def diff (self, other, **kwargs): diffs = super().diff(other, recreate=False, **kwargs) prop_diff = self._diff_props(other) if 'constraints' in prop_diff: del prop_diff['constraints'] if prop_diff: teardown = False #if (self.database.find(lambda o: == and #self in o.columns, Constraint) or #self.database.find(lambda o: self in o.columns, Index)): #teardown = True recreate = False copypasta = False data_type_change = False nullable = None data_default_change = False max_data_length = None max_data_precision = None max_data_scale = None other_data_type = other.props['data_type'] if type(self) is not VirtualColumn or 'virtual_column' not in prop_diff: if (('data_type' in prop_diff or 'data_length' in prop_diff or 'char_length' in prop_diff) and _is_string_type(other_data_type)): col_expr = if other_data_type == 'CHAR': col_expr = "RTRIM({})".format( max_data_length = db.query_one(""" SELECT MAX(LENGTH({})) AS max FROM {} """.format(col_expr,['max'] elif (('data_precision' in prop_diff or 'data_scale' in prop_diff) and _is_number_type(other_data_type)): rs = db.query_one(""" SELECT MAX(LENGTH(TRUNC(ABS({0})))) AS max_data_precision , MAX(LENGTH(ABS({0} - TRUNC({0}))) - 1) AS max_data_scale FROM {1} """.format(, max_data_precision = rs['max_data_precision'] max_data_scale = rs['max_data_scale'] for prop, (expected, other_prop) in prop_diff.items(): if expected is None: continue if 'data_type' == prop: data_type_change = True if not (_is_char.match(other_prop) and _is_nchar.match(expected)): copypasta = True elif prop in ('data_length', 'char_length'): data_type_change = True if other_data_type == 'CHAR' and expected < other_prop: copypasta = True if max_data_length is not None and max_data_length > expected: raise DataConflict(self, "has length too small for data found. (Min length {})" .format(max_data_length)) elif 'data_precision' == prop: data_type_change = True if max_data_precision: if max_data_precision > expected: raise DataConflict(self, "has precision too small for data found. (Min precision {})" .format(max_data_precision)) if expected < (other_prop or 38): copypasta = True elif 'data_scale' == prop: data_type_change = True if max_data_scale: if max_data_scale > expected: raise DataConflict(self, "has scale too small for data found. (Min scale {})" .format(max_data_scale)) copypasta = True elif 'char_used' == prop: data_type_change = True elif 'nullable' == prop: nullable = expected == 'Y' elif 'virtual_column' == prop: if expected == 'NO': copypasta = True recreate = True elif 'hidden_column' == prop: recreate = True elif 'user_type' == prop: recreate = True elif ('data_default' == prop and (expected or (other_prop and other_prop.upper() != 'NULL'))): if isinstance(self, VirtualColumn): data_type_change = True else: data_default_change = True elif 'expression' == prop: recreate = True modify_diffs = [] if copypasta: has_data = db.query_one(""" SELECT COUNT({}) AS has_data FROM {} """.format(,['has_data'] if has_data: other_table_name = temp_col = "{}$$".format(GeneratedId().lower()) teardown = other.teardown() create = self.create() create.sql.insert(0, "ALTER TABLE {} RENAME COLUMN {} TO {}" .format(other_table_name,, temp_col)) temp_col_expr = temp_col if other_data_type == 'CHAR': # Special case because of space padding temp_col_expr = 'RTRIM({})'.format(temp_col) create.sql.extend(["UPDATE {} SET {} = {}" .format(other_table_name,, temp_col_expr), 'COMMIT', "ALTER TABLE {} DROP ({})".format(other_table_name, temp_col)]) creates = self.build_up() creates.append(create) for diff in creates: diff.add_dependencies(teardown) modify_diffs.extend(teardown) modify_diffs.extend(creates) if not modify_diffs: if recreate: modify_diffs.extend(self.recreate(other)) else: modify_clauses = [] if data_type_change: # Data type must always come directly after the name modify_clauses.append(self._data_type_sql()) if data_default_change: modify_clauses.append( "DEFAULT {}".format(self.data_default or 'NULL')) if nullable is not None and not self._is_pk: if not nullable: modify_clauses.append('NOT') modify_clauses.append('NULL') if modify_clauses: modify_diffs.append(Diff("ALTER TABLE {} MODIFY ( {} {} )" .format(, self._sql(full_def=False), " ".join(modify_clauses)), produces=self)) diffs.extend(modify_diffs) return diffs
def from_db (self): owner ="Fetching schema {}...".format(owner)) schema = db.query_one(""" SELECT CURSOR(SELECT object_name , object_type , last_ddl_time FROM dba_objects WHERE owner = :o AND subobject_name IS NULL AND object_type IN ( 'FUNCTION' , 'INDEX' , 'PACKAGE' , 'PACKAGE BODY' , 'PROCEDURE' , 'SEQUENCE' , 'SYNONYM' , 'TABLE' , 'TRIGGER' , 'TYPE' , 'TYPE BODY' -- , 'VIEW' ) ) AS objects , CURSOR(SELECT table_name , COUNT(*) AS num_columns FROM dba_tab_cols WHERE owner = :o -- Ignore columns on tables in the recyclebin AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30 AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%') GROUP BY table_name) AS columns , CURSOR(SELECT constraint_name , last_change FROM dba_constraints WHERE owner = :o -- Ignore columns on tables in the recyclebin AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30 AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%') ) AS constraints , 0 AS grants /* Disable grants , (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT owner, table_name FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE grantee = :o) ) AS grants */ FROM dual """, o=owner, oracle_names=['table_name', 'object_name', 'constraint_name']) total_objects = (len(schema['objects']) + sum(table['num_columns'] for table in schema['columns']) + len(schema['constraints']) + schema['grants']) modified_times = {} for object in schema['objects']: object_name = OracleFQN(owner, object['object_name']) object_type = _to_type(object['object_type'], object_name) if issubclass(object_type, PlsqlCode): object_name = _mangle_plsql_name(object_type, object_name) object_type = PlsqlCode if object_type not in modified_times: modified_times[object_type] = {} modified_times[object_type][object_name] = object['last_ddl_time'] modified_times[Constraint] = {OracleFQN(owner, cons['constraint_name']): cons['last_change'] for cons in schema['constraints']}"Schema {} has {}.".format(owner, pluralize(total_objects, 'object'))) to_refresh = self.read_cache(modified_times) if schema['grants']: # Refresh all grants, but only if there are actually any grants out there to_refresh[Grant] = None change_count = 0 for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items(): if obj_type is Column: for table in schema['columns']: if names is None or table['table_name'] in names: change_count += table['num_columns'] elif names is None: if obj_type in modified_times: change_count += len(modified_times[obj_type]) elif obj_type is Grant: change_count += schema['grants'] else: change_count += len(names) if to_refresh: def progress_message (o): return "Fetched {{}} of schema {}.{}".format(owner, " Currently fetching {}...".format(_plural_type(o)) if o else '') actual = 0 for obj in progress_log((obj for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items() for obj in obj_type.from_db(, self.database, names)), self.log, progress_message, count=change_count): actual += 1 self.add(obj)"Fetching schema {} complete.".format(owner)) self.cache(modified_times) else:'Using cached schema.')