from resnext import build_resnext from resnet import build_resnet from keras.models import Model, load_model from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, TensorBoard, LambdaCallback from keras_contrib.utils.save_load_utils import save_all_weights, load_all_weights from keras.utils import plot_model from keras.optimizers import Nadam, Adamax, Adam, SGD, RMSprop from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import dpn import time os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '2,3,4,5' train_df = pre.load_data('train.json') images = pre.get_images(train_df) labels = pre.get_labels(train_df) del (train_df) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(images, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=None) img_gen = pre.images_generator() print 'Images generator inits completely' print 'training images:', X_train.shape print 'validation images:', X_val.shape print 'training labels:', y_train.shape print 'validaiton labels:', y_val.shape
INPUT_SIZE = 224, 224 WAVE_LENGTH = 4000 # Number of samples in the audio wave BATCH_SIZE = 128 device = torch.device("cpu") data_raw_path = "./data/train/" data_processed_path = "./processed_data/" img_dir = "./img_data" # generate images of melspectrograms from the original signals, if not already done get_data = False if get_data : get_images(data_raw_path, img_dir, input_shape = INPUT_SIZE, wave_length= WAVE_LENGTH) # fix random state np.random.seed(RANDOM_STATE) torch.manual_seed(RANDOM_STATE) # initialize our transfer network resnet = resnet18(pretrained = True) class CnnTransferNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(CnnTransferNet,self).__init__() # freeze all layers except fully connected for which output features are changed self.resnet = resnet
time_all += time_cost print(f'\tbatch loss = {loss},\ttime = {time_cost} s') loss_all, _ = self.get_loss_and_eta(train_pred_proba_all, train_labels) # 所有训练集的 loss test_pred_proba = self.get_pred_proba(test_imgs) f1_all = f1_score(test_labels, self.get_labels(test_pred_proba)) # 测试集的 F1 print(f'iteration loss = {loss_all},\ttime = {time_all}') print(f'iteration F1 = {f1_all}') print() def save(self, folder_path):, 'deepid1')), 'deepid2')), 'fc_cross')), 'fc_softmax')) def load(self, folder_path): self.deepid1.load(os.path.join(folder_path, 'deepid1')) self.deepid2.load(os.path.join(folder_path, 'deepid2')) self.fc_cross.load(os.path.join(folder_path, 'fc_cross')) self.fc_softmax.load(os.path.join(folder_path, 'fc_softmax')) if __name__ == '__main__': train_imgs, train_labels, test_imgs, test_labels = preprocess.get_images() fv = FaceVerification() fv.train(train_imgs, train_labels, 300)'../saved_model_0.7')
else: batch_num = all_batch // max_batch + 1 print('start iteration....') for i in range(iteration_limit): print(f'---------> iteration {i}') for j in range(batch_num): print(f'\t-----> batch {j}') start = time.time() batch_data = imgs[j * max_batch:(j + 1) * max_batch] batch_labels = labes[j * max_batch:(j + 1) * max_batch] pred = self.forward(batch_data) loss, dy = self.get_loss_and_dy(pred, batch_labels) self.backward(dy) print(f'\tloss = {loss}, time cost = {time.time() - start} s') pred = self.forward(test_imgs) print(f'\tF1 = {f1_score(test_labels, self.get_labels(pred))}') if __name__ == '__main__': imgs, labels = preprocess.get_images() n = imgs.shape[0] split = n - max_batch test_imgs = imgs[split:] test_labels = labels[split:] train_imgs = imgs[:split] train_labels = labels[:split] fv = FaceVerification() fv.train(train_imgs, train_labels, 1000)
predictedWordIndex = torch.multinomial(x_t[0][0], 1)[0] x_t.new_zeros(x_t.size()) x_t[0][0][predictedWordIndex] = 1 x_t = self.linear2(x_t) y_pred.append(predictedWordIndex.item()) return y_pred trainDataType = 'train2014' valDataType = 'val2014' # retrieve images images = get_images('cocoapi-master', trainDataType) print('%d Training Images Loaded.' % len(images)) valImages = get_images('cocoapi-master', valDataType) print('%d Validation Images Loaded.' % len(valImages)) # retrieve captions captions = get_captions('cocoapi-master', trainDataType, images) (vocab, vocabEncoding) = create_encoding(captions) vocabSize = len(vocab) valCaptions = get_captions('cocoapi-master', valDataType, valImages) initModel = Captioner(vocabSize, vocabEncoding['<end>']) initModel.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) model = Captioner(vocabSize, vocabEncoding['<end>']) if torch.cuda.is_available(): initModel.cuda()