文件: util.py 项目: yTogg/priism
    def get_observing_frequency(vis):
        Read observing frequency (REF_FREQUENCY)

        Return frequency value in Hz as a dictionary of
        {data_desc_id: frequency}
        assert os.path.exists(vis)
        spectralwindow_table = os.path.join(vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
        assert os.path.exists(spectralwindow_table)

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(spectralwindow_table) as tb:
            ref_frequency = tb.getcol('REF_FREQUENCY')

        datadescription_table = os.path.join(vis, 'DATA_DESCRIPTION')
        assert os.path.exists(datadescription_table)

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(datadescription_table) as tb:
            ddid_map = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')

        observing_frequency = {}
        for (ddid, spwid) in enumerate(ddid_map):
            if spwid >= 0 and spwid < len(ref_frequency):
                observing_frequency[ddid] = ref_frequency[spwid]

        return observing_frequency
    def setUp(self):
        print('setUp: copying {0}...'.format(self.vis))
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, self.vis), self.vis)


        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'DATA_DESCRIPTION')) as tb:
            spw_ids = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')
            pol_ids = tb.getcol('POLARIZATION_ID')

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            num_chans = tb.getcol('NUM_CHAN')

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'POLARIZATION')) as tb:
            num_corrs = tb.getcol('NUM_CORR')

        self.nchanmap = dict(((
        ) for i in range(len(spw_ids))))
        self.ncorrmap = dict(((
        ) for i in range(len(pol_ids))))
    def _test_lsr_freq(self, mfr='TOPO'):
        chunk = {}
        ndds = len(self.dd_spw_map)
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis, 'FIELD')) as tb:
            nfields = tb.nrows()
        with casa.OpenTableForReadWrite(
                os.path.join(self.vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            mfrs = tb.getcol('MEAS_FREQ_REF')
                mfr in visconverter.VisibilityConverter.frequency_reference)
            mfr_id = visconverter.VisibilityConverter.frequency_reference.index(
            if not numpy.all(mfrs == mfr_id):
                mfrs[:] = mfr_id
                tb.putcol('MEAS_FREQ_REF', mfrs)

        visparam = paramcontainer.VisParamContainer(vis=self.vis)
        imageparam = paramcontainer.ImageParamContainer(
            imagename=self.imagename, phasecenter=str(self.field_id))
        converter = visconverter.VisibilityConverter(visparam, imageparam)

        nchunk = 1
        chunk['time'] = numpy.empty(nchunk, dtype=numpy.float64)
        chunk['data_desc_id'] = numpy.empty(nchunk, dtype=numpy.int32)
        chunk['field_id'] = numpy.empty_like(chunk['data_desc_id'])
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(self.vis) as tb:
            chunk['time'][:] = tb.getcell('TIME', 0)
        for field_id in range(nfields):
            chunk['field_id'][0] = field_id
            for dd_id in range(ndds):
                chunk['data_desc_id'][0] = dd_id
                lsr_freq = converter.get_lsr_frequency(chunk)
                #print lsr_freq
                spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
                nchan = self.nchans[spw_id]
                self.assertEqual(nchan + 1, len(lsr_freq))
                self.assertEqual(mfrs[spw_id], mfr_id)

                # special case for LSRK
                with casa.OpenTableForRead(
                        os.path.join(self.vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
                    chan_freq = tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', spw_id)
                    chan_width = tb.getcell('CHAN_WIDTH', spw_id)
                expected = numpy.empty(nchan + 1, dtype=numpy.float64)
                expected[:-1] = chan_freq - chan_width / 2.0
                expected[-1] = chan_freq[-1] + chan_width[-1] / 2.0
                if mfr == 'LSRK':
                    self.assertTrue(numpy.all(lsr_freq == expected))
                    expected = self._convert(chunk['time'][0], field_id, mfr,
                    self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected, lsr_freq, 1e-15)
文件: util.py 项目: yTogg/priism
    def get_antenna_diameter(vis):
        Read antenna diameter (DISH_DIAMETER)

        Return antenna diameter in m
        assert os.path.exists(vis)
        antenna_table = os.path.join(vis, 'ANTENNA')
        assert os.path.exists(antenna_table)

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(antenna_table) as tb:
            antenna_diameter = tb.getcol('DISH_DIAMETER')

        return antenna_diameter
    def setUp(self):
        print('setUp: copying {0}...'.format(self.vis))
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, self.vis), self.vis)


        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'DATA_DESCRIPTION')) as tb:
            self.dd_spw_map = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')
            self.dd_pol_map = tb.getcol('POLARIZATION_ID')

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            self.nchans = tb.getcol('NUM_CHAN')

        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'POLARIZATION')) as tb:
            self.npols = tb.getcol('NUM_CORR')

        # avaliable FIELD_ID in MAIN table is only 6
        self.field_id = 6

        # default visparam
        self.visparam = paramcontainer.VisParamContainer(vis=self.vis)
 def _convert(self, timestamp, field_id, mfr, chan_freq):
     me = casa.CreateCasaMeasure()
     qa = casa.CreateCasaQuantity()
     vis = self.vis
     with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis, 'FIELD')) as tb:
         reference_dir = tb.getcell('PHASE_DIR', field_id)[:, 0]
         reference_frame = 'J2000'  # hard coded
     lon = qa.quantity(reference_dir[0], 'rad')
     lat = qa.quantity(reference_dir[1], 'rad')
     mdirection = me.direction(rf=reference_frame, v0=lon, v1=lat)
     mepoch = me.epoch(rf='UTC', v0=qa.quantity(timestamp, 's'))
     mposition = me.observatory('ALMA')
     lsr_freq = numpy.empty_like(chan_freq)
     for ichan in range(len(lsr_freq)):
         mfrequency = me.frequency(rf=mfr,
                                   v0=qa.quantity(chan_freq[ichan], 'Hz'))
         converted = me.measure(mfrequency, rf='LSRK')
         lsr_freq[ichan] = converted['m0']['value']
     return lsr_freq
    def test_freq_map(self):
        # create data chunk
        nrow = 1
        dd_id = 0
        spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
        pol_id = self.dd_pol_map[dd_id]
        nchan = self.nchans[spw_id]
        npol = self.npols[pol_id]
        chunk = self.get_chunk_template(nrow=nrow, dd_id=dd_id)

        # create converter
        timestamp = chunk['time'][0]
        field_id = self.field_id
        mfr = 'TOPO'
        spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            chan_freq = tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', spw_id)
        lsr_freq = self._convert(timestamp, field_id, mfr, chan_freq)
        # start channel and width are chosen so that first 10 visibility
        # channels are included
        image_nchan = 1
        f = (lsr_freq[4] + lsr_freq[5]) / 2.0
        image_start = '{0}Hz'.format(f)
        image_width = '{0}Hz'.format(lsr_freq[10] - lsr_freq[0])
        converter = self.get_converter(start=image_start,

        # uvw from expected pixel value
        expected_u = 0
        expected_v = 0
        self._uv_from_pixel(expected_u, expected_v, chunk['uvw'][:, 0],

        # conversion
        ws = converter.generate_working_set(chunk)

        rdata = ws.rdata
        data_shape = rdata.shape

        # consistency check
        self.verify_ws_consistency(ws, chunk['chunk_id'])

        expected_shape = (nrow, 1, 10)
        self.assertEqual(data_shape, expected_shape)

        start = 0
        end = start + image_nchan * 10
        expected_data = numpy.zeros(expected_shape, dtype=numpy.complex)
        expected_flag = numpy.ones(expected_shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        for ipol in range(npol):
            expected_data += (chunk['data'][ipol:ipol + 1, start:end, :] \
                * numpy.where(chunk['flag'][ipol:ipol + 1, start:end, :] == False, 0.5, 0.0)).transpose((2, 0, 1))
            expected_flag = numpy.logical_and(
                expected_flag, chunk['flag'][ipol:ipol + 1, start:end, :])
        eps = 1e-7
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.real, ws.rdata, eps)
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.imag, ws.idata, eps)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.logical_not(expected_flag) == ws.flag))
        for ichan in range(image_nchan):
            s = ichan * 10
            e = s + 10
            self.assertTrue(numpy.all(ws.channel_map[s:e] == ichan))

        # uv test
        # u,v should ideally be zero but allow small value within
        # the one indicated by tolerance, eps
        eps = 1.0e-5
        self.assertLess(abs(ws.u[0]), eps)
        self.assertLess(abs(ws.v[0]), eps)
    def test_freq_interp(self):
        # create data chunk
        nrow = 1
        dd_id = 0
        spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
        pol_id = self.dd_pol_map[dd_id]
        nchan = self.nchans[spw_id]
        npol = self.npols[pol_id]
        chunk = self.get_chunk_template(nrow=nrow, dd_id=dd_id)

        # create converter
        timestamp = chunk['time'][0]
        field_id = self.field_id
        mfr = 'TOPO'
        spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            chan_freq = tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', spw_id)
        lsr_freq = self._convert(timestamp, field_id, mfr, chan_freq)
        # start channel is lsr frequency that corresponds to 1/3 of first channel
        # channel width is native one
        image_nchan = 1
        f = lsr_freq[0] + (lsr_freq[1] - lsr_freq[0]) / 3.0
        image_start = '{0}Hz'.format(f)
        image_width = '{0}Hz'.format(lsr_freq[1] - lsr_freq[0])
        converter = self.get_converter(start=image_start,

        # uvw from expected pixel value
        expected_u = 70
        expected_v = 25
        self._uv_from_pixel(expected_u, expected_v, chunk['uvw'][:, 0],

        # conversion
        ws = converter.generate_working_set(chunk)

        rdata = ws.rdata
        data_shape = rdata.shape

        # consistency check
        self.verify_ws_consistency(ws, chunk['chunk_id'])

        expected_shape = (1, image_nchan, nrow)
        self.assertEqual(data_shape, expected_shape)

        print('LOG: rdata={0}'.format(ws.rdata))
        print('LOG: idata={0}'.format(ws.idata))
        print('LOG: chunk data0 {0} 1 {1}'.format(chunk['data'][:, 0, 0],
                                                  chunk['data'][:, 1, 0]))

        d0 = chunk['data'][:, 0, 0]
        d1 = chunk['data'][:, 1, 0]
        base_data = (2.0 * d0 + 1.0 * d1) / 3.0
        f0 = chunk['flag'][:, 0, 0]
        f1 = chunk['flag'][:, 0, 0]
        base_flag = f0
        expected_data = numpy.zeros(expected_shape, dtype=numpy.complex)
        expected_flag = numpy.ones(expected_shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        eps = 1e-5
        for ipol in range(npol):
            if base_flag[ipol] == False:
                expected_data += 0.5 * base_data[ipol]
            expected_flag = numpy.logical_and(expected_flag, base_flag[ipol])
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.real, ws.rdata[0, 0, 0], eps)
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.imag, ws.idata[0, 0, 0], eps)
        ref = numpy.logical_not(expected_flag)
        val = ws.flag[0, 0, 0]
        self.assertEqual(ref, val)
        self.assertEqual(ws.channel_map[0], 0)

        # TODO: uv test
        print(expected_u, ws.u[0])
        print(expected_v, ws.v[0])
        eps = 1.0e-5
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_u, ws.u[0], eps)
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_v, ws.v[0], eps)
    def test_channel_interp(self):
        # create data chunk
        nrow = 1
        dd_id = 0
        spw_id = self.dd_spw_map[dd_id]
        pol_id = self.dd_pol_map[dd_id]
        nchan = self.nchans[spw_id]
        npol = self.npols[pol_id]
        chunk = self.get_chunk_template(nrow=nrow, dd_id=dd_id)

        # here UVW is set to 0
        # this should not happen in interferometry observation
        # but just for testing purpose...
        chunk['uvw'][:] = 0.0

        # timestamp should be start time of the observation
        # for LSRK conversion
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(self.vis,
                                                'OBSERVATION')) as tb:
            time_range = tb.getcell('TIME_RANGE', 0)
        chunk['time'][:] = time_range[0]

        # create converter
        image_nchan = 1
        image_start = 0
        image_width = 1
        converter = self.get_converter(start=image_start,

        ws = converter.generate_working_set(chunk)

        rdata = ws.rdata
        data_shape = rdata.shape

        # consistency check
        self.verify_ws_consistency(ws, chunk['chunk_id'])

        expected_shape = (1, image_nchan * image_width, nrow)
        self.assertEqual(data_shape, expected_shape)

        d0 = chunk['data'][:, 0, 0]
        f0 = chunk['flag'][:, 0, 0]
        base_data = d0
        base_flag = f0
        expected_data = numpy.complex(0)
        expected_flag = True
        eps = 1e-5
        for ipol in range(npol):
            if base_flag[ipol] == False:
                expected_data += 0.5 * base_data[ipol]
            expected_flag = numpy.logical_and(expected_flag, base_flag[ipol])
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.real, ws.rdata[0, 0, 0], eps)
        self.assertMaxDiffLess(expected_data.imag, ws.idata[0, 0, 0], eps)
        ref = numpy.logical_not(expected_flag)
        val = ws.flag[0, 0, 0]
        self.assertEqual(ref, val)
        self.assertEqual(ws.channel_map[0], 0)

        # (u,v) = (0,0) maps onto (nearly) grid plane center
        self.assertTrue(ws.u[0] == int(self.imageparam.imsize[0]) // 2)
        self.assertTrue(ws.v[0] == int(self.imageparam.imsize[1]) // 2)
    def inspect_data(self):
        Inspect data given as a field 'vis' in visparam.
        vis = self.visparam.vis

        # make mapping between DATA_DESC_ID and SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID/POLARIZATION_ID
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis,
                                                'DATA_DESCRIPTION')) as tb:
            self.dd_spw_map = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')
            self.dd_pol_map = tb.getcol('POLARIZATION_ID')

        # read spw information (channel freq, channel width, freq_ref)
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
            meas_freq_ref = tb.getcol('MEAS_FREQ_REF')
            self.chan_freq = {}
            self.chan_width = {}
            self.freq_ref = {}
            for irow in range(tb.nrows()):
                self.freq_ref[irow] = self.freq_ref_string(meas_freq_ref[irow])
                self.chan_freq[irow] = tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', irow)
                self.chan_width[irow] = tb.getcell('CHAN_WIDTH', irow)

        # read field information
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis, 'FIELD')) as tb:
            self.field_dir = {}
            measinfo = tb.getcolkeyword('PHASE_DIR', 'MEASINFO')
            if 'Ref' in measinfo:
                self.field_ref = measinfo['Ref']
                # variable reference column, assume J2000
                self.field_ref = 'J2000'
            for irow in range(tb.nrows()):
                self.field_dir[irow] = tb.getcell('PHASE_DIR', irow)

            all_fields = numpy.arange(tb.nrows(), dtype=numpy.int)

        # nominal image LSRK frequency (will be used for channel selection)
        # calculate based on
        #     - ALMA observatory position
        #     - nominal field direction (one of the TARGET)
        #     - observation start time (from OBSERVATION table?)
        # observation start time
        with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis, 'OBSERVATION')) as tb:
            time_range = tb.getcell('TIME_RANGE', 0)
            obs_start_time = time_range[0]
        # field id
        with casa.OpenMSMetaData(vis) as msmd:
                #field_ids = msmd.fieldsforintent(intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE*')
                field_ids = msmd.fieldsforintent(intent=self.visparam.intent)
                if len(field_ids) == 0:
                    field_ids = all_fields
            except Exception:
                field_ids = all_fields
            #nominal_field_id = field_ids[0]
        # data description id
        data_desc_ids = numpy.arange(len(self.dd_spw_map))
        _times = numpy.empty(len(data_desc_ids), dtype=numpy.float64)
        _times[:] = obs_start_time
        _field_ids = numpy.empty_like(data_desc_ids)
        self.nominal_lsr_frequency = {}
        for field_id in field_ids:
            _field_ids[:] = field_id
            cf = self._get_lsr_frequency(_times, data_desc_ids, _field_ids)
            self.nominal_lsr_frequency[field_id] = cf
 def frequency_setup_for_spw(vis, spw_id, chan):
     with casa.OpenTableForRead(os.path.join(vis, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW')) as tb:
         chan_freq = tb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', spw_id)
         chan_width = tb.getcell('CHAN_WIDTH', spw_id)
     return '{0:16.12f}Hz'.format(chan_freq[chan]), '{0:16.12f}Hz'.format(