def solve_gen(m: 'Model'):
    yield Cmd.Flip()

    pos = None
    for x in snake_fill_gen(m, Pos(0, 0, 0), Pos(m.R - 1, m.R - 1, m.R - 1)):
        if type(x) == Pos:
            pos = x
            yield x

    for x in return_home_gen(pos, Pos(0, 0, 0)):
        yield x

    yield Cmd.Flip()
    yield Cmd.Halt()
def cmd_from_cpp(ccmd):
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Halt):
        return commands.Halt()
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Wait):
        return commands.Wait()
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Flip):
        return commands.Flip()
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.SMove):
        return commands.SMove(ccmd.lld)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.LMove):
        return commands.LMove(ccmd.sld1, ccmd.sld2)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Fission):
        return commands.Fission(ccmd.nd, ccmd.m)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Fill):
        return commands.Fill(ccmd.nd)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.Void):
        return commands.Void(ccmd.nd)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.GFill):
        return commands.GFill(ccmd.nd, ccmd.fd)
    if isinstance(ccmd, Cpp.GVoid):
        return commands.GVoid(ccmd.nd, ccmd.fd)
    assert False, ccmd
 def finish(self):
     for x in navigate(self.state.bots[0].pos, Pos(0, 0, 0)):
         yield x
     yield Cmd.Halt()
def solve_gen(m: 'Model', x_cnt: 'int', z_cnt: 'int', low):
    (bb_a, bb_b) = bounding_box(m)

    # For narrow models
    x_cnt = min(x_cnt, (bb_b.x - bb_a.x + 1) // 2)
    z_cnt = min(z_cnt, (bb_b.z - bb_a.z + 1) // 2)

    if not low:
        yield Cmd.Flip()

    zones = partition_space(bb_a, bb_b, x_cnt, z_cnt)

    # Spawn bots
    # State is used to spawn bots and to provide initial coords and ids
    st = State.initial_state(39)
    yield from st.spawn_bots(x_cnt, z_cnt)
    bots = st.grid

    # Navigate solve, and go to safe position for merging
    tasks = {}
    for z in range(z_cnt):
        for x in range(x_cnt):
            id = bots[z][x]
            bot = st[bots[z][x]]
            (a, b) = zones[z][x]
            d = (x_cnt + z_cnt) - (bot.pos.x + bot.pos.y)
            tasks[id] = sequence(with_delay(d, agent_gen(m, bot.pos, a, b)),
                                 go_to_start(a, bb_b))

    for x in merge_tasks(tasks):
        if type(x) == dict:
            pos = x
            yield x

    # Merging

    # Combine rows
    t = []
    for i in range(len(bots)):
        t.append([x for x in merge_line(bots[i], pos, Diff(1, 0, 0))])

    for i in range(len(t[0])):
        tasks = {}
        for j in range(len(bots)):
        yield from merge_tasks(tasks)

    # Combine col
    col = [x[0] for x in bots]
    for t in merge_line(col, pos, Diff(0, 0, 1)):
        yield from merge_tasks(t)

    # Return home
    for x in navigate(pos[1], Pos(0, 0, 0)):
        yield x

    if not low:
        yield Cmd.Flip()
    yield Cmd.Halt()