def __init__(self, args, source_height=10): ''' source_height represents the ammount of liquid in the first cup at the beginning of the episode. The height should be a value between 1cm and 10cm. ''' self.args = args self.path = args.path self.min_x = args.min_x self.max_x = args.max_x self.min_y = args.min_y self.max_y = args.max_y self.max_volume = args.max_volume self.frames_per_action = 1 # How many frames to run before selecting a new action self.init_height = source_height # Loading the scene preonpy.show_progressbar = False self.scene = preonpy.Scene(self.path) # Load scene objects self.solver = self.scene.find_object("PreonSolver_1") self.sensor_cup1 = self.scene.find_object("Sensor_Cup1") self.sensor_cup2 = self.scene.find_object("Sensor_Cup2") self.cup1 = self.scene.find_object("Cup1") self.cup2 = self.scene.find_object("Cup2") self.Box = self.scene.find_object("BoxDomain_1") self.Source = self.scene.find_object("VolumeSource_1") # Get simulation parameters self.frame_rate = self.scene.__getitem__("simulation frame rate") self.timestep_per_frame = 1.0 / self.frame_rate #self.time_step = self.solver.__getitem__("timestep") #self.steps_per_frame = int((1/self.frame_rate) / self.time_step) # Set trajectorie points for the first 2 frames init_angle = np.array(self.cup1.__getitem__("euler angles"))[1] init_pos = np.array(self.cup1.__getitem__("position")) init_frames = 2 # Set initial volume self.Source.__setitem__("scale", [0.1, 0.1, self.init_height / 100]) self.trajectorie_angles = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], [], 0, init_angle, 'euler angles theta') self.trajectorie_posx = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], [], 0, init_pos[0], 'position x') self.trajectorie_posy = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], [], 0, init_pos[2], 'position z') self.trajectorie_angles = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], self.trajectorie_angles, self.timestep_per_frame * init_frames, init_angle, 'euler angles theta') self.trajectorie_posx = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], self.trajectorie_posx, self.timestep_per_frame * init_frames, init_pos[0], 'position x') self.trajectorie_posy = self._set_keyframes( [self.cup1, self.sensor_cup1], self.trajectorie_posy, self.timestep_per_frame * init_frames, init_pos[2], 'position z') # Run initial frames to allow liquid to settle down self.scene.simulate(0, init_frames) self.current_frame = init_frames # Get some values from the simulation self.init_particles = self.scene.get_statistic("Fluid Particles", self.scene.elapsed_time) self.cup1_size = np.round(np.array(self.cup1.__getitem__("scale")) * 100, decimals=2)[[0, 2]] # diameter and height in cm self.cup2_size = np.round(np.array(self.cup2.__getitem__("scale")) * 100, decimals=2)[[0, 2]] # diameter and height in cm self.update_stats()
#The aim of this script is to launch ref_0bulk.prscene PreonLab E-motor model with several values of injection flow rates and rotation speeds #For more information about this script, please contact [email protected] #A description of all PreonLab Python functions is available at : import preonpy #Here, we import the Python interface of PreonLab. For more information, please refer to PreonLab manual. import numpy as np #We will use numpy to create arrays SimuList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] #Will be useful to get index of each load case OilFlowRate = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]) #L/min The list of flow rates ShaftVelocity = np.array([2000, 14000, 2000, 14000, 2000, 4000, 7000, 14000]) #RPM The list of rotation speeds SimulationTime = np.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2]) #as higher rotation speed makes simulation faster to converge, we will set the simulation time for each case. NbOfFramesPerSimu = 50 #The number of frames we want to save for each case for SimuRef in SimuList: #We create a loop to iterate over SimuList print("Simulating "+str(ShaftVelocity[SimuRef])+" RPM, "+str(OilFlowRate[SimuRef])+" l/min, "+str(SimulationTime[SimuRef])+" s") #Text : current load case s=preonpy.Scene("C:/Data/PREONLAB/ref_0bulk.prscene") #Opens the reference case"C:/Data/PREONLAB/Simulation/DOE/"+"FR"+str(OilFlowRate[SimuRef]).replace('.','')+"ShaftVel"+str(ShaftVelocity[SimuRef])+".prscene", as_portable=False) #Saves the case as a new file in a folder Rotation = s.find_object("ROTATION") #Here, a transform group named "ROTATION" is master for the transformation of all shaft parts. We will set its rotation speed to the desired one. Rotation["revolutions per second"] = ShaftVelocity[SimuRef]/60 #Sets the rotation speed in rotation per second according to ShaftVelocity list Source = s.find_object("AreaSource_1") #The injector source is named "AreaSource_1" Source["volume flow rate"] = OilFlowRate[SimuRef]/1000/60 #We set the flow rate in m3/s according to OilFlowRate list s.framerate = NbOfFramesPerSimu/SimulationTime[SimuRef] #We set the framerate so that NbOfFramesPerSimu frames are saved in SimulationTime duration s.view_framerate = NbOfFramesPerSimu/SimulationTime[SimuRef] #We set the view framerate equal to simulation framerate #save the current configuration s.simulate(0, str(SimulationTime[SimuRef])+"s") #Launches the simulation according to SimulationTime duration #C:/AVL_AST/PreonLab/PreonLab/ffmpeg-20190212-9f33b0e-win64-static/bin/ffmpeg.exe -f image2 -start_number 0 -framerate 10 -i C:/Avamar/U22P37/PreonScenes/untitled/Visualization/PreonRenderer_1/CamPersp/%06d.png -vf "pad=width=iw+mod(iw\,2):height=ih+mod(ih\,2):x=0:y=0:color=black" -r 10 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 -t 8.6 C:/Avamar/U22P37/PreonScenes/outputfile.mp4
I = np.identity(3) K = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]]) R = I + K + K @ K * ((1 - c) / (s ** 2)) sy = math.sqrt(R[0, 0] * R[0, 0] + R[1, 0] * R[1, 0]) singular = sy < 1e-6 if not singular: x = math.atan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2]) y = math.atan2(-R[2, 0], sy) z = math.atan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0]) else: x = math.atan2(-R[1, 2], R[1, 1]) y = math.atan2(-R[2, 0], sy) z = 0 return np.array([x, y, z]) * 180 / np.pi s=preonpy.Scene(scene_path + scene_name + ".prscene") i = 0; for obj_name in s.object_names: obj = s.find_object(obj_name) if obj.type == "Mesh" and inlet_name in obj_name : print(obj_name + " is area source") obj["behavior"] = "inactive" obj["render mode"] = "invisible" source = s.create_object("Area source") source["inflow unit"] = "volumeFlowRate" source["volume flow rate"] = flow_rates[i] ressource = obj.get_connected_objects("MeshResource", 0) ressource = ressource[0] meshpath = ressource["mesh file"] if mesh_path_is_relative : meshpath = scene_path + scene_name + "/" + meshpath
def find_object_active_frames(s, obj): #Find Heat Flux object activity frames keys = obj.get_keyframes("behavior") keys_times = [key[0] for key in keys] keys_frames = [ preonpy.to_frame(key_time, scene=s) for key_time in keys_times ] keys_val = [1 if i == 'active' else 0 for i in [key[1] for key in keys]] return keyframes_to_active_frames(s, keys_frames, keys_val) #Load file. If several are available, only the first one will be loaded ! File = glob.glob('*.prscene')[0] s = preonpy.Scene(File) HeatFluxSensors = find_heat_flux_sensors(s) for HeatFluxSensor in HeatFluxSensors: if (sensor_plane_is_connected(HeatFluxSensor) and keyframe_is_done(HeatFluxSensor)): #Find solids objects connected to heat flux sensors (only the first one is considered !) Solid = HeatFluxSensor.get_connected_objects("TriangleMesh", False)[0] print( + " gets its mesh from " + #Find temperature reference sensor plane, if any (only the first one is considered !) SensorPlane = HeatFluxSensor.get_connected_objects( "SensorPlaneTemperature", False)[0] print( + " gets its reference temperature from " + SensorActiveFrames = find_object_active_frames(s, HeatFluxSensor)
OilFlowRate = np.array([120,120,120,66,66,120,66]) #L/min The list of flow rates ShaftVelocity = np.array([2530,2530,1500,2530,520,520,1500]) #RPM The list of rotation speeds NbOfRotations = 10 NbOfFramesPerSimu = 200 #The number of frames we want to save for each case NbOfSources = 75 OilDensity = np.array([930,902,930,930,930,930,930]) #kg/m3 OilViscosity = np.array([0.00699,0.00321,0.00699,0.00699,0.00699,0.00699,0.00699]) #Pa.s OilSurfaceTension = np.array([0.0293,0.0275,0.0293,0.0293,0.0293,0.0293,0.0293]) #N/m OilTemperature = np.array([80,120,80,80,80,80,80]) #°C Spacing = 0.0002 DOEdir = "C:/Data/PREONLAB/---/" for SimuRef in SimuList: #We create a loop to iterate over SimuList print("Simulating "+str(ShaftVelocity[SimuRef])+" RPM, "+str(OilFlowRate[SimuRef])+" l/min, "+str(OilTemperature[SimuRef])+" °C") #Text : current loadcase s=preonpy.Scene("C:/Data/PREONLAB/---/REF.prscene") #Opens the reference case ModelName = str(OilFlowRate[SimuRef]).replace('.','')+"lmin"+str(ShaftVelocity[SimuRef])+"RPM"+str(OilTemperature[SimuRef])+"C"".prscene", as_portable=False) #Saves the case as a new file in a folder Rotation = s.find_object("Rotation") #Here, a transform group named "ROTATION" is master for the transformation of all shaft parts. We will set its rotation speed to the desired one. Rotation["revolutions per second"] = ShaftVelocity[SimuRef]/60 #Sets the rotation speed in rotation per second accordind to ShaftVelocity list for obj_name in s.object_names: obj = s.find_object(obj_name) if obj.type == "Area source": s.find_object(obj_name)["volume flow rate"] = OilFlowRate[SimuRef]/1000/60/NbOfSources #We set the flow rate in m3/s according to OilFlowRate list print(obj_name + " is area source") SimulationTime = np.round(1/ShaftVelocity[SimuRef]*60*NbOfRotations,4) s['view frame rate'] = np.floor(NbOfFramesPerSimu/SimulationTime) #We set the framerate so that NbOfFramesPerSimu frames are saved in SimulationTime duration s['simulation frame rate'] = np.floor(NbOfFramesPerSimu/SimulationTime) #We set the view framerate equal to simulation framerate Solver = s.find_object("PreonSolver_1")