def main():
    # creates a list of student and course objects in preparation file
    lists = preparation.main()
    student_list = lists[0]
    course_list = lists[1]
    session_list = lists[2]
    room_list = lists[3]

    score_max = 0

    # searches 5 times for a local maximum and visualizes the best score
    for i in range(5):
        print i
        # executes simulated annealing
        local_max_schedule = simulated_annealing(student_list, course_list, session_list, room_list)
        schedule_room_list = local_max_schedule[0]
        schedule_student_list = local_max_schedule[1]
        score_list = score_function.main(schedule_room_list, schedule_student_list, course_list)
        score_local_max = score_list[0]

        # when new hillclimber score is better
        if score_local_max > score_max:
            max_schedule = local_max_schedule
            score_max = score_local_max

    data = max_schedule[2]
    # writes data of schedule  to csv
    with open("data_simulated_annealing.csv", "wb") as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(["Iteration", "Score", "malus_conflict", "malus_capacity", "malus_spread", "bonus_spread"])
        for row in data:

    # visualizes room schedules
    schedule_room_list = max_schedule[0]
    schedule_student_list = max_schedule[1]
    for schedule_room in schedule_room_list:

    # visualize students schedules
    for schedule_student in schedule_student_list[151:152]:

    for schedule_student in schedule_student_list[155:156]:
import preparation
import fitness_function
import random

global crossover_rate
global mutation_rate
global repairs

# define constants
crossover_rate = 0.7
mutation_rate = 0.1
population_size = 10
number_generations = 1000

# instantiates the framework of the schedule
prep_schedule, slot_list = preparation.main()

# creates 100 random schedules
old_generation = []
for i in range(population_size):
    prep_schedule, slot_list = preparation.main()
    rand_schedule = random_schedule(prep_schedule, slot_list)

generation = 0

fitness_total = []

# print results of algo
for i in range(number_generations):
    new_generation = next_generation(old_generation, slot_list)
def main(data):
    prep_schedule, slot_list, course_list = preparation.main(data)
    for i in range(100):
        table_data = hill_climber(data, prep_schedule, slot_list, course_list)
        if table_data != False:
            return table_data
import preparation
import score_function
import schedule_maker

# creates a list of student and course objects in preparation file
lists = preparation.main()
student_list = lists[0]
course_list = lists[1]
session_list = lists[2]
room_list = lists[3]

number_courses = len(course_list)
total_students = 0
for course in course_list:
    number_students = len(course.students)
    total_students += number_students

avg_students = total_students / number_courses
print avg_students

# # create 100 schedules
# for i in range (100):
#     # create schedule
#     schedule = schedule_maker.main(student_list, course_list, session_list, room_list)
#     schedule_room_list = schedule[0]
#     schedule_student_list = schedule[1]
#     course_list = schedule[2]
import preparation
import fitness_function
import random

global crossover_rate
global mutation_rate
global repairs

# define constants
crossover_rate = 0.7
mutation_rate = 0.1
population_size = 10
number_generations = 1000

# instantiates the framework of the schedule
prep_schedule, slot_list = preparation.main()

# creates 100 random schedules
old_generation = []
for i in range(population_size):
    prep_schedule, slot_list = preparation.main()
    rand_schedule = random_schedule(prep_schedule, slot_list)

generation = 0

fitness_total = []

# print results of algo
for i in range(number_generations):
    new_generation = next_generation(old_generation, slot_list)
def main(data):
    prep_schedule, slot_list, course_list = preparation.main(data)
    for i in range(100):
        table_data = hill_climber(data, prep_schedule, slot_list, course_list)
        if table_data != False:
            return table_data