    def check_yubikey_pass(passw):
        if the Token has set a PIN the user must also enter the PIN for

        This checks the output of a yubikey in AES mode without providing
        the serial number.
        The first 12 (of 44) or 16 of 48) characters are the tokenid, which is
        stored in the tokeninfo yubikey.tokenid or the prefix yubikey.prefix.

        :param passw: The password that consist of the static yubikey prefix and
            the otp
        :type passw: string

        :return: True/False and the User-Object of the token owner
        :rtype: dict
        opt = {}
        res = False

        token_list = []

        # strip the yubico OTP and the PIN
        prefix = passw[:-32][-16:]

        from privacyidea.lib.token import get_tokens
        from privacyidea.lib.token import check_token_list

        # See if the prefix matches the serial number
        if prefix[:2] != "vv" and prefix[:2] != "cc":
                # Keep the backward compatibility
                serialnum = "UBAM" + modhex_decode(prefix)
                for i in range(1, 3):
                    s = "{0!s}_{1!s}".format(serialnum, i)
                    toks = get_tokens(serial=s, tokentype='yubikey')
            except TypeError as exx:  # pragma: no cover
                log.error("Failed to convert serialnumber: {0!r}".format(exx))

        # Now, we see, if the prefix matches the new version
        if not token_list:
            # If we did not find the token via the serial number, we also
            # search for the yubikey.prefix in the tokeninfo.
            token_candidate_list = get_tokens(
                tokentype='yubikey', tokeninfo={"yubikey.prefix": prefix})

        if not token_list:
            opt['action_detail'] = (
                "The prefix {0!s} could not be found!".format(prefix))
            return res, opt

        (res, opt) = check_token_list(token_list,
        return res, opt
    def check_yubikey_pass(passw):
        if the Token has set a PIN the user must also enter the PIN for

        This checks the output of a yubikey in AES mode without providing
        the serial number.
        The first 12 (of 44) or 16 of 48) characters are the tokenid, which is
        stored in the tokeninfo yubikey.tokenid or the prefix yubikey.prefix.

        :param passw: The password that consist of the static yubikey prefix and
            the otp
        :type passw: string

        :return: True/False and the User-Object of the token owner
        :rtype: dict
        opt = {}
        res = False

        token_list = []

        # strip the yubico OTP and the PIN
        prefix = passw[:-32][-16:]

        from privacyidea.lib.token import get_tokens
        from privacyidea.lib.token import check_token_list

        # See if the prefix matches the serial number
        if prefix[:2] != "vv" and prefix[:2] != "cc":
                # Keep the backward compatibility
                serialnum = "UBAM" + modhex_decode(prefix)
                for i in range(1, 3):
                    s = "{0!s}_{1!s}".format(serialnum, i)
                    toks = get_tokens(serial=s, tokentype='yubikey')
            except TypeError as exx:  # pragma: no cover
                log.error("Failed to convert serialnumber: {0!r}".format(exx))

        # Now, we see, if the prefix matches the new version
        if not token_list:
            # If we did not find the token via the serial number, we also
            # search for the yubikey.prefix in the tokeninfo.
            token_candidate_list = get_tokens(tokentype='yubikey',

        if not token_list:
            opt['action_detail'] = ("The prefix {0!s} could not be found!".format(
            return res, opt

        (res, opt) = check_token_list(token_list, passw, allow_reset_all_tokens=True)
        return res, opt
    def check_yubikey_pass(passw):
        if the Token has set a PIN the user must also enter the PIN for

        This checks the output of a yubikey in AES mode without providing
        the serial number.
        The first 12 (of 44) or 16 of 48) characters are the tokenid, which is
        stored in the tokeninfo.

        :param passw: The password that consist of the static yubikey prefix and
            the otp
        :type passw: string

        :return: True/False and the User-Object of the token owner
        :rtype: dict
        opt = {}
        res = False

        token_list = []

        # strip the yubico OTP and the PIN
        modhex_serial = passw[:-32][-16:]
            serialnum = "UBAM" + modhex_decode(modhex_serial)
        except TypeError as exx:  # pragma: no cover
            log.error("Failed to convert serialnumber: %r" % exx)
            return res, opt

        # build list of possible yubikey tokens
        serials = [serialnum]
        for i in range(1, 3):
            serials.append("%s_%s" % (serialnum, i))

        from privacyidea.lib.token import get_tokens
        from privacyidea.lib.token import check_token_list
        for serial in serials:
            tokenobject_list = get_tokens(serial=serial)

        if len(token_list) == 0:
            opt['action_detail'] = ("The serial %s could not be found!" %
            return res, opt

        (res, opt) = check_token_list(token_list, passw)
        return res, opt
    def check_yubikey_pass(passw):
        if the Token has set a PIN the user must also enter the PIN for

        This checks the output of a yubikey in AES mode without providing
        the serial number.
        The first 12 (of 44) or 16 of 48) characters are the tokenid, which is
        stored in the tokeninfo.

        :param passw: The password that consist of the static yubikey prefix and
            the otp
        :type passw: string

        :return: True/False and the User-Object of the token owner
        :rtype: dict
        opt = {}
        res = False

        token_list = []

        # strip the yubico OTP and the PIN
        modhex_serial = passw[:-32][-16:]
            serialnum = "UBAM" + modhex_decode(modhex_serial)
        except TypeError as exx:  # pragma: no cover
            log.error("Failed to convert serialnumber: %r" % exx)
            return res, opt

        # build list of possible yubikey tokens
        serials = [serialnum]
        for i in range(1, 3):
            serials.append("%s_%s" % (serialnum, i))

        from privacyidea.lib.token import get_tokens
        from privacyidea.lib.token import check_token_list
        for serial in serials:
            tokenobject_list = get_tokens(serial=serial)

        if not token_list:
            opt['action_detail'] = ("The serial %s could not be found!" %
            return res, opt

        (res, opt) = check_token_list(token_list, passw)
        return res, opt
    def test_34_check_token_list(self):
        # We can not authenticate with an unknown type
        # Such a token will not be returned by get_tokens...
        db_token = Token("serial72", tokentype="unknown")

        # set a matching OTP PIN for our hotp token
        set_pin("hotptoken", "hotppin40")
        tokenobject_list = get_tokens()

        # the HOTP token has the correct PIN but wrong otp value
        # The failcounter is increased
        hotp_tokenobject = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")[0]
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin40123456")
        failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        self.assertTrue(failcount == old_failcount + 1, (old_failcount,

        # if there is no token with at least a correct pin, we increase all
        # failcounters
        hotp_tokenobject = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")[0]
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "everythingiswrong")
        failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        self.assertTrue(failcount == old_failcount + 1, (old_failcount,

        # Now we do some successful auth with the HOTP token
        tokenobject_list = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")
        """                        Truncated
           Count    Hexadecimal    Decimal        HOTP
           0        4c93cf18       1284755224     755224
           1        41397eea       1094287082     287082
           2         82fef30        137359152     359152
           3        66ef7655       1726969429     969429
           4        61c5938a       1640338314     338314
           5        33c083d4        868254676     254676
           6        7256c032       1918287922     287922
           7         4e5b397         82162583     162583
           8        2823443f        673399871     399871
           9        2679dc69        645520489     520489
           10                                     403154
           11                                     481090
           12                                     868912
           13                                     736127
        hotp_tokenobject = tokenobject_list[0]
        old_counter = hotp_tokenobject.token.count
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin399871")
        # check if the counter increased
        self.assertTrue(old_counter < hotp_tokenobject.token.count,
                        (old_counter, hotp_tokenobject.token.count))
        # but was it also increased in the database?
        tokenobject_list_new = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")
        hotp_tokenobject_new = tokenobject_list_new[0]
        self.assertTrue(old_counter < hotp_tokenobject_new.token.count,
                        (old_counter, hotp_tokenobject.token.count))

        # False authentication
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin000000")
        # check the failcounter increased
        self.assertTrue(old_failcount + 1 == hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount)
        # Successful auth. The failcount needs to be resetted
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin520489")
        self.assertTrue(hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount == 0)

        # Now we disable the hotp_tokenobject. If the token is disabled,
        # we must not be able to authenticate anymore with this very token.
        # But if the OTP value is valid, the counter is increased, anyway!
        old_counter = hotp_tokenobject.token.count
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin403154")
        self.assertTrue("Token is disabled" in reply.get("message"))
        self.assertEqual(old_counter + 1, hotp_tokenobject.token.count)
        # enable the token again
    def test_34_check_token_list(self):
        # We can not authenticate with an unknown type
        # Such a token will not be returned by get_tokens...
        db_token = Token("serial72", tokentype="unknown")

        # set a matching OTP PIN for our hotp token
        set_pin("hotptoken", "hotppin40")
        tokenobject_list = get_tokens()

        # the HOTP token has the correct PIN but wrong otp value
        # The failcounter is increased
        hotp_tokenobject = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")[0]
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin40123456")
        failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        self.assertTrue(failcount == old_failcount + 1,
                        (old_failcount, failcount))

        # if there is no token with at least a correct pin, we increase all
        # failcounters
        hotp_tokenobject = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")[0]
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "everythingiswrong")
        failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        self.assertTrue(failcount == old_failcount + 1,
                        (old_failcount, failcount))

        # Now we do some successful auth with the HOTP token
        tokenobject_list = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")
        """                        Truncated
           Count    Hexadecimal    Decimal        HOTP
           0        4c93cf18       1284755224     755224
           1        41397eea       1094287082     287082
           2         82fef30        137359152     359152
           3        66ef7655       1726969429     969429
           4        61c5938a       1640338314     338314
           5        33c083d4        868254676     254676
           6        7256c032       1918287922     287922
           7         4e5b397         82162583     162583
           8        2823443f        673399871     399871
           9        2679dc69        645520489     520489
           10                                     403154
           11                                     481090
           12                                     868912
           13                                     736127
        hotp_tokenobject = tokenobject_list[0]
        old_counter = hotp_tokenobject.token.count
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin399871")
        # check if the counter increased
        self.assertTrue(old_counter < hotp_tokenobject.token.count,
                        (old_counter, hotp_tokenobject.token.count))
        # but was it also increased in the database?
        tokenobject_list_new = get_tokens(serial="hotptoken")
        hotp_tokenobject_new = tokenobject_list_new[0]
        self.assertTrue(old_counter < hotp_tokenobject_new.token.count,
                        (old_counter, hotp_tokenobject.token.count))

        # False authentication
        old_failcount = hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin000000")
        # check the failcounter increased
        self.assertTrue(old_failcount + 1 == hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount)
        # Successful auth. The failcount needs to be resetted
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin520489")
        self.assertTrue(hotp_tokenobject.token.failcount == 0)

        # Now we disable the hotp_tokenobject. If the token is disabled,
        # we must not be able to authenticate anymore with this very token.
        # But if the OTP value is valid, the counter is increased, anyway!
        old_counter = hotp_tokenobject.token.count
        res, reply = check_token_list(tokenobject_list, "hotppin403154")
        self.assertTrue("Token is disabled" in reply.get("message"))
        self.assertEqual(old_counter + 1, hotp_tokenobject.token.count)
        # enable the token again
def check_yubikey_pass(passw):
    This only works without a PIN!

    This checks the output of a yubikey in AES mode without providing
    the serial number.
    The first 12 (of 44) or 16 of 48) characters are the tokenid, which is
    stored in the tokeninfo.

    :param passw: The password that consist of the static yubikey prefix and
        the otp
    :type passw: string

    :return: True/False and the User-Object of the token owner
    :rtype: dict
    opt = {}
    res = False

    token_list = []

    # strip the yubico OTP and the PIN
    modhex_serial = passw[:-32][-16:]
        serialnum = "UBAM" + modhex_decode(modhex_serial)
    except TypeError as exx:  # pragma: no cover
        log.error("Failed to convert serialnumber: %r" % exx)
        return res, opt

    # build list of possible yubikey tokens
    serials = [serialnum]
    for i in range(1, 3):
        serials.append("%s_%s" % (serialnum, i))

    from privacyidea.lib.token import get_tokens
    from privacyidea.lib.token import check_token_list
    for serial in serials:
        tokenobject_list = get_tokens(serial=serial)

    if len(token_list) == 0:
        opt['action_detail'] = ("The serial %s could not be found!" % serialnum)
        return res, opt

    # FIXME if the Token has set a PIN and the User does not want
    # to enter the PIN
    # for authentication, we need to do something different here...
    # and avoid PIN checking in __checkToken.
    # We could pass an "option" to __checkToken.
    (res, opt) = check_token_list(token_list, passw)

    # Now we need to get the user
    # TODO: Migration
    #if res is not False and 'serial' in c.audit:
    #    serial = c.audit.get('serial', None)
    #    if serial is not None:
    #        user = getTokenOwner(serial)
    #        c.audit['user'] = user.login
    #        c.audit['realm'] = user.realm
    #        opt = {}
    #        opt['user'] = user.login
    #        opt['realm'] = user.realm
    #        opt['serial'] = serial

    return res, opt