        'use lock file to only enblend (memory intensive part) one at a time')
    parser.add_argument('--log', default='pr0nts', help='Output log file name')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.threads < 1:
        raise Exception('Bad threads')
    print 'Using %d threads' % args.threads

    log_dir = args.log
    out_dir = 'out'
    _dt = logwt(log_dir, 'main.log', shift_d=True)

    fn = args.pto[0]

    auto_size = not (args.stp or args.stm or args.stw or args.sth)

    print 'Assuming input %s is pto project to be stitched' % args.pto
    project = PTOProject.from_file_name(args.pto)
    print 'Creating tiler'
    stp = None
    if args.stp:
        stp = mksize(args.stp)
    elif args.stm:
        stp = mem2pix(mksize(args.stm))
        print 'Memory %s => %s pix' % (args.stm, size2str(stp))
    elif auto_size:
    parser.add_argument('--st-dir', default='st', help='store intermediate supertiles to given dir')
    parser.add_argument('--st-limit', default='inf', help='debug (exit after # supertiles, typically --st-limit 1 --threads 1)')
    parser.add_argument('--single-dir', default='single', help='folder to put final output composite image')
    parser.add_argument('--single-fn', default=None, help='file name to write in single dir')
    parser_add_bool_arg('--enblend-lock', default=False, help='use lock file to only enblend (memory intensive part) one at a time')
    parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default= multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    parser.add_argument('--log', default='pr0nts', help='Output log file name')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.threads < 1:
        raise Exception('Bad threads')
    print 'Using %d threads' % args.threads
    log_dir = args.log
    out_dir = 'out'
    _dt = logwt(log_dir, 'main.log', shift_d=True)

    fn = args.pto[0]
    auto_size = not (args.stp or args.stm or args.stw or args.sth)
    print 'Assuming input %s is pto project to be stitched' % args.pto
    project = PTOProject.from_file_name(args.pto)
    print 'Creating tiler'
    stp = None
    if args.stp:
        stp = mksize(args.stp)
    elif args.stm:
        stp = mem2pix(mksize(args.stm))
        print 'Memory %s => %s pix' % (args.stm, size2str(stp))
    elif auto_size: