def packFieldDef(fieldResult, className, indent): global nameIDX # ['(', [['>', 'me', ['CID'], [':', 'tag']], '<=>', [[[['hasTag']], '=', [[[[[[[['54321'], []], []], []], []], []], []]]]]], ')'] coFactuals = None if fieldResult[0] == '(': # Reorganize Cofactuals if they are here coFactuals = fieldResult[1][2] fieldResult = fieldResult[1][0] fieldDef = {} argList = [] paramList = [] innerDefs = [] optionalTags = None isNext = False if (fieldResult.isNext): isNext = True if (fieldResult.owner): owner = fieldResult.owner else: owner = 'me' isAllocated = False if (fieldResult.fieldType): fieldType = fieldResult.fieldType[0] if not isinstance(fieldType, str) and (fieldType[0] == '[' or fieldType[0] == '{'): #print("FIELDTYPE is an inline SEQ or ALT") if fieldType[0] == '{': fieldList = fieldType[1:-1] elif fieldType[0] == '[': fieldList = fieldType[1] for innerField in fieldList: innerFieldDef = packFieldDef(innerField, className, indent + ' ') innerDefs.append(innerFieldDef) else: fieldType = None isAContainer = False if (fieldResult.arraySpec): arraySpec = fieldResult.arraySpec isAContainer = True #print(" ****Old ArraySpec found: ") else: arraySpec = None if (fieldResult.containerSpec): containerSpec = fieldResult.containerSpec isAContainer = True else: containerSpec = None varOwner = owner if isAContainer: if "owner" in arraySpec: varOwner = arraySpec['owner'] else: varOwner = 'me' if (fieldResult.nameAndVal): nameAndVal = fieldResult.nameAndVal #print("nameAndVal = ", nameAndVal.dump()) if (nameAndVal.fieldName): fieldName = nameAndVal.fieldName #print("FIELD NAME", fieldName) else: fieldName = None if (nameAndVal.allocDoubleColon): if varOwner == 'me' or varOwner == 'we': print( "Error: unable to allocate variable with owner me or we: ", fieldName) exit(1) else: isAllocated = True if (nameAndVal.givenValue): givenValue = nameAndVal.givenValue elif (nameAndVal.funcBody): [funcBodyOut, funcTextVerbatim] = extractFuncBody(fieldName, nameAndVal.funcBody) givenValue = [funcBodyOut, funcTextVerbatim] #print("\n\n[funcBodyOut, funcTextVerbatim] ", givenValue) elif (nameAndVal.rValueVerbatim): givenValue = ['', nameAndVal.rValueVerbatim[1]] else: givenValue = None if (nameAndVal.argListTag): for argSpec in nameAndVal.argList: argList.append( packFieldDef(argSpec.fieldDef, className, indent + " ")) else: argList = None if 'parameters' in nameAndVal: if ('deprecateDoubleColon' in nameAndVal): print( " ***deprecated doubleColon in nameAndVal at: ", fieldName) exit(1) if (str(nameAndVal.parameters) == "['(']"): prmList = {} else: prmList = nameAndVal.parameters[1] for param in prmList: paramList.append(param) if (isAllocated == False ): # use a constructor instead of assignment paramList.append("^&useCtor//8") else: paramList = None if (nameAndVal.optionalTag): optionalTags = extractTagDefs(nameAndVal.tagDefList) else: givenValue = None fieldName = None if (fieldResult.flagDef): cdlog(3, "FLAG: {}".format(fieldResult)) if (arraySpec): cdErr("Lists of flags are not allowed.\n") exit(2) fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, False, owner, 'flag', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif (fieldResult.modeDef): cdlog(3, "MODE: {}".format(fieldResult)) modeList = fieldResult.modeList if (arraySpec): cdErr("Lists of modes are not allowed.\n") exit(2) fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, False, owner, 'mode', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) fieldDef['typeSpec']['enumList'] = modeList elif (fieldResult.constStr): if fieldName == None: fieldName = "constStr" + str(nameIDX) nameIDX += 1 if (len(fieldResult) > 1 and fieldResult[1] == '[opt]'): arraySpec = { 'datastructID': 'opt' } if (len(fieldResult) > 3 and fieldResult[3] != ''): fieldName = fieldResult[3] givenValue = fieldResult.constStr[1:-1] fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, True, 'const', 'string', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif (fieldResult.constNum): cdlog(3, "CONST Num: {}".format(fieldResult)) if fieldName == None: fieldName = "constNum" + str(nameIDX) nameIDX += 1 fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, True, 'const', 'int', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif (fieldResult.nameVal): cdlog(3, "NameAndVal: {}".format(fieldResult)) fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, None, None, None, arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, argList, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif (fieldResult.fullFieldDef): fieldTypeStr = str(fieldType)[:50] cdlog( 3, "FULL FIELD: {}".format( str([ isNext, owner, fieldTypeStr + '... ', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName ]))) fieldDef = progSpec.packField(className, isNext, owner, fieldType, arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, argList, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) else: cdErr("Error in packing FieldDefs: {}".format(fieldResult)) exit(1) if len(innerDefs) > 0: fieldDef['innerDefs'] = innerDefs if coFactuals != None: fieldDef['coFactuals'] = coFactuals if optionalTags != None: fieldDef['optionalTags'] = optionalTags return fieldDef
def Write_fieldExtracter(classes, ToStructName, field, memObjFields, VarTagBase, VarName, advancePtr, indent, level, logLvl): debugTmp=False # Erase this line VarTag=VarTagBase+str(level) ################### G a t h e r N e e d e d I n f o r m a t i o n global globalFieldCount global globalTempVarIdx S='' fieldName = field['fieldName'] fieldIsNext= field['isNext'] fieldValue = field['value'] typeSpec = field['typeSpec'] fieldType = progSpec.getFieldType(typeSpec) fieldOwner =typeSpec['owner'] fromIsEmbeddedAlt = (not isinstance(fieldType, str) and fieldType[0]=='[') fromIsEmbeddedSeq = (not isinstance(fieldType, str) and fieldType[0]=='{') fromIsEmbedded = fromIsEmbeddedAlt or fromIsEmbeddedSeq if(fieldIsNext!=True): return '' # This field isn't in the parse stream. [memObj, memVersionName]=fetchMemVersion(classes, ToStructName) toField = progSpec.fetchFieldByName(memObjFields, fieldName) if(toField==None): #print " TOFIELD == None", fieldName # Even tho there is no LVAL, we need to move the cursor. Also, there could be a co-factual. toFieldType = progSpec.TypeSpecsMinimumBaseType(classes, typeSpec) toTypeSpec=typeSpec toFieldOwner="me" else: toTypeSpec = toField['typeSpec'] toFieldType = progSpec.getFieldType(toTypeSpec) toFieldOwner = progSpec.getInnerContainerOwner(toTypeSpec) if debugTmp: print(' toFieldType:', toFieldType) LHS_IsPointer=progSpec.typeIsPointer(toTypeSpec) # print " CONVERTING:", fieldName, str(toFieldType)[:100]+'... ', str(typeSpec)[:100]+'... ' # print " TOFieldTYPE1:", str(toField)[:100] # print " TOFieldTYPE :", toFieldOwner, toFieldType # print " fieldValue:",ToStructName, fieldType, fieldValue cdlog(logLvl, "FIELD {}: '{}'".format(fieldName, str(fieldValue))) fields=[] fromIsStruct=progSpec.isStruct(fieldType) toIsStruct=progSpec.isStruct(toFieldType) ToIsEmbedded = toIsStruct and (toFieldType[0]=='[' or toFieldType[0]=='{') [fromIsALT, fields] = progSpec.isAltStruct(classes, fieldType) fromIsOPT =False fromIsList=False toIsList =False if progSpec.isAContainer(typeSpec): datastructID = progSpec.getDatastructID(typeSpec) if datastructID=='opt': fromIsOPT=True; else: fromIsList=True if progSpec.isAContainer(toTypeSpec): if datastructID != 'opt': toIsList=True if debugTmp: print(' fromIsOPT:', fromIsOPT) print(' fromIsList:', fromIsList) print(' toIsList:', toIsList) print(' fromIsStruct:', fromIsStruct) print(' toIsStruct:', toIsStruct) print(' fieldType:', fieldType) print(' ToIsEmbedded:', ToIsEmbedded) print(' ToStructName:', ToStructName) print(' memVersionName:', memVersionName, "\n") ################### W r i t e L V A L R e f e r e n c e finalCodeStr='' CodeLVAR_Alloc='' CODE_LVAR_v2='' if VarName=='' or VarName=='memStruct': # Default to the target argument name #if VarName=='': print " VARNAME was ''; FIELDNAME:", fieldName VarName='memStruct' if(fieldName==None): # Field hasn't a name so in memory it's a cofactual or this is a parser marker. globalFieldCount+=1 # We need two versions in case this is set in a function instead of assignment CODE_LVAR_v2 = 'S'+str(globalFieldCount) CodeLVAR_Alloc=' me string: '+CODE_LVAR_v2 CODE_LVAR = CodeLVAR_Alloc if debugTmp: print(' CODE_LVARS:', CODE_LVAR) else: CODE_LVAR = VarName+'.'+fieldName if fieldName=='inf': CODE_LVAR = VarName CODE_LVAR_v2 = CODE_LVAR else: CODE_LVAR = VarName CODE_LVAR_v2 = CODE_LVAR ################### W r i t e R V A L C o d e CODE_RVAL='' objName='' humanIDType= VarTag+' ('+str(fieldName)+' / '+str(fieldValue) + ' / '+str(fieldType)[:40] +')' humanIDType=humanIDType.replace('"', "'") #print humanIDType if advancePtr: S+=indent+VarTag+' <- getNextStateRec('+VarTag+')\n' # UNCOMMENT FOR DEGUG: S+=' docPos('+str(level)+', '+VarTag+', "Get Next in SEQ for: '+humanIDType+'")\n' if fieldOwner=='const'and (toField == None): #print'CONSTFIELDVALUE("'+fieldValue+'")\n' finalCodeStr += indent + 'tmpStr'+' <- makeStr('+VarTag+"<LVL_SUFFIX>"+'.child)\n' else: if toIsStruct: if debugTmp: print(' toFieldType:', toFieldType) if not ToIsEmbedded: objName=toFieldType[0] if progSpec.typeIsInteger(objName): strFieldType = fieldType[0] if(strFieldType == "BigInt"): CODE_RVAL='makeStr('+VarTag+'.child'+')' elif(strFieldType == "HexNum"): CODE_RVAL='makeHexInt('+VarTag+'.child'+')' elif(strFieldType == "BinNum"): CODE_RVAL='makeBinInt('+VarTag+'.child'+')' else: CODE_RVAL='makeStr('+VarTag+'.child'+')' toIsStruct=False; # false because it is really a base type. elif (objName=='ws' or objName=='wsc' or objName=='quotedStr1' or objName=='quotedStr2' or objName=='CID' or objName=='UniID' or objName=='printables' or objName=='toEOL' or objName=='alphaNumSeq'): CODE_RVAL='makeStr('+VarTag+'.child'+')' toIsStruct=False; # false because it is really a base type. else: #print "toObjName:", objName, memVersionName, fieldName [toMemObj, toMemVersionName]=fetchMemVersion(classes, objName) if toMemVersionName==None: # make alternate finalCodeStr. Also, write the extractor that extracts toStruct fields to memVersion of this childStr = ".child" if fromIsOPT: childStr += ".next" finalCodeStr=(indent + CodeLVAR_Alloc + '\n' +indent+' '+getFunctionName(fieldType[0], memVersionName)+'('+VarTag+"<LVL_SUFFIX>"+childStr+', memStruct)\n') objSpec = progSpec.findSpecOf(classes[0], objName, 'string') ToFields=objSpec['fields'] FromStructName=objName Write_Extracter(classes, ToStructName, FromStructName, logLvl+1) else: fromFieldTypeCID = fieldType[0].replace('::', '_') toFieldTypeCID = toMemVersionName.replace('::', '_') #print "FUNC:", getFunctionName(fromFieldTypeCID, toFieldTypeCID) if fromFieldTypeCID != toFieldTypeCID: Write_Extracter(classes, toFieldTypeCID, fromFieldTypeCID, logLvl+1) finalCodeStr=indent + CodeLVAR_Alloc + '\n' +indent+' '+getFunctionName(fromFieldTypeCID, toFieldTypeCID)+'('+VarTag+"<LVL_SUFFIX>"+'.child, '+CODE_LVAR_v2+')\n' else: pass else: CODE_RVAL = CodeRValExpr(toFieldType, VarTag, "") #print "CODE_RVAL:", CODE_RVAL ################### H a n d l e o p t i o n a l a n d r e p e t i t i o n a n d a s s i g n m e n t c a s e s gatherFieldCode='' if fromIsList and toIsList: CODE_RVAL='tmpVar' globalFieldCount +=1 childRecName='SRec' + str(globalFieldCount) gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+'\nour stateRec: '+childRecName+' <- '+VarTag+'' gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+'while('+childRecName+'){\n' if fromIsALT: # print "ALT-#1" gatherFieldCode+=Write_ALT_Extracter(classes, fieldType[0], fields, childRecName, '', 'tmpVar', indent+' ', level) elif fromIsStruct and toIsStruct: gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+toFieldOwner+' '+progSpec.baseStructName(toFieldType[0])+': tmpVar' if toFieldOwner!='me': gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+'Allocate('+CODE_RVAL+')' #print "##### FUNCT:", getFunctionName(fieldType[0], fieldType[0]) gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+getFunctionName(fieldType[0], toFieldType[0])+'('+childRecName+'.child, tmpVar)\n' else: CODE_RVAL = CodeRValExpr(toFieldType, childRecName, ".next") # Now code to push the chosen alternative into the data field# This is a LIST, not an OPT: gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+CODE_LVAR+'.pushLast('+CODE_RVAL+')' gatherFieldCode+=indent+' '+childRecName+' <- getNextStateRec('+childRecName+')\n' # UNCOMMENT FOR DEGUG: S+= ' docPos('+str(level)+', '+VarTag+', "Get Next in LIST for: '+humanIDType+'")\n' gatherFieldCode+='\n'+indent+'}\n' if(fromIsOPT): print("Handle when the optional item is a list."); exit(2) else: if toIsList: print("Error: parsing a non-list to a list is not supported.\n"); exit(1); levelSuffix='' assignerCode='' oldIndent=indent if (fromIsOPT): setTrueCode='' assignerCode+='\n'+indent+'if('+VarTag+'' +' == NULL){' if toFieldOwner=='me': if debugTmp: print(' toFieldOwner:', toFieldOwner) ## if fieldName==None and a model of fromFieldType has no cooresponding model But we are in EXTRACT_ mode: ## Make a special form of Extract_fromFieldType_to_ToFieldType() ## Call that function instead of the one in Code_LVAR # First, create a new flag field if fieldName==None: fieldName="TEMP"+str(globalTempVarIdx) globalTempVarIdx += globalTempVarIdx newFieldsName=fieldName #'has_'+fieldName fieldDef=progSpec.packField(ToStructName, False, 'me', 'flag', None, None, newFieldsName, None, None, None, False) progSpec.addField(classes[0], memVersionName, 'struct', fieldDef) # Second, generate the code to set the flag assignerCode+='\n'+indent+' '+VarName+'.'+newFieldsName+' <- false' setTrueCode += VarName+'.'+newFieldsName+' <- true' elif LHS_IsPointer: # If owner is my, our or their assignerCode+='\n'+indent+' '+CODE_LVAR+' <- NULL' else: print("ERROR: OPTional fields must not be '"+toFieldOwner+"'.\n") exit(1) assignerCode+='\n'+indent+'} else {\n' levelSuffix='' indent+=' ' assignerCode+=indent+setTrueCode+'\n' if fromIsALT or fromIsEmbeddedAlt: if(fromIsEmbeddedAlt): # print "ALT-#2" assignerCode+=Write_ALT_Extracter(classes, ToStructName, field['innerDefs'], VarTagBase, levelSuffix, VarName, indent+' ', level+1, logLvl+1) else: # print "ALT-#3" assignerCode+=Write_ALT_Extracter(classes, fieldType[0], fields, VarTagBase, levelSuffix, VarName+'X', indent+' ', level, logLvl+1) assignerCode+=indent+CODE_LVAR+' <- '+(VarName+'X')+"\n" elif fromIsEmbeddedSeq: globalFieldCount +=1 childRecNameBase='childSRec' + str(globalFieldCount) childRecName=childRecNameBase+str(level) assignerCode+='\n'+indent+'our stateRec: '+childRecName+' <- '+VarTag+levelSuffix+'.child\n' for innerField in field['innerDefs']: assignerCode+=Write_fieldExtracter(classes, ToStructName, innerField, memObjFields, childRecNameBase, '', True, ' ', level, logLvl+1) elif fromIsStruct and toIsStruct: assignerCode+=finalCodeStr.replace("<LVL_SUFFIX>", levelSuffix); if debugTmp: print(' assignerCode:', assignerCode) else: # if toFieldOwner == 'const': print "Error: Attempt to extract a parse to const field.\n"; exit(1); if CODE_RVAL!="": if LHS_IsPointer: assignerCode+=' '+CODE_LVAR+' <deep- '+CODE_RVAL+"\n" else: assignerCode+=' '+CODE_LVAR+' <- '+CODE_RVAL+"\n" elif finalCodeStr!="": assignerCode+=finalCodeStr.replace("<LVL_SUFFIX>", levelSuffix); if (fromIsOPT): indent=oldIndent assignerCode += indent+'}\n' #print '######################\n'+assignerCode, memVersionName, '\n' # exit(2) gatherFieldCode = assignerCode #print ("##########################\n",S,"\n#####################################\n") if LHS_IsPointer: # LVAL is a pointer and should be allocated or cleared. S+= indent + 'AllocateOrClear(' +CODE_LVAR +')\n' S+=gatherFieldCode #print "ASSIGN_CODE", S # if debugTmp: exit(2) return S
else: prmList=nameAndVal.parameters[1] for param in prmList: paramList.append(param) else: paramList=None if(nameAndVal.optionalTag): optionalTags=extractTagDefs(nameAndVal.tagDefList) else: givenValue=None; fieldName=None; if(fieldResult.flagDef): cdlog(3,"FLAG: {}".format(fieldResult)) if(arraySpec): cdErr("Lists of flags are not allowed.\n"); exit(2); fieldDef=progSpec.packField(className, False, owner, 'flag', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif(fieldResult.modeDef): cdlog(3,"MODE: {}".format(fieldResult)) modeList=fieldResult.modeList if(arraySpec): cdErr("Lists of modes are not allowed.\n"); exit(2); fieldDef=progSpec.packField(className, False, owner, 'mode', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) fieldDef['typeSpec']['enumList']=modeList elif(fieldResult.constStr): if fieldName==None: fieldName="constStr"+str(nameIDX); nameIDX+=1; if(len(fieldResult)>1 and fieldResult[1]=='[opt]'): arraySpec={'datastructID': 'opt'}; if(len(fieldResult)>3 and fieldResult[3]!=''): fieldName=fieldResult[3] givenValue=fieldResult.constStr[1:-1] fieldDef=progSpec.packField(className, True, 'const', 'string', arraySpec, containerSpec, fieldName, None, paramList, givenValue, isAllocated) elif(fieldResult.constNum):