import io
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "..")  # for using predict_this module
from predict_this.text.word import to_ascii

with"corpus_cleaned.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as corpus:
    with open("corpus_cleaned_normalized.txt", "w") as ascii_corpus:
        for line in corpus:
            print >> ascii_corpus, to_ascii(line[:-1])
def get_text_analysis(index):
    print "analyzing text %d with freeling.. (this may take a while, please wait)" % index
    for analyzed_line in analyze(get_raw_prediction_text(index).replace("%", "")):
        yield analyzed_line

analyzed_words = [word_analysis for i in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8) for line in get_text_analysis(i) for word_analysis in line]
# # create a new csv, with category replaced with this..

def write_row(file, fields, separator=","):
    file.write(separator.join(fields) + "\n")

with"predict_this/text/texts1234578.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
    with"predict_this/text/texts1234578_2.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8") as new_csvfile:
        header =[:-1].split(",")
        tag_index = header.index("tag")
        lemma_index = header.index("lemma")
        write_row(new_csvfile, header)
        i = 1
        for line, analyzed in izip(csvfile, analyzed_words):
            row = line[:-1].split(",")
            if row[0].replace("%", "") != analyzed[0]:
                print "line %d. %s != %s" % (i, row[0], analyzed[0])
            row[tag_index] = analyzed[2].split("+")[0]
            row[lemma_index] = to_ascii(analyzed[1].split("+")[0])
            write_row(new_csvfile, row)
            i += 1