def update_from_star(self, s: 'Star'): # YES, update the ID. If its a kafka update, it'll stay the same, but if its hovered/selected it'll update if s is None: self._star_id = -1 self._name = "" self._location = Location(0, 0, 0) else: self._star_id = s.star_id() self._name = self._location = s.location() self.notify_observers()
def observable_update(self, o, e=None): if isinstance(e, SpaceHaulControllerEvent): if e.event_type == "hover" and isinstance(e.o, Star): e.o.add_observer(self) self.star_change_comm.signal.emit(e.o) elif e.event_type == "unhover" and isinstance(e.o, Star): e.o.remove_observer(self) self.star_change_comm.signal.emit(Star(-1, "", Location(0, 0, 0))) elif isinstance(o, Star): # the hovered star changed attributes self.star_change_comm.signal.emit(o)
def universe_max_locationZZZ(self): """ Returns the location of a point that creates a box with the origin and contains all objects :return: """ max_loc = Location(0, 0, 0) for star in self.star_list(): if star.location.x > max_loc.x: max_loc.x = star.location.x if star.location.y > max_loc.y: max_loc.y = star.location.y if star.location.z > max_loc.z: max_loc.z = star.location.z # TODO iterate on ships for max location too (although I don't want to make ships go away from furthest star) return max_loc
def create_random_stars(num_stars, universe_size, minimum_distance) -> List[Star]: stars = [] print("starting create_random_stars") while len(stars) < num_stars: star_id = len(stars) + 1 name = "Star-{0}".format(star_id) location = None attempt_count = 0 max_attempts = 1000 found_safe_spot = False while attempt_count < max_attempts and not found_safe_spot: print("iterating an attempt") location = Location( random.randint(-1 * universe_size[0], universe_size[0]), random.randint(-1 * universe_size[1], universe_size[1]), 0 ) for star in stars: if Location.distance(location, star.location()) <= minimum_distance: break # if we made it here, we found a safe spot print("setting found_safe_spot to True") found_safe_spot = True if found_safe_spot: print("found safe spot, adding star to list") stars.append(Star(star_id, name, location)) else: # we iterated until max_attempts and STILL didnt find a nice location print("Iterated {0} times and did NOT find a nice location, returning the stars I have".format(len(stars))) break print("ending create_random_stars {0}".format(len(stars))) return stars
def update_from_ship(self, s: 'Ship'): # YES, update the ID. If its a kafka update, it'll stay the same, but if its hovered/selected it'll update if s is None: self._ship_id = -1 self._name = "" self._location = Location(0, 0, 0) self._docked_star = None self._departure_star = None self._destination_star = None else: self._ship_id = s.ship_id() self._name = self._location = s.location() if s.docked_star() is not None and ( self.docked_star() is None or s.docked_star().star_id() != self.docked_star().star_id() ): self.set_docked_star(s.docked_star()) else: self.set_docked_star(None) if s.destination_star() is not None and ( self.destination_star() is None or s.destination_star().star_id() != self.destination_star().star_id() ): self.set_destination_star(s.destination_star()) else: self.set_destination_star(None) if s.departure_star() is not None and ( self.departure_star() is None or s.departure_star().star_id() != self.departure_star().star_id() ): self.set_departure_star(s.departure_star()) else: self.set_departure_star(None) self.notify_observers()
print("found safe spot, adding star to list") stars.append(Star(star_id, name, location)) else: # we iterated until max_attempts and STILL didnt find a nice location print("Iterated {0} times and did NOT find a nice location, returning the stars I have".format(len(stars))) break print("ending create_random_stars {0}".format(len(stars))) return stars if __name__ == "__main__": print("Publishing a star to kafka...") gummerton = Star(1, "Gummerton", Location(-600000, 100, 0)) new_gumbria = Star(2, "New Gumbria", Location(500000, -600000, 0)) gummi_glen = Star(3, "Gummi Glen", Location(300000, 300000, 0)) stars = [ gummerton, new_gumbria, gummi_glen ] gss_toadie = Ship(1, "GSS Toadie", Location(gummerton.location().x, gummerton.location().y, gummerton.location().z)) print("first gss_toadie.location()", gss_toadie.location()) ships = [ gss_toadie ] stars = create_random_stars(2, (700000, 700000, 0), 100000)