def time_plate_main(): rospy.loginfo('Reading file') [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) rospy.loginfo('Original starting state was\n'+str(robot_state)) markers = vt.robot_marker(robot_state, ns='robot_starting_state', a = 0.5) pub = rospy.Publisher('/darrt_planning/robot_state_markers', MarkerArray) for i in range(10): rospy.loginfo('Publishing starting state!') pub.publish(markers) rospy.sleep(0.1) wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset(repopulate=False) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() plate = None for co in collision_objects: wi.add_object(co) if ( == goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name): plate = co psi.reset() ops = PoseStamped() ops.header = copy.deepcopy(plate.header) ops.pose = copy.deepcopy(plate.poses[0]) #the old pickup goal may have used base link to generate grasps #i don't know what we do with things for which we need a point cloud goal.pickup_goal = PickupGoal('right_arm', om.GraspableObject(reference_frame_id=ops.header.frame_id), object_pose_stamped=ops, collision_object_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name, collision_support_surface_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_support_surface_name, desired_grasps=plate_grasps(ops, ops.header.frame_id)) rospy.loginfo('Teleop to initial state. Ready to go?') raw_input() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 200 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 1 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.x = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.y = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.z = 0.86 average_time = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n'+str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: '+sys.argv[1]+', restart after '+str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error '+str(result.error_code)+'. We had '+str(i)+ ' successful trials with an average time of '+str(average_time/float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL '+str(i)+': '+str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo(str(NTRIALS)+' averaged '+str(average_time/float(NTRIALS))+' seconds to solve')
def main(): rospy.init_node("touring", anonymous=True) sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["success", "failure"]) base_mover = base.Base() detector = TablewareDetection() pickplace = PickPlace() pickplace.min_open_gripper_pos = 0.0014 world = two_arms_states.WorldState() interface = WorldInterface() tasks = Tasks() placer_r = SensingPlacer('right_arm') placer_l = SensingPlacer('left_arm') interface.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() tasks.move_arms_to_side() rospy.loginfo("Creating State Machine") with sm: detect = create_detect_sm(world, base_mover, detector) smach.StateMachine.add("detect", detect, transitions = {"success":"clean_table", "failure":"failure"} ) clean_table = clean_table_sm(world, tasks, base_mover, placer_l, placer_r, interface) smach.StateMachine.add("clean_table", clean_table, transitions = {"success":"setup_table", "failure":"failure" } ) setup_table = setup_table_sm(world, tasks, base_mover, placer_l, placer_r, interface) smach.StateMachine.add("setup_table", setup_table, transitions = {"success":"success", "failure":"failure" } ) outcome = sm.execute() rospy.loginfo("Outcome: %s", outcome)
def main(): [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) wi = WorldInterface() #set the planning scene up correctly wi.reset(repopulate=False) for co in collision_objects: #for running easy version if ('table' in or == 'plate'): wi.add_object(co) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() average_time = 0 goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 0 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 #i think that this does not work #goal.robot_state = robot_state goal.execute = False rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n' + str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: ' + sys.argv[1] + ', restart after ' + str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error ' + str(result.error_code) + '. We had ' + str(i) + ' successful trials with an average time of ' + str(average_time / float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo( str(NTRIALS) + ' averaged ' + str(average_time / float(NTRIALS)) + ' seconds to solve')
def main(): rospy.init_node("touring", anonymous=True) sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["success", "failure"]) base_mover = base.Base() detector = TablewareDetection() pickplace = PickPlace() pickplace.min_open_gripper_pos = 0.0014 poses = basic_states.poses world = basic_states.WorldState() interface = WorldInterface() tasks = Tasks() placer = SensingPlacer('right_arm') interface.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() tasks.move_arms_to_side() rospy.loginfo("Creating State Machine") nav_states = {} for name, pos in poses.iteritems(): nav_states[name] = basic_states.NavigateTo( world, base_mover, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) detect_state = basic_states.Detect(world, detector) top_pos_place_down = (-2.15, .5, .98) place_down_top = basic_states.PlaceDown(world, placer, top_pos_place_down) T = {"failure":"failure"} with sm: T["success"] = "detect" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_shelf", nav_states["shelf"], transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "choose_bowl" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("detect", detect_state, transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_to_pickable" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("choose_bowl", basic_states.ChooseItem(world, "bowl"), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "pickup" T["failure"] = "pickup" smach.StateMachine.add("move_to_pickable", basic_states.MoveToPickable(world, base_mover ), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_arms_to_side" T["failure"] = "move_arms_to_side_after_pickup" smach.StateMachine.add("pickup", basic_states.PickUp(world, pickplace, interface), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "detect" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_arms_to_side_after_pickup", basic_states.MoveArmsToSide(world, tasks), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_top_table" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_arms_to_side", basic_states.MoveArmsToSide(world, tasks), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "approach_top_table" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_top_table", nav_states["table_top_edge"], transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "place_down_top" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("approach_top_table", basic_states.MoveToReachable(world, base_mover, top_pos_place_down), transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "success" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("place_down_top", place_down_top, transitions=T.copy()) outcome = sm.execute() rospy.loginfo("Outcome: %s", outcome)
def main(): wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() rospy.sleep(2.0)
class SimSetup: def __init__(self, world, screenshot, fake_walls=False, box_plate=False, real=False): = world self.screenshot = screenshot self.wi = WorldInterface() self.psi = get_planning_scene_interface() self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) self.arms = ArmTasks() self.torso = Torso() self.gripper = { 'right_arm': Gripper('right_arm'), 'left_arm': Gripper('left_arm') } self.box_plate = box_plate self.real = real self.fake_walls = fake_walls def setup(self, arm): self.wi.reset(repopulate=False) self.set_robot_position() goal = DARRTGoal() goal.support_surfaces = self.add_tables() if self.fake_walls: self.add_walls() #all the primitives arm_transit = Primitive(name='ArmTransit', parameters=[arm]) base_transit = Primitive(name='BaseTransit', parameters=['pr2_base']) approach = Primitive(name="Approach", parameters=[arm]) retreat = Primitive(name="Retreat", parameters=[arm]) rigid_transfer = Primitive(name="RigidTransfer", parameters=[arm]) push = Primitive(name="Push", parameters=[arm]) pickup = Primitive(name="Pickup", parameters=[arm]) uspat = Primitive(name="UseSpatula", parameters=[arm], numeric_parameters=[0.22, 0.2, 0.2]) strans = Primitive(name="SpatulaTransfer", parameters=[arm]) if < 0: obj = self.add_little_object() spatula, grasps = self.add_spatula(arm) block = self.add_block() if < -8: self.add_barrier() goal.objects = [obj, spatula, block] rigid_transfer.parameters.append( push.parameters += [, arm[0] + '_end_effector' ] uspat.parameters += [,, ] uspat.grasps = grasps lift = Vector3(z=1.0) uspat.directional_parameters.append(lift) strans.parameters += [, ] goal.primitives = [ arm_transit, base_transit, approach, retreat, rigid_transfer, push, uspat, strans ] goal.goals = [ Goal(, self.get_goal_poses(), False) ] self.psi.reset() return goal else: rospy.loginfo('Old world set up is broken!') return None #this no longer works right if < 14: obj = self.add_plate() else: obj = self.add_box() if > 7: self.add_barrier() self.psi.reset() if < 6 or > 7: ss_surface = ss_names[2] #elif == 12: # ss_surface = ss_names[1] else: ss_surface = ss_names[0] return World(obj, ss_surface, ss_names[1]) def set_robot_position(self): #right now worlds 6 and above don't move the robot if > 15: return ps = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() ps.pose.covariance = [0] * 36 ps.header.frame_id = '/map' if abs( <= 2: #easier start pose ps.pose.pose.position.x = 2.7 ps.pose.pose.position.y = -2.5 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 elif < 0 or abs( < 6 or abs( == 14: ps.pose.pose.position.x = -1 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 0 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 elif abs( == 12: ps.pose.pose.position.x = 0 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 1.5 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 else: ps.pose.pose.position.x = 1 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 1 ps.pose.pose.orientation.z = -1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0) ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0) if not self.real: self.pose_pub.publish(ps) self.gripper['right_arm'].open() self.torso.move(0.3) self.arms.move_arm_to_side('left_arm') if abs( < 4: rospy.loginfo('Moving right arm to up position') self.arms._arm_mover.move_to_goal( 'right_arm', self.arms._arm_planners['right_arm']. joint_positions_to_joint_state( self.arms.side_joint_trajectory['right_arm'][1]), try_hard=True) else: self.arms.move_arm_to_side('right_arm') def add_tables(self): if self.screenshot: return ['', '', ''] table = CollisionObject() table.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame table.operation.operation = table.operation.ADD shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.MESH #center table shape.vertices = [ Point(x=-0.2, y=-0.4, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=0.97, y=-0.6, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=1.0, y=0.25, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-0.25, y=0.3, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] shape.triangles = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 poseb = copy.deepcopy(pose) poseb.position.z = -0.02 poset = copy.deepcopy(pose) poset.position.z = 0.02 table.shapes.append(shape) table.shapes.append(shape) table.shapes.append(shape) table.poses.append(poset) table.poses.append(pose) table.poses.append(poseb) = 'center_table' self.wi.add_object(table) #table near the door = 'door_table' shape.vertices = [ Point(x=-2.4, y=1.84, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-1.15, y=1.75, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-1.15, y=2.5, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-2.4, y=2.5, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] self.wi.add_object(table) #table in far corner = 'far_corner' shape.vertices = [ Point(x=3, y=-2.7, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=2.4, y=-3.8, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=3.2, y=-4.3, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=3.8, y=-3.2, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] self.wi.add_object(table) if self.fake_walls: #these are the table feet foot = CollisionObject() foot.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame foot.operation.operation = foot.operation.ADD = "far_corner_foot" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.5, FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2.0] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 3 pose.position.y = -3.4 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 angle = 0.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) foot.shapes.append(shape) foot.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(foot) = "center_table_foot1" shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.75, 0.3] pose.position.x = 0.9 pose.position.y = -0.1 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 angle = 0 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) self.wi.add_object(foot) = "center_table_foot2" pose.position.x = -0.2 self.wi.add_object(foot) = "door_table_foot" pose.position.x = -1.25 pose.position.y = 2.1 self.wi.add_object(foot) return ['center_table', 'door_table', 'far_corner'] def add_walls(self): window_wall = CollisionObject() window_wall.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame window_wall.operation.operation = window_wall.operation.ADD = "window_wall" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [8, 0.1, 2.5] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 0 pose.position.y = -2.63 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 - 0.1 angle = np.pi / 6.25 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) window_wall.shapes.append(shape) window_wall.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[0] = shape.dimensions[1] shape.dimensions[1] = 5 pose.position.x = -2.45 pose.position.y = 1 angle = 0.05 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "door_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = shape.dimensions[0] shape.dimensions[0] = 8 pose.position.x = 0 pose.position.y = 2.3 angle = 0.1 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "cabinet_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[0] = shape.dimensions[1] shape.dimensions[1] = 3 pose.position.x = 4 pose.position.y = -3 angle = 0.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "banner_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = 4 shape.dimensions[2] = 1 pose.position.x = 3.25 pose.position.y = 0.65 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 - 0.05 angle = 0 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "computer_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = shape.dimensions[0] shape.dimensions[0] = 1.8 pose.position.x = 3.9 pose.position.y = -1.6 angle = np.pi / 5.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "nook_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) def add_little_object(self): little_obj = CollisionObject() little_obj.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame little_obj.operation.operation = little_obj.operation.ADD = "little_obj" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.CYLINDER shape.dimensions = [0.05, 0.02] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 little_obj.shapes.append(shape) little_obj.poses.append(pose) little_obj_p = copy.deepcopy(little_obj) little_obj_p.poses[0].position.x = 3.1 little_obj_p.poses[0].position.y = -3.2 little_obj_p.poses[ 0].position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[1] / 2.0 self.wi.add_object(little_obj_p) return ObjectType(type="RoundObject", collision_object=little_obj, parameters=['far_corner']) def add_block(self): block = CollisionObject() block.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame block.operation.operation = block.operation.ADD = "block" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.1, 0.13] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 block.shapes.append(shape) block.poses.append(pose) block_p = copy.deepcopy(block) block_p.poses[0].position.x = 2.9 block_p.poses[0].position.y = -3.5 block_p.poses[ 0].position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 self.wi.add_object(block_p) return ObjectType(type="FixedObject", collision_object=block, parameters=['far_table']) def add_spatula(self, arm): spatula = CollisionObject() = "spatula" spatula.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame spatula.operation.operation = spatula.operation.ADD paddle = Shape() handle = Shape() paddle.type = paddle.BOX paddle.dimensions = [0.11, 0.12, 0.005] handle.type = handle.CYLINDER handle.dimensions = [0.02, 0.24] paddle_pose = Pose() handle_pose = Pose() paddle_pose.position.y = paddle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 paddle_pose.orientation.w = 1.0 angle = np.pi / 5.0 handle_pose.position.y = -1.0 * handle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 * np.sin( np.pi / 2.0 - angle) handle_pose.position.z = handle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 * np.cos( np.pi / 2.0 - angle) handle_pose.orientation.x = np.sin((np.pi / 2.0 - angle) / 2.0) handle_pose.orientation.w = np.cos((np.pi / 2.0 - angle) / 2.0) spatula.shapes = [paddle, handle] spatula.poses = [paddle_pose, handle_pose] #this is the grasp transformation pos_on_handle = handle.dimensions[1] - 0.1 inv_grasp = Transform() grasp = RigidGrasp() #really should be calculating this... inv_grasp.translation.y = GRIPPER_LENGTH inv_grasp.translation.z = pos_on_handle / 2.0 #flip 90 degrees inv_grasp.rotation.z = np.sin(-1.0 * np.pi / 4.0) inv_grasp.rotation.w = np.cos(-1.0 * np.pi / 4.0) g = gt.transform_pose(transform_to_pose(inv_grasp), handle_pose) origin = Pose() origin.orientation.w = 1.0 grasp.transform = pose_to_transform( gt.inverse_transform_pose(origin, g)) grasp.touch_links = [arm[0] + '_end_effector'] grasp.attach_link = arm[0] + '_gripper_r_finger_tip_link' grasp.min_approach_distance = 0 grasp.desired_approach_distance = 0.15 grasp.min_distance_from_surface = -1 spat_p = copy.deepcopy(spatula) wtrans = Pose() wtrans.orientation.x = np.sin(angle / 2.0) wtrans.orientation.w = np.cos(angle / 2.0) if == -1: wtrans.position.x = 3 wtrans.position.y = -2.8 wtrans.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[0] ss = ['far_corner'] elif == -2 or == -7 or == -9 or == -5: wtrans.position.x = -1.7 wtrans.position.y = 2 wtrans.position.z = DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[0] ss = ['door_table'] else: wtrans.position.x = 0.6 wtrans.position.y = -0.3 wtrans.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[ 0] ss = ['center_table'] if == -4 or == -5: wtrans.position.y = 0 rot = Quaternion() rot.z = np.sin(np.pi / 2.0) rot.w = np.cos(np.pi / 2.0) wtrans.orientation = gt.multiply_quaternions( rot, wtrans.orientation) if == -5: wtrans.position.x = 0 for i in range(len(spat_p.poses)): spat_p.poses[i] = gt.transform_pose(spat_p.poses[i], wtrans) self.wi.add_object(spat_p) return ObjectType(type="SpatulaObject", collision_object=spatula, parameters=ss, numeric_parameters=paddle.dimensions + handle.dimensions + [angle]), [grasp] def add_plate(self): plate = CollisionObject() plate.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame plate.operation.operation = plate.operation.ADD = "plate" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.CYLINDER shape.dimensions = [0.15, 0.04] if self.box_plate: shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.3, 0.3, 0.04] pose = Pose() if < 6 or == 8 or == 9 or == 12: pose.position.x = 3.1 pose.position.y = -3.2 pose.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[ 1] / 2.0 elif == 6: pose.position.x = 0.6 #0.894692#0.5 pose.position.y = -0.3 #-0.468198#-0.2 pose.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + shape.dimensions[1] / 2.0 # elif == 12: # pose.position.x = -1.3 # pose.position.y = 2 # pose.position.z = DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[1]/2.0 else: pose.position.x = 0.5 #0.894692#0.5 pose.position.y = 0.1 pose.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[ 1] / 2.0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 plate.shapes.append(shape) plate.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(plate) return plate def add_box(self): box = CollisionObject() box.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame box.operation.operation = box.operation.ADD = "box" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.05, 0.15] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 3.1 pose.position.y = -3.2 pose.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 box.shapes.append(shape) box.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(box) return box def add_barrier(self): box = CollisionObject() box.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame box.operation.operation = box.operation.ADD = "barrier1" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 2, 1] box.shapes.append(shape) pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 1 pose.position.y = -1.5 pose.position.z = 0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 box.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(box) # if != 12: # = "barrier2" # box.shapes[0].dimensions = [1, 0.1, 1] # box.poses[0].position.x = 1.5 # box.poses[0].position.y = 0 # self.wi.add_object(box) def get_goal_poses(self): place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame if abs( < 0 or ( == -5 or abs( % 2 == 0 and abs( != 12 and abs( != 4): #easiest goal x = 1 y = -2 z = 0.85 else: #slightly harder goal x = -1 y = 1 z = 0.85 if abs( == 12: x = 0 y = -1 z - 0.85 if abs( == 14: x = 0 y = 1 z = 0.85 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = x place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = y place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = z place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 return [place_pose_stamped]