def mapMaskSoft(dimensions = (1024, 1024), mesh = None): """ Create a texture mask for the selected human (software renderer). """ progress = Progress() (0) if mesh is None: mesh = W = dimensions[0] H = dimensions[1] components = 4 dstImg = mh.Image(width=W, height=H, components=components)[...] = np.tile([0,0,0,255], (H,W)).reshape((H,W,components)) faces = getFaces(mesh) coords = np.asarray([0,H])[None,None,:] + mesh.texco[mesh.fuvs[faces]] * np.asarray([W,-H])[None,None,:] shape = mesh.fvert[faces].shape shape = tuple(list(shape) + [components]) colors = np.repeat(1, log.debug("mapMask: begin render") progress(0.1, 0.55) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:,[0,1,2],:], MaskShader()) progress(0.55, 0.99) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:,[2,3,0],:], MaskShader()) log.debug("mapMask: end render") progress.finish() return dstImg
def generate(self, progress: Progress): with open(self._file, "w") as file: file.write("cpf\n") for e in self._elements: file.write("{0:011d}\n".format(e)) progress.finish()
def mapImageSoft(srcImg, mesh, leftTop, rightBottom): progress = Progress() (0) dstImg = mh.Image( dstW = dstImg.width dstH = dstImg.height srcImg = srcImg.convert(dstImg.components) camera = getCamera(mesh) faces = getFaces(mesh) # log.debug('matrix: %s', progress(0.05) texco = np.asarray([0,dstH])[None,None,:] + mesh.texco[mesh.fuvs[faces]] * np.asarray([dstW,-dstH])[None,None,:] matrix_ = np.asarray( coord = np.concatenate((mesh.coord[mesh.fvert[faces]], np.ones((len(faces),4,1))), axis=-1) # log.debug('texco: %s, coord: %s', texco.shape, coord.shape) coord = np.sum(matrix_[None,None,:,:] * coord[:,:,None,:], axis = -1) # log.debug('coord: %s', coord.shape) coord = coord[:,:,:2] / coord[:,:,3:] progress(0.1) # log.debug('coord: %s', coord.shape) # log.debug('coords: %f-%f, %f-%f', # np.amin(coord[...,0]), np.amax(coord[...,0]), # np.amin(coord[...,1]), np.amax(coord[...,1])) # log.debug('rect: %s %s', leftTop, rightBottom) coord -= np.asarray([leftTop[0], leftTop[1]])[None,None,:] coord /= np.asarray([rightBottom[0] - leftTop[0], rightBottom[1] - leftTop[1]])[None,None,:] alpha = np.sum(mesh.vnorm[mesh.fvert[faces]] * camera[None,None,:], axis=-1) alpha = np.maximum(0, alpha) # alpha[...] = 1 # debug # log.debug('alpha: %s', alpha.shape) # log.debug('coords: %f-%f, %f-%f', # np.amin(coord[...,0]), np.amax(coord[...,0]), # np.amin(coord[...,1]), np.amax(coord[...,1])) progress(0.15) uva = np.concatenate((coord, alpha[...,None]), axis=-1) # log.debug('uva: %s', uva.shape) valid = np.any(alpha >= 0, axis=1) # log.debug('valid: %s', valid.shape) texco = texco[valid,:,:] uva = uva[valid,:,:] # log.debug('%s %s', texco.shape, uva.shape) # log.debug('src: %s, dst: %s',, log.debug("mapImage: begin render") progress(0.2, 0.6) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, texco[:,[0,1,2],:], UvAlphaShader(dstImg, srcImg, uva[:,[0,1,2],:])) progress(0.6, 0.99) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, texco[:,[2,3,0],:], UvAlphaShader(dstImg, srcImg, uva[:,[2,3,0],:])) progress.finish() log.debug("mapImage: end render") return dstImg
def write(self, progress: Progress): with open(self._file, "w") as file: file.write("cpf,id,data\n") while self._record < self._records: buffer = self._fill_buffer() file.write("".join(buffer)) progress.finish()
def _buildInitialDepGraph(self, targets): '''Invoked by build().''' for target in targets: if not self._putToBuildQueue(target): errorf("BUILD FAILED! exitCode: {}", 1) if self.progressFn: from progress import Progress prg = Progress(1) prg.finish(1) self.progressFn(prg) return 1 return 0
def writeSkeletonFile(human, filepath, config): Pprogress = Progress(3) # Parent. filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = formatName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) filename = name + ".skeleton.xml" filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), filename) skel = human.getSkeleton() f =, 'w', encoding="utf-8") lines = [] lines.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') lines.append('<!-- Exported from MakeHuman ( -->') lines.append('<skeleton>') lines.append(' <bones>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bIdx, bone in enumerate(skel.getBones()): pos = config.scale * bone.getRestOffset() if config.feetOnGround and not bone.parent: pos[1] += getFeetOnGroundOffset(config) lines.append(' <bone id="%s" name="%s">' % (bIdx, lines.append(' <position x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' % (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) lines.append(' <rotation angle="0">') lines.append(' <axis x="1" y="0" z="0" />') lines.append(' </rotation>') lines.append(' </bone>') progress.step() lines.append(' </bones>') Pprogress.step() lines.append(' <bonehierarchy>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bone in skel.getBones(): if bone.parent: lines.append(' <boneparent bone="%s" parent="%s" />' % (, progress.step() lines.append(' </bonehierarchy>') Pprogress.step() if hasattr(human, 'animations'): lines.append(' <animations>') for anim in human.animations: writeAnimation(human, lines, anim.getAnimationTrack()) lines.append(' </animations>') lines.append('</skeleton>') f.write("\n".join(lines)) f.close() Pprogress.finish()
def mapLightingSoft( lightpos=(-10.99, 20.0, 20.0), mesh=None, res=(1024, 1024), border=1): """ Create a lightmap for the selected human (software renderer). """ progress = Progress()(0) if mesh is None: mesh = W = res[0] H = res[1] dstImg = mh.Image(width=W, height=H, components=4)[...] = 0 delta = lightpos - mesh.coord ld = vnormalize(delta) del delta s = np.sum(ld * mesh.vnorm, axis=-1) del ld s = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(255, (s * 256))).astype(np.uint8) mesh.color[..., :3] = s[..., None] mesh.color[..., 3] = 255 del s faces = getFaces(mesh) coords = np.asarray( [0, H])[None, None, :] + mesh.texco[mesh.fuvs[faces]] * np.asarray( [W, -H])[None, None, :] colors = mesh.color[mesh.fvert[faces]] # log.debug("mapLighting: %s %s %s", faces.shape, coords.shape, colors.shape) log.debug("mapLighting: begin render") progress(0.1, 0.5) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:, [0, 1, 2], :], ColorShader(colors[:, [0, 1, 2], :])) progress(0.5, 0.9) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:, [2, 3, 0], :], ColorShader(colors[:, [2, 3, 0], :])) progress(0.9, 0.99) dstImg = fixSeams(dstImg, mesh, border) log.debug("mapLighting: end render") mesh.setColor([255, 255, 255, 255]) progress.finish() return dstImg
def mapLightingSoft(lightpos = (-10.99, 20.0, 20.0), mesh = None, res = (1024, 1024), border = 1): """ Create a lightmap for the selected human (software renderer). """ progress = Progress() (0) if mesh is None: mesh = W = res[0] H = res[1] dstImg = mh.Image(width=W, height=H, components=4)[...] = 0 delta = lightpos - mesh.coord ld = vnormalize(delta) del delta s = np.sum(ld * mesh.vnorm, axis=-1) del ld s = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(255, (s * 256))).astype(np.uint8) mesh.color[...,:3] = s[...,None] mesh.color[...,3] = 255 del s faces = getFaces(mesh) coords = np.asarray([0,H])[None,None,:] + mesh.texco[mesh.fuvs[faces]] * np.asarray([W,-H])[None,None,:] colors = mesh.color[mesh.fvert[faces]] # log.debug("mapLighting: %s %s %s", faces.shape, coords.shape, colors.shape) log.debug("mapLighting: begin render") progress(0.1, 0.5) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:,[0,1,2],:], ColorShader(colors[:,[0,1,2],:])) progress(0.5, 0.9) RasterizeTriangles(dstImg, coords[:,[2,3,0],:], ColorShader(colors[:,[2,3,0],:])) progress(0.9, 0.99) dstImg = fixSeams(dstImg, mesh, border) log.debug("mapLighting: end render") mesh.setColor([255, 255, 255, 255]) progress.finish() return dstImg
def stochastic_page_rank(graph, node, n_iter=1000000, n_steps=100): """Stochastic PageRank estimation Parameters: graph -- a graph object as returned by load_graph() n_iter (int) -- number of random walks performed n_steps (int) -- number of followed links before random walk is stopped Returns: A dict that assigns each page its hit frequency This function estimates the Page Rank by counting how frequently a random walk that starts on a random node will after n_steps end on each node of the given graph. """ #create an empty dictionary Nodecount = {} prog = Progress(n_iter, "Permforming stochastic page rank. This may take while" ) #setting up progress bar for nodes in range(0, len(list(graph.nodes))): #loop through all the nodes Nodecount[list( graph.nodes )[nodes]] = 0 #set each node in the dictionary with a value of 0 for i in range(0, n_iter): prog += 1 #progress bar node = randomnodechooser(graph) for x in range( 0, n_steps ): #loop for n amount of random links to follow per random node we start from RandomNodenumber = random.randint(0, int(len(graph.edges(node))) - 1) #seelect a random number # use random number to select a random index in the list of edges from the randomnode node = (list(graph.edges(node))[RandomNodenumber])[1] Nodecount[node] += (1 / n_iter ) #Increase the finnally landed node by 1/n iter. ## The most common will be largest prog.finish() return Nodecount
def distribution_page_rank(graph, n_iter=100): """Probabilistic PageRank estimation Parameters: graph -- a graph object as returned by load_graph() n_iter (int) -- number of probability distribution updates Returns: A dict that assigns each page its probability to be reached This function estimates the Page Rank by iteratively calculating the probability that a random walker is currently on any node. """ node_prob = {} #create an empty dictionary prog = Progress(n_iter, "Permforming distribution page rank. This may take while" ) #set up progress bar for z in range(0, len(list(graph.nodes))): #loop through each node # set each node in the dictionary with an equal value with 1/n amount of nodes node_prob[list(graph.nodes)[z]] = 1 / len(list(graph.nodes)) for i in range(0, n_iter): #loop n times prog += 1 #progress bar next_prob = {} #second dictionary for count in range( 0, len(graph.nodes) ): #set the second dictionary to all have default values of 0 next_prob[list(graph.nodes)[count]] = 0 for node in range(0, len((graph.nodes))): #for each node in the graph Currentnode = list(graph.nodes)[node] # sets the probability to choose a node to 1/n the current nodes amount of edges p = node_prob[Currentnode] / len(graph.edges(Currentnode)) for edges in range(0, len(graph.edges(Currentnode)) ): #All edges probabilities are increaseed by p CurrentEdges = list(graph.edges(Currentnode)) next_prob[CurrentEdges[edges][1]] += p node_prob = next_prob #this optimises the algorithim and refutes it being thrown off by random chance prog.finish() return node_prob
def start(self): if self.finished: raise NotImplementedError( "Builder instance can be used only once.") self.rc = 0 if not len(self.sortedList): # if self.printUpToDate: cinfo(self.printInfo, "All targets are up-to-date. Nothing to do.") self.finished = True return self.workers = [Worker(self, i) for i in range(self.numWorkers)] try: for worker in self.workers: worker.start() for worker in self.workers: logger.debugf("Joining worker {}", worker.join() # exception handling: progressFn have to be called with end marker finally: if self.progressFn: prg = Progress(self.numWorkers) prg.finish(self.rc) self.progressFn(prg)
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering img = img.resized(width / 2, height / 2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary[:, :, :] =[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)] renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete')
def exportStlAscii(filepath, config, exportJoints=False): """ This function exports MakeHuman mesh to stereolithography ascii format. Parameters ---------- human: *Human*. The object whose information is to be used for the export. filepath: *string*. The filepath of the file to export the object to. config: *Config*. Export configuration. """ progress = Progress(0, None) human = config.human config.setupTexFolder(filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) objects = human.getObjects(True) meshes = [o.mesh.clone(1, True) for o in objects] from codecs import open fp = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") solid = name.replace(" ", "_") fp.write("solid %s\n" % solid) progress(0.3, 0.99, "Writing Objects") objprog = Progress(len(meshes)) def chunked_enumerate(chunk_size, offs, list_): return zip(range(offs, offs + chunk_size), list_[offs : offs + chunk_size]) for mesh in meshes: coord = config.scale * mesh.coord + config.offset offs = 0 chunk_size = ( 2000 ) # The higher the chunk size, the faster, but setting this too high can run into memory errors on some machines meshprog = Progress(math.ceil(float(len(mesh.fvert)) / chunk_size)) while offs < len(mesh.fvert): fp.write( "".join( [ ( "facet normal %f %f %f\n" % tuple(mesh.fnorm[fn]) + "\touter loop\n" + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[0]]) + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[1]]) + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[2]]) + "\tendloop\n" + "\tendfacet\n" + "facet normal %f %f %f\n" % tuple(mesh.fnorm[fn]) + "\touter loop\n" + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[2]]) + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[3]]) + "\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n" % tuple(coord[fv[0]]) + "\tendloop\n" + "\tendfacet\n" ) for fn, fv in chunked_enumerate(offs, chunk_size, mesh.fvert) ] ) ) fp.flush() os.fsync(fp.fileno()) offs += chunk_size meshprog.step() meshprog.finish() objprog.step() fp.write("endsolid %s\n" % solid) fp.close() progress(1, None, "STL export finished. Exported file: %s", filepath)
# coding=utf8 from progress import Progress progress = Progress(description="Processing some items..", size=15) import time for i in range(15): time.sleep(0.2) progress.next_item("%d" % (15 - i)) progress.finish() progress.reset(description="Processing another one..", size=20) for i in range(20): time.sleep(0.2) progress.next_item("%d" % i) progress.finish()
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data = human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting( settings['scene'], border = human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse = True) human.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering img = img.resized(width/2, height/2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary[:,:,:] =[:,:,(2,1,0,3)] renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete')
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.mesh.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.mesh.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using Qt image class qtImg = img.toQImage() del img # Bilinear filtered resize for anti-aliasing scaledImg = qtImg.scaled( width / 2, height / 2, transformMode=gui.QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) del qtImg img = scaledImg #img = image.Image(scaledImg) # Convert back to MH image #del scaledImg renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete.')
for i in range(n_iter + 1): # by choosing a random node from the starting nodes in the graph current_node = random.choice(list(graph_rep.keys())) # show a progress bar to track progress of the ongoing calculation prog.counter += 0.000325 # for every step taken by the walker before reaching the end URL: for j in range(n_steps + 1): # the walker randomly enters one of the URLs from the starting/current node's targets current_node = random.choice(list(graph_rep[current_node])) # up the hit count for the current node hit_count[current_node] += 1 / n_iter # update the hit_count dictionary with this upped hit frequency hit_count.update({current_node: hit_count[current_node]}) # hide the progress bar prog.finish() return hit_count def distribution_page_rank(graph_rep, n_iter=100): """Probabilistic PageRank estimation Parameters: graph_rep -- a graph object as returned by load_graph() n_iter (int) -- number of probability distribution updates Returns: node_prob -- A dict that assigns each page its probability to be reached This function estimates the Page Rank by iteratively calculating the probability that a random walker is currently on any node.
def writeSkeletonFile(human, filepath, config): import transformations as tm Pprogress = Progress(3) # Parent. filename = os.path.basename(filepath) filename = getbasefilename(filename) filename = filename + ".skeleton.xml" filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), filename) skel = human.getSkeleton() if config.scale != 1: skel = skel.scaled(config.scale) f =, 'w', encoding="utf-8") lines = [] lines.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') lines.append( '<!-- Exported from MakeHuman ( -->') lines.append('<!-- Skeleton: %s -->' % lines.append('<skeleton>') lines.append(' <bones>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bIdx, bone in enumerate(skel.getBones()): mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix( offsetVect=config.offset ) # TODO adapt offset if mesh orientation is different # Bone positions are in parent bone space pos = mat[:3, 3] angle, axis, _ = tm.rotation_from_matrix(mat) lines.append(' <bone id="%s" name="%s">' % (bIdx, lines.append(' <position x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' % (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) lines.append(' <rotation angle="%s">' % angle) lines.append(' <axis x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' % (axis[0], axis[1], axis[2])) lines.append(' </rotation>') lines.append(' </bone>') progress.step() lines.append(' </bones>') Pprogress.step() lines.append(' <bonehierarchy>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bone in skel.getBones(): if bone.parent: lines.append(' <boneparent bone="%s" parent="%s" />' % (, progress.step() lines.append(' </bonehierarchy>') Pprogress.step() animations = [human.getAnimation(name) for name in human.getAnimations()] # TODO compensate animations for alternate rest pose if len(animations) > 0: lines.append(' <animations>') for anim in animations: # Use pose matrices, not skinning matrices anim.resetBaked() #anim = bvhanim.getAnimationTrack() writeAnimation(human, lines, anim, config) lines.append(' </animations>') lines.append('</skeleton>') f.write("\n".join(lines)) f.close() Pprogress.finish()
def writeSkeletonFile(human, filepath, config): import transformations as tm Pprogress = Progress(3) # Parent. filename = os.path.basename(filepath) filename = getbasefilename(filename) filename = filename + ".skeleton.xml" filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), filename) skel = human.getSkeleton() if config.scale != 1: skel = skel.scaled(config.scale) if not skel.isInRestPose(): # Export skeleton with the current pose as rest pose skel = skel.createFromPose() f =, 'w', encoding="utf-8") lines = [] lines.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') lines.append('<!-- Exported from MakeHuman ( -->') lines.append('<!-- Skeleton: %s -->' % lines.append('<skeleton>') lines.append(' <bones>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bIdx, bone in enumerate(skel.getBones()): mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(offsetVect=config.offset) # TODO adapt offset if mesh orientation is different # Bone positions are in parent bone space pos = mat[:3,3] angle, axis, _ = tm.rotation_from_matrix(mat) lines.append(' <bone id="%s" name="%s">' % (bIdx, lines.append(' <position x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' % (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) lines.append(' <rotation angle="%s">' % angle) lines.append(' <axis x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' % (axis[0], axis[1], axis[2])) lines.append(' </rotation>') lines.append(' </bone>') progress.step() lines.append(' </bones>') Pprogress.step() lines.append(' <bonehierarchy>') progress = Progress(len(skel.getBones())) for bone in skel.getBones(): if bone.parent: lines.append(' <boneparent bone="%s" parent="%s" />' % (, progress.step() lines.append(' </bonehierarchy>') Pprogress.step() if hasattr(human, 'animations'): lines.append(' <animations>') for anim in human.animations: writeAnimation(human, lines, anim.getAnimationTrack(), config) lines.append(' </animations>') lines.append('</skeleton>') f.write("\n".join(lines)) f.close() Pprogress.finish()
def exportStlAscii(filepath, config, exportJoints=False): """ This function exports MakeHuman mesh to stereolithography ascii format. Parameters ---------- human: *Human*. The object whose information is to be used for the export. filepath: *string*. The filepath of the file to export the object to. config: *Config*. Export configuration. """ progress = Progress(0, None) human = config.human config.setupTexFolder(filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) objects = human.getObjects(True) meshes = [o.mesh.clone(1, True) for o in objects] from codecs import open fp = open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8") solid = name.replace(' ', '_') fp.write('solid %s\n' % solid) progress(0.3, 0.99, "Writing Objects") objprog = Progress(len(meshes)) def chunked_enumerate(chunk_size, offs, list_): return zip(range(offs, offs + chunk_size), list_[offs:offs + chunk_size]) for mesh in meshes: coord = config.scale * mesh.coord + config.offset offs = 0 chunk_size = 2000 # The higher the chunk size, the faster, but setting this too high can run into memory errors on some machines meshprog = Progress(math.ceil(float(len(mesh.fvert)) / chunk_size)) while (offs < len(mesh.fvert)): fp.write("".join([ ('facet normal %f %f %f\n' % tuple(mesh.fnorm[fn]) + '\touter loop\n' + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[0]]) + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[1]]) + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[2]]) + '\tendloop\n' + '\tendfacet\n' + 'facet normal %f %f %f\n' % tuple(mesh.fnorm[fn]) + '\touter loop\n' + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[2]]) + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[3]]) + '\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % tuple(coord[fv[0]]) + '\tendloop\n' + '\tendfacet\n') for fn, fv in chunked_enumerate(offs, chunk_size, mesh.fvert) ])) fp.flush() os.fsync(fp.fileno()) offs += chunk_size meshprog.step() meshprog.finish() objprog.step() fp.write('endsolid %s\n' % solid) fp.close() progress(1, None, "STL export finished. Exported file: %s", filepath)
# coding=utf8 from progress import Progress progress = Progress(description="Processing some items..", size=15) import time for i in range(15): time.sleep(0.2) progress.next_item("%d" % (15-i)) progress.finish() progress.reset(description="Processing another one..", size=20) for i in range(20): time.sleep(0.2) progress.next_item("%d" % i) progress.finish()