    def decrypt(self, enc_data, iv, key_id=SecurityModule.TOKEN_KEY):
        Decrypt the given data with the key from the key slot

        :param enc_data: the to be decrypted data
        :type enc_data: bytes

        :param iv: initialisation vector (salt)
        :type iv: bytes

        :param key_id: slot of the key array
        :type key_id: int

        :return: decrypted data
        :rtype: bytes
        if self.is_ready is False:
            raise HSMException('setup of security module incomplete')

        key = self._get_secret(key_id)
        output = aes_cbc_decrypt(key, iv, enc_data)
        # remove padding
        eof = output.rfind(b"\x01\x02")
        if eof >= 0:
            output = output[:eof]

        # convert output from ascii, back to bin data
        data = binascii.unhexlify(output)

        if self.crypted is False:
            del key

        return data
    def password_decrypt(enc_data, password):
        Decrypt the given data with the password.
        A key is derived from the password. The data is hexlified data, the IV
        is the first part, separated with a ":".

        :param enc_data: The hexlified data
        :type enc_data: str
        :param password: The password, that is used to decrypt the data
        :type password: str or bytes
        :return: The clear test
        :rtype: bytes
        bkey = create_key_from_password(password)
        # split the input data
        iv_hex, cipher_hex = enc_data.strip().split(":")
        iv_bin = binascii.unhexlify(iv_hex)
        cipher_bin = binascii.unhexlify(cipher_hex)
        output = aes_cbc_decrypt(bkey, iv_bin, cipher_bin)
        # remove padding
        eof = output.rfind(b"\x01\x02")
        if eof >= 0:
            output = output[:eof]
        cleartext = binascii.unhexlify(output)
        return cleartext
def reencrypt(enc_data, iv, old_key, new_key):
    # decrypt LinOTP
    iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv)
    input_data = binascii.unhexlify(enc_data)
    output = aes_cbc_decrypt(old_key, iv, input_data)
    if not output:
        raise Exception('invalid encoded secret!')
    # unpad
    output = output.rstrip(b'\0')
    data = binascii.unhexlify(output)

    # encrypt anew
    iv = os.urandom(16)
    input_data = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
    input_data += b"\x01\x02"
    padding = (16 - len(input_data) % 16) % 16
    input_data += padding * b"\0"

    res = aes_cbc_encrypt(new_key, iv, input_data)
    return hexlify_and_unicode(res), hexlify_and_unicode(iv)
def reencrypt(enc_data, iv, old_key, new_key):
    # decrypt LinOTP
    iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv)
    input = binascii.unhexlify(enc_data)
    output = aes_cbc_decrypt(old_key, iv, input)
    eof = len(output) - 1
    if eof == -1:
        raise Exception('invalid encoded secret!')
    # unpad
    while output[eof] == '\0':
        eof -= 1
    output = output[0:eof - 1]
    data = binascii.unhexlify(output)

    # encrypt anew
    iv = os.urandom(16)
    input_data = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
    input_data += b"\x01\x02"
    padding = (16 - len(input_data) % 16) % 16
    input_data += padding * b"\0"

    res = aes_cbc_encrypt(new_key, iv, input_data)
    return hexlify_and_unicode(res), hexlify_and_unicode(iv)