def _boolean(op, group, key, value_str): if op != "get" and op != "set": prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") return if group == None or key == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") return if op == "set" and value_str != "true" and value_str != "false": prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") return if op == "get": dflt = False prof.win_create(plugin_win, _handle_win_input) prof.win_focus(plugin_win) res = prof.settings_boolean_get(group, key, dflt) if res: prof.win_show(plugin_win, "Boolean setting: TRUE") else: prof.win_show(plugin_win, "Boolean setting: FALSE") elif op == "set": value = False if value_str == "true": value = True prof.win_create(plugin_win, _handle_win_input) prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.settings_boolean_set(group, key, value) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "Set [" + group + "] " + key + " to " + str(value))
def _cmd_paste(arg1=None, arg2=None): if not arg1: root = tk.Tk(baseName="") root.withdraw() result = root.clipboard_get() newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("paste", "newline", True) if len(result.splitlines()) > 1 and newline: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) else: prof.send_line(result) return if arg1 == "newline": if not arg2: prof.cons_show("") newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("paste", "newline", True) if newline: prof.cons_show(" newline: on") else: prof.cons_show(" newline: off") elif arg2 == "on": prof.settings_boolean_set("paste", "newline", True) prof.cons_show(" newline enabled.") elif arg2 == "off": prof.settings_boolean_set("paste", "newline", False) prof.cons_show(" newline disabled.") else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/paste") return prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/paste")
def _cmd_presence_notify(arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None): if arg1 == "all": prof.settings_string_set("presence_notify", "mode", "all") prof.cons_show("Notifying on all presence changes") return if arg1 == "online": prof.settings_string_set("presence_notify", "mode", "online") prof.cons_show("Notifying on online/offline presence changes only") return if arg1 == "off": prof.settings_string_set("presence_notify", "mode", "off") prof.cons_show("Presence notifications disabled") return if arg1 == "ignored": if arg2 == "clear": prof.settings_string_list_clear("presence_notify", "ignored") prof.cons_show("Removed all ignored contacts for presence notifications") return if arg2 == "add": if not arg3: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/presence_notify") return prof.settings_string_list_add("presence_notify", "ignored", arg3) prof.cons_show("Added {contact} to ignored contacts for presence notifications".format(contact=arg3)) return if arg2 == "remove": if not arg3: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/presence_notify") return res = prof.settings_string_list_remove("presence_notify", "ignored", arg3) if res: prof.cons_show("Removed {contact} from ignored contacts for presence notifications".format(contact=arg3)) else: prof.cons_show("{contact} not in ignore list for presence notiications".format(contact=arg3)) return prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/presence_notify") return if arg1 == "resource": if arg2 == "on": prof.settings_boolean_set("presence_notify", "resource", True) prof.cons_show("Showing resource in presence notifications") return; if arg2 == "off": prof.settings_boolean_set("presence_notify", "resource", False) prof.cons_show("Hiding resource in presence notifications") return; prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/presence_notify") return _show_settings()
def _handle_newline(setting=None): if not setting: prof.cons_show("") newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("system", "newline", True) if newline: prof.cons_show(" newline: on") else: prof.cons_show(" newline: off") return if setting == "on": prof.settings_boolean_set("system", "newline", True) prof.cons_show(" newline enabled.") return if setting == "off": prof.settings_boolean_set("system", "newline", False) prof.cons_show(" newline disabled.") return prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/paste")
def _set_omemo_enabled_setting(enabled): msg = 'Plugin enabled: {0}'.format(enabled) log.debug(msg) prof.cons_show(msg) prof.settings_boolean_set(SETTINGS_GROUP, 'enabled', enabled)
def _cmd_sounds(arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None): if not arg1: prof.cons_show("") enabled = prof.settings_boolean_get("sounds", "enabled", False) chatsound = prof.settings_string_get("sounds", "chat", None) roomsound = prof.settings_string_get("sounds", "room", None) privatesound = prof.settings_string_get("sounds", "private", None) roomlist = prof.settings_string_list_get("sounds", "rooms") if chatsound or roomsound or privatesound: if enabled: prof.cons_show("Sounds: ON") else: prof.cons_show("Sounds: OFF") if chatsound: prof.cons_show(" Chat : " + chatsound) if roomsound: prof.cons_show(" Room : " + roomsound) if roomlist and len(roomlist) > 0: for room in roomlist: prof.cons_show(" " + room) else: prof.cons_show(" All rooms") if privatesound: prof.cons_show(" Private : " + privatesound) else: prof.cons_show("No sounds set.") return if arg1 == "on": prof.settings_boolean_set("sounds", "enabled", True) prof.cons_show("Sounds enabled") return if arg1 == "off": prof.settings_boolean_set("sounds", "enabled", False) prof.cons_show("Sounds disabled") return if arg1 == "set": if arg2 == "chat": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "chat", arg3) prof.cons_show("Set chat sound: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "room": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "room", arg3) prof.cons_show("Set room sound: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "private": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "private", arg3) prof.cons_show("Set private sound: " + arg3) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds") return if arg1 == "clear": if arg2 == "chat": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "chat", "") prof.cons_show("Removed chat sound.") elif arg2 == "room": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "room", "") prof.cons_show("Removed room sound.") elif arg2 == "private": prof.settings_string_set("sounds", "private", "") prof.cons_show("Removed private sound.") else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds") return if arg1 == "rooms": if arg2 == "add": if not arg3: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds") else: prof.settings_string_list_add("sounds", "rooms", arg3) prof.cons_show("Sounds enabled for room: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "remove": if not arg3: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds") else: prof.settings_string_list_remove("sounds", "rooms", arg3) roomlist = prof.settings_string_list_get("sounds", "rooms") if roomlist and len(roomlist) > 0: prof.cons_show("Sounds disabled for room: " + arg3) else: prof.cons_show("Empty room list for sounds, playing in all rooms.") elif arg2 == "clear": prof.settings_string_list_clear("sounds", "rooms") prof.cons_show("Cleared sounds room list, playing in all rooms.") else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds") return prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/sounds")