class ConnectionConfig():

    def __init__(self, file_name):
        if not exists(file_name):
            raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
        self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
        # Prepare the connection(s)
        self.connection_list = {}
        # Inform that need call the method to load the connections
        self.connection_are_loaded = False

    def _load_connection(self):
        Due the module.settings can't be imported (circular reference) we need call after from a method.
        The import is use by check_arguments.
        # For each connection we will check if the configuration is ok.
        for item in self.file_config._config.sections():
            # Load the backends to run the process
            backends = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "backend", default_value="procsync.modules.connection.backends.mysql")
                # Plus one to jump the dot and get the module name
                backends = __import__(backends, fromlist=[backends[backends.rfind(".") + 1:], ])
            except Exception, e:
                raise ReferenceError("The module [%s] threw a error when tried import [%s]: [%s]" % (backends, item, e))
            # Check if all arguments necessary for the thread was declared
            attrib = backends.check_arguments(self.file_config, item)
            self.connection_list[item] = {
                                          "backend" : backends,
                                          "attrib" : attrib
        self.connection_are_loaded = True
 def __init__(self, file_name):
     if not exists(file_name):
         raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
     self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
     # Prepare the connection(s)
     self.connection_list = {}
     # Inform that need call the method to load the connections
     self.connection_are_loaded = False
 def __init__(self, file_name):
     self.file_name = file_name
     if not exists(file_name):
         raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
     self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
     # Initialize thread list (run_list)
     self.run_list = [ item for item in self.file_config._config.sections() if self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "instances", default_value=self.DEFAULT_START_INSTANCE, empty_become_none=True) > 0 ]
     # Prepare to load the thread(s)
     self.thread_list = {}
 def __init__(self, file_name):
     self.file_name = file_name
     if not exists(file_name):
         raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
     self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
     # Initialize thread list (run_list)
     self.run_list = self.file_config.get_config_value("application", "run_list", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
     session_list = [ item for item in self.file_config._config.sections() if item != "application" ]
     if self.run_list is None:
         self.run_list = session_list
         self.run_list = [ item.strip() for item in self.run_list.split(",") if item.strip() != "" ]
         # alert for wrong thread
         for item in self.run_list:
             if item not in session_list: raise ValueError("The item in the run_list [%s] not exist in the thread file session" % item)
     # Prepare to load the thread(s)
     self.thread_list = {}
class ThreadConfig():

    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.file_name = file_name
        if not exists(file_name):
            raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
        self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
        # Initialize thread list (run_list)
        self.run_list = [ item for item in self.file_config._config.sections() if self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "instances", default_value=self.DEFAULT_START_INSTANCE, empty_become_none=True) > 0 ]
        # Prepare to load the thread(s)
        self.thread_list = {}

    def _load_pool(self):
        Due the procsync.module.settings can't be imported (circular reference) we need call after from a method.
        from procsync.modules import settings
        load_thread_list = list(self.run_list)
        for item in load_thread_list:
            # Load the backends to run the process
            backends = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "backend", default_value="procsync.modules.thread.backends.mysql")
                # Plus one to jump the dot and get the module name
                backends = __import__(backends, fromlist=[backends[backends.rfind(".") + 1:], ])
            except Exception, e:
                raise ReferenceError("The module [%s] threw a error when tried import [%s]: [%s]" % (backends, item, e))
            # Check if all arguments necessary for the thread was declared
            attrib = backends.check_arguments(self.file_config, item)
            attrib["backend"] = backends
            # Load the basic information common for all thread backends
            complement = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "complement", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
            attrib["complement"] = complement if complement is None else [ item_complement.strip() for item_complement in complement.split(",") ]
            attrib["sleep_sum"] = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "sleep_sum", default_value=0.5)
            attrib["sleep_limit"] = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "sleep_limit", default_value=5.0)
            action_file = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "action_file", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
            attrib["action_file"] = settings.ACTION_DICT if action_file is None else ActionDict(action_file)
            self.thread_list[item] = attrib
            # start more instances if necessary
            instances = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "instances", default_value=self.DEFAULT_START_INSTANCE, empty_become_none=True)
            if instances > 1:
                for thread_item in range(1, instances):
                    thread_name = item + ("_%s" % (thread_item,))
                    self.thread_list[thread_name] = copy(attrib)
class ThreadConfig():

    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.file_name = file_name
        if not exists(file_name):
            raise StandardError("The file that contain the action list [%s] was not created" % file_name)
        self.file_config = Config(file_name=file_name)
        # Initialize thread list (run_list)
        self.run_list = self.file_config.get_config_value("application", "run_list", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
        session_list = [ item for item in self.file_config._config.sections() if item != "application" ]
        if self.run_list is None:
            self.run_list = session_list
            self.run_list = [ item.strip() for item in self.run_list.split(",") if item.strip() != "" ]
            # alert for wrong thread
            for item in self.run_list:
                if item not in session_list: raise ValueError("The item in the run_list [%s] not exist in the thread file session" % item)
        # Prepare to load the thread(s)
        self.thread_list = {}

    def _load_pool(self):
        Due the module.settings can't be imported (circular reference) we need call after from a method.
        from procsync.modules import settings
        for item in self.run_list:
            # Load the backends to run the process
            backends = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "backend", default_value="procsync.modules.thread.backends.mysql")
                # Plus one to jump the dot and get the module name
                backends = __import__(backends, fromlist=[backends[backends.rfind(".") + 1:], ])
            except Exception, e:
                raise ReferenceError("The module [%s] threw a error when tried import [%s]: [%s]" % (backends, item, e))
            # Check if all arguments necessary for the thread was declared
            attrib = backends.check_arguments(self.file_config, item)
            attrib["backend"] = backends
            # Load the basic information common for all thread backends
            complement = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "complement", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
            attrib["complement"] = complement if complement is None else [ item_complement.strip() for item_complement in complement.split(",") ]
            attrib["sleep_sum"] = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "sleep_sum", default_value=0.5)
            attrib["sleep_limit"] = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "sleep_limit", default_value=5.0)
            action_file = self.file_config.get_config_value(item, "action_file", default_value=None, empty_become_none=True)
            attrib["action_file"] = settings.ACTION_DICT if action_file is None else ActionDict(action_file)
            self.thread_list[item] = attrib
from procsync.modules.tools import Config
from procsync.modules.dxml import ActionDict
from procsync.modules.configuration import ThreadConfig, ConnectionConfig
from os import getcwd
from os.path import join


APP_CONFIG = Config()

INSTANCE_NAME = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("application", "name", default_value="Not defined")
MANAGER_SLEEP = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("application", "manager_sleep", default_value=5.0)
RETRY_SLEEP = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("application", "retry_sleep", default_value=5.0)
SCRIPT_PATH = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("application", "script_path", default_value=join(getcwd(), "scripts"))

MYSQL_UNIX_SOCKET = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("mysql", "unix_socket", default_value=None)

PYTHON_PATH = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("python", "path", default_value=join(getcwd(), "scripts", "python"))

LOG_FORMAT = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("logger", "format", default_value="[%(process)d/%(thread)d/%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
LOG_LEVEL = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("logger", "log_level", default_value="ERROR").upper()

ACTION_FILE_NAME = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("files", "actions", default_value="ActionList.xml")

CONNECTION_FILE_NAME = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("files", "connections", default_value="connection.conf")

THREAD_FILE_NAME = APP_CONFIG.get_config_value("files", "threads", default_value="thread.conf")