def spfilt( dataset, filt, io_blocksize = 1024, progress_bar = False ):
	Perform a spatial filter on an input two dimensional dataset.

	Returns dataset
	Keyword Arguments:
	dataset -- ndarray of size samples x channels
	filt -- ndarray spatial filter of channels x channels

	io_blocksize -- Number of samples to operate on at a time
		(Default: 1024)

	progress_bar -- If set to true, show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)
	TODO: Implement Parallelism
	start = 0
	nsamp = len( dataset )
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( nsamp )

	while True:
		end_block = start + io_blocksize
		end = min( end_block, nsamp - 1 )
		dataset[ start:end, : ] = np.dot( dataset[ start:end, : ], filt )
		start = end

		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( start )
		if end_block >= nsamp: break

	return dataset
def resample_lts( lts, out_lts, new_rate = 5000, cutoff = 2000 ):
	Resample a LabeledTimeseries to an output LabeledTimeseries.

	Returns a LabeledTimeseries containing the new resampled data.

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- An input LabeledTimeseries to resample
	out_lts -- A LabeledTimeseries to output the resampled data to.  If this
		is a string, create a new sibling LabeledTimeseries with this name.
	new_rate -- The sampling rate to resample to. (Default: 5000 samples per sec)
	cutoff -- The cutoff value for the FIR low-pass filter.  Ensure this is set
		considerably *below* the nyquist of 'new_rate'. (Default: 2000 Hz)
	from h5eeg import LabeledTimeseries

	# Create the new LabeledTimeseries if necessary
	if isinstance( out_lts, basestring ):
		parent_group = lts.dataset.parent
		new_length = int( len( lts ) * ( float( new_rate ) / float( lts.get_rate() ) ) )
		out_lts = LabeledTimeseries.create( parent_group, new_length, 
			lts.get_labels(), new_rate, name = out_lts )

	# Resample lts data channel by channel
	pbar = ProgressBar( len( lts.get_labels() ) )
	for idx, ch_name in enumerate( lts.get_labels() ):
		print 'Resampling Channel: %s...' % ch_name
		ch_data = resample( lts[ :, ch_name ], lts.get_rate(), new_rate, cutoff )
		convert_length = min( len( ch_data ), len( out_lts ) )
		out_lts[ 0:convert_length, ch_name ] = ch_data[ 0:convert_length ]
		pbar.animate( idx )

	# lts.dataset.file.flush() # This takes forever.  Don't bother.
	return out_lts
def convert_bcistream( dat, h5filename = None, overwrite = False ):

	# If we don't have a filename for the resulting hdf5 file, we will
	# just make an hdf5 file from the current filename in the same directory
	if h5filename == None:
		filepath, h5filename = os.path.split( dat.filename )
		h5filename = os.path.splitext( h5filename )[0]
		h5filename = os.path.join( filepath, h5filename + '.hdf5' )

	if os.path.isfile( h5filename ) and not overwrite:
		print "Error: %s exists already.  Not overwriting." % h5filename
		return None

	# Create the required group and set group attributes
	# NOTE: BCI2000 file format has no good record of experiment
	outfile = h5.File( h5filename, 'w' )
	group = H5EEGGroup.create( outfile, 
		subject = dat.params[ 'SubjectName' ],
		timestamp = dat.datestamp )

	# Create the EEG, AUX, and Event datasets
	eeg_labels = [ str( i + 1 ) for i in range( dat.nchan ) ]
	if 'ChannelNames' in dat.params.keys(): eeg_labels = dat.params[ 'ChannelNames' ]
	eeg_offsets = dat.offsets.astype( 'int32' )
	H5EEGDataset.create( group, dat.samples(), eeg_labels, eeg_offsets, dat.gains, 
		name = 'raw', rate = dat.samplingrate(), bytes_per_sample = dat.bytesperchannel )
	aux_labels = dat.statedefs.keys()
	H5EEGAuxDataset.create( group, dat.samples(), labels = aux_labels, 
		rate = dat.samplingrate() )
	H5EEGEvents.create( group )

	# Read the data into the h5f file in blocks of 1 second each
	dat.seek( 0 )
	eeg_dset = group.eeg().dataset
	aux_dset = group.aux().dataset
	print 'Converting %s to %s...' % ( dat.filename, h5filename )

	pbar = ProgressBar( dat.samples() )
	while dat.tell() != dat.samples():
		samp_idx = dat.tell()
		read_block = int( dat.samplingrate() )
		signal, states = dat.decode( nsamp = read_block, apply_gains = False )
		read_block = signal.shape[1]

		eeg_dset[ samp_idx:( samp_idx + read_block ), : ] = signal.T
		for idx, label in enumerate( aux_labels ):
			aux_dset[ samp_idx:( samp_idx + read_block ), idx ] = np.squeeze( states[ label ] )

		pbar.animate( dat.tell() )

	return outfile
def listen( data, rate ):
	Listen to a one-dimensional numpy array

	Keyword Arguments:
	data -- A one-dimensional numpy array
	rate -- The data sampling rate.  This has nothing to do with the sampling 
		rate of the audio output from your speakers.

	Depends on pyaudio
	import pyaudio
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	stream = p.open( format = pyaudio.paFloat32, channels = 1, 
		rate = int( rate ), output = True )

	data = np.squeeze( data )
	data = data / max( abs( max( data ) ), abs( min( data ) ) )
	start = 0
	rate = int( rate )
	read_block = rate / 4 # Read in 0.25 sec increments
	audio_length = len( data ) / float( rate )
	pbar = ProgressBar( audio_length )
	print 'Listening to data (%f sec)...  Interrupt (^C) to stop.' % audio_length
		while start != len( data ):
			end = min( len( data ), start + read_block )
			pbar.animate( start / float( rate ) )
			stream.write( data[ start:end ].astype( 'float32' ).tostring() )
			start = end
	except KeyboardInterrupt:


def frequency_feature( lts, events, length = None, band = ( 70, 110 ), smooth = 10,
	baseline_length = None, baseline_offset = 0, baseline_features = False,
	progress_bar = False, exclude_ch = [] ):
	Generate average frequency features from a LabeledTimeseries across events.

	data = [baseline_length][baseline_offset]| event[start_idx] |[length]

	Returns: ( features, obs_labels, ch_labels, t_labels )
		features -- ndarray of frequency features ( obs (events) x ch x samples (time) )
		obs_labels -- labels of the observation axis of features
		ch_labels -- labels of the ch axis of features.  Equal to lts.get_labels()
		t_labels -- time labels in seconds.

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- LabeledTimeseries object to use as the input dataset.

	events -- An ndarray of event objects to generate features for.
		Hint: use H5EEGEvents.query_events(...) for this!

	length -- Length of the feature in seconds.  This value overrides event
		duration and is used to define feature length for flag events.
		(Default: None -- length defined by event duration)

	band -- Frequency band in Hz defined by a tuple ( cuton, cutoff ).  Data will be
		filtered by an FIR bandpass filter and hilbert-transformed to extract the power
		in that band.
		(Default: ( 70, 110 ) High Gamma

	smooth -- The power envelope is low-pass filtered to this frequency.  Used to
		smooth feature output.  Set to 0 for no additional smoothing
		(Default: 10 Hz)

	baseline_length -- The number of samples of 'baseline' period to collect before
		each event.  This data segment will be have features extracted from
		which a baseline distribution will be defined per-electrode for Z-scoring.
		NOTE: Set baseline_length = 0 to disable baseline referencing.
		(Default: None -- baseline_length = length)

	baseline_offset -- The number of samples to offset before the event start_idx
		before the baseline period ends.  See diagram above for clarification.
		(Default: 0 -- No samples of baseline offset)

	baseline_features -- Append features for the baseline periods rather than 
		referencing/zscoring the features by baseline.
		NOTE: This will double the number of features/observations
		(Default: False -- Do not append baseline features)

	progress_bar -- Show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)

	Depends on BCPy2000 hilbert.
	FIXME: Remove Dependency
	TODO: Parallelism
	import BCPy2000.Paths
	from BCPy2000.SigTools.Basic import hilbert

	# Take sampling rate into account
	length = int( length * lts.get_rate() )
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = length
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = 0
	buffer_samples = int( 0.2 * lts.get_rate() )

	# Calculate filter coefficients
	smooth = smooth / float( lts.get_rate() )
	smooth_coefs = None
	if smooth != 0.0:
		smooth_coefs = firwin( 64, cutoff = smooth, window = "hamming" )
		smooth_coefs = smooth_coefs / sum( smooth_coefs ) # Correct Gain

	# Determine channel indices
	def bad_ch( ch ):
		for q in exclude_ch: 
			if q in ch: return True
		return False
	channels = np.array( [ ch for ch in lts.get_labels() if not bad_ch( ch ) ] )

	features = []
	obs_labels = []

	def add_observation( name, feature ):
		if smooth_coefs != None:
			feature = filtfilt( smooth_coefs, [1.0], feature, axis = 0 )
		features.append( feature.T )
		obs_labels.append( name )

	# Calculate features for every event matching the query
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( len( events ) )
	for idx, event in enumerate( events ):

		# Acquire information about the event
		name = event['name']
		start_idx = event['start_idx']
		duration = event['duration']

		# Skip the event if we can't find a good length for it.
		# FIXME: Logic is off here.
		if duration == 0: duration = length
		if duration == None: continue;

		# Define start and end of feature extraction epoch
		end = start_idx + duration + buffer_samples
		start = start_idx - buffer_samples

		# Acquire the data for this spectrogram and calculate the spectrogram.
		observation = lts[ start:end, channels ]
		obs_features = hilbert( observation, band = band, return_dict = True,
			samplingfreq_hz = lts.get_rate() )[ 'amplitude' ]

		# Reference to baseline if we can
		if baseline_length != 0:

			# Acquire the baseline data
			baseline_start = start_idx - baseline_length - baseline_offset - buffer_samples
			baseline_end = start_idx - baseline_offset + buffer_samples
			baseline_data = lts[ baseline_start:baseline_end, channels ]

			# Calculate the baseline features and determine distribution
			obs_baseline = hilbert( baseline_data, band = band, return_dict = True,
				samplingfreq_hz = lts.get_rate() )[ 'amplitude' ]
			obs_baseline = obs_baseline[ buffer_samples:-buffer_samples, : ]

			if baseline_features == False:
				# Z-Score the features by the baseline distribution.
				# TODO: This isn't statistically sound, this assumes 
				# independence in the time-series
				mu = np.mean( obs_baseline, axis = 0 )
				sigma = np.std( obs_baseline, axis = 0 )
				def zscore( data, mu, sigma ):
					return np.divide( np.subtract( data, mu ), sigma )
				obs_features = np.apply_along_axis( zscore, 1, obs_features, mu, sigma )
			else: add_observation( 'BASELINE_' + name, obs_baseline )

		# Add the features to the list of features
		obs_features = obs_features[ buffer_samples:-buffer_samples, : ]
		add_observation( name, obs_features )

		# Update the progress
		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( idx )

	# Return the feature array
	features = np.array( features )
	t_labels = np.arange( features.shape[-1] ) / float( lts.get_rate() )
	return ( features, obs_labels, channels, t_labels )
def spectrogram( lts, channel, events, length = None, baseline_length = None,
	baseline_offset = 0, nfft = 1024, shift = 10, progress_bar = False ):
	Generate a spectrogram based on a query into the dataset.  Internally, this uses
	matplotlib.mlab.specgram, so this is a FFT-based spectrogram.

	data = [baseline_length][baseline_offset]| event[start_idx] |[length]

	Returns: ( avg_spec, f, t )
	avg_spec = Average spectrogram array
	f = frequency labels for axis 0 of avg_spec
	t = time labels for axis 1 of avg_spec

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- LabeledTimeseries object to use as the input dataset.

	events -- An ndarray of event objects to generate spectrograms for.
		Hint: use H5EEGEvents.query_events(...) for this!

	channel -- The channel within lts to create the spectrogram from.

	length -- Length of the spectrogram in samples.  This value overrides event
		duration and is used to define spectrogram length for flag events.
		(Default: None -- length defined by event duration)

	baseline_length -- The number of samples of 'baseline' period to collect before
		each event.  This data segment will be transformed into a spectrogram from
		which a baseline distribution will be defined per-frequency bin for Z-scoring.
		NOTE: Set baseline_length = 0 to disable baseline referencing.
		(Default: None -- baseline_length = length.  If length == none, use event duration)

	baseline_offset -- The number of samples to offset before the event start_idx
		before the baseline period ends.  See diagram above for clarification.
		(Default: 0 -- No samples of baseline offset)

	nfft -- Length of fft window.  Should be a power of two.  Used for both baseline
		and spectrogram. Should be shorter than length and baseline_length.
		(Default: 1024)

	shift -- Time shift of fft windows in samples.  overlap = nfft - shift.
		(Default: 10)

	progress_bar -- Show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)

	FIXME: Specify lengths in seconds, because we have a samplingrate.
	TODO: Parallelism
	overlap = nfft - shift
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = length

	# Calculate a spectrogram for every event matching the query
	avg_spec = None
	num_spectrograms = 0.0
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( len( events ) )

	for idx, event in enumerate( events ):

		# Acquire information about the event
		name = event['name']
		start_idx = event['start_idx']
		duration = event['duration']

		# Skip the event if we can't find a good length for it.
		if duration == 0: duration = length
		if duration == None: continue;

		# Acquire the data for this spectrogram and calculate the spectrogram.
		data = lts[ start_idx:start_idx + duration, channel ]
		spec, f, t = specgram( data, NFFT = nfft, Fs = lts.get_rate(), noverlap = overlap )
		spec = 20.0 * np.log10( spec )

		# Reference to baseline if we can
		if baseline_length != 0:

			# Acquire the baseline data
			if baseline_length == None: b_len = duration
			else: b_len = baseline_length
			baseline_start = start_idx - b_len - baseline_offset
			baseline_end = start_idx - baseline_offset
			baseline_data = lts[ baseline_start:baseline_end, channel ]

			# Calculate the baseline spectrogram and determine distribution
			baseline_spec, f_base, t_base = specgram( baseline_data, NFFT = nfft,
				Fs = lts.get_rate(), noverlap = overlap )
			baseline_spec = 20.0 * np.log10( baseline_spec )
			mu = np.mean( baseline_spec, axis = 1 )
			sigma = np.std( baseline_spec, axis = 1 )

			# Z-Score the spectrogram by the baseline distribution.
			def zscore( data, mu, sigma ):
				return np.divide( np.subtract( data, mu ), sigma )
			spec = np.apply_along_axis( zscore, 0, spec, mu, sigma )

		# Add the spectrogram to the list of spectrograms
		if avg_spec == None: avg_spec = spec
		else: avg_spec = np.add( avg_spec, spec )
		num_spectrograms += 1.0

		# Update the progress
		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( idx )

	# Sanity Check
	if num_spectrograms == 0.0:
		raise Warning( "No spectrograms generated -- Did you forget to specify Length?" )
		return None, None, None

	# Average the plot and return the calculated parameters
	np.divide( avg_spec, num_spectrograms, out = avg_spec )
	return avg_spec, f, t