def testSynthetic():
    '''Test against a synthetic set of pedestrians'''
    SIZE = 10.0
    # define the domain
    minCorner = Vector2( -SIZE / 2.0, -SIZE / 2.0 )
    domainSize = Vector2( SIZE, SIZE )
    RES = int( SIZE / CELL_SIZE )
    resolution = Vector2( RES, RES )
    # define the signal ( a single point, moving from the origin to the corner
    traj, STEP_COUNT = syntheticPedestrians( SIZE )

    print "Maximum kernel value:", kernel.data.max()
    print "Kernel sum:          ", kernel.data.sum()
    grids = []

    pedDomain = Grid.RectDomain( minCorner, domainSize )    
    sig = Signals.DiracSignal( pedDomain )
    for i in xrange( STEP_COUNT ):
        sig.setData( traj[:, :, i] )
        grid = Grid.DataGrid( minCorner, domainSize, resolution )
        kernel.convolve( sig, grid )
##        grid.cells /= ( CELL_SIZE * CELL_SIZE )
        grids.append( grid )
    visGrids( grids )
    def __init__(self,
                 minCorner=Vector2(0.0, 0.0),
                 size=Vector2(1.0, 1.0),
                 resolution=(1, 1),
        '''Grid constructor.

        @param  minCorner       A 2-tuple-like instace of floats.  The position, in world space,
                                of the "bottom-left" corner of the domain.  (Minimum x- and y-
        @param  size            A 2-tuple-like instace of floats.  The span of the domain (in world
                                space.)  The maximum values of the domain are minCorner[0] + size[0]
                                and minCorner[1] + size[1], respectively.
        @param  resolution      A 2-tuple like instance of ints.  The number of cells in the domain in
                                both the x- and y-directions.  This will imply a cell size.
        RectDomain.__init__(self, minCorner, size)
        self.resolution = resolution  # tuple (x, y)  - int
        # size of each cell in the world grid
        if (cellSize is None):
            self.cellSize = Vector2(size[0] / float(resolution[0]),
                                    size[1] / float(resolution[1]))
            self.cellSize = cellSize
            assert (np.abs(self.cellSize[0] * self.resolution[0] -
                           self.size[0]) < 0.0001
                    and np.abs(self.cellSize[1] * self.resolution[1] -
                               self.size[1]) < 0.0001)
def makeDomain(domainX, domainY, cellSize=None):
    '''Defines a rectangular domain from the given specifications.

    If cellSize is not specified, the domain is a RectDomain, otherwise, it
    is an Abstract Grid.

    @param      domainX         A two-tuple like object of floats.  The range of the
                                test region on the x-axis as [minX, maxX]
    @param      domainY         A two-tuple like object of floats.  The range of the
                                test region on the y-axis as [minY, maxY]
    @param      cellSize        A float.  The size of the cells for the discretized
    @returns    An instance of RectDomain or AbstractGrid, depending on cellSize.
                If cellSize is not defined, then a RectDomain is constructed, otherwise
                an AbstractGrid.
    minCorner = Vector2(domainX[0], domainY[0])
    size = Vector2(domainX[1] - domainX[0], domainY[1] - domainY[0])
    if (cellSize is None):
        return RectDomain(minCorner, size)
        rX = int(np.floor(size[0] / cellSize))  # explicit truncation
        rY = int(np.floor(size[1] / cellSize))  # explicit truncation
        size = Vector2(rX * cellSize, rY * cellSize)
        return AbstractGrid(minCorner, size, (rX, rY))
    def main():
        '''Test the functionality'''
        map = FlameMap()

        SAMPLES = 300
        samples = np.linspace(-5, 5, SAMPLES)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(samples, samples)
        grid = np.dstack((X, Y))

        if (True):
            print "Single segment"
            p1 = Vector2(-1.0, 1.0)
            p2 = Vector2(1.0, 0.0)
            seg = Segment(p1, p2)

            s = time.clock()
            dist = computeSegmentDistance(seg, grid)
            e = time.clock()
            print "\tTook %f seconds to compute %d distances" % (e - s,
                                                                 grid.size / 2)
            surface = map.colorOnSurface((dist.min(), dist.max()),
                                         dist.T[:, ::-1])
            imgSeg = imgSpaceSegment(seg, (-5.0, 5.0), (-5.0, 5.0), SAMPLES,
            pygame.draw.line(surface, (255, 255, 255),
                             (imgSeg.p1.x, imgSeg.p1.y),
                             (imgSeg.p2.x, imgSeg.p2.y))
            pygame.image.save(surface, 'distFieldSeg.png')

        if (True):
            print "Obstacle"
            o = Obstacle()
            o.closed = True
            # create a hexagonal obstacle
            RADIUS = 2.0
            RAD_SAMPLE = 12
            for i in xrange(RAD_SAMPLE):
                theta = 2.0 * np.pi / RAD_SAMPLE * i
                x = np.cos(theta) * RADIUS
                y = np.sin(theta) * RADIUS
                o.vertices.append(Vector3(x, y, 0))

            s = time.clock()
            dist = computeObstacleDistance(o, grid)
            e = time.clock()
            print "\tTook %f seconds to compute %d distances" % (e - s,
                                                                 grid.size / 2)
            ##        print dist

            surface = map.colorOnSurface((dist.min(), dist.max()),
                                         dist.T[:, ::-1])
            for seg in o.segments:
                imgSeg = imgSpaceSegment(seg, (-5.0, 5.0), (-5.0, 5.0),
                                         SAMPLES, SAMPLES)
                pygame.draw.line(surface, (255, 255, 255),
                                 (imgSeg.p1.x, imgSeg.p1.y),
                                 (imgSeg.p2.x, imgSeg.p2.y))

            pygame.image.save(surface, 'distFieldObst.png')
    def intersection(self, domain):
        '''Computes the intersection of two domains and reports it as a domain.minCorner

        @param      domain      An instance of RectDomain.  The domain to intersect.
        @returns    A RectDomain instance covering the region of intersection.  Returns None if
                    there is no intersection.
        if (not self.intersects(domain)):
            return None
        # there is an intersection
        X = [
            self.minCorner[0], domain.minCorner[0],
            self.minCorner[0] + self.size[0],
            domain.minCorner[0] + domain.size[0]
        Y = [
            self.minCorner[1], domain.minCorner[1],
            self.minCorner[1] + self.size[1],
            domain.minCorner[1] + domain.size[1]
        minCorner = Vector2(X[1], Y[1])
        maxCorner = Vector2(X[2], Y[2])

        return RectDomain(minCorner, maxCorner - minCorner)
    def convolveDirac(self, signal, grid):
        '''Convolve this kernel with the dirac signal provided, placing the result on the provided grid.
        @param  signal      An instance of Signal class (See Signal.py )
        @param  grid        An instance of grid (see Grid.py).  Convolution is computed over
                            the domain represented by the grid.  The grid's values will be
                            changed as a result of this operation.
        for i, pos in enumerate(signal.impulses):
            k, sigma = self.getImpulseKernel(i, signal, grid)
            halfK = k / 2
                self.splatTruncatedKernel(pos, grid, halfK, sigma)
            except KernelDomainError:
            if (self.reflectBoundaries):

                # compute domain in which the reflection matters
                w = (halfK + 0.5) * self._cellSize
                corner = Vector2(grid.minCorner[0] - w, grid.minCorner[1] - w)
                size = Vector2(grid.size[0] + 2 * w, grid.size[1] + 2 * w)
                tgtDomain = domains.RectDomain(corner, size)

                # compute reflection
                reflection = signal.reflectPoint(pos)
                for p in reflection:
                    if (tgtDomain.pointInside(p)):
                        self.splatTruncatedKernel(p, grid, halfK, sigma)
    def test():
        import sceneXML as XML
        import obstacles
        obst, bb = obstacles.readObstacles('junkObstacles.xml')
        expParam = XML.ExpParams()
        agtParam = XML.AgentSetParams()
        R = 0.18
        agtParam.set('Common', 'r', R)
        noise = (0.1, 0.03)
        if (False):
            pos = fillRectangle(R, bb.min.x, bb.min.y, bb.max.x, bb.max.y, 4.5,
                                COLUMN_RANK, noise)
        elif (False):
            p0 = Vector2(-0, 1)
            p1 = Vector2(3, -4)
            pos = corridorMob(R, p1, p0, 2.0, COLUMN_RANK, 200, None)
        elif (True):
            center = np.array((0.0, 0.0),
                              dtype=np.float32)  #Vector2( -3.0, 1.0 )
            pos = rectMob(R, center, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, COLUMN_RANK, 60, None,
        xml = XML.sceneXML(expParam, (pos, ), (agtParam, ), obst)

        f = open('junk.xml', 'w')
 def addLine(self):
     '''Causes the context to go into new line mode.  Returning the new name.'''
     self.canDraw = True
     self.editState = self.ADD
     self.activeID = -1
     self.names.append('Line %d' % len(self.names))
     self.lines.append(GLFlowSegment(Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 0)))
     self.activeLine = self.lines[-1]
     return self.names[-1]
 def __init__(self,
              minCorner=Vector2(0.0, 0.0),
              size=Vector2(1.0, 1.0),
              resolution=(1, 1),
     AbstractGrid.__init__(self, minCorner, size, resolution, cellSize)
     self.initVal = initVal
     self.clear(arrayType, leaveEmpty)
 def readHeader(self):
     '''Reads the header of the open file.'''
     corner = struct.unpack('ff', self.file.read(8))
     self.corner = Vector2(corner[0], corner[1])
     size = struct.unpack('ff', self.file.read(8))
     self.size = Vector2(size[0], size[1])
     self.w, self.h = struct.unpack('ii', self.file.read(8))
     self.arrayType = np.dtype(NP_TYPES[struct.unpack(
         'i', self.file.read(4))[0]])
     self.count = struct.unpack('i', self.file.read(4))[0]
     self.range = struct.unpack(self.arrayType.char * 2,
                                self.file.read(self.arrayType.itemsize * 2))
     self.headerSize = 32 + self.arrayType.itemsize * 2
def imgSpaceSegment(segment, xRange, yRange, xCount, yCount):
    '''Given the segment defined in world space, and the definition of the image space
    (specified by the xrange of values, the yrange of values and the number of cells in each
    direction)  Computes the equivalent segment in that image space.'''
    xMin = xRange[0]
    xScale = xRange[1] - xRange[0]
    yMin = yRange[0]
    yScale = yRange[1] - yRange[0]
    col0 = int((segment.p1.x - xMin) / xScale * xCount)
    row0 = int((segment.p1.y - yMin) / yScale * yCount)
    col1 = int((segment.p2.x - xMin) / xScale * xCount)
    row1 = int((segment.p2.y - yMin) / yScale * yCount)
    return Segment(Vector2(col0, row0), Vector2(col1, row1))
    def setDomain(self, minX, minY, maxX, maxY):
        '''Defines the analysis domain.

        @param      minX        A float.  The minimum point of the rectangular domain
                                along the x-axis.
        @param      minY        A float.  The minimum point of the rectangular domain
                                along the y-axis.
        @param      maxX        A float.  The maximum point of the rectangular domain
                                along the x-axis.
        @param      maxY        A float.  The maximum point of the rectangular domain
                                along the y-axis.
        self.domainX = Vector2(minX, maxX)
        self.domainY = Vector2(minY, maxY)
 def test():
     from trajectory import loadTrajectory
     import os
     ##        obstPath = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_oneway/c240_obstacles.xml'
     ##        path = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/results/density/gaussian_S1.5/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.density'
     ##        outPath = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/results/density/gaussian_S1.5/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB_density/'
     pedFile = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_onewayDB/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.txt'
         frameSet = loadTrajectory(pedFile)
     except ValueError:
         print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % (pedFile)
     domain = AbstractGrid(Vector2(0.0, -6), Vector2(2.4, 12), (10, 100))
     gfs = GridFileSequence('sequence', arrayType=np.float32)
     gfs.computeVoronoiDensity(domain, frameSet, None)
def visGrids( grids, frames=None ):
    '''Given a set of grids, visualizes the grids'''
    # define limits of grid
    minVal = 0
    maxVal = 0
    for g in grids:
        M = g.maxVal()
        if ( M > maxVal ):
            maxVal = M
    print "Vis grids"
    print "\t(min, max):", minVal, maxVal

    RADIUS = int( np.ceil( 0.19 / CELL_SIZE ) )
    for i, grid in enumerate( grids ):
        s = grid.surface( cMap, minVal, maxVal )
        # memory leak in writing png.
        if ( frames ):
                frame, frameID = frames.next()
            except StopIteration:
            for impulse in frame:
                x, y = grid.getCenter( Vector2( impulse[0], impulse[1] ) )
                y = int( grid.resolution[1] ) - y
                pygame.draw.circle( s, ( 50, 50, 255 ), (x,y), RADIUS )
        pygame.image.save( s, os.path.join( PATH, '%03d.png' % i ) )
    pygame.image.save( cMap.lastMapBar(7),
                       os.path.join( PATH, 'bar.png' ) )
    def lineIntersectionTest(self, line1, line2):
        """ A function to perform lin intersection test in 2D
        @ param line1: a list of 2 points: starting and ending points (line1[0] is starting, line1[1] is ending)
        @ param line2: a list of 2 poitns: starting and ending points (line2[0] is starting, line2[1] is ending)
        @ return if there is an intersection between two line segment then
                 return an intersection point which is  a list of Vector2
                 else return an empty list"""
        x1 = line1.p1[0]
        x2 = line1.p2[0]
        x3 = line2.p1[0]
        x4 = line2.p2[0]

        y1 = line1.p1[1]
        y2 = line1.p2[1]
        y3 = line2.p1[1]
        y4 = line2.p2[1]

        denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
        num1 = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)
        num2 = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)

        if (denom == 0):
            return []

        ua = num1 / denom
        ub = num2 / denom

        if ((ua > 0 and ua < 1) and (ub > 0 and ub < 1)):
            intersectX = x1 + ua * (x2 - x1)
            intersectY = y1 + ua * (y2 - y1)
            intersectPt = Vector2(intersectX, intersectY)
            return intersectPt
        return None
    def next(self, stride=1, newInstance=True):
        """Returns the next frame in sequence from current point"""
        if (self.currFrameIndex >= self.maxFrames - 1):
            raise StopIteration
        self.currFrameIndex += stride
        if (newInstance or self.currFrame == None):
            self.currFrame = Frame(self.readAgtCount)
        for i in range(0, self.readAgtCount, self.readAgtStride):
            data = self.file.read(self.singleAgentRead)
            if (data == ''):
                self.currFrame = None
                raise StopIteration
                    if (self.agentByteSize == 12):
                        x, y, o = struct.unpack('fff', data)
                    elif (self.agentByteSize == 16):
                        x, y, o, s = struct.unpack('ffff', data)
                        self.currFrame.agents[i].pos = Vector2(x, y)
                        self.currFrame.agents[i].state = s
                except struct.error:
                    self.currFrame = None
                    raise StopIteration

        # seek forward based on skipping
        self.file.seek(self.agentDelta, 1)  # advance to next frame
        self.file.seek(self.strideDelta, 1)  # advance according to stride
        return self.currFrame, self.currFrameIndex
    def splatKernel(self, pos, halfW, grid, value):
        '''Used by the dirac convolution.  Splats the kernel at the given position.

        Splats the kernel into the given grid.        

        @param      pos             A numpy array of shape (2,1).  The position of the kernel
        @param      halfW           An int.  The width of the kernel / 2.  It should be true that halfW = kernelData.shape[0] / 2 
        @param      kernelData      A kxk numpy array of the kernel data.max
        @param      value           A float.  The value of the kernel (in all locations)
        center = grid.getCenter(Vector2(pos[0], pos[1]))
        gW = int(grid.resolution[0])
        gH = int(grid.resolution[1])

        l = max(0, center[0] - halfW)
        r = min(gW, center[0] + halfW + 1)
        b = max(0, center[1] - halfW)
        t = min(gH, center[1] + halfW + 1)

        if (l >= gW or r < 0 or b >= gH or t < 0):

        if (l < r and b < t):
            # Convolution
            grid.cells[l:r, b:t] += value
 def rasterizePosition2( self, frame, distFunc, maxRad ):
     """Given a frame of agents, rasterizes the whole frame"""
     kernel = Kernel2( maxRad, self.cellSize )
     w, h = kernel.data.shape
     w /= 2
     h /= 2
     for agt in frame.agents:
         center = self.getCenter( agt.pos )
         centerWorld = Vector2( center[0] * self.cellSize[0] + self.minCorner[0],
                                center[1] * self.cellSize[1] + self.minCorner[1] )
         kernel.instance( distFunc, centerWorld, agt.pos )
         l = center[0] - w
         r = center[0] + w + 1
         b = center[1] - h
         t = center[1] + h + 1
         kl = 0
         kb = 0
         kr, kt = kernel.data.shape
         if ( l < 0 ):
             kl -= l
             l = 0
         if ( b < 0 ):
             kb -= b
             b = 0
         if ( r >= self.resolution[0] ):
             kr -= r - self.resolution[0]
             r = self.resolution[0]
         if ( t >= self.resolution[1] ):
             kt -= t - self.resolution[1]
             t = self.resolution[1]
         self.cells[ l:r, b:t ] += kernel.data[ kl:kr, kb:kt ]
    def cellSegmentDistance(self, minima, maxima, p1, p2):
        '''Returns a 2D array of distances from a line segment: (p1, p2).

        @param minima: a 2-tuple-like object of ints.  The indices (i, j) represent the smallest indices of
        the region to compute.
        @param maxima: a 2-tuple-like object of ints.  The indices (I, J) represent the largest indices of the
        region to compute.  The region is defined as field[ i:I, j:J ].
        @param p1: a 2-tuple of floats.  The first end point of the segment.
        @param p2: a 2-tuple of floats.  The second end point of the segment.

        @return: a (I-i) x (J-j) array of floats.  The distances from each cell center to point.
        centers = self.cellCenters(minima, maxima)
        # create the implicit equation of the line
        A = p1[1] - p2[1]
        B = p2[0] - p1[0]
        mag = np.sqrt(A * A + B * B)
        A /= mag
        B /= mag
        C = (p1[0] * p2[1] - p2[0] * p1[1]) / mag

        # create a vector in the direction of the line.  Use this to determine which points are near the
        #   line segment and which are near the end points
        dir = Vector2(p2[0], p2[1]) - Vector2(p1[0], p1[1])
        mag = dir.magnitude()
        dir = dir / mag
        dir = np.array((dir[0], dir[1]))
        relCenters = centers - np.array(p1)
        projection = np.sum(relCenters * dir, axis=2)
        nearP1 = projection < 0
        nearP2 = projection > mag
        nearSeg = ~(nearP1 | nearP2)

        segDist = np.abs(A * centers[nearSeg, 0] + B * centers[nearSeg, 1] + C)
        dX = centers[nearP1, 0] - p1[0]
        dY = centers[nearP1, 1] - p1[1]
        p1Dist = np.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY)
        dX = centers[nearP2, 0] - p2[0]
        dY = centers[nearP2, 1] - p2[1]
        p2Dist = np.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY)
        distances = np.zeros((centers.shape[:-1]))
        distances[nearSeg] = segDist
        distances[nearP1] = p1Dist
        distances[nearP2] = p2Dist

        return distances
def constructKDTree(obstacles,
                    domainX=Vector2(0.0, 3.2),
                    domainY=Vector2(-6.0, 6.0)):
    # TODO : modify to work with line -> check intersection points with boundary
    """ Construct KD Tree from the list of obstacles; domainX and domainY specify size of the world in x-axis and y-axis
    @param obstacles: list of obstacles in the world
    @param domainX: range of the world in x-axis stored in form Vector2
    @param domainY: range of the world in y-axis stored in form Vector2
    @return Node of the Tree or None if we can construct the Tree"""
    if not obstacles:
        # obstacle in the scene
        return None
    if len(obstacles) <= 1:
        return Node(obstacles[0], None, None)
    sizeX = domainX[1] - domainX[0]
    sizeY = domainY[1] - domainY[0]
    # devide along the longer axis between the two
    midAxis = Vector2(0.0, 0.0)
    sortedList = []
    axis = 0
    if (sizeX > sizeY):
        sortedList = sort(obstacles, 0)
        axis = 0
        midAxis = Vector2(domainX[0] + sizeX / 2., 0.0)
        sortedList = sort(obstacles, 1)
        axis = 1
        midAxis = Vector2(0.0, domainY[0] + sizeY / 2.)
    left = []
    right = []
    for obstacle in sortedList:
        # partition the sortedList according to the axis
        if (obstacle[axis] < midAxis[axis]):
    leftNode = None
    rightNode = None
    if (axis == 0):
        leftNode = constructKDTree(left, Vector2(domainX[0], midAxis[0]),
        rightNode = constructKDTree(right, Vector2(midAxis[0], domainX[1]),
        leftNode = constructKDTree(left, domainX,
                                   Vector2(domainY[0], midAxis[1]))
        rightNode = constructKDTree(right, domainX,
                                    Vector2(midAxis[1], domainY[1]))
    return Node(midAxis, leftNode, rightNode)
    def rasterizeProgress( self, f2, initFrame, prevProgress, excludeStates=(), callBack=None ):
        '''Given the current frame and the initial frame, computes the fraction of the circle that
        each agent has travelled around the kaabah.'''
        # TODO: don't let this be periodic.
        TWO_PI = 2.0 * np.pi
        for i in range( len( f2.agents ) ):
            # first compute progress based on angle between start and current position
            ag2 = f2.agents[ i ]
            if ( ag2.state in excludeStates ): continue
            ag1 = initFrame.agents[ i ]
            dir2 = ag2.pos.normalize()
            dir1 = ag1.pos.normalize()
            angle = np.arccos( dir2.dot( dir1 ) )
            cross = dir1.det( dir2 )
            if ( cross < 0 ):
                angle = TWO_PI - angle
            progress = angle / TWO_PI

            # now determine direction from best progress so far
            if ( progress > prevProgress[i,2] ):
                best = Vector2( prevProgress[i,0], prevProgress[i,1] )
                cross = best.det( dir2 )
                if ( cross < 0 ):
                    # if I'm moving backwards from best progress BUT I'm apparently improving progress
                    #   I've backed over the 100% line.
                    progress = 0.0
                    prevProgress[ i, 2 ] = progress
                    prevProgress[ i, 0 ] = dir2[0]
                    prevProgress[ i, 1 ] = dir2[1]

            center = self.getCenter( ag2.pos )
            INFLATE = True # causes the agents to inflate more than a single cell
            if ( INFLATE ):
                l = center[0] - 1
                r = l + 3
                b = center[1] - 1
                t = b + 3
                l = center[0]
                r = l + 1
                b = center[1]
                t = b + 1
            if ( l < 0 ):
                l = 0
            if ( b < 0 ):
                b = 0
            if ( r >= self.resolution[0] ):
                r = self.resolution[0]
            if ( t >= self.resolution[1] ):
                t = self.resolution[1]
            self.cells[ l:r, b:t ] =  progress
            if ( callBack ):
                callBack( progress )            
    def computeProgress(self,
        """Computes the progress from one frame to the next - progress is measured in the fraction
        of the circle traversed from the initial position"""
        print "Computing progress:"
        print "\tminCorner:  ", minCorner
        print "\tsize:       ", size
        print "\tresolution: ", resolution
        print "\tmaxRad:     ", maxRad
        print "\ttime step:  ", timeStep
        print "\ttime window:", timeWindow
        outFile = open(self.outFileName + '.progress', 'wb')
        outFile.write(self.header(minCorner, size, resolution))
        maxVal = -1e6
        minVal = 1e6
        gridCount = 0
        gridSize = resolution[0] * resolution[1]
        cellSize = Vector2(size.x / float(resolution[0]),
                           size.y / float(resolution[1]))
        data = [frameSet.next() for i in range(timeWindow + 1)]

        stats = StatRecord(frameSet.agentCount())
        initFrame, initIndex = data[0]
        progress = self.initProgress(initFrame)
        while (data[-1][0]):
            print '.',
            f1, i1 = data.pop(0)
            f2, i2 = data[-1]
            g = RasterGrid(minCorner, size, resolution, 100.0)
            g.rasterizeProgress(f2, initFrame, progress, excludeStates, stats)

            m = g.minVal()
            if (m < minVal):
                minVal = m
            g.swapValues(100.0, -100.0)
            M = g.maxVal()
            if (M > maxVal):
                maxVal = M

            gridCount += 1
        # add the additional information about grid count and maximum values
        self.fillInHeader(outFile, gridCount, minVal, maxVal)
        return stats
    def test():
        print "Testing signals!"
        if (True):
            print "\n\tTesting dirac signals"
            data = np.random.rand(10, 2)
            pedDomain = domains.RectDomain((-2.0, -2.0), (4.0, 4.0))
            s = DiracSignal(pedDomain, data)
            for i, pos in enumerate(s.impulses):
                print '\t\t', i, pos, data[i, :]

        if (True):
            print "\n\tTesting field signal"
            data = np.array(((1, 2, 3), (10, 20, 30)), dtype=np.float32)
            grid = Grid.DataGrid((0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 3.0), (2, 3))
            grid.cells[:, :] = data
            s = FieldSignal(grid)
            convolve = Grid.DataGrid(Vector2(1.0, 1.0), Vector2(1.0, 1.0),
                                     (1, 1))
            domSig = s.getDomainSignal(convolve, 2, False)
            expected = np.array(
                ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2, 3, 0), (0, 10, 20, 30, 0),
                 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
            ##            print data
            print "\nNO REFLECTION"
            different = expected != domSig
            if (different.sum() != 0):
                print "\t\tFAILED"
                print "\t\tPASSED"
##            print domSig
            domSig = s.getDomainSignal(convolve, 2, True)
            print "WITH REFLECTION"
            expected = np.array(
                ((1, 1, 2, 3, 3), (1, 1, 2, 3, 3), (10, 10, 20, 30, 30),
                 (10, 10, 20, 30, 30), (1, 1, 2, 3, 3)),
            ##            different = expected != domSig
            if (different.sum() != 0):
                print "\t\tFAILED"
                print "\t\tPASSED"
    def __init__( self ):
        # polygon
        self.poly = None    # the obj face for this polygon
        # the explicit definition of the 3D plane for this polygon
        self.A = 0.0
        self.B = 0.0
        self.C = 0.0

        self.center = Vector2(0.0, 0.0)
        self.edges = []
        self.obstacles = []
    def splatTruncatedKernel(self, pos, grid, halfK, smoothParm):
        '''Splats the kernel onto the domain -- computing only that portion of it
        required to fit onto the domain.

        @param      pos         An 2-tuple-like object of floats.  The x,y position
                                of the signal in world space.
        @param      grid        An instance of DataGrid.  The kernel will be added 
                                into this kernel.
        @param      halfK       An int.  The kernel half size (where the kernel
                                is 2k + 1 cells wide.
        @param      smoothParam     A float.  The smoothing parameter used in the
                                    kernel function.
        center = grid.getCenter(Vector2(pos[0], pos[1]))
        l = center[0] - halfK
        r = center[0] + halfK + 1
        b = center[1] - halfK
        t = center[1] + halfK + 1
        gW = int(grid.resolution[0])
        gH = int(grid.resolution[1])

        if (l > gW or r < 0 or b > gH or t < 0):
            raise KernelDomainError

        kl = 0
        kb = 0
        kr = kt = 2 * halfK + 1
        if (l < 0):
            kl -= l
            l = 0
        if (b < 0):
            kb -= b
            b = 0
        if (r >= gW):
            kr -= r - gW
            r = gW
        if (t >= gH):
            kt -= t - gH
            t = gH

        # compute the minimum 1D kernel section
        rangeMin = min(kl, kb)
        rangeMax = max(kr, kt)

        x = np.arange(rangeMin - halfK, rangeMax - halfK,
                      dtype=np.float32) * self._cellSize
        data1D = self.FUNC(x, smoothParm)
        X = data1D[kl - rangeMin:kr - rangeMin]
        X.shape = (-1, 1)
        Y = data1D[kb - rangeMin:kt - rangeMin]
        Y.shape = (1, -1)
        kernel = np.dot(X, Y)
        grid.cells[l:r, b:t] += kernel
def drawObstacles( obstacles, surface, grid ):
    '''Draws an obstacle on the a surface using the grid as the translation from
    world to image coordsinates.

    @param  obstacles       An instance of ObstacleSet (see obstacles.py)
    @param  surface         An instance of a pygame surface.  The obstacles will
                            be drawn on this surface.
    @param  grid            An instance of AbstractGrid (see Grid.py).  Used to map
                            from world to image coordinates.
    OBST_COLOR = np.array( (128,128,128), dtype=np.uint8 )
    OBST_WIDTH = 1
    for obst in obstacles.polys:
        if ( obst.closed ):
            verts = map( lambda x: grid.getCenter( Vector2( x[0], x[1] ) ), obst.vertices )
            pygame.draw.polygon( surface, OBST_COLOR, verts )
            for seg in obst.segments:
                p0 = grid.getCenter( Vector2( seg.p1[0], seg.p1[1] ) )
                p1 = grid.getCenter( Vector2( seg.p2[0], seg.p2[1] ) )
                pygame.draw.line( surface, OBST_COLOR, (p0[0],p0[1]), (p1[0], p1[1]), OBST_WIDTH )
def testPedestrian():
    '''Test against legitimate pedestrian data'''
    # pedestrian domain
    minCorner = Vector2( 0.0, -6 )
    domainSize = Vector2( 2.4, 12 )
    pedDomain = Grid.RectDomain( minCorner, domainSize )
    # grid domain
    minCorner = Vector2( 0.0, -2 )
    domainSize = Vector2( 2.4, 4 )
    resolution = Vector2( domainSize.x / CELL_SIZE, domainSize.y / CELL_SIZE)
    gridDomain = Grid.AbstractGrid( minCorner, domainSize, resolution )

    # load pedestrian data
    pedFile = '/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_onewayDB/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.txt'
        data = loadTrajectory ( pedFile )
    except ValueError:
        print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( pedFile )
    grids = []

    sig = Signals.PedestrianSignal( pedDomain )
    print gridDomain
    while ( True ):
            sig.setData( data )
        except StopIteration:
        grid = gridDomain.getDataGrid() 
        kernel.convolve( sig, grid )
##        grid.cells /= ( CELL_SIZE * CELL_SIZE )

        print "Frame %d has min/max values: %f, %f" % ( sig.index, grid.minVal(), grid.maxVal() )        
        grids.append( grid )
##        break

    data.setNext( 0 )    
    visGrids( grids, data )
def drawSites(sites, surface, grid, radius=3):
    '''Draws dots at the site locations onto the provided surface.

    @param      sites       An Nx2 numpy array of locations in world coordinates.
    @param      surface     An instance of a pygame Surface.  The sites will be
                            drawn onto this surface.
    @param      grid        An instance of AbstractGrid (see Grid.py)  Used to map
                            from world to image coordinates.
    @param      radius      A float.  The radius of the sites (in pixels)
    RADIUS = 3
    for site in sites:
        x, y = grid.getCenter(Vector2(site[0], site[1]))
        y = grid.resolution[1] - y
        pygame.draw.circle(surface, (0, 0, 0), (x, y), radius + 2)
        pygame.draw.circle(surface, (255, 255, 255), (x, y), radius)
    def rasterizeSpeedBlit( self, kernel, f2, f1, distFunc, maxRad, timeStep, excludeStates=(), callBack=None, maxSpeed=2.5 ):
        """Given two frames of agents, computes per-agent displacement and rasterizes the whole frame"""
        invDT = 1.0 / timeStep
        # compute speeds
        disp = f2[:, :2] - f1[:,:2]
        speed = np.sqrt( np.sum( disp * disp, axis = 1 ) ) * invDT
        tooFast = speed > maxSpeed
        if ( np.sum( tooFast ) > 0 ):
            topSpeed = speed[ ~tooFast ]
            speed[ tooFast ] = topSpeed
        for i in xrange( f2.shape[0] ):
            if ( excludeStates ):

            p = Vector2( f2[i, 0], f2[i, 1] )
            center = self.getCenter( p )

            INFLATE = True # causes the agents to inflate more than a single cell
            if ( INFLATE ):
                l = center[0] - 1
                r = l + 3
                b = center[1] - 1
                t = b + 3
                l = center[0]
                r = l + 1
                b = center[1]
                t = b + 1

            # outside
            if ( l >= self.resolution[0] or r < 0 or
                 b >= self.resolution[1] or t < 0 ):
            # clip            
            if ( l < 0 ):
                l = 0
            if ( b < 0 ):
                b = 0
            if ( r >= self.resolution[0] ):
                r = self.resolution[0]
            if ( t >= self.resolution[1] ):
                t = self.resolution[1]
            self.cells[ l:r, b:t ] =  speed[i]
            if ( callBack ):
                callBack( speed[i] )
    def convolveDirac(self, signal, grid):
        '''Convolve the kernel against a dirac signal.  It is "fast" because it approximates
        the agent's position by the nearest grid cell center.

        @param      signal      An instance of DiracSignal.  The kernel will be copied
                                centered at each position in the signal.
        @param      grid        The grid onto which the kernel is splatted.  It is assumed
                                that the grid has been initialized to zero.
        w = self.data1D.size
        w /= 2
        expandDist = Vector2(grid.cellSize[0] * w, grid.cellSize[1] * w)
        minPt = grid.minCorner - expandDist
        size = grid.size + (2 * expandDist)
        domain = domains.RectDomain(minPt, size)

        impulses = signal.getDomainSignal(grid, domain, self.reflectBoundaries)
        kernelValue = 1.0 / (self._smoothParam * self._smoothParam)
        for pos in impulses:
            self.splatKernel(pos, w, grid, kernelValue)