def fetch_responses(id): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() report = { 'status': 'OK', 'errors': [], 'id': id, 'hash': hash, 'questions': MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS, } if database_exists(hash) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such database ' + hash + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) response_table = 'undefined' total_count = 0 std_devs = [] id_responses = {} # responses = {} if table_exists(hash, response_table) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such table ' + response_table + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: for response_field in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS: values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, response_field, start, now, filter=True) for value in values: if value[1] != None and str(value[1]).strip() != '': key = key_for_user(id, value[0]) value_dict = {} if key in id_responses: value_dict = id_responses[key] else: id_responses[key] = value_dict num_values = [] if response_field in value_dict: num_values = value_dict[response_field] else: value_dict[response_field] = num_values num_values.append(float(value[1])) for key, value_dict in id_responses.iteritems(): for response_field,num_values in value_dict.iteritems(): value_dict[response_field] = numpy.mean(num_values) return id_responses return {}
def handle(self, *args, **options): count = 0 admin_user = DashboardUser.objects.get(username=args[0]) mobilyze = Study.objects.get(slug='mobilyze-2013') table = 'undefined' now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) all_values = {} # date, name, value for study in Study.objects.filter(slug='mobilyze-2013'): for id in study.participant_ids(admin_user): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() readings = [] try: readings = all_values[id] except KeyError: pass if database_exists(hash): if table_exists(hash, table): for column in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS: if column in CATEGORICAL_QUESTIONS: pass else: values = fetch_data(hash, table, column, start, now, filter=True) for value in values: if True: # try: readings.append((value[0], id, column, float(value[1]))) # except: all_values[id] = readings for k,v in all_values.iteritems(): all_values[k].sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) print(json.dumps(all_values, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))
def exponate_response(request): output = {} for study in Study.objects.filter(slug='exponate-2013'): for id in study.participant_ids(request.user, active=True): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() output[id] = {} if database_exists(hash): output[id]['hash'] = hash if table_exists(hash, 'EXPONATE'): rows = fetch_data(hash, 'EXPONATE', 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_name,FEATURE_VALUE_DT_user,FEATURE_VALUE_DT_value') output[id]['rows'] = rows else: output[id]['error'] = 'No such table "EXPONATE".' else: output[id]['error'] = 'No such database.' return HttpResponse(json.dumps(output, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder), content_type="text/plain")
def mobilyze_numeric(request): workbook = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = workbook.add_sheet('Responses') sheet.write(0, 0, 'Response ID') sheet.write(0, 1, 'Participant ID') sheet.write(0, 2, 'Response Key') sheet.write(0, 3, 'Response Date') sheet.write(0, 4, 'Response Value') table = 'undefined' now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) row_counter = 1 for study in Study.objects.filter(slug='mobilyze-2013'): for id in study.participant_ids(request.user): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() if database_exists(hash): if table_exists(hash, table): for column in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS: if column in CATEGORICAL_QUESTIONS: pass else: values = fetch_data(hash, table, column, start, now, filter=True) for value in values: sheet.write(row_counter, 0, row_counter) sheet.write(row_counter, 1, id) sheet.write(row_counter, 2, column.replace('FEATURE_VALUE_DT_', '')) sheet.write(row_counter, 3, value[0].isoformat(' ')) try: sheet.write(row_counter, 4, float(value[1])) except: sheet.write(row_counter, 4, value[1]) row_counter += 1 else: values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_name,FEATURE_VALUE_DT_value', start, now, filter=False) last_name = None for value in values: name = 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_' + value[1] if name in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS and (name in CATEGORICAL_QUESTIONS) == False and last_name != name: last_name = name sheet.write(row_counter, 0, row_counter) sheet.write(row_counter, 1, id) sheet.write(row_counter, 2, value[1]) sheet.write(row_counter, 3, value[0].isoformat(' ')) try: sheet.write(row_counter, 4, float(value[2])) except: sheet.write(row_counter, 4, value[2]) row_counter += 1 io_str = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(io_str.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="Mobilyze_Numeric_' +'%Y%m%d') + '"' io_str.close() return response
def fetch_responses(id): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() report = { 'status': 'OK', 'errors': [], 'id': id, 'hash': hash, 'questions': MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS, 'categorical': CATEGORICAL_QUESTIONS } if database_exists(hash) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such database ' + hash + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: stats = {} group_stats = {} now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) response_table = 'undefined' total_count = 0 std_devs = [] if table_exists(hash, response_table) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such table ' + response_table + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: for response_field in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS: try: stats[response_field] except KeyError: stats[response_field] = {} values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, response_field, start, now, filter=True) stats[response_field]['count'] = 0 num_values = [] for value in values: if value[1] != None and str(value[1]).strip() != '': if response_field in CATEGORICAL_QUESTIONS: pass else: num_values.append(float(value[1])) stats[response_field]['count'] += 1 if len(num_values) > 0: stats[response_field]['min'] = numpy.amin(num_values) stats[response_field]['max'] = numpy.amax(num_values) stats[response_field]['mean'] = numpy.mean(num_values) stats[response_field]['stddev'] = numpy.std(num_values) std_devs.append(stats[response_field]['stddev']) report['statistics'] = stats report['mean_std_dev'] = numpy.mean(std_devs) return report
def fetch_completion(id): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() report = { 'status': 'OK', 'errors': [], 'id': id, 'hash': hash } if database_exists(hash) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such database ' + hash + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) response_table = 'undefined' responses = {} total_count = 0 if table_exists(hash, response_table) == False: if table_exists(hash, 'mobilyze_eav') == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such table ' + 'mobilyze_eav' + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: last_session_date = datetime.datetime.min session_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=600) session_count = 0 values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_name', start, now) for value in values: if value[1] != None: if (value[0] - last_session_date) > session_delta: session_count += 1 last_session_date = value[0] # values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_name', start, now) last_value = '' last_name = '' values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', 'FEATURE_VALUE_DT_name', start, now) for value in values: if value[1] != None and value[1] != last_value and value[1] != '': last_value = value[1] total_count += 1 responses['DISTINCT_TIMES'] = session_count else: for response_field in MOBILYZE_QUESTIONS: values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, response_field, start, now) response_count = 0 for value in values: if value[1] != None: response_count += 1 total_count += response_count responses[response_field] = response_count values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, 'eventDateTime', start, now, distinct=True) values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) values.reverse() session_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=600) session_count = 0 last_submit = datetime.datetime.max for value in values: if (last_submit - value[1]) > session_delta: session_count += 1 last_submit = value[1] responses['DISTINCT_TIMES'] = session_count responses['TOTAL'] = total_count report['responses'] = responses return report
def fetch_status(id): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(id) hash = m.hexdigest() report = { 'status': 'OK', 'errors': [], 'id': id, 'hash': hash } if database_exists(hash) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such database ' + hash + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = now - datetime.timedelta(0, 3600 * 6) sensor_table = 'RobotHealthProbe' sensor_field = 'ACTIVE_RUNTIME' if table_exists(hash, sensor_table) == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such table ' + sensor_table + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: values = fetch_data(hash, sensor_table, sensor_field, start, now) if len(values) < 1: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No recent data from sensor ' + sensor_table + '.' + sensor_field + '.') values = fetch_data(hash, sensor_table, sensor_field, datetime.datetime.min, now, limit=5) try: report['last_sensor'] = values[-1][0] except: report['last_sensor'] = None if report['last_sensor'] != None: report['last_sensor'] = pytz.utc.localize(report['last_sensor']) report['last_sensor'] = report['last_sensor'].astimezone(timezone('US/Central')) response_table = 'undefined' response_field = 'GUID' if table_exists(hash, response_table) == False: if table_exists(hash, 'mobilyze_eav') == False: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No such table ' + 'mobilyze_eav' + ' for ID ' + id + '.') else: values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', response_field, start, now) if len(values) < 1: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No recent responses from PRO.') else: values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, response_field, start, now) if len(values) < 1: report['status'] = 'Error' report['errors'].append('No recent responses from PRO.') values = fetch_data(hash, response_table, response_field, datetime.datetime.min, now, limit=5) try: report['last_response'] = values[-1][0] except: values = fetch_data(hash, 'mobilyze_eav', response_field, datetime.datetime.min, now, limit=5) try: report['last_response'] = values[-1][0] except: report['last_response'] = None if report['last_response'] != None: report['last_response'] = pytz.utc.localize(report['last_response']) report['last_response'] = report['last_response'].astimezone(timezone('US/Central')) return report