def display_pick(pick): # Note: this does noting really, commit out if you dont want wait for the loading bar spinner = PixelSpinner('Finding a movie! ') for i in range(10): time.sleep(.3) print(f'\nGet ready to watch! {pick[1]}')
def save_response_content(response, destination): CHUNK_SIZE = 32768 with open(destination, "wb") as f: sp = Spinner("Downloading ... ") for chunk in response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: f.write(chunk)
class Animate: """handles progress bars and spinners""" def __init__(self, num): = Bar(max=num) self.spinner = PixelSpinner() def next(self): """advance the spinner and bar to the next iteration in cycle""" def done(self): """complete the bar"""
def mergeHashtags(self): """Merge the raw_hashtags table from the leaderboard into osmstats""" log = PixelSpinner( "Merging leaderboard hashtags table into Galaxy osmstats database. this may take a will..." ) self.timer.start() inquery = "SELECT changeset_id,hashtag FROM raw_changesets_hashtags INNER JOIN raw_hashtags ON (raw_changesets_hashtags.hashtag_id = id);" self.indb.dbcursor.execute(inquery) self.timer.stop() for entry in self.indb.dbcursor.fetchall(): outquery = "INSERT INTO changesets(id,hashtags) VALUES({id}, ARRAY['{hashtags}']) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET id=" # watch out for single quotes in user names fixed = entry[1].replace("'", "'") outquery += str( entry[0] ) + ", hashtags=ARRAY_APPEND(changesets.hashtags, '" + fixed + "')" self.outdb.dbcursor.execute( outquery.format(id=int(entry[0]), hashtags=fixed))
def __init__(self, indb=None, outdb=None, host=None): """Load a small bounding box for each country using the modified raw_countries table. Included in the source code for osm-stats-workers is a GeoJson file with the boundries used to display country boundaries. As those boundaries were only used by the front end, the boundaries are not in the database. The modified raw_countries table is the same data with a new column added for the geometry.""" if indb is None: indb = "leaderboard" self.indb = Pydb(indb, host) self.countries = dict() geoquery = "SELECT id,St_AsText(ST_Envelope(ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(boundary), 1, 4))) FROM raw_countries;" log = PixelSpinner("Loading Country boundaries...") self.indb.dbcursor.execute(geoquery) for row in self.indb.dbcursor.fetchall(): self.countries[row[0]] = row[1] self.timer = Timer() if outdb is None: outdb = "galaxy" self.outdb = Pydb(outdb, host)
connect = "dbname='" + options['database'] + "'" dbshell = psycopg2.connect(connect) dbshell.autocommit = True dbcursor = dbshell.cursor() osm = OsmFile("example.osm") bar = PixelSpinner('Processing... ' + options["database"]) # Get all the highways # query = """SELECT tags->'name',nodes,tags,ST_AsEWKT(linestring) FROM ways WHERE tags->'highway' is not NULL AND tags->'highway'!='path' LIMIT 5;""" query = """SELECT id,tags->'name',nodes,tags FROM ways WHERE tags->'highway' is not NULL AND tags->'highway'!='path';""" dbcursor.execute(query) all = dbcursor.fetchall() for line in all: result = dict() result['id'] = line[0] result['name'] = line[1] result['nodes'] = line[2] result['tags'] = line[3] # print("WAY: %s" % result['tags']) # Get the data for each node in the array if type(result['nodes']) != int: for data in result['nodes']: # print(data) # if data: query = """SELECT id,version,user_id,tstamp,changeset_id,tags,geom FROM nodes WHERE id=%d""" % data # print(query) dbcursor.execute(query)
def cli_login(): global session, globalError, semestres_final art = """ _____ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ ________ __ ||__ / ` | \|/ _`|| /\ | |__ \_/|__)/ \|__)||__ |__) ||___\__, |__/|\__>||/~~\|___ |___/ \| \__/| \||___| \ """ print(art) print("Exportador de archivos del TEC Digital") print("Creado por Joseph Vargas -\n\n") print("Ingrese sus credenciales del TEC Digital y presione Enter.") if "TEC_USERNAME" in environ: username = environ.get('TEC_USERNAME') else: username = input("Usuario: ").strip() if "TEC_PASSWORD" in environ: password = environ.get('TEC_PASSWORD') else: password = getpass.getpass("Contraseña: ") spinner = PixelSpinner('Iniciando sesión... ') thread = threading.Thread(target=td_login,args=(username,password)) thread.start() while thread.is_alive() and globalError == False: thread.join() if globalError: return print("\n") print('Obteniendo cursos... ') thread = threading.Thread(target=obtener_cursos) thread.start() thread.join() if globalError: return print("\n") print("Se han cargado satisfactoriamente los siguientes cursos:") for semestre in semestres_final: print("# " + semestre["titulo"]) for curso in semestre["cursos"]: print("-- " + curso["titulo"]) print("\n") if "AUTO_DOWNLOAD" not in environ and not query_yes_no("¿Desea iniciar la descarga de todos los archivos en la carpeta actual?"): return for semestre in semestres_final: print("Descargando cursos de " + semestre["titulo"] + "...") if not os.path.exists(semestre["titulo"]): os.makedirs(semestre["titulo"]) for curso in semestre["cursos"]: for attempt in range(5): try: print("Descargando archivos de " + curso["titulo"] + "...") url = curso["url"] + "/download-archive?object_id=" + curso["folder_id"] response = session.get(url, stream=True) total_size_in_bytes= int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0)) block_size = 1024 #1 Kibibyte progress_bar = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True) filename = os.path.join(dirname, semestre["titulo"], curso["titulo"] + ".zip") with open(filename, 'wb') as file: for data in response.iter_content(block_size): progress_bar.update(len(data)) file.write(data) if total_size_in_bytes != 0 and progress_bar.n != total_size_in_bytes: raise Exception('Error al descargar el archivo.') try: with zipfile.ZipFile(filename,"r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(os.path.join(dirname, semestre["titulo"])) except: print("\nHa ocurrido un error al descomprimir los contenidos de este curso. Se mantendrá el archivo comprimido") else: os.remove(filename) os.remove(filename) progress_bar.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() except: print("\n\nERROR: Error al descargar el archivo. \nReintentando...") else: break else: print("Ha ocurrido un error al descargar el curso " + curso["titulo"] + ".\nSaltando...") print("\n") print("Proceso finalizado.")
def mergeStatistics(self, timestamp): """Merge the raw_changesets table from the leaderboard into osmstats""" log = PixelSpinner( "Merging leaderboard statistics into Galaxy osmstats database") self.timer.start() query = "SELECT id, road_km_added, road_km_modified, waterway_km_added, waterway_km_modified, roads_added, roads_modified, waterways_added, waterways_modified, buildings_added, buildings_modified, pois_added, pois_modified, editor, user_id, created_at, closed_at, updated_at,country_id FROM raw_changesets INNER JOIN raw_changesets_countries ON (raw_changesets_countries.changeset_id = id);" self.indb.dbcursor.execute(query) self.timer.stop() result = self.indb.dbcursor.fetchone() while result is not None: stats = dict() added = dict() modified = dict() # non statistics fields stats['change_id'] = result[0] stats['editor'] = result[11] stats['user_id'] = result[14] stats['created_at'] = result[15] stats['closed_at'] = result[16] if stats['created_at'] is None and stats['closed_at'] is None: result = self.indb.dbcursor.fetchone() continue if stats['created_at'] is None: stats['created_at'] = stats['closed_at'] if stats['closed_at'] is None: stats['closed_at'] = stats['created_at'] stats['updated_at'] = result[17] stats['country_id'] = result[18] if self.getBbox(result[18]) is None: logging.warning( "Country ID %s is not in the geoboundaries table" % result[18]) result = self.indb.dbcursor.fetchone() continue stats['bbox'] = "ST_Multi(ST_GeomFromText('" stats['bbox'] += self.getBbox(result[18]) + "')" # Added fields added['highway_km'] = result[1] added['waterway_km'] = result[3] added['highways'] = result[4] added['waterways'] = result[7] added['buildings'] = result[9] added['pois'] = result[11] # Modified fields modified['highway_km'] = result[2] modified['waterway_km'] = result[4] modified['highways'] = result[6] modified['waterways'] = result[8] modified['buildings'] = result[10] modified['pois'] = result[12] # Get the next row, since we're done with this one result = self.indb.dbcursor.fetchone() # Build the hstore for the added statistics hadd = "HSTORE(ARRAY[" for key, value in added.items(): hadd += "ARRAY['" + key + "','" + str(value) + "']," length = len(hadd) - 1 hadd = hadd[:length] hadd += "])" # Build the hstore for the added statistics hmod = "HSTORE(ARRAY[" for key, value in modified.items(): hmod += "ARRAY['" + key + "','" + str(value) + "']," length = len(hmod) - 1 hmod = hmod[:length] hmod += "])" query = "INSERT INTO changesets(id, editor, user_id, created_at, closed_at, updated_at, added, modified, bbox)" query += " VALUES({id}, '{editor}', {user_id}, '{created_at}', '{closed_at}', '{updated_at}', {add}, {mod}, {bbox})) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET editor='{editor}', user_id={user_id}, created_at='{created_at}', closed_at='{closed_at}', updated_at='{updated_at}', added={add}, modified={mod}, bbox={bbox});" outquery = query.format(id=stats['change_id'], editor=stats['editor'], user_id=stats['user_id'], created_at=stats['created_at'], closed_at=stats['closed_at'], updated_at=stats['updated_at'], bbox=stats['bbox'], add=hadd, mod=hmod) #print(outquery) self.outdb.dbcursor.execute(outquery)
], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).strip() bar.goto(current_time) bar.finish() progress_start = time.time() video_files = [] video_files_populated = False spinner = PixelSpinner('Please wait while generating video files list ') while not video_files_populated: for file in glob.iglob('**/*.*', recursive=True): split_path_name = file.split("/") folder = save_to + split_path_name[0] if not os.path.isdir(file): if magic.from_file(file, mime=True)[:5] == 'video': video_files.append(file) video_files_populated = True for video in range(len(video_files)): generate_gif(video_files[video]) progress_end = time.time() total_run = int(progress_end - progress_start) print("== FINISHED ==") print("Total Runtime: " + str(total_run) + " seconds")