  def __get_scan(self, *args, **kwargs):
    packet = control.get_output("GetLDSScan", *args, **kwargs)

    # Get rid of help message.
    packet.pop("AngleInDegrees", None)

    # Add rotation speed.
    ret = {}
    ret["ROTATION_SPEED"] = float(packet["ROTATION_SPEED"])
    packet.pop("ROTATION_SPEED", None)

    # Discard any errors.
    for key in packet.keys():
      if int(packet[key][2]) == 0:
        # Convert the angle so that 0 deg is to the right, not up.
        angle = int(key)
        real_angle = angle + 90
        if real_angle > 359:
          real_angle -= 359

        ret[real_angle] = [int(x) for x in packet[key]]
        log.debug("Error %s in LDS reading for angle %s." % \
            (packet[key][2], key))

    return ret
    def __get_scan(self, *args, **kwargs):
        packet = control.get_output("GetLDSScan", *args, **kwargs)

        # Get rid of help message.
        packet.pop("AngleInDegrees", None)

        # Add rotation speed.
        ret = {}
        ret["ROTATION_SPEED"] = float(packet["ROTATION_SPEED"])
        packet.pop("ROTATION_SPEED", None)

        # Discard any errors.
        for key in packet.keys():
            if int(packet[key][2]) == 0:
                # Convert the angle so that 0 deg is to the right, not up.
                angle = int(key)
                real_angle = angle + 90
                if real_angle > 359:
                    real_angle -= 359

                ret[real_angle] = [int(x) for x in packet[key]]
                log.debug("Error %s in LDS reading for angle %s." % \
                    (packet[key][2], key))

        return ret
def spikes(scan):
    # How big the sum of the changes around a point must be for it to qualify as a
    # spike. (mm)
    spike_threshold = 1000

    distances = [scan[angle][0] for angle in scan.keys()]
    angles = scan.keys()

    spikes = {}
    for i in range(0, len(distances)):
        center = distances[i]

        # Find the immediate surrounding distances.
        left = distances[i - 1]
        if i < len(distances) - 1:
            right = distances[i + 1]
            right = distances[0]

        change = (left - center) + (right - center)
        if change >= spike_threshold:
            angle = angles[i]
            log.debug("Found spike with change of %d and angle %d." %
                      (change, angle))
            spikes[angle] = center

    return spikes
    def predict(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
        log.debug("Running SLAM prediction step...")
        prediction = self.__prediction_model(dx, dy, dtheta, 0)

        # Update the state.
        self.X[:3] = prediction
        log.debug("New state: %s." % (self.X))

        # Update the prediction jacobian.
        self.A = self.__prediction_jacobian(dx, dy)
        log.debug("New prediction jacobian: %s." % (self.A))

        # Compute the process noise.
        Q = self.__process_noise(dx, dy, dtheta)
        log.debug("Process noise: %s." % (Q))

        # Update covariance for robot position.
        self.P[0:3, 0:3] = np.dot(np.dot(self.A, self.P[0:3, 0:3]), self.A) + Q

        # Update feature cross-correlations.
        column = 3
        while column < self.P.shape[1]:
            self.P[0:3, column:(column + 2)] = \
                np.dot(self.A, self.P[0:3, column:(column + 2)])

            column += 2

        log.debug("New covariance matrix: %s." % (self.P))
  def predict(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
    log.debug("Running SLAM prediction step...")
    prediction = self.__prediction_model(dx, dy, dtheta, 0)

    # Update the state.
    self.X[:3] = prediction
    log.debug("New state: %s." % (self.X))

    # Update the prediction jacobian.
    self.A = self.__prediction_jacobian(dx, dy)
    log.debug("New prediction jacobian: %s." % (self.A))

    # Compute the process noise.
    Q = self.__process_noise(dx, dy, dtheta)
    log.debug("Process noise: %s." % (Q))

    # Update covariance for robot position.
    self.P[0:3, 0:3] = np.dot(np.dot(self.A, self.P[0:3, 0:3]), self.A) + Q

    # Update feature cross-correlations.
    column = 3
    while column < self.P.shape[1]:
      self.P[0:3, column:(column + 2)] = \
          np.dot(self.A, self.P[0:3, column:(column + 2)])

      column += 2

    log.debug("New covariance matrix: %s." % (self.P))
def spikes(scan):
  # How big the sum of the changes around a point must be for it to qualify as a
  # spike. (mm)
  spike_threshold = 1000

  distances = [scan[angle][0] for angle in scan.keys()]
  angles = scan.keys()

  spikes = {}
  for i in range(0, len(distances)):
    center = distances[i]

    # Find the immediate surrounding distances.
    left = distances[i - 1]
    if i < len(distances) - 1:
      right = distances[i + 1]
      right = distances[0]

    change = (left - center) + (right - center)
    if change >= spike_threshold:
      angle = angles[i]
      log.debug("Found spike with change of %d and angle %d." % (change, angle))
      spikes[angle] = center

  return spikes
  def check_landmark(self, location):
    # Check distance between this and all the known landmarks.
    best_landmark = None
    best_distance = sys.maxint
    for landmark in self.landmarks + self.new_landmarks:
      # Find the landmark that it's closest to.
      distance = utilities.distance(landmark.last_location, location)
      if distance < best_distance:
        best_distance = distance
        best_landmark = landmark

    if (best_landmark and best_landmark.validation_gate(location)):
      log.debug("Landmark at %s corresponds to landmark at %s." % \
          (location, best_landmark.last_location))

      best_landmark.sightings += 1
      best_landmark.last_location = location

      log.debug("Found a new landmark at %s." % (str(location)))

      landmark = Landmark()
      landmark.last_location = location
  def validation_gate(self, location):
    #TODO (danielp): I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.
    z = self.__range_and_bearing(location)

    v = z - self.h
    log.debug("Range and bearing difference: %s." % (v))
    value = np.dot(np.dot(np.reshape(v, (1, -1)), np.linalg.inv(self.S)), v)
    log.debug("Validation gate value for landmark %d: %s." % (self.id, value))

    if value <= Landmark.lamda:
      return True
    return False
def rectangle_dimensions(l1, l2, l3, l4):
    p1 = Line.find_intersection(l1, l3)
    p2 = Line.find_intersection(l2, l4)
    p3 = Line.find_intersection(l1, l4)
    p4 = Line.find_intersection(l2, l3)
    log.debug("Rectangle points: %s, %s, %s, %s." % (p1, p2, p3, p4))

    # p1 and p2 are diagonally opposite.
    w = utilities.distance(p1, p3)
    l = utilities.distance(p2, p3)
    log.debug("Length, Width: %f, %f." % (l, w))

    return ((p1, p2, p3, p4), (w, l))
    def __measurement_model(self, landmark):
        l_x = landmark.last_location[0]
        l_y = landmark.last_location[1]
        x = self.X[0]
        y = self.X[1]
        theta = self.X[2]

        distance = ((l_x - x)**2 + (l_y - y)**2)**(1 / 2)
        bearing = theta - math.atan((l_y - y) / (l_x - x))
        log.debug("Landmark %d: Range %f, Bearing %f." % \
            (landmark.id, distance, bearing))

        return np.vstack((distance, bearing))
def rectangle_dimensions(l1, l2, l3, l4):
  p1 = Line.find_intersection(l1, l3)
  p2 = Line.find_intersection(l2, l4)
  p3 = Line.find_intersection(l1, l4)
  p4 = Line.find_intersection(l2, l3)
  log.debug("Rectangle points: %s, %s, %s, %s." % (p1, p2, p3, p4))

  # p1 and p2 are diagonally opposite.
  w = utilities.distance(p1, p3)
  l = utilities.distance(p2, p3)
  log.debug("Length, Width: %f, %f." % (l, w))

  return ((p1, p2, p3, p4), (w, l))
    def validation_gate(self, location):
        #TODO (danielp): I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.
        z = self.__range_and_bearing(location)

        v = z - self.h
        log.debug("Range and bearing difference: %s." % (v))
        value = np.dot(np.dot(np.reshape(v, (1, -1)), np.linalg.inv(self.S)),
        log.debug("Validation gate value for landmark %d: %s." %
                  (self.id, value))

        if value <= Landmark.lamda:
            return True
        return False
  def __measurement_model(self, landmark):
    # For the landmark position, we use what we stored in the state vector from
    # the last iteration.
    l_x = self.X[landmark.state_index]
    l_y = self.X[landmark.state_index + 1]
    x = self.X[0]
    y = self.X[1]
    theta = self.X[2]

    distance = ((l_x - x) ** 2 + (l_y - y) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)
    bearing = theta - math.atan((l_y - y) / (l_x - x))
    log.debug("Landmark %d: Range %f, Bearing %f." % \
        (landmark.id, distance, bearing))

    return np.vstack((distance, bearing))
  def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, start_theta):
    self.lds = sensors.LDS()
    self.wheels = motors.Wheels()

    # Start with a displacement of zero, and assume we are aligned with a wall.
    self.x_pos = start_x
    self.y_pos = start_y
    self.bearing = start_theta
    # Temporary wheel positions to save so we can figure out how far we've gone
    # between iterations.
    l_pos, r_pos = self.wheels.get_distance()
    log.debug("Starting wheel positions: L: %d, R: %d." % (l_pos, r_pos))
    self.last_l_wheel = l_pos
    self.last_r_wheel = r_pos
    # The time we last got a good position.
    self.last_position_time = 0

    self.kalman = Kalman(self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.bearing)
def convex_hull(scan):
  hull = ConvexHull(scan)

  # Draw it on the canvas.
  points = []
  hull.vertices.pop(len(hull.vertices) // 2)
  for vertex in hull.vertices:

  # Sometimes we get duplicate points.
  seen = []
  for point in points:
    if point not in seen:

  log.debug("Convex hull: %s." % (seen))
  return seen
    def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, start_theta):
        self.lds = sensors.LDS()
        self.wheels = motors.Wheels()

        # Start with a displacement of zero, and assume we are aligned with a wall.
        self.x_pos = start_x
        self.y_pos = start_y
        self.bearing = start_theta
        # Temporary wheel positions to save so we can figure out how far we've gone
        # between iterations.
        l_pos, r_pos = self.wheels.get_distance()
        log.debug("Starting wheel positions: L: %d, R: %d." % (l_pos, r_pos))
        self.last_l_wheel = l_pos
        self.last_r_wheel = r_pos
        # The time we last got a good position.
        self.last_position_time = 0

        self.kalman = Kalman(self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.bearing)
def convex_hull(scan):
    hull = ConvexHull(scan)

    # Draw it on the canvas.
    points = []
    hull.vertices.pop(len(hull.vertices) // 2)
    for vertex in hull.vertices:

    # Sometimes we get duplicate points.
    seen = []
    for point in points:
        if point not in seen:

    log.debug("Convex hull: %s." % (seen))
    return seen
def remove_outliers(scan):
    # Compute some statistics for our scan.
    distances = [item[1] for item in scan.items()]

    mean = np.mean(distances)
    standard_deviation = np.std(distances)
    log.debug("Mean: %d." % (mean))
    log.debug("Standard Deviation: %d." % (standard_deviation))

    # Remove angles that are outliers.
    ret = {}
    last_error = 0
    for angle in range(0, 360):
        if angle in scan.keys():
            distance = scan[angle][0]
            if abs(distance - mean) > standard_deviation:
                if angle - last_error > 2:
                    # We're far enough from an error spot that this is probably okay.
                    ret[angle] = scan[angle]
                    log.debug("Removing angle %d with value of %d." %
                              (angle, distance))
                ret[angle] = scan[angle]

            last_error = angle

    return ret
def remove_outliers(scan):
    # Compute some statistics for our scan.
    distances = [item[1] for item in scan.items()]

    mean = np.mean(distances)
    standard_deviation = np.std(distances)
    log.debug("Mean: %d." % (mean))
    log.debug("Standard Deviation: %d." % (standard_deviation))

    # Remove angles that are outliers.
    ret = {}
    last_error = 0
    for angle in range(0, 360):
      if angle in scan.keys():
        distance = scan[angle][0]
        if abs(distance - mean) > standard_deviation:
          if angle - last_error > 2:
            # We're far enough from an error spot that this is probably okay.
            ret[angle] = scan[angle]
            log.debug("Removing angle %d with value of %d." % (angle, distance))
          ret[angle] = scan[angle]

        last_error = angle

    return ret
def find_walls(blobs):
  # The minimum number of points that must lie close to a line for it to be
  # called a wall.
  consensus = 10
  # The maximum distance in mm a point can be from the line
  # before it doesn't count as part of the wall.
  max_distance = 100

  walls = []
  for blob in blobs:
    if len(blob.points) < consensus:

    slope, intercept = blob.fit_line()
    wall_points = []
    total_distance = 0
    for point in blob.points:
      # Find the distance between the line of best fit and each point.
      distance = utilities.line_distance(point, slope, intercept)
      if distance <= max_distance:
        total_distance += distance

    # Now see if we still have at least ten points.
    if len(wall_points) < consensus:

    mean_distance = total_distance / len(wall_points)

    # Quality is a rough measure of how good of a landmark this wall is.
    quality = 2 * len(wall_points) - mean_distance

    log.debug("Found wall with points: %s." % (wall_points))
    log.debug("Wall quality: %f." % (quality))
    walls.append((slope, intercept, quality))

  return walls
def find_walls(blobs):
    # The minimum number of points that must lie close to a line for it to be
    # called a wall.
    consensus = 10
    # The maximum distance in mm a point can be from the line
    # before it doesn't count as part of the wall.
    max_distance = 100

    walls = []
    for blob in blobs:
        if len(blob.points) < consensus:

        slope, intercept = blob.fit_line()
        wall_points = []
        total_distance = 0
        for point in blob.points:
            # Find the distance between the line of best fit and each point.
            distance = utilities.line_distance(point, slope, intercept)
            if distance <= max_distance:
                total_distance += distance

        # Now see if we still have at least ten points.
        if len(wall_points) < consensus:

        mean_distance = total_distance / len(wall_points)

        # Quality is a rough measure of how good of a landmark this wall is.
        quality = 2 * len(wall_points) - mean_distance

        log.debug("Found wall with points: %s." % (wall_points))
        log.debug("Wall quality: %f." % (quality))
        walls.append((slope, intercept, quality))

    return walls
    def check_landmark(self, location):
        # Check distance between this and all the known landmarks.
        best_landmark = None
        best_distance = sys.maxint
        for landmark in self.landmarks + self.new_landmarks:
            # Find the landmark that it's closest to.
            distance = utilities.distance(landmark.last_location, location)
            if distance < best_distance:
                best_distance = distance
                best_landmark = landmark

        if (best_landmark and best_landmark.validation_gate(location)):
            log.debug("Landmark at %s corresponds to landmark at %s." % \
                (location, best_landmark.last_location))

            best_landmark.sightings += 1
            best_landmark.last_location = location

            log.debug("Found a new landmark at %s." % (str(location)))

            landmark = Landmark()
            landmark.last_location = location
  def __enhance_with_lidar(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
    scan = self.lds.get_scan(stale_time = 0)
    scan = filters.remove_outliers(scan)
    points = utilities.to_rectangular(scan)

    landmarks = self.__find_landmarks(points)
    log.debug("Found landmarks at: %s." % (landmarks))

    # Run the kalman filter.
    self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.bearing = \
        self.kalman.run_iteration(landmarks, dx, dy, dtheta)

    log.debug("Corrected position: (%f, %f)." % (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
    log.debug("Corrected bearing: %f." % (self.bearing))
    def __enhance_with_lidar(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
        scan = self.lds.get_scan(stale_time=0)
        scan = filters.remove_outliers(scan)
        points = utilities.to_rectangular(scan)

        landmarks = self.__find_landmarks(points)
        log.debug("Found landmarks at: %s." % (landmarks))

        # Run the kalman filter.
        self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.bearing = \
            self.kalman.run_iteration(landmarks, dx, dy, dtheta)

        log.debug("Corrected position: (%f, %f)." % (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
        log.debug("Corrected bearing: %f." % (self.bearing))
    def __update(self, position, timestamp):
        if timestamp < self.last_position_time:
            # It's possible to get a position from the past.
            log.warning("Got position that was before the last one.")
        if position == (self.last_l_wheel, self.last_r_wheel):
            # Don't do anything if the odometry doesn't think we've moved.
            log.warning("Got same position.")
            self.last_position_time = timestamp

        self.last_position_time = timestamp
        old_bearing = self.bearing

        # Figure out how far we drove.
        distance_l = position[0] - self.last_l_wheel
        distance_r = position[1] - self.last_r_wheel
        self.last_l_wheel = position[0]
        self.last_r_wheel = position[1]
        log.debug("Left distance: %d, Right distance: %d." %
                  (distance_l, distance_r))

        circumference = robot_status.ROBOT_WIDTH * math.pi

        dtheta = 0
        if distance_l * distance_r < 0:
            # One wheel went forward and one went backward.
            left_over = abs(distance_l) - abs(distance_r)
            # Have the code below handle any extra distance.
            if left_over > 0:
                # Compute the change in bearing, using the wheel that traveled the shorter
                # distance.
                dtheta = distance_r / circumference * 2 * math.pi
                # Get the sign right. (A negative right distance means we went
                # clockwise, which decreases our bearing, etc.)
                dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

                distance_l = distance_l + distance_r
                distance_r = 0

            elif left_over < 0:
                dtheta = distance_l / circumference * 2 * math.pi
                dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

                distance_r = distance_r + distance_l
                distance_l = 0

                # It doesn't really matter which one we pick in this case.
                dtheta = distance_l / circumference * 2 * math.pi
                dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

                distance_r = 0
                distance_l = 0

        # Calculate change in position and bearing. (Both wheels always move at
        # the same speed.)
        difference = distance_r - distance_l
        # Now our circumference is doubled, because we're only rotating with one
        # wheel.
        circumference *= 2
        turn_angle = difference / circumference * 2 * math.pi
        dtheta += turn_angle

        # Since we're not rotating around the center of the robot, the x and y
        # positions also get changed.
        r = robot_status.ROBOT_WIDTH
        dx = r * math.cos(turn_angle) - r
        dy = r * math.sin(turn_angle)
        if turn_angle:
            # Cos remains positive regardless of the angle, so we need to negate it if
            # we're going in the other direction.
            dx *= turn_angle / abs(turn_angle)

        # Calculate change in position from driving straight.
        straight_component = min(abs(distance_r), abs(distance_l))
        # Get the sign right.
        if straight_component:
            if straight_component == abs(distance_r):
                straight_component *= distance_r / straight_component
                straight_component *= distance_l / straight_component

        dx += straight_component * math.cos(old_bearing)
        dy += straight_component * math.sin(old_bearing)

        self.x_pos += dx
        self.y_pos += dy
        self.bearing += dtheta

        # Normalize bearing.
        if self.bearing:
            self.bearing = self.bearing % \
                (2 * math.pi * (self.bearing / abs(self.bearing)))
        if self.bearing < 0:
            self.bearing = 2 * math.pi - abs(self.bearing)

        log.debug("New position: (%f, %f)." % (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
        log.debug("New bearing: %f." % (math.degrees(self.bearing)))

        # Now that the robot has moved, use laser data and the Kalman filter to
        # improve our odometry data.
        self.__enhance_with_lidar(dx, dy, dtheta)
    def incorporate_new(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
        log.debug("Running SLAM new landmark incorporation step...")

        landmarks = self.landmark_db.get_new_landmarks()

        next_index = self.X.shape[0]
        next_row = self.P.shape[0]
        next_column = self.P.shape[1]
        log.debug("Index of next landmark in X: %d." % (next_index))
        log.debug("Next row, column in P: %d, %d." % (next_row, next_column))

        # Calculate SLAM-specific jacobians.
        J_xr, J_z = self.__slam_jacobians(self.A, dx, dy, dtheta)
        log.debug("J_xr: %s\n, J_z: %s." % (J_xr, J_z))

        # Extend the state vector to contain all the new landmarks.
        rows_needed = len(landmarks) * 2
        padding = np.zeros((rows_needed, 1))
        self.X = np.vstack((self.X, padding))
        # Extend the covariance vector to contain all the new landmarks.
        column_padding = np.zeros((self.P.shape[0], rows_needed))
        self.P = np.hstack((self.P, column_padding))
        row_padding = np.zeros((rows_needed, self.P.shape[1]))
        self.P = np.vstack((self.P, row_padding))

        for landmark in landmarks:
            # Add it to the state vector.
            self.X[next_index] = landmark.last_location[0]
            self.X[next_index + 1] = landmark.last_location[1]
            next_index += 2

            # Add it to the covariance matrix.
            R = self.__measurement_noise(landmark.z[0])
            # NOTE: The MIT paper has a mistake on this one, they use the whole P
            # matrix instead of just the submatrix. Not only is this mathematically
            # impossible, if you go and look at the sources you will see that it is
            # actually just supposed to be the upper left 3x3 submatrix.
            covariance = np.dot(np.dot(J_xr, self.P[0:3, 0:3]), J_xr.T) + \
                np.dot(np.dot(J_z, R), J_z.T)
            log.debug("Covariance of landmark %d: %s." %
                      (landmark.id, covariance))
            self.P[next_row:(next_row + 2),
                   next_column:(next_column + 2)] = covariance

            # Covariance between robot and landmark.
            robot_landmark_cov = np.dot(self.P[0:3, 0:3], J_xr.T)
            log.debug("Covariance between robot and landmark %d: %s." %
                      (landmark.id, robot_landmark_cov))
            # NOTE: Again, the MIT paper is incorrect here. In the section defining
            # the covariance matrix, the definitions for submatrices "D" and "E"
            # should be switched.
            self.P[0:3, next_column:(next_column + 2)] = robot_landmark_cov
            # Covariance between landmark and robot.
            self.P[next_row:(next_row + 2), 0:3] = robot_landmark_cov.T
            # TODO (danielp): There is an issue somewhere again, because in both
            # papers that I looked at, the math doesn't work out. I'll therefore have
            # to try both ways that it could be.
            # Covariance between landmark and each other landmark.
            row = next_row
            column = 3
            diag_row = 3
            diag_column = next_column
            while column < next_column:
                # In the bottom two rows.
                landmark_landmark = np.dot(J_xr, self.P[0:3,
                                                        column:(column + 2)])
                self.P[row:(row + 2), column:(column + 2)] = landmark_landmark

                # The diagonal one.
                self.P[diag_row:(diag_row + 2), diag_column:(diag_column + 2)] = \

                column += 2
                diag_row += 2

            next_row += 2
            next_column += 2

        log.debug("New covariance matrix: %s." % (self.P))
def find_blobs(points):
    log.debug("Starting blob finder...")

    # How close points have to be to be in the same blob.
    blob_threshold = 300

    # Sort points by x coordinates.
    sort = sorted(points, key=itemgetter(0))
    # Add "used" flag to list.
    x_order = []
    for item in sort:
        x_order.append([item, False])

    # For each point, find all the ones that are close to it.
    blobs = []
    for index in range(0, len(x_order)):
        point = x_order[index][0]

        # Find a subset of the points that are possibly part of this blob.
        possible = []

        # First do it by x's.
        radius = 1
        none_lower = False
        none_higher = False
        while (not (none_lower and none_higher)):
            if index - radius < 0:
                none_lower = True
            if index + radius >= len(x_order):
                none_higher = True

            if not none_lower:
                lower = x_order[index - radius]
                value = lower[0]
                used = lower[1]

                if point[0] - value[0] < blob_threshold:
                    if not used:
                        possible.append(index - radius)
                    none_lower = True

            if not none_higher:
                higher = x_order[index + radius]
                value = higher[0]
                used = higher[1]

                if value[0] - point[0] < blob_threshold:
                    if not used:
                        possible.append(index + radius)
                    none_higher = True

            radius += 1

        # Now see if any of them work with the y value as well.
        to_delete = []
        for candidate_index in possible:
            candidate = x_order[candidate_index][0]
            if abs(point[1] - candidate[1]) > blob_threshold:
                # This point can't work.
        for delete in to_delete:

        # And now we have points that it is worth actually checking the distance on.
        blob = Blob.find_blob(point, blobs)

        for candidate_index in possible:
            candidate = x_order[candidate_index][0]

            if utilities.distance(point, candidate) < blob_threshold:
                # This is part of the blob.
                if blob:
                    # Add candidate to our existing blob.
                    # Make a new blob.
                    blobs.append(Blob([point, candidate]))

                # We'll get to each candidate later as the point we're checking, so we can
                # flag it as used.
                x_order[candidate_index][1] = True

        # We can also get rid of the original point, because we've already found
        # everything close to it.
        x_order[index][1] = True

    for blob in blobs:
        log.debug("Found blob: %s." % (blob))
    return blobs
def ombb(points):
    hull = convex_hull(points)
    Line.hull = hull

    # Find extreme points.
    x_max = -sys.maxint
    x_min = sys.maxint
    y_max = -sys.maxint
    y_min = sys.maxint

    top_point = None
    bottom_point = None
    left_point = None
    right_point = None

    for i in range(0, len(hull)):
        point = hull[i]

        if point[0] > x_max:
            x_max = point[0]
            right_point = i
        if point[0] < x_min:
            x_min = point[0]
            left_point = i
        if point[1] > y_max:
            y_max = point[1]
            top_point = i
        if point[1] < y_min:
            y_min = point[1]
            bottom_point = i

    log.debug("x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: %d, %d, %d, %d." % \
        (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max))
    log.debug("Ext. point indices: (L, R, T, B) %d, %d, %d, %d." % \
        (left_point, right_point, top_point, bottom_point))

    top = Line((x_max, y_max), (x_min, y_max), top_point)
    bottom = Line((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_min), bottom_point)
    left = Line((x_min, y_max), (x_min, y_min), left_point)
    right = Line((x_max, y_min), (x_max, y_max), right_point)
    sides = [top, bottom, left, right]

    # Create lines for edges of hull.
    hull_edges = {}
    for i in range(0, len(hull)):
        p1 = hull[i]
        p2 = hull[(i + 1) % len(hull)]

        hull_edges[i] = Line(p1, p2, i)

    log.debug("Hull edges: %s." % (hull_edges))

    # Run rotating caliper algorithm.
    best_area = sys.maxint
    best_points = ()
    best_dimensions = ()
    for i in range(0, len(hull)):
        # Find the side with the smallest slope.
        smallest_angle = sys.maxint
        use_side = None
        for side in sides:
            angle = Line.find_angle_between(side, hull_edges[side.index])
            log.debug("Angle between lines: %f." % (angle))
            if angle < smallest_angle:
                smallest_angle = angle
                use_side = side

        # Rotate.
        use_side.slope = hull_edges[use_side.index].slope
        use_side.index = (use_side.index + 1) % len(hull)
        log.debug("New slope: %s." % str((use_side.slope)))
        log.debug("New index: %f." % (use_side.index))

        index = sides.index(use_side)
        if (index == 0 or index == 2):
            parallel = index + 1
        elif (index == 1 or index == 3):
            parallel = index - 1
        orthogonal = range(0, 4)
        log.debug("Side indices: Main: %d, ||: %d, +: %d, %d." % \
            (index, parallel, orthogonal[0], orthogonal[1]))

        sides[parallel].slope = use_side.slope
        for i in orthogonal:

        # The points should be top left, bottom right, top right, and bottom left.
        points, dimensions = rectangle_dimensions(*sides)
        area = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
        log.debug("Area: %f." % (area))
        if area < best_area:
            best_area = area
            best_points = points
            best_dimensions = dimensions

    log.debug("Best area: %f\n, Best points: %s\n, Best_dimensions: %s" % \
        (best_area, best_points, best_dimensions))

    return best_points, best_dimensions
    def landmark_update(self):
        log.debug("Running SLAM landmark update step...")

        # Get all the landmarks from the database.
        landmarks = self.landmark_db.get_all_landmarks()

        # Update landmark range and bearing.
        for i in range(0, len(landmarks)):
            landmark = landmarks[i]

            # Use the measurement model.
            landmark.h = self.__measurement_model(landmark)
            # Compute measurement noise.
            R = self.__measurement_noise(landmark.z[0])
            log.debug("Measurement noise: %s." % (R))

            # Create the H matrix.
            H = np.zeros((2, len(landmarks) * 2 + 3))
            # Fill in the first part of the H matrix.
            jacobian = self.__measurement_jacobian(landmark)
            H[0:2, 0:3] = jacobian
            # Set the landmark-specific part.
            H[0:2, (i + 3):(i + 5)] = jacobian[0:2, 0:2] * -1
            log.debug("H matrix for landmark %d: %s." % (landmark.id, H))

            # Now we can compute the innovation covariance.
            V = np.identity(2)
            landmark.S = np.dot(np.dot(H, self.P), H.T) + np.dot(
                np.dot(V, R), V.T)
            log.debug("Innovation covariance for landmark %d: %s." %
                      (landmark.id, landmark.S))

            # Only actually adjust the state if the landmark is usable.
            if landmark.usable():
                K = np.dot(np.dot(self.P, H.T), np.linalg.inv(landmark.S))
                log.debug("Kalman gain for landmark %d: %s." %
                          (landmark.id, K))

                # Compute a new state vector from the Kalman gain.
                innovation = landmark.z - landmark.h
                log.debug("Innovation for landmark %d: %s." %
                          (landmark.id, innovation))
                self.X = self.X + np.dot(K, innovation)
                log.debug("Corrected state vector: %s." % (self.X))
  def landmark_update(self):
    log.debug("Running SLAM landmark update step...")

    # Get all the landmarks from the database.
    landmarks = self.landmark_db.get_all_landmarks()

    # Update landmark range and bearing.
    for i in range(0, len(landmarks)):
      landmark = landmarks[i]

      # Use the measurement model.
      landmark.h = self.__measurement_model(landmark)
      # Compute measurement noise.
      R = self.__measurement_noise(landmark.z[0])
      log.debug("Measurement noise: %s." % (R))

      # Create the H matrix.
      H = np.zeros((2, len(landmarks) * 2 + 3))
      # Fill in the first part of the H matrix.
      jacobian = self.__measurement_jacobian(landmark)
      H[0:2, 0:3] = jacobian
      # Set the landmark-specific part.
      H[0:2, (i + 3):(i + 5)] = jacobian[0:2, 0:2] * -1
      log.debug("H matrix for landmark %d: %s." % (landmark.id, H))

      # Now we can compute the innovation covariance...
      V = np.identity(2)
      landmark.S = np.dot(np.dot(H, self.P), H.T) + np.dot(np.dot(V, R), V.T)
      log.debug("Innovation covariance for landmark %d: %s." %
          (landmark.id, landmark.S))

      # Only actually adjust the state if the landmark is usable.
      if landmark.usable():
        K = np.dot(np.dot(self.P, H.T), np.linalg.inv(landmark.S))
        log.debug("Kalman gain for landmark %d: %s." % (landmark.id, K))

        # Compute a new state vector from the Kalman gain.
        innovation = landmark.z - landmark.h
        log.debug("Innovation for landmark %d: %s." % (landmark.id, innovation))
        self.X = self.X + np.dot(K, innovation)
        log.debug("Corrected state vector: %s." % (self.X))
 def __init__(self, p1, p2, hullpoint_index):
     self.slope = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
     self.index = hullpoint_index
     log.debug("Line slope, index: %s, %d." % (self.slope, self.index))
  def incorporate_new(self, dx, dy, dtheta):
    log.debug("Running SLAM new landmark incorporation step...")

    landmarks = self.landmark_db.get_new_landmarks()

    next_index = self.X.shape[0]
    next_row = self.P.shape[0]
    next_column = self.P.shape[1]
    log.debug("Index of next landmark in X: %d." % (next_index))
    log.debug("Next row, column in P: %d, %d." % (next_row, next_column))

    # Calculate SLAM-specific jacobians.
    J_xr, J_z = self.__slam_jacobians(self.A, dx, dy, dtheta)
    log.debug("J_xr: %s\n, J_z: %s." % (J_xr, J_z))

    # Extend the state vector to contain all the new landmarks.
    rows_needed = len(landmarks) * 2
    padding = np.zeros((rows_needed, 1))
    self.X = np.vstack((self.X, padding))
    # Extend the covariance vector to contain all the new landmarks.
    column_padding = np.zeros((self.P.shape[0], rows_needed))
    self.P = np.hstack((self.P, column_padding))
    row_padding = np.zeros((rows_needed, self.P.shape[1]))
    self.P = np.vstack((self.P, row_padding))

    for landmark in landmarks:
      # Add it to the state vector.
      self.X[next_index] = landmark.last_location[0]
      self.X[next_index + 1] = landmark.last_location[1]
      landmark.state_index = next_index
      next_index += 2

      # Add it to the covariance matrix.
      R = self.__measurement_noise(landmark.z[0])
      # NOTE: The MIT paper has a mistake on this one, they use the whole P
      # matrix instead of just the submatrix. Not only is this mathematically
      # impossible, if you go and look at the sources you will see that it is
      # actually just supposed to be the upper left 3x3 submatrix.
      covariance = np.dot(np.dot(J_xr, self.P[0:3, 0:3]), J_xr.T) + \
          np.dot(np.dot(J_z, R), J_z.T)
      log.debug("Covariance of landmark %d: %s." % (landmark.id, covariance))
      self.P[next_row:(next_row + 2),
          next_column:(next_column + 2)] = covariance

      # Covariance between robot and landmark.
      robot_landmark_cov = np.dot(self.P[0:3, 0:3], J_xr.T)
      log.debug("Covariance between robot and landmark %d: %s." %
          (landmark.id, robot_landmark_cov))
      # NOTE: Again, the MIT paper is incorrect here. In the section defining
      # the covariance matrix, the definitions for submatrices "D" and "E"
      # should be switched.
      self.P[0:3, next_column:(next_column + 2)] = robot_landmark_cov
      # Covariance between landmark and robot.
      self.P[next_row:(next_row + 2), 0:3] = robot_landmark_cov.T
      # TODO (danielp): There is an issue somewhere again, because in both
      # papers that I looked at, the math doesn't work out. I have found other
      # sources which seem to indicate that the way I have it now is correct.

      # Covariance between landmark and each other landmark.
      row = next_row
      column = 3
      diag_row = 3
      diag_column = next_column
      while column < next_column:
        # In the bottom two rows.
        landmark_landmark = np.dot(J_xr, self.P[0:3, column:(column + 2)])
        self.P[row:(row + 2), column:(column + 2)] = landmark_landmark

        # The diagonal one.
        self.P[diag_row:(diag_row + 2), diag_column:(diag_column + 2)] = \

        column += 2
        diag_row += 2

      next_row += 2
      next_column += 2

    log.debug("New covariance matrix: %s." % (self.P))
 def stopped_driving(self, position, timestamp):
     log.debug("Wheel position at end of driving: %s." % (str(position)))
     self.__update(position, timestamp)
 def __init__(self, p1, p2, hullpoint_index):
   self.slope = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
   self.index = hullpoint_index
   log.debug("Line slope, index: %s, %d." % (self.slope, self.index))
def find_blobs(points):
  log.debug("Starting blob finder...")

  # How close points have to be to be in the same blob.
  blob_threshold = 300

  # Sort points by x coordinates.
  sort = sorted(points, key = itemgetter(0))
  # Add "used" flag to list.
  x_order = []
  for item in sort:
    x_order.append([item, False])

  # For each point, find all the ones that are close to it.
  blobs = []
  for index in range(0, len(x_order)):
    point = x_order[index][0]

    # Find a subset of the points that are possibly part of this blob.
    possible = []

    # First do it by x's.
    radius = 1
    none_lower = False
    none_higher = False
    while (not (none_lower and none_higher)):
      if index - radius < 0:
        none_lower = True
      if index + radius >= len(x_order):
        none_higher = True

      if not none_lower:
        lower = x_order[index - radius]
        value = lower[0]
        used = lower[1]

        if point[0] - value[0] < blob_threshold:
          if not used:
            possible.append(index - radius)
          none_lower = True

      if not none_higher:
        higher = x_order[index + radius]
        value = higher[0]
        used = higher[1]

        if value[0] - point[0] < blob_threshold:
          if not used:
            possible.append(index + radius)
          none_higher = True

      radius += 1

    # Now see if any of them work with the y value as well.
    to_delete = []
    for candidate_index in possible:
      candidate = x_order[candidate_index][0]
      if abs(point[1] - candidate[1]) > blob_threshold:
        # This point can't work.
    for delete in to_delete:

    # And now we have points that it is worth actually checking the distance on.
    blob = Blob.find_blob(point, blobs)

    for candidate_index in possible:
      candidate = x_order[candidate_index][0]

      if utilities.distance(point, candidate) < blob_threshold:
        # This is part of the blob.
        if blob:
          # Add candidate to our existing blob.
          # Make a new blob.
          blobs.append(Blob([point, candidate]))

        # We'll get to each candidate later as the point we're checking, so we can
        # flag it as used.
        x_order[candidate_index][1] = True

    # We can also get rid of the original point, because we've already found
    # everything close to it.
    x_order[index][1] = True

  for blob in blobs:
    log.debug("Found blob: %s." % (blob))
  return blobs
 def update_position(self):
   position = self.wheels.get_distance(stale_time = 0)
   log.debug("Current wheel position: %s." % (str(position)))
   self.__update(position, time.time())
 def update_position(self):
     position = self.wheels.get_distance(stale_time=0)
     log.debug("Current wheel position: %s." % (str(position)))
     self.__update(position, time.time())
  def __update(self, position, timestamp):
    if timestamp < self.last_position_time:
      # It's possible to get a position from the past.
      log.warning("Got position that was before the last one.")
    if position == (self.last_l_wheel, self.last_r_wheel):
      # Don't do anything if the odometry doesn't think we've moved.
      log.warning("Got same position.")
      self.last_position_time = timestamp

    self.last_position_time = timestamp
    old_bearing = self.bearing

    # Figure out how far we drove.
    distance_l = position[0] - self.last_l_wheel
    distance_r = position[1] - self.last_r_wheel
    self.last_l_wheel = position[0]
    self.last_r_wheel = position[1]
    log.debug("Left distance: %d, Right distance: %d." % (distance_l, distance_r))

    circumference = robot_status.ROBOT_WIDTH * math.pi

    dtheta = 0
    if distance_l * distance_r < 0:
      # One wheel went forward and one went backward.
      left_over = abs(distance_l) - abs(distance_r)
      # Have the code below handle any extra distance.
      if left_over > 0:
        # Compute the change in bearing, using the wheel that traveled the shorter
        # distance.
        dtheta = distance_r / circumference * 2 * math.pi
        # Get the sign right. (A negative right distance means we went
        # clockwise, which decreases our bearing, etc.)
        dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

        distance_l = distance_l + distance_r
        distance_r = 0

      elif left_over < 0:
        dtheta = distance_l / circumference * 2 * math.pi
        dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

        distance_r = distance_r + distance_l
        distance_l = 0

        # It doesn't really matter which one we pick in this case.
        dtheta = distance_l / circumference * 2 * math.pi
        dtheta = abs(dtheta) * (distance_r / abs(distance_r))

        distance_r = 0
        distance_l = 0

    # Calculate change in position and bearing. (Both wheels always move at
    # the same speed.)
    difference = distance_r - distance_l
    # Now our circumference is doubled, because we're only rotating with one
    # wheel.
    circumference *= 2
    turn_angle = difference / circumference * 2 * math.pi
    dtheta += turn_angle

    # Since we're not rotating around the center of the robot, the x and y
    # positions also get changed.
    r = robot_status.ROBOT_WIDTH
    dx = r * math.cos(turn_angle) - r
    dy = r * math.sin(turn_angle)
    if turn_angle:
      # Cos remains positive regardless of the angle, so we need to negate it if
      # we're going in the other direction.
      dx *= turn_angle / abs(turn_angle)

    # Calculate change in position from driving straight.
    straight_component = min(abs(distance_r), abs(distance_l))
    # Get the sign right.
    if straight_component:
      if straight_component == abs(distance_r):
        straight_component *= distance_r / straight_component
        straight_component *= distance_l / straight_component

    dx += straight_component * math.cos(old_bearing)
    dy += straight_component * math.sin(old_bearing)

    self.x_pos += dx
    self.y_pos += dy
    self.bearing += dtheta

    # Normalize bearing.
    if self.bearing:
      self.bearing = self.bearing % \
          (2 * math.pi * (self.bearing / abs(self.bearing)))
    if self.bearing < 0:
      self.bearing = 2 * math.pi - abs(self.bearing)

    log.debug("New position: (%f, %f)." % (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
    log.debug("New bearing: %f." % (math.degrees(self.bearing)))

    # Now that the robot has moved, use laser data and the Kalman filter to
    # improve our odometry data.
    self.__enhance_with_lidar(dx, dy, dtheta)
 def stopped_driving(self, position, timestamp):
   log.debug("Wheel position at end of driving: %s." % (str(position)))
   self.__update(position, timestamp)
def ombb(points):
  hull = convex_hull(points)
  Line.hull = hull

  # Find extreme points.
  x_max = -sys.maxint
  x_min = sys.maxint
  y_max = -sys.maxint
  y_min = sys.maxint

  top_point = None
  bottom_point = None
  left_point = None
  right_point = None

  for i in range(0, len(hull)):
    point = hull[i]

    if point[0] > x_max:
      x_max = point[0]
      right_point = i
    if point[0] < x_min:
      x_min = point[0]
      left_point = i
    if point[1] > y_max:
      y_max = point[1]
      top_point = i
    if point[1] < y_min:
      y_min = point[1]
      bottom_point = i

  log.debug("x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: %d, %d, %d, %d." % \
      (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max))
  log.debug("Ext. point indices: (L, R, T, B) %d, %d, %d, %d." % \
      (left_point, right_point, top_point, bottom_point))

  top = Line((x_max, y_max), (x_min, y_max), top_point)
  bottom = Line((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_min), bottom_point)
  left = Line((x_min, y_max), (x_min, y_min), left_point)
  right = Line((x_max, y_min), (x_max, y_max), right_point)
  sides = [top, bottom, left, right]

  # Create lines for edges of hull.
  hull_edges = {}
  for i in range(0, len(hull)):
    p1 = hull[i]
    p2 = hull[(i + 1) % len(hull)]

    hull_edges[i] = Line(p1, p2, i)

  log.debug("Hull edges: %s." % (hull_edges))

  # Run rotating caliper algorithm.
  best_area = sys.maxint
  best_points = ()
  best_dimensions = ()
  for i in range(0, len(hull)):
    # Find the side with the smallest slope.
    smallest_angle = sys.maxint
    use_side = None
    for side in sides:
      angle = Line.find_angle_between(side, hull_edges[side.index])
      log.debug("Angle between lines: %f." % (angle))
      if angle < smallest_angle:
        smallest_angle = angle
        use_side = side

    # Rotate.
    use_side.slope = hull_edges[use_side.index].slope
    use_side.index = (use_side.index + 1) % len(hull)
    log.debug("New slope: %s." % str((use_side.slope)))
    log.debug("New index: %f." % (use_side.index))

    index = sides.index(use_side)
    if (index == 0 or index == 2):
      parallel = index + 1
    elif (index == 1 or index == 3):
      parallel = index - 1
    orthogonal = range(0, 4)
    log.debug("Side indices: Main: %d, ||: %d, +: %d, %d." % \
        (index, parallel, orthogonal[0], orthogonal[1]))

    sides[parallel].slope = use_side.slope
    for i in orthogonal:

    # The points should be top left, bottom right, top right, and bottom left.
    points, dimensions = rectangle_dimensions(*sides)
    area = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
    log.debug("Area: %f." % (area))
    if area < best_area:
      best_area = area
      best_points = points
      best_dimensions = dimensions

  log.debug("Best area: %f\n, Best points: %s\n, Best_dimensions: %s" % \
      (best_area, best_points, best_dimensions))

  return best_points, best_dimensions