def delete_environment(self): """Delete existing environment and verify nodes returns to unallocated state Scenario: 1. Revert "simple flat" environment 2. Delete environment 3. Verify node returns to unallocated pull """ self.env.revert_snapshot("deploy_simple_flat") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() self.fuel_web.client.delete_cluster(cluster_id) nailgun_nodes = self.fuel_web.client.list_nodes() nodes = filter(lambda x: x["pending_deletion"] is True, nailgun_nodes) assert_true( len(nodes) == 2, "Verify 2 node has pending deletion status" ) wait( lambda: self.fuel_web.is_node_discovered(nodes[0]) and self.fuel_web.is_node_discovered(nodes[1]), timeout=10 * 60, interval=15 )
def check_emc_cinder_config(cls, remote, path): command = 'cat {0}'.format(path) conf_data = ''.join(remote.execute(command)['stdout']) conf_data = cStringIO.StringIO(conf_data) cinder_conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cinder_conf.readfp(conf_data) asserts.assert_equal( cinder_conf.get('DEFAULT', 'volume_driver'), 'cinder.volume.drivers.emc.emc_cli_iscsi.EMCCLIISCSIDriver') asserts.assert_equal( cinder_conf.get('DEFAULT', 'storage_vnx_authentication_type'), 'global') asserts.assert_false( cinder_conf.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'destroy_empty_storage_group')) asserts.assert_true( cinder_conf.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'initiator_auto_registration')) asserts.assert_equal( cinder_conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'attach_detach_batch_interval'), -1) asserts.assert_equal( cinder_conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'default_timeout'), 10) asserts.assert_equal( cinder_conf.get('DEFAULT', 'naviseccli_path'), '/opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli') asserts.assert_true(cinder_conf.has_option('DEFAULT', 'san_ip')) asserts.assert_true(cinder_conf.has_option('DEFAULT', 'san_secondary_ip')) asserts.assert_true(cinder_conf.has_option('DEFAULT', 'san_login')) asserts.assert_true(cinder_conf.has_option('DEFAULT', 'san_password'))
def ha_pacemaker_configuration(self): """Verify resources are configured Scenario: 1. SSH to controller node 2. Verify resources are configured 3. Go to next controller Snapshot deploy_ha """ self.env.revert_snapshot("deploy_ha") devops_ctrls = self.env.nodes().slaves[:3] for devops_node in devops_ctrls: config = self.fuel_web.get_pacemaker_config( for n in devops_ctrls: fqdn = self.fuel_web.fqdn(n) assert_true( 'node {0}'.format(fqdn) in config, 'node {0} exists'.format(fqdn)) assert_not_equal('primitive (openstack-)?heat-engine', config), None, 'heat engine') assert_true('primitive p_haproxy' in config, 'haproxy') assert_true('primitive p_mysql' in config, 'mysql') assert_true( 'primitive vip__management_old' in config, 'vip management') assert_true( 'primitive vip__public_old' in config, 'vip public')
def do_backup(self, backup_path, local_path, repos_backup_path=None, repos_local_path=None): """ Wrapper for backup process of upgrading procedure""" # BOTH repos arguments should be passed at the same time # or BOTH should not be passed assert_equal(bool(repos_backup_path), bool(repos_local_path), "Both repos arguments should be specified") self.install_octane() cmd = "mkdir -p {}".format(self.remote_dir_for_backups) run_on_remote(self.admin_remote, cmd) self.octane_action("backup", backup_path)"Downloading {}".format(backup_path)) # pylint: disable=no-member, local_path) # pylint: enable=no-member assert_true(os.path.exists(local_path)) if repos_backup_path: self.octane_action("repo-backup", repos_backup_path)"Downloading {}".format(repos_backup_path)) # pylint: disable=no-member, repos_local_path) # pylint: enable=no-member assert_true(os.path.exists(repos_local_path))
def cluster_deletion(self): """ Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot 'prepare_ha_neutron' 2. Delete cluster via cli 3. Check cluster absence in the list Duration 25m """ self.env.revert_snapshot("prepare_ha_neutron") remote = self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() assert_true( remote.execute('fuel --env {0} env delete'.format(cluster_id)) ['exit_code'] == 0) try: wait(lambda: remote.execute( "fuel env | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1 | grep '^.$'") ['exit_code'] == 1, timeout=60 * 6) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError( "cluster {0} was not deleted".format(cluster_id)) assert_false( check_cluster_presence(cluster_id, self.env.postgres_actions), "cluster {0} is found".format(cluster_id))
def ha_haproxy_termination(self): """Terminate haproxy on all controllers one by one Scenario: 1. Terminate haproxy 2. Wait while it is being restarted 3. Verify it is restarted 4. Go to another controller 5. Run OSTF Snapshot deploy_ha """ self.env.revert_snapshot("deploy_ha") for devops_node in self.env.nodes().slaves[:3]: remote = self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node( remote.check_call('kill -9 $(pidof haproxy)') mysql_started = lambda: \ len(remote.check_call( 'ps aux | grep "/usr/sbin/haproxy"')['stdout']) == 3 wait(mysql_started, timeout=20) assert_true(mysql_started(), 'haproxy restarted') cluster_id = self.fuel_web.client.get_cluster_id( self.__class__.__name__) self.fuel_web.run_ostf( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity'])
def update_nodes(self, cluster_id, nodes_dict, pending_addition=True, pending_deletion=False): # update nodes in cluster nodes_data = [] for node_name in nodes_dict: devops_node = self.environment.get_virtual_environment().node_by_name(node_name) wait(lambda: self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(devops_node)["online"], timeout=60 * 2) node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(devops_node) assert_true(node["online"], "Node {} is online".format(node["mac"])) node_data = { "cluster_id": cluster_id, "id": node["id"], "pending_addition": pending_addition, "pending_deletion": pending_deletion, "pending_roles": nodes_dict[node_name], "name": "{}_{}".format(node_name, "_".join(nodes_dict[node_name])), } nodes_data.append(node_data) # assume nodes are going to be updated for one cluster only cluster_id = nodes_data[-1]["cluster_id"] node_ids = [str(node_info["id"]) for node_info in nodes_data] self.client.update_nodes(nodes_data) nailgun_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) cluster_node_ids = map(lambda _node: str(_node["id"]), nailgun_nodes) assert_true(all([node_id in cluster_node_ids for node_id in node_ids])) self.update_nodes_interfaces(cluster_id) return nailgun_nodes
def test_instance_resize_flavor(self): """Tests the resize instance/flavor API.""" flavor_name = CONFIG.values.get('instance_bigger_flavor_name', 'm1.medium') flavors = self.instance.dbaas.find_flavors_by_name(flavor_name) new_flavor = flavors[0] asserts.assert_true(new_flavor is not None, "Flavor '%s' not found!" % flavor_name) if not getattr(self, 'instance', None): raise SkipTest( "Skipping this test since instance is not available.") self.rd_client = create_dbaas_client(self.instance.user) self.rd_client.instances.resize_instance(, asserts.assert_equal(202, self.rd_client.last_http_code) test_instance = self.rd_client.instances.get( asserts.assert_equal("RESIZE", test_instance.status) poll_until(lambda: self._find_status(self.rd_client,, "ACTIVE"), sleep_time=SLEEP_TIME, time_out=TIMEOUT) test_instance = self.rd_client.instances.get( asserts.assert_equal(int(test_instance.flavor['id']),"Resized Flavor for Instance ID: %s to %s." % (,
def test_root_initially_disabled_details(self): """Use instance details to test that root is disabled.""" instance = self.dbaas.instances.get( assert_true(hasattr(instance, 'rootEnabled'), "Instance has no rootEnabled property.") assert_false(instance.rootEnabled, "Root SHOULD NOT be enabled.") assert_equal(self.root_enabled_timestamp, 'Never')
def result_is_active(): instance = instance_info.dbaas.instances.get( if instance.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: assert_true(instance.status in ['BUILD', 'BACKUP']) return False
def _assert_status_failure(result): """Checks if status==FAILED, plus asserts REST API is in sync. The argument is a tuple for the state in the database followed by the REST API status for the instance. If state is BUILDING this will assert that the REST API result is similar, or is FAILED (because the REST API is called after the call to the database the status might change in between). """ if result[0].state == power_state.BUILDING: assert_true( result[1].status == dbaas_mapping[power_state.BUILDING] or result[1].status == dbaas_mapping[power_state.FAILED], "Result status from API should only be BUILDING or FAILED" " at this point but was %s" % result[1].status) return False else: # After building the only valid state is FAILED (because # we've destroyed the instance). assert_equal(result[0].state, power_state.FAILED) # Make sure the REST API agrees. assert_equal(result[1].status, dbaas_mapping[power_state.FAILED]) return True
def disable_plugin_manila(cluster_id, fuel_web_client): """Disable Manila plugin on cluster.""" assert_true( fuel_web_client.check_plugin_exists(cluster_id, plugin_name), "Plugin couldn't be enabled. Check plugin version.") options = {'metadata/enabled': False} fuel_web_client.update_plugin_data(cluster_id, plugin_name, options)
def assert_download(sid): filename, audio = # TODO could use original filename to verify this # but, when manually checking, got modified title occasionally assert_true(filename.endswith('.mp3')) assert_is_not_none(audio)
def instance_is_active(id): instance = instance_info.dbaas.instances.get(id) if instance.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: assert_true(instance.status in ['PROMOTE', 'EJECT', 'BUILD', 'BACKUP']) return False
def ha_one_controller_neutron_node_deletion(self): """Remove compute from cluster in ha mode with neutron Scenario: 1. Revert "deploy_ha_one_controller_neutron" environment 2. Remove compute node 3. Deploy changes 4. Verify node returns to unallocated pull Duration 8m """ self.env.revert_snapshot("deploy_ha_one_controller_neutron") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() nailgun_nodes = self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, {'slave-02': ['compute']}, False, True) task = self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.assert_task_success(task) nodes = [ node for node in nailgun_nodes if node["pending_deletion"] is True] assert_true( len(nodes) == 1, "Verify 1 node has pending deletion status" ) self.fuel_web.wait_node_is_discovered(nodes[0])
def test_node_tags_del(self): """ Testing DELETE:api/2.0/nodes/:id/tags/:tagName """ get_codes = [] del_codes = [] Api().nodes_get_all() rsp = self.__client.last_response nodes = loads( get_codes.append(rsp) for n in nodes: for t in self.__test_tags.get('tags'): Api().nodes_del_tag_by_id(identifier=n.get('id'), tag_name=t) rsp = self.__client.last_response del_codes.append(rsp) Api().nodes_get_by_id(identifier=n.get('id')) rsp = self.__client.last_response get_codes.append(rsp) updated_node = loads( for t in self.__test_tags.get('tags'): assert_true(t not in updated_node.get('tags'), message= "Tag " + t + " was not deleted" ) for c in get_codes: assert_equal(200, c.status, message=c.reason) for c in del_codes: assert_equal(204, c.status, message=c.reason) assert_raises(rest.ApiException, Api().nodes_del_tag_by_id, 'fooey',tag_name=['tag'])
def test_single_failure_is_presented(self): try: with Check() as check: check.equal(4, 6) fail("Expected an assertion!") except ASSERTION_ERROR as ae: assert_true("4 != 6" in str(ae), str(ae))
def find_flavor_self_href(flavor): self_links = [link for link in flavor.links if link['rel'] == 'self'] asserts.assert_true(len(self_links) > 0, "Flavor had no self href!") flavor_href = self_links[0]['href'] asserts.assert_false(flavor_href is None, "Flavor link self href missing.") return flavor_href
def test_root_now_enabled_details(self): """Use instance details to test that root is now enabled.""" instance = self.dbaas.instances.get( assert_true(hasattr(instance, "rootEnabled"), "Instance has no rootEnabled property.") assert_true(instance.rootEnabled, "Root SHOULD be enabled.") assert_not_equal(self.root_enabled_timestamp, "Never") self._verify_root_timestamp(
def dvs_install(self): """Check that plugin can be installed. Scenario: 1. Upload plugins to the master node 2. Install plugin. 3. Ensure that plugin is installed successfully using cli, run command 'fuel plugins'. Check name, version of plugin. Duration: 30 min """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_1_slaves") self.show_step(1) self.show_step(2) plugin.install_dvs_plugin( self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote()) cmd = 'fuel plugins list' output = list(self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute( cmd)['stdout']).pop().split(' ') # check name assert_true( plugin.plugin_name in output, "Plugin {} is not installed.".format(plugin.plugin_name) ) # check version assert_true( plugin.DVS_PLUGIN_VERSION in output, "Plugin {} is not installed.".format(plugin.plugin_name) ) self.env.make_snapshot("dvs_install", is_make=True)
def dvs_uninstall(self): """Check that plugin can be removed. Scenario: 1. Revert to snapshot 'dvs_install'. 2. Remove plugin. 3. Verify that plugin is removed, run command 'fuel plugins'. Duration: 5 min """ self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_install") self.show_step(2) cmd = 'fuel plugins --remove {0}=={1}'.format( plugin.plugin_name, plugin.DVS_PLUGIN_VERSION) assert_true( self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute(cmd)['exit_code'] == 0, 'Can not remove plugin.') self.show_step(3) cmd = 'fuel plugins list' output = list(self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote().execute( cmd)['stdout']).pop().split(' ') assert_true( plugin.plugin_name not in output, "Plugin is not removed {}".format(plugin.plugin_name) )
def assign_floating_ip(self, srv, use_neutron=False): if use_neutron: # Find external net id for tenant nets = self.neutron.list_networks()['networks'] err_msg = "Active external network not found in nets:{}" ext_net_ids = [ net['id'] for net in nets if net['router:external'] and net['status'] == "ACTIVE"] asserts.assert_true(ext_net_ids, err_msg.format(nets)) net_id = ext_net_ids[0] # Find instance port ports = self.neutron.list_ports(['ports'] err_msg = "Not found active ports for instance:{}" asserts.assert_true(ports, err_msg.format( port = ports[0] # Create floating IP body = {'floatingip': {'floating_network_id': net_id, 'port_id': port['id']}} flip = self.neutron.create_floatingip(body) # Wait active state for port port_id = flip['floatingip']['port_id'] state = lambda: self.neutron.show_port(port_id)['port']['status'] helpers.wait(lambda: state() == "ACTIVE") return flip['floatingip'] fl_ips_pool = self.nova.floating_ip_pools.list() if fl_ips_pool: floating_ip = self.nova.floating_ips.create( pool=fl_ips_pool[0].name) self.nova.servers.add_floating_ip(srv, floating_ip) return floating_ip
def do_sync_time(self, ntps=None): # 0. 'ntps' can be filled by __init__() or outside the class self.ntps = ntps or self.ntps if not self.ntps: raise ValueError("No servers were provided to synchronize " "the time in self.ntps") # 1. Set actual time on all nodes via 'ntpdate' [ntp.set_actual_time() for ntp in self.ntps] assert_true(self.is_synchronized, "Time on nodes was not set:" " \n{0}".format(self.report_not_synchronized())) # 2. Restart NTPD service [ntp.stop() for ntp in self.ntps] [ntp.start() for ntp in self.ntps] # 3. Wait for established peers [ntp.wait_peer() for ntp in self.ntps] assert_true(self.is_connected, "Time on nodes was not synchronized:" " \n{0}".format(self.report_not_connected())) # 4. Report time on nodes for ntp in self.ntps:"Time on '{0}' = {1}".format(ntp.node_name,[0].rstrip()))
def setup(self): self.set_up() if USE_IP: self.connection.connect() asserts.assert_true(self.connection.is_connected(), "Should be able to connect before resize.") self.user_was_deleted = False
def obtain_flavor_ids(self): old_id = self.instance.flavor['id'] self.expected_old_flavor_id = old_id res = instance_info.dbaas.find_flavor_and_self_href(old_id) self.expected_dbaas_flavor, _ = res if EPHEMERAL_SUPPORT: flavor_name = CONFIG.values.get('instance_bigger_eph_flavor_name', 'eph.rd-smaller') else: flavor_name = CONFIG.values.get('instance_bigger_flavor_name', 'm1.small') flavors = self.dbaas.find_flavors_by_name(flavor_name) asserts.assert_equal(len(flavors), 1, "Number of flavors with name '%s' " "found was '%d'." % (flavor_name, len(flavors))) flavor = flavors[0] self.old_dbaas_flavor = instance_info.dbaas_flavor instance_info.dbaas_flavor = flavor asserts.assert_true(flavor is not None, "Flavor '%s' not found!" % flavor_name) flavor_href = self.dbaas.find_flavor_self_href(flavor) asserts.assert_true(flavor_href is not None, "Flavor href '%s' not found!" % flavor_name) self.expected_new_flavor_id =
def check_rados_daemon(self): """Check the radosgw daemon is started""" def radosgw_started(remote): return remote.check_call('pkill -0 radosgw')['exit_code'] == 0 with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node('slave-01') as remote: assert_true(radosgw_started(remote), 'radosgw daemon started')
def check_grafana_dashboards(grafana_url): login_key_xpath = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/form/div[2]/button' with ui_driver(grafana_url, "Grafana", login_key_xpath) as driver: login_page = pages.LoginPage(driver) login_page.is_login_page() home_page = login_page.login("grafana", "grafanapass") home_page.is_main_page() dashboard_names = { "Apache", "Cinder", "Elasticsearch", "Glance", "HAProxy", "Heat", "Hypervisor", "InfluxDB", "Keystone", "LMA self-monitoring", "Memcached", "MySQL", "Neutron", "Nova", "RabbitMQ", "System" } dashboard_names = { panel_name.lower() for panel_name in dashboard_names} available_dashboards_names = { dashboard.text.lower() for dashboard in home_page.dashboards} msg = ("There is not enough panels in available panels, " "panels that are not presented: {}") # NOTE(rpromyshlennikov): should there be 'elasticsearch' # and 'influxdb' dashboards? asserts.assert_true( dashboard_names.issubset(available_dashboards_names), msg.format(dashboard_names - available_dashboards_names)) for name in available_dashboards_names: dashboard_page = home_page.open_dashboard(name) dashboard_page.get_back_to_home()
def restart_rabbit_again(self): """Now stop and start rabbit, ensuring the agent reconnects.""" self.rabbit.stop() assert_false(self.rabbit.is_alive) self.rabbit.reset() self.rabbit.start() assert_true(self.rabbit.is_alive)
def deploy_cluster(self, cluster_settings): slaves_count = len(cluster_settings['nodes']) slaves = self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[:slaves_count] for chunk in [slaves[x:x + 5] for x in range(0, slaves_count, 5)]: self.env.bootstrap_nodes(chunk) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=cluster_settings['name'], mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings=cluster_settings['settings'] ) if cluster_settings.get('plugin'): plugin_name = cluster_settings['plugin']['name'] assert_true( self.fuel_web.check_plugin_exists(cluster_id, plugin_name)) self.fuel_web.update_plugin_data( cluster_id, plugin_name, cluster_settings['plugin']['data']) self.fuel_web.update_nodes(cluster_id, cluster_settings['nodes']) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) # Code for debugging on hosts with low IO # for chunk in [slaves[x:x+5] for x in range(0, slaves_count, 5)]: # ids = [self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(x)['id'] # for x in chunk] # self.fuel_web.client.provision_nodes(cluster_id, ids) # wait(lambda: all( # [self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['status' # ] == 'provisioned' for node in chunk]), # timeout=30 * 60, # interval=60) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id)
def check_nodes_notifications(self): """Verify nailgun notifications for discovered nodes Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot "ready_with_3_slaves" 2. Verify hard drive sizes for discovered nodes in /api/nodes 3. Verify hard drive sizes for discovered nodes in notifications """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") # assert /api/nodes disk_size = NODE_VOLUME_SIZE * 1024 ** 3 nailgun_nodes = self.fuel_web.client.list_nodes() for node in nailgun_nodes: for disk in node['meta']['disks']: assert_equal(disk['size'], disk_size, 'Disk size') hdd_size = "{} TB HDD".format(float(disk_size * 3 / (10 ** 9)) / 1000) notifications = self.fuel_web.client.get_notifications() for node in nailgun_nodes: # assert /api/notifications for notification in notifications: discover = notification['topic'] == 'discover' current_node = notification['node_id'] == node['id'] if current_node and discover: assert_true(hdd_size in notification['message']) # assert disks disks = self.fuel_web.client.get_node_disks(node['id']) for disk in disks: assert_equal(disk['size'], NODE_VOLUME_SIZE * 1024 - 500, 'Disk size')
def deploy_emc_ha(self): """Deploy cluster in ha mode with emc plugin Scenario: 1. Upload plugin to the master node 2. Install plugin 3. Create cluster 4. Add 3 nodes with controller role 5. Add 2 nodes with compute role 6. Deploy the cluster 7. Run network verification 8. Check plugin installation 9. Run OSTF Duration 35m Snapshot deploy_ha_emc """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") # copy plugin to the master node utils.upload_tarball(ip=self.ssh_manager.admin_ip, tar_path=settings.EMC_PLUGIN_PATH, tar_target='/var') # install plugin utils.install_plugin_check_code(ip=self.ssh_manager.admin_ip, plugin=os.path.basename( settings.EMC_PLUGIN_PATH)) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, ) attr = self.fuel_web.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) # check plugin installed and attributes have emc options for option in [ "emc_sp_a_ip", "emc_sp_b_ip", "emc_username", "emc_password", "emc_pool_name" ]: asserts.assert_true( option in attr["editable"]["emc_vnx"], "{0} is not in cluster attributes: {1}".format( option, str(attr["editable"]["storage"]))) # disable LVM-based volumes attr["editable"]["storage"]["volumes_lvm"]["value"] = False # enable EMC plugin emc_options = attr["editable"]["emc_vnx"] emc_options["metadata"]["enabled"] = True emc_options["emc_sp_a_ip"]["value"] = settings.EMC_SP_A_IP emc_options["emc_sp_b_ip"]["value"] = settings.EMC_SP_B_IP emc_options["emc_username"]["value"] = settings.EMC_USERNAME emc_options["emc_password"]["value"] = settings.EMC_PASSWORD emc_options["emc_pool_name"]["value"] = settings.EMC_POOL_NAME self.fuel_web.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attr) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'], 'slave-05': ['compute'], }) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) # get remotes for all nodes controller_nodes = [ self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name(node) for node in ['slave-01', 'slave-02', 'slave-03'] ] compute_nodes = [ self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name(node) for node in ['slave-04', 'slave-05'] ] controller_remotes = [ self.env.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) for node in controller_nodes ] compute_remotes = [ self.env.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) for node in compute_nodes ] # check cinder-volume settings for node in controller_nodes: self.check_emc_cinder_config(ip=node['ip'], path='/etc/cinder/cinder.conf') self.check_emc_management_package(ip=node['ip']) # check cinder-volume layout on controllers cinder_volume_ctrls = [ self.check_service(controller, "cinder-volume") for controller in controller_remotes ] asserts.assert_equal( sum(cinder_volume_ctrls), 1, "Cluster has more than one " "cinder-volume on controllers") # check cinder-volume layout on computes cinder_volume_comps = [ self.check_service(compute, "cinder-volume") for compute in compute_remotes ] # closing connections for remote in controller_remotes: remote.clear() for remote in compute_remotes: remote.clear() asserts.assert_equal(sum(cinder_volume_comps), 0, "Cluster has active cinder-volume on compute") self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_ha_emc")
def validate_fix_apply_step(apply_step, environment, slaves): verify_fix_apply_step(apply_step) slaves = [] if not slaves else slaves command = '' remotes_ips = set() devops_action = '' devops_nodes = set() nodes_ids = set() if apply_step['type'] == 'run_tasks': remotes_ips.add(environment.get_admin_node_ip()) assert_true( 'master' not in apply_step['target'], "Action type 'run_tasks' accepts only slaves (roles) " "as target value, but 'master' is specified!") for target in apply_step['target']: if target == 'slaves': nodes_ids.update(get_slaves_ids_by_role(slaves, role=None)) else: role = target.split('_role')[0] nodes_ids.update(get_slaves_ids_by_role(slaves, role=role)) else: for target in apply_step['target']: if target == 'master': remotes_ips.add(environment.get_admin_node_ip()) devops_nodes.add(environment.d_env.nodes().admin) elif target == 'slaves': remotes_ips.update(get_slaves_ips_by_role(slaves, role=None)) devops_nodes.update( get_devops_slaves_by_role(environment, slaves)) else: role = target.split('_role')[0] remotes_ips.update(get_slaves_ips_by_role(slaves, role)) devops_nodes.update( get_devops_slaves_by_role(environment, slaves, role=role)) if apply_step['type'] in ('service_stop', 'service_start', 'service_restart'): assert_true( len(apply_step['service'] or '') > 0, "Step #{0} in apply patch scenario perform '{1}', but " "service isn't specified".format(apply_step['id'], apply_step['type'])) action = apply_step['type'].split('service_')[1] command = ("find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/{service}' -printf " "'%f\n' -quit | xargs -i service {{}} {action}").format( service=apply_step['service'], action=action) elif apply_step['type'] in ('server_down', 'server_up', 'server_reboot'): assert_true( 'master' not in apply_step['target'], 'Action type "{0}" doesn\'t accept "master" node as ' 'target! Use action "run_command" instead.'.format( apply_step['type'])) devops_action = apply_step['type'].split('server_')[1] elif apply_step['type'] == 'upload_script': assert_true( len(apply_step['script'] or '') > 0, "Step #{0} in apply patch scenario perform '{1}', but " "script isn't specified".format(apply_step['id'], apply_step['type'])) assert_true( len(apply_step['upload_path'] or '') > 0, "Step #{0} in apply patch scenario perform '{1}', but " "upload path isn't specified".format(apply_step['id'], apply_step['type'])) command = ('UPLOAD', apply_step['script'], apply_step['upload_path']) elif apply_step['type'] == 'run_tasks': assert_true( len(apply_step['tasks'] or '') > 0, "Step #{0} in apply patch scenario perform '{1}', but " "tasks aren't specified".format(apply_step['id'], apply_step['type'])) tasks_timeout = apply_step['tasks_timeout'] if 'tasks_timeout' in \ apply_step.keys() else 60 * 30 command = ['RUN_TASKS', nodes_ids, apply_step['tasks'], tasks_timeout] else: assert_true( len(apply_step['command'] or '') > 0, "Step #{0} in apply patch scenario perform '{1}', but " "command isn't specified".format(apply_step['id'], apply_step['type'])) command = apply_step['command'] # remotes sessions .clear() placed in run_actions() remotes = [environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip) for ip in remotes_ips] \ if command else [] devops_nodes = devops_nodes if devops_action else [] return command, remotes, devops_action, devops_nodes
def test_dpdk_check_public_connectivity_from_instance(self): """Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP. Scenario: 1. Create no default network with subnet. 2. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network. 3. Get existing flavor with hpgs. 4. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet). 5. Launch an instance using the default image and flavor with hpgs in the hpgs availability zone. 6. Create a new floating IP. 7. Assign the new floating IP to the instance. 8. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command. 9. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance. 10. Delete instance. Duration 5 min """ az_name = 'hpgs' ping_command = "ping -c 5"'Create no default network with subnet.') network = self.os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_name)['network'] subnet = self.os_conn.create_subnet(subnet_name=self.net_name, network_id=network['id'], cidr=self.subnet_cidr, ip_version=4)"""Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network.""") gateway = { "network_id": self.os_conn.get_network('admin_floating_net')['id'], "enable_snat": True } router_param = { 'router': { 'name': self.router_name, 'external_gateway_info': gateway } } router = self.os_conn.neutron.create_router( body=router_param)['router'] self.os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"])"Get existing flavor with hpgs.") flavor = [ f for f in self.os_conn.nova.flavors.list() if az_name in ][0]"""Launch an instance using the default image and flavor with hpgs in the hpgs availability zone.""") srv = self.os_conn.create_server_for_migration( neutron=True, availability_zone=az_name, label=self.net_name, flavor=flavor)"Create a new floating IP.")"Assign the new floating IP to the instance.") fip = self.os_conn.assign_floating_ip(srv).ip "Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command.") wait(lambda: tcp_ping(fip, 22), timeout=180, interval=5, timeout_msg="Node {0} is not accessible by SSH.".format(fip)) "Check that public IP can be pinged from instance.") with SSH(fip) as remote: result = remote.execute(ping_command) assert_true(result['exit_code'] == 0, result['stderr'])"Delete instance.") self.os_conn.delete_instance(srv) wait(lambda: self.os_conn.is_srv_deleted(srv), timeout=200, timeout_msg="Instance was not deleted.")
def assert_true(cls, condition, message=None): asserts.assert_true(condition, message=message)
def test_pagination(self): users = [] users.append({ "name": "Jetson", "password": "******", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) users.append({ "name": "Jetson", "password": "******", "host": "", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) users.append({ "name": "Spacely", "password": "******", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) users.append({ "name": "Spacely", "password": "******", "host": "", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) users.append({ "name": "Uniblab", "password": "******", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) users.append({ "name": "Uniblab", "password": "******", "host": "", "databases": [{ "name": "Sprockets" }] }) self.dbaas.users.create(, users) assert_equal(202, self.dbaas.last_http_code) if not FAKE: time.sleep(5) limit = 2 users = self.dbaas.users.list(, limit=limit) assert_equal(200, self.dbaas.last_http_code) marker = # Better get only as many as we asked for assert_true(len(users) <= limit) assert_true( is not None) expected_marker = "%s@%s" % (users[-1].name, users[-1].host) expected_marker = urllib.quote(expected_marker) assert_equal(marker, expected_marker) marker = # I better get new users if I use the marker I was handed. users = self.dbaas.users.list(, limit=limit, marker=marker) assert_equal(200, self.dbaas.last_http_code) assert_true(marker not in [ for user in users]) # Now fetch again with a larger limit. users = self.dbaas.users.list( assert_equal(200, self.dbaas.last_http_code) assert_true( is None)
def load_ceph_partitions_cold_reboot(self): """Load ceph-osd partitions on 30% ~start rally~ reboot nodes Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot 'load_ceph_ha' 2. Wait until MySQL Galera is UP on some controller 3. Check Ceph status 4. Run ostf 5. Fill ceph partitions on all nodes up to 30% 6. Check Ceph status 7. Run RALLY 8. Cold restart all nodes 9. Wait for HA services ready 10. Wait until MySQL Galera is UP on some controller 11. Run ostf Duration 30m """ self.show_step(1, initialize=True) self.env.revert_snapshot("load_ceph_ha") self.show_step(2) self.fuel_web.wait_mysql_galera_is_up(['slave-01']) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() self.show_step(3) self.fuel_web.check_ceph_status(cluster_id) self.show_step(4) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.show_step(5) for node in ['slave-0{0}'.format(slave) for slave in xrange(1, 4)]: with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node(node) as remote: file_name = "test_data" file_dir = remote.execute( 'mount | grep -m 1 ceph')['stdout'][0].split()[2] file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) result = remote.execute( 'fallocate -l 30G {0}'.format(file_path))['exit_code'] assert_equal( result, 0, "The file {0} was not " "allocated".format(file_name)) self.show_step(6) self.fuel_web.check_ceph_status(cluster_id) self.show_step(7) assert_true(settings.PATCHING_RUN_RALLY, 'PATCHING_RUN_RALLY was not set in true') rally_benchmarks = {} for tag in set(settings.RALLY_TAGS): rally_benchmarks[tag] = RallyBenchmarkTest( container_repo=settings.RALLY_DOCKER_REPO, environment=self.env, cluster_id=cluster_id, test_type=tag) rally_benchmarks[tag].run(result=False) self.show_step(8) self.fuel_web.cold_restart_nodes( self.env.d_env.get_nodes(name__in=[ 'slave-01', 'slave-02', 'slave-03', 'slave-04', 'slave-05' ])) for tag in rally_benchmarks: task_id = rally_benchmarks[tag].current_task.uuid rally_benchmarks[tag].current_task.abort(task_id) self.show_step(9) self.fuel_web.assert_ha_services_ready(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.assert_os_services_ready(cluster_id) self.show_step(10) self.fuel_web.wait_mysql_galera_is_up(['slave-01']) try: self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke'], test_name=map_ostf.OSTF_TEST_MAPPING.get( 'Create volume and attach it to instance')) except AssertionError: logger.debug("Test failed from first probe," " we sleep 180 seconds and try one more time " "and if it fails again - test will fail ") time.sleep(180) self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke'], test_name=map_ostf.OSTF_TEST_MAPPING.get( 'Create volume and attach it to instance')) self.show_step(11) # LB 1519018 self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("load_ceph_partitions_cold_reboot")
def deploy_sahara_ha_one_controller_tun(self): """Deploy cluster in ha mode with 1 controller Sahara and Neutron VXLAN Scenario: 1. Create a Fuel cluster. Set the option for Sahara installation 2. Add 1 node with "controller" role 3. Add 1 node with "compute" role 4. Deploy the Fuel cluster 5. Verify Sahara service on controller 6. Run all sanity and smoke tests 7. Register Vanilla2 image for Sahara 8. Run platform Vanilla2 test for Sahara Duration 65m Snapshot: deploy_sahara_ha_one_controller_tun """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") logger.debug('Create Fuel cluster for Sahara tests') data = { 'sahara': True, 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'net_segment_type': settings.NEUTRON_SEGMENT['tun'], 'tenant': 'saharaSimple', 'user': '******', 'password': '******' } cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings=data ) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id), data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) self.fuel_web.assert_cluster_ready(os_conn, smiles_count=5) logger.debug('Verify Sahara service on controller') _ip = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name("slave-01")['ip'] # count = 1 + api_workers (from sahara.conf) checkers.verify_service(_ip, service_name='sahara-api', count=2) # count = 2 * 1 (hardcoded by deployment team) checkers.verify_service(_ip, service_name='sahara-engine', count=2) logger.debug('Check MD5 sum of Vanilla2 image') check_image = checkers.check_image( settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_VANILLA_2_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_VANILLA_2_IMAGE_MD5, settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH) asserts.assert_true(check_image) logger.debug('Run all sanity and smoke tests') path_to_tests = 'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_sahara.' test_names = ['VanillaTwoTemplatesTest.test_vanilla_two_templates', 'HDPTwoTemplatesTest.test_hdp_two_templates'] self.fuel_web.run_ostf( cluster_id=self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster(), tests_must_be_passed=[path_to_tests + test_name for test_name in test_names] ) logger.debug('Import Vanilla2 image for Sahara') with open('{0}/{1}'.format( settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_VANILLA_2_IMAGE)) as data: os_conn.create_image( name=settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_VANILLA_2_IMAGE_NAME, properties=settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_VANILLA_2_IMAGE_META, data=data, is_public=True, disk_format='qcow2', container_format='bare') path_to_tests = 'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_sahara.' test_names = ['VanillaTwoClusterTest.test_vanilla_two_cluster'] for test_name in test_names: logger.debug('Run platform test {0} for Sahara'.format(test_name)) self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['tests_platform'], test_name=path_to_tests + test_name, timeout=60 * 200) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_sahara_ha_one_controller_tun")
def _execute_query(host, user_name, password, query): print(host, user_name, password, query) with create_mysql_connection(host, user_name, password) as db: result = db.execute(query) return result assert_true(False, "something went wrong in the sql connection")
def mc_list_shared_playlist_entries(self): entries = assert_true(len(entries) > 0)
def _test_configuration_is_applied_to_instance(instance, configuration_id): if CONFIG.fake_mode: raise SkipTest("configuration from sql does not work in fake mode") instance_test = instance_info.dbaas.instances.get( assert_equal(configuration_id, instance_test.configuration['id']) if configuration_id: testconfig_info = instance_info.dbaas.configurations.get( configuration_id) else: testconfig_info = instance_info.dbaas.instance.configuration( testconfig_info['configuration'] conf_instances = instance_info.dbaas.configurations.instances( configuration_id) config_instance_ids = [ for inst in conf_instances] assert_true( in config_instance_ids) cfg_names = testconfig_info.values.keys() host = _get_address( for user in instance.users: username = user['name'] password = user['password'] concat_variables = "','".join(cfg_names) query = ("show variables where Variable_name " "in ('%s');" % concat_variables) actual_values = _execute_query(host, username, password, query) print("actual_values %s" % actual_values) print("testconfig_info.values %s" % testconfig_info.values) assert_true(len(actual_values) == len(cfg_names)) # check the configs exist attrcheck = AttrCheck() allowed_attrs = [actual_key for actual_key, actual_value in actual_values] attrcheck.contains_allowed_attrs( testconfig_info.values, allowed_attrs, msg="Configurations parameters") def _get_parameter_type(name): instance_info.dbaas.configuration_parameters.get_parameter( instance_info.dbaas_datastore, instance_info.dbaas_datastore_version, name) resp, body = instance_info.dbaas.client.last_response print(resp) print(body) return json.loads(body)['type'] # check the config values are correct for key, value in actual_values: key_type = _get_parameter_type(key) # mysql returns 'ON' and 'OFF' for True and False respectively if value == 'ON': converted_key_value = (str(key), 1) elif value == 'OFF': converted_key_value = (str(key), 0) else: if key_type == 'integer': value = int(value) converted_key_value = (str(key), value) print("converted_key_value: %s" % str(converted_key_value)) assert_true(converted_key_value in testconfig_info.values.items())
def test_log_rotation_one_week_11MB(self): """Logrotate with logrotate.conf for 1 week old file with size 11MB Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot "empty" 2. Check free disk space and free inodes under /var/log 3. Generate 1 week old 11MB size file 4. Run logrotate 2 times 5. Check free disk space and free inodes Duration 30m """ self.show_step(1, initialize=True) self.env.revert_snapshot("empty") with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: # get data before logrotate self.show_step(2) free = self.check_free_space(remote, return_as_is=True) free_inodes, i_suff = self.check_free_inodes(remote) logger.debug('Free inodes before file ' 'creation: {0}{1}'.format(free_inodes, i_suff)) # create 1 week old empty file self.create_old_file(remote, name='/var/log/messages') self.show_step(3) self.generate_file(remote, size='11M', path='/var/log/', name='messages') free2 = self.check_free_space(remote, return_as_is=True) assert_true( free2 < free, 'File was not created. Free space ' 'before creation {0}, ' 'free space after ' 'creation {1}'.format(free, free2)) self.show_step(4) self.execute_logrotate_cmd(remote) free3 = self.check_free_space(remote, return_as_is=True) logger.debug('Free space after first' ' rotation {0}'.format(free3)) res = self.execute_logrotate_cmd(remote, exit_code=1) # Expect 1 exit code here, according # to some rotated logs are skipped to rotate # second run. That's caused 1 assert_equal(1, res['exit_code']) assert_equal( False, 'error' in res['stderr'], 'Second run of logrotate failed' ' with {0}'.format(res['stderr'])) self.show_step(5) free4 = self.check_free_space(remote, return_as_is=True) free_inodes4, i_suff4 = self.check_free_inodes(remote)'Free inodes after logrotation:' ' {0}{1}'.format(free_inodes4, i_suff4)) assert_true( free4 > free2, 'Logs were not rotated. ' 'Rotate was executed 2 times. ' 'Free space after file creation: {0}, ' 'after rotation {1} free space before rotation' '{2}'.format(free2, free4, free)) assert_equal( (free_inodes, i_suff), (free_inodes4, i_suff4), 'Unexpected free inodes count. Before log rotate was: {0}{1}' ' after logrotation: {2}{3}'.format(free_inodes, i_suff, free_inodes4, i_suff4)) self.env.make_snapshot("test_logrotate_one_week_11MB")
def test_configurations_get(self): # test that the instance shows up on the assigned configuration result = instance_info.dbaas.configurations.get( assert_equal(, assert_equal(, assert_equal(configuration_info.description, result.description) # check the result field types with TypeCheck("configuration", result) as check: check.has_field("id", six.string_types) check.has_field("name", six.string_types) check.has_field("description", six.string_types) check.has_field("values", dict) check.has_field("created", six.string_types) check.has_field("updated", six.string_types) check.has_field("instance_count", int) print(result.values) # check for valid timestamps assert_true(_is_valid_timestamp(result.created)) assert_true(_is_valid_timestamp(result.updated)) # check that created and updated timestamps differ, since # test_appending_to_existing_configuration should have changed the # updated timestamp if not CONFIG.fake_mode: assert_not_equal(result.created, result.updated) assert_equal(result.instance_count, 1) with CollectionCheck("configuration_values", result.values) as check: # check each item has the correct type according to the rules for (item_key, item_val) in result.values.items(): print("item_key: %s" % item_key) print("item_val: %s" % item_val) dbaas = instance_info.dbaas param = dbaas.configuration_parameters.get_parameter( instance_info.dbaas_datastore, instance_info.dbaas_datastore_version, item_key) if param.type == 'integer': check.has_element(item_key, int) if param.type == 'string': check.has_element(item_key, six.string_types) if param.type == 'boolean': check.has_element(item_key, bool) # Test to make sure that another user is not able to GET this config reqs = Requirements(is_admin=False) test_auth_user = instance_info.user.auth_user other_user = CONFIG.users.find_user(reqs, black_list=[test_auth_user]) other_user_tenant_id = other_user.tenant_id client_tenant_id = instance_info.user.tenant_id if other_user_tenant_id == client_tenant_id: other_user = CONFIG.users.find_user( reqs, black_list=[instance_info.user.auth_user, other_user]) print(other_user) print(other_user.__dict__) other_client = create_dbaas_client(other_user) assert_raises(exceptions.NotFound, other_client.configurations.get,
def deploy_murano_ha_with_gre(self): """Deploy cluster in ha mode with Murano and Neutron GRE Scenario: 1. Create cluster. Set install Murano option 2. Add 3 node with controller role 3. Add 1 nodes with compute role 4. Deploy the cluster 5. Verify Murano services 6. Run OSTF 7. Register Murano image 8. Run OSTF Murano platform tests Snapshot: deploy_murano_ha_with_gre """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") LOGGER.debug('Check MD5 of image') check_image = checkers.check_image( settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE_MD5, settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH) asserts.assert_true(check_image, "Image verification failed") data = { 'murano': True, 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'net_segment_type': 'gre', 'tenant': 'muranoHA', 'user': '******', 'password': '******' } cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA, settings=data) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) cluster_vip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( cluster_vip, data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) self.fuel_web.assert_cluster_ready( os_conn, smiles_count=13, networks_count=2, timeout=300) for slave in ["slave-01", "slave-02", "slave-03"]: checkers.verify_service( self.env.get_ssh_to_remote_by_name(slave), service_name='murano-api') common_func = Common(cluster_vip, data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) LOGGER.debug('Run sanity and functional Murano OSTF tests') self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster(), test_sets=['sanity'], test_name=('fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_murano.' 'MuranoSanityTests.test_create_and_delete_service') ) LOGGER.debug('Import Murano image') common_func.image_import( settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH, settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE_NAME, settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE_META) LOGGER.debug('Boot instance with Murano image') image_name = settings.SERVTEST_MURANO_IMAGE_NAME srv = common_func.create_instance(flavor_name='test_murano_flavor', ram=2048, vcpus=1, disk=20, server_name='murano_instance', image_name=image_name, neutron_network=True) wait(lambda: common_func.get_instance_detail(srv).status == 'ACTIVE', timeout=60 * 60) common_func.delete_instance(srv) LOGGER.debug('Run OSTF platform tests') test_class_main = ('fuel_health.tests.platform_tests' '.test_murano_linux.MuranoDeployLinuxServicesTests') tests_names = ['test_deploy_apache_service', ] test_classes = [] for test_name in tests_names: test_classes.append('{0}.{1}'.format(test_class_main, test_name)) for test_name in test_classes: self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['platform_tests'], test_name=test_name, timeout=60 * 36) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_murano_ha_with_gre")
def deploy_influxdb_grafana_plugin(self): """Deploy a cluster with the InfluxDB-Grafana plugin Scenario: 1. Upload plugin to the master node 2. Install plugin 3. Create cluster 4. Add 1 node with controller role 5. Add 1 node with compute role 6. Add 1 node with influxdb_grafana role 7. Deploy the cluster 8. Check that plugin is working 9. Run OSTF Duration 60m Snapshot deploy_influxdb_grafana_plugin """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") # copy plugin to the master node and install it with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: checkers.upload_tarball( remote, INFLUXDB_GRAFANA_PLUGIN_PATH, '/var') checkers.install_plugin_check_code( remote, plugin=os.path.basename(INFLUXDB_GRAFANA_PLUGIN_PATH)) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE, } ) plugin_name = 'influxdb_grafana' options = { 'metadata/enabled': True, 'node_name/value': 'slave-03_influxdb_grafana', 'influxdb_rootpass/value': 'lmapass', 'influxdb_userpass/value': 'lmapass', 'grafana_userpass/value': 'lmapass', } assert_true( self.fuel_web.check_plugin_exists(cluster_id, plugin_name), "Plugin couldn't be enabled. Check plugin version. Test aborted") self.fuel_web.update_plugin_data(cluster_id, plugin_name, options) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute'], 'slave-03': ['influxdb_grafana'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) influxdb_server = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name('slave-03') influxdb_server_ip = influxdb_server.get('ip') assert_is_not_none(influxdb_server_ip, "Failed to get the IP of InfluxDB server") logger.debug("Check that InfluxDB is ready") influxdb_url = "http://{0}:8086/query?db=lma&u={1}&p={2}&" + \ "q=show+measurements" r = requests.get(influxdb_url.format( influxdb_server_ip, 'lma', options['influxdb_userpass/value'])) msg = "InfluxDB responded with {}, expected 200".format(r.status_code) assert_equal(r.status_code, 200, msg) logger.debug("Check that the Grafana server is running") r = requests.get( "http://{0}:{1}@{2}:8000/api/org".format( 'grafana', options['grafana_userpass/value'], influxdb_server_ip)) msg = "Grafana server responded with {}, expected 200".format( r.status_code) assert_equal(r.status_code, 200, msg) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_influxdb_grafana_plugin")
def dvs_vcenter_bind_port(self): """Check abilities to bind port on DVS to VM, disable/enable this port. Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot to dvs_vcenter_destructive_setup 2. Create private networks net01 with sunet. 3. Launch instances VM_1 and VM_2 in the net01 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 4. Launch instances VM_3 and VM_4 in the net01 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in nova az. 4. Bind sub_net port of instances. 5. Check instances are not available. 6. Enable sub_net port of all instances. 7. Verify that instances should communicate between each other. Send icmp ping between instances. Duration: 1,5 hours """ self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_vcenter_systest_setup") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() # Create new network os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions(os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) # create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = os_conn.create_sec_group_for_ssh()"Create non default network with subnet.")'Create network {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) network = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0])['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=network['name'], network_id=network['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]])"Check that network are created.") assert_true( os_conn.get_network(network['name'])['id'] == network['id'])"Add net_1 to default router") router = os_conn.get_router(os_conn.get_network(self.ext_net_name)) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) # Launch instance VM_1 and VM_2 instances = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=os_conn, nics=[{ 'net-id': network['id'] }], vm_count=1, security_groups=[]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) ports = os_conn.neutron.list_ports()['ports'] floating_ip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips( os_conn, instances) instance_ports = [] for instance in instances: instance_addr = os_conn.get_nova_instance_ip( instance, net_name=network['name']) for port in ports: port_addr = port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] if instance_addr == port_addr: instance_ports.append(port) for port in instance_ports: os_conn.neutron.update_port(port['id'], {'port': { 'admin_state_up': False }}) controller = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_primary_node( self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[0]) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node( as ssh_controller: # Verify that not connection to instances try: openstack.check_connection_vms(os_conn, floating_ip, remote=ssh_controller, command='pingv4') except Exception as e: # Enable sub_net ports of instances for port in instance_ports: os_conn.neutron.update_port(port['id'], {'port': { 'admin_state_up': True }}) instance.reboot() wait(lambda: os_conn.get_instance_detail(instance).status == "ACTIVE", timeout=300) time.sleep(60) # need time after reboot to get ip by instance # Verify that instances should communicate between each other. # Send icmp ping between instances openstack.check_connection_vms(os_conn, floating_ip, remote=ssh_controller, command='pingv4')
def deploy_sahara_simple_gre(self): """Deploy cluster in simple mode with Sahara and Neutron GRE Scenario: 1. Create cluster. Set install Sahara option 2. Add 1 node with controller role 3. Add 1 node with compute role 4. Deploy the cluster 5. Verify Sahara services 6. Run OSTF 7. Register Sahara image 8. Run OSTF platform Sahara test only Snapshot: deploy_sahara_simple_gre """ if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE == settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_REDHAT: raise SkipTest() LOGGER.debug('Check MD5 of image') check_image = checkers.check_image( settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_IMAGE_MD5, settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH) asserts.assert_true(check_image) self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") LOGGER.debug('Create cluster for sahara tests') data = { 'sahara': True, 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'net_segment_type': 'gre', 'tenant': 'saharaSimple', 'user': '******', 'password': '******' } cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, settings=data ) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) controller = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name('slave-01') os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( controller['ip'], data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) self.fuel_web.assert_cluster_ready( os_conn, smiles_count=5, networks_count=2, timeout=300) checkers.verify_service( self.env.get_ssh_to_remote_by_name("slave-01"), service_name='sahara-all') common_func = Common(controller['ip'], data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) test_classes = ['fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_sahara.' 'SanitySaharaTests.test_sanity_sahara'] self.fuel_web.run_ostf( cluster_id=self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster(), tests_must_be_passed=test_classes ) LOGGER.debug('Import image') common_func.image_import( settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_IMAGE_NAME, settings.SERVTEST_SAHARA_IMAGE_META) common_func.goodbye_security() LOGGER.debug('Run OSTF Sahara platform test') self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['platform_tests'], test_name=('fuel_health.tests.platform_tests.' 'test_sahara.PlatformSaharaTests.' 'test_platform_sahara'), timeout=60 * 200) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_sahara_simple_gre")
def mongo_mysql_partition_preservation(self): """Verify partition preservation of Ceilometer and mysql data. Scenario: 1. Revert the snapshot 2. Create a ceilometer alarm 3. Mark 'mongo' and 'mysql' partitions to be preserved on one of controllers 4. Reinstall the controller 5. Verify that the alarm is present after the node reinstallation 6. Verify IST has been received for the reinstalled controller 7. Run network verification 8. Run OSTF Duration: 110m """ self.env.revert_snapshot("node_reinstallation_env") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() # Create a ceilometer alarm with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: alarm_name = "test_alarm" res = remote.execute("source openrc; " "ceilometer alarm-threshold-create " "--name {0} " "-m {1} " "--threshold {2}".format( alarm_name, "cpu_util", "80.0")) assert_equal(0, res['exit_code'], "Creating alarm via ceilometer CLI failed.") initial_alarms = remote.execute( "source openrc; ceilometer alarm-list") mongo_nailgun = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles( cluster_id, ['mongo'])[0] # Mark 'mongo' and 'mysql' partitions to be preserved with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: PartitionPreservation._preserve_partition(remote, mongo_nailgun['id'], "mongo") PartitionPreservation._preserve_partition(remote, mongo_nailgun['id'], "mysql") NodeReinstallationEnv._reinstall_nodes(self.fuel_web, cluster_id, [str(mongo_nailgun['id'])]) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_nailgun_node(mongo_nailgun) as remote: alarms = remote.execute("source openrc; ceilometer alarm-list") assert_equal( initial_alarms['stdout'], alarms['stdout'], "{0} alarm is not available in mongo after reinstallation " "of the controllers".format(alarm_name)) log_path = "/var/log/mysql/error.log" output = remote.execute( 'grep "IST received" {0} | grep -v grep &>/dev/null ' '&& echo "OK" || echo "FAIL"'.format(log_path)) assert_true( 'OK' in output['stdout'][0], "IST was not received after the {0} node " "reinstallation.".format(mongo_nailgun['hostname'])) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity'])
def extended_tests_reset_vcenter(self, openstack_ip): """Common verification of dvs_reboot_vcenter* test cases. :param openstack_ip: type string, openstack ip """ admin = os_actions.OpenStackActions(openstack_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) # create security group with rules for ssh and ping security_group = admin.create_sec_group_for_ssh() default_sg = [ sg for sg in admin.neutron.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] if sg['tenant_id'] == admin.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT).id if sg['name'] == 'default' ][0] network = admin.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) # create access point server access_point, access_point_ip = openstack.create_access_point( os_conn=admin, nics=[{ 'net-id': }], security_groups=[, default_sg['name']]) self.show_step(13) self.show_step(14) instances = openstack.create_instances( os_conn=admin, nics=[{ 'net-id': }], vm_count=1, security_groups=[default_sg['name']]) openstack.verify_instance_state(admin) # Get private ips of instances ips = [] for instance in instances: ips.append( admin.get_nova_instance_ip(instance, net_name=self.inter_net_name)) time.sleep(30) self.show_step(15) for ip in ips: ping_result = openstack.remote_execute_command( access_point_ip, ip, "ping -c 5 {}".format(ip)) assert_true(ping_result['exit_code'] == 0, "Ping isn't available from {0} to {1}".format(ip, ip)) self.show_step(16) vcenter_name = [ name for name in self.WORKSTATION_NODES if 'vcenter' in name ].pop() node = vmrun.Vmrun(self.host_type, self.path_to_vmx_file.format(vcenter_name), host_name=self.host_name, username=self.WORKSTATION_USERNAME, password=self.WORKSTATION_PASSWORD) node.reset() self.show_step(17) wait(lambda: not icmp_ping(self.VCENTER_IP), interval=1, timeout=10, timeout_msg='Vcenter is still availabled.') self.show_step(18) wait(lambda: icmp_ping(self.VCENTER_IP), interval=5, timeout=120, timeout_msg='Vcenter is not availabled.') self.show_step(20) for ip in ips: ping_result = openstack.remote_execute_command( access_point_ip, ip, "ping -c 5 {}".format(ip)) assert_true(ping_result['exit_code'] == 0, "Ping isn't available from {0} to {1}".format(ip, ip))
def deploy_heat_ha(self): """Deploy Heat cluster in HA mode Scenario: 1. Create cluster 2. Add 3 node with controller role 3. Add 1 nodes with compute role 4. Deploy the cluster 5. Verify heat services 6. Run OSTF 7. Register heat image 8. Run OSTF platform tests Snapshot: deploy_heat_ha """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_5_slaves") LOGGER.debug('Check MD5 of image') check_image = checkers.check_image( settings.SERVTEST_HEAT_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_HEAT_IMAGE_MD5, settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH) asserts.assert_true(check_image, "Image verification failed") data = { 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'net_segment_type': 'gre', 'tenant': 'heatSimple', 'user': '******', 'password': '******' } cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA, settings=data) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) cluster_vip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( cluster_vip, data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) self.fuel_web.assert_cluster_ready( os_conn, smiles_count=13, networks_count=2, timeout=300) for slave in ["slave-01", "slave-02", "slave-03"]: checkers.verify_service( self.env.get_ssh_to_remote_by_name(slave), service_name='heat-api', count=3) common_func = Common(cluster_vip, data['user'], data['password'], data['tenant']) LOGGER.debug('Import Heat image') common_func.image_import( settings.SERVTEST_LOCAL_PATH, settings.SERVTEST_HEAT_IMAGE, settings.SERVTEST_HEAT_IMAGE_NAME, settings.SERVTEST_HEAT_IMAGE_META) LOGGER.debug('Run Heat OSTF platform tests') test_class_main = ('fuel_health.tests.platform_tests.' 'test_heat.' 'HeatSmokeTests') tests_names = ['test_actions', 'test_rollback'] test_classes = [] for test_name in tests_names: test_classes.append('{0}.{1}'.format(test_class_main, test_name)) for test_name in test_classes: self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['platform_tests'], test_name=test_name, timeout=60 * 60) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_heat_ha")
def compute_stop_reinstallation(self): """Verify stop reinstallation of compute. Scenario: 1. Revert the snapshot 2. Create an OS volume and OS instance 3. Mark 'cinder' and 'vm' partitions to be preserved 4. Stop reinstallation process of compute 5. Start the reinstallation process again 6. Run network verification 7. Run OSTF 8. Verify that the volume is present and has 'available' status after the node reinstallation 9. Verify that the VM is available and pingable after the node reinstallation Duration: 115m """ self.env.revert_snapshot("node_reinstallation_env") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() # Create an OS volume os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions( self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id)) volume = os_conn.create_volume() # Create an OS instance cmp_host = os_conn.get_hypervisors()[0] net_label = self.fuel_web.get_cluster_predefined_networks_name( cluster_id)['private_net'] vm = os_conn.create_server_for_migration( neutron=True, availability_zone="nova:{0}".format(cmp_host.hypervisor_hostname), label=net_label) vm_floating_ip = os_conn.assign_floating_ip(vm) devops_helpers.wait( lambda: devops_helpers.tcp_ping(vm_floating_ip.ip, 22), timeout=120) cmp_nailgun = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_fqdn( cmp_host.hypervisor_hostname) # Mark 'cinder' and 'vm' partitions to be preserved with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: PartitionPreservation._preserve_partition(remote, cmp_nailgun['id'], "cinder") PartitionPreservation._preserve_partition(remote, cmp_nailgun['id'], "vm") slave_nodes = self.fuel_web.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) devops_nodes = self.fuel_web.get_devops_nodes_by_nailgun_nodes( slave_nodes)'Stop reinstallation process') self._stop_reinstallation(self.fuel_web, cluster_id, [str(cmp_nailgun['id'])], devops_nodes) self.fuel_web.run_network_verify(cluster_id)'Start the reinstallation process again') NodeReinstallationEnv._reinstall_nodes(self.fuel_web, cluster_id, [str(cmp_nailgun['id'])]) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity']) # Verify that the created volume is still available try: volume = os_conn.cinder.volumes.get( except NotFound: raise AssertionError( "{0} volume is not available after its {1} hosting node " "reinstallation".format(, cmp_nailgun['fqdn'])) expected_status = "available" assert_equal( expected_status, volume.status, "{0} volume status is {1} after its {2} hosting node " "reinstallation. Expected status is {3}.".format(, volume.status, cmp_nailgun['fqdn'], expected_status)) # Verify that the VM is still available try: os_conn.verify_instance_status(vm, 'ACTIVE') except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( "{0} VM is not available after its {1} hosting node " "reinstallation".format(, cmp_host.hypervisor_hostname)) assert_true( devops_helpers.tcp_ping(vm_floating_ip.ip, 22), "{0} VM is not accessible via its {1} floating " "ip".format(, vm_floating_ip))
def cli_node_deletion_check(self): """Destroy node and remove it from Nailgun using Fuel CLI Scenario: 1. Revert snapshot 'cli_selected_nodes_deploy' 2. Check 'slave-03' is present 3. Destroy 'slave-03' 4. Wait until 'slave-03' become offline 5. Delete offline 'slave-03' from db 6. Check presence of 'slave-03' Duration 30m """ self.env.revert_snapshot("cli_selected_nodes_deploy") with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: node_id = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[2])['id'] assert_true(check_cobbler_node_exists(remote, node_id), "node-{0} is not found".format(node_id)) self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[2].destroy() try: wait(lambda: not self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[2])['online'], timeout=60 * 6) except TimeoutError: raise with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: res = remote.execute( 'fuel node --node-id {0} --delete-from-db'.format(node_id)) assert_true( res['exit_code'] == 0, "Offline node-{0} was not" "deleted from database".format(node_id)) with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: try: wait(lambda: not remote.execute( "fuel node | awk '{{print $1}}' | grep -w '{0}'".format( node_id))['exit_code'] == 0, timeout=60 * 4) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError( "After deletion node-{0} is found in fuel list".format( node_id)) with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: is_cobbler_node_exists = check_cobbler_node_exists(remote, node_id) assert_false( is_cobbler_node_exists, "After deletion node-{0} is found in cobbler list".format(node_id)) with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: cluster_id = ''.join( remote.execute("fuel env | tail -n 1 | awk {'print $1'}") ['stdout']).rstrip() self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity'], should_fail=1)
def deploy_ha_neutron(self): """Deploy cluster in HA mode, Neutron with GRE segmentation Scenario: 1. Create cluster. HA, Neutron with GRE segmentation 2. Add 3 nodes with controller roles 3. Add 2 nodes with compute roles 4. Add 1 node with cinder role 5. Deploy the cluster 6. Destroy controller with running l3 agent 7. Wait for OFFLINE of the controller at fuel UI 8. Run instance connectivity OSTF tests Snapshot deploy_ha_neutron """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready") self.env.bootstrap_nodes(self.env.nodes().slaves[:6]) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA, settings={ "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": 'gre' } ) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'], 'slave-05': ['compute'], 'slave-06': ['cinder'] } ) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) # Look for controller with l3 agent ret = self.fuel_web.get_pacemaker_status( self.env.nodes().slaves[0].name) logger.debug('pacemaker state before fail is {0}'.format(ret)) fqdn = 'p_neutron-l3-agent\s+\(ocf::mirantis:neutron-agent-l3\):\s+' 'Started (node-\d+)', ret).group(1) logger.debug('fdqn before fail is {0}'.format(fqdn)) devops_node = self.fuel_web.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( fqdn, self.env.nodes().slaves) logger.debug('devops node name before fail is {0}'.format( # Destroy it and wait for OFFLINE status at fuel UI devops_node.destroy() # sleep max(op monitor interval) time.sleep(60 * 2) wait(lambda: not self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( devops_node)['online']) remains_online_nodes = \ [node for node in self.env.nodes().slaves[0:3] if self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online']] logger.debug('Online nodes are {0}'.format( [ for node in remains_online_nodes])) # Look for controller with l3 agent one more time ret = self.fuel_web.get_pacemaker_status(remains_online_nodes[0].name) fqdn = 'p_neutron-l3-agent\s+\(ocf::mirantis:neutron-agent-l3\):\s+' 'Started (node-\d+)', ret).group(1) logger.debug('fqdn with l3 after fail is {0}'.format(fqdn)) devops_node = self.fuel_web.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( fqdn, self.env.nodes().slaves) logger.debug('Devops node with recovered l3 is {0}'.format( asserts.assert_true( in [ for node in remains_online_nodes]) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.client.get_cluster_id( self.__class__.__name__) self.fuel_web.run_ostf( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity'], should_fail=1, failed_test_name=['Check that required services are running'])
def assert_contains(exception_message, substrings): for substring in substrings: assert_true(substring in exception_message, message="'%s' not in '%s'" % (substring, exception_message))
def separate_rabbit_service(self): """Deploy cluster with 3 separate rabbit roles Scenario: 1. Create cluster 2. Add 3 nodes with controller role 3. Add 3 nodes with rabbit role 4. Add 1 compute and cinder 5. Verify networks 6. Deploy the cluster 7. Verify networks 8. Run OSTF Duration 120m Snapshot separate_rabbit_service """ self.check_run("separate_rabbit_service") checkers.check_plugin_path_env( var_name='SEPARATE_SERVICE_RABBIT_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_path=settings.SEPARATE_SERVICE_RABBIT_PLUGIN_PATH ) self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_9_slaves") # copy plugins to the master node utils.upload_tarball( ip=self.ssh_manager.admin_ip, tar_path=settings.SEPARATE_SERVICE_RABBIT_PLUGIN_PATH, tar_target="/var") # install plugins utils.install_plugin_check_code( ip=self.ssh_manager.admin_ip, plugin=os.path.basename( settings.SEPARATE_SERVICE_RABBIT_PLUGIN_PATH)) data = { 'tenant': 'separaterabbit', 'user': '******', 'password': '******', "net_provider": 'neutron', "net_segment_type": settings.NEUTRON_SEGMENT['vlan'], } cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings=data) plugin_name = 'detach-rabbitmq' msg = "Plugin couldn't be enabled. Check plugin version. Test aborted" assert_true( self.fuel_web.check_plugin_exists(cluster_id, plugin_name), msg) options = {'metadata/enabled': True} self.fuel_web.update_plugin_data(cluster_id, plugin_name, options) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['standalone-rabbitmq'], 'slave-05': ['standalone-rabbitmq'], 'slave-06': ['standalone-rabbitmq'], 'slave-07': ['compute'], 'slave-08': ['cinder'] } ) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) # Cluster deploy self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.fuel_web.run_ostf( cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("separate_rabbit_service", is_make=True)
def ceph_rados_gw(self): """Deploy ceph HA with RadosGW for objects Scenario: 1. Create cluster with Neutron 2. Add 3 nodes with controller role 3. Add 3 nodes with compute and ceph-osd role 4. Deploy the cluster 5. Check ceph status 6. Run OSTF tests 7. Check the radosgw daemon is started Duration 90m Snapshot ceph_rados_gw """ def radosgw_started(remote): return remote.check_call('pkill -0 radosgw')['exit_code'] == 0 self.env.revert_snapshot("ready") self.env.bootstrap_nodes(self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[:6]) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ 'volumes_lvm': False, 'volumes_ceph': True, 'images_ceph': True, 'objects_ceph': True, 'tenant': 'rados', 'user': '******', 'password': '******' }) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-05': ['compute', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-06': ['compute', 'ceph-osd'] }) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) # Deploy cluster self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) # Network verification self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) # HAProxy backend checking controller_nodes = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles( cluster_id, ['controller']) for node in controller_nodes: remote = self.env.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip'])"Check all HAProxy backends on {}".format( node['meta']['system']['fqdn'])) haproxy_status = checkers.check_haproxy_backend(remote) remote.clear() assert_equal( haproxy_status['exit_code'], 1, "HAProxy backends are DOWN. {0}".format(haproxy_status)) self.fuel_web.check_ceph_status(cluster_id) # Run ostf self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['ha', 'smoke', 'sanity']) # Check the radosgw daemon is started with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node('slave-01') as remote: assert_true(radosgw_started(remote), 'radosgw daemon started') self.env.make_snapshot("ceph_rados_gw")
def deploy_elasticsearch_kibana_plugin(self): """Deploy a cluster with the Elasticsearch-Kibana plugin Scenario: 1. Upload plugin to the master node 2. Install plugin 3. Create cluster 4. Add 1 node with controller role 5. Add 1 node with compute role 6. Add 1 node with elasticsearch_kibana role 7. Deploy the cluster 8. Check that plugin is working 9. Run OSTF Duration 60m Snapshot deploy_elasticsearch_kibana_plugin """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") with self.env.d_env.get_admin_remote() as remote: # copy plugin to the master node checkers.upload_tarball(remote, ELASTICSEARCH_KIBANA_PLUGIN_PATH, '/var') # install plugin checkers.install_plugin_check_code( remote, plugin=os.path.basename(ELASTICSEARCH_KIBANA_PLUGIN_PATH)) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE, ) plugin_name = 'elasticsearch_kibana' options = { 'metadata/enabled': True, 'node_name/value': 'slave-03_elasticsearch_kibana' } msg = "Plugin couldn't be enabled. Check plugin version. Test aborted" assert_true(self.fuel_web.check_plugin_exists(cluster_id, plugin_name), msg) self.fuel_web.update_plugin_data(cluster_id, plugin_name, options) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['compute'], 'slave-03': ['elasticsearch_kibana'] }) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) es_server = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_node_by_name('slave-03') es_server_ip = es_server.get('ip') assert_is_not_none(es_server_ip, "Failed to get the IP of Elasticsearch server") logger.debug("Check that Elasticsearch is ready") r = requests.get("http://{}:9200/".format(es_server_ip)) msg = "Elasticsearch responded with {}".format(r.status_code) msg += ", expected 200" assert_equal(r.status_code, 200, msg) logger.debug("Check that the HTTP server is running") r = requests.get("http://{}/".format(es_server_ip)) msg = "HTTP server responded with {}".format(r.status_code) msg += ", expected 200" assert_equal(r.status_code, 200, msg) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("deploy_elasticsearch_kibana_plugin")
def check_plugin_v4_is_installed(self): plugin_name = 'fuel_plugin_example_v4_hotpluggable' msg = "Plugin couldn't be enabled. Check plugin version." assert_true( self.fuel_web.check_plugin_exists(self.cluster_id, plugin_name), msg)
def migrate_vm_backed_with_ceph(self): """Check VM backed with ceph migration in ha mode with 1 controller Scenario: 1. Create cluster 2. Add 1 node with controller and ceph OSD roles 3. Add 2 nodes with compute and ceph OSD roles 4. Deploy the cluster 5. Check ceph status 6. Run OSTF 7. Create a new VM, assign floating ip 8. Migrate VM 9. Check cluster and server state after migration 10. Terminate VM 11. Check that DHCP lease is not offered for MAC of deleted VM 12. Create a new VM for migration, assign floating ip 13. Create a volume and attach it to the VM 14. Create filesystem on the new volume and mount it to the VM 15. Migrate VM 16. Mount the volume after migration 17. Check cluster and server state after migration 18. Terminate VM Duration 35m Snapshot vm_backed_with_ceph_live_migration """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_3_slaves") self.show_step(1, initialize=True) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, mode=settings.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, settings={ 'volumes_ceph': True, 'images_ceph': True, 'ephemeral_ceph': True, 'volumes_lvm': False, }) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-02': ['compute', 'ceph-osd'], 'slave-03': ['compute', 'ceph-osd'] }) creds = ("cirros", "test") self.show_step(4) # Cluster deploy self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) def _check(): # Run volume test several times with hope that it pass test_path = map_ostf.OSTF_TEST_MAPPING.get( 'Create volume and attach it to instance') logger.debug('Start to run test {0}'.format(test_path)) self.fuel_web.run_single_ostf_test(cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke'], test_name=test_path) self.show_step(5) try: _check() except AssertionError: logger.debug(AssertionError) logger.debug("Test failed from first probe," " we sleep 60 second try one more time " "and if it fails again - test will fails ") time.sleep(60) _check() self.show_step(6) # Run ostf self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id) self.show_step(7) # Create new server os = os_actions.OpenStackActions( self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id)) net_name = self.fuel_web.get_cluster_predefined_networks_name( cluster_id)['private_net']"Create new server") srv = os.create_server_for_migration( neutron=True, scenario='./fuelweb_test/helpers/instance_initial_scenario', label=net_name)"Srv is currently in status: %s" % srv.status) # Prepare to DHCP leases checks net_name = self.fuel_web.get_cluster_predefined_networks_name( cluster_id)['private_net'] srv_instance_ip = os.get_nova_instance_ip(srv, net_name=net_name) srv_host_name = self.fuel_web.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( os.get_srv_hypervisor_name(srv), self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[:3]).name net_id = os.get_network(net_name)['id'] ports = os.get_neutron_dhcp_ports(net_id) dhcp_server_ip = ports[0]['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node(srv_host_name) as srv_remote_node: srv_instance_mac = os.get_instance_mac(srv_remote_node, srv)"Assigning floating ip to server") floating_ip = os.assign_floating_ip(srv) srv_host = os.get_srv_host_name(srv)"Server is on host %s" % srv_host) wait(lambda: tcp_ping(floating_ip.ip, 22), timeout=120) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: md5before = os.get_md5sum("/home/test_file", remote, floating_ip.ip, creds) self.show_step(8)"Get available computes") avail_hosts = os.get_hosts_for_migr(srv_host)"Migrating server") new_srv = os.migrate_server(srv, avail_hosts[0], timeout=200)"Check cluster and server state after migration") wait(lambda: tcp_ping(floating_ip.ip, 22), timeout=120) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: md5after = os.get_md5sum("/home/test_file", remote, floating_ip.ip, creds) assert_true( md5after in md5before, "Md5 checksums don`t match." "Before migration md5 was equal to: {bef}" "Now it equals: {aft}".format(bef=md5before, aft=md5after)) self.show_step(9) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: res = os.execute_through_host( remote, floating_ip.ip, "ping -q -c3 -w10 {0} | grep 'received' |" " grep -v '0 packets received'".format( settings.PUBLIC_TEST_IP), creds)"Ping {0} result on vm is: {1}".format( settings.PUBLIC_TEST_IP, res['stdout']))"Check Ceph health is ok after migration") self.fuel_web.check_ceph_status(cluster_id)"Server is now on host %s" % os.get_srv_host_name(new_srv)) self.show_step(10)"Terminate migrated server") os.delete_instance(new_srv) assert_true(os.verify_srv_deleted(new_srv), "Verify server was deleted") self.show_step(11) # Check if the dhcp lease for instance still remains # on the previous compute node. Related Bug: #1391010 with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node('slave-01') as remote: dhcp_port_tag = ovs_get_tag_by_port(remote, ports[0]['id']) assert_false( checkers.check_neutron_dhcp_lease(remote, srv_instance_ip, srv_instance_mac, dhcp_server_ip, dhcp_port_tag), "Instance has been deleted, but it's DHCP lease " "for IP:{0} with MAC:{1} still offers by Neutron DHCP" " agent.".format(srv_instance_ip, srv_instance_mac)) self.show_step(12) # Create a new server"Create a new server for migration with volume") srv = os.create_server_for_migration( neutron=True, scenario='./fuelweb_test/helpers/instance_initial_scenario', label=net_name)"Srv is currently in status: %s" % srv.status)"Assigning floating ip to server") floating_ip = os.assign_floating_ip(srv) srv_host = os.get_srv_host_name(srv)"Server is on host %s" % srv_host) self.show_step(13)"Create volume") vol = os.create_volume()"Attach volume to server") os.attach_volume(vol, srv) self.show_step(14) wait(lambda: tcp_ping(floating_ip.ip, 22), timeout=120)"Create filesystem and mount volume") with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: os.execute_through_host(remote, floating_ip.ip, 'sudo sh /home/', creds) os.execute_through_host(remote, floating_ip.ip, 'sudo touch /mnt/file-on-volume', creds) self.show_step(15)"Get available computes") avail_hosts = os.get_hosts_for_migr(srv_host)"Migrating server") new_srv = os.migrate_server(srv, avail_hosts[0], timeout=120)"Check cluster and server state after migration") wait(lambda: tcp_ping(floating_ip.ip, 22), timeout=120) self.show_step(16)"Mount volume after migration") with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: out = os.execute_through_host(remote, floating_ip.ip, 'sudo mount /dev/vdb /mnt', creds)"out of mounting volume is: %s" % out['stdout']) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-01") as remote: out = os.execute_through_host(remote, floating_ip.ip, "sudo ls /mnt", creds) assert_true("file-on-volume" in out['stdout'], "File is absent in /mnt") self.show_step(17)"Check Ceph health is ok after migration") self.fuel_web.check_ceph_status(cluster_id)"Server is now on host %s" % os.get_srv_host_name(new_srv)) self.show_step(18)"Terminate migrated server") os.delete_instance(new_srv) assert_true(os.verify_srv_deleted(new_srv), "Verify server was deleted") self.env.make_snapshot("vm_backed_with_ceph_live_migration")
def contrail_ceilometer_metrics(self): """Check that ceilometer collects contrail metrics. Scenario: 1. Setup systest_setup. 2. Create 2 instances in the default network. 3. Send icpm packets from one instance to another. 4. Check contrail ceilometer metrics: *ip.floating.receive.bytes *ip.floating.receive.packets *ip.floating.transmit.bytes *ip.floating.transmit.packets Duration 120 min """ # constants ceilometer_metrics = [ 'ip.floating.receive.bytes', 'ip.floating.receive.packets', 'ip.floating.transmit.bytes', 'ip.floating.transmit.packets' ] command = """source openrc; ceilometer sample-list -m {0} -q 'resource_id={1}'""" metric_type = 'cumulative' time_to_update_metrics = 60 * 10 message = "Ceilometer doesn't collect metric {0}." self.show_step(1) self.env.revert_snapshot('systest_setup') self.show_step(2) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions(os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) srv_1 = os_conn.create_server_for_migration(neutron=True, label='admin_internal_net') fip_1 = os_conn.assign_floating_ip(srv_1) srv_2 = os_conn.create_server_for_migration(neutron=True, label='admin_internal_net') fip_2 = os_conn.assign_floating_ip(srv_2) for fip in [fip_1.ip, fip_2.ip]: wait(lambda: tcp_ping(fip, 22), timeout=60, interval=5, timeout_msg="Node {0} is not accessible by SSH.".format(fip)) self.show_step(3) controller = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_primary_node( self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[1]) self.ping_instance_from_instance(os_conn,, {fip_1.ip: [fip_2.ip]}) self.show_step(4) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node("slave-02") as ssh: for metric in ceilometer_metrics: for resource_id in [,]: wait(lambda: len( list( ssh.execute(command.format(metric, resource_id))[ 'stdout'])) > 4, timeout=time_to_update_metrics, timeout_msg=message.format(metric)) m = list( ssh.execute(command.format(metric, resource_id))['stdout']) # Check type of metrics collect_metric_type = m[3].split(' ')[5] assert_true( collect_metric_type == metric_type, "Type of metric {0} not equel to {1}.".format( collect_metric_type, metric_type))
def dvs_regression(self): """Deploy cluster with plugin and vmware datastore backend. Scenario: 1. Upload plugins to the master node 2. Install plugin. 3. Create cluster with vcenter. 4. Add 3 node with controller role. 5. Add 2 node with compute + ceph role. 6. Add 1 node with compute-vmware + cinder vmware role. 7. Deploy the cluster. 8. Run OSTF. 9. Create non default network. 10. Create Security groups 11. Launch instances with created network in nova and vcenter az. 12. Attached created security groups to instances. 13. Check connection between instances from different az. Duration: 1.8 hours """ self.env.revert_snapshot("dvs_bvt") cluster_id = self.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() os_ip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) os_conn = os_actions.OpenStackActions(os_ip, SERVTEST_USERNAME, SERVTEST_PASSWORD, SERVTEST_TENANT) tenant = os_conn.get_tenant(SERVTEST_TENANT) # Create non default network with subnet.'Create network {}'.format(self.net_data[0].keys()[0])) network = os_conn.create_network( network_name=self.net_data[0].keys()[0],['network'] subnet = os_conn.create_subnet( subnet_name=network['name'], network_id=network['id'], cidr=self.net_data[0][self.net_data[0].keys()[0]], ip_version=4) # Check that network are created. assert_true( os_conn.get_network(network['name'])['id'] == network['id']) # Add net_1 to default router router = os_conn.get_router(os_conn.get_network(self.ext_net_name)) os_conn.add_router_interface(router_id=router["id"], subnet_id=subnet["id"]) # Launch instance 2 VMs of vcenter and 2 VMs of nova # in the tenant network net_01 openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, vm_count=1, nics=[{ 'net-id': network['id'] }]) # Launch instance 2 VMs of vcenter and 2 VMs of nova # in the default network network = os_conn.nova.networks.find(label=self.inter_net_name) instances = openstack.create_instances(os_conn=os_conn, vm_count=1, nics=[{ 'net-id': }]) openstack.verify_instance_state(os_conn) # Create security groups SG_1 to allow ICMP traffic. # Add Ingress rule for ICMP protocol to SG_1 # Create security groups SG_2 to allow TCP traffic 22 port. # Add Ingress rule for TCP protocol to SG_2 sec_name = ['SG1', 'SG2'] sg1 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create(sec_name[0], "descr") sg2 = os_conn.nova.security_groups.create(sec_name[1], "descr") rulesets = [ { # ssh 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': 22, 'to_port': 22, 'cidr': '', }, { # ping 'ip_protocol': 'icmp', 'from_port': -1, 'to_port': -1, 'cidr': '', } ] os_conn.nova.security_group_rules.create(, **rulesets[0]) os_conn.nova.security_group_rules.create(, **rulesets[1]) # Remove default security group and attach SG_1 and SG2 to VMs srv_list = os_conn.get_servers() for srv in srv_list: srv.remove_security_group(srv.security_groups[0]['name']) srv.add_security_group( srv.add_security_group( time.sleep(20) # need wait to update rules on dvs fip = openstack.create_and_assign_floating_ips(os_conn, instances) # Check ping between VMs controller = self.fuel_web.get_nailgun_primary_node( self.env.d_env.nodes().slaves[0]) with self.fuel_web.get_ssh_for_node( as ssh_controller: openstack.check_connection_vms(os_conn, fip, remote=ssh_controller, command='pingv4')