvas covers the whole window self.canvas_height=self.screen_height self.canvas_width=self.screen_width # make sure focus is set. self.root.focus_set() #define response to main window closing. self.root.protocol ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit_pressed) #setup a canvas onto which will be drawn the images or text self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, bg='black') self.canvas.config(height=self.canvas_height, width=self.canvas_width, highlightthickness=0) # self.canvas.pack(),y=0) self.canvas.focus_set() # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE INPUT DRIVERS # **************************************** # looks after bindings between symbolic names and internal operations controlsmanager=ControlsManager() if,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile)==False: self.end('error','cannot find or error in controls.cfg.cfg') else: controlsmanager.parse_defaults() # each driver takes a set of inputs, binds them to symboic names # and sets up a callback which returns the symbolic name when an input event occurs/ # use keyboard driver to bind keys to symbolic names and to set up callback kbd=KbdDriver() if,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile)==False: self.end('error','cannot find or error in keys.cfg') kbd.bind_keys(self.root,self.input_pressed) # read the screen click area config file if,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile)==False: self.end('error','cannot find screen.cfg') # create click areas on the canvas, must be polygon as outline rectangles are not filled as far as find_closest goes reason,message =,self.input_pressed) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end('error',message) # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE APPLICATION AND START # **************************************** self.shutdown_required=False #kick off GPIO if enabled by command line option if self.options['gpio']==True: from pp_gpio import PPIO # initialise the GPIO self.ppio=PPIO() # PPIO.gpio_enabled=False if self.ppio.init(pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile,self.canvas,50,self.gpio_pressed)==False: self.end('error','gpio error') # and start polling gpio self.ppio.poll() #kick off the time of day scheduler self.tod=TimeOfDay() self.tod.init(pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.canvas,500) self.tod.poll() # Create list of start shows initialise them and then run them self.run_start_shows() #start tkinter self.root.mainloop( ) # ********************* # RUN START SHOWS # ******************** def run_start_shows(self): #start show manager show_id=-1 #start show self.show_manager=ShowManager(show_id,self.showlist,self.starter_show,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #first time through so empty show register and set callback to terminate Pi Presents if all shows have ended. self.show_manager.init(self.all_shows_ended_callback) #parse the start shows field and start the initial shows start_shows_text=self.starter_show['start-show'] self.show_manager.start_initial_shows(start_shows_text) #callback from ShowManager when all shows have ended def all_shows_ended_callback(self,reason,message,force_shutdown): self.mon.log(self,"All shows ended, so terminate Pi Presents") if force_shutdown==True: self.shutdown_required=True self.mon.log(self,"shutdown forced by profile") self.terminate('killed') else: self.end(reason,message) # ********************* # User inputs # ******************** #gpio callback - symbol provided by gpio def gpio_pressed(self,index,symbol,edge): self.mon.log(self, "GPIO Pressed: "+ symbol) self.input_pressed(symbol,edge,'gpio') # all input events call this callback with a symbolic name. def input_pressed(self,symbol,edge,source): self.mon.log(self,"input received: "+symbol) if symbol=='pp-exit': self.exit_pressed() elif symbol=='pp-shutdown': self.shutdown_pressed('delay') elif symbol=='pp-shutdownnow': self.shutdown_pressed('now') else: for show in self.show_manager.shows: show_obj=show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ] if show_obj<>None: show_obj.input_pressed(symbol,edge,source) # ************************************** # respond to exit inputs by terminating # ************************************** def shutdown_pressed(self, when): if when=='delay': self.root.after(5000,self.on_shutdown_delay) else: self.shutdown_required=True self.exit_pressed() def on_shutdown_delay(self): if self.ppio.shutdown_pressed(): self.shutdown_required=True self.exit_pressed() def exit_pressed(self): self.mon.log(self, "kill received from user") #terminate any running shows and players self.mon.log(self,"kill sent to shows") self.terminate('killed') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): needs_termination=False for show in self.show_manager.shows: if show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ]<>None: needs_termination=True self.mon.log(self,"Sent terminate to show "+ show[ShowManager.SHOW_REF]) show[ShowManager.SHOW_OBJ].terminate(reason) if needs_termination==False: self.end(reason,'terminate - no termination of lower levels required') # ****************************** # Ending Pi Presents after all the showers and players are closed # ************************** def end(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Pi Presents ending with message: " + reason + ' ' + message) if reason=='error': self.tidy_up() self.mon.log(self, "exiting because of error") #close logging files self.mon.finish() exit() else: self.tidy_up() self.mon.log(self,"no error - exiting normally") #close logging files self.mon.finish() if self.shutdown_required==True: call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-h', '-t 5','now']) exit() else: exit() # tidy up all the peripheral bits of Pi Presents def tidy_up(self): #turn screen blanking back on if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "on"]) call(["xset","s", "+dpms"]) # tidy up gpio if self.options['gpio']==True and self.ppio<>None: self.ppio.terminate() #tidy up time of day scheduler if self.tod<>None: self.tod.terminate() # ***************************** # utilitities # **************************** def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error") else: return value
class VideoPlayer: _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, canvas, cd, track_params ): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the video is to be drawn (not!!) cd - configuration dictionary track_params - config dictionary for this track overides cd """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments #configuration dictionary for the videoplayer self.canvas = canvas #canvas onto which video should be played but isn't! Use as widget for alarm self.track_params=track_params # get config from medialist if there. if 'omx-audio' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio=['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver() self._tick_timer=None self.error=False self.terminate_required=False self._init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): #instantiate arguments self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.starting_callback=starting_callback #callback during starting state self.playing_callback=playing_callback #callback during playing state self.ending_callback=ending_callback # callback during ending state # enable_menu is not used by videoplayer # and start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self._start_play_state_machine(track) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!< play track rejected") return False def key_pressed(self,key_name): if key_name=='': return elif key_name in ('p',' '): self._pause() return elif key_name=='escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button =='pause': self._pause() return elif button=='stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine self.terminate_required=True if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self._end() # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def _stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self._stop_required_signal=True #respond to internal error def _error(self): self.error=True self._stop_required_signal=True #toggle pause def _pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing, used? def _control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.mon.log(self,"> send control ot omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # called to end omxdriver def _end(self): if self._tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer=None if self.error==True: self.end_callback("error",'error') self=None elif self.terminate_required==True: self.end_callback("killed",'killed') self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated") self=None # *************************************** # # PLAYING STATE MACHINE # *************************************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def _init_play_state_machine(self): self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def _start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self._stop_required_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+" "['omx-other-options']+" ",options) # and start polling for state changes self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) def _play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self._do_starting() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self._stop_required_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self._stop_omx() self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self._do_playing() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) self._do_ending() # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self._end() else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self._play_state_machine) # allow calling object do things in each state by calling the appropriate callback def _do_playing(self): self.video_position=self.omx.video_position self.audio_position=self.omx.audio_position if self.playing_callback<>None: self.playing_callback() def _do_starting(self): self.video_position=0.0 self.audio_position=0.0 if self.starting_callback<>None: self.starting_callback() def _do_ending(self): if self.ending_callback<>None: self.ending_callback() def _stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False
class PPEditor: # *************************************** # INIT # *************************************** def __init__(self): self.editor_issue="1.2" # get command options self.command_options=ed_options() # get directory holding the code self.pp_dir=sys.path[0] if not os.path.exists(self.pp_dir+os.sep+""): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path=self.pp_dir self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() if self.command_options['debug'] == True: Monitor.global_enable=True else: Monitor.global_enable=False self.mon.log (self, "Pi Presents Editor is starting") self.mon.log (self," OS and separator " + +' ' + os.sep) self.mon.log(self,"sys.path[0] - location of code: code "+sys.path[0]) # set up the gui #root is the Tkinter root widget self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("Editor for Pi Presents") # self.root.configure(background='grey') self.root.resizable(False,False) #define response to main window closing self.root.protocol ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.app_exit) # bind some display fields self.filename = tk.StringVar() self.display_selected_track_title = tk.StringVar() self.display_show = tk.StringVar() # define menu menubar = Menu(self.root) profilemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") profilemenu.add_command(label='Open', command = self.open_existing_profile) profilemenu.add_command(label='Validate', command = self.validate_profile) menubar.add_cascade(label='Profile', menu = profilemenu) ptypemenu = Menu(profilemenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") ptypemenu.add_command(label='Exhibit', command = self.new_exhibit_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Media Show', command = self.new_mediashow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Menu', command = self.new_menu_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Presentation', command = self.new_presentation_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Interactive', command = self.new_interactive_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Live Show', command = self.new_liveshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='RadioButton Show', command = self.new_radiobuttonshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Hyperlink Show', command = self.new_hyperlinkshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Blank', command = self.new_blank_profile) profilemenu.add_cascade(label='New from Template', menu = ptypemenu) showmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") showmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command = self.remove_show) showmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command = self.m_edit_show) showmenu.add_command(label='Copy To', command = self.copy_show) menubar.add_cascade(label='Show', menu = showmenu) stypemenu = Menu(showmenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") stypemenu.add_command(label='Menu', command = self.add_menu) stypemenu.add_command(label='MediaShow', command = self.add_mediashow) stypemenu.add_command(label='LiveShow', command = self.add_liveshow) stypemenu.add_command(label='HyperlinkShow', command = self.add_hyperlinkshow) stypemenu.add_command(label='RadioButtonShow', command = self.add_radiobuttonshow) showmenu.add_cascade(label='Add', menu = stypemenu) medialistmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='MediaList', menu = medialistmenu) medialistmenu.add_command(label='Add', command = self.add_medialist) medialistmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command = self.remove_medialist) trackmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") trackmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command = self.remove_track) trackmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command = self.m_edit_track) trackmenu.add_command(label='Add from Dir', command = self.add_tracks_from_dir) trackmenu.add_command(label='Add from File', command = self.add_track_from_file) menubar.add_cascade(label='Track', menu = trackmenu) typemenu = Menu(trackmenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") typemenu.add_command(label='Video', command = self.new_video_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Audio', command = self.new_audio_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Image', command = self.new_image_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Web', command = self.new_web_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Message', command = self.new_message_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Show', command = self.new_show_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Menu Background', command = self.new_menu_background_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Child Show', command = self.new_child_show_track) trackmenu.add_cascade(label='New', menu = typemenu) toolsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Tools', menu = toolsmenu) toolsmenu.add_command(label='Update All', command = self.update_all) optionsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Options', menu = optionsmenu) optionsmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command = self.edit_options) helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu = helpmenu) helpmenu.add_command(label='Help', command = self.show_help) helpmenu.add_command(label='About', command = self.about) self.root.config(menu=menubar) top_frame=Frame(self.root) top_frame.pack(side=TOP) bottom_frame=Frame(self.root) bottom_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) left_frame=Frame(bottom_frame, padx=5) left_frame.pack(side=LEFT) middle_frame=Frame(bottom_frame,padx=5) middle_frame.pack(side=LEFT) right_frame=Frame(bottom_frame,padx=5,pady=10) right_frame.pack(side=LEFT) updown_frame=Frame(bottom_frame,padx=5) updown_frame.pack(side=LEFT) tracks_title_frame=Frame(right_frame) tracks_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) tracks_label = Label(tracks_title_frame, text="Tracks in Selected Medialist") tracks_label.pack() tracks_frame=Frame(right_frame) tracks_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_title_frame=Frame(left_frame) shows_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_label = Label(shows_title_frame, text="Shows") shows_label.pack() shows_frame=Frame(left_frame) shows_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_title_frame=Frame(left_frame) shows_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) medialists_title_frame=Frame(left_frame) medialists_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) medialists_label = Label(medialists_title_frame, text="Medialists") medialists_label.pack() medialists_frame=Frame(left_frame) medialists_frame.pack(side=LEFT) # define buttons add_button = Button(middle_frame, width = 5, height = 2, text='Edit\nShow', fg='black', command = self.m_edit_show, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=RIGHT) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width = 5, height = 1, text='Add', fg='black', command = self.add_track_from_file, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width = 5, height = 1, text='Edit', fg='black', command = self.m_edit_track, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width = 5, height = 1, text='Up', fg='black', command = self.move_track_up, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width = 5, height = 1, text='Down', fg='black', command = self.move_track_down, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) # define display of showlist scrollbar = Scrollbar(shows_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.shows_display = Listbox(shows_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=7, width = 40, bg="white",activestyle=NONE, fg="black", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.shows_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.shows_display.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.shows_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.e_select_show) # define display of medialists scrollbar = Scrollbar(medialists_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.medialists_display = Listbox(medialists_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=7, width = 40, bg="white",activestyle=NONE, fg="black",yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.medialists_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.medialists_display.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.medialists_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.select_medialist) # define display of tracks scrollbar = Scrollbar(tracks_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.tracks_display = Listbox(tracks_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=15, width = 40, bg="white",activestyle=NONE, fg="black",yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.tracks_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.tracks_display.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.tracks_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.e_select_track) # initialise editor options class self.options=Options(self.pp_dir) #creates options file in code directory if necessary # initialise variables self.init() #and enter Tkinter event loop self.root.mainloop() # *************************************** # INIT AND EXIT # *************************************** def app_exit(self): self.root.destroy() exit() def init(self): self.pp_home_dir = self.options.pp_home_dir self.initial_media_dir = self.options.initial_media_dir self.mon.log(self,"Data Home from options is "+self.pp_home_dir) self.mon.log(self,"Initial Media from options is "+self.initial_media_dir) self.current_medialist=None self.current_showlist=None self.current_show=None self.shows_display.delete(0,END) self.medialists_display.delete(0,END) self.tracks_display.delete(0,END) # *************************************** # MISCELLANEOUS # *************************************** def edit_options(self): """edit the options then read them from file""" eo = OptionsDialog(self.root, self.options.options_file,'Edit Options') if eo.result==True: self.init() def show_help (self): tkMessageBox.showinfo("Help", "Read 'manual.pdf'") def about (self): tkMessageBox.showinfo("About","Editor for Pi Presents Profiles\n" +"For profile version: " + self.editor_issue + "\nAuthor: Ken Thompson"+ "\nWebsite:") def validate_profile(self): val =Validator() val.validate_profile(self.root,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home_dir,self.pp_profile_dir,self.editor_issue,True) # ************** # PROFILES # ************** def open_existing_profile(self): initial_dir=self.pp_home_dir+os.sep+"pp_profiles" if os.path.exists(initial_dir)==False: self.mon.err(self,"Home directory not found: " + initial_dir + "\n\nHint: Data Home option must end in pp_home") return dir_path=tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=initial_dir) # dir_path="C:\Users\Ken\pp_home\pp_profiles\\ttt" if len(dir_path)>0: self.open_profile(dir_path) def open_profile(self,dir_path): showlist_file = dir_path + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(showlist_file)==False: self.mon.err(self,"Not a Profile: " + dir_path + "\n\nHint: Have you opened the profile directory?") return self.pp_profile_dir = dir_path self.root.title("Editor for Pi Presents - "+ self.pp_profile_dir) if self.open_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir)==False: self.init() return self.open_medialists(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_tracks_display() def new_profile(self,profile): d = Edit1Dialog(self.root,"New Profile","Name", "") if d .result == None: return name=str(d.result) if name=="": tkMessageBox.showwarning("New Profile","Name is blank") return to = self.pp_home_dir + os.sep + "pp_profiles"+ os.sep + name if os.path.exists(to)== True: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "New Profile","Profile exists\n(%s)" % to ) return shutil.copytree(profile, to, symlinks=False, ignore=None) self.open_profile(to) def new_exhibit_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_exhibit" self.new_profile(profile) def new_interactive_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_interactive" self.new_profile(profile) def new_menu_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_menu" self.new_profile(profile) def new_presentation_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_presentation" self.new_profile(profile) def new_blank_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_blank" self.new_profile(profile) def new_mediashow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_mediashow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_liveshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_liveshow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_radiobuttonshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_radiobuttonshow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_hyperlinkshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_hyperlinkshow" self.new_profile(profile) # *************************************** # Shows # *************************************** def open_showlist(self,dir): showlist_file = dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(showlist_file)==False: self.mon.err(self,"showlist file not found at " + dir + "\n\nHint: Have you opened the profile directory?") self.app_exit() self.current_showlist=ShowList() self.current_showlist.open_json(showlist_file) if float(self.current_showlist.sissue())<float(self.editor_issue) or (self.command_options['forceupdate'] == True and float(self.current_showlist.sissue())==float(self.editor_issue)): self.update_profile() self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile has been updated to "+self.editor_issue+", please re-open") return False if float(self.current_showlist.sissue())>float(self.editor_issue): self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile is greater than editor, must exit") self.app_exit() self.refresh_shows_display() return True def save_showlist(self,dir): if self.current_showlist<>None: showlist_file = dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" self.current_showlist.save_list(showlist_file) def add_eventshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['eventshow']) def add_mediashow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['mediashow']) def add_liveshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['liveshow']) def add_radiobuttonshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['radiobuttonshow']) def add_hyperlinkshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['hyperlinkshow']) def add_menu(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['menu']) def add_start(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['start']) def add_show(self,default): # append it to the showlist and then add the medialist if self.current_showlist<>None: d = Edit1Dialog(self.root,"AddShow", "Show Reference", "") if d.result == None: return name=str(d.result) if name=="": tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Add Show", "Name is blank" ) return if self.current_showlist.index_of_show(name)<>-1: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Add Show", "A Show with this name already exists" ) return copied_show=self.current_showlist.copy(default,name) mediafile=self.add_medialist(name) if mediafile<>'': copied_show['medialist']=mediafile self.current_showlist.append(copied_show) self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() def remove_show(self): if self.current_showlist<>None and self.current_showlist.length()>0 and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Show","Delete Show"): index= self.current_showlist.selected_show_index() self.current_showlist.remove(index) self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() def show_refs(self): _show_refs=[] for index in range(self.current_showlist.length()): if['show-ref']<>"start": _show_refs.append(copy.deepcopy(['show-ref'])) return _show_refs def refresh_shows_display(self): self.shows_display.delete(0,self.shows_display.size()) for index in range(self.current_showlist.length()): self.shows_display.insert(END,['title']+" ["['show-ref']+"]") if self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): self.shows_display.itemconfig(self.current_showlist.selected_show_index(),fg='red') self.shows_display.see(self.current_showlist.selected_show_index()) def e_select_show(self,event): if self.current_showlist<>None and self.current_showlist.length()>0: mouse_item_index=int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.refresh_shows_display() def copy_show(self): if self.current_showlist<>None and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): self.add_show(self.current_showlist.selected_show()) def m_edit_show(self): self.edit_show(PPdefinitions.show_types,PPdefinitions.show_field_specs) def edit_show(self,show_types,field_specs): if self.current_showlist<>None and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): d=EditItem(self.root,"Edit Show",self.current_showlist.selected_show(),show_types,field_specs,self.show_refs(), self.initial_media_dir,self.pp_home_dir,'show') if d.result == True: self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() # *************************************** # Medialists # *************************************** def open_medialists(self,dir): self.medialists = [] for file in os.listdir(dir): if file.endswith(".json") and file<>'pp_showlist.json': self.medialists = self.medialists + [file] self.medialists_display.delete(0,self.medialists_display.size()) for index in range (len(self.medialists)): self.medialists_display.insert(END, self.medialists[index]) self.current_medialists_index=-1 self.current_medialist=None def add_medialist(self,name=None): if name==None: d = Edit1Dialog(self.root,"Add Medialist", "File", "") if d.result == None: return '' name=str(d.result) if name=="": tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Add medialist", "Name is blank" ) return '' if not name.endswith(".json"): name=name+(".json") path = self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + name if os.path.exists(path)== True: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Add medialist","Medialist file exists\n(%s)" % path) return '' nfile = open(path,'wb') nfile.write("{") nfile.write("\"issue\": \""+self.editor_issue+"\",\n") nfile.write("\"tracks\": [") nfile.write("]") nfile.write("}") nfile.close() # append it to the list self.medialists.append(copy.deepcopy(name)) # add title to medialists display self.medialists_display.insert(END, name) # and set it as the selected medialist self.refresh_medialists_display() return name def remove_medialist(self): if self.current_medialist<>None: if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Medialist","Delete Medialist"): os.remove(self.pp_profile_dir+ os.sep + self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index]) self.open_medialists(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_medialists_display() self.refresh_tracks_display() def select_medialist(self,event): """ user clicks on a medialst in a profile so try and select it. """ # needs forgiving int for possible tkinter upgrade if len(self.medialists)>0: self.current_medialists_index=int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.current_medialist=MediaList() if not self.current_medialist.open_list(self.pp_profile_dir+ os.sep + self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index],self.current_showlist.sissue()): self.mon.err(self,"medialist is a different version to showlist: "+ self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index]) self.app_exit() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.refresh_medialists_display() def refresh_medialists_display(self): self.medialists_display.delete(0,len(self.medialists)) for index in range (len(self.medialists)): self.medialists_display.insert(END, self.medialists[index]) if self.current_medialist<>None: self.medialists_display.itemconfig(self.current_medialists_index,fg='red') self.medialists_display.see(self.current_medialists_index) def save_medialist(self): basefile=self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index] #print type(basefile) # basefile=str(basefile) #print type(basefile) file = self.pp_profile_dir+ os.sep + basefile self.current_medialist.save_list(file) # *************************************** # Tracks # *************************************** def refresh_tracks_display(self): self.tracks_display.delete(0,self.tracks_display.size()) if self.current_medialist<>None: for index in range(self.current_medialist.length()): if self.current_medialist.track(index)['track-ref']<>"": track_ref_string=" ["+self.current_medialist.track(index)['track-ref']+"]" else: track_ref_string="" self.tracks_display.insert(END, self.current_medialist.track(index)['title']+track_ref_string) if self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): self.tracks_display.itemconfig(self.current_medialist.selected_track_index(),fg='red') self.tracks_display.see(self.current_medialist.selected_track_index()) def e_select_track(self,event): if self.current_medialist<>None and self.current_medialist.length()>0: mouse_item_index=int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.refresh_tracks_display() def m_edit_track(self): self.edit_track(PPdefinitions.track_types,PPdefinitions.track_field_specs) def edit_track(self,track_types,field_specs): if self.current_medialist<>None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): d=EditItem(self.root,"Edit Track",self.current_medialist.selected_track(),track_types,field_specs,self.show_refs(), self.initial_media_dir,self.pp_home_dir,'track') if d.result == True: self.save_medialist() self.refresh_tracks_display() def move_track_up(self): if self.current_medialist<>None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): self.current_medialist.move_up() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def move_track_down(self): if self.current_medialist<>None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): self.current_medialist.move_down() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def new_track(self,fields,values): if self.current_medialist<>None: #print '\nfields ', fields #print '\nvalues ', values new_track=copy.deepcopy(fields) #print ',\new track ',new_track self.current_medialist.append(new_track) #print '\nbefore values ',self.current_medialist.print_list() if values<>None: self.current_medialist.update(self.current_medialist.length()-1,values) self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def new_message_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['message'],None) def new_video_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'],None) def new_audio_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'],None) def new_web_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'],None) def new_image_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'],None) def new_show_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['show'],None) def new_menu_background_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['menu-background'],None) def new_child_show_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['child-show'],None) def remove_track(self): if self.current_medialist<>None and self.current_medialist.length()>0 and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Track","Delete Track"): index= self.current_medialist.selected_track_index() self.current_medialist.remove(index) self.save_medialist() self.refresh_tracks_display() def add_track_from_file(self): if self.current_medialist==None: return # print "initial directory ", self.options.initial_media_dir files_path=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=self.options.initial_media_dir, multiple=True) # fix for tkinter bug files_path = for file_path in files_path: file_path=os.path.normpath(file_path) # print "file path ", file_path self.add_track(file_path) self.save_medialist() def add_tracks_from_dir(self): if self.current_medialist==None: return image_specs =[ PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES, PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES, PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES, PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES, ('All files', '*')] #last one is ignored in finding files # in directory, for dialog box only directory=tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=self.options.initial_media_dir) # deal with tuple returned on Cancel if len(directory)==0: return # make list of exts we recognise exts = [] for image_spec in image_specs[:-1]: image_list=image_spec[1:] for ext in image_list: exts.append(copy.deepcopy(ext)) for file in os.listdir(directory): (root_file,ext_file)= os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower() in exts: file_path=directory+os.sep+file #print "file path before ", file_path file_path=os.path.normpath(file_path) #print "file path after ", file_path self.add_track(file_path) self.save_medialist() def add_track(self,afile): relpath = os.path.relpath(afile,self.pp_home_dir) #print "relative path ",relpath common = os.path.commonprefix([afile,self.pp_home_dir]) #print "common ",common if common.endswith("pp_home") == False: location = afile else: location = "+" + os.sep + relpath location = string.replace(location,'\\','/') #print "location ",location (root,title)=os.path.split(afile) (root,ext)= os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':location}) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':location}) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':location}) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'],{'title':title,'track-ref':'','location':location}) else: self.mon.err(self,afile + " - file extension not recognised") # ********************************************* # update profile # ********************************************** def update_all(self): self.init() for profile_file in os.listdir(self.pp_home_dir+os.sep+'pp_profiles'): # self.mon.log (self,"Updating "+profile_file) self.pp_profile_dir = self.pp_home_dir+os.sep+'pp_profiles'+ os.sep + profile_file if not os.path.exists(self.pp_profile_dir+os.sep+"pp_showlist.json"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Not a profile, skipping "+self.pp_profile_dir) else: self.current_showlist=ShowList() #self.mon.log (self,"Checking version "+profile_file) self.current_showlist.open_json(self.pp_profile_dir+os.sep+"pp_showlist.json") if float(self.current_showlist.sissue())<float(self.editor_issue): self.mon.log(self,"Version of profile "+profile_file+ " is being updated to "+self.editor_issue) self.update_profile() elif (self.command_options['forceupdate'] == True and float(self.current_showlist.sissue())==float(self.editor_issue)): self.mon.log(self, "Forced updating of " + profile_file + ' to '+self.editor_issue) self.update_profile() elif float(self.current_showlist.sissue())>float(self.editor_issue): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents", "Version of profile " +profile_file+ " is greater than editor, skipping") else: self.mon.log(self," Profile " + profile_file + " Already up to date ") self.init() tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","All profiles updated") def update_profile(self): #open showlist and update its shows # self.mon.log (self,"Updating show ") ifile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json", 'rb') shows = json.load(ifile)['shows'] ifile.close() replacement_shows=self.update_shows(shows) dic={'issue':self.editor_issue,'shows':replacement_shows} ofile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json", "wb") json.dump(dic,ofile,sort_keys=True,indent=1) # UPDATE MEDIALISTS AND THEIR TRACKS for file in os.listdir(self.pp_profile_dir): if file.endswith(".json") and file<>'pp_showlist.json': # self.mon.log (self,"Updating medialist " + file) #open a medialist and update its tracks ifile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + file, 'rb') tracks = json.load(ifile)['tracks'] ifile.close() replacement_tracks=self.update_tracks(tracks) dic={'issue':self.editor_issue,'tracks':replacement_tracks} ofile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + file, "wb") json.dump(dic,ofile,sort_keys=True,indent=1) def update_tracks(self,old_tracks): # get correct spec from type of field replacement_tracks=[] for old_track in old_tracks: #print '\nold track ',old_track track_type=old_track['type'] spec_fields=PPdefinitions.new_tracks[track_type] left_overs=dict() # go through track and delete fields not in spec for key in old_track.keys(): if key in spec_fields: left_overs[key]=old_track[key] #print '\n leftovers',left_overs replacement_track=copy.deepcopy(PPdefinitions.new_tracks[track_type]) #print '\n before update', replacement_track replacement_track.update(left_overs) #print '\nafter update',replacement_track replacement_tracks.append(copy.deepcopy(replacement_track)) return replacement_tracks def update_shows(self,old_shows): # get correct spec from type of field replacement_shows=[] for old_show in old_shows: show_type=old_show['type'] spec_fields=PPdefinitions.new_shows[show_type] left_overs=dict() # go through track and delete fields not in spec for key in old_show.keys(): if key in spec_fields: left_overs[key]=old_show[key] # print '\n leftovers',left_overs replacement_show=copy.deepcopy(PPdefinitions.new_shows[show_type]) replacement_show.update(left_overs) replacement_shows.append(copy.deepcopy(replacement_show)) return replacement_shows
class RadioButtonShow: """ starts at 'first-track' which can be any type of track or a show The show has links of the form symbolic-name play track-ref key, gpio or click area will play the referenced track at the end of that track control will return to first-track links in the tracks are ignored. Links are inherited from the show. timeout returns to first-track interface: * play - selects the first track to play (first-track) * input_pressed, - receives user events passes them to a Shower/Player if a track is playing, otherwise actions them depending on the symbolic name supplied """ # ********************* # external interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the tracks of the event show are to be written on show_params - the name of the configuration dictionary section for the radiobuttonshow showlist - the showlist, to enable runningnof show type tracks. pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params = show_params self.showlist = showlist self.root = root self.canvas = canvas self.pp_dir = pp_dir self.pp_home = pp_home self.pp_profile = pp_profile # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() #create a path stack - only used to parse the links. self.path = PathManager() # init variables self.drawn = None self.player = None self.shower = None self.timeout_running = None self.error = False def play(self, show_id, end_callback, ready_callback, top=False, command='nil'): """ starts the hyperlink show at start-track end_callback - function to be called when the show exits ready_callback - callback when event-show is ready to display its forst track (not used?) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start] or from show control) command is not used """ #instantiate arguments self.show_id = show_id self.end_callback = end_callback self.ready_callback = ready_callback = top self.command = command # check data files are available. self.medialist_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params[ 'medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.medialist_file): self.mon.err(self, "Medialist file not found: " + self.medialist_file) self.end('error', "Medialist file not found") #create a medialist object for the radiobuttonshow and read the file into it. self.medialist = MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.medialist_file, self.showlist.sissue()) == False: self.mon.err(self, "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error', "Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") # read show destinations self.first_track_ref = self.show_params['first-track-ref'] #get control bindings for this show if top level controlsmanager = ControlsManager() if == True: self.controls_list = controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list = controlsmanager.merge_show_controls( self.controls_list, self.show_params['controls']) #read the show links. Track links will be added by ready_callback links_text = self.show_params['links'] reason, message, self.links = self.path.parse_links(links_text) if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self, message + " in show") self.end('error', message) # state variables and signals self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = False self.egg_timer = None self.next_track_signal = False self.next_track_ref = '' self.current_track_ref = '' self.current_track_type = '' # ready callback for show if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() self.canvas.delete('pp-content') self.canvas.config(bg='black') self.do_first_track() #stop received from another concurrent show via ShowManager def managed_stop(self): # set signal to stop the radiobuttonshow when all sub-shows and players have ended self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = True # then stop and shows or tracks. if self.shower <> None: self.shower.managed_stop() elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.end('normal', 'stopped by ShowManager') # kill or error def terminate(self, reason): self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = True if self.shower <> None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player <> None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason, 'terminated without terminating shower or player') # respond to inputs def input_pressed(self, symbol, edge, source): self.mon.log(self, "received symbol: " + symbol) #does the symbol match a link, if so execute it if self.is_link(symbol, edge, source) == True: return # controls are disabled so ignore inputs if self.show_params['disable-controls'] == 'yes': return # does it match a control # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operatio # look through list of controls to find match if == True: operation = self.lookup_control(symbol, self.controls_list) else: operation = symbol # print 'operation',operation if operation <> '': self.do_operation(operation, edge, source) def do_operation(self, operation, edge, source): if self.shower <> None: # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level self.shower.input_pressed(operation, edge, source) else: #control this show and its tracks if operation == 'stop': if self.player <> None: if self.current_track_ref == self.first_track_ref and == False: self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = True self.player.input_pressed('stop') elif operation == 'pause': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) elif operation[0:4] == 'omx-' or operation[ 0:6] == 'mplay-' or operation[0:5] == 'uzbl-': if self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self, symbol, controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' def is_link(self, symbol, edge, source): # we have links which locally define symbolic names to be converted to radiobuttonshow operations # find the first entry in links that matches the symbol and execute its operation #print 'radiobuttonshow ',symbol found = False for link in self.links: #print link if symbol == link[0]: found = True if link[1] <> 'null': #print 'match',link[0] link_operation = link[1] if link_operation == 'play': self.do_play(link[2], edge, source) return found # ********************* # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ******************** # ********************* # Show Sequencer # ********************* def timeout_callback(self): self.do_play(self.first_track_ref, 'front', 'timeout') def do_play(self, track_ref, edge, source): if track_ref <> self.current_track_ref: # print 'executing play ',track_ref self.next_track_signal = True self.next_track_op = 'play' self.next_track_arg = track_ref if self.shower <> None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop', edge, source) elif self.player <> None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: self.what_next() def do_first_track(self): index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.first_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow first_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.path.append(first_track['track-ref']) self.current_track_ref = self.first_track_ref self.play_selected_track(first_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "first-track not found in medialist: " + self.show_params['first-frack-ref']) self.end('error', "first track not found in medialist") def what_next(self): # user wants to end the show if self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal == True: self.end_radiobuttonshow_signal = False self.end('normal', "show ended by user") # user has selected another track elif self.next_track_signal == True: self.next_track_signal = False self.next_track_ref = self.next_track_arg self.current_track_ref = self.next_track_ref index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.next_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow next_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.play_selected_track(next_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "next-track not found in medialist: " + self.next_track_ref) self.end('error', "next track not found in medialist") else: #track ends naturally self.next_track_ref = self.first_track_ref self.current_track_ref = self.next_track_ref index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.next_track_ref) if index >= 0: #don't use select the track as not using selected_track in radiobuttonshow next_track = self.medialist.track(index) self.play_selected_track(next_track) else: self.mon.err( self, "next-track not found in medialist: " + self.next_track_ref) self.end('error', "next track not found in medialist") # ********************* # Dispatching to Players # ********************* def page_callback(self): # called from a Player when ready to play, if first-track merge the links from the track with those from the show self.delete_eggtimer() if self.current_track_ref == self.first_track_ref: #links_text=self.player.get_links() #reason,message,track_links=self.path.parse_links(links_text) #if reason=='error': #self.mon.err(self,message + " in page") #self.end('error',message) #self.path.merge_links(self.links,track_links) pass def play_selected_track(self, selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ if self.timeout_running <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.timeout_running) self.timeout_running = None # self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m01')) self.current_track_type = selected_track['type'] #start timeout for the track if required if self.current_track_ref <> self.first_track_ref and int( self.show_params['timeout']) <> 0: self.timeout_running = self.canvas.after( int(self.show_params['timeout']) * 1000, self.timeout_callback) # dispatch track by type self.player = None self.shower = None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self, "Track type is: " + track_type) if track_type == "video": # create a videoplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = VideoPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "audio": # create a audioplayer track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = AudioPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "image": track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = ImagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) track_file, self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False, ) elif track_type == "web": # create a browser track_file = self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player = BrowserPlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text = selected_track['text'] self.player = MessagePlayer(self.show_id, self.root, self.canvas, self.show_params, selected_track, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.page_callback, enable_menu=False) elif track_type == "show": # self.enable_click_areas() # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >= 0: selected_show = self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err( self, "Show not found in showlist: " + selected_track['sub-show']) self.end("Unknown show") if selected_show['type'] == "mediashow": self.shower = MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "liveshow": self.shower = LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "radiobuttonshow": self.shower = RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "hyperlinkshow": self.shower = HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') elif selected_show['type'] == "menu": self.shower = MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile), self.end_shower, self.ready_callback, top=False, command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Show Type: " + selected_show['type']) self.end("Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self, "Unknown Track Type: " + track_type) self.end("Unknown track type") # callback from when player ends def end_player(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from player with message: " + message) self.player = None # this does not seem to change the colour of the polygon # self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area',state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks() if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: #self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m02')) self.what_next() # callback from when shower ends def end_shower(self, show_id, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Returned from shower with message: " + message) self.shower = None # self.canvas.itemconfig('pp-click-area',state='hidden') self.canvas.update_idletasks() if reason in ("killed", "error"): self.end(reason, message) else: #self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('radiobuttonshow','m03')) self.what_next() # ********************* # End the show # ********************* # finish the player for killing, error or normally # this may be called directly sub/child shows or players are not running # if they might be running then need to call terminate. def end(self, reason, message): self.mon.log(self, "Ending radiobuttonshow: " + self.show_params['show-ref']) self.end_callback(self.show_id, reason, message) self = None return # ********************* # displaying things # ********************* def display_eggtimer(self, text): #self.egg_timer=self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, #int(self.canvas['height'])/2, #text= text, # fill='white', # font="Helvetica 20 bold") #self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) pass def delete_eggtimer(self): if self.egg_timer != None: self.canvas.delete(self.egg_timer) # ********************* # utilities # ********************* def complete_path(self, selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file <> '' and track_file[0] == "+": track_file = self.pp_home + track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self, "Track to play is: " + track_file) return track_file def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") # players or showers may be running so need terminate self.terminate("error") else: return value
class MediaShow: # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show, canvas, showlist, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the dictionary fo the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments =show self.showlist=showlist self.canvas=canvas self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player=None self.shower=None self._poll_for_interval_timer=None self._poll_for_continue_timer=None self._waiting_for_interval=False self._interval_timer=None self.error=False self._interval_timer_signal=False self._end_mediashow_signal=False self._next_track_signal=False self._previous_track_signal=False self._play_child_signal = False self._req_next='nil' self._state='closed' def play(self,end_callback,ready_callback=None, top=False,command='nil'): """ displays the mediashow end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate the arguments self._end_callback=end_callback self._ready_callback=ready_callback self.command=command self.mon.log(self,"Starting show: " +['show-ref']) # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + "/" +['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.media_file) self._end('error',"Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the mediashow and read it. self.medialist=MediaList() if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file,self.showlist.sissue())==False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self._wait_for_trigger() # respond to key presses. def key_pressed(self,key_name): self.mon.log(self,"received key: " + key_name) if key_name=='': pass elif key_name=='escape': # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) # if not at top stop the show else: if == False: self._end_mediashow_signal=True # and if a track is running stop that first if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) else: # at top level in a manual presentation stop the track if['progress']=='manual': if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) elif key_name in ('up','down'): # if child or sub-show is running and is a show pass to show, track does not use up/down # otherwise use keys for next or previous if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if key_name=='up': self._previous() else: self._next() elif key_name=='return': # if child show or sub-show is running and is show - pass down- player does not use return # ELSE use Return to start child or to start the show if waiting if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) else: if self._state=='playing': if['has-child']=='yes': self._play_child_signal=True # and stop the current track if its running if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") else: self._start_show() elif key_name=='pir': self._start_show() elif key_name in ('p',' '): # pass down if show or track running. if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed(key_name) elif self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed(key_name) def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button=='play': self.key_pressed("return") elif button =='up': self.key_pressed("up") elif button=='down': self.key_pressed("down") elif button=='stop': self.key_pressed("escape") elif button=='pause': self.key_pressed('p') elif button=='PIR': self.key_pressed('pir') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to player") self.player.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason,'terminated without terminating shower or player') def _tidy_up(self): if self._poll_for_continue_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._poll_for_continue_timer) self._poll_for_continue_timer=None if self._poll_for_interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._poll_for_interval_timer) self._poll_for_interval_timer=None if self._interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._interval_timer) self._interval_timer=None def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error") else: return value # *************************** # Respond to key/button presses # *************************** def _stop(self,message): self._end_mediashow_signal=True if self._interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._interval_timer) def _next(self): # stop track if running and set signal self._next_track_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed("escape") else: if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") def _previous(self): self._previous_track_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.key_pressed("escape") else: if self.player<>None: self.player.key_pressed("escape") # *************************** # end of show functions # *************************** def _end(self,reason,message): self._end_mediashow_signal=False self.mon.log(self,"Ending Mediashow: "+['show-ref']) self._tidy_up() self._end_callback(reason,message) self=None return # *************************** # Show sequencer # *************************** def _wait_for_trigger(self): self._state='waiting' if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.mon.log(self,"Waiting for trigger: "+['trigger']) if['trigger']=="button": # blank screen waiting for trigger if auto, otherwise display something if['progress']=="manual": text= self.resource('mediashow','m01') else: text="" self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self._start_show) elif['trigger']=="PIR": # blank screen waiting for trigger text = self.resource('mediashow','m02') self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self._start_show) elif['trigger']=="start": self._start_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown trigger: "+['trigger']) self._end('error',"Unknown trigger type") def _start_show(self): self._state='playing' self._direction='forward' # start interval timer if['repeat']=="interval" and['repeat-interval']<>0: self._interval_timer_signal=False self._interval_timer=self.canvas.after(int(['repeat-interval'])*1000,self._end_interval_timer) # and play the first track unless commanded otherwise if self.command=='backward': self.medialist.finish() else: self.medialist.start() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) def _what_next(self): self._direction='forward' # user wants to end, wait for any shows or tracks to have ended then end show if self._end_mediashow_signal==True: if self.player==None and self.shower==None: self._end_mediashow_signal=False self._end('normal',"show ended by user") else: pass #returning from a subshow needing to move onward elif self._req_next=='do-next': self._req_next='nil' self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) #returning from a subshow needing to move backward elif self._req_next=='do-previous': self._req_next='nil' self._direction='backward' self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # user wants to play child elif self._play_child_signal == True: self._play_child_signal=False index = self.medialist.index_of_track('pp-child-show') if index >=0: #don't select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track=self.medialist.track(index) self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m07')) self._play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"Child show not found in medialist: "+['pp-child-show']) self._end('error',"child show not found in medialist") # skip to next track on user input elif self._next_track_signal==True: self._next_track_signal=False if self.medialist.at_end()==True: if['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='oneshot' and self._end('do-next',"Return from Sub Show") else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # skip to previous track on user input elif self._previous_track_signal==True: self._previous_track_signal=False self._direction='backward' if self.medialist.at_start()==True: if['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='oneshot' and self._end('do-previous',"Return from Sub Show") else: self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.medialist.previous() self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track is finished and we are on auto elif['progress']=="auto": if self.medialist.at_end()==True: if['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='oneshot' and self._end('do-next',"Return from Sub Show") #### elif elif['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='oneshot' and self._wait_for_trigger() elif self._waiting_for_interval==True: if self._interval_timer_signal==True: self._interval_timer_signal=False self._waiting_for_interval=False self._start_show() else: self._poll_for_interval_timer=self.canvas.after(1000,self._what_next) elif['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='interval' and int(['repeat-interval'])>0: self._waiting_for_interval=True self._poll_for_interval_timer=self.canvas.after(1000,self._what_next) elif['sequence']=="ordered" and['repeat']=='interval' and int(['repeat-interval'])==0: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.mon.err(self,"Unhandled playing event: ") self._end('error',"Unhandled playing event") else: self._play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track has finished and we are on manual progress elif['progress']=="manual": self._delete_eggtimer() self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m03')) self._poll_for_continue_timer=self.canvas.after(500,self._what_next) else: #unhandled state self.mon.err(self,"Unhandled playing event: ") self._end('error',"Unhandled playing event") def _end_interval_timer(self): self._interval_timer_signal=True # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could be used. def display_message(self,canvas,source,content,duration,_display_message_callback): self._display_message_callback=_display_message_callback tp={'duration':duration,'message-colour':'white','message-font':'Helvetica 20 bold'} self.player=MessagePlayer(canvas,tp,tp),self._display_message_end,None) def _display_message_end(self,reason,message): self.player=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self._end(reason,message) else: self._display_message_callback() def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file def _play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.canvas.delete(ALL) if['progress']=="manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m04')) # is menu required if['has-child']=="yes": enable_child=True else: enable_child=False #dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,"Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="image": track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player=ImagePlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.canvas,,selected_track), self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=enable_child ) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self._end('error',"Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command=self._direction) elif selected_show['type']=="liveshow": self.shower= LiveShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self._end('error'"Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self._end('error',"Unknown track type") def ready_callback(self): self._delete_eggtimer() def end_player(self,reason,message): self._req_next='nil' self.mon.log(self,"Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None if reason in("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) elif['progress']=="manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m05')) self._req_next=reason self._what_next() else: self._req_next=reason self._what_next() def end_shower(self,reason,message): self._req_next='nil' self.mon.log(self,"Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None if reason in("killed","error"): self._end(reason,message) elif['progress']=="manual": self._display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m06')) self._req_next=reason self._what_next() else: self._req_next=reason self._what_next() def _display_eggtimer(self,text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def _delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL)
class PiPresents: # Constants for list of start shows SHOW_TEMPLATE=['',None,-1] NAME = 0 # text name of the show SHOW = 1 # the show object ID = 2 # Numeic identity of the show object, sent to the instance and returned in callbacks def __init__(self): self.pipresents_issue="1.2" StopWatch.global_enable=False #**************************************** # INTERPRET COMMAND LINE # *************************************** self.options=command_options() pp_dir=sys.path[0] if not os.path.exists(pp_dir+"/"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path=pp_dir self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() if self.options['debug']==True: Monitor.global_enable=True else: Monitor.global_enable=False self.mon.log (self, "Pi Presents is starting") self.mon.log (self," OS and separator:" + +' ' + os.sep) self.mon.log(self,"sys.path[0] - location of code: "+sys.path[0]) # self.mon.log(self,"os.getenv('HOME') - user home directory (not used): " + os.getenv('HOME')) # self.mon.log(self,"os.path.expanduser('~') - user home directory: " + os.path.expanduser('~')) self.ppio=None self.tod=None # create profile for pp_editor test files if already not there. if not os.path.exists(pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_editor"): self.mon.log(self,"Making pp_editor directory") os.makedirs(pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_editor") #profile path from -p option if self.options['profile']<>"": self.pp_profile_path="/pp_profiles/"+self.options['profile'] else: self.pp_profile_path = "/pp_profiles/pp_profile" #get directory containing pp_home from the command, if self.options['home'] =="": home = os.path.expanduser('~')+ os.sep+"pp_home" else: home = self.options['home'] + os.sep+ "pp_home" self.mon.log(self,"pp_home directory is: " + home) #check if pp_home exists. # try for 10 seconds to allow usb stick to automount # fall back to pipresents/pp_home self.pp_home=pp_dir+"/pp_home" for i in range (1, 10): self.mon.log(self,"Trying pp_home at: " + home + " (" + str(i)+')') if os.path.exists(home): self.mon.log(self,"Using pp_home at: " + home) self.pp_home=home break time.sleep (1) #check profile exists, if not default to error profile inside pipresents self.pp_profile=self.pp_home+self.pp_profile_path if not os.path.exists(self.pp_profile): self.pp_profile=pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_profile" if self.options['verify']==True: val =Validator() if val.validate_profile(None,pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile,self.pipresents_issue,False) == False: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Validation Failed") exit() # open the resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # read the file, done once for all the other classes to use. if,self.pp_home)==False: #self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile " + self.showlist.sissue() + " is not same as Pi Presents, must exit") self._end('error','cannot find resources.cfg') #initialise the showlists and read the showlists self.showlist=ShowList() self.showlist_file= self.pp_profile+ "/pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(self.showlist_file): self.showlist.open_json(self.showlist_file) else: self.mon.err(self,"showlist not found at "+self.showlist_file) self._end('error','showlist not found') if float(self.showlist.sissue())<>float(self.pipresents_issue): self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile " + self.showlist.sissue() + " is not same as Pi Presents, must exit") self._end('error','wrong version of profile') # get the 'start' show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show('start') if index >=0: self.starter_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show [start] not found in showlist") self._end('error','start show not found') # ******************** # SET UP THE GUI # ******************** #turn off the screenblanking and saver if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "off"]) call(["xset","s", "-dpms"]) self.root=Tk() # control display of window decorations if self.options['fullscreen']==True: self.root.attributes('-fullscreen', True) #self.root = Tk(className="fspipresents") os.system('unclutter &') else: #self.root = Tk(className="pipresents") pass self.title='Pi Presents - '+ self.pp_profile self.icon_text= 'Pi Presents' self.root.title(self.title) self.root.iconname(self.icon_text) self.root.config(bg='black') # get size of the screen self.screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() self.screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight() # set window dimensions self.window_height=self.screen_height self.window_width=self.screen_width self.window_x=0 self.window_y=0 if self.options['fullscreen']==True: bar=self.options['fullscreen'] # allow just 2 pixels for the hidden taskbar - not any more if bar in ('left','right'): self.window_width=self.screen_width else: self.window_height=self.screen_height if bar =="left": self.window_x=0 if bar =="top": self.window_y=0 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) self.root.attributes('-zoomed','1') else: self.window_width=self.screen_width-600 self.window_height=self.screen_height-200 self.window_x=50 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) #canvas covers the whole window self.canvas_height=self.window_height self.canvas_width=self.window_width # make sure focus is set. self.root.focus_set() #define response to main window closing. self.root.protocol ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_break_key) # Always use CTRL-Break key to close the program as a get out of jail self.root.bind("<Break>",self.e_on_break_key) #pass all other keys along to start shows and hence to 'players' self.root.bind("<Escape>", self._escape_pressed) self.root.bind("<Up>", self._up_pressed) self.root.bind("<Down>", self._down_pressed) self.root.bind("<Return>", self._return_pressed) self.root.bind("<space>", self._pause_pressed) self.root.bind("p", self._pause_pressed) #setup a canvas onto which will be drawn the images or text self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, bg='black') self.canvas.config(height=self.canvas_height, width=self.canvas_width) self.canvas.pack() # make sure focus is set on canvas. self.canvas.focus_set() # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE APPLICATION AND START # **************************************** self.shutdown_required=False #kick off GPIO if enabled by command line option if self.options['gpio']==True: from pp_gpio import PPIO # initialise the GPIO self.ppio=PPIO() # PPIO.gpio_enabled=False if self.ppio.init(pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.canvas,50,self.button_pressed)==False: self._end('error','gpio error') # and start polling gpio self.ppio.poll() #kick off the time of day scheduler self.tod=TimeOfDay() self.tod.init(pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.canvas,500) self.tod.poll() # Create list of start shows initialise them and then run them self.start_shows = self.create_start_show_list() self.init_shows() self.run_shows() self.root.mainloop( ) # ********************* # EXIT APP # ********************* # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): needs_termination=False for start_show in self.start_shows: if start_show[PiPresents.SHOW]<>None: needs_termination=True self.mon.log(self,"Sent terminate to show "+ start_show[PiPresents.NAME]) start_show[PiPresents.SHOW].terminate(reason) if needs_termination==False: self._end(reason) def tidy_up(self): #turn screen blanking back on if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "on"]) call(["xset","s", "+dpms"]) # tidy up gpio if self.options['gpio']==True and self.ppio<>None: self.ppio.terminate() #tidy up time of day scheduler if self.tod<>None: self.tod.terminate() #close logging files self.mon.finish() def on_kill_callback(self): self.tidy_up() if self.shutdown_required==True: call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-h', '-t 5','now']) else: exit() def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error") else: return value # ********************* # Key and button presses # ******************** def shutdown_pressed(self): self.root.after(5000,self.on_shutdown_delay) def on_shutdown_delay(self): if self.ppio.is_pressed('shutdown'): self.shutdown_required=True self.on_break_key() def button_pressed(self,index,button,edge): self.mon.log(self, "Button Pressed: "+button) if button=="shutdown": self.shutdown_pressed() else: for start_show in self.start_shows: print "sending to show" , start_show[PiPresents.NAME] start_show[PiPresents.SHOW].button_pressed(button,edge) # key presses - convert from events to call to _key_pressed def _escape_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("escape") def _up_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("up") def _down_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("down") def _return_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("return") def _pause_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("p") def _key_pressed(self,key_name): # key pressses are sent only to the controlled show. self.mon.log(self, "Key Pressed: "+ key_name) for start_show in self.start_shows: start_show[PiPresents.SHOW].key_pressed(key_name) def on_break_key(self): self.mon.log(self, "kill received from user") #terminate any running shows and players self.mon.log(self,"kill sent to shows") self.terminate('killed') def e_on_break_key(self,event): self.on_break_key() # ********************* # Start show creation and running and return from # ******************** # Extract shows from start show def create_start_show_list(self): start_shows_text=self.starter_show['start-show'] shows=[] index=0 fields= start_shows_text.split() for field in fields: show = PiPresents.SHOW_TEMPLATE show[PiPresents.NAME]=field show[PiPresents.ID]=index shows.append(copy.deepcopy(show)) index+=1 return shows def init_shows(self): # build list of shows to run by instantiating their classes. for start_show in self.start_shows: index = self.showlist.index_of_show(start_show[PiPresents.NAME]) if index >=0: show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ start_show[PiPresents.NAME]) self._end('error','show not found in showlist') if show['type']=="mediashow": show_obj = MediaShow(show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) start_show[PiPresents.SHOW]=show_obj elif show['type']=="menu": show_obj = MenuShow(show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) start_show[PiPresents.SHOW]=show_obj elif show['type']=="liveshow": show_obj= LiveShow(show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) start_show[PiPresents.SHOW]=show_obj else: self.mon.err(self,"unknown mediashow type in start show - "+ show['type']) self._end('error','unknown mediashow type') # run each of the shows in the list def run_shows(self): for start_show in self.start_shows: show_obj = start_show[PiPresents.SHOW][PiPresents.ID],self._end_play_show,top=True,command='nil') def _end_play_show(self,show_id,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Show " + str(show_id) + " returned to Pipresents with reason: " + reason ) self.start_shows[show_id][PiPresents.SHOW]=None # if all the shows have ended then end Pi Presents all_terminated=True for start_show in self.start_shows: if start_show[PiPresents.SHOW]<>None: all_terminated=False if all_terminated==True: self._end(reason,message) def _end(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Pi Presents ending with message: " + message) if reason=='error': self.mon.log(self, "exiting because of error") self.tidy_up() exit() if reason=='killed': self.mon.log(self,"kill received - exiting") self.on_kill_callback() else: # should never be here or fatal error self.mon.log(self, "exiting because invalid end reasosn") self.tidy_up() exit()
class OMXDriver(object): _STATUS_REXP = re.compile(r"V :\s*([\d.]+).*") _DONE_REXP = re.compile(r"have a nice day.*") _LAUNCH_CMD = '/usr/bin/omxplayer -s ' #needs changing if user has installed his own version of omxplayer elsewhere def __init__(self,widget): self.widget=widget self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.paused=None def control(self,char): self._process.send(char) def pause(self): self._process.send('p') if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused=False def play(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,False) def prepare(self, track, options): self._pp(track, options,True) def show(self): # unpause to start playing self._process.send('p') self.paused = False def stop(self): self._process.send('q') # kill the subprocess (omxplayer.bin). Used for tidy up on exit. def terminate(self,reason): self.terminate_reason=reason self._process.send('q') def terminate_reason(self): return self.terminate_reason # test of whether _process is running def is_running(self): return self._process.isalive() # *********************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ************************************ def _pp(self, track, options, pause_before_play): self.paused=False self.start_play_signal = False self.end_play_signal=False self.terminate_reason='' track= "'"+ track.replace("'","'\\''") + "'" cmd = OMXDriver._LAUNCH_CMD + options +" " + track self.mon.log(self, "Send command to omxplayer: "+ cmd) self._process = pexpect.spawn(cmd) # uncomment to monitor output to and input from omxplayer.bin (read pexpect manual) fout= file('omxlogfile.txt','w') #uncomment and change sys.stdout to fout to log to a file # self._process.logfile_send = sys.stdout # send just commands to stdout self._process.logfile=fout # send all communications to log file if pause_before_play: self._process.send('p') self.paused = True #start the thread that is going to monitor sys.stdout. Presumably needs a thread because of blocking self._position_thread = Thread(target=self._get_position) self._position_thread.start() def _get_position(self): self.start_play_signal = True self.video_position=0.0 self.audio_position=0.0 while True: index = self._process.expect([OMXDriver._STATUS_REXP, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, OMXDriver._DONE_REXP]) if index == 1: continue elif index in (2, 3): #Have a nice day detected self.end_play_signal=True break else: # presumably matches _STATUS_REXP so get video position # has a bug, position is not displayed for an audio track (mp3). Need to look at another field in the status, but how to extract it self.video_position = float( self.audio_position = 0.0 #sleep is Ok here as it is a seperate thread. self.widget.after has funny effects as its not in the maion thread. sleep(0.05)
class PPEditor: # *************************************** # INIT # *************************************** def __init__(self): self.editor_issue = "1.2" # get command options self.command_options = ed_options() # get directory holding the code self.pp_dir = sys.path[0] if not os.path.exists(self.pp_dir + os.sep + ""): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents", "Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path = self.pp_dir self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() if self.command_options['debug'] == True: Monitor.global_enable = True else: Monitor.global_enable = False self.mon.log(self, "Pi Presents Editor is starting") self.mon.log(self, " OS and separator " + + ' ' + os.sep) self.mon.log(self, "sys.path[0] - location of code: code " + sys.path[0]) # set up the gui #root is the Tkinter root widget self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("Editor for Pi Presents") # self.root.configure(background='grey') self.root.resizable(False, False) #define response to main window closing self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.app_exit) # bind some display fields self.filename = tk.StringVar() self.display_selected_track_title = tk.StringVar() self.display_show = tk.StringVar() # define menu menubar = Menu(self.root) profilemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") profilemenu.add_command(label='Open', command=self.open_existing_profile) profilemenu.add_command(label='Validate', command=self.validate_profile) menubar.add_cascade(label='Profile', menu=profilemenu) ptypemenu = Menu(profilemenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") ptypemenu.add_command(label='Exhibit', command=self.new_exhibit_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Media Show', command=self.new_mediashow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Menu', command=self.new_menu_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Presentation', command=self.new_presentation_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Interactive', command=self.new_interactive_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Live Show', command=self.new_liveshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='RadioButton Show', command=self.new_radiobuttonshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Hyperlink Show', command=self.new_hyperlinkshow_profile) ptypemenu.add_command(label='Blank', command=self.new_blank_profile) profilemenu.add_cascade(label='New from Template', menu=ptypemenu) showmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") showmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command=self.remove_show) showmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command=self.m_edit_show) showmenu.add_command(label='Copy To', command=self.copy_show) menubar.add_cascade(label='Show', menu=showmenu) stypemenu = Menu(showmenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") stypemenu.add_command(label='Menu', command=self.add_menu) stypemenu.add_command(label='MediaShow', command=self.add_mediashow) stypemenu.add_command(label='LiveShow', command=self.add_liveshow) stypemenu.add_command(label='HyperlinkShow', command=self.add_hyperlinkshow) stypemenu.add_command(label='RadioButtonShow', command=self.add_radiobuttonshow) showmenu.add_cascade(label='Add', menu=stypemenu) medialistmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='MediaList', menu=medialistmenu) medialistmenu.add_command(label='Add', command=self.add_medialist) medialistmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command=self.remove_medialist) trackmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") trackmenu.add_command(label='Delete', command=self.remove_track) trackmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command=self.m_edit_track) trackmenu.add_command(label='Add from Dir', command=self.add_tracks_from_dir) trackmenu.add_command(label='Add from File', command=self.add_track_from_file) menubar.add_cascade(label='Track', menu=trackmenu) typemenu = Menu(trackmenu, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") typemenu.add_command(label='Video', command=self.new_video_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Audio', command=self.new_audio_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Image', command=self.new_image_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Web', command=self.new_web_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Message', command=self.new_message_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Show', command=self.new_show_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Menu Background', command=self.new_menu_background_track) typemenu.add_command(label='Child Show', command=self.new_child_show_track) trackmenu.add_cascade(label='New', menu=typemenu) toolsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Tools', menu=toolsmenu) toolsmenu.add_command(label='Update All', command=self.update_all) optionsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Options', menu=optionsmenu) optionsmenu.add_command(label='Edit', command=self.edit_options) helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="grey", fg="black") menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=helpmenu) helpmenu.add_command(label='Help', command=self.show_help) helpmenu.add_command(label='About', command=self.about) self.root.config(menu=menubar) top_frame = Frame(self.root) top_frame.pack(side=TOP) bottom_frame = Frame(self.root) bottom_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) left_frame = Frame(bottom_frame, padx=5) left_frame.pack(side=LEFT) middle_frame = Frame(bottom_frame, padx=5) middle_frame.pack(side=LEFT) right_frame = Frame(bottom_frame, padx=5, pady=10) right_frame.pack(side=LEFT) updown_frame = Frame(bottom_frame, padx=5) updown_frame.pack(side=LEFT) tracks_title_frame = Frame(right_frame) tracks_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) tracks_label = Label(tracks_title_frame, text="Tracks in Selected Medialist") tracks_label.pack() tracks_frame = Frame(right_frame) tracks_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_title_frame = Frame(left_frame) shows_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_label = Label(shows_title_frame, text="Shows") shows_label.pack() shows_frame = Frame(left_frame) shows_frame.pack(side=TOP) shows_title_frame = Frame(left_frame) shows_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) medialists_title_frame = Frame(left_frame) medialists_title_frame.pack(side=TOP) medialists_label = Label(medialists_title_frame, text="Medialists") medialists_label.pack() medialists_frame = Frame(left_frame) medialists_frame.pack(side=LEFT) # define buttons add_button = Button(middle_frame, width=5, height=2, text='Edit\nShow', fg='black', command=self.m_edit_show, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=RIGHT) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width=5, height=1, text='Add', fg='black', command=self.add_track_from_file, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width=5, height=1, text='Edit', fg='black', command=self.m_edit_track, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width=5, height=1, text='Up', fg='black', command=self.move_track_up, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) add_button = Button(updown_frame, width=5, height=1, text='Down', fg='black', command=self.move_track_down, bg="light grey") add_button.pack(side=TOP) # define display of showlist scrollbar = Scrollbar(shows_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.shows_display = Listbox(shows_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=7, width=40, bg="white", activestyle=NONE, fg="black", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.shows_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.shows_display.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.shows_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.e_select_show) # define display of medialists scrollbar = Scrollbar(medialists_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.medialists_display = Listbox(medialists_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=7, width=40, bg="white", activestyle=NONE, fg="black", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.medialists_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.medialists_display.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.medialists_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.select_medialist) # define display of tracks scrollbar = Scrollbar(tracks_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.tracks_display = Listbox(tracks_frame, selectmode=SINGLE, height=15, width=40, bg="white", activestyle=NONE, fg="black", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.tracks_display.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.tracks_display.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.tracks_display.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.e_select_track) # initialise editor options class self.options = Options( self.pp_dir) #creates options file in code directory if necessary # initialise variables self.init() #and enter Tkinter event loop self.root.mainloop() # *************************************** # INIT AND EXIT # *************************************** def app_exit(self): self.root.destroy() exit() def init(self): self.pp_home_dir = self.options.pp_home_dir self.initial_media_dir = self.options.initial_media_dir self.mon.log(self, "Data Home from options is " + self.pp_home_dir) self.mon.log(self, "Initial Media from options is " + self.initial_media_dir) self.current_medialist = None self.current_showlist = None self.current_show = None self.shows_display.delete(0, END) self.medialists_display.delete(0, END) self.tracks_display.delete(0, END) # *************************************** # MISCELLANEOUS # *************************************** def edit_options(self): """edit the options then read them from file""" eo = OptionsDialog(self.root, self.options.options_file, 'Edit Options') if eo.result == True: self.init() def show_help(self): tkMessageBox.showinfo("Help", "Read 'manual.pdf'") def about(self): tkMessageBox.showinfo( "About", "Editor for Pi Presents Profiles\n" + "For profile version: " + self.editor_issue + "\nAuthor: Ken Thompson" + "\nWebsite:") def validate_profile(self): val = Validator() val.validate_profile(self.root, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home_dir, self.pp_profile_dir, self.editor_issue, True) # ************** # PROFILES # ************** def open_existing_profile(self): initial_dir = self.pp_home_dir + os.sep + "pp_profiles" if os.path.exists(initial_dir) == False: self.mon.err( self, "Home directory not found: " + initial_dir + "\n\nHint: Data Home option must end in pp_home") return dir_path = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=initial_dir) # dir_path="C:\Users\Ken\pp_home\pp_profiles\\ttt" if len(dir_path) > 0: self.open_profile(dir_path) def open_profile(self, dir_path): showlist_file = dir_path + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(showlist_file) == False: self.mon.err( self, "Not a Profile: " + dir_path + "\n\nHint: Have you opened the profile directory?") return self.pp_profile_dir = dir_path self.root.title("Editor for Pi Presents - " + self.pp_profile_dir) if self.open_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) == False: self.init() return self.open_medialists(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_tracks_display() def new_profile(self, profile): d = Edit1Dialog(self.root, "New Profile", "Name", "") if d.result == None: return name = str(d.result) if name == "": tkMessageBox.showwarning("New Profile", "Name is blank") return to = self.pp_home_dir + os.sep + "pp_profiles" + os.sep + name if os.path.exists(to) == True: tkMessageBox.showwarning("New Profile", "Profile exists\n(%s)" % to) return shutil.copytree(profile, to, symlinks=False, ignore=None) self.open_profile(to) def new_exhibit_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_exhibit" self.new_profile(profile) def new_interactive_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_interactive" self.new_profile(profile) def new_menu_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_menu" self.new_profile(profile) def new_presentation_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_presentation" self.new_profile(profile) def new_blank_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_blank" self.new_profile(profile) def new_mediashow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_mediashow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_liveshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_liveshow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_radiobuttonshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_radiobuttonshow" self.new_profile(profile) def new_hyperlinkshow_profile(self): profile = self.pp_dir + "/pp_home/pp_profiles/ppt_hyperlinkshow" self.new_profile(profile) # *************************************** # Shows # *************************************** def open_showlist(self, dir): showlist_file = dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(showlist_file) == False: self.mon.err( self, "showlist file not found at " + dir + "\n\nHint: Have you opened the profile directory?") self.app_exit() self.current_showlist = ShowList() self.current_showlist.open_json(showlist_file) if float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) < float( self.editor_issue) or ( self.command_options['forceupdate'] == True and float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) == float( self.editor_issue)): self.update_profile() self.mon.err( self, "Version of profile has been updated to " + self.editor_issue + ", please re-open") return False if float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) > float(self.editor_issue): self.mon.err( self, "Version of profile is greater than editor, must exit") self.app_exit() self.refresh_shows_display() return True def save_showlist(self, dir): if self.current_showlist <> None: showlist_file = dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json" self.current_showlist.save_list(showlist_file) def add_eventshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['eventshow']) def add_mediashow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['mediashow']) def add_liveshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['liveshow']) def add_radiobuttonshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['radiobuttonshow']) def add_hyperlinkshow(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['hyperlinkshow']) def add_menu(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['menu']) def add_start(self): self.add_show(PPdefinitions.new_shows['start']) def add_show(self, default): # append it to the showlist and then add the medialist if self.current_showlist <> None: d = Edit1Dialog(self.root, "AddShow", "Show Reference", "") if d.result == None: return name = str(d.result) if name == "": tkMessageBox.showwarning("Add Show", "Name is blank") return if self.current_showlist.index_of_show(name) <> -1: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Add Show", "A Show with this name already exists") return copied_show = self.current_showlist.copy(default, name) mediafile = self.add_medialist(name) if mediafile <> '': copied_show['medialist'] = mediafile self.current_showlist.append(copied_show) self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() def remove_show(self): if self.current_showlist <> None and self.current_showlist.length( ) > 0 and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Show", "Delete Show"): index = self.current_showlist.selected_show_index() self.current_showlist.remove(index) self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() def show_refs(self): _show_refs = [] for index in range(self.current_showlist.length()): if['show-ref'] <> "start": _show_refs.append( copy.deepcopy(['show-ref'])) return _show_refs def refresh_shows_display(self): self.shows_display.delete(0, self.shows_display.size()) for index in range(self.current_showlist.length()): self.shows_display.insert( END,['title'] + " [" +['show-ref'] + "]") if self.current_showlist.show_is_selected(): self.shows_display.itemconfig( self.current_showlist.selected_show_index(), fg='red') self.shows_display.see(self.current_showlist.selected_show_index()) def e_select_show(self, event): if self.current_showlist <> None and self.current_showlist.length( ) > 0: mouse_item_index = int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.refresh_shows_display() def copy_show(self): if self.current_showlist <> None and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected( ): self.add_show(self.current_showlist.selected_show()) def m_edit_show(self): self.edit_show(PPdefinitions.show_types, PPdefinitions.show_field_specs) def edit_show(self, show_types, field_specs): if self.current_showlist <> None and self.current_showlist.show_is_selected( ): d = EditItem(self.root, "Edit Show", self.current_showlist.selected_show(), show_types, field_specs, self.show_refs(), self.initial_media_dir, self.pp_home_dir, 'show') if d.result == True: self.save_showlist(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_shows_display() # *************************************** # Medialists # *************************************** def open_medialists(self, dir): self.medialists = [] for file in os.listdir(dir): if file.endswith(".json") and file <> 'pp_showlist.json': self.medialists = self.medialists + [file] self.medialists_display.delete(0, self.medialists_display.size()) for index in range(len(self.medialists)): self.medialists_display.insert(END, self.medialists[index]) self.current_medialists_index = -1 self.current_medialist = None def add_medialist(self, name=None): if name == None: d = Edit1Dialog(self.root, "Add Medialist", "File", "") if d.result == None: return '' name = str(d.result) if name == "": tkMessageBox.showwarning("Add medialist", "Name is blank") return '' if not name.endswith(".json"): name = name + (".json") path = self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + name if os.path.exists(path) == True: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Add medialist", "Medialist file exists\n(%s)" % path) return '' nfile = open(path, 'wb') nfile.write("{") nfile.write("\"issue\": \"" + self.editor_issue + "\",\n") nfile.write("\"tracks\": [") nfile.write("]") nfile.write("}") nfile.close() # append it to the list self.medialists.append(copy.deepcopy(name)) # add title to medialists display self.medialists_display.insert(END, name) # and set it as the selected medialist self.refresh_medialists_display() return name def remove_medialist(self): if self.current_medialist <> None: if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Medialist", "Delete Medialist"): os.remove(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index]) self.open_medialists(self.pp_profile_dir) self.refresh_medialists_display() self.refresh_tracks_display() def select_medialist(self, event): """ user clicks on a medialst in a profile so try and select it. """ # needs forgiving int for possible tkinter upgrade if len(self.medialists) > 0: self.current_medialists_index = int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.current_medialist = MediaList('ordered') if not self.current_medialist.open_list( self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index], self.current_showlist.sissue()): self.mon.err( self, "medialist is a different version to showlist: " + self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index]) self.app_exit() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.refresh_medialists_display() def refresh_medialists_display(self): self.medialists_display.delete(0, len(self.medialists)) for index in range(len(self.medialists)): self.medialists_display.insert(END, self.medialists[index]) if self.current_medialist <> None: self.medialists_display.itemconfig(self.current_medialists_index, fg='red') self.medialists_display.see(self.current_medialists_index) def save_medialist(self): basefile = self.medialists[self.current_medialists_index] #print type(basefile) # basefile=str(basefile) #print type(basefile) file = self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + basefile self.current_medialist.save_list(file) # *************************************** # Tracks # *************************************** def refresh_tracks_display(self): self.tracks_display.delete(0, self.tracks_display.size()) if self.current_medialist <> None: for index in range(self.current_medialist.length()): if self.current_medialist.track(index)['track-ref'] <> "": track_ref_string = " [" + self.current_medialist.track( index)['track-ref'] + "]" else: track_ref_string = "" self.tracks_display.insert( END, self.current_medialist.track(index)['title'] + track_ref_string) if self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): self.tracks_display.itemconfig( self.current_medialist.selected_track_index(), fg='red') self.tracks_display.see( self.current_medialist.selected_track_index()) def e_select_track(self, event): if self.current_medialist <> None and self.current_medialist.length( ) > 0: mouse_item_index = int(event.widget.curselection()[0]) self.refresh_tracks_display() def m_edit_track(self): self.edit_track(PPdefinitions.track_types, PPdefinitions.track_field_specs) def edit_track(self, track_types, field_specs): if self.current_medialist <> None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected( ): d = EditItem(self.root, "Edit Track", self.current_medialist.selected_track(), track_types, field_specs, self.show_refs(), self.initial_media_dir, self.pp_home_dir, 'track') if d.result == True: self.save_medialist() self.refresh_tracks_display() def move_track_up(self): if self.current_medialist <> None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected( ): self.current_medialist.move_up() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def move_track_down(self): if self.current_medialist <> None and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected( ): self.current_medialist.move_down() self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def new_track(self, fields, values): if self.current_medialist <> None: #print '\nfields ', fields #print '\nvalues ', values new_track = copy.deepcopy(fields) #print ',\new track ',new_track self.current_medialist.append(new_track) #print '\nbefore values ',self.current_medialist.print_list() if values <> None: self.current_medialist.update( self.current_medialist.length() - 1, values) - 1) self.refresh_tracks_display() self.save_medialist() def new_message_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['message'], None) def new_video_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'], None) def new_audio_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'], None) def new_web_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'], None) def new_image_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'], None) def new_show_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['show'], None) def new_menu_background_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['menu-background'], None) def new_child_show_track(self): self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['child-show'], None) def remove_track(self): if self.current_medialist <> None and self.current_medialist.length( ) > 0 and self.current_medialist.track_is_selected(): if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Delete Track", "Delete Track"): index = self.current_medialist.selected_track_index() self.current_medialist.remove(index) self.save_medialist() self.refresh_tracks_display() def add_track_from_file(self): if self.current_medialist == None: return # print "initial directory ", self.options.initial_media_dir files_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=self.options.initial_media_dir, multiple=True) # fix for tkinter bug files_path = for file_path in files_path: file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) # print "file path ", file_path self.add_track(file_path) self.save_medialist() def add_tracks_from_dir(self): if self.current_medialist == None: return image_specs = [ PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES, PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES, PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES, PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES, ('All files', '*') ] #last one is ignored in finding files # in directory, for dialog box only directory = tkFileDialog.askdirectory( initialdir=self.options.initial_media_dir) # deal with tuple returned on Cancel if len(directory) == 0: return # make list of exts we recognise exts = [] for image_spec in image_specs[:-1]: image_list = image_spec[1:] for ext in image_list: exts.append(copy.deepcopy(ext)) for file in os.listdir(directory): (root_file, ext_file) = os.path.splitext(file) if ext_file.lower() in exts: file_path = directory + os.sep + file #print "file path before ", file_path file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) #print "file path after ", file_path self.add_track(file_path) self.save_medialist() def add_track(self, afile): relpath = os.path.relpath(afile, self.pp_home_dir) #print "relative path ",relpath common = os.path.commonprefix([afile, self.pp_home_dir]) #print "common ",common if common.endswith("pp_home") == False: location = afile else: location = "+" + os.sep + relpath location = string.replace(location, '\\', '/') #print "location ",location (root, title) = os.path.split(afile) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(afile) if ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.IMAGE_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['image'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': location }) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.VIDEO_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['video'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': location }) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.AUDIO_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['audio'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': location }) elif ext.lower() in PPdefinitions.WEB_FILES: self.new_track(PPdefinitions.new_tracks['web'], { 'title': title, 'track-ref': '', 'location': location }) else: self.mon.err(self, afile + " - file extension not recognised") # ********************************************* # update profile # ********************************************** def update_all(self): self.init() for profile_file in os.listdir(self.pp_home_dir + os.sep + 'pp_profiles'): # self.mon.log (self,"Updating "+profile_file) self.pp_profile_dir = self.pp_home_dir + os.sep + 'pp_profiles' + os.sep + profile_file if not os.path.exists(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json"): tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Pi Presents", "Not a profile, skipping " + self.pp_profile_dir) else: self.current_showlist = ShowList() #self.mon.log (self,"Checking version "+profile_file) self.current_showlist.open_json(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json") if float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) < float( self.editor_issue): self.mon.log( self, "Version of profile " + profile_file + " is being updated to " + self.editor_issue) self.update_profile() elif (self.command_options['forceupdate'] == True and float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) == float( self.editor_issue)): self.mon.log( self, "Forced updating of " + profile_file + ' to ' + self.editor_issue) self.update_profile() elif float(self.current_showlist.sissue()) > float( self.editor_issue): tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Pi Presents", "Version of profile " + profile_file + " is greater than editor, skipping") else: self.mon.log( self, " Profile " + profile_file + " Already up to date ") self.init() tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents", "All profiles updated") def update_profile(self): #open showlist and update its shows # self.mon.log (self,"Updating show ") ifile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json", 'rb') shows = json.load(ifile)['shows'] ifile.close() replacement_shows = self.update_shows(shows) dic = {'issue': self.editor_issue, 'shows': replacement_shows} ofile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + "pp_showlist.json", "wb") json.dump(dic, ofile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) # UPDATE MEDIALISTS AND THEIR TRACKS for file in os.listdir(self.pp_profile_dir): if file.endswith(".json") and file <> 'pp_showlist.json': # self.mon.log (self,"Updating medialist " + file) #open a medialist and update its tracks ifile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + file, 'rb') tracks = json.load(ifile)['tracks'] ifile.close() replacement_tracks = self.update_tracks(tracks) dic = { 'issue': self.editor_issue, 'tracks': replacement_tracks } ofile = open(self.pp_profile_dir + os.sep + file, "wb") json.dump(dic, ofile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) def update_tracks(self, old_tracks): # get correct spec from type of field replacement_tracks = [] for old_track in old_tracks: #print '\nold track ',old_track track_type = old_track['type'] spec_fields = PPdefinitions.new_tracks[track_type] left_overs = dict() # go through track and delete fields not in spec for key in old_track.keys(): if key in spec_fields: left_overs[key] = old_track[key] #print '\n leftovers',left_overs replacement_track = copy.deepcopy( PPdefinitions.new_tracks[track_type]) #print '\n before update', replacement_track replacement_track.update(left_overs) #print '\nafter update',replacement_track replacement_tracks.append(copy.deepcopy(replacement_track)) return replacement_tracks def update_shows(self, old_shows): # get correct spec from type of field replacement_shows = [] for old_show in old_shows: show_type = old_show['type'] spec_fields = PPdefinitions.new_shows[show_type] left_overs = dict() # go through track and delete fields not in spec for key in old_show.keys(): if key in spec_fields: left_overs[key] = old_show[key] # print '\n leftovers',left_overs replacement_show = copy.deepcopy( PPdefinitions.new_shows[show_type]) replacement_show.update(left_overs) replacement_shows.append(copy.deepcopy(replacement_show)) return replacement_shows
class KbdDriver: config=None def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() # sets up tkinter keyboard events such that any key press # does a callback to 'callback' with the event object and a symbolic name. def bind_keys(self,widget,callback): for option in KbdDriver.config.items('keys'): condition=option[0] symbolic_name=option[1] # print condition,symbolic_name widget.bind(condition, lambda event, name=symbolic_name: self.specific_key(callback,name)) # bind all the normal keys that return a printing character such that x produces pp-key-x widget.bind("<Key>", lambda event : self.normal_key(callback,event)) ## # bind special keys to the specified symbolic name ## widget.bind("<Break>", lambda event, name='pp-exit': self.specific_key(callback,name)) ## widget.bind("<Escape>", lambda event, name='pp-stop': self.specific_key(callback,name)) ## widget.bind("<Up>", lambda event, name='pp-up': self.specific_key(callback,name)) ## widget.bind("<Down>", lambda event, name='pp-down': self.specific_key(callback,name)) ## widget.bind("<Return>", lambda event, name='pp-play': self.specific_key(callback,name)) ## def specific_key(self,callback,name): callback(name,'front','key') # alphanumeric keys- convert to symbolic by adding pp-key- def normal_key(self,callback,event): key=event.char if key<>'': callback('pp-key-'+key,'front','key') #read the key bindings from keys.cfg def read(self,pp_dir,pp_home,pp_profile): if KbdDriver.config==None: # try inside profile tryfile=pp_profile+os.sep+"keys.cfg" # self.mon.log(self,"Trying keys.cfg in profile at: "+ tryfile) if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pp_home # self.mon.log(self,"keys.cfg not found at "+ tryfile+ " trying pp_home") tryfile=pp_home+os.sep+"keys.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: # try inside pipresents # self.mon.log(self,"keys.cfg not found at "+ tryfile + " trying inside pipresents") tryfile=pp_dir+os.sep+'pp_home'+os.sep+"keys.cfg" if os.path.exists(tryfile): filename=tryfile else: self.mon.log(self,"keys.cfg not found at "+ tryfile) self.mon.err(self,"keys.cfg not found") return False KbdDriver.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() KbdDriver.config.optionxform=str self.mon.log(self,"keys.cfg read from "+ filename) if KbdDriver.config.has_section('keys')==False: self.mon.err(self,"no [keys] section in keys.cfg") return False return True def has_section(self,section): if KbdDriver.config.has_section('keys')==False: return False
class ImagePlayer: """ Displays an image on a canvas for a period of time. Image display can be interrupted Implements animation of transitions but Pi is too slow without GPU aceleration.""" # slide state constants NO_SLIDE = 0 SLIDE_IN = 1 SLIDE_DWELL = 2 SLIDE_OUT = 3 # ******************* # external commands # ******************* def __init__(self, canvas, cd, track_params): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the image is to be drawn cd - dictionary of show parameters track_params - disctionary of track paramters """ self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() self.canvas = canvas = cd self.track_params = track_params # open resources self.rr = ResourceReader() # get config from medialist if there. if 'duration' in self.track_params and self.track_params[ 'duration'] <> "": self.duration = int(self.track_params['duration']) else: self.duration = int(['duration']) if 'transition' in self.track_params and self.track_params[ 'transition'] <> "": self.transition = self.track_params['transition'] else: self.transition =['transition'] # keep dwell and porch as an integer multiple of tick self.porch = 1000 #length of pre and post porches for an image (milliseconds) self.tick = 100 # tick time for image display (milliseconds) self.dwell = (1000 * self.duration) - (2 * self.porch) if self.dwell < 0: self.dwell = 0 self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width']) / 2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height']) / 2 def play(self, track, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): # instantiate arguments self.track = track self.enable_menu = enable_menu self.ready_callback = ready_callback self.end_callback = end_callback #init state and signals self.state = ImagePlayer.NO_SLIDE self.quit_signal = False self.kill_required_signal = False self.error = False self._tick_timer = None self.drawn = None self.paused = False self.pause_text = None if os.path.exists(self.track) == True: self.pil_image = # adjust brightness and rotate (experimental) # pil_image_enhancer=PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_image) # pil_image=pil_image_enhancer.enhance(0.1) # pil_image=pil_image.rotate(45) # tk_image = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image) else: self.pil_image = None # display 'Out of Order' for 7 seconds self.dwell = (1000 * 7) - (2 * self.porch) if self.dwell < 0: self.dwell = 0 # and start image rendering self._start_front_porch() def key_pressed(self, key_name): if key_name == '': return elif key_name in ('p', ' '): self.pause() elif key_name == 'escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self, button, edge): if button == 'pause': self.pause() elif button == 'stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self, reason): if reason == 'error': self.error = True self.quit_signal = True else: self.kill_required_signal = True self.quit_signal = True def pause(self): if not self.paused: self.paused = True else: self.paused = False # ******************* # internal functions # ******************* def _stop(self): self.quit_signal = True def _error(self): self.error = True self.quit_signal = True #called when back porch has completed or quit signal is received def _end(self, reason, message): if self._tick_timer <> None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer = None self.quit_signal = False # self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.update_idletasks() self.state = self.NO_SLIDE if self.error == True: self.end_callback("error", message) self = None elif self.kill_required_signal == True: self.end_callback("killed", message) self = None else: self.end_callback(reason, message) self = None def resource(self, section, item): value = self.rr.get(section, item) if value == False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: " + section + ': ' + item + " not found") self._error() else: return value def _start_front_porch(self): self.state = ImagePlayer.SLIDE_IN self.porch_counter = 0 if self.ready_callback <> None: self.ready_callback() if self.transition == "cut": #just display the slide full brightness. No need for porch but used for symmetry if self.pil_image <> None: self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition == "fade": #experimental start black and increase brightness (controlled by porch_counter). self._display_image() elif self.transition == "slide": #experimental, start in middle and move to right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image <> None: self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition == "crop": #experimental, start in middle and crop from right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image <> None: self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_front_porch) def _do_front_porch(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self._end('normal', 'user quit') else: self.porch_counter = self.porch_counter + 1 # print "doing slide front porch " +str(self.porch_counter) self._display_image() if self.porch_counter == self.porch / self.tick: self._start_dwell() else: self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_front_porch) def _start_dwell(self): self.state = ImagePlayer.SLIDE_DWELL self.dwell_counter = 0 self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _do_dwell(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self.mon.log(self, "quit received") self._end('normal', 'user quit') else: if self.paused == False: self.dwell_counter = self.dwell_counter + 1 # one time flipping of pause text if self.paused == True and self.pause_text == None: self.pause_text = self.canvas.create_text(100, 100, anchor=NW, text=self.resource( 'imageplayer', 'm01'), fill="white", font="arial 25 bold") self.canvas.update_idletasks() if self.paused == False and self.pause_text <> None: self.canvas.delete(self.pause_text) self.pause_text = None self.canvas.update_idletasks() if self.dwell_counter == self.dwell / self.tick: self._start_back_porch() else: self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_dwell) def _start_back_porch(self): self.state = ImagePlayer.SLIDE_OUT self.porch_counter = self.porch / self.tick if self.transition == "cut": # just keep displaying the slide full brightness. # No need for porch but used for symmetry pass elif self.transition == "fade": #experimental start full and decrease brightness (controlled by porch_counter). self._display_image() elif self.transition == "slide": #experimental, start in middle and move to right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image <> None: self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition == "crop": #experimental, start in middle and crop from right (controlled by porch_counter) if self.pil_image <> None: self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_image) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_back_porch) def _do_back_porch(self): if self.quit_signal == True: self._end('normal', 'user quit') else: self.porch_counter = self.porch_counter - 1 self._display_image() if self.porch_counter == 0: self._end('normal', 'finished') else: self._tick_timer = self.canvas.after(self.tick, self._do_back_porch) def _display_image(self): if self.transition == "cut": pass # all the methods below have incorrect code !!! elif self.transition == "fade": if self.pil_image <> None: self.enh = PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(self.pil_image) prop = float(self.porch_counter) / float(20) #???????? self.pil_img = self.enh.enhance(prop) self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) elif self.transition == "slide": if self.pil_image <> None: self.canvas.move(self.drawn, 5, 0) elif self.transition == "crop": if self.pil_image <> None: self.crop = 10 * self.porch_counter self.pil_img = self.pil_image.crop( (0, 0, 1000 - self.crop, 1080)) self.tk_img = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pil_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, image=self.tk_img, anchor=CENTER) # display message if image is not available if self.pil_image == None: self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, self.centre_y, text=self.resource('imageplayer', 'm02'), fill='white', font='arial 30 bold') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu == True: self.canvas.create_text(self.centre_x, int(self.canvas['height']) - int(['hint-y']),['hint-text'],['hint-colour'],['hint-font']) # display show text if enabled if['show-text'] <> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(['show-text-x']), int(['show-text-y']), anchor=NW,['show-text'],['show-text-colour'],['show-text-font']) # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text'] <> '': self.canvas.create_text( int(self.track_params['track-text-x']), int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font']) self.canvas.update_idletasks()
class ShowList: """ manages a list of show and the show selected from the showlist """ IMAGE_FILES=('Image files', '.gif','.GIF','.jpg','.JPG','.jpeg','.JPEG') VIDEO_FILES=('video files','.mp4','.MP4','.mkv','.MKV','.avi','.AVI') AUDIO_FILES=('audio files','.mp3','.MP3') def __init__(self): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() self.clear() def clear(self): self._shows = [] #MediaList, stored as a list of dicts self._num_shows=0 self._selected_show_index=-1 # index of currently selected show def print_list(self): print self._shows def get_dur(self): return self._shows[1]["duration"] def assign_dur(self, duration): self._shows[1]["duration"] = duration #return for debugging purposes return self._shows[1]["duration"] def length(self): return self._num_shows def at_end(self): if self._selected_show_index==self._num_shows-1: return True else: return False def at_start(self): if self._selected_show_index==0: return True else: return False def show_is_selected(self): if self._selected_show_index>=0: return True else: return False def selected_show_index(self): return self._selected_show_index def shows(self): return self._shows def show(self,index): return self._shows[index] def selected_show(self): """returns a dictionary containing all fields in the selected show """ return self._selected_show def append(self, show_dict): """appends a show dictionary to the end of the showlist store""" self._shows.append(copy.deepcopy(show_dict)) self._num_shows+=1 def copy(self,show_dict,new_name): show_to_copy=copy.deepcopy(show_dict) show_to_copy['show-ref']=new_name show_to_copy['title']=new_name return show_to_copy def remove(self,index): self._shows.pop(index) self._num_shows-=1 # deselect any show, saves worrying about whether index needs changing self._selected_show_index=-1 def replace(self,index,replacement): self._shows[index]= replacement def first(self): def next(self): if self.length()>0: if self._selected_show_index== self.length()-1: index=0 else: index= self._selected_show_index+1 def previous(self): if self.length()>0: if self._selected_show_index == 0: index=self.length()-1 else: index= self._selected_show_index-1 def index_of_show(self,wanted_show): index = 0 for show in self._shows: if show['show-ref']==wanted_show: return index index +=1 return -1 def select(self, index): """ user clicks on a show in the Shows list so try and select it. """ # needs forgiving int for possible tkinter upgrade self._selected_show_index=index self._selected_show=self._shows[index] def open_json(self,filename): """ opens a saved showlistlist showlists are stored in files as json arrays within a object 'shows'. shows are stored internally as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename !="" and os.path.exists(filename): ifile = open(filename, 'rb') sdict= json.load(ifile) ifile.close() self._shows=sdict['shows'] if 'issue' in sdict: self.issue= sdict['issue'] else: self.issue="1.0" self._num_shows=len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index=-1 return True else: return False def sissue(self): return self.issue def save_list(self,filename): """ save a showlist """ if filename=="": return False if'nt': filename = string.replace(filename,'/','\\') else: filename = string.replace(filename,'\\','/') dic={'issue':self.issue,'shows':self._shows} ofile = open(filename, "wb") json.dump(dic,ofile,sort_keys=True,indent=1) ofile.close() return # ===================================================== # old stuff def open_cfg(self,filename): """ opens a saved showlist each show is a section of a confiParser file shows are stored as a list of dictionaries in self._shows """ if filename !="" and os.path.exists(filename): self.config=ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._shows=[] for section in self.sections(): self._shows.append(self.dictionary_of(section)) self._num_shows=len(self._shows) self._selected_show_index=-1 return True else: return False def has_show(self,section): return self.config.has_section(section) def sections(self): return self.config.sections() def get(self,section,item): return self.config.get(section,item,0) def dictionary_of(self,section): return dict(self.config.items(section))
class PiPresents: def __init__(self): self.pipresents_issue="1.1" StopWatch.global_enable=False #**************************************** # INTERPRET COMMAND LINE # *************************************** self.options=command_options() pp_dir=sys.path[0] if not os.path.exists(pp_dir+"/"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Bad Application Directory") exit() #Initialise logging Monitor.log_path=pp_dir self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() if self.options['debug']==True: Monitor.global_enable=True else: Monitor.global_enable=False self.mon.log (self, "Pi Presents is starting") # create profile for pp_editor test files if already not there. if not os.path.exists(pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_editor"): self.mon.log(self,"Making pp_editor directory") os.makedirs(pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_editor") #profile path from -p option if self.options['profile']<>"": self.pp_profile_path="/pp_profiles/"+self.options['profile'] else: self.pp_profile_path = "/pp_profiles/pp_profile" #get directory containing pp_home from the command, if self.options['home'] =="": home = os.path.expanduser('~')+ os.sep+"pp_home" else: home = self.options['home'] + os.sep+ "pp_home" #check if pp_home exists. # try for 10 seconds to allow usb stick to automount # fall back to pipresents/pp_home self.pp_home=pp_dir+"/pp_home" for i in range (1, 10): self.mon.log(self,"Trying pp_home at: " + home + " " + str(i)) if os.path.exists(home): self.mon.log(self,"Using pp_home at: " + home) self.pp_home=home break time.sleep (1) #check profile exists, if not default to error profile inside pipresents self.pp_profile=self.pp_home+self.pp_profile_path if not os.path.exists(self.pp_profile): self.pp_profile=pp_dir+"/pp_home/pp_profiles/pp_profile" if self.options['verify']==True: val =Validator() if val.validate_profile(None,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile,self.pipresents_issue,False) == False: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Pi Presents","Validation Failed") exit() # open the resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # read the file, done once for all the other classes to use.,self.pp_home) #initialise the showlists and read the showlists self.showlist=ShowList() self.showlist_file= self.pp_profile+ "/pp_showlist.json" if os.path.exists(self.showlist_file): self.showlist.open_json(self.showlist_file) else: self.mon.err(self,"showlist not found at "+self.showlist_file) self._end('error','showlist not found') if float(self.showlist.sissue())<>float(self.pipresents_issue): self.mon.err(self,"Version of profile " + self.showlist.sissue() + " is not same as Pi Presents, must exit") self._end('error','wrong version of profile') # get the starter show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show('start') if index >=0: self.starter_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show [start] not found in showlist") self._end('error','start show not found') # ******************** # SET UP THE GUI # ******************** #turn off the screenblanking and saver if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "off"]) call(["xset","s", "-dpms"]) # control display of window decorations if self.options['fullscreen']<>"partial": self.root = Tk(className="fspipresents") os.system('unclutter &') else: self.root = Tk(className="pipresents") self.title='Pi Presents - '+ self.pp_profile self.icon_text= 'Pi Presents' self.root.title(self.title) self.root.iconname(self.icon_text) self.root.config(bg='black') # get size of the screen self.screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() self.screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight() # set window dimensions self.window_height=self.screen_height self.window_width=self.screen_width self.window_x=0 self.window_y=0 if self.options['fullscreen']<>"partial": bar=self.options['fullscreen'] # allow just 2 pixels for the hidden taskbar if bar in ('left','right'): self.window_width=self.screen_width-2 else: self.window_height=self.screen_height-2 if bar =="left": self.window_x=2 if bar =="top": self.window_y=2 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) self.root.attributes('-zoomed','1') else: self.window_width=self.screen_width-200 self.window_height=self.screen_height-200 self.window_x=50 self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.window_width,self.window_height,self.window_x,self.window_y)) #canvas covers the whole window self.canvas_height=self.window_height self.canvas_width=self.window_width # make sure focus is set. self.root.focus_set() #define response to main window closing. self.root.protocol ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_break_key) # Always use CTRL-Break key to close the program as a get out of jail self.root.bind("<Break>",self.e_on_break_key) #pass all other keys along to 'shows' and hence to 'players' self.root.bind("<Escape>", self._escape_pressed) self.root.bind("<Up>", self._up_pressed) self.root.bind("<Down>", self._down_pressed) self.root.bind("<Return>", self._return_pressed) self.root.bind("<space>", self._pause_pressed) self.root.bind("p", self._pause_pressed) #setup a canvas onto which will be drawn the images or text self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, bg='black') self.canvas.config(height=self.canvas_height, width=self.canvas_width) #self.canvas.grid(row=1,columnspan=2) self.canvas.pack() # make sure focus is set on canvas. self.canvas.focus_set() # **************************************** # INITIALISE THE APPLICATION AND START # **************************************** self.shutdown_required=False #kick off GPIO if enabled by command line option if self.options['gpio']==True: from pp_buttons import Buttons # initialise the buttons connected to GPIO self.Buttons=Buttons self.buttons = Buttons(self.root,20,self.button_pressed) self.buttons.poll() # kick off the initial show # get the start show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(self.starter_show['start-show']) if index >=0: self.start_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ self.starter_show['start-show']) self._end('error','show not found in showlist') if self.start_show['type']=="mediashow": MediaShow(self.start_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=True,command='nil') self.root.mainloop( ) elif self.start_show['type']=="menu": MenuShow(self.start_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=True,command='nil') self.root.mainloop( ) elif self.start_show['type']=="liveshow": LiveShow(self.start_show, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),top=True,command='nil') self.root.mainloop( ) else: self.mon.err(self,"unknown mediashow type in start show - "+ self.start_show['type']) self._end('error','unknown mediashow type') def _end_play_show(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Returned to piresents with reason: " + reason +" and message " + message) self._end(reason,message) def _end(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,"Pi Presents ending with message: " + message) if reason=='error': self.mon.log(self, "exiting because of error") self.tidy_up() exit() if reason=='killed': self.mon.log(self,"kill received - exiting") self.on_kill_callback() else: # should never be here or fatal error self.mon.log(self, "exiting because invalid end reasosn") self.tidy_up() exit() # ********************* # EXIT APP # ********************* # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to shower") self.shower.terminate(reason) else: self._end(reason,message) def tidy_up(self): #turn screen blanking back on if self.options['noblank']==True: call(["xset","s", "on"]) call(["xset","s", "+dpms"]) if self.options['gpio']==True: self.buttons.kill() #close logging files self.mon.finish() def on_kill_callback(self): self.tidy_up() if self.shutdown_required==True: call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-h', '-t 5','now']) else: exit() def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error") else: return value # ********************* # Key and button presses # ******************** def shutdown_pressed(self): self.root.after(5000,self.on_shutdown_delay) def on_shutdown_delay(self): if self.buttons.is_pressed(self.Buttons.SHUTDOWN): self.shutdown_required=True self.on_break_key() def button_pressed(self,index,button,edge): self.mon.log(self, "Button Pressed: "+button) if button=="shutdown": self.shutdown_pressed() else: if<>None:,edge) # key presses def _escape_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("escape") def _up_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("up") def _down_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("down") def _return_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("return") def _pause_pressed(self,event): self._key_pressed("p") def _key_pressed(self,key_name): self.mon.log(self, "Key Pressed: "+ key_name) # if a show is running pass the key to it. if<>None: def on_break_key(self): self.mon.log(self, "kill received from user") #terminate any running shows and players if<>None: self.mon.log(self,"kill sent to show")'killed') def e_on_break_key(self,event): self.on_break_key()
class MediaShow: # ******************* # External interface # ******************** def __init__(self, show_params, root, canvas, showlist, pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): """ canvas - the canvas that the menu is to be written on show - the dictionary fo the show to be played pp_home - Pi presents data_home directory pp_profile - Pi presents profile directory """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_params =show_params self.showlist=showlist self.root=root self.canvas=canvas self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # open resources self.rr=ResourceReader() # Init variables self.player=None self.shower=None self.poll_for_interval_timer=None self.poll_for_continue_timer=None self.waiting_for_interval=False self.interval_timer=None self.duration_timer=None self.error=False self.interval_timer_signal=False self.end_trigger_signal=False self.end_mediashow_signal=False self.next_track_signal=False self.previous_track_signal=False self.play_child_signal = False self.req_next='nil' #create and instance of TimeOfDay scheduler so we can add events self.tod=TimeOfDay() self.state='closed' def play(self,show_id,end_callback,show_ready_callback, top=False,command='nil'): """ displays the mediashow end_callback - function to be called when the menu exits ready_callback - callback when menu is ready to display (not used) top is True when the show is top level (run from [start]) """ #instantiate the arguments self.show_id=show_id self.end_callback=end_callback self.show_ready_callback=show_ready_callback self.command=command self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Starting show") # check data files are available. self.media_file = self.pp_profile + "/" + self.show_params['medialist'] if not os.path.exists(self.media_file): self.mon.err(self,"Medialist file not found: "+ self.media_file) self.end('error',"Medialist file not found") #create a medialist for the mediashow and read it. self.medialist=MediaList(self.show_params['sequence']) if self.medialist.open_list(self.media_file,self.showlist.sissue())==False: self.mon.err(self,"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") self.end('error',"Version of medialist different to Pi Presents") #get controls for this show if top level controlsmanager=ControlsManager() if self.controls_list=controlsmanager.default_controls() # and merge in controls from profile self.controls_list=controlsmanager.merge_show_controls(self.controls_list,self.show_params['controls']) #set up the time of day triggers for the show if self.show_params['trigger']in('time','time-quiet'): error_text=self.tod.add_times(self.show_params['trigger-input'],id(self),self.tod_start_callback,self.show_params['trigger']) if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='time': # print self.show_params['trigger-end-time'] error_text=self.tod.add_times(self.show_params['trigger-end-time'],id(self),self.tod_end_callback,'n/a') if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='duration': error_text=self.calculate_duration(self.show_params['trigger-end-time']) if error_text<>'': self.mon.err(self,error_text) self.end('error',error_text) self.state='closed' self.egg_timer=None self.wait_for_trigger() # ******************************** # Respond to external events # ******************************** #stop received from another concurrent show def managed_stop(self): # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level if self.shower<>None: self.shower.managed_stop() else: #stop the show if not at top self.end_mediashow_signal=True # and if track is runing stop that first if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') # kill or error def terminate(self,reason): if self.shower<>None: self.shower.terminate(reason) elif self.player<>None: self.player.terminate(reason) else: self.end(reason,' terminated with no shower or player to terminate') # respond to input events def input_pressed(self,symbol,edge,source): self.mon.log(self, self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+": received input: " + symbol) # check symbol against mediashow triggers, triggers can be used at top or lower level # and not affected by disable-controls if self.state=='waiting' and self.show_params['trigger'] in ('input','input-quiet')and symbol == self.show_params['trigger-input']: self.start_show() elif self.state=='playing' and self.show_params['trigger-next']=='input' and symbol == self.show_params['next-input']: # internal functions are triggered only when disable-controls is 'no' if self.show_params['disable-controls']=='yes': return # if at top convert symbolic name to operation otherwise lower down we have received an operation # look through list of standard symbols to find match (symbolic-name, function name) operation =lookup (symbol if operation=self.lookup_control(symbol,self.controls_list) else: operation=symbol # print 'operation',operation self.do_operation(operation,edge,source) #service the standard inputs for this show def do_operation(self,operation,edge,source): if self.shower<>None: # if next lower show is running pass down to stop the show and lower level self.shower.input_pressed(operation,edge,source) else: # control this show and its tracks # print 'operation',operation if operation=='stop': if == False: # not at top so stop the current show self.end_mediashow_signal=True # and if a track is running stop that first if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: # top = True, just stop track if running if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') elif operation in ('up','down'): #if playing rather than waiting use keys for next or previous if operation=='up' and self.state=='playing': self.previous() else: elif operation=='play': # use 'play' to start child if state=playing or to trigger the show if waiting for trigger if self.state=='playing': if self.show_params['has-child']=='yes': self.play_child_signal=True self.child_track_ref='pp-child-show' # and stop the current track if its running if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') else: if self.state=='waiting': self.start_show() elif operation == 'pause': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) #if the operation is omxplayer or mplayer runtime control then pass it to player if running elif operation[0:4]=='omx-' or operation[0:6]=='mplay-'or operation[0:5]=='uzbl-': if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed(operation) def lookup_control(self,symbol,controls_list): for control in controls_list: if symbol == control[0]: return control[1] return '' # *************************** # Show sequencer # *************************** def end_interval_timer(self): self.interval_timer_signal=True # callback from time of day scheduler def tod_start_callback(self): if self.state=='waiting' and self.show_params['trigger']in('time','time-quiet'): self.start_show() def tod_end_callback(self): if self.state=='playing' and self.show_params['trigger-end'] in ('time','duration'): self.end_trigger_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed('stop') elif self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed('stop') def stop(self,message): self.end_mediashow_signal=True if self.interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.interval_timer) def next(self): # stop track if running and set signal self.next_track_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed("stop") else: if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") def previous(self): self.previous_track_signal=True if self.shower<>None: self.shower.input_pressed("stop") else: if self.player<>None: self.player.input_pressed("stop") # wait for trigger sets the state to waiting so that events can do a start show. def wait_for_trigger(self): self.state='waiting' if self.show_ready_callback<>None: self.show_ready_callback() self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Waiting for trigger: "+ self.show_params['trigger']) if self.show_params['trigger']=="input": # blank screen waiting for trigger if auto, otherwise display something if self.show_params['progress']=="manual": text= self.resource('mediashow','m01') else: text= self.resource('mediashow','m02') self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self.start_show) elif self.show_params['trigger']=="input-quiet": # blank screen waiting for trigger text = self.resource('mediashow','m10') self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self.start_show) pass elif self.show_params['trigger'] in ('time','time-quiet'): # show next show notice quiet=3 # if next show is this one display text next_show=self.tod.next_event_time() if next_show[quiet]==False: if next_show[1]=='tomorrow': text = self.resource('mediashow','m09') else: text = self.resource('mediashow','m08') text=text.replace('%tt',next_show[0]) self.display_message(self.canvas,'text',text,0,self.start_show) elif self.show_params['trigger']=="start": self.start_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown trigger: "+ self.show_params['trigger']) self.end('error',"Unknown trigger type") def start_show(self): self.state='playing' self.direction='forward' # self.canvas.delete(ALL) # start interval timer if self.show_params['repeat']=="interval" and self.show_params['repeat-interval']<>0: self.interval_timer_signal=False self.interval_timer=self.canvas.after(int(self.show_params['repeat-interval'])*1000,self.end_interval_timer) # start duration timer if self.show_params['trigger-end']=='duration': # print 'set alarm ', self.duration self.duration_timer = self.canvas.after(self.duration*1000,self.tod_end_callback) # and play the first track unless commanded otherwise if self.command=='backward': self.medialist.finish() else: self.medialist.start() self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) def what_next(self): self.direction='forward' # end of show trigger caused by tod if self.end_trigger_signal==True: self.end_trigger_signal=False if self.state='waiting' self.wait_for_trigger() else: # not at top so stop the show self.end('normal','sub-show end time trigger') # user wants to end, wait for any shows or tracks to have ended then end show # probalby will get here with end_m set when player and shower has finished elif self.end_mediashow_signal==True: if self.player==None and self.shower==None: self.end_mediashow_signal=False self.end('normal',"show ended by user") #returning from a subshow needing to move onward elif self.req_next=='do-next': self.req_next='nil'['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) #returning from a subshow needing to move backward elif self.req_next=='do-previous': self.req_next='nil' self.direction='backward' self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # user wants to play child elif self.play_child_signal == True: self.play_child_signal=False index = self.medialist.index_of_track(self.child_track_ref) if index >=0: #don't use select the track as need to preserve mediashow sequence. child_track=self.medialist.track(index) self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m07')) self.play_selected_track(child_track) else: self.mon.err(self,"Child show not found in medialist: "+ self.show_params['pp-child-show']) self.end('error',"child show not found in medialist") # skip to next track on user input elif self.next_track_signal==True: self.next_track_signal=False if self.medialist.at_end()==True: if self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='oneshot' and self.end('do-next',"Return from Sub Show") elif self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='single-run' and self.end('do-next',"Return from Sub Show") else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # skip to previous track on user input elif self.previous_track_signal==True: self.previous_track_signal=False self.direction='backward' if self.medialist.at_start()==True: if self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='oneshot' and self.end('do-previous',"Return from Sub Show") elif self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='single-run' and self.end('do-previous',"Return from Sub Show") else: self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.medialist.previous(self.show_params['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track is finished and we are on auto elif self.show_params['progress']=="auto": if self.medialist.at_end()==True: # oneshot if self.show_params['repeat']=='oneshot' and self.end('normal',"End of Oneshot in subshow") elif self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='oneshot' and self.wait_for_trigger() # single run elif self.show_params['repeat']=='single-run' and self.end('normal',"End of Single Run") elif self.show_params['repeat']=='single-run' and self.end('do-next',"End of single run - Return from Sub Show") # repeating and waiting to restart elif self.waiting_for_interval==True: if self.interval_timer_signal==True: self.interval_timer_signal=False self.waiting_for_interval=False self.start_show() else: self.poll_for_interval_timer=self.canvas.after(1000,self.what_next) elif self.show_params['repeat']=='interval' and int(self.show_params['repeat-interval'])>0: self.waiting_for_interval=True self.poll_for_interval_timer=self.canvas.after(1000,self.what_next) #elif self.show_params['sequence']=="ordered" and self.show_params['repeat']=='interval' and int(self.show_params['repeat-interval'])==0: elif self.show_params['repeat']=='interval' and int(self.show_params['repeat-interval'])==0:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # shuffling so there is no end condition elif self.show_params['sequence']=="shuffle":['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) else: self.mon.err(self,"Unhandled playing event: "+self.show_params['sequence'] +' with ' + self.show_params['repeat']+" of "+ self.show_params['repeat-interval']) self.end('error',"Unhandled playing event") else:['sequence']) self.play_selected_track(self.medialist.selected_track()) # track has finished and we are on manual progress elif self.show_params['progress']=="manual": self.delete_eggtimer() self.canvas.delete('pp-content') if self.show_params['trigger-next']=='input': self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m03')) self.poll_for_continue_timer=self.canvas.after(2000,self.what_next) else: #unhandled state self.mon.err(self,"Unhandled playing event: ") self.end('error',"Unhandled playing event") # *************************** # Dispatching to Players/Shows # *************************** def ready_callback(self): self.delete_eggtimer() def play_selected_track(self,selected_track): """ selects the appropriate player from type field of the medialist and computes the parameters for that type selected track is a dictionary for the track/show """ self.delete_eggtimer() if self.show_params['progress']=="manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m04')) # is menu required if self.show_params['has-child']=="yes": self.enable_child=True else: self.enable_child=False #dispatch track by type self.player=None self.shower=None track_type = selected_track['type'] self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Track type is: "+ track_type) if track_type=="video": # create a videoplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=VideoPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type=="audio": # create a audioplayer track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=AudioPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type=="web": # create a browser track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) self.player=BrowserPlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type=="image": track_file=self.complete_path(selected_track) # images played from menus don't have children self.player=ImagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child) elif track_type=="message": # bit odd because MessagePlayer is used internally to display text. text=selected_track['text'] self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,selected_track,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile), self.showlist, self.end_player, self.ready_callback, enable_menu=self.enable_child ) elif track_type=="show": # get the show from the showlist index = self.showlist.index_of_show(selected_track['sub-show']) if index >=0: selected_show=self.showlist.selected_show() else: self.mon.err(self,"Show not found in showlist: "+ selected_track['sub-show']) self.end('error',"Unknown show") if selected_show['type']=="mediashow": self.shower= MediaShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile) print "Starting MediaShow: {0}".format(selected_track['sub-show']),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command=self.direction) elif selected_show['type']=="liveshow": self.shower= LiveShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="radiobuttonshow": self.shower= RadioButtonShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="hyperlinkshow": self.shower= HyperlinkShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') elif selected_show['type']=="menu": self.shower= MenuShow(selected_show, self.root, self.canvas, self.showlist, self.pp_dir, self.pp_home, self.pp_profile),self.end_shower,self.ready_callback,top=False,command='nil') else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Show Type: "+ selected_show['type']) self.end('error'"Unknown show type") else: self.mon.err(self,"Unknown Track Type: "+ track_type) self.end('error',"Unknown track type") def end_player(self,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Returned from player with message: "+ message) self.player=None self.req_next='nil' if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: # elif>else move to what-next? if self.show_params['progress']=="manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m05')) self.req_next=reason self.what_next() else: self.req_next=reason self.what_next() def end_shower(self,show_id,reason,message): self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Returned from shower with message: "+ message) self.shower=None self.req_next='nil' if reason in("killed","error"): self.end(reason,message) else: if self.show_params['progress']=="manual": self.display_eggtimer(self.resource('mediashow','m06')) self.req_next=reason self.what_next() else: self.req_next=reason self.what_next() # *************************** # end of show # *************************** def end(self,reason,message): self.end_mediashow_signal=False self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Ending Mediashow") self.tidy_up() self.end_callback(self.show_id,reason,message) self=None return def tidy_up(self): #clear outstanding time of day events for this show # self.tod.clear_times_list(id(self)) if self.poll_for_continue_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.poll_for_continue_timer) self.poll_for_continue_timer=None if self.poll_for_interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.poll_for_interval_timer) self.poll_for_interval_timer=None if self.interval_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.interval_timer) self.interval_timer=None if self.duration_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.duration_timer) self.duration_timer=None # *************************** # displaying things # *************************** def display_eggtimer(self,text): self.canvas.create_text(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, text= text, fill='white', font="Helvetica 20 bold", tag='pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) def delete_eggtimer(self): self.canvas.delete('pp-eggtimer') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) # used to display internal messages in situations where a medialist entry could not be used. def display_message(self,canvas,source,content,duration,_display_message_callback): self.display_message_callback=_display_message_callback tp={'duration':duration,'message-colour':'white','message-font':'Helvetica 20 bold','background-colour':'', 'message-justify':'left','background-image':'','show-control-begin':'','show-control-end':'', 'animate-begin':'','animate-clear':'','animate-end':'','message-x':'','message-y':'', 'display-show-background':'no','display-show-text':'no','show-text':'','track-text':'', 'plugin':''} self.player=MessagePlayer(self.show_id,self.root,canvas,tp,tp,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile),self.showlist,self.display_message_end,None,False) def display_message_end(self,reason,message): self.player=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end(reason,message) else: self.display_message_callback() # *************************** # utilities # *************************** def calculate_duration(self,line): fields=line.split(':') if len(fields)==1: secs=fields[0] minutes='0' hours='0' if len(fields)==2: secs=fields[1] minutes=fields[0] hours='0' if len(fields)==3: secs=fields[2] minutes=fields[1] hours=fields[0] self.duration=3600*long(hours)+60*long(minutes)+long(secs) return '' def resource(self,section,item): value=self.rr.get(section,item) if value==False: self.mon.err(self, "resource: "+section +': '+ item + " not found" ) self.terminate("error") else: return value def complete_path(self,selected_track): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry track_file = selected_track['location'] if track_file<>'' and track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,self.show_params['show-ref']+ ' '+ str(self.show_id)+ ": Track to play is: "+ track_file) return track_file
class EditItem(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, title, field_content, record_specs, field_specs, show_refs, initial_media_dir, pp_home_dir, initial_tab): self.mon = Monitor() self.mon.on() #save the extra arg to instance variable self.field_content = field_content # dictionary - the track parameters to be edited self.record_specs = record_specs # list of field names and seps/tabs in the order that they appear self.field_specs = field_specs # disctionary of specs referenced by field name self.show_refs = show_refs self.show_refs.append('') self.initial_media_dir = initial_media_dir self.pp_home_dir = pp_home_dir self.initial_tab = initial_tab # list of stringvars from which to get edited values (for optionmenu only??) self.entries = [] #and call the base class _init_which calls body immeadiately and apply on OK pressed tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title) def body(self, root): self.root = root bar = TabBar(root, init_name=self.initial_tab) self.body_fields(root, bar) # bar.config(bd=1, relief=RIDGE) # add some border def body_fields(self, master, bar): # get fields for this record using the record type in the loaded record record_fields = self.record_specs[self.field_content['type']] # init results of building the form self.tab_row = 1 # row on form self.fields = [ ] # generated by body_fields - list of field objects in record fields order, not for sep or tab self.field_index = 0 # index to self.fields incremented after each field except tab and sep self.entries = [ ] # generated by body_fields - list of stringvars in record fields order, used option-menus only # populate the dialog box using the record fields to determine the order for field in record_fields: #get list of values where required values = [] if self.field_specs[field]['shape'] in ("option-menu", 'spinbox'): if self.field_specs[field]['param'] in ('sub-show', 'start-show', 'controlled-show'): values = self.show_refs else: values = self.field_specs[field]['values'] else: values = [] # make the entry obj = self.make_entry(master, self.field_specs[field], values, bar) if obj <> None: self.fields.append(obj) self.field_index += 1 return None # No initial focus # create an entry in a dialog box def make_entry(self, master, field_spec, values, bar): # print 'make row',self.field_index,field_spec['shape'] if field_spec['shape'] == 'tab': self.current_tab = Tab(master, field_spec['name']) bar.add(self.current_tab, field_spec['text']) self.tab_row = 1 return None elif field_spec['shape'] == 'sep': Label(self.current_tab, text='', anchor=W).grid(row=self.tab_row, column=0, sticky=W) self.tab_row += 1 return None else: # get the name of the field parameter = field_spec['param'] # print 'content', parameter, self.field_content[field_spec['param']] # is it in the field content dictionary if not parameter in self.field_content: self.mon.log( self, "Value for field not found in opened file: " + parameter) return None else: if field_spec['must'] == 'yes': bg = 'pink' else: bg = 'white' #write the label Label(self.current_tab, text=field_spec['text'], anchor=W).grid(row=self.tab_row, column=0, sticky=W) # make the editable field if field_spec['shape'] in ('entry', 'colour', 'browse', 'font'): obj = Entry(self.current_tab, bg=bg, width=40, font='arial 11') obj.insert(END, self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape'] == 'text': obj = ScrolledText(self.current_tab, bg=bg, height=8, width=40, font='arial 11') obj.insert(END, self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape'] == 'spinbox': obj = Spinbox(self.current_tab, bg=bg, values=values, wrap=True) obj.insert(END, self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) elif field_spec['shape'] == 'option-menu': self.option_val = StringVar(self.current_tab) self.option_val.set( self.field_content[field_spec['param']]) obj = apply(OptionMenu, [self.current_tab, self.option_val] + values) self.entries.append(self.option_val) else: self.mon.log(self, "Uknown shape for: " + parameter) return None if field_spec['read-only'] == 'yes': obj.config(state="readonly", bg='dark grey') obj.grid(row=self.tab_row, column=1, sticky=W) #display buttons where required if field_spec['shape'] == 'browse': but = Button(self.current_tab, width=1, height=1, bg='dark grey', command=(lambda o=obj: self.browse(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row, column=2, sticky=W) elif field_spec['shape'] == 'colour': but = Button(self.current_tab, width=1, height=1, bg='dark grey', command=(lambda o=obj: self.pick_colour(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row, column=2, sticky=W) elif field_spec['shape'] == 'font': but = Button(self.current_tab, width=1, height=1, bg='dark grey', command=(lambda o=obj: self.pick_font(o))) but.grid(row=self.tab_row, column=2, sticky=W) self.tab_row += 1 return obj def apply(self): # get list of fields in the record in the same order as the form was generated record_fields = self.record_specs[self.field_content['type']] field_index = 0 # index to self.fields - not incremented for tab and sep entry_index = 0 # index of stringvars for option_menu for field in record_fields: # get the details of this field field_spec = self.field_specs[field] # print 'reading row',field_index,field_spec['shape'] # and get the value if field_spec['shape'] not in ('sep', 'tab'): # print field_spec['param'] if field_spec['shape'] == 'text': self.field_content[ field_spec['param']] = self.fields[field_index].get( 1.0, END).rstrip('\n') elif field_spec['shape'] == 'option-menu': self.field_content[ field_spec['param']] = self.entries[entry_index].get() entry_index += 1 else: self.field_content[field_spec['param']] = self.fields[ field_index].get().strip() # print self.field_content[field_spec['param']] field_index += 1 self.result = True return self.result def pick_colour(self, obj): rgb, colour = askcolor() #print rgb,colour if colour <> None: obj.delete(0, END) obj.insert(END, colour) def pick_font(self, obj): font = askChooseFont(self.root) print font if font <> None: obj.delete(0, END) obj.insert(END, font) def browse(self, obj): # print "initial directory ", self.options.initial_media_dir file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=self.initial_media_dir, multiple=False) if file_path == '': return file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) #print "file path ", file_path relpath = os.path.relpath(file_path, self.pp_home_dir) #print "relative path ",relpath common = os.path.commonprefix([file_path, self.pp_home_dir]) #print "common ",common if common.endswith("pp_home") == False: obj.delete(0, END) obj.insert(END, file_path) else: location = "+" + os.sep + relpath location = string.replace(location, '\\', '/') #print "location ",location obj.delete(0, END) obj.insert(END, location) def buttonbox(self): '''add modified button box. override standard one to get rid of key bindings which cause trouble with text widget ''' box = Frame(self) w = Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default=ACTIVE) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) w = Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel) box.pack()