class SubEventBulkForm(SubEventForm): time_from = forms.TimeField( label=_('Event start time'), widget=forms.TimeInput(attrs={'class': 'timepickerfield'})) time_to = forms.TimeField( label=_('Event end time'), widget=forms.TimeInput(attrs={'class': 'timepickerfield'}), required=False) time_admission = forms.TimeField( label=_('Admission time'), widget=forms.TimeInput(attrs={'class': 'timepickerfield'}), required=False) rel_presale_start = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('Start of presale'), help_text=_('Optional. No products will be sold before this date.'), required=False, limit_choices=('date_from', 'date_to'), ) rel_presale_end = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('End of presale'), help_text=_( 'Optional. No products will be sold after this date. If you do not set this value, the presale ' 'will end after the end date of your event.'), required=False, limit_choices=('date_from', 'date_to'), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.event = kwargs['event'] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['location'].widget.attrs['rows'] = '3' del self.fields['date_from'] del self.fields['date_to'] del self.fields['date_admission']
class VenuelessSettingsForm(SettingsForm): venueless_url = forms.URLField( label=_("Venueless URL"), required=False, ) venueless_secret = SecretKeySettingsField( label=_("Venueless secret"), required=False, ) venueless_issuer = forms.CharField( label=_("Venueless issuer"), required=False, ) venueless_audience = forms.CharField( label=_("Venueless audience"), required=False, ) venueless_start = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('Start of live event'), required=False, ) venueless_allow_pending = forms.BooleanField( label=_( 'Allow users to access the live event before their order is paid'), required=False, ) venueless_all_items = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Allow buyers of all admission products'), required=False) venueless_items = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple( attrs={ 'class': 'scrolling-multiple-choice', 'data-inverse-dependency': '<[name$=venueless_all_items]' }), label=_('Limit to products'), required=False, queryset=Item.objects.none(), initial=None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): event = kwargs['obj'] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['venueless_items'].queryset = event.items.all() def clean(self): data = super().clean() for k, v in self.fields.items(): if isinstance(v, forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField): answstr = [ for o in data[k]] data[k] = answstr return data
class BulkSubEventItemVariationForm(SubEventItemVariationForm): rel_available_from = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('Available from'), required=False, limit_choices=('date_from', 'date_to'), ) rel_available_until = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('Available_until'), required=False, limit_choices=('date_from', 'date_to'), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) del self.fields['available_from'] del self.fields['available_until'] if self.instance and self.instance.available_from and 'rel_available_from' not in self.initial: self.initial['rel_available_from'] = RelativeDateWrapper( self.instance.available_from) if self.instance and self.instance.available_until and 'rel_available_until' not in self.initial: self.initial['rel_available_until'] = RelativeDateWrapper( self.instance.available_until)
class TicketSettingsForm(SettingsForm): ticket_download = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Use feature"), help_text= _("Use pretix to generate tickets for the user to download and print out." ), required=False) ticket_download_date = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_("Download date"), help_text= _("Ticket download will be offered after this date. If you use the event series feature and an order " "contains tickets for multiple event dates, download of all tickets will be available if at least " "one of the event dates allows it."), required=False, ) ticket_download_addons = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Offer to download tickets separately for add-on products"), required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput( attrs={'data-display-dependency': '#id_ticket_download'}), ) ticket_download_nonadm = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Generate tickets for non-admission products"), required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput( attrs={'data-display-dependency': '#id_ticket_download'}), ) def prepare_fields(self): # See clean() for k, v in self.fields.items(): v._required = v.required v.required = False v.widget.is_required = False if isinstance(v, I18nFormField): v._required = v.one_required v.one_required = False v.widget.enabled_locales = self.locales def clean(self): # required=True files should only be required if the feature is enabled cleaned_data = super().clean() enabled = cleaned_data.get('ticket_download') == 'True' if not enabled: return for k, v in self.fields.items(): val = cleaned_data.get(k) if v._required and (val is None or val == ""): self.add_error(k, _('This field is required.'))
class EventSettingsForm(SettingsForm): show_date_to = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show event end date"), help_text= _("If disabled, only event's start date will be displayed to the public." ), required=False) show_times = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show dates with time"), help_text= _("If disabled, the event's start and end date will be displayed without the time of day." ), required=False) show_items_outside_presale_period = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show items outside presale period"), help_text= _("Show item details before presale has started and after presale has ended" ), required=False) display_net_prices = forms.BooleanField( label= _("Show net prices instead of gross prices in the product list (not recommended!)" ), help_text=_( "Independent of your choice, the cart will show gross prices as this the price that needs to be " "paid"), required=False) presale_start_show_date = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show start date"), help_text=_("Show the presale start date before presale has started."), widget=forms.CheckboxInput, required=False) last_order_modification_date = RelativeDateTimeField( label=_('Last date of modifications'), help_text= _("The last date users can modify details of their orders, such as attendee names or " "answers to questions. If you use the event series feature and an order contains tickets for " "multiple event dates, the earliest date will be used."), required=False, ) timezone = forms.ChoiceField( choices=((a, a) for a in common_timezones), label=_("Default timezone"), ) locales = forms.MultipleChoiceField( choices=settings.LANGUAGES, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label=_("Available languages"), ) locale = forms.ChoiceField( choices=settings.LANGUAGES, label=_("Default language"), ) show_quota_left = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show number of tickets left"), help_text= _("Publicly show how many tickets of a certain type are still available." ), required=False) waiting_list_enabled = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Enable waiting list"), help_text= _("Once a ticket is sold out, people can add themselves to a waiting list. As soon as a ticket " "becomes available again, it will be reserved for the first person on the waiting list and this " "person will receive an email notification with a voucher that can be used to buy a ticket." ), required=False) waiting_list_hours = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Waiting list response time"), min_value=6, help_text= _("If a ticket voucher is sent to a person on the waiting list, it has to be redeemed within this " "number of hours until it expires and can be re-assigned to the next person on the list." ), required=False, widget=forms.NumberInput( attrs={ 'data-display-dependency': '#id_settings-waiting_list_enabled' }), ) waiting_list_auto = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Automatic waiting list assignments"), help_text= _("If ticket capacity becomes free, automatically create a voucher and send it to the first person " "on the waiting list for that product. If this is not active, mails will not be send automatically " "but you can send them manually via the control panel."), required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput( attrs={ 'data-display-dependency': '#id_settings-waiting_list_enabled' }), ) attendee_names_asked = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Ask for attendee names"), help_text= _("Ask for a name for all tickets which include admission to the event." ), required=False, ) attendee_names_required = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Require attendee names"), help_text=_( "Require customers to fill in the names of all attendees."), required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput( attrs={ 'data-checkbox-dependency': '#id_settings-attendee_names_asked' }), ) attendee_emails_asked = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Ask for email addresses per ticket"), help_text= _("Normally, pretix asks for one email address per order and the order confirmation will be sent " "only to that email address. If you enable this option, the system will additionally ask for " "individual email addresses for every admission ticket. This might be useful if you want to " "obtain individual addresses for every attendee even in case of group orders. However, " "pretix will send the order confirmation only to the one primary email address, not to the " "per-attendee addresses."), required=False) attendee_emails_required = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Require email addresses per ticket"), help_text= _("Require customers to fill in individual e-mail addresses for all admission tickets. See the " "above option for more details. One email address for the order confirmation will always be " "required regardless of this setting."), required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={ 'data-checkbox-dependency': '#id_settings-attendee_emails_asked' }), ) order_email_asked_twice = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Ask for the order email address twice"), help_text= _("Require customers to fill in the primary email address twice to avoid errors." ), required=False, ) max_items_per_order = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, label=_("Maximum number of items per order"), help_text=_("Add-on products will not be counted.")) reservation_time = forms.IntegerField( min_value=0, label=_("Reservation period"), help_text= _("The number of minutes the items in a user's cart are reserved for this user." ), ) imprint_url = forms.URLField( label=_("Imprint URL"), required=False, ) confirm_text = I18nFormField( label=_('Confirmation text'), help_text= _('This text needs to be confirmed by the user before a purchase is possible. You could for example ' 'link your terms of service here. If you use the Pages feature to publish your terms of service, ' 'you don\'t need this setting since you can configure it there.'), required=False, widget=I18nTextarea) contact_mail = forms.EmailField( label=_("Contact address"), required=False, help_text=_("Public email address for contacting the organizer")) cancel_allow_user = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Allow users to cancel unpaid orders"), help_text= _("If checked, users can cancel orders by themselves as long as they are not yet paid." ), required=False) def clean(self): data = super().clean() if data['locale'] not in data['locales']: raise ValidationError({ 'locale': _('Your default locale must also be enabled for your event (see box above).' ) }) if data['attendee_names_required'] and not data['attendee_names_asked']: raise ValidationError({ 'attendee_names_required': _('You cannot require specifying attendee names if you do not ask for them.' ) }) if data['attendee_emails_required'] and not data[ 'attendee_emails_asked']: raise ValidationError({ 'attendee_emails_required': _('You have to ask for attendee emails if you want to make them required.' ) }) return data def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['confirm_text'].widget.attrs['rows'] = '3' self.fields['confirm_text'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = _( 'e.g. I hereby confirm that I have read and agree with the event organizer\'s terms of service ' 'and agree with them.')