    def test_get_all_books_failing_db(self):
        TEst that database error is handled in our process module and we dont raise any exception up
        with patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.MyConnection') as con_class,\
            patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.logger') as logger_mock:
            mock_db = MagicMock(name='db_mock')
            con_class.return_value = mock_db
            mock_db.get_book.side_effect = [
                                    {"book_id": "10", "author_name": "test__another_1", "name": "name_1"},
                                    {"book_id": "11", "author_name": "test__another_2", "name": "name_2"},
            # Two books with the same author, we suppose that
            mock_db.get_author.side_effect = ConnectionError("authors collection not created")

            # call the method
            get_book = GetBookAuthor()
            data = get_book.get_info_list(10, 11)

            # asserts
            self.assertEquals(0, len(data))

            # logger is not called with constructor, so we access mock method directly
            logger_mock.error.assert_called_once_with("Conection with database lost")
    def test_get_all_books_work(self):
        When database module is working we check that our process return a valid list
        with patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.MyConnection'
                   ) as con_class:
            mock_db = MagicMock(name='db_mock')
            con_class.return_value = mock_db
            mock_db.get_book.side_effect = [
                    "book_id": "10",
                    "author_name": "test__another_1",
                    "name": "name_1"
                    "book_id": "11",
                    "author_name": "test__another_2",
                    "name": "name_2"
            # Two books with the same author, we suppose that
            mock_db.get_author.return_value = {
                "name": "name_another_mock",
                "age": -10,
                "best_sellers": -50

            # call the method
            get_book = GetBookAuthor()
            data = get_book.get_info_list(10, 11)

            # asserts
            mock_db.get_book.assert_has_calls([call(10), call(11)])
            mock_db.get_author.assert_has_calls([call(ANY), call(ANY)])
            self.assertEquals(2, len(data))
            self.assertEquals("name_1", data[0]['title'])
            self.assertEquals("name_2", data[1]['title'])
    def test_get_all_books_failing_db(self):
        TEst that database error is handled in our process module and we dont raise any exception up
        with patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.MyConnection') as con_class,\
            patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.logger') as logger_mock:
            mock_db = MagicMock(name='db_mock')
            con_class.return_value = mock_db
            mock_db.get_book.side_effect = [
                    "book_id": "10",
                    "author_name": "test__another_1",
                    "name": "name_1"
                    "book_id": "11",
                    "author_name": "test__another_2",
                    "name": "name_2"
            # Two books with the same author, we suppose that
            mock_db.get_author.side_effect = ConnectionError(
                "authors collection not created")

            # call the method
            get_book = GetBookAuthor()
            data = get_book.get_info_list(10, 11)

            # asserts
            self.assertEquals(0, len(data))

            # logger is not called with constructor, so we access mock method directly
                "Conection with database lost")
    def test_get_all_books_work(self):
        When database module is working we check that our process return a valid list
        with patch('modules.exercises.mod_11_testing.process.MyConnection') as con_class:
            mock_db = MagicMock(name='db_mock')
            con_class.return_value = mock_db
            mock_db.get_book.side_effect = [
                                    {"book_id": "10", "author_name": "test__another_1", "name": "name_1"},
                                    {"book_id": "11", "author_name": "test__another_2", "name": "name_2"},
            # Two books with the same author, we suppose that
            mock_db.get_author.return_value = {"name": "name_another_mock", "age": -10, "best_sellers": -50}

            # call the method
            get_book = GetBookAuthor()
            data = get_book.get_info_list(10, 11)

            # asserts
            mock_db.get_book.assert_has_calls([call(10), call(11)])
            mock_db.get_author.assert_has_calls([call(ANY), call(ANY)])
            self.assertEquals(2, len(data))
            self.assertEquals("name_1", data[0]['title'])
            self.assertEquals("name_2", data[1]['title'])