 def __init__(self, mrf, verbose=False, multicore=False):
     self.mrf = mrf
     self.constraints = {} # mapping the signature of a constaint to its constraint object
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.wcsp = WCSP()
     self.wcsp.domsizes = [len(self.domains[i]) for i in self.variables]
     self.multicore = multicore
class WCSPConverter(object):
    Class for converting an MLN into a WCSP problem for efficient
    MPE inference.
    def __init__(self, mrf, verbose=False, multicore=False):
        self.mrf = mrf
        self.constraints = {} # mapping the signature of a constaint to its constraint object
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.wcsp = WCSP()
        self.wcsp.domsizes = [len(self.domains[i]) for i in self.variables]
        self.multicore = multicore
    def _createvars(self):
        Create the variables, one binary for each ground atom.
        Considers also mutually exclusive blocks of ground atoms.
        self.variables = {} # maps an index to its MRF variable
        self.domains = defaultdict(list) # maps a var index to a list of its MRF variable value tuples
        self.atom2var = {} # maps ground atom indices to their variable index
        self.val2idx = defaultdict(dict)
        varidx = 0
        for variable in self.mrf.variables:
            if isinstance(variable, FuzzyVariable): # fuzzy variables are not subject to reasoning
            if variable.valuecount(self.mrf.evidence_dicti()) == 1: # the var is fully determined by the evidence
                for _, value in variable.itervalues(self.mrf.evidence_dicti()):
                self.mrf.set_evidence(variable.value2dict(value), erase=False)
            self.variables[varidx] = variable
            for gndatom in variable.gndatoms:
                self.atom2var[gndatom.idx] = varidx
            for validx, (_, value) in enumerate(variable.itervalues(self.mrf.evidence_dicti())):
                self.val2idx[varidx][value] = validx
            varidx += 1

    def convert(self):
        Performs a conversion from an MLN into a WCSP.
        # mln to be restored after inference
        self._weights = list(self.mrf.mln.weights)
        mln = self.mrf.mln
        logic = mln.logic
        # preprocess the formulas
        formulas = []
        for f in self.mrf.formulas:
            if f.weight == 0: 
            if f.weight < 0:
                f = logic.negate(f)
                f.weight = -f.weight
        # preprocess the ground formulas
#         grounder = DefaultGroundingFactory(self.mrf, formulas=formulas, simplify=True, unsatfailure=True, multicore=self.multicore, verbose=self.verbose)
        grounder = FastConjunctionGrounding(self.mrf, simplify=True, unsatfailure=True, formulas=formulas, multicore=self.multicore, verbose=self.verbose, cache=0)
        for gf in grounder.itergroundings():
            if isinstance(gf, Logic.TrueFalse):
                if gf.weight == HARD and gf.truth() == 0:
                    raise SatisfiabilityException('MLN is unsatisfiable: hard constraint %s violated' % self.mrf.mln.formulas[gf.idx])
                else:# formula is rendered true/false by the evidence -> equal in every possible world 
        self.mrf.mln.weights = self._weights
        return self.wcsp

    def generate_constraint(self, wf):
        Generates and adds a constraint from a given weighted formula.
        varindices = tuple(map(lambda x: self.atom2var[x], wf.gndatom_indices()))
        # collect the constraint tuples
        cost2assignments = self._gather_constraint_tuples(varindices, wf)
        if cost2assignments is None:
        defcost = max(cost2assignments, key=lambda x: infty if cost2assignments[x] == 'else' else len(cost2assignments[x]))
        del cost2assignments[defcost] # remove the default cost values
        constraint = Constraint(varindices, defcost=defcost)
        for cost, tuples in cost2assignments.iteritems():
            for t in tuples:
                constraint.tuple(t, cost)
    def _gather_constraint_tuples(self, varindices, formula):
        Collects and evaluates all tuples that belong to the constraint
        given by a formula. In case of disjunctions and conjunctions,
        this is fairly efficient since not all combinations
        need to be evaluated. Returns a dictionary mapping the constraint
        costs to the list of respective variable assignments.
        logic = self.mrf.mln.logic
        # we can treat conjunctions and disjunctions fairly efficiently
        defaultProcedure = False
        conj = logic.islitconj(formula)
        disj = False
        if not conj:
            disj = logic.isclause(formula)
        if not varindices:
            return None
        if not conj and not disj:
            defaultProcedure = True
        if not defaultProcedure:
            assignment = [None] * len(varindices)
            children = list(formula.literals())
            for gndlit in children:
                # constants are handled in the maxtruth/mintruth calls below
                if isinstance(gndlit, Logic.TrueFalse): continue
                # get the value of the gndlit that renders the formula true (conj) or false (disj):
                # for a conjunction, the literal must be true,
                # for a disjunction, it must be false.
                (gndatom, val) = (gndlit.gndatom, not gndlit.negated)
                if disj: val = not val
                val = 1 if val else 0
                variable = self.variables[self.atom2var[gndatom.idx]]
                # in case there are multiple values of a variable that may render the formula true
                # we cannot apply this efficient implementation and have to fall back to the naive impl. 
                tmp_evidence = variable.value2dict(variable.evidence_value())
                evval = tmp_evidence.get(gndatom.idx)
                if evval is not None and evval != val:
                    # the supposed value of the variable and the evidence value mismatch,
                    # so the conjunction (disjunction) can never be rendered true (false)
                tmp_evidence = dict_union(tmp_evidence, {gndatom.idx: val})
                if variable.valuecount(tmp_evidence) > 1:
                    defaultProcedure = True
                # there is only one value remaining
                for _, value in variable.itervalues(tmp_evidence):
                    varidx = self.atom2var[gndatom.idx] 
                    validx = self.val2idx[varidx][value]
                # if there are two different values needed to render the formula true...
                if assignment[varindices.index(varidx)] is not None and assignment[varindices.index(varidx)] != value:
                    if formula.weight == HARD:
                        if conj: # ...if it's a hard conjunction, the MLN is unsatisfiable -- e.g. foo(x) ^ !foo(x) 
                            raise SatisfiabilityException('Knowledge base is unsatisfiable due to hard constraint violation: %s' % formula)
                        elif disj: # ...if it's a hard disjunction, it's a tautology -- e.g. foo(x) v !foo(x)
                    else: # for soft constraints, unsatisfiable formulas and tautologies  can be ignored
                        return None
                assignment[varindices.index(varidx)] = validx
            if not defaultProcedure:
                maxtruth = formula.maxtruth(self.mrf.evidence)
                mintruth = formula.mintruth(self.mrf.evidence)
                if formula.weight == HARD and (maxtruth in Interval(']0,1[') or mintruth in Interval(']0,1[')):
                    raise MRFValueException('No fuzzy truth values are allowed in hard constraints.')
                if conj:
                    if formula.weight == HARD:
                        cost = 0
                        defcost = self.wcsp.top
                        cost = formula.weight * (1 - maxtruth)
                        defcost = formula.weight
                    if formula.weight == HARD:
                        cost = self.wcsp.top
                        defcost = 0
                        defcost = 0
                        cost = formula.weight * (1 - mintruth)
                if len(assignment) != len(varindices):
                    raise MRFValueException('Illegal variable assignments. Variables: %s, Assignment: %s' % (varindices, assignment))
                return {cost: [tuple(assignment)], defcost: 'else'}
        if defaultProcedure: 
            # fallback: go through all combinations of truth assignments
            domains = [self.domains[v] for v in varindices]
            cost2assignments = defaultdict(list)
            # compute number of worlds to be examined and print a warning
            worlds = 1
            for d in domains: worlds *= len(d)
            if worlds > 1000000:
            for c in combinations(domains):
                world = [0] * len(self.mrf.gndatoms)
                assignment = []
                for varidx, value in zip(varindices, c):
                    world = self.variables[varidx].setval(value, world)
                # the MRF feature imposed by this formula 
                truth = formula(world)
                if truth is None:
                    print 'POSSIBLE WORLD:'
                    print '==============='
                    print 'GROUND FORMULA:'
                    print '==============='
                    raise Exception('Something went wrong: Truth of ground formula cannot be evaluated (see above)')
                if truth in Interval(']0,1[') and formula.weight == HARD:
                    raise MRFValueException('No fuzzy truth values are allowed in hard constraints.')
                if formula.weight == HARD:
                    if truth == 1:
                        cost = 0
                        cost = self.wcsp.top
                    cost = ((1 - truth) * formula.weight)
            return cost2assignments
        assert False # unreachable
    def forbid_gndatom(self, atom, truth=True):
        Adds a unary constraint that prohibits the given ground atom
        being true.
        atomidx = atom if type(atom) is int else (self.mrf.gndatom(atom).idx if type(atom) is str else atom.idx)
        varidx = self.atom2var[atomidx]
        variable = self.variables[varidx]
        evidence = list(self.mrf.evidence)
        evidence[atomidx] = {True: 1, False: 0}[truth]
        c = Constraint((varidx,))
        for _, value in variable.itervalues(evidence):
            validx = self.val2idx[varidx][value]
            c.tuple((validx,), self.wcsp.top)
    def getPseudoDistributionForGndAtom(self, gndAtom):
        Computes a relative "distribution" for all possible variable assignments of 
        a mutex constraint. This can be used to determine the confidence in particular
        most probable world by comparing the score with the second-most probable one.
        if isinstance(gndAtom, basestring):
            gndAtom = self.mrf.gndAtoms[gndAtom]
        if not isinstance(gndAtom, Logic.GroundAtom):
            raise Exception('Argument must be a ground atom')
        varIdx = self.gndAtom2VarIndex[gndAtom]
        valIndices = range(len(self.varIdx2GndAtom[varIdx]))
        mutex = len(self.varIdx2GndAtom[varIdx]) > 1
        if not mutex:
            raise Exception("Pseudo distribution is provided for mutex constraints only.")
        wcsp = self.convert()
        atoms = []
        cost = []
            while len(valIndices) > 0:
                s, c = wcsp.solve()
                if s is None: raise
                val = s[varIdx]
                atom = self.varIdx2GndAtom[varIdx][val]
                self.forbidGndAtom(atom, wcsp)
        except: pass                    
        c_max = max(cost)
        for i, c in enumerate(cost):
            cost[i] = c_max - c
        c_sum = sum(cost)
        for i, c in enumerate(cost):
            cost[i] = float(c) / c_sum
        return dict([(a,c) for a, c in zip(atoms, cost)])