def timing():
    This examples compare the numerical performance of `precession.orbit_angles`
    and `precession.evolve_angles`. Computation is performed twice, first using
    all the available CPUs and then explicitely disabling the code
    **Run using**

        import precession.test

    BHsample = []  #  Construct a sample of BH binaries
    N = 100
    for i in range(N):
        q = random.uniform(0, 1)
        chi1 = random.uniform(0, 1)
        chi2 = random.uniform(0, 1)
        M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2)
        t1 = random.uniform(0, numpy.pi)
        t2 = random.uniform(0, numpy.pi)
        dp = random.uniform(0, 2. * numpy.pi)
        BHsample.append([q, S1, S2, t1, t2, dp])
    q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals, t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals = zip(
        *BHsample)  # Traspose python list

    ri = 1e4 * M  # Initial separation
    rf = 10 * M  # Final separation
    r_vals = [ri, rf]  # Intermediate output separations not needed here

    print " *Integrating a sample of N=%.0f BH binaries from ri=%.0f to rf=%.0f using %.0f CPUs*" % (
        N, ri, rf, multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    )  # Parallel computation used by default
    t0 = time.time()
    precession.orbit_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals,
                            S1_vals, S2_vals)
    t = time.time() - t0
    print "Orbit-averaged: parallel integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % (
        t, t / N)
    t0 = time.time()
    precession.evolve_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals,
                             S1_vals, S2_vals)
    t = time.time() - t0
    print "Precession-averaged: parallel integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % (
        t, t / N)

    precession.empty_temp()  # Remove previous checkpoints
    precession.CPUs = 1  # Force serial computation
    print " *Integrating a sample of N=%.0f BH binaries from ri=%.0f to rf=%.0f using %.0f CPU*" % (
        len(BHsample), ri, rf, precession.CPUs)
    t0 = time.time()
    precession.orbit_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals,
                            S1_vals, S2_vals)
    t = time.time() - t0
    print "Orbit-averaged: serial integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % (
        t, t / N)
    t0 = time.time()
    precession.evolve_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals,
                             S1_vals, S2_vals)
    t = time.time() - t0
    print "Precession-averaged: serial integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % (
        t, t / N)
    precession.empty_temp()  # Remove previous checkpoints
def PNwrappers():
    Wrappers of the PN integrators. Here we show how to perform orbit-averaged,
    precession-averaged and hybrid PN inspirals using the various wrappers
    implemented in the code. We also show how to estimate the final mass, spin
    and recoil of the BH remnant following a merger.

    **Run using**

        import precession.test

    q = 0.9  # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1.
    chi1 = 0.5  # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1
    chi2 = 0.5  # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1
    print "We study a binary with\n\tq=%.3f, chi1=%.3f, chi2=%.3f" % (q, chi1,
    M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1,
                                             chi2)  # Total-mass units M=1
    ri = 1000 * M  # Initial separation.
    rf = 10. * M  # Final separation.
    rt = 100. * M  # Intermediate separation for hybrid evolution.
    r_vals = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ri), numpy.log10(rf),
                            10)  # Output requested
    t1i = numpy.pi / 4.
    t2i = numpy.pi / 4.
    dpi = numpy.pi / 4.  # Initial configuration
    xii, Ji, Si = precession.from_the_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, q, S1, S2, ri)
    print "Configuration at ri=%.0f\n\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (
        ri, xii, Ji, Si, t1i, t2i, dpi)

    print " *Orbit-averaged evolution*"
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf)
    Jf, xif, Sf = precession.orbit_averaged(Ji, xii, Si, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (xif[-1], Jf[-1], Sf[-1])
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.orbit_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],
    Jvec, Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, Svec = precession.Jframe_projection(
        xii, Si, Ji, q, S1, S2, ri)
    Lxi, Lyi, Lzi = Lvec
    S1xi, S1yi, S1zi = S1vec
    S2xi, S2yi, S2zi = S2vec
    Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = precession.orbit_vectors(
        Lxi, Lyi, Lzi, S1xi, S1yi, S1zi, S2xi, S2yi, S2zi, r_vals, q)
    print "\t(Lx,Ly,Lz)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S1x,S1y,S1z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S2x,S2y,S2z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (
        Lx[-1], Ly[-1], Lz[-1], S1x[-1], S1y[-1], S1z[-1], S2x[-1], S2y[-1],

    print " *Precession-averaged evolution*"
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf)
    Jf = precession.evolve_J(xii, Ji, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,-)" % (xii, Jf[-1])
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.evolve_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> infinity" % ri
    kappainf = precession.evolve_J_backwards(xii, Jf[-1], rf, q, S1, S2)
    print "\tkappainf=%.3f" % kappainf
    Jf = precession.evolve_J_infinity(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "Evolution infinity --> rf=%.0f" % rf
    print "\tJ=%.3f" % Jf[-1]

    print " *Hybrid evolution*"
    print "Prec.Av. infinity --> rt=%.0f & Orb.Av. rt=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (
        rt, rt, rf)
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.hybrid(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2, rt)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],

    print " *Properties of the BH remnant*"
    Mfin = precession.finalmass(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tM_f=%.3f" % Mfin
    chifin = precession.finalspin(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tchi_f=%.3f, S_f=%.3f" % (chifin, chifin * Mfin**2)
    vkick = precession.finalkick(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tvkick=%.5f" % (vkick)  # Geometrical units c=1