def insert_table(self, _filename, tmp_jsonfile, table, columns_index,strict_str=None, header=None, sep='\t'): fd=open(_filename) line_count=len(fd.readlines()) print(line_count) widgets = ["processing file: "+_filename, progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()),' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=line_count).start() fd=open(_filename) if header==None: header=fd.readline().replace("\n",'').split(sep) i=0 batch=fd.readlines(2097152) while batch!=[]: fdw=open(tmp_jsonfile,'w') batch_array=[] for line in batch: pbar.update(i+1) i=i+1 aline=line.replace("\n",'').split(sep) reg={} for i,field in enumerate(aline): if i+1 in columns_index: if i+1 in strict_str: reg[header[i]]=field else: try: reg[header[i]]=int(field) except: try: reg[header[i]]=float(field) except: reg[header[i]]=field batch_array.append(reg) json.dump(batch_array, fdw) fdw.close() self.insert_doc(table,tmp_jsonfile) batch=fd.readlines(2097152) pbar.finish()
def __process_zones(self, zones, user, show_progressbar=False): errors = [] items = [] widget = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Processing zones') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(zones), widgets=widget) domain_mapping = self.__get_domain_mapping( user_base_domain = '.' + self.__dns_zones.get_base_domain( user.admin, user.username) count = 0 for zone in zones: count += 1 bar.update(count) if show_progressbar else False active = True if zone['active'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true'] else False catch_all = True if zone['catch_all'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true' ] else False forwarding = True if zone['forwarding'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true' ] else False regex = True if zone['regex'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true'] else False master = True if zone['master'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true'] else False tags = zone['tags'].split(',') # Trim each element. map(str.strip, tags) # Remove empty elements. tags = list(filter(None, tags)) is_valid = True if not user.admin: if zone['domain'][-len( user_base_domain ):] != user_base_domain and user_base_domain != '.' + zone[ 'domain']: is_valid = False errors.append({ 'row': zone['row'], 'error': 'Zone {0} does not match your assigned master domain'. format(zone['domain']) }) if is_valid: domain = { 'id': domain_mapping[zone['domain']] if zone['domain'] in domain_mapping else 0, 'domain': zone['domain'], 'active': active, 'catch_all': catch_all, 'forwarding': forwarding, 'regex': regex, 'master': master, 'tags': tags } items.append(domain) return items, errors
def main(): seeding() # number of parallel agents parallel_envs = 4 # number of training episodes. # change this to higher number to experiment. say 30000. number_of_episodes = 1000 episode_length = 80 batchsize = 1000 # how many episodes to save policy and gif save_interval = 1000 t = 0 # amplitude of OU noise # this slowly decreases to 0 noise = 2 noise_reduction = 0.9999 # how many episodes before update episode_per_update = 2 * parallel_envs log_path = os.getcwd() + "/log" model_dir = os.getcwd() + "/model_dir" os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) torch.set_num_threads(parallel_envs) env = envs.make_parallel_env(parallel_envs) # keep 5000 episodes worth of replay buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(5000 * episode_length)) # initialize policy and critic maddpg = MADDPG() logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_path) agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] agent2_reward = [] # training loop # show progressbar widget = [ 'episode: ', pb.Counter(), '/', str(number_of_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ' ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=number_of_episodes).start() # use keep_awake to keep workspace from disconnecting for episode in range(0, number_of_episodes + parallel_envs, parallel_envs): timer.update(episode) reward_this_episode = np.zeros((parallel_envs, 3)) all_obs = env.reset() obs, obs_full = transpose_list(all_obs) # for calculating rewards for this particular episode - addition of all time steps # save info or not save_info = (episode % save_interval < parallel_envs) frames = [] tmax = 0 if save_info: frames.append(env.render('rgb_array')) for episode_t in range(episode_length): t += parallel_envs # explore = only explore for a certain number of episodes # action input needs to be transposed actions = maddpg.act(transpose_to_tensor(obs), noise=noise) noise *= noise_reduction actions_array = torch.stack(actions).detach().numpy() # transpose the list of list # flip the first two indices # input to step requires the first index to correspond to number of parallel agents actions_for_env = np.rollaxis(actions_array, 1) # step forward one frame next_obs, next_obs_full, rewards, dones, info = env.step( actions_for_env) # add data to buffer transition = (obs, obs_full, actions_for_env, rewards, next_obs, next_obs_full, dones) buffer.push(transition) reward_this_episode += rewards obs, obs_full = next_obs, next_obs_full # save gif frame if save_info: frames.append(env.render('rgb_array')) tmax += 1 # update once after every episode_per_update if len(buffer ) > batchsize and episode % episode_per_update < parallel_envs: for a_i in range(3): samples = buffer.sample(batchsize) maddpg.update(samples, a_i, logger) maddpg.update_targets( ) # soft update the target network towards the actual networks for i in range(parallel_envs): agent0_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 0]) agent1_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 1]) agent2_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 2]) if episode % 100 == 0 or episode == number_of_episodes - 1: avg_rewards = [ np.mean(agent0_reward), np.mean(agent1_reward), np.mean(agent2_reward) ] agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] agent2_reward = [] for a_i, avg_rew in enumerate(avg_rewards): logger.add_scalar('agent%i/mean_episode_rewards' % a_i, avg_rew, episode) # saving model save_dict_list = [] if save_info: for i in range(3): save_dict = { 'actor_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor.state_dict(), 'actor_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor_optimizer.state_dict(), 'critic_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic.state_dict(), 'critic_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic_optimizer.state_dict() } save_dict_list.append(save_dict) save_dict_list, os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.pt'.format(episode))) # save gif files imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.gif'.format(episode)), frames, duration=.04) env.close() logger.close() timer.finish()
attack=args.A, cntmodes=c.eigenvectors, t0=args.pt0) # 0.6) Define saving paths: sr = SaveResults(data=d, cnt=c, pert=p, system=d.system, parameters=opts) # 0.7) Other theoretical tools: th = TheoreticalComputations(d, c, p) F = FrequencySpectrum() # Progress-bar configuration widgets = [ 'Progress: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ' ] ################################################################################### # 1) Simulation (Integrate the system) print('Simulating ...') pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=10 * (d.nsteps + 1)).start() time1 = timer() tstep = 0 temps = 0 nois = 0.0 noiseinput = 0.0 kp = k = 0 tgamma = 0
def __import_zones(self, zones, user_id, show_progressbar=False, batch_size=100): """ This function has been heavily optimised as when I tried to import 250k domains its ETA was 1.5h, which isn't very practical. The main assumption made here is that when this function is called, all validation checks will have ready been completed. """ widget = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] count = 0 unique_tags = [] if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Importing zones') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(zones), widgets=widget) # with bar as zones: for zone_to_import in list(zones): count += 1 bar.update(count) if show_progressbar else False self.__zone_update_or_create(zone_to_import['domain'], zone_to_import['active'], zone_to_import['catch_all'], zone_to_import['forwarding'], zone_to_import['regex'], zone_to_import['master'], user_id, id=zone_to_import['id'], autocommit=False) if count % batch_size == 0: db.session.commit() unique_tags = list(set(unique_tags + zone_to_import['tags'])) db.session.commit() if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Re-mapping zones') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(zones), widgets=widget) domain_mapping = self.__get_domain_mapping(user_id) zone_ids = [] i = 0 for zone_to_import in list(zones): i += 1 bar.update(i) if show_progressbar else False zone_to_import['id'] = domain_mapping[zone_to_import[ 'domain']] if zone_to_import['domain'] in domain_mapping else 0 zone_ids.append(zone_to_import['id']) self.__zone_clear_tags(zone_ids, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, widget=widget) if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Importing tags') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(zones), widgets=widget) self.__tags_create(user_id, unique_tags) tag_mapping = self.__get_tag_mapping(user_id) count = 0 for zone_to_import in list(zones): count += 1 bar.update(count) if show_progressbar else False tags = {} for tag in zone_to_import['tags']: tags[tag] = tag_mapping[tag] self.__zone_save_tags(zone_to_import['id'], tags, autocommit=False) if count % batch_size == 0: db.session.commit() db.session.commit() return True
def find_all_files_in_directory(AFileClass, root_dir, excluded_directories, search_extensions, gauge_update_function=None): """Recursively searches a directory for files. search_extensions is a dictionary of extension lists""" global TEXT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT all_extensions = [ ext for ext_list in search_extensions.values() for ext in ext_list ] extension_types = {} for ext_type, ext_list in search_extensions.iteritems(): for ext in ext_list: extension_types[ext] = ext_type if not gauge_update_function: pbar_widgets = [ 'Doc Hunt: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), progressbar.FormatLabel(' Docs:0') ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=pbar_widgets).start() else: gauge_update_function(caption='Doc Hunt: ') doc_files = [] root_dir_dirs = None root_items_completed = 0 docs_found = 0 for root, sub_dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): sub_dirs[:] = [ check_dir for check_dir in sub_dirs if os.path.join( root, check_dir).lower() not in excluded_directories ] if not root_dir_dirs: root_dir_dirs = [ os.path.join(root, sub_dir) for sub_dir in sub_dirs ] root_total_items = len(root_dir_dirs) + len(files) if root in root_dir_dirs: root_items_completed += 1 if not gauge_update_function: pbar_widgets[6] = progressbar.FormatLabel(' Docs:%s' % docs_found) pbar.update(root_items_completed * 100.0 / root_total_items) else: gauge_update_function(value=root_items_completed * 100.0 / root_total_items) for filename in files: if root == root_dir: root_items_completed += 1 afile = AFileClass(filename, root) # AFile or PANFile if afile.ext.lower() in all_extensions: afile.set_file_stats() afile.type = extension_types[afile.ext.lower()] if afile.type in ('TEXT', 'SPECIAL' ) and afile.size > TEXT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: afile.type = 'OTHER' afile.set_error( 'File size {1} over limit of {0} for checking'.format( get_friendly_size(TEXT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT), afile.size_friendly())) doc_files.append(afile) if not afile.errors: docs_found += 1 if not gauge_update_function: pbar_widgets[6] = progressbar.FormatLabel(' Docs:%s' % docs_found) pbar.update(root_items_completed * 100.0 / root_total_items) else: gauge_update_function(value=root_items_completed * 100.0 / root_total_items) if not gauge_update_function: pbar.finish() return doc_files
def main(): seeding() # number of parallel agents parallel_envs = 4 # number of training episodes. # change this to higher number to experiment. say 30000. number_of_episodes = 1000 episode_length = 80 batchsize = 1000 # how many episodes to save policy and gif save_interval = 1000 t = 0 # amplitude of OU noise # this slowly decreases to 0 noise = 2 noise_reduction = 0.9999 # how many episodes before update episode_per_update = 2 * parallel_envs log_path = os.getcwd() + '/log' model_dir = os.getcwd() + '/model_dir' os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) torch.set_num_threads(parallel_envs) env = envs.make_parallel_env(parallel_envs) # keep 5000 episodes worth of replay buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(5000 * episode_length)) # initialize policy and critic maddpg = MADDPG() logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir = log_path) agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] agent2_reward = [] # training loop # show progressbar import progressbar as pb widget = ['episode: ', pb.Counter(), '/', str(number_of_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ' ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=number_of_episodes).start() # use keep_awake to keep workspace from disconnecting # for episode in keep_awake(range(0, number_of_episodes, parallel_envs)): for episode in range(0, number_of_episodes, parallel_envs): timer.update(episode) reward_this_episode = np.zeros((parallel_envs, 3)) all_obs = env.reset() obs, obs_full = transpose_list(all_obs) # for calculating rewards for this particular episode - addition of all time steps # save info or not save_info = ((episode) % save_interval < parallel_envs or episode==number_of_episodes-parallel_envs) frames = [] tmax = 0 if save_info: frames.append(env.render('rgb_array'))
for i in range(0, len(img_dict)): try: if img_dict.items()[i].index(ref_img) == 0: ref_img_index = i break except: pass"Reference image is '" + ref_img + "' at index '" + str(ref_img_index) + "'") max_left_offset = 0 max_right_offset = 0 max_top_offset = 0 max_bottom_offset = 0 pbar_widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets = pbar_widgets, maxval = len(img_dict) - 1).start() pbar_counter = 0 # Start from the reference picture and process backwards resize = 0.25 max_shake = 1 / resize / wide_side * 100 # TODO: Move the contents of the for loops in a new function # TODO: Save the pictures if negative xShift and yShift values are chosen for i in range(ref_img_index, 0, -1): i = i - 1 pbar_counter = pbar_counter + 1 pbar_widgets[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel("Processing image '{0}' ({1}/{2})".format(img_dict.items()[i][0], pbar_counter, len(img_dict) - 1)) pbar.update(pbar_counter) temp_xShift, temp_yShift = find_image_shift(img_dict.items()[i+1][1]['fullpath'], img_dict.items()[i][1]['fullpath'], max_shake = options.max_shake, resize=resize) # The first run is resizing the pictures to 25% for a rough quick parse so we get a temp_xShift and temp_yShift. # After we find the temp shifts, we know that the real shifts are (1 / resize / wide_side) * 100 percent pixels around the temp shifts * 1 / resize, so rerun the find image shift with resize = 1 this time.
def main(argv): """Check flags and start the threaded push.""" files = FLAGS(argv)[1:] # Flags "devices" and "devices_from_filenames" are mutually exclusive. if ((not FLAGS.targets and not FLAGS.devices_from_filenames) or (FLAGS.targets and FLAGS.devices_from_filenames)): raise UsageError('No targets defined, try --targets.') # User must provide a vendor. elif not FLAGS.vendor: raise UsageError( 'No vendor defined, try the --vendor flag (i.e. --vendor ios)') # We need some configuration files unless --command is used. elif not files and not FLAGS.command: raise UsageError( 'No configuration files provided. Provide these via argv / glob.') else: # Vendor implementations must be named correctly, i.e. IosDevice. vendor_classname = FLAGS.vendor.capitalize() + 'Device' class_path = '.'.join([FLAGS.vendor.lower(), vendor_classname]) try: pusher = eval(class_path) except NameError: raise UsageError( 'The vendor "%s" is not implemented or imported. Please select a ' 'valid vendor' % FLAGS.vendor) if not FLAGS.user: FLAGS.user = getpass.getuser() if FLAGS.devices_from_filenames: FLAGS.targets = [os.path.basename(x) for x in files] print 'Ready to push per-device configurations to %s' % FLAGS.targets else: print 'Ready to push %s to %s' % (files or FLAGS.command, FLAGS.targets) passw = getpass.getpass('Password:'******'Pushing... ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start() for counter, device in enumerate(FLAGS.targets): if FLAGS.command: thread = PushThread(device, FLAGS.command, pusher, passw) else: consolidated = JoinFiles(files) thread = PushThread(device, consolidated, pusher, passw) thread.start() pbar.update((len(FLAGS.targets) / 100.0) * counter) pbar.finish()
def launch_group_by_genome(all_genomes, all_alns, status, outfile, dname, type_ali, quiet): """ Function calling group_by_genome in a pool, while giving information to user (time elapsed) Parameters ---------- all_genomes : [] list of all genomes in the dataset all_alns : str path to file containing all alignments concatenated status : str "OK" if concatenation file already existed before running, "Done" if just did concatenation outfile : str file containing all families align by genome dname : str name of dataset type_ali : str nucleic or protein quiet : bool True if nothing must be sent to sdtout/stderr, False otherwise Returns ------- bool - True if everything went well or was already done - False if error occurred in at least one step """ # Status = Done means that we just did the concatenation. So, if grouped by genome # file already exists, remove it. if status == "Done": if os.path.isfile(outfile): utils.remove(outfile) # Status was not 'Done' (it was 'ok', concat file already existed). And by_genome file # also already exists. Warn user if os.path.isfile(outfile):"{type_ali} alignments already grouped by genome") logger.warning( (f"{type_ali} alignments already grouped by genome in {outfile}. " "Program will end. ")) return True"Grouping {type_ali} alignments per genome") bar = None if not quiet: widgets = [ progressbar.BouncingBar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker( markers="◐◓◑◒")), " - ", progressbar.Timer() ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=20, term_width=50) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(1) args = [all_genomes, all_alns, outfile] final = pool.map_async(group_by_genome, [args], chunksize=1) pool.close() if not quiet: while True: if final.ready(): break bar.update() bar.finish() pool.join() return False not in final.get()
def manual_run_functionality_all(threads=8, optimize=False): # Grab all binaries under binaries-private/cgc_samples_multiflags, and reassemble them binaries = [] for dirname, dirlist, filelist in os.walk( os.path.join(bin_location, 'cgc_samples_multiflags')): for b in filelist: if '.' in b: continue p = os.path.normpath( os.path.join('cgc_samples_multiflags', dirname, b)) binaries.append(p) random.shuffle(binaries) if threads > 1: manager = Manager() queue = manager.Queue() results = [] pool = Pool(threads, maxtasksperchild=40) progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ], maxval=len(binaries)) progress.start() pool.map_async(partial(manual_run_functionality_core, optimize=optimize, queue=queue), binaries, chunksize=1) pool.close() while len(results) != len(binaries): time.sleep(0.5) progress.update(len(results)) # read result from queue try: data = queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: continue results.append(data) progress.finish() # statistics for b, r, exc in results: if not r: print "Fail to process %s: %s" % (b, str(exc)) else: for b in binaries: manual_run_functionality_core(b, optimize=optimize)
import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient import sys import progressbar as pb widgets = ['Time:', pb.Percentage(), ' ',pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ', pb.ETA()] #timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=8100000).start() client= MongoClient('mongodb://*****:*****@', 27017) db=client.bgpPaths collection=db.bgpNeighs if(len(sys.argv)<2): print("Error-Enter Command in format: python <relationship-file-name>") sys.exit(0) with open(sys.argv[1]) as bgp_relations: # time=0 for relation in bgp_relations: relation_array=relation.split('|') as_data=collection.find_one({'as':relation_array[0]}) neighbour_data=collection.find_one({'as':relation_array[1]}) if as_data==None: new_as_data={ 'as':relation_array[0], 'neighbours':{ 'siblings':[], 'customers':[],
# >>> g.add_proxy("knows", Knows) # >>> james = g.people.create(name="James") # >>> julie = g.people.create(name="Julie") # >>> g.knows.create(james, julie) import progressbar as pb N = 150000 for N, ln in enumerate(wn.all_lemma_names()): pass widgets = [ pb.Counter(), '%d rows: ' % N, pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.RotatingMarker(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA() ] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=N).start() for i, ln in enumerate(wn.all_lemma_names()): pbar.update(i) lemma = g.lemma.create(name=str(ln)) #Lemma(ln).save() pb.finish() # class Knows(Relationship): # label = "knows"
def train(maddpg, env, n_episodes=1000, save_every=50): """Training loop helper for running the environment using the MADDPG algorithm. Params ====== maddpg (MADDPG): instance of MADDPG wrapper class env (UnityEnvironment): instance of Unity environment for training n_episodes (int): number of episodes to train for save_every (int): frequency to save model weights """ widget = [ "Episode: ", pb.Counter(), '/' , str(n_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ', 'Rolling Average: ', pb.FormatLabel('') ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=n_episodes).start() solved = False scores_total = [] scores_deque = deque(maxlen=100) rolling_score_averages = [] last_best_score = 0.0 # Environment information brain_name = env.brain_names[0] for i_episode in range(1, n_episodes+1): current_average = 0.0 if i_episode == 1 else rolling_score_averages[-1] widget[12] = pb.FormatLabel(str(current_average)[:6]) timer.update(i_episode) env_info = env.reset(train_mode=True)[brain_name] states = env_info.vector_observations[:, -STATE_SIZE:] scores = np.zeros(NUM_AGENTS) maddpg.reset() while True: actions = maddpg.act(states) env_info = env.step(actions)[brain_name] next_states = env_info.vector_observations[:, -STATE_SIZE:] rewards = env_info.rewards dones = env_info.local_done maddpg.step(states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones) scores += rewards states = next_states if np.any(dones): break max_episode_score = np.max(scores) scores_deque.append(max_episode_score) scores_total.append(max_episode_score) average_score = np.mean(scores_deque) rolling_score_averages.append(average_score) if i_episode % save_every == 0: maddpg.save_model() if average_score >= 0.5 and not solved: print('\nEnvironment solved in {:d} episodes!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format( i_episode, average_score )) solved = True maddpg.save_model() last_best_score = average_score break if average_score >= 1 % save_every == 0: print('\nStopped at {:d} episodes!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode, average_score)) maddpg.save_model() break if i_episode % save_every == 0 and solved: # Only save these weights if they are better than the ones previously saved if average_score > last_best_score: last_best_score = average_score maddpg.save_model() return scores_total, rolling_score_averages
def main(args, unknown_args): ''' main func: pass cmd input and simulate pedigree samples ''' def cleanup(items): for item in ['{}.{}'.format(args.outfile, x) for x in items]: os.system('/bin/rm -rf {}'.format(item)) ## check user input checkInput(args) ## print header if args.print_header: print( "gene1,gene2,plod1,nlod1,phlod1,nhlod1,plod2,nlod2,phlod2,nhlod2,prop1,prop2,moi,ahet,fam_size,min_offspring,max_offspring" ) sys.exit() ## set seed if not args.seed: args.seed = time.time() random.seed(args.seed) ## update proportions of number of offspring offNumProp = updateOffNumProp(args.offspring) ## parse input gene info gene1, gene2 = parseGeneInfo(args.genes[0], recRate=args.recrate), parseGeneInfo( args.genes[1], recRate=args.recrate) ## clean up directory cleanup(['lods', 'hlods']) ## simulation counter = {} alphas = {'lods': args.alpha[0], 'hlods': args.alpha[1]} if not args.debug: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ 'Simulation [{}]'.format(args.seed), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ' ], maxval=int(args.numreps)).start() for i in xrange(1, args.numreps + 1): samples = [] if args.allelichet: diseaseVariantIndices = None else: diseaseVariantIndices = [ gene1['d_idx'][weightedRandomIdx(gene1['cumuProbs_dMaf'])], gene2['d_idx'][weightedRandomIdx(gene2['cumuProbs_dMaf'])] ] for j in xrange(args.numfamilies): numOffspring = getNumOffspring(offNumProp) pedInfo = simPedigree([gene1, gene2], numOffspring, args.mode, args.locusheterogenprop, diseaseVariantIndices, familyID=j + 1, recRate=args.recrate, ifMarkerVar=args.if_marker_var, fakeLD=args.ld, parentMissing=args.par_missing) samples.extend(pedInfo) # write *.fam file per sample for pedigree structure info only # write *.vcf file per sample for variant info dirName, baseName = os.path.dirname(args.outfile), os.path.basename( args.outfile) fam = os.path.join(dirName, baseName + 'rep' + str(i) + ".fam") vcf = os.path.join(dirName, baseName + 'rep' + str(i) + ".vcf") writeVCF(samples, writePedsToFile(samples, fam, pedStructOnly=True), gene1, gene2, vcf) # also write *.ped file if is true if ped = os.path.join(dirName, baseName + 'rep' + str(i) + ".ped") writePedsToFile(samples, ped, pedStructOnly=False) if args.sim_only: if not args.debug: pbar.update(i) continue #if not # cleanup(['vcf.gz', 'vcf.gz.tbi']) vcf = indexVCF(vcf, verbose=False) # linkage analysis cmd = "seqlink --vcf {} --fam {} --output {} {} 2> /dev/null".\ format(vcf, fam, args.outfile, " ".join(unknown_args)) os.system(cmd) res = {'lods': {}, 'hlods': {}} for score in ['lods', 'hlods']: for fn in glob.glob('{}/heatmap/*.{}'.format(args.outfile, score)): for marker, theta, value in zip(getColumn(fn, 1), getColumn(fn, -2), getColumn(fn, -1)): value = float(value) # convert single SNV marker to gene marker if ":" in marker: marker = GENEMAP[marker.split(":")[0]] if marker not in res[score]: res[score][marker] = value else: if theta == '0.0': res[score][marker] = value # write result to file and calculate significance for score in res: with open(args.outfile + '.{}'.format(score), 'a') as f: for marker in res[score]: f.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(marker, res[score][marker])) if marker not in counter: counter[marker] = {'lods': [0, 0], 'hlods': [0, 0]} if res[score][marker] >= alphas[score]: counter[marker][score][0] += 1 counter[marker][score][1] += 1 else: counter[marker][score][1] += 1 if not os.system('rm -rf {0}/ {0}rep{1}*'.format(args.outfile, i)) if not args.debug: pbar.update(i) if not args.debug: pbar.finish() # report power calculation gs = [x.split('.')[0] for x in args.genes] out = [ gs[0], gs[1], counter[gs[0]]['lods'][0] / float(counter[gs[0]]['lods'][1] + 1E-10) if gs[0] in counter else -9, counter[gs[0]]['lods'][1] if gs[0] in counter else -9, counter[gs[0]]['hlods'][0] / float(counter[gs[0]]['hlods'][1] + 1E-10) if gs[0] in counter else -9, counter[gs[0]]['hlods'][1] if gs[0] in counter else -9, counter[gs[1]]['lods'][0] / float(counter[gs[1]]['lods'][1] + 1E-10) if gs[1] in counter else -9, counter[gs[1]]['lods'][1] if gs[1] in counter else -9, counter[gs[1]]['hlods'][0] / float(counter[gs[1]]['hlods'][1] + 1E-10) if gs[1] in counter else -9, counter[gs[1]]['hlods'][1] if gs[1] in counter else -9, args.locusheterogenprop[0], args.locusheterogenprop[1], args.mode, int(args.allelichet), args.numfamilies, args.offspring[0], args.offspring[1] ] print ','.join(map(str, out)) return 0
def main(args): run_date = time.time() # Configure Logging root = logging.getLogger() if(args.debug): root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: root.setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.quiet: root.propogate = False # Set up the database. pgdb = DBUtils(config_file=DB_CONFIG_FILE) # Get the name of this agent trail for later use at = AgentTrail() at.readTrail(args.trail, DB_CONFIG_FILE) trail_name = at.getName() if not args.quiet and not args.debug and not args.script_mode: try: TOTAL_GENERATIONS = (len( * args.generations * args.repeat) widgets = ['Processed: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=widgets, maxval=TOTAL_GENERATIONS).start() except: pbar = None else: pbar = None current_overall_gen = 0 for curr_network in # Query the database to get the network information. pybrain_network = pgdb.getNetworkByID(curr_network) temp_f_h, temp_f_network = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(temp_f_h) with open(temp_f_network, "w") as f: pickle.dump(pybrain_network, f) # TODO: Need to fix this for chemistry support here. if "Chemical" in chem_re = re.compile( "JL NN Chemical DL([0-9]+) \([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\) v[0-9]+") chem_dl_length = int(chem_re.findall([0]) network_params_len = len(pybrain_network.params) + chem_dl_length * 3 else: network_params_len = len(pybrain_network.params) # Query the database to get the trail information. (data_matrix, db_trail_name, init_rot) = pgdb.getTrailData(args.trail) # Calculate the maximum amount of food for potential later comparison. MAX_FOOD = np.bincount(np.array(data_matrix).flatten())[1] for curr_repeat in range(0, args.repeat): repeat_start_time = gens_stat_list = [None] * args.generations # Create an empty array to store the launches for SCOOP. launches = [] # Prepare the array for storing hall of fame. hof_array = np.zeros((args.generations, network_params_len)) toolbox = base.Toolbox() toolbox.register("map", toolbox.register("attr_float", random.uniform, a=args.weight_min, b=args.weight_max) toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual, toolbox.attr_float, n=network_params_len) toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual) an_temp = AgentNetwork() an_temp.readNetworkFromFile(temp_f_network) at_temp = AgentTrail() at_temp.readTrailInstant(data_matrix, db_trail_name, init_rot) toolbox.register("evaluate", __singleMazeTask, moves=args.moves, network=pickle.dumps(an_temp), trail=pickle.dumps(at_temp)) toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxTwoPoint) if args.mutate_type == 1: toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=P_BIT_MUTATE) elif args.mutate_type == 2: toolbox.register("mutate", mutUniformFloat, low=args.weight_min, up=args.weight_max, indpb=P_BIT_MUTATE) elif args.mutate_type == 3: toolbox.register("mutate", mutUniformFloat, low=args.weight_min, up=args.weight_max, indpb=0.30) elif args.mutate_type == 4: toolbox.register("mutate", mutUniformFloat, low=args.weight_min, up=args.weight_max, indpb=0.10) elif args.mutate_type == 5: toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutGaussian, mu=0, indpb=0.05) else: print "ERROR: Please selct a valid mutate type!" sys.exit(10) if args.selection == 1: # Selection is tournment. Must use argument from user. toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=args.tournament_size) elif args.selection == 2: toolbox.register("select", tools.selRoulette) elif args.selection == 3: toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA2) elif args.selection == 4: toolbox.register("select", tools.selSPEA2) elif args.selection == 5: toolbox.register("select", tools.selRandom) elif args.selection == 6: toolbox.register("select", tools.selBest) elif args.selection == 7: toolbox.register("select", tools.selWorst) elif args.selection == 8: toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournamentDCD) else: print "ERROR: Something is wrong with selection method!" sys.exit(10) # Start a new evolution population = toolbox.population(n=args.population) halloffame = tools.HallOfFame(maxsize=1) food_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[0]) move_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[1]) mstats = tools.MultiStatistics(food=food_stats, moves=move_stats) mstats.register("min", np.min) mstats.register("avg", np.mean) mstats.register("max", np.max) mstats.register("std", np.std) mstats.register("mode", mode) # Record the start of this run. log_time = # Evaluate and record the first generation here. invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not] fitnesses =, invalid_ind) for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit # Determine the current generations statistics. record = mstats.compile(population) if args.debug: print "DEBUG: Completed generation 1" hof_indiv = np.array(tools.selBest(population, k=1)[0]) hof_array[0] = hof_indiv # Add the hall of fame to launches. launches.append( scoop.futures.submit(__singleMazeTask, hof_indiv, args.moves, pickle.dumps(an_temp), pickle.dumps(at_temp), 1, record) ) # Keep track of the average food history. mean_food_history = [] smart_term_msg = "" # Begin the generational process for gen in range(2, args.generations + 1): # Vary the pool of individuals if args.variation in [1]: offspring = algorithms.varAnd(population, toolbox, cxpb=args.prob_crossover, mutpb=args.prob_mutate) elif args.variation in [2, 3, 4]: offspring = algorithms.varOr(population, toolbox, lambda_=args.lambda_, cxpb=args.prob_crossover, mutpb=args.prob_mutate) elif args.variation in [5]: # Take and modify the varAnd from DEAP. offspring = [toolbox.clone(ind) for ind in population] # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring for i in range(1, len(offspring), 2): if random.random() < args.prob_crossover: offspring[i-1], offspring[i] = toolbox.mate( offspring[i-1], offspring[i]) del (offspring[i-1].fitness.values, offspring[i].fitness.values) for i in range(len(offspring)): if random.random() < args.prob_mutate: if args.mutate_type in [5]: offspring[i], = toolbox.mutate( offspring[i], sigma=np.std(offspring[i])) else: offspring[i], = toolbox.mutate( offspring[i], offspring[i]) del offspring[i].fitness.values else: print ("ERROR: Something is really wrong! " + "Reached an invalid variation type!") sys.exit(5) # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not] fitnesses =, invalid_ind) for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit # Update the hall of fame with the generated individuals if halloffame is not None: halloffame.update(offspring) # Replace the current population by the offspring if args.variation in [2, 3]: population[:] =, args.population) elif args.variation in [4, 5]: population[:] = + population, args.population) else: population[:] = offspring # Determine the current generations statistics. record = mstats.compile(population) if args.debug: print "DEBUG: Completed generation {0}.".format(gen) print ( "DEBUG: Food (Min / Max / Avg / Std / Mode): " "{0} / {1} / {2} / {3} / {4}".format( record["food"]["min"], record["food"]["max"], record["food"]["avg"], record["food"]["std"], record["food"]["mode"])) print ( "DEBUG: Moves (Min / Max / Avg / Std / Mode): " "{0} / {1} / {2} / {3} / {4}".format( record["moves"]["min"], record["moves"]["max"], record["moves"]["avg"], record["moves"]["std"], record["moves"]["mode"])) hof_indiv = np.array(tools.selBest(population, k=1)[0]) hof_array[gen - 1] = hof_indiv # Add the hall of fame to launches. launches.append( scoop.futures.submit(__singleMazeTask, hof_indiv, args.moves, pickle.dumps(an_temp), pickle.dumps(at_temp), gen, record) ) # Update the mean food history. mean_food_history.append(record["food"]["avg"]) # Update the progress bar if pbar: current_overall_gen += 1 pbar.update(current_overall_gen) # Check if it is time to quit if variation is 3. Critera are # any of the following: # 1) All food has been collected. # 2) Mean has not changed for args.mean_check_length # 3) Run out of generations (happens without this if) if args.variation in [3, 4, 5] and not args.no_early_quit: if (int(record["food"]["max"]) == int(MAX_FOOD)): smart_term_msg = ("Exited at generation {0} because " "all food was consumed.").format(gen) break elif(len(mean_food_history) >= args.mean_check_length and (np.std(mean_food_history[-args.mean_check_length:]) < 0.1)): smart_term_msg = ("Exited at generation {0} because " "mean check length has been met.").format(gen) break # Evaluate the Hall of Fame individual for each generation here # in a multithreaded fashion to speed things up. for this_future in scoop.futures.as_completed(launches): result = this_future.result() gens_stat_list[result[0] - 1] = result[1] # Remove all of the None values from the gen_stat_list gens_stat_list = filter(lambda a: a is not None, gens_stat_list) # Record the statistics on this run. run_info = {} run_info["trails_id"] = args.trail run_info["networks_id"] = curr_network run_info["selection_id"] = args.selection run_info["mutate_id"] = args.mutate_type run_info["host_type_id"] = 1 # Only one host type for now. run_info["variations_id"] = args.variation run_info["run_date"] = log_time run_info["hostname"] = socket.getfqdn() run_info["generations"] = args.generations run_info["population"] = args.population run_info["moves_limit"] = args.moves run_info["sel_tourn_size"] = args.tournament_size if args.variation in [1, 5]: run_info["lambda"] = 0 else: run_info["lambda"] = args.lambda_ run_info["p_mutate"] = args.prob_mutate run_info["p_crossover"] = args.prob_crossover run_info["weight_min"] = args.weight_min run_info["weight_max"] = args.weight_max run_info["debug"] = args.debug # Version for if anything changes in python GA Algorithm run_info["algorithm_ver"] = 2 run_info["mean_check_length"] = args.mean_check_length run_info["runtime"] = ( - repeat_start_time) if not args.disable_db: run_id = pgdb.recordRun(run_info, gens_stat_list) else: run_id = -1 if args.script_mode: if run_id > 0: print ( "Completed repeat {0} with run ID {1}. {2}".format( curr_repeat, run_id, smart_term_msg )) else: print ( "Completed repeat {0} without logging to DB. {1}".format( curr_repeat, smart_term_msg )) # Delete the temporary file os.remove(temp_f_network) # Calculate and display the total runtime if pbar: pbar.finish() total_time_s = time.time() - run_date if run_id > 0: print "Final Run ID {0} completed all runs in {1}. {2}".format( run_id, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(total_time_s)), smart_term_msg) else: print "UNLOGGED Run completed in {0}. {1}".format( time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(total_time_s)), smart_term_msg)
def check_pst_regexs(self, regexs, search_extensions, hunt_type, gauge_update_function=None): """ Searches a pst file for regular expressions in messages and attachments using regular expressions""" all_extensions = search_extensions['TEXT'] + search_extensions[ 'ZIP'] + search_extensions['SPECIAL'] if not gauge_update_function: pbar_widgets = [ '%s Hunt %s: ' % (hunt_type, unicode2ascii(self.filename)), progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), progressbar.FormatLabel(' %ss:0' % hunt_type) ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=pbar_widgets).start() else: gauge_update_function(caption='%s Hunt: ' % hunt_type) try: apst = pst.PST(self.path) total_messages = apst.get_total_message_count() total_attachments = apst.get_total_attachment_count() total_items = total_messages + total_attachments items_completed = 0 for folder in apst.folder_generator(): for message in apst.message_generator(folder): if message.Subject: message_path = os.path.join(folder.path, message.Subject) else: message_path = os.path.join(folder.path, u'[NoSubject]') if message.Body: self.check_text_regexs(message.Body, regexs, message_path) if message.HasAttachments: for subattachment in message.subattachments: if get_ext(subattachment.Filename ) in search_extensions[ 'TEXT'] + search_extensions['ZIP']: attachment = message.get_attachment( subattachment) self.check_attachment_regexs( attachment, regexs, search_extensions, message_path) items_completed += 1 items_completed += 1 if not gauge_update_function: pbar_widgets[6] = progressbar.FormatLabel( ' %ss:%s' % (hunt_type, len(self.matches))) pbar.update(items_completed * 100.0 / total_items) else: gauge_update_function(value=items_completed * 100.0 / total_items) apst.close() except IOError: self.set_error(sys.exc_info()[1]) except pst.PSTException: self.set_error(sys.exc_info()[1]) if not gauge_update_function: pbar.finish() return self.matches
def image_composite(inputs, algo, output, oformat, vza, mask_band, mask_val): """ Create image composites based on some criteria Output image composites retain original values from input images that meet a certain criteria. For example, in a maximum NDVI composite with 10 input images, all bands for a given pixel will contain the band values from the input raster that had the highest NDVI value. Users can choose from a set of predefined compositing algorithms or may specify an Snuggs S-expression that defines the compositing criteria. Normalized Differenced indexes can be computed using "(normdiff a b)" for the Normalized Difference between "a" and "b" (or "nir" and "red"). See for more information on Snuggs expressions. The indexes for common optical bands (e.g., red, nir, blue) within the input rasters are included as optional arguments and are indexed in wavelength sequential order. You may need to overwrite the default indexes of bands used in a given S-expression with the correct band index. Additional bands may be identified and indexed using the '--band NAME=INDEX' option. Currently, input images must be "stacked", meaning that they contain the same bands and are the same shape and extent. Example: 1. Create a composite based on maximum NDVI Use the built-in maxNDVI algorithm: \b $ --algo maxNDVI image1.gtif image2.gtif image3.gtif composite_maxNDVI.gtif or with S-expression: \b $ --expr '(max (/ (- nir red) (+ nir red)))' image1.gtif image2.gtif image3.gtif composite_maxNDVI.gtif or with S-expressions using the normdiff shortcut: \b $ --expr '(max (normdiff nir red))' image1.gtif image2.gtif image3.gtif composite_maxNDVI.gtif 2. Create a composite based on median EVI (not recommended) With S-expression: \b $ evi='(median (/ (- nir red) (+ (- (+ nir (* 6 red)) (* 7.5 blue)) 1)))' $ --expr "$evi" image1.gtif image2.gtif image3.gtif composite_medianEVI.gtif 3. Create a composite based on median NBR With S-expression: \b $ --expr '(median (normdiff nir sswir))' image1.gtif image2.gtif image3.gtif composite_maxNBR.gtif """ verbose = True if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif quiet: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) expr = _ALGO[algo] if algo is not None: logger.debug('Using predefined algorithm: {}'.format(algo)) expr = _ALGO[algo] # Setup band keywords _bands = {'vza': vza} # Find only the band names and indexes required for the composite criteria crit_indices = {k: v - 1 for k, v in _bands.iteritems() if k in expr} # Enhance snuggs expressions to return index of value matching function snuggs.func_map['max'] = lambda a: np.argmax(a, axis=0) snuggs.func_map['min'] = lambda a: np.argmin(a, axis=0) snuggs.func_map['median'] = lambda a: np.argmin( np.abs(a - np.median(a, axis=0)), axis=0) snuggs.func_map['normdiff'] = lambda a, b: snuggs.eval( '(/ (- a b) (+ a b))', **{ 'a': a, 'b': b }) with rasterio.drivers(): # Read in the first image to fetch metadata with[0]) as first: meta = first.meta if 'transform' in meta: meta.pop('transform') # remove transform since deprecated meta.update(driver=oformat) if len(set(first.block_shapes)) != 1: click.echo('Cannot process input files - ' 'All bands must have same block shapes') raise click.Abort() block_nrow, block_ncol = first.block_shapes[0] windows = first.block_windows(1) n_windows = math.ceil(meta['height'] / block_nrow * meta['width'] / block_ncol) # Ensure mask_band exists, if specified if mask_band: if mask_band <= meta['count'] and mask_band > 0: mask_band -= 1 else: click.echo('Mask band does not exist in INPUT images') raise click.Abort() # Initialize output data and create composite with, 'w', **meta) as dst: # Process by block dat = (len(inputs), meta['count'], block_nrow, block_ncol), dtype=np.dtype(meta['dtype'])) mi, mj = np.meshgrid(np.arange(block_nrow), np.arange(block_ncol), indexing='ij') # Open all source files one time srcs = [ for fname in inputs] logger.debug('Processing blocks') if _has_progressbar: widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.BouncingBar( marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()) ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start() for i, (idx, window) in enumerate(windows): # Update dat and mi, mj only if window changes nrow = window[0][1] - window[0][0] ncol = window[1][1] - window[1][0] if dat.shape[-2] != nrow or dat.shape[-1] != ncol: dat =, meta['count'], nrow, ncol), dtype=np.dtype(meta['dtype'])) mi, mj = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nrow), np.arange(ncol), indexing='ij') for j, src in enumerate(srcs): dat[j, ...] =, window=window) # Mask values matching mask_vals if mask_band if mask_band and mask_val: dat[j, ...].mask = np.logical_or( dat[j, ...].mask, np.in1d( dat[j, mask_band, ...], mask_val, ).reshape(dat.shape[-2], dat.shape[-1])) # Find indices of files for composite crit = {k: dat[:, v, ...] for k, v in crit_indices.iteritems()} crit_idx = snuggs.eval(expr, **crit) # Create output composite # Use np.rollaxis to get (nimage, nrow, ncol, nband) shape composite = np.rollaxis(dat, 1, 4)[crit_idx, mi, mj] # Write out for i_b in range(composite.shape[-1]): dst.write(composite[:, :, i_b], indexes=i_b + 1, window=window) if _has_progressbar: pbar.update(int((i + 1) / n_windows * 100))
def main(): seeding() number_of_episodes = 20000 episode_length = 1000 batchsize = 256 save_interval = 1000 rewards_deque = deque(maxlen=100) rewards_all = [] noise = 1.0 noise_reduction = 1.0 log_path = os.getcwd() + "/log" model_dir = os.getcwd() + "/model_dir" os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) """ Info about the UnityEnvironment brain_name: 'TennisBrain' brain: ['brain_name', 'camera_resolutions', 'num_stacked_vector_observations', 'number_visual_observations', 'vector_action_descriptions', 'vector_action_space_size', 'vector_action_space_type', 'vector_observation_space_size', 'vector_observation_space_type']] """ env = UnityEnvironment(file_name="") brain_name = env.brain_names[0] brain = env.brains[brain_name] buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(1e5)) # initialize policy and critic maddpg = MADDPG() logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_path) # ------------------------------ training ------------------------------ # # show progressbar import progressbar as pb widget = [ 'episode: ', pb.Counter(), '/', str(number_of_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ' ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=number_of_episodes).start() for episode in range(1, number_of_episodes + 1): timer.update(episode) rewards_this_episode = np.zeros((2, )) """ Info about the UnityEnvironment env_info: ['agents', 'local_done', 'max_reached', 'memories', 'previous_text_actions', 'previous_vector_actions', 'rewards', 'text_observations', 'vector_observations', 'visual_observations'] actions: List(num_agents=2, action_size=2) states: List((24,), (24,)) rewards: List(2,) dones: List(2,) """ env_info = env.reset(train_mode=True)[brain_name] states = env_info.vector_observations for episode_t in range(episode_length): # reset the OUNoise for each agent. for i in range(2): maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].noise.reset() actions = maddpg.act(states, noise=noise) env_info = env.step(actions)[brain_name] noise *= noise_reduction next_states = env_info.vector_observations rewards = env_info.rewards dones = env_info.local_done # add data to buffer transition = (states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones) buffer.push(transition) rewards_this_episode += rewards states = next_states if any(dones): break # update the local and target network if len(buffer) > batchsize: # update the local network for _ in range(5): for a_i in range(2): samples = buffer.sample(batchsize) maddpg.update(samples, a_i, logger) # soft update the target network maddpg.update_targets() rewards_all.append(rewards_this_episode) rewards_deque.append(np.max(rewards_this_episode)) average_score = np.mean(rewards_deque) # --------------------- Logging for TensorBoard --------------------- # logger.add_scalars('rewards', { 'agent0': rewards_this_episode[0], 'agent1': rewards_this_episode[1] }, episode) logger.add_scalars('global', { 'score': np.max(rewards_this_episode), 'average_score': average_score }, episode) # -------------------------- Save the model -------------------------- # save_dict_list = [] if episode % save_interval == 0 or average_score >= 0.5: for i in range(2): save_dict = \ {'actor_params' : maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor.state_dict(), 'actor_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor_optimizer.state_dict(), 'critic_params' : maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic.state_dict(), 'critic_optim_params' : maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic_optimizer.state_dict()} save_dict_list.append(save_dict) save_dict_list, os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.pt'.format(episode))) if average_score >= 3.0: print('\nEnvironment solved in {} episodes!'.format(episode - 100)) print('\nAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(average_score)) break env.close() logger.close() timer.finish()
def main(): env_info = env.reset(train_mode=False)[brain_name] num_agents = len(env_info.agents) print('Number of agents:', num_agents) # size of each action action_size = brain.vector_action_space_size print('Size of each action:', action_size) # examine the state space states = env_info.vector_observations state_size = states.shape[1] seeding() # number of parallel agents #parallel_envs = num_agents # number of training episodes. # change this to higher number to experiment. say 30000. number_of_episodes = 10000 update_actor_after = 100 update_actor_every = 2 episode_length = 100 batchsize = 100 # how many episodes to save policy and gif save_interval = 1000 t = 0 LR_ACTOR = 1e-5 LR_CRITIC = 3e-3 # amplitude of OU noise # this slowly decreases to 0 noise = 1.0 noise_reduction = 0.999999 # how many episodes before update episode_per_update = 1 no_of_updates_perTime = 1 log_path = os.getcwd() + "/log" model_dir = os.getcwd() + "/model_dir" os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) #torch.set_num_threads(parallel_envs) #env = envs.make_parallel_env(parallel_envs) # keep 5000 episodes worth of replay buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(10 * episode_length)) # initialize policy and critic maddpg = MADDPG(lr_actor=LR_ACTOR, lr_critic=LR_CRITIC) #logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_path) agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] #agent2_reward = [] # training loop # show progressbar import progressbar as pb widget = [ 'episode: ', pb.Counter(), '/', str(number_of_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ' ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=number_of_episodes).start() # use keep_awake to keep workspace from disconnecting for episode in range(0, number_of_episodes): timer.update(episode) env_info = env.reset( train_mode=False)[brain_name] # reset the environment states = env_info.vector_observations # get the current state (for each agent) scores = np.zeros(num_agents) # initialize the score (for each agent) reward_this_episode = np.zeros((1, num_agents)) #all_obs = env.reset() # obs = states obs_full = np.concatenate((states[0], states[1])) #for calculating rewards for this particular episode - addition of all time steps # save info or not save_info = ((episode) % save_interval < 1 or episode == number_of_episodes - 1) tmax = 0 #resetting noise for i in range(num_agents): maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].noise.reset() for episode_t in range(episode_length): t += 1 update_act = True if (episode > update_actor_after or episode % update_actor_every == 0) else False # explore = only explore for a certain number of episodes # action input needs to be transposed actions = maddpg.act(transpose_to_tensorAsitis(obs), noise=noise, batch=False) noise *= noise_reduction actions_array = torch.stack(actions).cpu().detach().numpy() # transpose the list of list # flip the first two indices # input to step requires the first index to correspond to number of parallel agents actions_for_env = np.rollaxis(actions_array, 1) # step forward one frame env_info = env.step(actions_for_env)[brain_name] next_states = env_info.vector_observations # get next state (for each agent) rewards = env_info.rewards # get reward (for each agent) dones = env_info.local_done # see if episode finished scores += env_info.rewards rewards_for_env = np.hstack(rewards) obs = states obs_full = np.concatenate((states[0], states[1])) next_obs = next_states next_obs_full = np.concatenate((next_states[0], next_states[1])) # add data to buffer transition = (np.array([obs]), np.array([obs_full]), np.array([actions_for_env]), np.array([rewards_for_env]), np.array([next_obs]), np.array([next_obs_full]), np.array([dones], dtype='float')) buffer.push(transition) reward_this_episode += rewards obs, obs_full = next_obs, next_obs_full # update once after every episode_per_update if len(buffer) > batchsize and episode % episode_per_update == 0: for _ in range(no_of_updates_perTime): for a_i in range(num_agents): samples = buffer.sample(batchsize) #updating the weights of the n/w maddpg.update(samples, a_i, update_actor=update_act) maddpg.update_targets( ) #soft update the target network towards the actual networks if np.any(dones): # if the episode is done the loop is break to the next episode break for i in range(num_agents): agent0_reward.append(reward_this_episode[0, 0]) agent1_reward.append(reward_this_episode[0, 1]) if episode % 100 == 0 or episode == number_of_episodes - 1: avg_rewards = [np.mean(agent0_reward), np.mean(agent1_reward)] agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] for a_i, avg_rew in enumerate(avg_rewards): #logger.add_scalar('agent%i/mean_episode_rewards' % a_i, avg_rew, episode) print('agent%i/mean_episode_rewards' % a_i, avg_rew, episode) #saving model save_dict_list = [] if save_info: for i in range(num_agents): save_dict = { 'actor_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor.state_dict(), 'actor_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor_optimizer.state_dict(), 'critic_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic.state_dict(), 'critic_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic_optimizer.state_dict() } save_dict_list.append(save_dict) save_dict_list, os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.pt'.format(episode))) # save gif files #imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.gif'.format(episode)), #frames, duration=.04) timer.finish()
print "Connecting to the database..." connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='******', password='******', database='news', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) pbar_cursor = connection.cursor() pbar_cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) as countdown from `Comment`") pbar_result = pbar_cursor.fetchone() pbar_total_rows = pbar_result['countdown'] pbar_widgets = [ 'Calculating cat2... ', progressbar.Counter(), '/{0} '.format(pbar_total_rows), progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] cursor = connection.cursor() print "Sending query..." select_sql = "SELECT `id`, `Content` FROM `Comment`" cursor.execute(select_sql) update_sql = """ UPDATE `Comment` SET `meanArousal` = %s ,`stdvArousal` = %s ,`meanValence` = %s ,`stdvValence` = %s WHERE `id` = %s
def train(self, num_episodes: int = 100, max_t: int = None, add_noise: bool = True, scores_window_size: int = 100, save_every: int = None) -> List[float]: """Trains agent(s) through interaction with this environment. Args: num_episodes (int): Number of episodes to train the agent for. max_t (int): Maximum number of timesteps in an episode. add_noise (boolean): Add noise to actions. scores_window_size (int): Window size for average score display. save_every (int): Save state dicts every `save_every` episodes. Returns: The scores for each episode. """ widget = [ "Episode: ", pb.Counter(), '/', str(num_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ', 'Rolling Average: ', pb.FormatLabel('') ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=num_episodes).start() self.start_env() self.episode_scores = [] for i_episode in range(1, num_episodes + 1): current_average = self.get_current_average_score( scores_window_size) widget[12] = pb.FormatLabel(str(current_average)[:6]) timer.update(i_episode) save_info = save_every and i_episode % save_every == 0 observation = self.env.reset() observation = self.normalize_observation(observation) scores = np.zeros(self.num_agents) rewards = [] self.algorithm.reset() frames = [] if save_info: frames.append(self.env.render("rgb_array")) t = 1 while True: if max_t and t == max_t + 1: break action = self.act(observation, add_noise=add_noise, logger=self.logger) next_observation, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) next_observation = self.normalize_observation(next_observation) self.algorithm.step(observation, action, reward, next_observation, done, logger=self.logger) observation = next_observation scores += reward rewards.append(reward) t += 1 if save_info: frames.append(self.env.render("rgb_array")) if done: break self.episode_scores.append(scores) self.algorithm.update(rewards, logger=self.logger) if save_info: # TODO: Only save if best weights so far self.algorithm.save_state_dicts() if self.logger: self.logger.add_scalar("avg_rewards", np.mean(rewards), i_episode) if self.gifs_recorder: self.gifs_recorder.save_gif( "episode-{}.gif".format(i_episode), frames) self.close_env() if self.logger: self.logger.close() return self.episode_scores
# -- Simulation configuration I: parsing, debugging. conf_file, debug, args1, hlp = parser_init() if not hlp: logger = log_conf(debug) else: logger = None # -- Simulation configuration II: data entry (second parser). description = 'Conductance based QIF spiking neural network. All to all coupled with distributed external currents.' opts, args = parser(conf_file, args1, description=description) # opts is a dictionary, args is an object # Parameters are now those introduced in the configuration file: # >>> args.parameter1 + args.parameter2 d = Data(args.N, args.e, args.g, args.E, args.d, args.t0,, args.dt, 1.0,, args.D, args.s) fr = FiringRate(data=d, swindow=0.1, sampling=0.05) # Progress-bar configuration widgets = ['Progress: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' '] # ############################################################ # 0) Prepare simulation environment pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=10 * (d.nsteps + 1)).start() time1 = timer() tstep = 0 temps = 0 kp = k = 0 # Time loop while temps < d.tfinal: # TIme step variables kp = tstep % d.nsteps k = (tstep + d.nsteps - 1) % d.nsteps k2p = tstep % 2 k2 = (tstep + 2 - 1) % 2
widgets = [ ' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), progressbar.Percentage(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ', '[', progressbar.Counter(), ']' ] widgets_unknown = [ ' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.RotatingMarker(), ' (', progressbar.Counter(), ') ', ] # print("Reading Filters from [{}] ...".format(FILTER_PATTERNS_FILE )) # with open(FILTER_PATTERNS_FILE, "r",) as pattern_file: # for line in pattern_file: # if s := line.strip(): # if not s.startswith("//#"): # FILTERS.append(s) def yes_or_no(question): reply = str(input('{} (Y/n): '.format(question))).lower().strip()
def __import_records(self, records, user_id, errors, show_progressbar=False, batch_size=100): domain_mapping = self.__get_domain_mapping(user_id) widget = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Importing records') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(records), widgets=widget) count = 0 for record_to_import in records: count += 1 bar.update(count) if show_progressbar else False # First, get the zone. zone_id = domain_mapping[ record_to_import['domain']] if record_to_import[ 'domain'] in domain_mapping else None if not zone_id: # At this point all zones should exist. errors.append('Could not find zone: {0}'.format( record_to_import['domain'])) continue data = json.dumps(record_to_import['data']) if isinstance( record_to_import['data'], dict) else record_to_import['data'] conditional_data = json.dumps( record_to_import['conditional_data']) if isinstance( record_to_import['conditional_data'], dict) else record_to_import['conditional_data'] self.__record_update_or_create( zone_id, record_to_import['ttl'], record_to_import['cls'], record_to_import['type'], record_to_import['active'], data, record_to_import['is_conditional'], record_to_import['conditional_count'], record_to_import['conditional_limit'], record_to_import['conditional_reset'], conditional_data, id=record_to_import['record_id'], autocommit=False) if count % batch_size == 0: db.session.commit() db.session.commit() return True
def process_loader(name, loader, output_path): # recreate output path if os.path.isdir(output_path): shutil.rmtree(output_path) os.makedirs(output_path) # get trains and tests trains = loader.collect_train_list() tests = loader.collect_test_list() # process trains def process(f): # get label path label_path = os.path.join(output_path, f) label_path = os.path.splitext(label_path)[0] + '.yml' label_dir = os.path.dirname(label_path) if not os.path.isdir(label_dir): os.makedirs(label_dir) # init doc doc = Document() doc.dataset = name doc.path = f doc.seg_tag = False doc.box_tag = False # process loader.process(f, doc) # set tag doc.seg_tag ='segmentation_id') is not None doc.box_tag ='box') is not None # save return doc train_docs = [] test_docs = [] widgets = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(name), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker() ] with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(trains) + len(tests), widgets=widgets) as bar: index = 0 for i in range(len(trains)): train_docs.append(process(trains[i])) bar.update(index) index += 1 for i in range(len(tests)): test_docs.append(process(tests[i])) bar.update(index) index += 1 # output file list doc = Document() doc.trains = [os.path.splitext(p)[0] + '.yml' for p in trains] doc.tests = [os.path.splitext(p)[0] + '.yml' for p in tests], name) + ".yml")
def __process_records(self, records, user, show_progressbar=False): errors = [] items = [] widget = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('#'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] if show_progressbar: widget[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel('Processing records') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(records), widgets=widget) domain_mapping = self.__get_domain_mapping( domain_mapping_reverse = self.__get_domain_mapping(, reverse=True) count = 0 for record in records: count += 1 bar.update(count) if show_progressbar else False record_errors = [] active = True if record['active'] in ['1', 'yes', 'true' ] else False zone_id = self.__process_record_zone(record, record_errors, domain_mapping) record_id = self.__process_record_id(record, zone_id, record_errors, domain_mapping_reverse) ttl = self.__process_record_ttl(record, record_errors) cls = self.__process_record_cls(record, record_errors) type = self.__process_record_type(record, record_errors) is_conditional = True if record['is_conditional'] in [ '1', 'yes', 'true' ] else False conditional_reset = True if record['conditional_reset'] in [ '1', 'yes', 'true' ] else False conditional_count = self.__process_number(record, record_errors, 'conditional_count') conditional_limit = self.__process_number(record, record_errors, 'conditional_limit') data = {} conditional_data = {} if len(type) > 0: data = self.__process_record_data(record, type, record_errors) if is_conditional: conditional_data = self.__process_record_data( record, type, record_errors, is_conditional=True) if len(record_errors) == 0: items.append({ 'record_id': record_id, 'zone_id': zone_id, 'domain': record['domain'], 'active': active, 'ttl': ttl, 'cls': cls, 'type': type, 'data': data, 'is_conditional': is_conditional, 'conditional_count': conditional_count, 'conditional_limit': conditional_limit, 'conditional_reset': conditional_reset, 'conditional_data': conditional_data }) else: errors += record_errors return items, errors
def StartProgressBar(maxValue): ''' StartProgressBar(maxValue): Simple module to create and initialise a progress bar. The argument "maxvalue" refers to the total number of tasks to be completed. This must be defined at the start of the progress bar. ''' import progressbar widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(''), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar('/'), ' ', progressbar.RotatingMarker()] pBar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=maxValue) if pBar.start_time is None: pBar.start() return pBar
def _analyze(self): """ Perform a full code scan on the target binary, and try to identify as much code as possible. In order to identify as many functions as possible, and as accurate as possible, the following operation sequence is followed: # Active scanning - If the binary has "function symbols" (TODO: this term is not accurate enough), they are starting points of the code scanning - If the binary does not have any "function symbol", we will first perform a function prologue scanning on the entire binary, and start from those places that look like function beginnings - Otherwise, the binary's entry point will be the starting point for scanning # Passive scanning - After all active scans are done, we will go through the whole image and scan all code pieces """ # We gotta time this function start_time = traced_address = set() self.graph = networkx.DiGraph() initial_state = self.project.factory.blank_state(mode="fastpath") initial_options = initial_state.options - { simuvex.o.TRACK_CONSTRAINTS } - simuvex.o.refs initial_options |= {simuvex.o.SUPER_FASTPATH} # initial_options.remove(simuvex.o.COW_STATES) initial_state.options = initial_options # Sadly, not all calls to functions are explicitly made by call # instruction - they could be a jmp or b, or something else. So we # should record all exits from a single function, and then add # necessary calling edges in our call map during the post-processing # phase. function_exits = defaultdict(set) widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] pb = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=10000 * 100).start() starting_points = set() rebase_addr = self._binary.rebase_addr if self._use_symbols: starting_points |= set([ addr + rebase_addr for addr in self._func_addrs_from_symbols() ]) if self._use_function_prologues: starting_points |= set([ addr + rebase_addr for addr in self._func_addrs_from_prologues() ]) starting_points = sorted(list(starting_points), reverse=True) while True: maybe_function = False if starting_points: next_addr = starting_points.pop() maybe_function = True if self._seg_list.is_occupied(next_addr): continue else: next_addr = self._next_code_addr(initial_state) percentage = self._seg_list.occupied_size * 100.0 / self._valid_memory_region_size if percentage > 100.0: percentage = 100.0 pb.update(percentage * 10000) if next_addr is not None:"Analyzing %xh, progress %0.04f%%", next_addr, percentage) else:'No more addr to analyze. Progress %0.04f%%', percentage) break self._scan_code(traced_address, function_exits, initial_state, next_addr, maybe_function) pb.finish() end_time ="A full code scan takes %d seconds.", (end_time - start_time).seconds)
def compare_graph(self, bedgraph, fileout): """************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Task: compares the scores of this bedgraph file with the scores in another bedgraph file. Inputs: bedgraph: bedgraph_file object representing the other bedgraph file. fileout: string containing the full path to the png file were the comparative graph will be saved. Ouputs: a new png file will be created named fileout. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************""" starts1 = {} ends1 = {} scores1 = {} fd = file(self.filename) fd.readline(); fd.readline(); fd.readline() # Loads chr,start,end,score from each line for i,line in enumerate(fd): fields = line.split('\t') # Check whether there is already an entry for current chromosome in starts1 if(fields[0] not in starts1): try: scores1[fields[0]] = [float(fields[3])] starts1[fields[0]] = [float(fields[1])] ends1[fields[0]] = [float(fields[2])] except ValueError: print 'WARNING: '+fields[3]+' at line '+str(i+4)+' of file '+self.filename+' is not a number.' else: try: scores1[fields[0]].append(float(fields[3])) starts1[fields[0]].append(float(fields[1])) ends1[fields[0]].append(float(fields[2])) except ValueError: print 'WARNING: '+fields[3]+' at line '+str(i+4)+' of file '+self.filename+' is not a number.' fd.close() starts2 = {} ends2 = {} scores2 = {} fd = file(bedgraph.filename) fd.readline(); fd.readline(); fd.readline() # Loads chr,start,end,score from each line for i,line in enumerate(fd): fields = line.split('\t') # Check whether there is already an entry for current chromosome in starts2 if(fields[0] not in starts2): starts2[fields[0]] = [float(fields[1])] ends2[fields[0]] = [float(fields[2])] try: scores2[fields[0]] = [float(fields[3])] except ValueError: print 'WARNING: '+fields[3]+' at line '+str(i+4)+' of file '+bedgraph.filename+' is not a number.' else: starts2[fields[0]].append(float(fields[1])) ends2[fields[0]].append(float(fields[2])) try: scores2[fields[0]].append(float(fields[3])) except ValueError: print 'WARNING: '+fields[3]+' at line '+str(i+4)+' of file '+bedgraph.filename+' is not a number.' fd.close() # Transform the lists of each chromosome in a numpy.array for chr in starts1: starts1[chr] = numpy.array(starts1[chr]) ends1[chr] = numpy.array(ends1[chr]) # Transform the lists of each chromosome in a numpy.array for chr in starts2: starts2[chr] = numpy.array(starts2[chr]) ends2[chr] = numpy.array(ends2[chr]) widgets = ['Comparing windows: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(starts1)).start() exactcount = 0 x=[]; y=[] # Compare regions in each chromosome independently for k,chr in enumerate(starts1): # Check that there are regions at current chromosome in 'bedgraph' if(chr in starts2): # For each region of current chromosome in self, look for overlaps in bedgraph for i in range(len(starts1[chr])): # Check whether any region in bedgraph overlaps with the 'start' limit of current region overlap = ((starts1[chr][i]>=starts2[chr]) * (starts1[chr][i]<=ends2[chr])).nonzero()[0] if(len(overlap)>0): j = 0 # Check whether any of the overlapping regions is actually the same exact region while(j<len(overlap) and (starts1[chr][i]<>starts2[chr][overlap[j]] or ends1[chr][i]<>ends2[chr][overlap[j]])): j += 1 # Check whether an exact match was found in the while above if(j<len(overlap)): exactcount += 1 x.append(scores1[chr][i]) y.append(scores2[chr][overlap[j]]) else: x.append(scores1[chr][i]) y.append(scores2[chr][overlap[0]]) else: # Check whether any region in bedgraph overlaps with the 'end' limit of current region overlap = ((ends1[chr][i]>=starts2[chr]) * (ends1[chr][i]<=ends2[chr])).nonzero()[0] if(len(overlap)>0): x.append(scores1[chr][i]) y.append(scores2[chr][overlap[0]]) pbar.update(k+1) pbar.finish() print str(len(x))+' windows overlap between both tracks' print str(exactcount)+' windows perfectly match between both tracks' fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(13,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(x,y) ax.set_ylabel(os.path.basename(bedgraph.filename)) ax.set_xlabel(os.path.basename(self.filename)) # fig = pyplot.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # hist, xedges, yedges = numpy.histogram2d(x, y, bins=4) # # elements = (len(xedges) - 1) * (len(yedges) - 1) # xpos, ypos = numpy.meshgrid(xedges+0.25, yedges+0.25) # # xpos = xpos.flatten() # ypos = ypos.flatten() # zpos = numpy.zeros(elements) # dx = 0.5 * numpy.ones_like(zpos) # dy = dx.copy() # dz = hist.flatten() # # ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='b', zsort='average') # # ax.set_ylabel(os.path.basename(bedgraph.filename)) # ax.set_xlabel(os.path.basename(self.filename)) # ax.bar3d(dx, dy, dz, color='b', zsort='average') fig.savefig(fileout) matplotlib.pyplot.close(fig)