def blankSlotPrimes(n,m):
	d = n - m # d for digits
	# Create list of primes we will use
	primeList = pf.sieveEratosthenes(10**(n+1))

	# Remove primes that are too small
	startIndex = 0
	for i in xrange(0,len(primeList)):
		if primeList[i] > 10**(n-1):
			startIndex = i
	primeList = primeList[startIndex:]

	# Set up set for fast prime checking
	primeSet = set(primeList)

	# Indecies for the repeated digits
	digitIndeces = []
	for i in xrange(0,m):

	# Data structure cleverness - how we insert the repeated digits
	# into the number
	NumStruct = ['' for x in xrange(0,2*d+1)]
	numIndex = [ 2*x+1 for x in xrange(0,d)]
	repIndex = [ 2*x for x in xrange(0,d+1)]

	# Keep track of maximum
	maxPrimeCount = 0
	maxPrimeStruct = ([],[])

	# Go through all the numbers with the repeated digits
	for ni in xrange(0,10**d):
		# Set up the struct
		numStr = str(ni).zfill(d)
		for i in xrange(0,d):
			NumStruct[numIndex[i]] = numStr[i]

		# Find the repeated indecies with the most primes
		for t in itertools.product(*digitIndeces):
			primeCount = 0
			smallestValue = -1 # Store the smallest value of the prime
			# Loop through actual value of repeated digits
			for r in xrange(0,10):
				numStruct = list(NumStruct)
				# Place in the digits according to positions, t
				for i in xrange(0,len(t)):
					numStruct[repIndex[t[i]]] += (str(r))
				# Check if the number is prime
				num = int(''.join(numStruct))
				if num in primeSet:
					if smallestValue < 0:
						smallestValue = r # Update the smallest value of the prime
					primeCount += 1
			# Update maximum
			if primeCount > maxPrimeCount:
				maxPrimeCount = primeCount
				numStruct = list(NumStruct)
				for i in xrange(0,len(t)):
					numStruct[repIndex[t[i]]] += str(smallestValue)
				smallest = int(''.join(numStruct))
				maxPrimeStruct = (list(t),list(NumStruct),smallest)
	return (maxPrimeCount, maxPrimeStruct)
	progress = 1503
	lastprime = x
	while x < 10**7:
		if pf.isPrimeFast(x):
			count += 1
			lastprime = x
			if count == 10001:
				# print "FOUND IT"
				# print (x, count)
		if x % progress == 0:
			print (lastprime,count)
		x += 2
# Best solution
if problem == 7:
	primelist = pf.sieveEratosthenes(2*10**6)
	print primelist[10000] 

# Problem 8

def maxprod(nums,k):
	prod = 1
	for i in xrange(k):
		prod = nums[i]
	m = prod
	i = 0
	mi = i
	while i < len(nums) - k:
		if i + k > len(nums):