文件: DSs.py 项目: leinadao/PyShower
	def run(self):
		"""A function to run a shower for the given LHEF file."""
		##For e+e- -> qqBar (massless).
		__reader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(self.__toLoad)
		self.__numEvents = __reader.get_number_events()
		__writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFShowerWriter(__reader,self.__numEvents)
		__alertEvery = self.__numEvents/10
		if __alertEvery > 1000: ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
			__alertEvery = 1000
		elif (__alertEvery == 0): ##i.e < 10 events.
			__alertEvery = 1
		for __eventIndex in range(self.__numEvents):
			if (__eventIndex%__alertEvery == 0):
				if (__eventIndex == 0):
					print "Begin showering...\n"
					print "Showering event", __eventIndex
			__MEParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,0)
			__MEParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,1)
			__EIn = __MEParticle1[0] + __MEParticle2[0]
			__S123In = kinematics.Sijk([__MEParticle1.get_four_momentum(), __MEParticle2.get_four_momentum()])
			__particlesIn = [__MEParticle1,__MEParticle2]
			__showerParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,2)
			__showerParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,3)
			__showeri = showers.qqBarShower(__showerParticle1,__showerParticle2,self.__activeQCodes)
			__particlesOut = __showeri.export_results()
			__EOut = 0.0
			__fourVectorsOut = []
			for __p in __particlesOut:
				__ePV = __p.get_four_momentum()
				__EOut += __ePV[0]
			assert precision.check_numbers_equal(kinematics.Sijk(__fourVectorsOut),__S123In)
			assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__EIn,__EOut)
			__trials, __muf2, __mur2 = __reader.get_event_trials(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_muf2(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_mur2(__eventIndex)
			__processID, __weight = __reader.get_event_process_ID(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_weight(__eventIndex)
			__scale, __alphaEM = __reader.get_event_scale(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_alphaEM(__eventIndex)
			__alphaS = __reader.get_event_alphaS(__eventIndex)
		__numGluonsSplit = counters.gluonSplitCounter.counted()
		print "\nThere were", counters.gluonProdCounter.counted(), "gluons produced!"
		print "\nThere were", __numGluonsSplit, "gluons split!"
		print "\nThere were", counters.photonProdCounter.counted(), "photons produced!"
		print "\nThere were", counters.kPerpProdWarningCounter.counted(), "warnings for E1 or E3 < E2!\n"
		print "\n---------------------"
		print "Quark content report:"
		print "---------------------"
		__sumPercent = 0.0
		for __aQCode in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
			__qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__aQCode)
			if precision.check_numbers_equal(__numGluonsSplit,0.0):
				__qPercent = 0.0
				__qPercent = chains.producedQuarkCodes.output().count(__aQCode)*100.0/__numGluonsSplit
			__sumPercent += __qPercent
			print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
		print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."
def produce_new_vectors(v1, v3, PperpSquared, y):
    """A function to boost two vectors, perform the kinematics and return the tResults after boosting back."""
    ##Requires v3 to be the recoiling vector, consistent with all kinematics in this project.
    assert (fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v1)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v3))
    assert (v1.__nonzero__() and v3.__nonzero__())
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared, y])
    __energyIn = v1[0] + v3[
        0]  ##This is in the 'lab frame' as these are never actually boosted in the code.
    __S123, __Pperp = Sijk([v1.copy(), v3.copy()]), math.sqrt(PperpSquared)
    __boostRotate = lorentz.boostAndRotate(
        v1.copy(), v3.copy(),
        1)  ##Given v3 as vector to recoil so need index 1 here.
    __nBRV1, __nBRV2, __nBRV3 = calculate_split_ps(__S123, __Pperp, y)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                         __nBRV1[3] + __nBRV2[3] + __nBRV3[3])
    __nV1, __nV2, __nV3 = __boostRotate / __nBRV1, __boostRotate / __nBRV2, __boostRotate / __nBRV3
    ##Must also check energy out in the 'lab' frame too as not a Lorentz invariant quantity.
    __energyOut = __nV1[0] + __nV2[0] + __nV3[0]
    __energyDifference = __energyIn - __energyOut
    __nV2 = fix_energy_difference(__energyDifference, __nV2)
    ##Check conservation rules:
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__energyIn, __energyOut)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
        __S123, Sijk([__nV1.copy(), __nV2.copy(),
    ##No check for any momentums here as no longer have to sum to zero in this frame.
    return __nV1, __nV2, __nV3
def calculate_split_ps(S123, Pperp, y):
    """A function to calculate the new p1,p2,p3 four-vectors following a dipole splitting."""
    ##Letting p2 take +Pperp and p1 take -Pperp by convention.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, Pperp, y])
    assert ((S123 > 0.0) and (Pperp > 0.0))
    __E1, __E2 = calculate_E1(S123, Pperp, y), calculate_E2(S123, Pperp, y)
    __E3, __kPerp = calculate_E3(S123, Pperp,
                                 y), calculate_kPerp(S123, Pperp, y)
    ##Store all energies produced for plotting graphs after showering:
    __randomPhi, __newP1 = get_random_phi(), fourVectors.fourVector(
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    __newP2, __newP3 = fourVectors.fourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                              0.0), fourVectors.fourVector(
                                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    assert (0.0 < __randomPhi and __randomPhi < 2.0 * math.pi)
    ##Populate the first vector:
    __newP1[0] = __E1
    __newP1[1] = (-1.0) * __kPerp * math.cos(__randomPhi)
    __newP1[2] = (-1.0) * __kPerp * math.sin(__randomPhi)
    __newP1[3] = math.sqrt((__E1 * __E1) - (__kPerp * __kPerp))
    assert ((__newP1[0] > 0.0) and (__newP1[3] > 0.0))
    ##Populate the second vector:
    __newP2[0] = __E2
    __newP2[1] = __kPerp * math.cos(__randomPhi)
    __newP2[2] = __kPerp * math.sin(__randomPhi)
    __newP2[3] = math.sqrt((__E2 * __E2) - (__kPerp * __kPerp))
    assert (__newP2[0] > 0.0)
    ##Populate the third vector. Entries 1 & 2 already 0 as required:
    __newP3[0] = __E3
    __newP3[3] = (-1.0) * __E3
    assert ((__newP3[0] > 0.0) and (__newP3[3] < 0.0))
    ##Log x's for a produced particle for plotting after showering:
    tX1s.store(calculate_x1(S123, Pperp, y))
    tX3s.store(calculate_x3(S123, Pperp, y))
    ##Check the direction of the produced particle is consistent with parallel momentum conservation.
    ##This allows for different recoil configurations.
    if precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                     __newP1[3] + __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
    elif precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                       __newP1[3] - __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        __newP2[3] = -__newP2[3]
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
    elif precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                       -__newP1[3] + __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        __newP1[3] = -__newP1[3]
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
文件: MEs.py 项目: leinadao/PyShower
def scaled_quark_directions(S123,theta):
	"""A function to return two quark directional vectors scaled to match a given S123 value."""
	__cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
	assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE*__cE))
	assert((type(theta) == float) and (0.0 <= theta) and (theta <= math.pi))
	__E = math.sqrt(S123)/2.0
	__dV1, __dV2 = produce_quark_directions(S123,theta)
	__magnitude = __dV1.calculate_cartesian_magnitude()
	__scale = __E/__magnitude
	__dV1 *= __scale
	__dV2 *= __scale
	__dV1[0], __dV2[0] = __E, __E
	##Check massless:
	assert (precision.check_numbers_equal(__dV1*__dV1,0.0) and precision.check_numbers_equal(__dV2*__dV2,0.0))
	return __dV1, __dV2
def get_quark_weights(S123, posQuarkCodes, cosTheta=None):
    """A function to calculate the quark weights to beused by the ME generator."""
    __cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
    assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE * __cE))
    assert (type(posQuarkCodes) == list)
    assert (((type(cosTheta) == float) and (-1.0 <= cosTheta) and
             (cosTheta <= 1.0)) or (cosTheta == None))
    ##Using dictionary not list so you don't have to assume an order of the quark codes.
    __hardCodedQWeights = {
        1: 16.05764282,
        2: 11.94029851,
        3: 16.05764282,
        4: 24.32321153,
        5: 31.62120432
    __qWeights = {}  ##Empty dictionary initiated.
    for __qCode in posQuarkCodes:  ##Uses the quark codes given to weight for the chosen set.
        if (cosTheta == None):
            __qWeights[__qCode] = __hardCodedQWeights[
                __qCode]  ##Only take the hard coded ones required so normalisation works.
            __qWeights[__qCode] = calc_f_for_cos_theta(S123, __qCode, cosTheta)
    __total = sum(__qWeights.itervalues())
        (x, y / __total) for x, y in __qWeights.items())  ##Normalise them
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
        1.0)  ##i.e they should now be normalised to 1.
    return __qWeights
def scaled_quark_directions(S123, theta):
    """A function to return two quark directional vectors scaled to match a given S123 value."""
    __cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
    assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE * __cE))
    assert ((type(theta) == float) and (0.0 <= theta) and (theta <= math.pi))
    __E = math.sqrt(S123) / 2.0
    __dV1, __dV2 = produce_quark_directions(S123, theta)
    __magnitude = __dV1.calculate_cartesian_magnitude()
    __scale = __E / __magnitude
    __dV1 *= __scale
    __dV2 *= __scale
    __dV1[0], __dV2[0] = __E, __E
    ##Check massless:
    assert (precision.check_numbers_equal(__dV1 * __dV1, 0.0)
            and precision.check_numbers_equal(__dV2 * __dV2, 0.0))
    return __dV1, __dV2
 def __eq__(self, other):
     """A function to check whether two four-vectors are equal up to the code precision."""
     assert check_is_fourVector(other)
     assert (self.__nonzero__() and other.__nonzero__())
     for __i11 in range(4):
         if not precision.check_numbers_equal(self[__i11], other[__i11]):
             return False
     return True
def zero_or(value):
	"""A function to see if a value can be set to 0.0 when writing an LHEF file."""
	##Main use is to remove -ve energies that are actually zero with the code precision.
	assert (type(value) == float)
	if precision.check_numbers_equal(value,0.0):
		return 0.0
		return value
	def __eq__(self,other):
		"""A function to check whether two four-vectors are equal up to the code precision."""
		assert check_is_fourVector(other)
		assert (self.__nonzero__() and other.__nonzero__())
		for __i11 in range(4):
			if not precision.check_numbers_equal(self[__i11],other[__i11]):
				return False
		return True
def zero_or(value):
    """A function to see if a value can be set to 0.0 when writing an LHEF file."""
    ##Main use is to remove -ve energies that are actually zero with the code precision.
    assert (type(value) == float)
    if precision.check_numbers_equal(value, 0.0):
        return 0.0
        return value
	def add_event(self,trials,muf2,mur2,processID,weight,scale,alphaEM,alphaS,particlesIn,particlesOut):
		"""A function to convert a produced particles data to LHEF and add to the writer."""
		assert ((type(trials) == int) or (isinstance(trials, basestring)))
		assert ((type(muf2) == int) or (type(muf2) == float) or (isinstance(muf2, basestring)))
		assert ((type(mur2) == int) or (type(mur2) == float) or (isinstance(mur2, basestring)))
		assert ((type(processID) == int) or (isinstance(processID, basestring)))
		assert ((type(weight) == float) or (type(weight) == int) or (isinstance(weight, basestring)))
		assert ((type(scale) == float) or (isinstance(scale, basestring)))
		assert ((type(alphaEM) == float) or (isinstance(alphaEM, basestring)))
		assert ((type(alphaS) == float) or (isinstance(alphaS, basestring)))
		self.__numProdLogger.store(len(particlesOut) - 2) ##Log number of produced partons per event.
		if (self.__topWritten == False):
			self.__haveEvents = True ##Only called once here.
		__listOfParticles = particlesIn + particlesOut
		#Currently not sorting by order of production.
		#__listOfIDs = [x.get_unique_ID() for x in __listOfParticles]
		#__sortedListOfParticles = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(__listOfIDs,__listOfParticles), key=lambda pair: pair[0])]
		__sortedListOfParticles = __listOfParticles ##Replacement line to keep the chain ordering.
		for particle in __sortedListOfParticles:
			assert particles.check_is_particle(particle)
			assert particle.__nonzero__()
		__numberParticles = len(particlesIn) + len(particlesOut)
		__line1 = "\n<event>" # trials='" + str(trials) + "' muf2='" + str(muf2) + "' mur2='" + str(mur2) + "'>"
		__line2 = ("\n\t\t" + str(__numberParticles) + "\t" + str(processID) + "\t" + str(weight) + "\t" + str(scale))
		__line2 += ("\t" + str(alphaEM) + "\t" + str(alphaS))
		__inLines, __outLines = "", ""
		__endLine = "\n</event>"
		__zO = zero_or
		__pHS = "{:." + str(constants.LHEF_DS_number_decimal_places()) + "e}"
		for i, p in enumerate(__sortedListOfParticles): ##Iterate through both at once, but with particlesIn first!
			if not precision.check_numbers_equal(p.get_four_momentum()*p.get_four_momentum(),0.0):
				fFV = kinematics.fix_not_massless(p.get_four_momentum()) ##Adjust to make sure they are exactly massless for Pythia.
				fFV = p.get_four_momentum()
			if i <= 1: ##Carry on as normal for first two (initial-state) particles.
				__mum1, __mum2 = p.get_mother(0), p.get_mother(1)
			else: ##Set all mother values to 1 and 2 as required by Pythia 8.2.
				__mum1, __mum2 = 1, 2
			__newLine = ("\n\t\t\t" + str(p.get_code()) + "\t" + str(p.get_status_code()) + "\t" + str(__mum1))
			__newLine += ("\t" + str(__mum2) + "\t" + str(p.get_colour(0)) + "\t\t" + str(p.get_colour(1)))
			__newLine += ("\t\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[1])) + "\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[2])) + "\t")
			__newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(fFV[3])) + "\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[0])) + "\t")
			__newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(p.get_mass())) + "\t" + str(__zO(p.get_width())) + "\t\t" + str(p.get_spin()))
			__inLines += __newLine
		__toSave = __line1 + __line2 + __inLines + __outLines + __endLine
		__file = open(self.__saveName,'a') ##'a' means append to.
		self.__numberEventsSaved += 1
def get_quark_weights(S123,posQuarkCodes,cosTheta = None):
	"""A function to calculate the quark weights to beused by the ME generator."""
	__cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
	assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE*__cE))
	assert (type(posQuarkCodes) == list)
	assert (((type(cosTheta) == float) and (-1.0 <= cosTheta) and (cosTheta <= 1.0)) or (cosTheta == None))
	##Using dictionary not list so you don't have to assume an order of the quark codes.
	__hardCodedQWeights = {1:16.05764282,2:11.94029851,3:16.05764282,4:24.32321153,5:31.62120432}
	__qWeights = {} ##Empty dictionary initiated.
	for __qCode in posQuarkCodes: ##Uses the quark codes given to weight for the chosen set.
		if (cosTheta == None):
			__qWeights[__qCode] = __hardCodedQWeights[__qCode] ##Only take the hard coded ones required so normalisation works.
			__qWeights[__qCode] = calc_f_for_cos_theta(S123,__qCode,cosTheta)
	__total = sum(__qWeights.itervalues())
	__qWeights.update((x, y/__total) for x, y in __qWeights.items()) ##Normalise them
	assert precision.check_numbers_equal(sum(__qWeights.itervalues()),1.0) ##i.e they should now be normalised to 1.
	return __qWeights
	def add_event(self,trials,muf2,mur2,processID,weight,scale,alphaEM,alphaS,particlesIn,particlesOut):
		"""A function to convert a produced particles data to LHEF and add to the writer."""
		assert ((type(trials) == int) or (isinstance(trials, basestring)))
		assert ((type(muf2) == int) or (type(muf2) == float) or (isinstance(muf2, basestring)))
		assert ((type(mur2) == int) or (type(mur2) == float) or (isinstance(mur2, basestring)))
		assert ((type(processID) == int) or (isinstance(processID, basestring)))
		assert ((type(weight) == float) or (type(weight) == int) or (isinstance(weight, basestring)))
		assert ((type(scale) == float) or (isinstance(scale, basestring)))
		assert ((type(alphaEM) == float) or (isinstance(alphaEM, basestring)))
		assert ((type(alphaS) == float) or (isinstance(alphaS, basestring)))
		if (self.__topWritten == False):
			self.__haveEvents = True ##Only called once here.
		__listOfParticles = particlesIn + particlesOut
		__listOfIDs = [x.get_unique_ID() for x in __listOfParticles]
		__sortedListOfParticles = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(__listOfIDs,__listOfParticles), key=lambda pair: pair[0])]
		for particle in __sortedListOfParticles:
			assert particles.check_is_particle(particle)
			assert particle.__nonzero__()
		__numberParticles = len(particlesIn) + len(particlesOut)
		__line1 = "\n<event>" #trials='" + str(trials) + "' muf2='" + str(muf2) + "' mur2='" + str(mur2) + "'>"
		__line2 = ("\n\t\t" + str(__numberParticles) + "\t" + str(processID) + "\t" + str(weight) + "\t" + str(scale))
		__line2 += ("\t" + str(alphaEM) + "\t" + str(alphaS))
		__inLines, __outLines = "", ""
		__endLine = "\n</event>"
		__zO = zero_or
		__pHS = "{:." + str(constants.LHEF_ME_number_decimal_places()) + "e}"
		for p in __sortedListOfParticles: ##Iterate through both at once, but with particlesIn first!
			if not precision.check_numbers_equal(p.get_four_momentum()*p.get_four_momentum(),0.0): ##Shouldn't ever need to call it.
				fFV = kinematics.fix_not_massless(p.get_four_momentum()) ##Adjust to make sure they are exactly massless for Pythia.
				fFV = p.get_four_momentum()
			__newLine = ("\n\t\t\t" + str(p.get_code()) + "\t" + str(p.get_status_code()) + "\t" + str(p.get_mother(0)))
			__newLine += ("\t" + str(p.get_mother(1)) + "\t" + str(p.get_colour(0)) + "\t\t" + str(p.get_colour(1)))
			__newLine += ("\t\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[1])) + "\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[2])) + "\t")
			__newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(fFV[3])) + "\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[0])) + "\t")
			__newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(p.get_mass())) + "\t" + str(__zO(p.get_width())) + "\t\t" + str(p.get_spin()))
			__inLines += __newLine
		__toSave = __line1 + __line2 + __inLines + __outLines + __endLine
		__file = open(self.__saveName,'a') ##'a' means append to.
		self.__numberEventsSaved += 1
def solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,S123,difCrossSecIds,code1,code2,logCrosSecs = None):
	"""A function to generate a PperpSquared and y for an emission or splitting, using the Sudakov form factor."""
	##Codes 1,2 still needed to get the charges for EM radiation.
	##Using veto algorithm in "PYTHIA 6.0 Physics and Manual".
	##And p198 of "Monte Carlo simulations of hard QCD radiation" for bivariant algorithm.
	##And p16 of "Initial-state showering based on colour dipoles connected to incoming parton lines" for real y limits.
	##And p5 of "Fooling around with the Sudakov veto algorithm" for multiple emission form.
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	assert (type(difCrossSecIds) == list)
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	__cutOff = constants.cut_off_energy()*constants.cut_off_energy()
	if (PperpSquaredMax < __cutOff):
		return None, None, None
	__notChosen1, __y, __PperpSquaredi = True, 0, assertions.force_float_number(PperpSquaredMax)
	__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
	while __notChosen1: ##i += 1
		__notChosen2 = True
		while __notChosen2:
			__R1 = random.random()
			__PperpSquaredi = calc_inv_G((math.log(__R1) + calc_G(__PperpSquarediMinus1,S123)),S123)
			if (__PperpSquaredi > S123/4.0): ##The maximum physically possible!
				__notChosen2 = True
				__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
				continue #Re-run the while loop
			if (__PperpSquaredi <= __PperpSquarediMinus1): ##Don't update __PperpSquaredi if fails as would start allowing higher values!
				__notChosen2 = False ##Move on
		if (__PperpSquaredi < __cutOff):
			return None, None, None
		__R2 = random.random()
		__ymin, __ymax = -0.5*math.log(S123/__PperpSquaredi), 0.5*math.log(S123/__PperpSquaredi)
		__yi = calc_inv_G2(__R2*(calc_G2(__ymax) - calc_G2(__ymin)) + calc_G2(__ymin))
		if not check_rapidity_allowed(S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi): ##Veto incorrect y-range. On the boundary is allowed.
			__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
			continue ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
		__R3 = random.random()
		__numberCSIds = len(difCrossSecIds)
		__ratio = sum_cSs(difCrossSecIds,S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi,code1,code2) / __numberCSIds*calc_g(__PperpSquaredi,__yi)
		if (__ratio <= __R3):
			__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
			continue ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
			__notChosen1 = False ##Accept.
	##Prepare weights for choosing Id of process occuring:
	__idWeights = {} ##Empty dictionary initiated.
	for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds: ##Uses the Ids given so will weight for the chosen set.
		__idWeights[__difCrossSecId] = sum_cSs([__difCrossSecId],S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi,code1,code2)
	__total = sum(__idWeights.itervalues())
	__idWeights.update((x, y/__total) for x, y in __idWeights.items()) ##Normalise them
	assert precision.check_numbers_equal(sum(__idWeights.itervalues()),1.0) ##i.e they should now be normalised to 1.
	##Choose which process:
	__R4 = random.random() ##Doesn't include 1 -> using < not <= for checks is fair.
	__sumSoFar = 0.0
	__chosenId = None
	__chosen = False
	if (logCrosSecs == 1):
	for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:
		if (not __chosen):
			__sumSoFar += __idWeights[__difCrossSecId]
			if (__R4 < __sumSoFar):
				__chosenId = __difCrossSecId
				__chosen = True
	assert (not (__chosenId == None)) ##Should have chosen by now!
	return __PperpSquaredi, __yi, __chosenId
    pyplot.xlim(0.001, 10**6)
    print "\nFinished testing Nf function."

    ##Test beta0 function:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "Testing beta0 function:"
    ##Using N=3 version from four-loop paper which is the same as Krauss'.
    for tNf1 in range(0, 7):
        if (tNf1 == 4):
        tExpectedBeta0 = 11.0 - (2.0 / 3.0) * tNf1
        print "\nbeta0(" + str(tNf1) + ") returns:", beta0(tNf1)
        print "The expected value is:", tExpectedBeta0
        if precision.check_numbers_equal(beta0(tNf1), tExpectedBeta0):
            print "These are equal within the code precision: Test successful!"
            print "Not equal: Test failed!"
    print "\nFinished testing beta0 function."

    ##Test beta1 function:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "Testing beta1 function:"
    ##Using N=3 version from four-loop paper which is the same as Krauss'.
    for tNf2 in range(0, 7):
        if (tNf2 == 4):
        tExpectedBeta1 = 102.0 - (38.0 / 3.0) * tNf2
        print "\nbeta1(" + str(tNf2) + ") returns:", beta1(tNf2)
 def add_event(self, trials, muf2, mur2, processID, weight, scale, alphaEM,
               alphaS, particlesIn, particlesOut):
     """A function to convert a produced particles data to LHEF and add to the writer."""
     assert ((type(trials) == int) or (isinstance(trials, basestring)))
     assert ((type(muf2) == int) or (type(muf2) == float)
             or (isinstance(muf2, basestring)))
     assert ((type(mur2) == int) or (type(mur2) == float)
             or (isinstance(mur2, basestring)))
     assert ((type(processID) == int)
             or (isinstance(processID, basestring)))
     assert ((type(weight) == float) or (type(weight) == int)
             or (isinstance(weight, basestring)))
     assert ((type(scale) == float) or (isinstance(scale, basestring)))
     assert ((type(alphaEM) == float) or (isinstance(alphaEM, basestring)))
     assert ((type(alphaS) == float) or (isinstance(alphaS, basestring)))
     if (self.__topWritten == False):
         self.__haveEvents = True  ##Only called once here.
     __listOfParticles = particlesIn + particlesOut
     __listOfIDs = [x.get_unique_ID() for x in __listOfParticles]
     __sortedListOfParticles = [
         x for (y, x) in sorted(zip(__listOfIDs, __listOfParticles),
                                key=lambda pair: pair[0])
     for particle in __sortedListOfParticles:
         assert particles.check_is_particle(particle)
         assert particle.__nonzero__()
     __numberParticles = len(particlesIn) + len(particlesOut)
     __line1 = "\n<event>"  #trials='" + str(trials) + "' muf2='" + str(muf2) + "' mur2='" + str(mur2) + "'>"
     __line2 = ("\n\t\t" + str(__numberParticles) + "\t" + str(processID) +
                "\t" + str(weight) + "\t" + str(scale))
     __line2 += ("\t" + str(alphaEM) + "\t" + str(alphaS))
     __inLines, __outLines = "", ""
     __endLine = "\n</event>"
     __zO = zero_or
     __pHS = "{:." + str(constants.LHEF_ME_number_decimal_places()) + "e}"
     for p in __sortedListOfParticles:  ##Iterate through both at once, but with particlesIn first!
         if not precision.check_numbers_equal(
                 p.get_four_momentum() * p.get_four_momentum(),
                 0.0):  ##Shouldn't ever need to call it.
             fFV = kinematics.fix_not_massless(p.get_four_momentum(
             ))  ##Adjust to make sure they are exactly massless for Pythia.
             fFV = p.get_four_momentum()
         __newLine = ("\n\t\t\t" + str(p.get_code()) + "\t" +
                      str(p.get_status_code()) + "\t" +
         __newLine += ("\t" + str(p.get_mother(1)) + "\t" +
                       str(p.get_colour(0)) + "\t\t" + str(p.get_colour(1)))
         __newLine += ("\t\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[1])) + "\t" +
                       __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[2])) + "\t")
         __newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(fFV[3])) + "\t" +
                       __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[0])) + "\t")
         __newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(p.get_mass())) + "\t" +
                       str(__zO(p.get_width())) + "\t\t" +
         __inLines += __newLine
     __toSave = __line1 + __line2 + __inLines + __outLines + __endLine
     __file = open(self.__saveName, 'a')  ##'a' means append to.
     self.__numberEventsSaved += 1
def solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,
    """A function to generate a PperpSquared and y for an emission or splitting, using the Sudakov form factor."""
    ##Codes 1,2 still needed to get the charges for EM radiation.
    ##Using veto algorithm in "PYTHIA 6.0 Physics and Manual".
    ##And p198 of "Monte Carlo simulations of hard QCD radiation" for bivariant algorithm.
    ##And p16 of "Initial-state showering based on colour dipoles connected to incoming parton lines" for real y limits.
    ##And p5 of "Fooling around with the Sudakov veto algorithm" for multiple emission form.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax, S123])
    assert (type(difCrossSecIds) == list)
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    __cutOff = constants.cut_off_energy() * constants.cut_off_energy()
    if (PperpSquaredMax < __cutOff):
        return None, None, None
    __notChosen1, __y, __PperpSquaredi = True, 0, assertions.force_float_number(
    __PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
    while __notChosen1:  ##i += 1
        __notChosen2 = True
        while __notChosen2:
            __R1 = random.random()
            __PperpSquaredi = calc_inv_G(
                (math.log(__R1) + calc_G(__PperpSquarediMinus1, S123)), S123)
            if (__PperpSquaredi >
                    S123 / 4.0):  ##The maximum physically possible!
                __notChosen2 = True
                __PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
                continue  #Re-run the while loop
            if (
                    __PperpSquaredi <= __PperpSquarediMinus1
            ):  ##Don't update __PperpSquaredi if fails as would start allowing higher values!
                __notChosen2 = False  ##Move on
        if (__PperpSquaredi < __cutOff):
            return None, None, None
        __R2 = random.random()
        __ymin, __ymax = -0.5 * math.log(
            S123 / __PperpSquaredi), 0.5 * math.log(S123 / __PperpSquaredi)
        __yi = calc_inv_G2(__R2 * (calc_G2(__ymax) - calc_G2(__ymin)) +
        if not check_rapidity_allowed(
                S123, __PperpSquaredi,
                __yi):  ##Veto incorrect y-range. On the boundary is allowed.
            __PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
            continue  ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
        __R3 = random.random()
        __numberCSIds = len(difCrossSecIds)
        __ratio = sum_cSs(difCrossSecIds, S123, __PperpSquaredi, __yi, code1,
                          code2) / __numberCSIds * calc_g(
                              __PperpSquaredi, __yi)
        if (__ratio <= __R3):
            __PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
            continue  ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
            __notChosen1 = False  ##Accept.
    ##Prepare weights for choosing Id of process occuring:
    __idWeights = {}  ##Empty dictionary initiated.
    for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:  ##Uses the Ids given so will weight for the chosen set.
        __idWeights[__difCrossSecId] = sum_cSs([__difCrossSecId], S123,
                                               __PperpSquaredi, __yi, code1,
    __total = sum(__idWeights.itervalues())
        (x, y / __total) for x, y in __idWeights.items())  ##Normalise them
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
        1.0)  ##i.e they should now be normalised to 1.
    ##Choose which process:
    __R4 = random.random(
    )  ##Doesn't include 1 -> using < not <= for checks is fair.
    __sumSoFar = 0.0
    __chosenId = None
    __chosen = False
    if (logCrosSecs == 1):
        crossSecsGluSplit.store(qg_to_qQQBar_cS(S123, __PperpSquaredi, __yi))
        crossSecsGluProd.store(qg_to_qgg_cS(S123, __PperpSquaredi, __yi))
    for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:
        if (not __chosen):
            __sumSoFar += __idWeights[__difCrossSecId]
            if (__R4 < __sumSoFar):
                __chosenId = __difCrossSecId
                __chosen = True
    assert (not (__chosenId == None))  ##Should have chosen by now!
    return __PperpSquaredi, __yi, __chosenId
 def run(self):
     """A function to run a shower for the given LHEF file."""
     ##For e+e- -> qqBar (massless).
     __reader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(self.__toLoad)
     self.__numEvents = __reader.get_number_events()
     __writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFShowerWriter(__reader, self.__numEvents)
     __alertEvery = self.__numEvents / 10
     if __alertEvery > 1000:  ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
         __alertEvery = 1000
     elif (__alertEvery == 0):  ##i.e < 10 events.
         __alertEvery = 1
     for __eventIndex in range(self.__numEvents):
         if (__eventIndex % __alertEvery == 0):
             if (__eventIndex == 0):
                 print "Begin showering...\n"
                 print "Showering event", __eventIndex
         __MEParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 0)
         __MEParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 1)
         __EIn = __MEParticle1[0] + __MEParticle2[0]
         __S123In = kinematics.Sijk([
         __particlesIn = [__MEParticle1, __MEParticle2]
         __showerParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 2)
         __showerParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 3)
         __showeri = showers.qqBarShower(__showerParticle1,
         __particlesOut = __showeri.export_results()
         __EOut = 0.0
         __fourVectorsOut = []
         for __p in __particlesOut:
             __ePV = __p.get_four_momentum()
             __EOut += __ePV[0]
         assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
             kinematics.Sijk(__fourVectorsOut), __S123In)
         assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__EIn, __EOut)
         __trials, __muf2, __mur2 = __reader.get_event_trials(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_muf2(
                 __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_mur2(__eventIndex)
         __processID, __weight = __reader.get_event_process_ID(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_weight(__eventIndex)
         __scale, __alphaEM = __reader.get_event_scale(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_alphaEM(__eventIndex)
         __alphaS = __reader.get_event_alphaS(__eventIndex)
         __writer.add_event(__trials, __muf2, __mur2, __processID, __weight,
                            __scale, __alphaEM, __alphaS, __particlesIn,
     __numGluonsSplit = counters.gluonSplitCounter.counted()
     print "\nThere were", counters.gluonProdCounter.counted(
     ), "gluons produced!"
     print "\nThere were", __numGluonsSplit, "gluons split!"
     print "\nThere were", counters.photonProdCounter.counted(
     ), "photons produced!"
     print "\nThere were", counters.kPerpProdWarningCounter.counted(
     ), "warnings for E1 or E3 < E2!\n"
     print "\n---------------------"
     print "Quark content report:"
     print "---------------------"
     __sumPercent = 0.0
     for __aQCode in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
         __qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__aQCode)
         if precision.check_numbers_equal(__numGluonsSplit, 0.0):
             __qPercent = 0.0
             __qPercent = chains.producedQuarkCodes.output().count(
                 __aQCode) * 100.0 / __numGluonsSplit
         __sumPercent += __qPercent
         print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
     print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."
	print "\nFinished testing Nf function."

	##Test beta0 function:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing beta0 function:"
	##Using N=3 version from four-loop paper which is the same as Krauss'.
	for tNf1 in range(0,7):
		if (tNf1 == 4):
		tExpectedBeta0 = 11.0 - (2.0/3.0)*tNf1
		print "\nbeta0("+str(tNf1)+") returns:" , beta0(tNf1)
		print "The expected value is:" , tExpectedBeta0
		if precision.check_numbers_equal(beta0(tNf1),tExpectedBeta0):
			print "These are equal within the code precision: Test successful!"
			print "Not equal: Test failed!"
	print "\nFinished testing beta0 function."

	##Test beta1 function:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing beta1 function:"
	##Using N=3 version from four-loop paper which is the same as Krauss'.
	for tNf2 in range(0,7):
		if (tNf2 == 4):
		tExpectedBeta1 = 102.0 - (38.0/3.0)*tNf2
		print "\nbeta1("+str(tNf2)+") returns:" , beta1(tNf2)
 def add_event(self, trials, muf2, mur2, processID, weight, scale, alphaEM,
               alphaS, particlesIn, particlesOut):
     """A function to convert a produced particles data to LHEF and add to the writer."""
     assert ((type(trials) == int) or (isinstance(trials, basestring)))
     assert ((type(muf2) == int) or (type(muf2) == float)
             or (isinstance(muf2, basestring)))
     assert ((type(mur2) == int) or (type(mur2) == float)
             or (isinstance(mur2, basestring)))
     assert ((type(processID) == int)
             or (isinstance(processID, basestring)))
     assert ((type(weight) == float) or (type(weight) == int)
             or (isinstance(weight, basestring)))
     assert ((type(scale) == float) or (isinstance(scale, basestring)))
     assert ((type(alphaEM) == float) or (isinstance(alphaEM, basestring)))
     assert ((type(alphaS) == float) or (isinstance(alphaS, basestring)))
         len(particlesOut) - 2)  ##Log number of produced partons per event.
     if (self.__topWritten == False):
         self.__haveEvents = True  ##Only called once here.
     __listOfParticles = particlesIn + particlesOut
     #Currently not sorting by order of production.
     #__listOfIDs = [x.get_unique_ID() for x in __listOfParticles]
     #__sortedListOfParticles = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(__listOfIDs,__listOfParticles), key=lambda pair: pair[0])]
     __sortedListOfParticles = __listOfParticles  ##Replacement line to keep the chain ordering.
     for particle in __sortedListOfParticles:
         assert particles.check_is_particle(particle)
         assert particle.__nonzero__()
     __numberParticles = len(particlesIn) + len(particlesOut)
     __line1 = "\n<event>"  # trials='" + str(trials) + "' muf2='" + str(muf2) + "' mur2='" + str(mur2) + "'>"
     __line2 = ("\n\t\t" + str(__numberParticles) + "\t" + str(processID) +
                "\t" + str(weight) + "\t" + str(scale))
     __line2 += ("\t" + str(alphaEM) + "\t" + str(alphaS))
     __inLines, __outLines = "", ""
     __endLine = "\n</event>"
     __zO = zero_or
     __pHS = "{:." + str(constants.LHEF_DS_number_decimal_places()) + "e}"
     for i, p in enumerate(
     ):  ##Iterate through both at once, but with particlesIn first!
         if not precision.check_numbers_equal(
                 p.get_four_momentum() * p.get_four_momentum(), 0.0):
             fFV = kinematics.fix_not_massless(p.get_four_momentum(
             ))  ##Adjust to make sure they are exactly massless for Pythia.
             fFV = p.get_four_momentum()
         if i <= 1:  ##Carry on as normal for first two (initial-state) particles.
             __mum1, __mum2 = p.get_mother(0), p.get_mother(1)
         else:  ##Set all mother values to 1 and 2 as required by Pythia 8.2.
             __mum1, __mum2 = 1, 2
         __newLine = ("\n\t\t\t" + str(p.get_code()) + "\t" +
                      str(p.get_status_code()) + "\t" + str(__mum1))
         __newLine += ("\t" + str(__mum2) + "\t" + str(p.get_colour(0)) +
                       "\t\t" + str(p.get_colour(1)))
         __newLine += ("\t\t" + __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[1])) + "\t" +
                       __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[2])) + "\t")
         __newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(fFV[3])) + "\t" +
                       __pHS.format(__zO(fFV[0])) + "\t")
         __newLine += (__pHS.format(__zO(p.get_mass())) + "\t" +
                       str(__zO(p.get_width())) + "\t\t" +
         __inLines += __newLine
     __toSave = __line1 + __line2 + __inLines + __outLines + __endLine
     __file = open(self.__saveName, 'a')  ##'a' means append to.
     self.__numberEventsSaved += 1
    for fC in tFermionCodes:
        for lI in tLowerIndices:
            print "Calling with lower index", lI, "and upper index", tG_N(
                fC), "returns:"
            print neutral_weak_couplings(lI, fC)
            results.append(neutral_weak_couplings(lI, fC))
    tExpected = [
        -0.34582666666, -0.5, 0.19165333333, 0.5, -0.34582666666, -0.5,
        0.19165333333, 0.5, -0.34582666666, -0.5, 0.19165333333, 0.5
    tExpected += [
        -0.03748, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.03748, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.03748, -0.5,
        0.5, 0.5
    tSuccessful = True
    for i, v in enumerate(results):
        if not precision.check_numbers_equal(results[i], tExpected[i]):
            tSuccessful = False
    if tSuccessful:
        print "\nTest successful!"
        print "\nTest failed!"
    print "\nFinished testing neutral_weak_couplings."

    ##Done testing:##
    print "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
    print "///////////////////////////////////"
    print "Finished checking constants module!"
    print "///////////////////////////////////"
def check_lightlike(pV):
	"""A function to check whether a momentum vector is light-like (i.e P.P = M^2 = 0)."""
	assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
	assert pV.__nonzero__()
	__MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
	return precision.check_numbers_equal(__MinkowskiSP,0.0)
	##Test neutral_weak_couplings:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing neutral_weak_couplings:\n"
	tFermionCodes = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_fermions()
	tG_N = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code
	results = []
	for fC in tFermionCodes:
		for lI in tLowerIndices:
			print "Calling with lower index", lI ,"and upper index", tG_N(fC), "returns:"
			print neutral_weak_couplings(lI,fC)
	tExpected = [-0.34582666666,-0.5,0.19165333333,0.5,-0.34582666666,-0.5,0.19165333333,0.5,-0.34582666666,-0.5,0.19165333333,0.5]
	tExpected += [-0.03748,-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.03748,-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.03748,-0.5,0.5,0.5]
	tSuccessful = True
	for i, v in enumerate(results):
		if not precision.check_numbers_equal(results[i],tExpected[i]):
			tSuccessful = False
	if tSuccessful:
		print "\nTest successful!"
		print "\nTest failed!"
	print "\nFinished testing neutral_weak_couplings."
	##Done testing:##
	print "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
	print "///////////////////////////////////"
	print "Finished checking constants module!"
	print "///////////////////////////////////"
        math.sqrt(1.2 * 1.2 + 4.5 * 4.5 + 3.2 * 3.2), 1.2, 4.5, 3.2)
    tEdiff = 5.4
    tEDiffVecOut = fix_energy_difference(tEdiff, tEDiffVector)
    print "Generating test variables completed"

    ##Test Sijk function:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "Testing Sijk function:\n"
    for tFourVector in tFourVectors:
        print "Momentum-" + tFourVector + " is:\n", tFourVectors[tFourVector]
    print "\nFor a & b, Sijk returns:", Sijk(
        [tFourVectors['a'], tFourVectors['b']])
    print "Compared to the expected value of:", tExpectedSab
    if precision.check_numbers_equal(
            Sijk([tFourVectors['a'], tFourVectors['b']]), tExpectedSab):
        print "\nFirst test, equal within the code precision: Test successful!"
        print "\nFirst test, not equal within the code precision: Test failed!"
        print "Possibly just a precision error?\n"
        print "{0:.20f}".format(Sijk([tFourVectors['a'], tFourVectors['b']]))
        print "{0:.20f}".format(tExpectedSab)
    print "\nFor a & b, Sijk returns:", Sijk(
        [tFourVectors['c'], tFourVectors['d']])
    print "Compared to the expected value of:", tExpectedScd
    if precision.check_numbers_equal(
            Sijk([tFourVectors['c'], tFourVectors['d']]), tExpectedScd):
        print "\nSecond test, equal within the code precision: Test successful!"
        print "\nSecond test, not equal within the code precision: Test failed!"
        print "Possibly just a precision error?\n"
    if check_timelike(tLightlike):
        tSuccessful = False
    if tSuccessful:
        print "\nTest successful!"
        print "\nTest failed!"
    print "\nFinished testing check_timelike and check_lightlike."

    ##Test calculate_m_from_p_vector, check_v_not_faster_than_c and p_vector_to_v:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "Testing calculate_m_from_p_vector, check_v_not_faster_than_c and p_vector_to_v:\n"
    tSuccessful = True
    print "Calling calculate_m_from_p_vector on tLightlike:", calculate_m_from_p_vector(
    if not precision.check_numbers_equal(calculate_m_from_p_vector(tLightlike),
        tSuccessful = False
    print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on", tNotTooFast1, ":", check_v_not_faster_than_c(
    if not check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast1):
        tSuccessful = False
    print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on", tNotTooFast2, ":", check_v_not_faster_than_c(
    if not check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast2):
        tSuccessful = False
    print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on", tTooFast1, ":", check_v_not_faster_than_c(
    if check_v_not_faster_than_c(tTooFast1):
        tSuccessful = False
    print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on", tTooFast2, ":", check_v_not_faster_than_c(
	print "Calling check_timelike on tLightlike:" , check_timelike(tLightlike)
	if check_timelike(tLightlike):
		tSuccessful = False
	if tSuccessful:
		print "\nTest successful!"
		print "\nTest failed!"
	print "\nFinished testing check_timelike and check_lightlike."

	##Test calculate_m_from_p_vector, check_v_not_faster_than_c and p_vector_to_v:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing calculate_m_from_p_vector, check_v_not_faster_than_c and p_vector_to_v:\n"
	tSuccessful = True
	print "Calling calculate_m_from_p_vector on tLightlike:" , calculate_m_from_p_vector(tLightlike)
	if not precision.check_numbers_equal(calculate_m_from_p_vector(tLightlike),0.0):
		tSuccessful = False
	print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on" ,  tNotTooFast1 , ":" , check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast1)
	if not check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast1):
		tSuccessful = False
	print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on" ,  tNotTooFast2 , ":" , check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast2)
	if not check_v_not_faster_than_c(tNotTooFast2):
		tSuccessful = False
	print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on" ,  tTooFast1 , ":" , check_v_not_faster_than_c(tTooFast1)
	if check_v_not_faster_than_c(tTooFast1):
		tSuccessful = False
	print "Calling check_v_not_faster_than_c on" ,  tTooFast2 , ":" , check_v_not_faster_than_c(tTooFast2)
	if check_v_not_faster_than_c(tTooFast2):
		tSuccessful = False
	print "Using" , tMomentum4V1 , "which has mass:" , calculate_m_from_p_vector(tMomentum4V1)
	tExpected = math.sqrt((tMomentum4V1[1]*tMomentum4V1[1]) + (tMomentum4V1[2]*tMomentum4V1[2]) + (tMomentum4V1[3]*tMomentum4V1[3]))
def check_lightlike(pV):
    """A function to check whether a momentum vector is light-like (i.e P.P = M^2 = 0)."""
    assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(pV)
    assert pV.__nonzero__()
    __MinkowskiSP = pV * pV
    return precision.check_numbers_equal(__MinkowskiSP, 0.0)